Distrubuting A Desktop Application With SSEE

May 27, 2008

I was thinking of replacing my desktop programs I do in Microsoft Access to SSEE. I am getting up to speed by some books and tutorials.

How would I distribute a program that has a SSEE database? I currently have in my application startup path a folder called "Database" that contains the .mdb, could I do the same thing with SQL Server. If so, what does that do to the connection string.

Thanks for any suggestions beforehand.

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Deploying Sql Ce With Desktop Application

Jun 28, 2007

i have an application that uses sqlce.. now i want to install sqlce with my installer instead of seperate installer... could you please guide me how can i do this? i have created installer for my application but how to integrate sqlce with it...

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Connecting To Web Database From Desktop Application.

Jun 24, 2007

I am thinking of using my web database as the database to use for my program, though not sure how feasible due to connection speeds and having to transfer that info.

what I am using as the connection string is

con.ConnectionString = "Data Source=databse ipadress inserted here; Initial Catalog=databasename here;Integrated Security=True"; with real data obviously inserted into the ip and tables, but when i try and send values there it just hangs and then crashes. I am thinking its not finding the database. Is there something else im to do?

I am using the exact same code as when i use my own machine as the server, and it works great that way, only thing different is the trying to send to the web server.

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Synchronize 2 Sdf Files On 2 Pdas With/without Desktop Application

Jun 10, 2007

Hi All,

I am interested in synchronising 2 sdf files which are sitting on 2 different PDAs and I want to synchronise both of them with or without desktop application. C# applications are used to talk to the applications.

Is it possible or not and if possible how can i do that. Any code snippets or any links to similar forum posts or anything will be of great help. I am a C# programmer but not SQL Developer.


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Opening Sqlce Databse In Desktop Application

Oct 23, 2007

can we open a sqlce databse stored on desktop hard disk in desktop application ?

Mukesh Gupta

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ADS: Sample Application Cannot Access Desktop Database

Nov 1, 2006

The sample application provided with Access Database Synchronizer fires a "A request to send data to the computer running IIS has failed. For more information, see HRESULT." exception on my WinCE 4.2 device.

I debugged it with VS2005 to see what was going on and found that the problem resides in the line:

m_connDesktop.Pull("MSysObjects","SELECT Name FROM MSysObjects WHERE Type=1 and flags=0",accessSysConnectString,RDATrackOption.TrackingOff,"Err_MSysObjects");

It seems that connection m_connDesktop is ok but calling Pull method fails.

I've verified that SSEvAccessSync service is started when ActiveSync detects device connection and that firewall rules are correctly updated.

Also, i verified my System.mdw and i discovered that there is no "MSysObjects" table (only MSysGroupList, MSysGroupMembers, MSysUserList and MSysUserMemberships queries are there).

Do you think the problem is there?

How can i solve it without damaging System.mdw?

I cannot figure out what's the purpose of this line of code, can you help me?

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Error Using SQLCE 3.5 In A VS.NET 2008 Desktop Application

Dec 17, 2007


I was migrating one of my applications to VS.NET 2008 to start testing the new platform and encountered an error. One of my application requires the use of System.Data.SqlServerCe namespace to create a SQL Server CE database on a desktop machine.

The error is raised when I try to use a SqlCeCommand to insert rows in a table using parameters. If the order of the fields in the INSERT command does not match the order of the fields in which the table was created, an error is raised.

Investigating further, I noticed that the INSERT command was trying to insert the value of a parameter in an incorrect field. For example, the value for the field23 was being inserted into field22.

It looks like the SQL CE engine is rearranging the fields in the INSERT command to match the order of the fields in the table, but forgets to rearrange the parameters of the SqlCeCommand as well.

I give the example codes in the next posts. I will give it in both VB.NET and C#.

For both versions, you just need to create a Windows Application and add a reference to System.Data.SqlServerCe.dll. Insert the corresponding code into the Form1 partial class.

In the example, the constant RaiseError can be set to Boolean.True in order to raise the error. Set it to Boolean.False to execute correctly.

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SSCE Open Database On Desktop Application

Jan 31, 2008


I am writing a Desktop application accessing a SSCE database. I am running Windows XP SP2, VS2005 SP1, and have SQLServerCE3.1 installed. Debugging the application shows that ds.m_spInit->QueryInterface() returns E_NOINTERFACE. I have checked that SSCE runtime library is installed, IDBCreateSession uuid exists in the registry and m_spInit.CoCreateInstance(CLSID_SQLSERVERCE_3_0) return S_OK. Can you suggest me what need adding/installing to get the CSession.Open(datasource) working?


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Can An SQL EE Application Be Easily Installed Onto A Runtime Local Desktop?

Jan 8, 2008

Am I correct in assuming that installing a SQL EE application on to a local runtime desktop would require a lot of experienced user intervention to install the SQL to each local cpu? Can a SQL app be installed automatically w/o a user intervening?

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How To Manage Sql Server Transaction In Desktop Networking Application Vb.net2005?

Jun 10, 2006


i want to know that how to manage the sql server transaction in a

big desktop networking application?

for example

there are 200 tables in

database. many of that tables have relatationship. i have a form in

frontend which holds nere ablut 50 tables deffrent calculated amount. i

want to ADD, EDIT and DELETE, SAVE(commit), CANCEL(roll back) them and

same time another use will do the same work from another pc. if there

are 100 user does the same work (add, edit, delete, save, cancel) how

could i magage my sql server data???

i also want to know that

1 kind of

proffessionsl way to use sql server and vb.net?

2 what kind of septs to

develop a desktop networking application with sql server?

3 how i could

manage the transaction in sql server when there are many-many user

working in the same database(add, edit, delete, save-commit,

cancel-rollback).<img src="images/emoticons/smile_baringteeth.gif">

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Connection Problem From Access Front End Application To SQL Desktop Engine Backend

Jul 23, 2005

Hi there,I sincerely hope that someone out there can help. I have twoinstances of the SQL 2000 Desktop Engine running. One is on my localmachine for development and the other is on another machine on ournetwork which is the production environment. I have built an Access2003 front end application which connects to this database. Thisworks fine locally, as you would expect. I successfully installed thedatabase on the production machine and am able to connect to it viaAccess 2003 (using the Data Link Properties window) and from thirdparty database manager software (similar to Enterprise Manager). I amnot able to to connect to the database via my application.I am using the "sa" account with a strong password. This is myconnection string:strConnection = "Provider=sqloledb;DataSource=server02;UserId=sa;Password=strong;Initial Catalog=Test"The error I'm getting is:"Connection cannot be used to perform this operation. It is eitherclosed or invalid in this context."The connection string is the only thing that changes in my code when Iswitch from my local to my production database. Is there some reasonthat I can't use the "sa" account in this fashion that I'm not awareof? I'd rather not use integrated security for simplicity's sake asthis is a small, internal application. Also, I would have thoughtthat if that was the issue, I couldn't use "sa" at all, even locally.I'm going to post to the Access group as well but thought someone heremight have some advice to offer as well.Thanks,Barb

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MSDTC - Remote Accessing SQL Server 2005 From A Desktop Application - Windows 2003 Server

Dec 6, 2007


I am developing a windows application that needs to communicate with a remote SQL server 2005 database. Server allows remote connections and MSDTC service also running. Do I need to run MSDTC service on the client machine where I use desktop application ? any ideas ? It's throwing some error like
An error has occurred while establishing a connection to the server.
When connecting to SQL Server 2005, this failure may be caused by the fact
that under the default settings SQL Server does not allow remote connections.

But my SQL Server allows remote connection, and I am able to do a select statement.
But when I insert/update anything, it's throwing this error. I guess some problem with MSDCT. Anybody have any idea ?

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Aug 1, 2007

Am having an SQL Server 2005 Embedded Edition (MICROSOFT##SSEE) as database server.(Windows2003 + WSS3)
Some database log files i.e.; LDF files , increasing by their size very quickly , attached

Could you please help me to fix this issue.

Thanks in Advance


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How Do You Deliver A WinForm App With SSEE

May 28, 2008

I have asked this question before (but the question was geared for something else). Let me briefly lay out my question.

I currently have a WinForm app I distribute that interfaces with Access. When I distribute it, I have in the application startup path a folder called "Database" which has the Access .mdf. With me so far?

I have tools that automate and semi-automate the embedding of important information into my database during the course of a project. However, because more people are starting to use my tools, we have a concurrency issue. I was looking at SSEE as a replacement for Access to solve this problem and avoid the concurrency problem. Hence it is not for the customer I am moving to SSEE but for my internal team who use my tools.

I am having a difficult time delivering the finished product because I don't quite know how to deliver SSEE. I am very proficient with setups, and know that as a prequisite they have SSEE as a selectable item, but how to I attach my database to SSEE in the setup? Do I need to detach my database from my server and reattach it during the setup for the customer?

I have found no articles describing this (except ClickOnce which is not what I want). If everyone raves about SSEE over Access, I would think this would be a widely available question.

This is probably a question for a MVP or someone who has dealt with this personally, so I would welcome your expertise in this matter.


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SQL SSEE Service Pack 2

May 16, 2007

I have several instances of SQL express edition that WSUS says need SP2 - there is SQLEXPRESS, MSSQLSERVER and Microsoft##SSEE

The sqlexpress and mssqlserver were updated to SP2 - however, the ##SSEE won't upgrade complaining that its not a valid instance name for this SKU of SQL server?

Any idea?

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Shrinking SSEE Transaction Logs

Mar 25, 2008

I'm using SSEE as part of SharePoint 2003. The transaction logs are growing rapidly but don't appear to clear down.

As its SSEE I've been so far unable to connect using Management Studio or Enterprise Manager, so using DBCC Shrinkfile isn't an option.

Can someone please help? I'm surprised that when installing SP I didn't get the option to choose a db type or location.

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64 Bit And Sql Server Express Edition (SSEE)

May 21, 2008

I have windows xp 64 bit and would like to install SSEE. However I received a message saying it was not possible. the trouble is, I am sure when I installed SSEE Management Studio It also installed SSEE. Somehow it got corrupted ( reveived message about Master Table being messed up when I treid to start the servcie).

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SSEE -&&> MS SSMEE -&&> MS ACCESS 2003

Nov 8, 2007

hello guys,

i am using MS SSEE installed by WSUS3.
Due to a server reinstallation and new synchronisation of WSUS i have to approve/reject nearly 1200 Updates for Windows XP/Vista/Server 2003 and different Office Versions.

The new MMC lost some features to do this easyly (Filters)

Because of these missing functions i intend to install "Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio Express" to get connection to the SSEE and then create an Access-Frontend to add the functions i am missing.

Could you please tell me if this might work?
Somwhere in this forum i read, that the SSEE was intend to be not accessable.

Thanks Marcus

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SSEE Reporting Services - Can't Get Report Manager To Work

Jul 18, 2007

SSEE is up an working. Reporting Services is installed and now somewhat operational.

When I go to localhost/reports all I get is the following:

The attempt to connect to the report server failed. Check your connection information and that the report server is a compatible version.

When I go to localhost/reportserver I get:

test2k/ReportServer - /

Monday, July 16, 2007 7:03 AM <dir> Data Sources
Monday, July 16, 2007 7:02 AM <dir> Report Project2
Monday, July 16, 2007 9:13 AM <dir> Reports

Microsoft SQL Server Reporting Services Version 9.00.3042.00

I've tried many different settings in configuration but never get Report Manager.

I'm running W2K pro (a clean install with all sp's).

I can view those reports at localhost/reportserver but this is not the interface I want.

Any help pointing me in the right direction would be greatly appreciated.

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Distrib.exe Application Error , Application Failed To Initialize Properly(0xx0000142)

Apr 13, 2008

have SQL Server 2005 std edition SP1 installed on Windows 2003 Std edition .Configured Transactional (single Publisher and no clustered environment.)
Replication past two months working fine, Now
1.Distrib.exe application err is coming.

Due to which my job is failing (Distributor to Subscriber).
Iam attaching thw file.

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SQL Desktop And C#

Sep 2, 2005

Hello, i'm trying to make a c# web form in vs.net 2003 and a connection to a sql database.I'm using a sqlconnection control and a sqlcommand, but when i test it, the page said: "There was an error in login Encuesta, with the user LOCALHOST/ASPNET" (or something like that)i don't have the source code, and i am not in my pc, so, can somebody help me?

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OLE DB On Desktop

Feb 28, 2007

hello everybody,

I've installed SQL Compact Edition (with Visual Studio 2005) and i try to compile Northwindoledb for the DeskTop. The goal of this operation is to migrate a Pocket PC application (C++/OLE DB/SQL Mobile) to the desktop. If i can run properly Northwindoledb project i could start to migrate ...

I've the following error :

hr = pICmdText->Execute(NULL, IID_NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL);

GUID_NULL undefined

What can i do ?

Thanks in advance !

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Desktop Server

Feb 24, 2007

1. Today I've installed webmatrix and MSDE200A and followed this instruction"Select 'SQL2kdesksp3.exe' and save it to your computer.Double-click on the SQL2kdesksp3.exe you downloaded.Once you have run the self extracting exe (SQL2kdesksp3.exe), go to a command prompt.Start > Run > cmdNavigate to the directory you expanded the self extracting exe to and change to the MSDE subdirectory.The default is C:sql2ksp3Type Setup SAPWD=(Some password) SecurityMode=SQLExample:c:sql2ksp3> Setup SAPWD=password SecurityMode=SQLAfter that gets done running, MSDE is installed.Start servicesTo get the SQL Server running and the SQL Agent we need start the services.right click My Computer > manage > servicesDouble click the following and set to Automatic.MSSQLSERVERSQLSERVERAGENTMake sure both are on automatic." then I restarted my comp. I've tried to connect to database but it did not work.I need the reply ASAP!!!!   2.What are the different among  MSDE200A.exe, sql2ksp3.exe, and sql2kdesksp3.exe ?

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SQL Desktop License?

May 29, 2001

If I just need a desktop version of SQL 7.0 installed for local development. (Not being used as a server) Do I just need a CAL license?


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Can Not Connect To Desktop DB

Jun 28, 2001

My organization supports both SQL 7 and SQL 2K. Therefore I have the Enterprise Manager
for SQL 2K on my desktop (it accesses both SQL 7 & SQL 2K, but the SQL 7 EM won't access

I installed the SQL 7 desktop edition on my NT 4 (SP 6) workstation, but only the server (not
client connectivity or client tools).

When I attempt to perform a new server registration using EM (with the desktop server running),
I get the following message:

"SQL Server does not exist or access is denied"

I am attempting to logon as "sa" with a blank password since this will be my very first access of
the installed DB.

Startup of server specifies that the "local system" account be used. Server starts up fine as best
as I can tell.

For client connectivity I have both TCP and NAMED PIPES available.

Any help would be very much appreciated!!!!

Thanks Gary Andrews
Where blank passwords are used, do I enter a single space or not enter anything
and just press enter?

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Desktop SQL Server 7

Dec 7, 1999

Is it necessary to have a MS Loopback Adaptor to install SQL Server desptop edition at my home ? ( Otherwise i am unable to connect to the server from the EM )

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Installing Sql 7.0 Desktop

Jul 26, 1999

I have installed Sql 7.0 desktop edition on Win 98 with IE5 and am having a problem starting the Sql server.
It auto registered the server under my machine name. It was returning a network connection error so I deleted it and tried to add one with the name (local). Enterprise Manager then returned an error saying one was already registered under that name.




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Sql2005 For Desktop

Jun 1, 2007

Hi All.
I have SQL2000 on my WinXP computer. Can I install SQL2005 on my desktop? If yes what version?

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SQL 2000 Desktop

Jul 20, 2005

Is it possible to install SQL 2000 desktop without installing a databaseserver? I need to have the interface to access my database servers, butdon't want the overhead of a server and the service on my laptop.Possible?ThanksDoug

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SDF Creation On Desktop

Jun 6, 2005


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Creating SDF On Desktop

Jan 2, 2007

I have read all posts in this forum, but the answers for the main questions are still not completely clear for me. My scenario is smilar than other described cases.

I would like to send a large amount of data to a Windows CE device which runs SQL Server Mobile Edition 2005. Replication is not possible, cause the desktop size of software sometimes uses Oracle or earlier versions of MSSQL Server (for e.g. MSSQL 7.0).

For syncrhonizing data we have two possibilities:

1. sending the data in some format (csv, xml, etc...) to the Windows CE device, parse this file and insert the data into a database, the speed of this is unacceptable, so if it is possible I wouldn't like to use this method

2. Create the SDF file on desktop side, it would be very fast, because it makes unnecessary the post processing on a slow Windows CE device. So please give me a short (YES / NO is completely enough) answer to this: is there any *LEGAL* way to create an SDF file for SQL Server Mobile Edition without buying VS2005 or MSSQL2005 licenses for the desktop computer?

Thx for any help in advance. If the question was answered clear earlier, sorry for wasting time. I think a lot of us struggling with this problem.

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Creating A CE Db At The Desktop PC

Dec 13, 2006


Is it possible to create a .SDF file at the develop machine?I want to write an exe which creates a sdf.So, my customer will be able to create a sdf and import this sdf to the device.


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Sep 27, 2006


I want to jumpstart my learning of SQL Server so I downloaded the Express edition onto my desktop in the office and also onto my laptop. I usually connect the two machines (through a LAN) to update whatever I was able to do at home while in the office.

What should I do in order to view or edit whatever I started on the laptop from the desktop? Would the databases I create on one be accessible through the other machine for editing and the likes?


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