Do DBAs Need OS Administrator Rights To Manage SQL Server

Mar 28, 2008

Do DBAs need OS Administrator rights to Manage SQL Server? I suspect the answer is no, but, the DBAs tell me that they cannot do their jobs without OS admin rights.

Can someone point me to documentation detailing what OS level rights are needed by SQL Server DBAs?

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Administrator Group Permissions On Server For DBAs

Nov 18, 2015

We have an audit happening on our DB environments. All are SQL2008R2. One of the risk highlighed is DBAs are also part of 'Administrators' group on the server. The DBAs having sysadmin (ie full control)on SQL server is not a risk but DBAs included in 'Administators' group is termed as risk.

My question is do the DBAs really need to be Administrator on the box apart from Sysadmins??. If yes,What are the scenarios in which DBA group also need to be an administrator on the box to manage daily admin activities. 

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Installing SQL Server Native Client Requires Administrator Rights

Jun 26, 2007

Hi All,
We're deploying an app. using a MSSQL Server 2005 (Std. Ed.).
In order to install an ODBC driver for the DB, we've made the installation of Sqlncli.msi part of the package.
It will not run - unless user has Admin priv.s on the klient PC targeted.
Does any one have any experience w. other ways of installing the sql native client (like MDAC) - og just an idea about circumventing the Admin rights problem?


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Administrator Rights

Aug 8, 2007

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Create DB Without Administrator Rights

Dec 18, 2007

Im working on a setup/deployment project where i have to attatch a database to sqlexpress.
The problem im faceing is that i cant use a Trusted connection as the user doesn't have administrator rights.
Is there a way of creating a user when sqlexpress is installed (this is done as administrator) that have the right to create/attatch databases to the sqlexpress instance?

What roles does that user need? Dbcreator is enought?


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SQL Server Administrator And Local Administrator

Nov 22, 2005

Please help! I am new in SQL Server 2000 Administration. My manager had ask me to manage a SQL Server, but Windows Adminstrator refuse to give me Local Admin rights. I only have sa account to login to databases. I don't know any excuses or reasons to give to Windows Adminstrator so that he can give me the local admin rights. If any one have this answer, please help. Thank you.


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Recommendation Requests: Learning MS SQL Server For Sybase DBAs

Feb 14, 2006


I have been working as Sybase DBA for 5+ years, and I would very much like to add MS SQL Server to my resume. Given the common roots of the two RDBMS, it seems that the learning curve would not be as sharp as if I were going to learn Oracle or DB2. Can anyone out there know of any books that are geared toward learning MS SQL Server from a Sybase DBAs perspective?

Thank you,

- Chris Merz

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Domain Administrator Vs. Local Administrator Group

Jul 16, 2002

We are trying to set up SQLAgent Proxy account. If the SQLServer service id is a domain admin, do we still have to add it to the local administrators group?


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I Need To Give DBA Full Admin Rights To SQL 2005 Without OS Windows Rights, Can Anyone Help Please!!

Jul 12, 2007

The DBA at our location is demanding local admin (windows) right's to the box so he can function. Right now when he logs in i have given him right's to the inetpub directory, sql directory, i have set him as a sysadmin on sql2005 and gone into the http:\localhost
eports and set him up as a system manager and under site priveledges set him as a sys admin. When he tries to login and configure the report server he gets the following error:

Title-Reporting services configuration manager

Error-There was an error refreshing the UI. bla bla bla

A WMI error has occurred and no additional error information is availiable

Title-Reporting services configuration manager

Error-There was an error while switching panels. The most likely cause is an error retrieving WMI properties. bla bla bla

A WMI error has occurred and no additional error information is availiable

then when he's in sql server 2005 surface area configuation

Title-Surface Area Configuration

Error-Access denied (

Is there any documentation or anythign anyone can tell me that i can do to give this DBA full access to configure and admin the SQL portion of his system without giving him admin rights to the OS???

Please help!!

Thanks for any time anyone has taken to review this thread!!

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Challenge To All DBAs

Aug 26, 2005

I have a challenge for all DBAs. I am getting INCONSISTENT TIMINGS for Querry Results from a SQL Server 2000 Standard Edition on a HP Proliant 2 CPU Server with 4 GB RAM and SCSI DrivAFAe.
Our Database is 72 million records and have 8 columns. Most of them are indexed, which are used in the “Where…� clause. In addition to independent indexes, we also have a covering index for 3 most frequently searched fields.
My challenge is that out of the 7000 odd queries that hit the server with various search conditions in a Week, 5% of the queries return result in less than a minute.
The same query at a different Time or with a different Value, returns results inconsistently. For e.g. searching FirstName = “Annaâ€?; LastName =  “Williamsâ€? returns result in 0.01 sec. Searching for FirstName “Benjaminâ€?; LastName = “Watsonâ€? returns in 5 minutes.
Any kind of help is welcome and will be highly appreciated.
- Santy            
san.rely@gmail.comNote: Edited to fix white on white font. 

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Where Are All Of The Production DBAs?

Apr 21, 2002

Where are all of the Production DBAs?

Is there such a thing as a Production DBA in the SQL Server world or is this an outdated concept? Is there a market for people who specialize in database administration as distinct from software development or general network admin? I believe there are such people in the Oracle world, is the SQL Server world different in this regard? Can anyone give me suggestions about how to go about filling such a position?

I am a New York City area employer seeking to fill a position that I think would be ideal for a DBA with 3-5 years of experience in a production environment. The salary would be somewhere between $50K and $60K.

The position involves administering a SQL Server cluster and SAN running our core business application, plus several ancillary SQL Server installations. The application that we are implementing is a third-party product, so no real development is being done at our site. It is, however, fairly complex and requires customization and we do have significant reporting and EDI requirements, so strong T-SQL skills are required.

We are a medium-sized operation, with 900 employees and an eight person IT Dept; the organization’s main focus is insurance not IT, so candidates with a lot of experience might not find it challenging enough, but I think it would be an excellent opportunity for a candidate who might be stuck in the back of a large IT Dept. who wants to move up to a more visible position in a smaller organization.

I would think that there would be a lot of people in this category and, indeed, we have received a lot of resumes, but few of them are from the type of candidate that I had in mind. Most of the resumes are from people whose main focus is development or, if they have had experience in a production environment, have had 10+ years and are seeking salaries way beyond what we can pay. As for the former, I would not automatically reject someone whose prior experience was as a developer—and these skills would certainly be useful to us--I would just be worried that they wouldn’t be happy if they weren’t spending all of their time developing.

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Any DBAs Looking For Work?

Sep 21, 2007


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How To Determine Dbas?

Jul 23, 2005

for sql servers how can i determine who [what accounts] are the dbas?

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All DBAs Read This. SQl Worm

Jan 25, 2003

worm attack on SQL Servers 1434 port.

Read the links below.


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Systems Admin Trying To Understand A DR Scenario And Setup... DBAs Help!

Oct 29, 2007

Hi all,

I am a Windows Sysadmin (Active Directory, infrastructure, etc) with light knowledge of SQL 2005. I can set up the database cluster on a shared storage device, I know how to get the heartbeat, do simple backups, etc.

My question pertains to disaster recovery. Right now, we use a product called DoubleTake to copy our database over and 'assume' the identity of the failed SQL server. There are two problems with this -- cost of the license of DoubleTake, and additionally, is it the best method?

I have read before, that you don't need to be a DBA to set up a DR scenario for SQL. My goal really is to have two databases -- one in our production location, and one in a DR location that is pretty much cold (for licensing issues).

If our production database should go down, then it would fail over to the DR site.

What is involved in doing this, what type of steps are required, do you NEED a DBA to manage this, or can a sysadmin (such as myself) take care of it? Also, is it worth having DoubleTake to do this job, and does it do a better or worse job, are there limitations, etc.

Thank you for any replies you can give, and please keep in mind that I'm far from a DBA .

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SQL Server Web Data Administrator

Mar 3, 2004

I've installed this on my server and I can control a SQL Database located on a remote server (networked together via Cross Over) but when accessing from the Web it keeps prompting me with a Windows Log In.

Does anyone know how I can prevent this so that the web page displays and we can enter our SQL information to log in using SQL Authentication.


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SQL Server 7 Administrator Password Bug

Jan 13, 2000

I read in Computer Weekly (Jan 6th 2000) about a bug in SQL Server 7. This means that any user can get hold of the administrator (sa) password.

Does anyone know anything more about this ??


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SQL Server Web Data Administrator

Mar 17, 2004

The SQL Server Web Data Administrator enables you to easily manage your SQL Server data, wherever you are. Using its built-in features, you can do the following from Microsoft Internet Explorer or your favorite Web browser:

1. Create and edit databases in SQL Server 2000 or Microsoft SQL Server 2000 Desktop Engine (MSDE 2000)
2. Perform ad-hoc queries against databases and save them to your file system
3. Export and import database schema and data
4. Manage users and roles
5. View, create and edit stored procedures

Whether you are doing Microsoft Windows or Web development, or just need remote access to data for yourself or your clients, the Web Data Administrator is the perfect complement to your toolbox.

So Get it HERE (

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How To Manage Sql Server 2005

Jul 25, 2005

What admin tool do I use to create databases, stored procedures, etc in the Sql Server 2005 CTP?

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How Can I Manage SQL Server Remotely?

Apr 15, 2008


I have SQL server admin id and password, and I want to do some create/delete new database, or mimium do some select statements. What do I need to install on my workstation in order to connect to SQL server remotely? What's the equivalent tools as SQLPlus in Oracle?


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How To Login To SQL Server Web Data Administrator?

Aug 3, 2004

I have installed Microsoft SQL Server 2000 Desktop Engine (MSDE 2000) and the SQL Server Web Data Administrator. After I run the SQL Server Web Data Administrator it
is asking me for login and password. How can I determine my login and password? Thank you.

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SQL Server Web Data Administrator Question

Feb 10, 2005

Is it possible to install this on a remote web server and set it to use SQL accounts? I installed this on my host and it keeps prompting me for a windows user name and password.

Any instructions on how to do this would be appreciated.

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Problem With SQL Server Web Data Administrator

Nov 23, 2004

I'm so sorry if this is a stupid question. I'm experienced PHP/MySQL developer, but this is my first SQL Server project, I'm really not familiar with Microsoft development tools at all. I have Visual Studio .NET installed. I've just downloaded and installed SQL Server Web Data Administrator. There was no errors during the installation, but when I'm trying to use it to connect to the database I had set up on the hosting server, I get the error message below:

Server Error in '/webadmin' Application.

COM object with CLSID {10020200-E260-11CF-AE68-00AA004A34D5} is either not valid or not registered.
Description: An unhandled exception occurred during the execution of the current web request. Please review the stack trace for more information about the error and where it originated in the code.

Exception Details: System.Runtime.InteropServices.COMException: COM object with CLSID {10020200-E260-11CF-AE68-00AA004A34D5} is either not valid or not registered.

Source Error:

An unhandled exception was generated during the execution of the current web request. Information regarding the origin and location of the exception can be identified using the exception stack trace below.

Stack Trace:

[COMException (0x80040154): COM object with CLSID {10020200-E260-11CF-AE68-00AA004A34D5} is either not valid or not registered.]
SqlWebAdmin.databases.Page_Load(Object sender, EventArgs e) +28
System.Web.UI.Control.OnLoad(EventArgs e) +55
System.Web.UI.Control.LoadRecursive() +27
System.Web.UI.Page.ProcessRequestMain() +731

Version Information: Microsoft .NET Framework Version:1.1.4322.573; ASP.NET Version:1.1.4322.573

If anyone knows what is the problem and can point me in the right direction, I'd really appreciate.


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Accessing SQL Server With ODBC Administrator

Apr 10, 2008

There is a SQL Server databse installed in my machine.
I want to modify a data in a table.
How can I access the data with ODBC Administration?


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Lost Ability To Manage SQL Server At Server Explorer In Visual Studio .NET

Dec 27, 2004

Good day all,

I am no longer able to manage SQL Server at the server explorer in Visual studio. i.e. create, modify and delete for Diagrams, Tables, Views, Stored Procs & Functions. Further more, it missing Diagram and function folder. I can only view or read data.

But I can access local MSDE as usual.

Whats I have done wrong? Please Help. Thanks.

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Using SQL Server Management Studio Tools To Manage Dbs On SQL Server Express Edition

Apr 25, 2008

Hopefully a simple question: Is it possible to use Maintenance Plans created on SQL Server Management Studio (installed as part of an instance of SQL Server 2005 Standard Ed.) to back up databases running on an instance of SQL Server Express Edition with Advanced Services? I don't need directions, just whether or not it is permitted.

I've been able to create the plans including establishing connections to from SSMS to the the SQL Express instance, but they keep erroring out. I just need to know if this is actually permitted since Maintenance Plans are not available on Management Studio Express Edition.

Thank you in advance for your help.

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Manage Users In SQL Server 2000

Jun 13, 2006

I coding an ASP.NET app. I'm getting some error messages about the ASPNET user can't access the DB. How can I manage a user (specifically add one) in SQL Server 2000? Thanks in advance for your help!

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Manage SQL Server Message In 2005

Dec 29, 2007


Where can find the Manage SQL Server Message in SQL 2005. Just like the one in Enterprise Manager SQL 2000 under the tools menu? Thanks

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How About Getting A Dedicated Server To Run And Manage SQL Jobs

Jun 28, 2007

Hi all:

Give me some feedback.

In my company, we have 10+ sql servers and many sql jobs running on every SQl server.

What about the idea that running all jobs on a dedicated sql servers?

at least 2 advantages

1.easy to managment

2.if agent server down, we restart the server not to impact the downtime of the production server.

any suggestion is welcome.

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How To Connect Remote SQL Server Using Microsoft SQL Server Web Data Administrator

Jun 18, 2004

I want to connect to company's SQL Server from home and to connect to home's SQL server from company remotely.
The new released SQL Server Web Data Administrator by Microsoft seems solving my issue.
I use it to connect to different SQL servers in different domains company wide successfully, but I failed to connect to home from company( I have static IP on the home server).
Also I want to know how to configure the sever name if I want to connect to company's SQL Server from home. The company SQL server is inside the firewall with a internal IP. How it works?

Any ideas?


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SQL Server Admin 2014 :: SSMS Will Only Run As Administrator

May 28, 2015

After installing SSMS on some computers - the only way we can get SSMS to run correctly is to run it as the administrator. Is there a way where you don't have to do that? These end users are logging as themselves and have accounts in SQL Server all set up - but SSMS will only launch for them if we right click and select "run as administrator".After doing some digging - it seems that this is a common problem out there.

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Sql Server Driver Missing From Odbc Administrator

May 3, 2007

Sql server driver missing from odbc administrator;

Software; SQL Server 2005 SP2 installed on W23K SP1.

Under Drivers tab in odbc administrator the sql server that uses sqlsrv32.dll, is missing. All the other drivers that comes with W2K3 Service pack1 is there. In addition i can see the SQL Native Client(SQLNCLI.DLL).

I have an application that has to use SQL Server Driver. How can i get it back?

Hope someone can help me?

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SQL Server - Manage Multiple Databases With Same Schema

May 10, 2005

I am using SQL Server 2000.
I am working on a project where there will be multiple databases on a single instance of SQL Server. Each database will have the exact same schema but will be accessed by different groups of users.
What is the easiest way to sychronize changes between the databases, so that if I add a column to one database, it will be reflected in the other databases. If I add, remove, or alter a stored procedure, I want the change to be made in the other databases. I want the data in each database to remain isolated. In other words, I do not want replication of the data, only the schema of the databases. I would like to have a single "master" database that I use to make any schema changes and all the other databases be schema mirrors of this database each with their own data.
I have looked into SQL Server replication, but this didn't seem to work the way I wanted and I wasn't able to publish column changes etc.

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