In sql server, multiple instances of data default to a row display or vertical. I need a set of data in sql2005 to view horizontally so I can us it in a crystal report. Here is my issue.
gift.HonorKey, gift.HonorName, gift.HonorId
1211 Smith 1222
1244 Owens 4155
I need for the data to read like this:
HonorKey1, HonorKey2, HonorName1, HonorName2, HonorId1, Honorid2
1211 1244 Smith Owens 1222 4155
the table name is gift_view
I would like to be able to create a view in sql analyzer, then save as an SQL View
My direct email is
I would like for each of the queries to have all of the selected fields shown horizontally in one table.
For example, Commercial Created | Commercial Closed | Commercial UserId | Residential Created | Residential Closed | Residential UserId | Other Created | Other Closed | Other UserId.
Here is what I have now and it is displaying the fields as I would like them to. In the code below, each Views is acting as an individual table and then joined together to make another table when the query is executed.
WITH t1 AS ( SELECT vSalesReportProcessDetail.[RequestId] ,vSalesReportProcessDetail.Process ,vSalesReportProcessDetail.Entered ,vSalesReportProcessDetail.Closed /*ROW_NUMBER() over (ORDER BY vSalesReportProcessDetail.[RequestId]) rn*/ FROM[Sales].[dbo].[vSalesReportProcessDetail] WHERE Process = 'Commercial' ),
My project is to automate testing of Stored Proceduresof type SELECT (at least for now).I want to create a table where each stored procedure'sinput parameter values are entered and in another tablethe expected result value(s) are entered when executedagainst a sample database containing manually enteredand verified data.My current problem is that the stored procedures' inputparameters range from none to 50 parameters (ok nowthat I think of it maybe this SP with 50 parameters is anINSERT SP; regardless let's assume I have SPs thatrequire 10-20-30+ parameters).My other problem is each stored procedures' returnedresult could fall into any of these four categories:- 1 row, 1 column- 1 row, many columns- many rows, 1 column- many rows, many columnsSo far I thought about 3 ways of storing the data:1- 1 large table with 50 columns that can hold variousnumber of input parameter values. Similar type of table forholding the output result for the four categories above.2- 1 small table holding one value per row. All kinds of joinswith other tables to indicate which SP and which column thevalue belongs to...3- 1 individual table per stored procedure, this way the numberof columns in the table would match exactly the number of inputparameters.Obviously the above 3 categories could apply both for the inputand output data.Now I'm still in research mode and I haven't decided on any choiceyet. And I know each approach has serious consequences; let's justsay they are all with some limitations.Has anyone dealt with this scenario before? This is the first time Ineed a table to hold various types of returned data.Just to give some numbers: possibly a few thousand SPs and verylikely each SP would have more than one test scenario.What would you suggest?Thank you
Dont laugh; How do I create a simple sqlcommand in C# that shows data. I have the code for VB but I a missing something in the converstion. I know SQL but I dont get the simple steps of displaying data. I have got all of the Visual Basic stuff down I just need help with doing it by hand in C#. or point my to a URL so that I can get the code. Thanks
Hi all, this is a very basic question of diplaying a data. on my aspx page I have datasource that will return only ONE record. <asp:SqlDataSource ID="sdsCategoryName" runat="server" ConnectionString="<%$ ConnectionStrings:KaruselaConnectionString %>" SelectCommand="SELECT Title FROM tbh_Categories WHERE CategoryID=@categoryID "> <SelectParameters> <asp:QueryStringParameter DefaultValue="-1" Name="CategoryID" QueryStringField="id" Type="int32"/> </SelectParameters> </asp:SqlDataSource> on the server side I would like to manipulate the title of the page according to the data returned from the query: and on the behind code if (!this.IsPostBack && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(this.Request.QueryString["ID"])) { DataView dv2 = (DataView)sdsCategoryName.Select(arg); this.Title = string.Format(this.Title, dv2.Table.Columns[0].ToString()); dv2.Dispose(); } of course it doesn't work. my question is this. do we really have to put the query datasource on the client side?and secondly, how can I view the recorsd I recieves from the query?Thanks for the help.
Hi I have used the create user wizard to create a registration page my table stores the user details and user id. I am also using the login wizard to create a log in page . I now want to display the details of the currently logged in user usind details view and allow them to view and edit their details. where and how do i create the session varible anh how do I wtire the sql select statement say select first name from table1 where (the userid I stored earlier in a table when the user registered ) = (this should be the currently logged in user'id). I am a novice so I would appreciate code snippets My code in asp page for the details looks like this asp:DetailsView ID="DetailsView1" runat="server" DataSourceID="SqlDataSource1" Height="50px" Width="125px"> <EditRowStyle BackColor="#CCFF99" /> <AlternatingRowStyle BackColor="#FFCCFF" /> </asp:DetailsView><asp:SqlDataSource ID="SqlDataSource1" runat="server" ConnectionString="<%$ ConnectionStrings:ASPNETDBConnectionString1 %>" SelectCommand="SELECT [FirstName], [LastName], [City], [Listing] FROM [UserDetails] WHERE ([UserId] = @UserId)"> </asp:SqlDataSource>
novice This shows no data when I test it. I have tried the folling in the .vb page no luck. Protected Sub DetailsView1_DataBound(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles DetailsView1.DataBound Dim UserId As Integer = Me.DetailsView1.DataItem("userID")Session("_UserID") = UserId End Sub
Hi. Not sure which section this request needs to be put in, but i'm relatively new to SQL.
I have 1 table which contains an user_id (autonumber), user_name, and user_profile.
I have 2 other tables: config_version (cv) and config (c)
These two tables both access the user table (us) to view the user_id (which is required).
I want to be able to view the user_names for both "cv" and "c" on a seperate page. Using the code below, i'm lost. I created what i wanted in MS Access with the use of a 2nd table (this might be easier to understand than my rant above). However, I don't want a 2nd table.
Can someone provide me with a function, or the "answer" to my problem?
Highlighted Blue - just there to fill in the front page with data (not wanted) Highlighted Green - doesn't work, but was my first attempt
Code: public function ShowQuotes Dim objConn Dim objADORS Dim strSQL Dim row
Set objConn = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection") objConn.ConnectionString = strConn objConn.Open
Set objADORS = CreateObject("ADODB.RecordSet") strSQL = "Select top 50 " strSQL = strSQL & " cv.config_version_id as cvid, cv.configuration_id as cid, cv.version_number as cnum" strSQL = strSQL & ", cv.status as cstat, cv.total_price as cprice, cv.modification_date as cmod, cv.version_description as cvrem" strSQL = strSQL & ", c.remarks as qrem" strSQL = strSQL & ", p.prod_description as pdesc, p.version as pvers, p.status as pstat" strSQL = strSQL & ", cust.customer_name as custname" strSQL = strSQL & ", us.user_nt_login as modname" strSQL = strSQL & ", us.user_name as usname" ' strSQL = strSQL & ", cv.user_id as modname" strSQL = strSQL & " from tbl_config_version as cv, tbl_configuration as c, tbl_product as p, tbl_user as us, tbl_customer as cust" strSQL = strSQL & strWhere 'SETS RESULTS TO BE UNIQUE strSQL = strSQL & " and us.user_id = c.user_id" strSQL = strSQL & " and cv.configuration_id = c.configuration_id" strSQL = strSQL & " and c.product_id = p.product_id" strSQL = strSQL & " and c.customer_id = cust.customer_id" strSQL = strSQL & strOrderBy & ";"
Im trying to display data from a database based on an input value. The value in the Label12.Text which is("hotmail") is the input value thats stored in the database, this value is been searched for in the strSQL. Dim strSQL As String = "SELECT Name FROM Jobseeker WHERE Email='" & Label12.Text & "' " strSQL = Label5.Text
the code builds successfully, but Label5.Text appears blank.
Hello, Im new to SQL. Im currently having a table called Daily with 5 columns. TesterNames,Activity,Hours_given,Hours_used and Delta. I have grabbed the data for the first three colums from another table called Tester. For Hours_used I supposed to get the data from another server after i get the access but mean time i just put my own data so that i can check the value of Delta. Data for Delta column should be as below. Delta = Hours_given - Hours_used So How do I do the codings for this expression and display it in the same table. Output I need as below: TesterNames Activity Hours_given Hours_used Delta abc A 5 6 -1 def B 7 6 1
I have used INSERT INTO Daily ( TesterNames,Activity,Hours_given) SELECT ( Tester_ID,Weekday_Day,EntityWDD) FROM Tester and the first 3 columns are filled with the data needed. But when I use INSERT INTO DAILY(Delta) SELECT Delta = Hours_given - Hours_used FROM DAILY The output was like below TesterNames Activity Hours_given Hours_used Delta abc A 5 6 def B 7 6 Null Null Null Null -1 Null Null Null Null 1 Help me . thank you.
Everything works great on my development box. I am using GoDaddy for production (ASP.Net v2, SQL 2000). I am not receiving any errors, so I am stumped; no data from the database is displaying on the GoDaddy pages. I updated the connection string in web.config to this:
But I am unsure if this is the issue?? Any insights? This is the page I am working on: So, the page displays fine, but it should be showing data from the database. This particular page uses a DataList with ItemTemplate. There is definitely data in the database, and I have even ran the same exact query from the code using the Query Analayzer on GoDaddt and it returned results I know there isn't much info to go by, but I am hoping someone has some insight since I have been trying to figure this out for days now! Thank youJennifer
I defined a stored procedure with a cursor inside for updating data. When I call it from an MSAccess client, it fails. When I execute it directly in a ISQL/w windows, it doesn`t fail but it displays me the data (wich is the reason for failing from MSAccess). Do somebody know if I could do it without displaying data in the screen ??
Hey all, hopefully this question is in the right spot. I'm writing a .NET app talking to a MS SQL 2000 DB. I have two date range input boxes, and I want to display the data (probably in a dataGrid) from those 2 certain dates. How do I go about this with my SQL server??
My DB table has a date field that I would use to search for the data between those two user specified dates. Any tips, examples, etc. would be greatly appreciated!!!
I have a procedure that allows a user to enter two dates to run a query. I would like to display those dates on the generated report underneath the title. "5-01-07 to 5-31-07" How would I do this?
I have a table where I need to display groupings of information. If there isn't any data for a given group, I still need to include that group and say "no applicable data" or somesuch underneath it. Any way of doing this?
Hi all. I want to display the data from this table (data provided below in my report) PlanId, ParticipantId, FundId, FundNames, Loans,PortfolioId, Act1, TotAct1, Act2, Totact2 etc.. Until act20, totAct20
18752 1041 Columbia Funds Trust VI: Columbia Small Cap Value Fund I; Class A Shares NULL NULL NULL BB 425.32 CT 0.00 DV 0.00 GL 17.40 TF 0.00 WD 0.00 OT 0.00 EB 442.72 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
18752 6204 Columbia Funds Series Trust: Columbia Small Cap Index Fund; Class A Shares NULL NULL NULL BB 120.09 CT 0.00 DV 4.04 GL 2.10 TF 0.00 WD 0.00 OT 0.00 EB 126.23 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
18752 10302 Columbia Funds Series Trust: Columbia Marsico 21st Century Fund; Class A Shares NULL NULL NULL BB 119.59 CT 0.00 DV 1.69 GL 10.41 TF 0.00 WD 0.00 OT 0.00 EB 131.69 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
18752 11010 Columbia Acorn Trust: Columbia Acorn International Select; Class A Shares NULL NULL NULL BB 125.06 CT 0.00 DV 0.33 GL 8.83 TF 0.00 WD 0.00 OT 0.00 EB 134.22 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
18752 11024 Columbia Acorn Trust: Columbia Acorn International; Class A Shares NULL NULL NULL BB 126.85 CT 0.00 DV 0.77 GL 10.07 TF 0.00 WD 0.00 OT 0.00 EB 137.69 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
I will have around 10 -15 records depending on how many funds the user has... and i want my report to look like this
InvestmentName Act1 (BB) Act2(CT) Act3(DV) Act4(TF) ..Act20 FundNames TotAct1 TotAct2 TotAct3 TotAct4 .. Totact5 so the data will be displayed for each fund in different rows..
I am storing the value acroynms and what they stand for a different table and i know there are 20 acroynms and i need to the description of that acronymn to show in the heading... How can i do it... I am trying to right a sproc for it... Any help will be greatly appreciated... if you need more information.. pls feel free to ask
I'm trying to append rows horizontally - I'm using the "xml path" approach
It's not working. I'm getting:
User nameAssociated Groups A. SmithG1 A. SmithG2 A. SmithG3 etc...
What I'm looking for is:
User NameAssociated Groups A. SmithG1, G2, G3 etc...
I have a very wide report that uses a table control. I would like to "freeze" the two leftmost columns so that they remain visible when the user is scrolling horizontally (sideways). Is this possibe?
I have a client with the following table structure: ItemNumber, Name, Description
containing the following Data (example):
2300 Mhz
256 MB
1300 Mhz
2000 Mhz
128 MB
1066 Mhz
I am trying to use PIVOT to convert this into Columns:
Item Number
2300 Mhz
256 MB
1300 Mhz
2 GB
2000 Mhz
128 MB
1066 Mhz
The problem is that I do not know the names of the columns before I run the query. I retrieve them based on a a list of Item Numbers: SELECT DISTINCT Name FROM TableName WHERE ItemNumber IN (...)
What I was trying to do is the following, but I am not exactly sure what is wrong:
WITH ProductLines (ItemNumber, ItemName, ItemValue) AS ( SELECT ItemNumber, Name, Value FROM ProductItems WHERE ItemNumber IN (...) )
SELECT * FROM ProductLines -- Don't know the column names PIVOT (
... -- Not sure what should come here FOR ItemNumber IN (...) )
Is it possible in the SSRS Report Designer to rotate a textbox to run vertically, or simply to rotate the text in a textbox ? I have only seen this done within axes lables of charts, but not text boxes.
I have a table with:Name, Qtr, AmountTom, 1, 100Bob, 1, 123Tom, 2, 234Bob, 2, 456Steve, 1, 565Steve, 2, 898I want the query to return:Name, Qtr 1 Amount, Qtr 2 AmountBob 123 456Steve 565 898Tom 100 234I can't seem to figure this out! Any help would be appreciated!!Sheila
Hello,I'm having problems saving and then displaying binary data in sql server.I have a form that takes a file specified by the user and inserts this into sql server:protected void btnUploadFile_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (theFile.PostedFile != null) { if (theFile.PostedFile.ContentLength > 0) { byte[] docBuffer = new byte[theFile.PostedFile.ContentLength]; Response.Write(theFile.PostedFile.ContentType.ToString()); if (docBuffer.Length > 0) { // save to db DbAccess dbAccess = new DbAccess(); // my helper function for all db access etc try { dbAccess.BuildCommand("Incentives_SaveDocument"); dbAccess.Parameters.Add("@docImage", SqlDbType.Image).Value = docBuffer; dbAccess.ExecuteNonQuery(); } catch (Exception ex) { Response.Write(ex.ToString()); } } } } }Stored proc:ALTER PROCEDURE Incentives_SaveDocument @docImage imageASSET NOCOUNT ONINSERT INTO Table1 (theData) VALUES (@docImage) RETURNThis appears to work fine. I store the binary data in a image column and if I query the db it shows the row as <Binary>.The problem I have is with retrieving the data and saving it to a file. The file saves OK but when I open it is contains lots of "squares" that I suppose are the binary - it doesn't show the text.The code for retrieving/displaying the doc is:protected void btnView_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { DbAccess dbAccess = new DbAccess(); byte[] byteArray = null; try { dbAccess.BuildCommand("Incentives_RetrieveDocument"); dbAccess.Parameters.Add("@id", SqlDbType.Int).Value = 6; // id for the doc to return SqlDataReader reader1 = dbAccess.ReturnDataReader(); while (reader1.Read()) { if (reader1.HasRows) { byteArray = (byte[])reader1["theData"]; } } reader1.Close(); FileStream fs = new FileStream("file1", FileMode.CreateNew, FileAccess.Write); fs.Write(byteArray, 0, byteArray.Length); fs.Flush(); fs.Close(); FileInfo fileInfo = new FileInfo("file1"); HttpContext.Current.Response.Clear(); HttpContext.Current.Response.AddHeader("Content-Disposition", "attachment; filename=" + fileInfo.Name); HttpContext.Current.Response.AddHeader("Content-Length", fileInfo.Length.ToString()); HttpContext.Current.Response.ContentType = "application/msword"; HttpContext.Current.Response.WriteFile(fileInfo.FullName); HttpContext.Current.Response.End(); } catch (Exception ex) { Response.Write(ex.ToString()); } finally { dbAccess.CloseDbConnection(); }The stored proc:ALTER PROCEDURE Incentives_RetrieveDocument @id intASSET NOCOUNT ONSELECT * FROM Table1 WHERE id = @id RETURNI would be grateful for any advice on this - its the first time I've worked with BLOB data.ThanksSi
Ok, I'm fairly new to .NET and even newer to the whole database concept. But, don't run away yet, I'm no idiot and I shouldn't have too hard of a time understanding your responses if you're kind of enough to give them. That being said, here's my dilemma:I'm trying to make a database of all the movies I own, the actors in them and the genre (s) they belong to. I have a set of tables that are in the 2NF (I think). I have a movies table, an actors table, a genres table, and two tables called movies_actors and movies_genres with primary-foreign key relationships to pull it all together (e.g. movie_id 1 has two entries in movies_genres, one for Action and one for Drama). My problem arises that when execute my monster query to pull ALL the data on one movie, I get a row returned for every combination of Genres and Actors in a movie. Example:movie_id movie_title comments actor_first actor_last genre_name1 Casino blah blah Robert DeNiro Action1 Casino blah blah Robert DeNiro Drama1 Casino blah blah Joe Pesci Action1 Casino blah blah Joe Pesci Drama And here's the query that produced that:1 SELECT movies.movie_title, movies.comments, actors.actor_first, 2 actors.actor_last, genres.genre_name 3 FROM movies INNER JOIN movies_actors ON movies.movie_id = movies_actors.movie_id 4 INNER JOIN actors ON movies_actors.actor_id = actors.actor_id 5 INNER JOIN movies_genres ON movies_genres.movie_id = movies.movie_id 6 INNER JOIN genres ON movies_genres.genre_id = genres.genre_id So, I want to put all the actors for one movie into the same cell in the datagrid (same with the genres) and still keep it sortable by actor or genre. Is this possible with the .NET 2.0 datagrid? Do I have some fundamental misunderstanding of how my tables should be structured? Am I just really far off and acting like a n00b?