Dividing The Sale Amount By Month

Jul 3, 2006


I want to process a row from a source table by dividing the sales amount in that row over the period of the sale by month.

For instance if an item is sold for 500$ and it's duration is 5 months from 1/15/2004 till 6/15/2004, I want to divide the sale amount by month as follows:

Month 1: 50$

Month 2: 100$

Month 3: 100$

Month 4: 100$

Month 5: 100$

Month 6: 50$

I know I can create a script component and do the calculation for each month and insert 6 records in the fact table for each row in the source table, where each record holds the amount for the corresponding month. However I was wondering if there is another technique that utilizes the components of SSIS to do it more efficiently.



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Transact SQL :: Show (0) Amount For A Month If No Data Exists In The Table For That Month?

Nov 9, 2015

I have two tables Costtable (Id,ResourceId, Amount,Date) and ResourceTable (ResourceId,Name) which shows output as below.

I want to show 0 amount for rest of the name in case of September. For e.g. if rest of the Resources does not appear in cost table they should appear 0 in amount

My Desired output

My current query

RG.Id AS Id,
RG.Name AS Name,
ISNULL(SUM(AC.Amount), 0) AS Amount,
RIGHT(CONVERT(varchar(10), AC.[Date], 105), 7) AS [YearMonth]

[Code] ....

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SQL Server 2012 :: Split Total Days And Amount Between Start And End Month

Mar 21, 2015

I have the table below and like to create a view to show the no of days the property was vacant or void and rent loss per month. The below explanation will describe output required

For example we have a property (house/unit/apartment) and the tenant vacates on 06/09/2014. Lets say we fill the property back on 15/10/2014. From this we know the property was empty or void for 39 days. Now we need to calculate the rent loss. Based on the Market Rent of the property we can get this. Lets say the market rent for our property is $349/pw. So the rent loss for 39 days is 349/7*39 = $1944.43/-.

Now the tricky part and what im trying to achieve. Since the property was void or empty between 2 months, I want to know how many days the property was empty in the first month and the rent loss in that month and how many days the property was empty in the second month and the rent loss incurred in that month. Most of the properties are filled in the same month and only in few cases the property is empty between two months.

As shown below we are splitting the period 06/09/2014 - 15/10/2014 and then calculating the void days and rent loss per month

Period No of Void Days Rent Loss
06/09/2014 - 30/09/2014 24 349/7*24 = 1196.57
01/10/2014 - 15/10/2014 15 349/7*15 = 747.85

I have uploaded a screenshot of how the result on this link: [URL] ....

Declare @void Table
PropCode VARCHAR(10)
,VoidStartDate date
,LetDate date
,Market_Rent Money


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Transact SQL :: Query For Month Wise Running Totals Of Sales Amount?

Nov 28, 2012

I have a sales tables which looks as below.



Now i need Month Wise Running Totals.but i should check the following group as show below i that order

1) Brand
3) Item Group
4) Month

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SQL Server 2012 :: Create View To Allocate Amount Per Month - Financial Year

Mar 21, 2015

I like to create an SQL view to divide amount 300,000 between 12 month starting from Month July 2014 to June 2015 as shown below

Amount Month Year
25,000 July 2014
25,000 August 2014
25,000 September 2014
25,000 October 2014
25,000 November 2014
25,000 December 2014
25,000 January 2015
25,000 February 2015

25,000 June 2015

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Reporting Services :: Calculating Average Amount Of Working Days In A Month - SSRS 2005 Matrix

Jun 22, 2015

I have got this matrix and I am trying to calculate the average amount of working days in a month. At the moment, I have divided the total number of jobs by 21 for every month which is a hard coded value. However, I am not sure how to retrieve this value dynamically. Is there any formula that can find out the working days?

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For Each Cust, Show Highest Sale

Apr 1, 2008

I haven't done any SQL in a while. Having trouble getting me head around this one.

I have a table Sales:
(Transaction_ID int, Customer_ID, Sales_DateTime Time, Sales_Amt Dollar)

I need a query that returns:
For each Customer_ID that has made a purchase
Show the highest dollar Sales_Amt they have ever made

In C++ I would probably do a recursive solution, is this doable? advisable? in T-SQL?

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Group By Customer And Item Higher Sale Price?

Mar 5, 2015

I'm developing and sql 2008 view that shows me the last month of sales of every customer and every item sold, the problem is that I need group by customer with the higher Sale Price of every item of the customer, example:

1.If We sold the same item to one customer then it must show just the higher sale price of every item

2.If the same item was sold to the same customer at the same price then it must show just the last sold date record of that item

This is I get :

OrderDate |DebNr|DebName|ItemCode|Descript|Qty|CostPrice|SalePrice|
2015-03-05|0001 |Deb0001|Item-001|Item 001| 3 | 223.10 | 289.00 |
2015-02-25|0001 |Deb0001|Item-001|Item 001| 2 | 220.00 | 286.00 |
2015-03-05|0001 |Deb0001|Item-002|Item 002| 1 | 75.00 | 110.00 |
2015-03-02|0002 |Deb0002|Item-001|Item 001| 1 | 218.00 | 265.00 |
2015-02-27|0002 |Deb0002|Item-001|Item 001| 1 | 218.00 | 265.00 |

This is I need :

OrderDate |DebNr|DebName|ItemCode|Descript|Qty|CostPrice|SalePrice|
2015-03-05|0001 |Deb0001|Item-001|Item 001| 3 | 223.10 | 289.00 |
2015-03-05|0001 |Deb0001|Item-002|Item 002| 1 | 75.00 | 110.00 |
2015-03-02|0002 |Deb0002|Item-001|Item 001| 1 | 218.00 | 265.00 |

This is my code :

SELECT TOP (100) PERCENT OrderDate, DebtorNr, DebtorName, ItemCode, Description, Qty, CostPrice, SalePrice
WHERE (OrderDate >= DATEADD(MM, - 1, GETDATE()))
ORDER BY DebtorNr, ItemCode

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How To Separate Period Amount From YTD Amount

Mar 18, 2008

I'm creating a temporary table in a Sql 2005 stored procedure that contains the transaction amount entered in a period <= the period the user enters.
I can return that amount in my result set. But I also need to separate out by account the amounts just in the period = the period the user enters. There can be many entries or no entries in any period. I populate the temporary table this way:

when t.transactiontype=2 then amount * (-1)
else amount
end as transamount,

UrsinusCollege.dbo.gl7accounts a

ursinuscollege.dbo.gl7transactions t on

(t.gl7fiscalperiodsid >= 97
And poststatus in (2,3)
and left(a.accountnumber,5) between '2-110' and '2-999'
And right(a.accountnumber,4) > 7149
And not(right(a.accountnumber,4)) in ('7171','7897')

order by a.accountnumber

Later I create a temporary table that contains budget information. I join these 2 temporary tables to produce my result set. But I don't know how to get the information for just one period. For example, if the user enters 99 as the FiscalPeriod_identifier, I need a separate field that contains only those amounts(if any) that were entered for each account in Period 99.

Can anyone help? It may be that I am not seeing the forest for the trees, but I can't figure it out.

Thanks very much.


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Parameter Selection Of Month, Showing Selected Month And Sum Up To That Month In Another Row

Apr 5, 2008

Hello what I'd like to display the following in a matrix report:

Parameter selected: 3 (March), 2008 (Year)

Monthly TO Summed up
ArtNo March <=March
1210 20,500 50,900
1220 21,200 64,000
1230 15,400 40,300
... ... ...

So, in the rows I have the articles and in the column the selected month via parameter. In another column I need to sum up all monthly values up to the selected month, meaning in this example the sum of jan, feb and mar per article.

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Calculating The Total Amount Of Drugs Prescribed, Total Amount

Aug 10, 2006

Hi all,

I have a table named Prescription that consists of attributes like PatientId, MedicineCode, MedicineName, Prices of different drugs, quantity of different drugs(e.g 1,2,3,10), date .

I would like to get a summary of the total number and amount of different drugs in a specific period, the total amount of each type of drug.

I kindly request for help.

Thanx in advance.


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Jun 20, 2007

I have four sum statements in a procedure and I want to add two more fields that divide thismonthdeclines / thismonthsales, and prevmonthdeclines / premonthsales. I have tried a few ways and I just cant get the syntax right. Can someone help..


(@prevMonthStart datetime, @prevMonthEnd datetime, @thisMonthStart datetime, @thisMonthEnd datetime)



sum(case when O.orderdate between @prevMonthStart and @prevMonthEnd then D.orderlinetotal else 0 end ) as PrevMonthSales,

sum(case when O.orderdate between @thisMonthStart and @thisMonthEnd then D.orderlinetotal else 0 end ) as ThisMonthSales,

sum(case when O.orderdate between @prevMonthStart and @prevMonthEnd then case when O.orderstatus = 'CC Declined' then O.ordertotal end else 0 end) as PrevMonthDeclines,

sum(case when O.orderdate between @thisMonthStart and @thisMonthEnd then case when O.orderstatus = 'CC Declined' then O.ordertotal end else 0 end) as ThisMonthDeclines

from exigo_data_sync.Orders O INNER JOIN
exigo_data_sync.OrderDetail D ON O.OrderID = D.OrderID

where O.orderdate >= @prevMonthStart

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Dividing Counts

Sep 19, 2007

I'm sorry if someone has already posted this but I've looked through a few pages to see if someone had already posted and I couldn't find anything. Anyways, I have two counts and I would like to divide them to get a percentage. Basically I would like to see a percentage of how many tickets are overdue. Here's my SQL:

select count(*)[No. of Tickets Overdue],
when sum(datepart(dd,getdate() - j.report_date))>= pt.due_hours then 'Over Due'
when sum(datepart(dd,getdate() - j.report_date))>= pt.due_hours then 'Over Due'
when sum(datepart(dd,getdate() - j.report_date))>= pt.due_hours then 'Over Due'
when sum(datepart(dd,getdate() - j.report_date))>= pt.due_hours then 'Over Due'
end [Ticket Status]
from whd.priority_type pt
inner join whd.job_ticket j on pt.priority_type_id = j.priority_type_id
where j.status_type_id = '1' and j.deleted = '0' and not j.priority_type_id = '5' and not j.priority_type_id = '6'
group by pt.due_hours
order by pt.due_hours desc
COMPUTE SUM(count(*))

select count(*)[Count2]
from whd.job_ticket jt
where jt.status_type_id = '1' and jt.deleted = '0'-- and not jt.priority_type_id = '5' and not jt.priority_type_id = '6'
--COMPUTE [No. of Tickets Overdue]/[Count2]

I know this isn't correct but basically the commented line at the bottom is what I want to do. I've only been doing SQL statements for a few months now, so I know its novice but any help is appreciated.
Thanks in advance.

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Dividing Up Result Set Into 4 Groups

Feb 1, 2007


I am trying to take my result set and dividing up the results into 4 equal

I have included my code and a partial result set.
All of your input and help is appreciated as I am new at this

select accounts.id, sum(trans.amount) as 'income'
from jom.dbo.accounts
join jom.dbo.trans
on trans.accounts_id = accounts.id
where trans.amount > 0
group by accounts.id

id income

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Dividing Two CAse Statements

Mar 9, 2007

How do I divide these two case statements:

1. sum(CASE WHEN o.sap_apc_indic is null THEN wip.wip_oth_exp_amt
END) Markup,

2. sum(CASE WHEN o.sap_apc_indic is not null THEN wip.wip_oth_exp_amt

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Help Dividing Two Values From Different Tables.

Jul 14, 2007

Hi, I am completly new in ASP , but, due the necessity of the production in the company I work, I need
urgently to learn do deal with scripts and SQL.

I did a script that shows on the production screen the consume tax of the gas instantly on time and it

worked. Now I have to do a table formed by the DIVISION of a valor V from one table by the valor V in

another table, mas the values must be taken at the same time do give me the gas consumed by ton produced.

Explaining in details:

I have two tabels:

1 - PDE#HD#Consumption#RP_Consumption_Gas
2 - PDE#HD#SpeedCurves#Productivity

Inside each of these tables, there are two columms with the same name for both -> V, T. The V columm of the

table PDE#HD#Consumption#RP_Consumption_Gas gives me the cas consumed and the V table of

PDE#HD#SpeedCurves#Productivity the productivity. The V1/V2 graph must be ploted in a 24 hours period. What

happens is that if I do it for 24 houres, I mean, 1 day, the graph is ploted completly wrong in time! If I

do the same thing, but using only one columm, not the division by another, it works! Why this is happening ?

What is wrong with the following script ?? I need to know the answer for this as fast as possible! If you

need more details, I will give.

The script:

DayForm = Request.Form("D1")

Dim hoje
Dim dia

If DayForm = "" OR DayForm = 0 Then hoje = true

If hoje Then _
Set rs = conn.Execute("SELECT

#RP_Consumption_Gas.V/PDE#HD#SpeedCurves#Productivity.V) As Consumo FROM

PDE#HD#Consumption#RP_Consumption_Gas INNER JOIN PDE#HD#SpeedCurves#Productivity ON

PDE#HD#Consumption#RP_Consumption_Gas.T = PDE#HD#SpeedCurves#Productivity.T WHERE

PDE#HD#Consumption#RP_Consumption_Gas.T > DATEADD(dd, -1, GetDate()) ORDER BY

PDE#HD#Consumption#RP_Consumption_Gas.T") _
Else _
Set rs = conn.Execute("SELECT

#RP_Consumption_Gas.V/PDE#HD#SpeedCurves#Productivity.V) As Consumo FROM

PDE#HD#Consumption#RP_Consumption_Gas INNER JOIN PDE#HD#SpeedCurves#Productivity ON

PDE#HD#Consumption#RP_Consumption_Gas.T = PDE#HD#SpeedCurves#Productivity.T WHERE

PDE#HD#Consumption#RP_Consumption_Gas.T > convert(date, DATEADD(dd, " & DayForm & ", GetDate())) AND

PDE#HD#Consumption#RP_Consumption_Gas.T < convert(date, DATEADD(dd, " & DayForm+1 & ", GetDate())) ORDER BY

PDE#HD#Consumption#RP_Consumption_Gas.T ")

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Dividing Two Count() Results

Jul 20, 2005

Just a quick question, how do I divide the results of these two queriestogether ?(select count (*) as ontime from schedule where actualarrivaldate <=estimatearrivaldate)(select count (*) as total from schedule)Thanks for any helpRobert

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Dividing Subtotal In A Matrix

Jan 12, 2007

I want to divide the subtotal of a matrix. Can I do ?

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Percentage, Dividing By Zero … #Error … ???

May 6, 2008

1: I€™m trying to get a percentage value (Left to Target) but I€™m getting €œ#Error€? in the Preview.
This is what I have:
=IIF(Fields!SalesTarget.Value Is Nothing , 0, ((Fields!Rev.Value)-(Fields!SalesTarget.Value))/(Fields!SalesTarget.Value))
How can this not work?
I looked at a previous thread in here but I couldn€™t get anything from there L
Kind Regards

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TOUGH INSERT: Copy Sale Record/Line Items For Duplicate Record

Jul 20, 2005

I have a client who needs to copy an existing sale. The problem isthe Sale is made up of three tables: Sale, SaleEquipment, SaleParts.Each sale can have multiple pieces of equipment with correspondingparts, or parts without equipment. My problem in copying is when I goto copy the parts, how do I get the NEW sale equipment ids updatedcorrectly on their corresponding parts?I can provide more information if necessary.Thank you!!Maria

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Dividing Integers To Produce A Percentage

Aug 27, 2003

I'm embarassed I haven't figured this out already but here goes.

Lets say you need a percentage from dividing two integers for example

"select 2000/4000"

This will produce a zero and I'm assuming that is because of the datatypes involved (the values are coming from columns where the datatype is int)

I've tried converting the values to decimal types but I keep getting overflow erros unless I use very small values.

As always, thanks VERY MUCH for the kind advice.

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T-SQL (SS2K8) :: Dividing A Number With Remainders

Jan 29, 2015

SQL Server (TSQL) how to divide a number by either 2,3,4, or 6 and spreading it across that number of rows depending on what we are dividing the number by where it comes back to the original number...That is confusing I know so let me break it down...

Bill for 143.23 that will be paid out through 2 months...When you divide that by 2, you come back with 71.62, but if you multiply that number by 2, you come back with 143.24, not the amount for the bill...the end result has to be 71.62 for month1 and 71.61 for month2...Basically when there is a remainder, that has to be applied to the first month...

Month1 = 71.62
Month2 = 71.61

Another example...Same amount but have to divide by 6

Month1 = 23.88
Month2 = 23.87
Month3 = 23.87
Month4 = 23.87
Month5 = 23.87
Month6 = 23.87

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Transact SQL :: Establishing Unique Sales ID To Future Sales IDs From Original Sale

May 19, 2015

i am trying to find a way to link an 'initial' Sale ID of a product to 'future' Sale IDs of products that will trace back to the original Sale ID.For example, if I call the original sale , 'Sale ID #123',  how can i link future Sale ID's (child[ren]) and all future sales to the original Sale ID #123? Can I use a Surrogate Key or similar function?

Parent:Sale ID #123
Children: Sale ID # 456,
Sale ID #789,
Sale ID #.....

how I can link the original Sales ID (Parent) to Sale ID's (child[ren]) of future purchases currently existing and in the future going forward?

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Dividing Bytes By 1 Million To Get Megabytes In Select

Feb 13, 2005


I have a table that contains a field containing the total bytes for a file. I am displaying the information in a datagrid but need to display the information in MB. If I divide by 1,000,000 in my select statement as such:SELECT cs_fileSize / 1000000 AS MB, cs_fileSize
FROM t_client_spotsI get the following results:

MB | cs_filesize
1 | 1899602
1 | 1782281

I would like the results to be:

MB | cs_filesize
1.89 | 1899602
1.78 | 1782281

Any suggestions?

Thanks in advance!!

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Dividing Two Numbers Truncates After 4 Decimal Places

Dec 19, 2000

I have two fields - both defined as money.
When I divide them, SQL Server truncates the result after the 4th decimal point.
So SQL Server says: 370.45 / 3,391,517.85 = 0.0001
I want to achieve: 370.45 / 3,391,517.85 = 0.00010922837... etc.
The field the result is going into is defined as decimal(20,18)

I've tried using "cast(1stmoneyfield as decimal(20,18)) / cast(2ndmoneyfield as decimal(20,18)) as dividednumber", but SQL Server reports back errors about null values and Arithmetic overflow and terminates.

I'm at a loss as to how to solve the problem. Any suggestions please?

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T-SQL (SS2K8) :: Dividing Two Rows Within CASE Statement

Jul 28, 2014

I was given the task to come up with a result set based on certain criteria:

Please add one row for each offer code

1) Opt-in rate by offer code: This can be calculated by dividing XXX Inventory with lead / XXX Inventory (A)

The report should read something like below:

Example result set:

Log Date: OfferLetter OfferCode DailyCount

2014-07-20 A XXX Inventory (A) 108
2014-07-20 A XXX Inventory with lead 54
2014-07-20 A XXX Inventory Opt-in Rate: 50%

There are 12 different groupings and OfferLetter A is just one of them.

Below is the code that is written to date:

DECLARE @Start datetime = DATEADD(day, DATEDIFF(day, 0, GETDATE() - 8), 0)
DECLARE @End datetime = DATEADD(day, DATEDIFF(day, 0, GETDATE() - 1) + 1, 0)
DECLARE @Today datetime = DATEADD(day, DATEDIFF(day, 0, GETDATE() - 1), 0);

SELECTDT.OfferCode, DT.OfferCodeDesc

[Code] ....

The issue I'm having is that the values I need to divide by are in fact, a result set from the CASE statement. It's been a long time since I've done anything like this.

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T-SQL (SS2K8) :: Dividing Two Values Of Same Column / Grouping

Aug 4, 2014

I'm trying to divide two values from separate rows. Each row is a separate UNION statement.

2014-08-03 00:00:00.000NKBB (N) - Total Offers 1218 UNION (A)
2014-08-03 00:00:00.000NKBB (N) - With Lead 301 UNION (B)
2014-08-03 00:00:00.000NKBB (N) - Without Leads 917 UNION (C)

In the below example, I would like to divide KBB (N) - With Lead (UNION (B)/KBB (N) - Total Offers UNION (A)

What would be the best way to accomplish this?

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Dividing A Large Flat File Into Small Files

Jul 16, 2007

Hi ,

Is there any method by which I can divide the large flat file into certain number of small files keeping the header in each of the sub files?



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SQL Server 2012 :: Create A New Column By Dividing 2 Columns In The Query?

Mar 12, 2015

I have the following query that displays 2 values. I want to add a column with the percentage ([Providers With Security]

/ProviderTotal) * 100
SELECT (SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT NPI) FROM HS140_Rpt_Tmp_ForSummary WHERE Market = s.Market) AS ProviderTotal,COUNT(DISTINCT NPI) AS [Providers With Security]
FROM HS140_Rpt_Tmp_ForSummary s
WHERE s.[Security] = 'Yes'

How can I do this?

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T-SQL (SS2K8) :: Get Last Record In A Month When No Guarantee Month Exists Of Unique Dates?

Apr 22, 2015

following table global_usage

ID varchar (contains alphanumeric values,not unique)
Territory (combined with ID unique)
Total_Used int can be null
Date_ date (date of the import of the data)
ID Territory Total_Used Date_
ACASC CAL071287 2014-06-01
ACASC CAL071287 2014-08-01
ACASC CAL071288 2014-09-01

[Code] .....

Now the problem,per month I need the most recent value so I'm expecting

ACASC CAL071287 2014-06-01
ACASC CAL071287 2014-08-01
ACASC CAL071288 2014-09-01
ACASC CAL071288 2014-11-01
ACASC CAL071190 2014-12-14
ACASC CAL071286 2015-01-22
ACASC CAL071165 2015-02-01
ACASC CAL071164 2015-03-01

I've tried a few thing like group,having even row_number() but I keep getting wrong results

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T-SQL (SS2K8) :: Convert Number Of Month In Integer Into How Many Year And Month

Sep 10, 2014

This is my table and data

CVID | WorkExperience

I need to convert into this result

CVID | WorkExperience
283873 years
681818 years 5 months
9656812 years 2 months
1135484 months

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Transact SQL :: Displaying Sales Data In A Month By Month Grid

Aug 11, 2015

Most of the data is in one table. 

Company 1-Jan 1-Feb 1-Mar 1-Apr
NON-RELO $295 1 $0 0 $1,400 7 $0 0 $1,195 4 $0 0 $4,700 8 $0 0
AMERICAN ESCROW & CL//AECC $2,650 4 $0 0 $3,720 8 $0 0 $2,339 4 $0 0 $2,460 2 $0 0
American Internation//AIRCO $9,131 30 $2,340 9 $10,927 35 $2,340 9 $9,142 31 $2,600 10 $18,406 54 $3,900 15
American Internation//AIR $20,611 63 $1,820 8 $23,892 75 $1,040 4 $35,038 111 $3,120 12 $3,778 16 $1,560 6
American Internation//Ab $64,248 206 $6,240 24 $59,800 187 $5,200 20 $87,115 264

I did something similar doing just record counts but this is far more complicated. I'm at a loss that this is even possible.

 SUM(CASE datepart(month, tbFile.openedDate) WHEN 1 THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS 'January', 

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SQL 2012 :: Log File Data Transfer Amount (MB) Versus Data File Transfer Amount (MB)

Mar 19, 2014

In the full recovery model, if i run a transaction that inserts 10MB of data into a table, then 10 MB of data is moved in the data file. Does this mean then that the log file will grow by exactly 10MB as well?

I understand that all transactions are logged to the log file to enable rollback and point in time recovery, but what is actually physically stored in the log file for this transactions record? Is it the text of the command from the transaction or the actual physical data from that transaction?

I ask because say if I have two drives, one with 5MB/s write speed for the log file and one with 10MB/s write speed for the data file, if I start trying to insert 10 MB of data per second into the table, am I going to be limited to 5MB/s by the log file drive, or is SQL server not going to try and log all 10 MB each second to the log file?

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