Displaying Multiple Categories (from Seperate Tables) To Be Viewed On One Page

Mar 24, 2007


 I just created separate tables for each of my categories and  wanted to know how to return them all to be viewed on one page using the SQL Datasource (or whatever) This is for user accounts. I just need to know that part.




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Inserting Values From Multiple Tables To Only One Column Of A Seperate Table

Dec 11, 2004

Hi all,

I want to produce some output for Mainframe application. For that I want to insert values from multiple table as source to a single column (huge in size)of a different table (Destination table). There may be same related records in all of the source tables with the primary key. When I export values from the source tables , each related records should be insterted to the destination table's field (multiple entries for each table). Please advise.


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Displaying Two Fields In One Field When They Are Seperate Datatypes

Jan 16, 2008

Hi All.
I apologise if i have not posted this in the correct Topic before i start. But was uncertain where to post this query.
This is my first project in ASP.NET, MS Visual Web Developer 2005 Express and SQL Server 2005 Express. I have relatively little experience, so please bare with me. I have the table below:-
Column Name                 Data Type
OrderID                           intOrderNo                          intInvoiceNo                        varchar(50)PurchaseDate                 smalldatetimeCost                               moneyInsure                             money
I wish to have a dropdownlist on an aspx page display the OrderNo and the Cost e.g. 12345 £3.50. I have tried the SQL Statement below but that just calculates the addition of both.
SELECT OrderNo + ' ' + Cost AS Expr1
FROM [Order]
Do i have to convert them both to string/varchar first? If so, how?
Thanks for your replies.

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Reporting Services :: All Record Are Displaying On One Page - How To Display Page By Page

Nov 11, 2015

I have created one reports but all the records are displaying on one page.find a solution to display the records page by page. I created the same report without group so the records are displaying in page by page.

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Displaying Results From Multiple Tables

Apr 17, 2008


I have created a new reports application project in VS 2008. I have a dataset with 2 tables: Customer and CustomerAddress with one to many relationship. I want to have a simple table in my report which displays data in the following format:
Customer Name Address
ABC Add1
ABC Add2

XYZ Add1
XYZ Add2

Here Address is obviously from CustomerAddress table. I have tried few options but it's mainly disgusting to work with Reports Application project when there was an amazing Busines Intelligence Reports project available in VS 2005 and equally good designer interface (Dataset, Design and Preview tabs for each report).
Please give me a solution to this.


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Multiple Tables On Same Page

Mar 7, 2008


Could we display two tables in the same page of a report?

Many Thanks,Zulfi

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Page 3 - Multiple Tables Without Relationship

Mar 20, 2007

Inner join vs outer join:

Inner join will remove rows from the first table if there is not a corresponding row in the 2nd table. Outer join will keep the rows, and use all NULL values to fill in the gaps in the 2nd table.

In general outer joins are more likely to grow a result set and inner joins are more likely to shrink one (though that will depend on the data and the query). For this reason, it is usually better when building complex queries to try to do your inner joins before your outer joins, because then you will keep your result set smaller for longer and thus the later joins can run faster.

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Multiple Tables In A Report And Page Breaks

Sep 25, 2007

I have a report with 5-6 tables showing different summary information. These are set up to all go one after another and there are no page breaks. The only instance I would like a page break is if a table content is getting split cross pages. Is there a way for me to specify that a table will be on a new page if it is broken accross multiple pages?

(This is due to Row growth, not column growth)
(KeepTogether is set to true)

Any help is greatly appreciated.

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Multiple Categories In Same Row

Apr 20, 2007

Hello folks,

I've been pounding on this for a while, after countless searching I have to break down and ask for help.

I have a table set up like so:

| id | title | path | category |
| 1 | Firemen | firemen.pdf | CGL |
| 2 | Garages | garages.pdf | E&O |
| 3 | Auto | autos.pdf | EPLI |
| 4 | Garages | garages.pdf | CGL |
| 5 | Houses | houses.pdf | E&O |

If there's a title that has more than one category (Garages for example), I would like to be able to show both categories in the same row.

Like so:

Title: Firemen
Path: firemen.pdf
Cat: CGL

Title: Garages
Path: garages.pdf
Cat: E&O, CGL

Title: Auto
Path: autos.pdf

I assume that it might be a better set up if the category was a separate table, but I was hoping there is a way around it. I've tried grouping and subqueries but can't seem to get anything to work.

If someone could steer me in the right direction, it would greatly be appreciated. Thanks much and happy Friday!


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How To Get A Data Bound Page Footer In SSRS In A Report Having Multiple Tables?

Feb 19, 2008

hello to all..

can someone tell me how I counld get a pagefooter linked textbox to show a data bound
page footer in a report having 8 tables....???
I have tried the common solution showed on the previous forums..
They worked when there was only one table...
where in i could place a group in 1 of the cells in the table body of the report.
but now since der are 8 tables in the report.. d job is become very tricky.

the page footer is not showing up on all the pages of the report.
it only shows on the first page of the report.

Plz help......


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Adding Record To Multiple Categories

Jun 16, 2006

I am pretty new to the DB part of this but have built an asp.net web appplication with 2 tables:
I have created a web page that will allow users to add forms and associate a unit with that form. I now need to be able to allow users to associate the form with multiple units.
I can change the web page list box to allow multiple selections but that doesn't solve the problem. This seems like a pretty simple task but I can't seem to find anything on it.
any help???
below is the stored procedure I was using:

@F_TYPE varchar(20),
@Keywords ntext = NULL,
@Descriptionntext = NULL,




@FileName, GetDate()

SELECT newFormID = @newFormID


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Reporting Services :: Multiple Categories In Area Chart

Jul 16, 2015

I need to create area chart using SSAS cube which will be having :

sum(A) as per the Series group i.e Projects (expression used is Sum(Fields!Demand_FTE.Value))

Sum(B) as per the CategoryGroup1 =Sum(Fields!Demand_FTE.Value,"CategoryGroup1") where categoryGroup1 is calculated date

And Sum(C) = sum(Lookup(Fields!Time_FY.Value,Fields!Time_FY.Value,Fields!Capacity_FTE.Value, "DataSet2")).

I want Sum(C) to be calculated on Fields!Time_FY.Value (which is  CategoryGroup2)

Sum(C) do not have any links with CategoryGroup1 and that is why my graph is synchronized.

Sum(A and B) belongs to Dataset1 and SUM(C) belongs to Dataset2

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Should I Seperate Tables Into New Databases??

May 22, 2008

My boss has asked me to look into this and I haven't been able to find any information on the web. I hope someone can answer this for me. We currently have a single database that is storing all the user information and transactions. Within the same database we are also logging different types of user activity. If both these tables are heavily used, would it make sense to separate it into different database, one for data and one for logging? Is there any pro or cons of having more than one database? Any opinion or suggestion would be greatly appreciated. I'm the closest thing they have to DBA and I'm really new to this. Thanks.

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4 Seperate Tables Or One Large Table?

May 10, 2008

I have 4 tables with the respective amount of records
1) 6755
2) 2021
3) 2021
4) 355

They all have the same columns. However, they need to be seperate, or at least when I query them. I'll be accessing this database via the web. i was first afraid that a large database would cause major slow down when accessing the db. So I broke it up into 4 tables. If I combined all 4 tables into one large table and just had a column that differentiated the 4, how significant would be the change in speed when accessing the table? It's not a big deal to keep them seperate, its just that when I have to add or remove a column from one table I have to remove it from all the tables. Furthermore, I'm using a module from DEVEXPRESS, don't know if anyone has heard of it, but when you use a gridview, it loads up the entire table even though your paging (which I think is retarded), so for that reason I was afraid it would slow up my access to the db. Any thoughts?

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Syncronising SQL Tables Between Seperate Servers

Jul 20, 2005

Does anyone have any idea how to syncronise two SQL identical tables acrossa network, between servers?We want to run our website from a SQL tables on the same server, but set upso that if the main SQL tables across the network change, or the tables onthe web server change, the two seperate servers willsyncronise/update/trigger updates to the tables on each other?We are running SQL server 2000.AHAJohn

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Best Way To Compare Two ENTIRE Rows In Seperate Tables?

Apr 12, 2006

Hi folks, I've got a fairly easy one here me thinx. I'm looking for the best way to compare two entire rows from two seperate tables which have the same primary key.

Here's the basic lowdown:

I get some data every night from an external system (cache') via DTS. This is more or less my "master" data which drives my application. I have just been informed of an interesting constraint. If any of the data changes in the external system, those changes do not become effective until the first day of the ensuing fiscal quarter.

I'm solving this by running the DTS as normal, but populating a "duplicate" table which I will evaluate once per quarter for any changes. This is also the preferred solution because they would like to see a snapshot between current cache' data and the data my application is currently working with.

So, I end up with two identically structured tables. both tables have the same primary key and can be linked by an id field with relative ease. What I would like to do is a full row comparision once this join is established.

Right now I explicitly check the value of each column. ie:

WHERE t1.field1 <> t2.field1 OR t1.field2 <> t2.field2 OR t1.field3 <> t2.field3 ... etc

I'm hoping there is something buried in TSQL that I just don't know about that can handle comparing entire rows and tell me if they're different. Or perhaps there's another approach all-together.

Any thoughts?

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Relationship Between Two Tables In Seperate Databases (on The Same Server)

Mar 20, 2008


I have two databases in sql server. I'll call them DB1 and DB2. I have a table in DB2 that needs to form a relationship with a table in DB1. When I attempt to add a relationship I only see tables in DB2. Can this be done?



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How Do I Return Data From 2 Seperate Tables Into 1 Table?

Apr 13, 2007


I don't know if this could be done, but I will present this question...

I have an employee_table with empid, firstName, lastName, phExt columns.

I have another table called location_table that contains locationID, locationName, locPhext.

Here is the dataset from the 2 tables...

From Employee Table....

empid firstName lastName phExt

1 Ann Smith 1234

2 Barb Jones 4567

3 Jeff Teeves 8901

From Location Table

locationID locationName locPhext

1 Computer Room 3245

2 Board Room 1 8745

3 Conference Room 1 4564

Here is the data that I would like to pull in this format...

Ann Smith 1234

Barb Jones 4567

Board Room 1 8745

Computer Room 3245

Conference Room 1 4564

Jeff Teeves 8901

What SQL script could I use to produce the above results?

Thanks in advance

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Re-arrange Of Tables (putting Them In Seperate Filegroups)

Jan 28, 2008

I have a big database which need some separation
in multiple filegroups.

Therefore I plan to move tables to new filegroups.
As I can understand this must be done by
dropping the clustered index and
recreating it on new filegroup, then data will move.

1. best way to get a list of all clustered indexes (sys.indexes)?
2. how to get index scripts? (using SSMS, right click is manual task, but I need scripts for than 100 tables)
3. when having the scripts it should be easy to replace filegroup part
4. after movement: just shrinking old files?

Thanks for help ;-)

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Displaying Select Results On The Page

Aug 28, 2006

I have the following select statement on my page: <asp:SqlDataSource ID="SqlDataSource1" runat="server" ConnectionString="<%$ ConnectionStrings:prbc_hrConnectionString %>"
SelectCommand="SELECT emp_lname + ', ' + emp_fname + ' ' + emp_minitial + '.' AS emp_fullname FROM employee WHERE (emp_username = @emp_username)">
<asp:SessionParameter Name="emp_username" SessionField="Username" Type="String" />
</SelectParameters>I want to say "Welcome, emp_fullname" at the top of the page, but can't figure out how to write the results to the page.  I am moving to ASP.NET 2.0 from PHP and am banging my head against the wall trying to figure out how to do these little things. I appreciate any help you can give.

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Reports Page Not Displaying Properly.

Mar 15, 2007

I've installed Report Server 2005 Express on my XP Pro workstation. When I try to pring up the reports page (http://localhost/Reports) all I get is the following:

"<%@ Page language="c#" Codebehind="Home.aspx.cs" AutoEventWireup="false" Inherits="Microsoft.ReportingServices.UI.HomePage" %>
<%@ Register TagPrefix="MSRS" Namespace="Microsoft.ReportingServices.UI" Assembly="ReportingServicesWebUserInterface" %>"

I've been trying to go through the Video training from MSDN, and followed the install as they did it, but my page won't come up. Very new to this so any and all help would be greatly apprecicated. My IIS knowledge is beginner.



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Reporting Services :: Keep Multiple Data Tables Having Fixed Size Data In Same Page On Runtime?

Jul 31, 2015

I have a report where in I have a combination of matrix ,table data regions.

The problem what I am facing is that the data tables don't remain fixed in their position and they tend to move down.

E.g. table 1 and table 2  are on the same page in design time side by side (right and left)however during the runtime the table1 is pushed down and table2 is at its position .

Now how can I keep them all fixed in their same position. Most of the tables have fixed size rows  and some who have high size of rows have been put at the end . What settings we can set?

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Displaying A Report In A IE Window Before Changing To An ASP.NET Page

Feb 6, 2008


I have a strange problem that basically consists of showing a report in Internet Explorer and then using the same Internet Explorer window to show an asp.net page that contains some form where the user can enter some data. In this scenario, the form won't be processed on the server. I really need to know why and how I can work around this problem.

Precisely the problem can be reproduced like this:

Environment: Server: Windows 2003 Standard Server SP1 (German), IIS 6, Client: Windows XP SP2, Internet Explorer 6

First I open a new Internet Explorer Window and let it show me a Reporting Services Report (by entering its url into the address bar). Everything works. Then I change the address to a simple web application's address that is built with asp.net (.net 1.1). The application contains only a form with a submit-button, a text box and a label, that shows the textbox' text after submit was clicked. But when I click the submit button, although the form seems to have been sent to the server (the green progress bar in the status bar is flickering), it's reset. So the label does not show the value I have entered into the the textbox and the textbox itself is cleared. This only happens when the browser was first showing a Report from Reporting Services, so when I open a new Browser Window and go directly to the web app, everything works fine.

It does not happen when I open the Browser directly on the server.

Thank you

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Capturing Return_Value From SP And Displaying Message On The Page Based On The Value

Apr 14, 2008

HelloI'm using FromView to Insert record into a DB. My SP checks for the existence and returns -1 if record already exists. I know that my SP returns -1 but how do I capture that into FormView and display error message to the user? All I get is the "Agreement was created" regardless of what SP returns.Your help is appreciated.MarkHere is the code I'm using:Protected Sub OnInserted(sender As Object, e As System.Web.UI.WebControls.SqlDataSourceStatusEventArgs)        Dim retValParam As New SqlParameter("@RETURN_VALUE", SqlDbType.Int)        retValParam.Direction = ParameterDirection.ReturnValue                 Dim valParam As Integer = Convert.ToInt32(retValParam.Value)        If valParam = -1 Then          lblMessage.Text = "The Account ID is not valid"        Else        if valParam = -2 then          lblMessage.Text = "Agreement ID already exists"          else          lblMessage.Text = "Agreement was created"        End If      end if  End Suband parts of ASPX page with FromView: InsertCommand="spNew_Agreement" OnInserted="OnInserted">   <FilterParameters>  <asp:ControlParameter Name="Acct_Name" ControlID="txtAcct_Name" />  </FilterParameters>  <InsertParameters>  <asp:Parameter Name="acct_id" Type="string" />  <asp:Parameter Name="agreement_id" Type="string" />  <asp:Parameter Name="return_value" Type="int32" Direction="ReturnValue" />  </InsertParameters>

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Displaying Text From SQL Server Onto Page Keeping Paragraphs, Etc?

Apr 24, 2008

 Hi, I am trying to work ouyt how to dislplay text from an SQL database onto the page whilst keeping the correct formatting, mainly the paragraph breaks. When I try using a label the text comes out as one long line instead of being seperated accordingly as it was done when written in a multiline textbox. I am currently achieving this by writing the text to a txt file and then displaying it dynamically by inserting each line into a new table row and then adding these to a table, but I would much rather store them in the databse along with the other information that is collected with it instead. Someone told me to use a textbox to achieve this but the problem is that this is not crawlable for the search engine. 

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Reporting Services ReportViewer Page Is Not Displaying The Report

Aug 14, 2007


I had a problem accessing our report manager via the web front...
We deleted the virtual directories in IIS and then recreated them... this required us to make a change in the rsWebApplication.config file to include the URL in the ReportServerUrl tag before we could access the site again.
Now we have access to the site but when we attempt to view a report that we deployed to it - the report fails to render and returns a rsReportNotReady error, even though the report doesnt use a snapshot.

Furthermore, the strange thing is that the filters for the report don't display in their own collapsable bar as they used to before... they just display on the white part of the page. Neither does the reportviewer toolbar display properly. It appears as labels and textboxes going down the page and not in a toolbar as you might expect...

any help is appreciated... we suspect that it is some kind of configuration issue, but we have no clue where to begin...

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Reporting Services :: Report Viewer Next Page Is Not Displaying

Sep 10, 2015

I have created .RDLC file/report in MVC, but in Report Viewer when i try to display next page, i am unable to see the next page. it is just displaying the first page data and charts only.

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About Receiving An Image From SQL Server 2000 And Displaying It In Aspx Page..................

Jul 14, 2007

hi friends,            i need a code for storing and receiving an image to/fro SQL SERVER 2000 (in C#). i had searched some sites, all are in VB for windows forms not for website. finally i got a code from some site. it is working for storing purpose. not working for receiving purpose. the code for receiving and displaying purpose is (in a fresh page) private void Page_Load(object sender, System.EventArgs e){ // Put user code to initialize the page here MemoryStream stream = new MemoryStream (); SqlConnection connection = new SqlConnection (@"server=INDIAINDIA;database=iSense;uid=sa;pwd=india"); try { connection.Open (); SqlCommand command = new SqlCommand ("select Picture from Image", connection); byte[] image = (byte[]) command.ExecuteScalar (); stream.Write (image, 0, image.Length); Bitmap bitmap = new Bitmap (stream); Response.ContentType = "image/gif"; bitmap.Save (Response.OutputStream, ImageFormat.Gif); } finally { connection.Close (); stream.Close (); }}what s the problem is.........i'm getting an exception at Bitmap instantiation.(i.e Bitmap bitmap = new Bitmap (stream);)exception is "Parameter is not valid" what is the problem with that coding? was it correct? do u have any code for this in C#? if so, pls provide that......help me........pls.............

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Displaying An Database Image In SSRS Report Page Header

Jan 23, 2007

How to display an database image in the Report page header of sql server reporting service?

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Displaying Total Number Of Rows In A Report In Page Header.

Jun 20, 2007


I have requirement to display Total number of Rows in a Report in Page Header.

I have written the following code in Page header it shows RowCount for the Page only.


Can anyone please help on this?



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Reporting Services :: Tables Are Showing Up In Same Page When There Is No Data Even After Giving Page Break Option

May 7, 2015

I have a report with multiple tables. I need to show each tables in different pages. When there is no data for tables/tables , it is coming with the next table which has data. I have given "Add a page break after" option in the tablix but still the tables are coming together when no data available. How can I show it in different page?

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How To Display A Multiple-page Report In One Page

Dec 10, 2007

I have a report which is multiple pages in the report viewer. Now I want to make it shown in the webpage report viewer just in one page. Is there any ways to realize it?


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Multiple Columns Starts On Second Page Not On First Page

Jan 21, 2008


I have a report with 2 columns.I have a list which has 4 textboxes attached to a dataset's fields.
Report Interactive Size:8.5in, 11in
Margins:0.1in, 0.1in, 0.5in, 0.5in (L;R;T;B)
Body Size : 3.125in, 1in
List Size:2.875in, 0.75in
Each texbox is set to cangrow false
My problem is when I print that report I get only one column on the first page.
I start to get the correct report on second page which has 2 columns.
If I export to pdf, everything is is fine no problems at all.
I am using VS 2008 Pro and local reports.
What am I missing?
Thanks for help.

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