Distributed Query From SS 2000 To Access Catalog Views On SS 2005 Via Linked Server

Aug 24, 2006

I am trying to write some admin only procedures which will collect information to one of my development server from other production and development servers.
I have created linked servers to access these other servers on the development server. This development server is SQL Server 2000 EE. Other servers which I want to access are 2000 and 2005 (vaious editions)
E.g I have another development server called PRODTEST which is SQL Server 2005 and on the development server I have created a linked server pointing to PRODTEST called TESTLINKSRV. I want to access new object catalog view (as I do not want to use sysobjects)
When I run the following query
I get following error,
OLE DB error trace [Non-interface error:  OLE DB provider does not contain the table: ProviderName=' TESTLINKSRV ', TableName='" DBNAME "."sys"."objects"'].
Msg 7314, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
OLE DB provider ' TESTLINKSRV ' does not contain table '"DBNAME"."sys"."objects"'.  The table either does not exist or the current user does not have permissions on that table.
So I try this query
and I get following error
Msg 208, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
Invalid object name TESTLINKSRV.DBNAME.sys.objects'.
So bottom line is how do I access catalog views on a 2005 server from a 2000 server using linked server?
I hope someone understands what I am trying to achieve. Please let me know what is it that I am doing wrong.
Thank you

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Not Seeing Some Linked Server Catalog Views

Jan 30, 2008

SQL 2005 SP2 in Managemrnt Studio...
I have a linked server set-up pointing to an instance that has several databases. In one catalog I have no tables or views being listed for the catalog. So I select a view, add the permissions that should allow the view to show in the list but it does not. And I did refresh and I did even restart management studio.

BTW: I can exec the view using a 4 part name.

Any one have an idea why the view don't show in the list?

Thanks much

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Running A Distributed Query Against A Loopback Linked Server In SQL Server 2005 Is Not Supported

Aug 27, 2007

I receive the following error message when I run a distributed query against a loopback linked server in SQL Server 2005:
The Microsoft Distributed Transaction Coordinator (MS DTC) has cancelled the distributed transaction.

To resolve this problem, I was told that running a distributed query against a loopback linked server is not supported in SQL Server 2005. And I am suggested to use a remote server definition (sp_addserver) instead of a linked server definition to resolve this problem. (Although this is only a temporary resolution, which will deprecate in Katmai)

However, I run into another problem when I use the remote server definition. I receive the following error message:
Msg 18483, Level 14, State 1, Line 1
Could not connect to server 'ServerNameSQL2005' because '' is not defined as a remote login at the server. Verify that you have specified the correct login name.

Could anyone please help me out?
(I include the reproduce steps for the first error message, followed by my resolution that generates the second error message)
Reproduce steps for the first error message

On the ComputerAInstanceA instance, run the following statement to create a database and a table:
USE DatabaseA
CREATE TABLE TestTable(Col1 int, Col2 varchar(50))
INSERT INTO TestTable VALUES (1, 'Hello World')

On the ComputerBInstanceB instance, run the following statement to create a database and a table:
USE DatabaseB
CREATE TABLE TestTable (Col1 int, Col2 varchar(50))

On the ComputerAInstanceA instance, create a linked server that links to the ComputerBInstanceB instance. Assume the name of the linked server is LNK_ServerB.

On the ComputerBInstanceB instance, create a linked server that links to the ComputerAInstanceA instance. Assume the name of the linked server is LNK_ServerA.

On the ComputerBInstanceB instance, run the following statement:
USE DatabaseB
SELECT * from LNK_ServerA.DatabaseA.dbo.TestTable

On the ComputerAInstanceA instance, run the following statement:
USE DatabaseA
EXEC LNK_ServerB.DatabaseB.dbo.InsertA
Then I receive the first error message.

My resolution that generates the second error message

On the ComputerBInstanceB instance, run the following statement:
sp_addserver 'ComputerAInstanceA'
sp_serveroption 'ComputerAInstanceA', 'Data Access', 'TRUE'
USE DatabaseB
SELECT * FROM [ComputerAInstanceA].DatabaseA.dbo.TestTable

On the ComputerAInstanceA instance, run the following statement:
USE DatabaseA
EXECUTE [ComputerBInstanceB].[DatabaseB].[dbo].[InsertA]
Then I receive the second error message.

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Get The List Of Catalog Views In SQL Server 2005

Oct 10, 2006

How to get the list of catalog views sys.* (sys.objects, sys.columns ....) in sql server 2005

select * from sys.objects where objectproperty(object_id, 'IsSystemTable') = 1

did not return the list as I've expected


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Can Distributed Query Read Sql Server 2000 From Sql Server 2005?

Nov 29, 2007

if it is possible to run a distributed query against 2000 from 2005, what would the OPENDATASOURCE parameters look like? I'd like to be able to pivot without copying my older 2000 db to 2005 or using linked servers..

For reference, here's an example of a distrib query that reads excel...

'Data Source=C: estxltest.xls;Extended Properties=Excel 8.0')...[Customers$]

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How To Access System Catalog Views From A UDF

Nov 26, 2007

I'm trying to access a System Catalog View (sys.database_permissions, and others) from a table valued function. I need to be able to pass the database name into the function so that I can operate on any database. Typically I'd use dynamic SQL to do something like

INSERT INTO #tempTable

EXEC ('SELECT * FROM ' + @DBName + '.sys.database_permissions')

But of course I can't use dynamic SQL inside of a UDF. I know I could do this using a stored procedure, but I'd need the output to be a recordset that I can query.

Has anyone done anything like this? I think I'm stuck.

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Linked Server / Distributed Query

Oct 18, 2000

Three weeks ago we began a project that involved importing data from an AIX DB2 6 environment via a linked server configuration. Following the data import a second query was executed against the db2 environment using data that resides in the new table within SQL 7 in the join statement (a very basic example is provided below) This was all accomplished in sequence via a package.




Originally we had no problems and while the execute time was not exactly speedy it was tolerable as we would revisit optimization after we established if what we were trying to accomplish was feasible. At the outset the first data import to build the local table was immeadeate and then the distributed query to retirieve more info to build another local table against the DB2 server took aproxiamtly 1 minute per user row returned. Currently we are looking at still having an immeadeate data import (a matter of seconds to build the first table)but now we are looking at more than 1 hour returned for 1 correesponding row of data off of DB2. We are utilizing the the IBM DB2 ODBC DRIVER.

Any input or suggestions as to what could be causing this or perhaps a more efficeint way to code the statement would be much appreciated. Thanks in advance.


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Linked Server Distributed Query

Feb 13, 2008

I am working on a linked server where a few of the queries use almost exclusively remote tables from 1 other server. I have read somewhere that there are options to specify where a query is performed but can't find it anywhere. Could someone tell me the command and how to use it or point me to something to read about it.


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Linked Server SQL Server 2000 Initial Catalog

Feb 18, 2008

I'm trying to create a linked server to generalize the query for pointing to different versions/instances of the same schema. For instance, we are testing against a test db named Name_Config, but we also need to execute the same tests against Name_ConfigQA. By building the linked server (named "LS_Test"), we are attempting to leave the sql as is in another catalog on the same server by pointing through LS_Test so the following sql won't need modifying, just the linked server properties:

select * from LS_Test...table1

This produces the following error:

OLE DB error trace [Non-interface error: OLE DB provider does not contain the table: ProviderName='LS_Test', TableName='table1'].

Msg 7314, Level 16, State 1, Line 1

OLE DB provider 'LS_Test' does not contain table 'table1'. The table either does not exist or the current user does not have permissions on that table.

I've been able to do this through synonyms in SQL Server 2005, but I'm having no luck setting the propertes in 2000 such that the linked server maintains the catalog name. Any help would be greatly appreciated.


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Linked Server 2000 To 2005: Error 17 Sql Server Does Not Exist Or Access Denined.

Aug 30, 2006

I'm trying to link SQL Server 2000 sp3 to SQL 2005 64 bit. I keep getting Error 17 sql server does not exist or access denined. I tried adding remote user mapping and chaning the linked server properties to "Be made using this security context" without any success.
Any help is appreciated.

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Linked Server Distributed Query Doesnt Work

Jun 21, 2006



 The distributed query seems to work on the management studio of the server where I have linked the other server to but not accross the network on other management studio with the same impersonated logins. The error I get is.


OLE DB provider "SQLNCLI" for linked server "usbo-sql01" returned message "Communication link failure".

Msg 10054, Level 16, State 1, Line 0

TCP Provider: An existing connection was forcibly closed by the remote host.

Msg 18452, Level 14, State 1, Line 0

Login failed for user '(null)'. Reason: Not associated with a trusted SQL Server connection.

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Server Alias/linked Server ALWAYS Uses A Distributed Query?

Apr 4, 2008

Can someone please shed some light on what seems to me to be a common requirement.

If I create an alias or linked server to Server1 - say Alias1 - on Server1 and then use that name in a query on Server1, a remote/distributed query is always used (even though we are running on the local server and that overhead is completely unnecessary).

Is SQL Server really not capable of deciding that
select * from Alias1.db1.dbo.table1
select * from Server1.db1.dbo.table1
should be optimized and executed exactly the same when Alias1 is Server1, but that it is a distributed query ONLY when Alias1 is really referring to a remote server? I realize that the four part name is not necessary when I am referring to objects on the current server, but I am trying to write code that is server instance independent.

It just seems that if that is not possible, then the only way to create system independent stored procs that can run in dev, staging, and production environments and work with multiple databases on multiple servers is to create all sorts of scripts to regenerate all the procs whenever you move a database between servers?

If SQL Server is even close to the enterprise big iron server that MS now claims it is, it surely needs to support running in dev, staging, and production environments and work with multiple databases on multiple servers?!

I'm really looking for someone to tell me I'm missing something simple, and of course you can do this - but complex workarounds are invited too :-)
This is not something I am investigating as an academic exercise, I am already doing this, but I have to figure out how to do it better because with all these unnecessary distributed queries, performance is horrible.


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SQL Server 2000 To SQL 2005 Linked Server - Query Problem

Jan 16, 2008


SQL 2000: 8.00.2187 x86, 8 way 700mhz, 6GB Ram
SQL 2005: 9.00.3042 IA64 2 Way Dual-Core 1.66Mhz 16 GB ram


Querys to the SQL 2005 box from SQL 2000 work but when the query is parameterised with non-literals (@variables) then the query run on the SQL 2005 box excludes any where clause causing the entire table to be returned to the SQL 200 box. When the query is parameterised using literal values the query is executed on SQL 2005 including the where clause.

At first I thought that the "Collation Compatible" setting was the culprit but setting this to 1 made no difference. Other SQL 2000 boxes work as expected and any queries from these using literal and non-literal parameters.

Please, any ideas?


SELECT A.Column FROM linkedServer.IA.dbo.Table Where A.Column = 'value'

Not Working (correctly anyway!)

DECALRE @Value tinyint
SET @Value = 22
SELECT A.Column FROM linkedServer.IA.dbo.Table Where A.Column = @value

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Regarding ReCreating Catalog In SQL Server 2005 Which Was Existing In SQL Server 2000

Feb 24, 2008


I was using SQL SERVER 2000 ... In one table I've created FULL TEXT SEARCHING ( Full text catalog along with full text indexing)

Now we had to install our db in SQL SERVER 2005 standard edition. But while taking script it gave me two lines like:

if (select DATABASEPROPERTY(DB_NAME(), N'IsFullTextEnabled')) <> 1
exec sp_fulltext_database N'enable'
if not exists (select * from dbo.sysfulltextcatalogs where name = N'DEV_CAS_DiagnosisCatalog')
exec sp_fulltext_catalog N'DEV_CAS_DiagnosisCatalog', N'create'

so I used this in the new db creation script...

But I couldn't get where it actually is in SQL SERVER 2005 standard edition.

and also plz help how should we create if it doesn't exist...

What could be the problem....

Thanks In advance

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Possible To Query Linked Servers WITH OUT Distributed Transaction Coordinator Enabled?

Jan 24, 2008

Is it possible to query linked servers without the Distributed Transaction Coordinator service enabled or allowing network access?

Is that ONLY for transactions? What if I just wanted to read the data and nothing else?

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Zero Length Strings Showing Up As A Space In Views Linked In Access

Jun 28, 2000

Zero Length Strings Showing up as a Space in Views linked in Access

I have code being converted from a SQL 6.5 DB to SQL 7; SQL 7 does not concantenate NULLS like in 6.5, so i have replaced all occurances of concantenated NULLs with zero-length strings (''s); in SQL, the view displays the zero-length strings properly, but when i view the linked view in Access97, the zero-length strings are displayed as spaces; is this a SQL problem or an Access Problem? Is there a solution?

Example of display:
10132 Hampton, VA: A. Deepak Publishing

THEN ', ' + State ELSE '' END + ': ' ELSE ''
END + Publisher
FROM tblLibraryPublishers

When view is linked in Access97, the display will be:
10132 Hampton, VA : A. Deepak Publishing
(this spacing can produce a number of lookup/search problems if only the Publisher name is displayed because a space is added to the beginning of the Publisher name)

Thank you!

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Sql Server 2000 Linked Server To Access 97/2000 Incompatability

Jul 20, 2005

We are experiencing a problem with Sql Server 2000 linking to anAccess 97 file. We have two machines that link to this .mdb file, andwe recently upgraded one to newer hardware, SP3a, MDAC 2.8, etc. Thelink on this upgraded machine no longer works, giving this message:Server: Msg 7399, Level 16, State 1, Line 1OLE DB provider 'Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0' reported an error.[OLE/DB provider returned message: Cannot open a database created witha previous version of your application.]OLE DB error trace [OLE/DB Provider 'Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0'IDBInitialize::Initialize returned 0x80004005: ].The link on the older machine still works. We decided to tryconverting a copy of the file to Access 2000 to see if the newerpatches/drivers/whatever no longer supported 97. We set up a link onboth machines to this file, and they both work. However, on theupgraded machine, the following error is receievedServer: Msg 7399, Level 16, State 1, Line 1OLE DB provider 'Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0' reported an error.[OLE/DB provider returned message: System resource exceeded.]OLE DB error trace [OLE/DB Provider 'Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0'ICommandText::Execute returned 0x80004005: ].when making 1-3 connections to the the linked server, while the oldermachine supports at least 7 simultaneous queries connecting to thelinked server and still hasn't produced that error.Does anyone have any idea if there is a known issue with linking toAccess 97/2000 files under MDAC 2.8, Jet 4.0, etc? Any light anyonecan shine on this subject would be greatly appreciated.

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SQL 2012 :: Catalog Doesn't Have Option To Give Read Access To SSIS Catalog To View Package Run Reports

Oct 23, 2014

"SSIS 2012 Catalog doesn't have option to give read access to SSIS Catalog to view package run reports" ... Any luck allowing power developers / operators access to READ the SQL 2012 SSIS Execution Reports without granting them SSIS_Admin or Sysadmin?

According to this link posted back in 2011 (w/ Microsoft's feedback in Nov 2011: "We’re closing this issue as “Won’t Fix.” At this point the bug does not meet our bar for resolving prior to SQL Server 2012 RTM. As we approach the SQL Server 2012 release the bar for making code changes gets progressively higher." URL....Regarding Permissions to SSIS Catalog, here are the findings. We can give access in three ways:

1. READ Access – We can provide a user db_datareader access. With this the user can see the objects within the SSIS catalog database, but cannot see the reports.

2. SSIS_ADMIN – Add the user to this database role in SSISDB. With this the user can view the reports. But it also provides them privileges to modify catalog information which is not expected. We can add it using below script EXEC sp_addrolemember 'ssis_admin' , 'REDMONDPAIntelAnalyst'

3. SYSADMIN - Add the user to this server role. This will make the user an admin on the SQL server. This is not intended. Is there any method available which will have provision to give read only access to see SSIS Catalog package execution reports and not having modify Catalog access.

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Ad Hoc Distributed Query Against MS Access

Aug 21, 2007

I have been looking for an example of how to do an ad hoc distributed query to an MS Access database. I've tried this;

select * from OpenRowSet('Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0',
'\Server1DataCorporateCPSDailyToolsTest.mdb' ;'admin';'',Names)

I recieve an OLEDB provider error when I try it this way. The version of Access is 2003. The database 'Test.mdb' is on a network share, and the table is called 'Names'. The share is located on the machine that hosts SQL Server 2000.

Is there a setting in sql server that can be set to allow/disallow ad hoc distributed queries?

What am I missing?

Thank you for your help!


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Linked Server Catalog:default???

Feb 6, 2008

Hello there,

i have the following problem.
After creating a linked Server on a SQL-Server 2005 connected to a DB2 instance
i have the problem that my catalog is named in the object explorer: default.

Why is it so?
And how can i fix it.

While the catalog is named "default" i can't use the four parted names to use statements.

Maybe anyone can help me?

Thank you

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MS Access Linked Tables To SQL Server 2000 Slow On Vista

Mar 13, 2007

I am using two almost idential laptops, one with XP and one with Vista, the only differences is that the XP laptop has 1G of RAM and running Office XP and the Vista has 2G RAM and is running Office 2007.

I have a MS Access database that has linked tables to a SQL Server 2000 database. The performance of the Access database on Vista is 5-10 times slower on the Vista machine. Just flipping through records or opening forms can take 5 - 15 seconds on the Vista machine while the XP machine takes 1 sec or less.

What gives? I looked at the CPU performance and the network performance while the Access database was busy flipping through records, the network traffic was < 2% and the CPU would spike to 40% on one of the CPUs (dual core) but would remain under 5% most of the time.

I also previously had Office XP installed on the Vista machine and it had the same performance issue so bought and install Office 2007 on the Vista machine and it did not solve the problem.

It seems that Vista is doing something that is slowing down Access with linked tables. Is this a issue between Vista and using an ODBC connection to SQL Server?

Thanks in advance for any help on this

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Distributed Transaction Using Linked Server

Jan 7, 2002


There was a distributed trasaction set up and functioning fine, But gave the following error recently.

The operation could not be performed because the OLE DB provider 'SQLOLEDB' does not support distributed transactions
[OLE/DB provider returned message: Distributed transaction error]

Could anyone please help why is this error and how can be rectified.

Thanks in advance
John Jayaseelan

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Linked Server And Distributed Queries

Feb 6, 2002

Hi there,
I am trying to link one sql server to other sql server(version 7.0). I was able to link server1 to server2 by creating an odbc source and am able to see the tablenames when i click on the linked server tables.
My problem is..when i am trying to query on these tables its giving me error saying "OLE DB provider 'MSDASQL' does not contain table xxxxxx"

i am using select * from servername.tablename.dbo.tablename.

Any help on this will be appreciated.


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Prob In Distributed Query On SQL 2000

Mar 19, 2004

Hi Chaps!!
I am in serious problem that My production sql 2000 server with winSp 4 and sqlSP 2 with slammer hotfix is not executing four part distributed query well when I combine the query with begin tran statement it enter into hang mode... else without begin tran it is fine.

request to all of u to get rid of this situation as some modules of our applicaiton is not functioning...

can sp3a installation help or going back to winSp2/3 will be helpfull. (recently we have applied winsp4 but i don't think this is concerned with it)

thanks in advance to give your time...

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Distributed Queries Possible W-out Linked Server Registration?

Mar 13, 2008

We are migrating a database that makes use of distributed queries. In other words, it queries data from other databases on the same server, as well as from databases on linked servers.

The use of linked servers as well as linked databases (for lack of a better term) presents a challenge since we will need to register various new linked servers in the target environment. Ideally, we would like the database to be portable such that we will not have to worry about registering linked servers regardless of where it is hosted.

Is there a way to write distributed queries so that do not rely on linked servers/databases? For example:

SELECT * FROM [ServerName].[Database].[Owner].[TableName]

If there is such a method, it would make our database much more portable in terms of server migration.


El Salsero

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Distributed Query: Import XML Using OpenRowSet Bulk From UNC - Access Denied

Feb 26, 2008

I'm experiencing issues importing XML data using a distributed query with the following statement which is run from an XP client named WorkstationA connecting to SQL2005 SP2 ServerB, the XML data is located on ServerC.

AdHoc Queries using OpenRowSet has been enabled and verified.

The SQL Server service is running using a domain user account with permissions to read the remote files. I have logged in locally to the SQL server and verified this. It still fails even if the SQL services are running using LocalSystem.

User on Workstation A is authenticated with Integrated security (SQL Admin) and has rights to read the XML files on ServerC.

WorkStationA = SQL2005 Mgt Studio running the query
ServerB = SQL2005 SP2
ServerC = XML data files

SELECT @xml =CONVERT(XML, bulkcolumn, 2)

Results: Msg 4861, Level 16, State 1, Line 2

Cannot bulk load because the file "\SERVERCSHAREPATHDATAFILE.XML" could not be opened. Operating system error code 5(Access Denied).

The query fails when it is run from Workstation A connected to SQL ServerB querying data on ServerC via a UNC.
The query is succesful when it is run from the local SQL ServerB. The problem is with distributed queries.
The query is succesful when the XML files are local to the SQL server including referencing them via a local UNC

Thank you for any responses.


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Invalid Use Of Schema Or Catalog For OLE DB Provider MSDAORA For Linked Server CUSTOMERLINK.

Nov 7, 2007

I keep recieving a "Invalid use of schema or catalog for OLE DB provider "MSDAORA" for linked server D"CUSTOMERLINK". A four-part name was supplied, but the provider does not expose the necessary interfaces to use a catalog or schema."

I'm attempting to set up a linked server from SQL 2005 to Oracle 10.2. I run the following sp_addlinkedserver and sp_addlinkedsrvlogin procedures:


@server = 'CUSTOMERLINK',

@provider = 'MSDAORA',

@srvproduct = 'ORACLE',

@datasrc = 'CUSTOMER'



@rmtsrvname = 'CUSTOMERLINK',

@useself = 'False',

@rmtuser = 'CUSTOMER1',

@rmtpassword = 'PASSWORD!'

These procedures complete successfully. I then run a sp_tables_ex procedure:

sp_tables_ex @table_server=CUSTOMERLINK, @table_schema='CUSTOMER1'

This procedure completes successfully and gives me all of the table names in my oracle database that relate to the Customer1 schema.

Then when I go to run a query

select id from [CUSTOMERLINK].[CUSTOMERDB].[CUSTOMER1].[CLIENT] Where name = 'codm'

I recieve a "Invalid use of schema or catalog for OLE DB provider "MSDAORA" for linked server D"CUSTOMERLINK". A four-part name was supplied, but the provider does not expose the necessary interfaces to use a catalog or schema." error.

Any suggestions?

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Linked Server And Unable To Begin A Distributed Transaction

Jul 20, 2005

I have a database containing my own tables and data and I wanted tobe able to query this against an accountancy program which has an ODBCdriver. This was never a problem with MS Access and Jet but I hit Jet'slimitations and have moved to SQL.Creating my own SQL database was no problem, but I was unsure of thebest way to be able to be able to have my SQL tables and my accountancysoftware tables appearing in the same Access front end.I created a linked server to the accountancy program. This wassuccessful in that I could see all the tables below the linked server inenterprise manager.My problem occurs when I try to bring the data from these tablesinto my SQL database.I create a new view in my database:-SELECT *FROM OPENQUERY(SAGE_SERVER, 'SELECT * FROM STOCK')(My linked server is called 'SAGE_SERVER' and I am trying to retrieveall columns from the STOCK table.)I then try to save this view and get the following errors.ODBC Error: [Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][SQL Server]The operationcould not be performed because the OLE DB provider 'MSDASQL' was unableto begin a distributed transaction.[Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][SQL Server]OLE DB Error Trace[OLE/DBProvider 'MSDASQL' ITransactionJoi JoinTransaction returned 0x8004d00a].Thanks in advance,Marcus Thornton.

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DB Engine :: Distributed Transactions Fail On Linked Server

Feb 12, 2009

We get the below error while performing a distributed transaction on linked server. We have several linked servers configured in the source server and all of them succeed with the distributed transaction except on one.
We did all the basic troubleshooting and moreover the distributed transactions work fine if we use a remote server instead.

OLE DB provider "SQLNCLI10" for linked server "SERVERNAME.REDMOND.CORP.MICROSOFT.COM" returned message "No transaction is active.".
Msg 7391, Level 16, State 2, Line 3
The operation could not be performed because OLE DB provider "SQLNCLI10" for linked server "SERVERNAME.REDMOND.CORP.MICROSOFT.COM" was unable to begin a distributed transaction.
 Test code:
begin distributed transaction
select top 10 * from [SERVERNAME.REDMOND.CORP.MICROSOFT.COM].master.sys.objects
Source server :   
Microsoft SQL Server 2008 (RTM) - 10.0.1779.0 (X64)
       Nov 12 2008 12:10:04
       Copyright (c) 1988-2008 Microsoft Corporation
       Enterprise Edition (64-bit) on Windows NT 6.0 <X64> (Build 6001: Service Pack 1) (VM)
Target server :   
Microsoft SQL Server 2008 (RTM) - 10.0.1600.22 (Intel X86)
       Jul  9 2008 14:43:34
       Copyright (c) 1988-2008 Microsoft Corporation
       Enterprise Edition on Windows NT 5.2 <X86> (Build 3790: Service Pack 2)

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Linked Server SQL 2005 To 2000

May 7, 2007

I have database in 2000 which needs to be access from SQL 2005 via linked server ? and vice - versa ?

How do we do that ?

we run select statement we get following error message.

Error 4064 : cannot open user defulat database : login failed.

We are using SQL 2000/sp4

SQL 2005/sp2

Please advice.

Thank you

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Linked Server From Sql 2000 To Sql 2005

Jan 15, 2007

I'm having issue in connecting to sql 2005 from sql 2000 via linked server.

Please advice what I should do to overcome the problem.



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Can't Add A Linked Table To SQL Server 2005 With Access 2003

Oct 26, 2006


I have an Access 2003 front end that contains a number of linked tables on SQL Server 2005 SE. I recreated the application on a second network for testing and was able to use the Linked Table Manager to refresh the database connections. The problem is when I try and add another linked table. I select Link Tables from the menu and then when I select 'ODBC Databases()' from the 'Files of Type' list box, the Link window closes right away.

Any suggestions?

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Problem With Distributed Trans 2000 To 2005

Apr 13, 2007

I have a test environment setup consisiting of one SQL Server 2000 32 bit instance on one box and one SQL Server 2005 64 bit edtion on another box. Nearly everything works fine but have found this one snag...

Linked Server name: SQL2005

From the SQL Server 2000 instance in Query Analyzer....

-- this works fine
Delete from [SQL2005].myDB.dbo.myTbl

-- this just hangs
Begin Tran
Delete from [SQL2005].myDB.dbo.myTbl

It doesn't make any difference what provider I use on the Linked Server.

I have tried it on a SQL Server 2000 to SQL Server 2000 configuration and, interestingly, it would only work if I used set XACT_ABORT ON. However, in the SQL Server 2000 to 2005 configuration, this doesn't help.

We have a number of DTS packages that do deletes across the linked server that are failing due to this issue so we're being stopped from continuing with the migration to SQL Server 2005.

Any suggestions?


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