Distributed Processing Farm Using Broker For Middleware.

Sep 26, 2006

In our current project, we are attempting to use Broker for the middleware for a "queuing" solution that helps in throttling & load-balancing incoming messages. These messages could potentially be either long-running jobs or simply an incoming flood of messages received from our integration web services that are called upon via BizTalk.

For the posting of messages onto the "to do" queue, we are implementing the "fire & forget" pattern that has been discussed here previously and on Remus' blog. This aspect of the design seems to work fine for us. Currently we have this setup where activation is occuring on the target queue, but we don't want to hold open a thread there on the server while waiting for our synchronous calls to various web-services on the processing "farm" to complete.

The next evolution of our design is to try and move activation from off of the primary SQL cluster itself (i.e. activation is currently happening on the clustered SQL boxes) onto the individual processing nodes. For this model, we are looking at using SQL Express on each of the nodes as has been suggested here on the forums for other similar scenarios.

For resiliance to any node failures, we do not want to "route" the messages to the individual nodes hosting their own queues but rather have those nodes do a "read" from the primary queue and do the per-message processing and performing either a committed EndDialog of EndDialogWithError based on the success of processing each task/message.

To invoke the processing on each of the nodes, we need some form of mechanism to send a "wake up" and do the "reads" since no message is being sent to the node itself for any form of activation based on a queue that receives the actual "job". On the same hand, we are considering having a "wake up" queue on the nodes where a simple "wake up" message could be sent to all nodes/queues and then activation on those queues would then invoke the processing "loop" for each node.

My question is how to best establish this "wake up" call to each node. I think I've read about a queue that is internal to Broker itself that receives a message when new items are received in any queue. My initial thought is to put activation on that queue and have a procedure that sends the "wake up" to each of the nodes in our processing farm.

I am looking for any input where others have attempted to solve this type of problem with Broker.


Bradley A. Hehe

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Troubleshoot Distributed Service Broker App

Jul 25, 2006

Hi There

Ok i have done the following on my target instance i have created an endpoint, xml schema, message types, contact, activation sp , queue and service.

On the initiator i have created an endpoint, a route to the target service, same xml schema, same message types, same contact, queue and service.

When i try test this by doing the following:

SET @msg = CAST(@body AS XML)









MESSAGE TYPE [http://ewx.co.za/DemoMessage]





Nothing happens and i dont know where to troubleshoot, if i check both queues they are empty ? I have altered the queues so that retention is ON.

I have checked the sql log of both instances and nothing.

When i execute the above sql it executes succesfully, so basically i am stuck i can execute the dialog sql, and set the activation on the target queue to OFF , so if i message gets there it should stay in the queue, but both que's are empty and no errors ? Not sure where to even start checking the issue ? For all i know the contract could be incorrect or port 4022 blocked or the endpoints not working, but i dont know where to find these errors other than the sql log and it has no errors ?



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Need Distributed Service Broker Sample

May 22, 2005

I'm working with the April CTP of SQL Server and I'm trying to create a proof of concept using service broker.  I'm struggling with the "abc's" of it.  If anyone has or can point me to a distributed "Hello, World" for service broker between SQL Server 2005 and SQL Express instances it would save me some time and trouble.

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Creating Distributed Applications Using Service Broker

Dec 13, 2007

Hello everybody!

We are developing a distributed application based on Tree Network Topology. Any part of this application knows only for one parent part and all children parts. For synchronize data with parts of this application we using SQL Service Broker.

Every part contains database. Let€™s name it €œSB€?. This database contains one QUEUE for received and sent messages, MESSAGE TYPE, CONTRACT and SERVICE. Any Service on part has unique name. Also there are one REMOTE SERVICE BINDING and ROUTE for parent part (service) and on one fore every child part (service). For each link Source €“ Target we create separate conversation_handle:


All works fine, messages sends and received quite well.
But if we have opposite messages in one moment, with probability 100 percent one of messages, will be missing. Why it happened? Is duplex is not supported in Service Broker? May we do something wrong? Anybody encounter this problem?

We using flag retention = on for queue, to analyze messages after they processed. Body of Message that sent into several services (in one transaction) absent in that service from which the message during the same moment has been sent.

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Distributed Broker Queue Performance Issue

Aug 7, 2007


We are doing a POC for transferring a huge number of messages(millions) from oner machine to another. The two approaches we are examining are MSMQ and SQL Broker. The MSMQ is set up as a remote queue on the target machine, and the source machine takes as little as 1 millisecond to send the message (using a .NET program). However, when testing on Service Broker, we find that the time taken to send message to the queue is significantly higher - like 70 millisecond. Could you please help us in understanding why this is happening?

The service broker distributed queues have been set up as per the directions in the posting at http://www.sqlservercentral.com/columnists/sindukuri/2797.asp

The source program (written in .NET) is calling a stored procedure in the source machine to write to the SSB queue. When we run SQL Trace, we find that the SP is responsible for 99% of the time taken. Here is our SP that send the message:
Declare @ConversationHandle uniqueidentifier
Begin Dialog @ConversationHandle
From Service SenderService
To Service 'ReceiverService'
On Contract SampleContract
WITH Encryption=off;
ON CONVERSATION @ConversationHandle
Message Type SenderMessageType
(<<XML String>>)

Please let us know if there are any additional settings required in the Service Broker to improve its performance. Or , what are the other approaches for building a distributed SSB application?

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Creating A Distributed Service Broker Application Without Using Certificate.

Aug 14, 2007

hi all,
i want to create a service broker application between two different instances.
can i achieve the dialog security and transport security with out using certificate?
like we can achieve the transport security using windows authentication (both the instances are in same domain).
so how to achieve the dialog security with out using certificates.

if any body has any link plz provide me.

Thanks a lot!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Distributed Query Failing In SP Invoked By Service Broker Activation

Nov 18, 2005

I'm trying to set up Service Broker Services on SQL 2005 x86.  I've got two services set up, and a stored procedure associated with one of them.

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Advice On Middleware Products For TRUE Scaling Out Of SQL Server

Apr 14, 2006

We have a 3 month old quad processor/dual core server running SQLServer 2005 and already it is getting close to hitting the CPU wall.An 8 way CPU box is prohibitively expensive and out of the question. Iam looking desperately for a way to TRULY scale out SQL server...in thesame way that IIS can be scaled out via App Center.The "in the box" solution for SQL Server 2005 scaling out is the DMV.Unfortunately this solution makes the system less available rather thanmore (one server outage takes them all out for that table) and requiresserious rearchitecting of the software to use. Contrast this to IISand AppCenter where each added server makes the system more available,and requires no rearchitecting to work.Before someone says "what you want can't be done in adatabase"...Oracle has an application server middleware product thatlets you do both of the above. Just plug a new server with Oracle onit, and you've doubled your capacity. But SQL Server 2005 doesn't yethave a similar capability.So I read with great interest the following article that talks aboutwhy this is the case with SQL Server. There are two issues that makeit very difficult to do:http://www.sql-server-performance.c...ability_availab...You can create a crude pool using replication, but the performancetimes look horrendous.However, the article also talks about the latest developments in thisfield...specifically MIDDLEWARE that can create a scale out solutionthat is more available and that requires simply adding new servers toscale up.I found two companies which seem to offer this new capability:http://www.metaverse.cc/newsevents.asp?cid=17999andhttp://www.pcticorp.com/product.aspxBoth companies appear to have patents or a patent pending on theprocess. I tried to contact metaverse but got no reply, despite theirrecent press release. I just emailed Pcticorp today to see if I couldlearn more about their product.My question for this group is:Does anyone have experience with either of the two products (or anyothers that provide this capability)?Many thanks in advance for your help.Ian Ippolitohttp://www.rentacoder.com

View 17 Replies View Related

SQLDependency In Web Farm

Sep 24, 2007

Hi everyone, Anyone know how SQLDependency works in a web farm setup? Which machine will receive the notification - All of them or just the machine that started the dependency?Marc 

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SQL Server Used With Web Farm

Jul 17, 2007

I am developing a web app that uses a SQL Server backend and will be served by a Web Farm at some point in the future. Can anyone give me some guidance at to what the common architectual considerations are when using SQL Server with a Web Farm? Initially, would it be allright to continue to have a single SQL Server on the network, with several webservers connecting to it instead of just one, or would this be a big performance nightmare? Eventually, since the goal of using the Web Farm would be to reduce individual server load, I would think having multiple SQL server instances would be preferred. Is this even done in the real world? I'm not a dba, so I'm not quite sure of the how multiple instances would be synchronized so that they held the same data and how applications on varying web servers would know to connect to one or another (by varying the connections string, perhaps). Can anyone give me any guidance? Thanks!

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Scale Out Web Farm 401.1 - Unauthorized

Jan 18, 2008

Our topology:
Internal corporate network domain utilizing Integrated Windows Authentication between local workstations and the web and database servers. (domain similiar to: http://reports.ourdomain.com)

Machine #1: Windows 2003 Server w/SQL Server 2005 (SP2 and hotfixes applied) running SSRS.
Machine #2: Windows 2003 Server w/SSRS only. (pointing to the SQL DB on Machine #1)
Machine #3: Windows 2003 Server w/SSRS only. (pointing to the SQL DB on Machine #1)
Device #1: Arrowpoint load balancer for Machines #2 & #3 (w/sticky sessions).

We recently added 2 web servers and configured them to load balance the web requests to a seperate SQL Server machine. (the load balancing is done thru an Arrowpoint device not Microsoft NLB)

The installation of reporting services (on Machine #2 & #3) went smoothly and the configuration was a breeze. But we could not access the "http://reports.ourdomain.com/Reports" directory for reporting services on the 2 web server machines. We received the "401.1 - Unauthorized" http error.

Since we were using a domain name to access the report server we made sure to update the <URL> tag in the config files.

File location 1:
C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL ServerMSSQL.2Reporting ServicesReportManagerRSWebApplication.config


File location 2:
C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL ServerMSSQL.2Reporting ServicesReportServer


We still received the error, so then we added a couple of entries to the HOSTS file on each web server:
File location -->

In order for the load balancers to "see" themselves from the domain reference we had to update the HOSTS file
on each web server to have the domain name "reports.ourdomain.com" point to the IP Address of the specific web server.
(we also added the IP of Machine #1 just to be safe):

MACHINE #2's HOSTS file: localhost Machine1 reports.ourdomain.com #IP of Machine2

MACHINE #3's HOSTS file: localhost Machine1 reports.ourdomain.com #IP of Machine3

Then the web servers were able to authenticate the users using IWA and NTLM
and we could access the report servers normally. Even the the scheduled reports
were being load balanced and emailed from the web servers which we didn't
expect to happen. (pretty cool!)

I hope this helps someone else as it tooks us about 4 days to figure this out.

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Architectural (broker) Place Of SQL Service Broker

Apr 5, 2007


I am struggling with the position SSB could take in an SOA. If I would want a broker in the general sense, meaning an intermediary sitting between applications which exchange information through messaging, would SSB be a good candidate? I know Biztalk is probably the primary candidate, but in my scenario I would end up with Biztalk apps with empty orchestrations. Also, I think Biztalk is more expensive to manage. So I am looking for a lightweight broker for a simple SOA targeted at application interoperability, no fancy business processes in sight.

I look forward to some responses.

Kind regards,


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SSRS WEB Farm ReportServer Service

Jun 28, 2007

Server Software

SQL Server 2000 (all sps up to date)

SSRS 2000 (all sps up to date)


1 - SSRS + SQL2000 Database server

2 - Web servers

We have installed SSRS on 2 web servers that are acting as a web farm for a central Report Server.

After we installed SSRS on the 2 web servers the scheduled reports on the central Report Server stopped working.

We tried disabling the ReportServer service on the web servers and then the scheduled reports began to work again.

Why would the ReportServer service on the 2 web servers interfere with the central Report Server?

Can the web servers be used to load balance the scheduled reports?

Any advice would be appreciated.

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Recovery :: Several AG For One SharePoint Farm / How Many Listeners

Sep 22, 2015

I have to install several AG on a cluster for a whole SharePoint production farm, it's a nice to have (1 AG for Search database, 1 AG for Profil database, 1 AG for Content database, 1 for applicatif, etc...) We have 2 Front End load balanced, 1 application server and 3 SQL HADR: 2 nodes on synchrone (sql 2014 enterprise licence) and the 3rd asynchrone (standard licence).

The SharePoint farm is configured with the SQL Alias on the primary node, then if there is a failover on node 1, I must move the sql Alias to the second node manualy, unless I'd configured this Alias to point on the AG listener of the availability group in order to use the automatic failover. But as we have several AG, should I create one listener per each AG?

And which AG listener should I have to configure on the SQL Alias then ?

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SiteMap Query Notification In Web Farm Scenario

Feb 11, 2007

I have designed a SiteMap provider for SQL Server. But I am worried about the notification service of SQL Server. My SiteMap requires service broker enabled in SQL Server. When I have web farm (multiple clustered server) does the Sql Server service broker notify all the web servers? Or, it notifies only the server request?
Have anubody implement such scenario? Looking forward for your reply.
Sincere Regards,Sultan

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SQL Cache Dependency With Cluster SQL Server && Web Farm

May 30, 2008

I have implemented SQL cache dependency to invalidate cache whenever the result of the stored procedure gets changed. The stored procedure is written obeying all the notification rules.  
Our problem:
As long as we are working on Local machine, Development server or Pre production server its working fine means the cache gets invalidated whenever there is any change in the result set. But the same implementation doesn’t work in Production. Cache does not get invalidated.  
Difference in Production environment and other environment:
Production uses cluster SQL server, others use standard SQL server. Production has load balancing means application is deployed on 6 servers which hits same clustered SQL server. In application’s global.asax file i have Start dependency so I see 6 different notifications started in SQL server which is right. But whenever there is a change in result set the cache doesn’t get invalidated in any of the application. 
My question is
Do we have to follow any different kind of implementation of SQL cache dependency for web farm and cluster SQL server scenario? 
On the same note I would like to add, on the same SQL server I have one more database and a different application is accessing this database. This application is also using SQL cache dependency and its working fine. The only thing this .Net application is NOT deployed on web farm. Its deployed on single application server.  

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The RPC Server Is Unavailable Exception - While Performing Web Farm Installation

Aug 28, 2007


I am trying to create a scale-out deployment of Reporting Services
2005 on a NLB cluster web farm by following the instructions in:

However, when I install and configure Reporting Services on the second
node, and then go back to the first node to join the second node to
the scale-out deployment (as described in step 11 under 'To install
and configure the second report server instance"), I get the following

ReportServicesConfigUI.WMIProvider.WMIProviderException: An unexpected
error has occurred. Details:

The RPC server is unavailable. (Exception from HRESULT: 0x800706BA) ---

> System.Runtime.InteropServices.COMException (0x800706BA): The RPC

server is unavailable. (Exception from HRESULT: 0x800706BA)
errorCode, IntPtr errorInfo)
at System.Management.ManagementScope.InitializeGuts(Object o)
at System.Management.ManagementScope.Initialize()
at System.Management.ManagementScope.Connect()
--- End of inner exception stack trace ---
machineName, String instanceName)
sender, RSReportServerInfo[] rsInfos)

I have spent hours searching for ideas, but so far no success. I have
also tried the following:

1. Enabling DTC access
2. Ensuring RPC service is running on both web and db servers
3. Installing WMI Windows Installer Provider
4. Granting admin rights on both db and web servers to the account
under which Reporting Services is running

Any help or suggestions would be greatly appreciated. It looks like
this should be a straight-forward task.

Thank you.

View 18 Replies View Related

The Microsoft Distributed Transaction Coordinator (MS DTC) Has Cancelled The Distributed Transaction.

Feb 29, 2008

We have a test db, a staging db and a live db. I have a stored procedure that runs fine on test and staging, but throws the following error on live.

The Microsoft Distributed Transaction Coordinator (MS DTC) has cancelled the distributed transaction.

The stored procedure uses linked servers and a transaction.
We're using the following transaction code in the stored procedure




procedure stuff here


DECLARE @ErrorSeverity INT, @ErrorNumber INT, @ErrorMessage NVARCHAR(4000), @ErrorState INT

SET @ErrorSeverity = ERROR_SEVERITY()

SET @ErrorNumber = ERROR_NUMBER()

SET @ErrorMessage = ERROR_MESSAGE()

SET @ErrorState = ERROR_STATE()

IF @ErrorState = 0

SET @ErrorState = 1

RAISERROR ('ERROR OCCURED:%d', @ErrorSeverity, @ErrorState, @ErrorNumber)





I found the following link which seems to be the problem we're experiencinghttp://support.microsoft.com/kb/937517

The link includes a workaround which is the following:
"To prevent the SQLNCLI provider from sending an attention signal to the server, use the SQLNCLI provider to consume fully any rowsets that the OLE DB consumer creates. "

How do I use the SQLNCLI provider to fully consume any rowsets?

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Reporting Services In A Web Farm - Is SQL Server 2005 STANDARD Able To Accomplish This Task?

Jan 28, 2008

Subject line pretty much sums up the question.

Any information and/or links would be appriciated greatly!

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SSRS 2005 Web Farm Error : The Delivery Extension For This Subscription Could Not Be Loaded.

Jun 22, 2007

We are using RS2005 for a year now and never had any problems especially with mail subscriptions.

Since we transferred from single RS machine to web farm everything works ok except mail subscriptions. Subscription sometimes (?!?!?!?!) refuse to export report to a document of any kind. I repeat that this is a random thing which is more often with PDF and less with Web Archive or Excel. We are using shared schedules and on demand execution of AddEvent stored procedure by night batches to send mail to users. Also, original error from RS log says something that this kind of operation is not supported for server working in native mode. We don't have SharePoint so we never used it in any other way then native mode and it worked.

Any idea will be appreciated!

Thanks in advance.

Update 26.06.2007

It seems that problem is not loading dll used to export report to a file but loading email subscription extension (dll that needs to be loaded for execution of email subscription.)

Original error from RS Log:

w3wp!library!1!06/22/2007-11:06:43:: e ERROR: Throwing Microsoft.ReportingServices.Diagnostics.Utilities.OperationNotSupportedNativeModeException: The operation is not supported on a report server that runs in native mode., ;
Info: Microsoft.ReportingServices.Diagnostics.Utilities.OperationNotSupportedNativeModeException: The operation is not supported on a report server that runs in native mode.
w3wp!extensionfactory!1!06/22/2007-11:06:43:: e ERROR: Exception caught instantiating Report Server DocumentLibrary report server extension: System.Reflection.TargetInvocationException: Exception has been thrown by the target of an invocation. ---> System.TypeInitializationException: The type initializer for 'Microsoft.ReportingServices.SharePoint.SharePointDeliveryExtension.DocumentLibraryProvider' threw an exception. ---> Microsoft.ReportingServices.Diagnostics.Utilities.OperationNotSupportedNativeModeException: The operation is not supported on a report server that runs in native mode.
--- End of inner exception stack trace ---
--- End of inner exception stack trace ---
at System.RuntimeTypeHandle.CreateInstance(RuntimeType type, Boolean publicOnly, Boolean noCheck, Boolean& canBeCached, RuntimeMethodHandle& ctor, Boolean& bNeedSecurityCheck)
at System.RuntimeType.CreateInstanceSlow(Boolean publicOnly, Boolean fillCache)
at System.RuntimeType.CreateInstanceImpl(Boolean publicOnly, Boolean skipVisibilityChecks, Boolean fillCache)
at System.Activator.CreateInstance(Type type, Boolean nonPublic)
at System.RuntimeType.CreateInstanceImpl(BindingFlags bindingAttr, Binder binder, Object[] args, CultureInfo culture, Object[] activationAttributes)
at System.Activator.CreateInstance(Type type, BindingFlags bindingAttr, Binder binder, Object[] args, CultureInfo culture, Object[] activationAttributes)
at Microsoft.ReportingServices.Diagnostics.ExtensionClassFactory.CreateExtensionObject(Extension extConfig).

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How To Prevent The Hang On The Initator Service Broker If The Target Service Broker Is Not Started?

Sep 10, 2007

How to prevent the hang on the initator service broker if the target service broker is not started?

Our case has two service brokers (two databases), sometime, the target is need to turn off. But the sitation is the initator service broker (in fact, the message is sent from triggers) become hang, I want to prevent this case and continue to operation, and the messages should queue and will continue to send to target service broker when it startup. How should I do?

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Not Able To Load The Application In Case Web Farm Garden When We Load Data Through Background Thread.

Dec 14, 2007


Here I will describe my problem.
1. We are loading large amount of data from database on background thread which is starting on Application_start event in global.aspx.cs file.The data is later cached for subsquent request to improve the performance.
2. Now when we put the application on web farm garden, it is not able to load the application.
3. We are sending the request the servers through Router kind of application.
4 This application is working fine on single server enviornment.

Please help us.

Ajay Kumar Dwivedi

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The SQL Server Service Broker For The Current Database Is Not Enabled, And As A Result Query Notifications Are Not Supported. Please Enable The Service Broker For This Database If You Wish To Use Notifications.

Feb 16, 2008

Hello,          I receive this error  "The SQL Server Service Broker for the current database is not enabled, and as a result query notifications are not supported.  Please enable the Service Broker for this database if you wish to use notifications." I attach the database in Management Studio to query and enable the broker using the scrip below but to no avail. ALTER DATABASE DataName SET ENABLE_BROKER ‘''<<------successfulandSELECT is_broker_enabled FROM sys.databases WHERE name = 'Database name' ‘'''<<-------value is 1 Global.asax ...    Sub Application_Start(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As EventArgs)        System.Data.SqlClient.SqlDependency.Start(ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings("dataConnectionString1").ConnectionString)    End Sub...Web.config ...    <connectionStrings>        <add name="dataConnectionString1" connectionString="Data Source=.SQLEXPRESS;AttachDbFilename=|DataDirectory|jbp_data.mdf;Integrated Security=True;User Instance=True"         providerName="System.Data.SqlClient" />        <add name="ASPNETDBConnectionString" connectionString="Data Source=.SQLEXPRESS;AttachDbFilename=|DataDirectory|ASPNETDB.MDF;Integrated Security=True;User Instance=True"         providerName="System.Data.SqlClient" />    </connectionStrings>... Hope you could help.  cheers,imperialx 

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Looking For A Tool/ Middleware Tool Which...

Jul 23, 2005

Hi all.I'm looking for a tool which should act like some kind of middleware/logical layer bewtween the SQL server and the webbased user interface.- It should be possible to easily create simple web forms (only datainput and output) without programming effort by "clicking" the fieldsand their order on the web mask within an admnistrative interface.- It should also be bossible to add "new fields" to the database,including field type, permissions, value lists etc. (excluding anybusiness logic) without programming effort by administration.I know, that most workflow tools or "Trouble Ticket Tools", based ondatabases have this feature to easily configure new masks and add newfields to the database, but i need it as an tool-unspecific layer forthe MS SQL Server.Thank you very much for your feedback, any ideas are welcome!Best regards, Heiko.

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How To Distributed Transactions

May 6, 2004


does the .NET framework support distributed transactions somehow?

The SqlConnection/SqlTransaction classes doesn't seem to support them...

TIA. -julio

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Distributed Query....help.

Mar 28, 2001

Hi Folks,

Is there anyway of running a Store Procedure in Database A that's going against database B? I have a store procedure that does a select on table A in database A and a select on table B in database B.

The problem is that the user have exec rights to the store procedure, which is an object in database A. The store procedure won't run because of permission rights to table B in database B.

Is there anyway of queryiny table B without giving the user select rights to that table? Anyone out there had the same problem?

thank you

Joe R.

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Distributed Transactions

May 24, 2001

Hi to everyone!
Any experience handling a Store Procedure that has distribution transactions?
Here is a story.

We have a store procedure #1 that inserts or updates data in two tables A and B on SQL Server 7.0 then it calls another store procedure #2 that:
1. updates C table in the same database on SQL Server from Oracle Server
2. deletes that record on Oracle Server
3. inserts a record on Oracle from table A
4. inserts the same record into table D on SQL Server from Oracle Server.

People who wrote store procedure #1 put Commit Tran before executing #2.
The questions are:
1. Is it correct that we don't have Commit Tran for #2?
2. What do you think about Nested Begin - Commit Tran?

Any help is highly appreciated.

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Distributed Queries

Oct 3, 2001

I have a ODBC data source setup for the AS400DB2 which is AS400JDE

The linked server has been created and all the tables are visible within enterprise manager.

If I had a table F0101, datasource = AS400JDE and linked server of AS400

How would I query it.

I gave tried AS400.AS400JDE.DBO.F0101, but i get the following error message.
OLE DB provider 'MSDASQL' does not contain table '"as400jde"."dbo"."f0101"'.

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Distributed Queries

Jan 20, 2000

i added a linked sql 7 production server to my sql 7 development server so i could perform some data comparisons between the two
servers. after i linked in the server, i was able to see all the icons for the various tables in the production server. i went to query
analyzer and executed the following openquery:

select * from openquery(itdev_s08, 'select * from dbo.tablename')

it returned all the rows in the table. however, i want to comapre several different values so i needed a better way to query.
i then decided to try the distrbuted query below:

select * from linkedserver.dbname.dbo.tablename

however instead of a result set i got the error message below:

Server: Msg 7314, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
OLE DB provider 'SQLOLEDB' does not contain table '"dbname"."dbo"."tablename"'.

i went to BOL and it told me the only reason i would get this error is if the object did not exist or if i did not have permission
to use it. however, i know the object exists and i have the appropriate permission becuase i can obtain a result set from the
first query in the same query analyzer window. is my syntax incorrect? what am i doing wrong?

tammy moisan

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Distributed Query

Feb 4, 2004


I am trying to execute a proc on Linked Server. Now as the Linked server name starts with 2, all of the following fails...

Any help to make it work highly appreciated...

exec [2Kxyz.SQLJobMon.dbo.usp_SQLAlertSMTPEmail]

exec 2Kxyz.SQLJobMon.dbo.usp_SQLAlertSMTPEmail

exec "2Kxyz.SQLJobMon.dbo.usp_SQLAlertSMTPEmail"

View 4 Replies View Related

Distributed Transactions

Aug 3, 1998

Does SQL Server actually support distributed transactions over, say, two tables in different databases but that reside on the same server? When I try to execute such a transaction in which one part of the transaction violates referential integrity and hence should not be executed, causing the rest of the transaction to, supposedly, rollback, the transaction does not roll back but instead produces an error message and executes the second, valid half of the transaction anyway.
Any help or suggestions gratefully accepted.

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Distributed Query

Mar 25, 2002

Hi Guys.

Many posted this message and no one anwered. i am facing the same problem now.

Got the error message

Server: Msg 7391, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
The operation could not be performed because the OLE DB provider 'SQLOLEDB' was unable to begin a distributed transaction.
[OLE/DB provider returned message: New transaction cannot enlist in the specified transaction coordinator. ]

My MSDTC is on. I had setup linked server using OLEDB.

Microsoft did'nt give enough info or solution for this. ANybody faced this prob and solved it?

Any suggestions , comments, solutions?


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Distributed Query

Apr 17, 2001

I have a procedure where it runs a procedure on another server and returns the results to the calling procedure and dumps it into a temp table..

I get the following message:
Server: Msg 7391, Level 16, State 1, Procedure proc1, Line 60
The operation could not be performed because the OLE DB provider 'SQLOLEDB' does not support distributed transactions.
[OLE/DB provider returned message: Distributed transaction error]

But both the servers are running the distributed transaction corordinator


create procedure dbo.proc1
@param1 int

create table #temp
(col1 int
col2 varchar(255)

insert into #temp
EXEC server.database.dbo.proc2 @param1 = @param1


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