Document Map Limits-inconsistent Behavior
Feb 27, 2008
In the preview view in Visual Studio, I can see all of the items in my document map (over 100 labels). After deployment, only the first 30 items are displayed and I can not scroll down to see the missing items. Is this a known bug? is there any workaround?
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Jan 15, 2008
High all,
I have a very simple SSIS package that is moving data from a DB2 database to a Teradata box. I've run it around 10 times, twice it pushed data over, the balance of the time, it executes with no error, but moves nothing over. In the "incomplete" runs, a command line box pops up for half a second, then the package ends.
Does anyone have ideas as to why this behavior is occurring?
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Aug 6, 2006
I apologize in advance if this is something already addressed elsewhere (if so - please point me in that direction).
I have created a really simple report that allows 'drill-down' at the group level. To this report I also selected the 'Repeat header rows on each page' and 'Header should remain visible while scrolling' features and all worked as expected after deploying.
I then added a Document Map referencing the group level and that too worked within the VS environment. VS displayed a page that contained the requested group in plain view and I could 'drill down' as expected.
But when I deployed the report and subsequently pulled it up in IE I noticed a slightly different behavior in that when selecting an entry from the document map, the start of that group got hidden behind the fixed header such that what was visible was perhaps 1 or 2 group records down. I had to scroll up to see the start of the group I had selected from the document map and then drill down from there.
Removing both the "Repeat header..." and "Header should remain ...." allows me to select a group from the document map (which is always at the top) - but in doing so I lose the fixed header feature.
Does anyone have any ideas what I am doing wrong?
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Mar 3, 2004
Can anyone tell me what would happen if you install more RAM on a server than SQL 2000 can handle?
We have a SQL 2000 Standard edition server that is getting a RAM upgrade and we are wondering if we exceed the 2Gb limit whether the machine will crash or SQL will just get on and use 2Gb leaving the rest for the other processes / OS etc ?
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May 27, 1999
I'm working with a table that has a very large number of rows is there a way to limit the rows that are returned from a query, for example I only want the first 100 rows of data.
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Oct 23, 2004
On MS SQL Server MSDE what is the limit for a database size, or better yet, where can I view it and what if I need more?
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Aug 5, 2005
we want to execute store procedure in paralel up to 250 times
procedure called from diffrent connections and create 4 temp tables during execution
so in total me might have 1000 temp tables with 5000 rows in each table.
I can place tempdb on separate drive and increase to any size.
Would 1000 temp tables be problem?
Thank you
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Aug 1, 1998
Is it possible / advisable to use Sql Server as the backend database for handling 40 million transactions,
taking around 8 GB space?
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Apr 11, 2007
In Oracle & Sybase you can set login resource limits to restrict, time of day, number of i-o's, cpu use etc for any login, at the login method. All actions done from a resource limit constrained login inherit the constraints.
Is there any way to implment this with any MS SQL Server version from 200-2005/SP2?
Before anyone answers, please do not suggest set rowcount etc.
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Feb 11, 2004
Where can I find info on how much data SQL Server can handle? What is too big of a table in terms of records? When (in terms of table/db size)does processing from a web site using querys and joins begin to bog down?
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Mar 7, 2008
I have a query below that does not work:
rc_display,levelid, AccountID, Customer_Number_Tby, rc_series, LanguageID, level_description, leveloptionsid,
rc_unique, levelrcid, ring, ring_eng_block, description, description_long, component, Company_name, logo_location, AccessType, login_Name, account_pin, cb_comments, Emblem_DNF
from tmpKevin
group by
rc_display,levelid, AccountID, Customer_Number_Tby, rc_series, LanguageID, level_description, leveloptionsid,
rc_unique, levelrcid, ring, ring_eng_block, description, description_long, component,company_name, logo_location, AccessType, login_Name, account_pin, cb_comments, Emblem_DNF
Having Count(rc_display) > 1
However if I strip out a few columns:
rc_display,levelid, AccountID, Customer_Number_Tby, rc_series, LanguageID, level_description, leveloptionsid,
rc_unique, levelrcid, ring, ring_eng_block, description, description_long, component, Company_name
from tmpKevin
group by
rc_display,levelid, AccountID, Customer_Number_Tby, rc_series, LanguageID, level_description, leveloptionsid,
rc_unique, levelrcid, ring, ring_eng_block, description, description_long, component,company_name
Having Count(rc_display) > 1
This works. I work on MS SQLServer 2000. Is there a field limit with the group by clause?
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Jul 12, 2006
I have a database with 10,000 records and I want to just see record1000 - 1025 is there an easy way to do this with a query. I have foundinfo for my SQL using limits but it does not work with SQL Server 2000.Please help.Thanks in advance.
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Feb 25, 2000
I have designed a datawarehouse and I have
tremendous doubt about SQL 7.0 capabilities.
I expect to receive more than 20.000.000 into
a single table and to be honest I do not know if
I will get a reasonable query-response time.
My Server is a Toshiba Lince with a 500 Mhz processor
and 256 Mb of RAM memory. My hard disks are IBM ones.
Can anybody say me something?
Thank you in advance.
Marcos Sá
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Jun 30, 2004
Hi ,
I have 4 GB db with 6 tables,
table A parent of table B with cascade
table B parent of C,D,E,F with cascade
Today I deleted range of values(7000 rows) from table A, but NOT ALL data
deleted from B,C,D,E,F
Is any limitation for cascade delete
Db set to simple recovery, no errors deleting data
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May 15, 2001
Im curious about how much data SQL Server 2000 can handle. Where does SQL Server stand today comparing to Oracle? It would be interesting to hear views and experiences from people here on swynk on SQL Server 2000. How big are the biggest tables, how many rows and speed etc. When is it time to consider using Oracle, if ever, instead of SQL Server 2000?
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Apr 27, 2006
HiWe received the following in an email from a third-party supplier (whonaturally has a solution for the problem as described). It sounds likegibberish to me, but does anyone have any comments?<quote>SQL in its current incarnation hits a performance brick wall when atable contains more than about 75 million rows. This is not aconfiguration limit as the table could be grown a lot larger but theperformance issue generates problems for ??????; primarily duringsearch and retrieval of archived objects; although if the databaseengine is being heavily hit for retrieval the archiving process canslow down as well.</quote>Chloe CrowderBritish Library
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Jul 25, 2007
I'm new using SQL 2005 Express
I'm planning to use SQL Server Express 2005 for a asp net web application for a video rental store.
Is there a concurrent user conection limit that I should care?
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Aug 8, 2007
Hi all,
I am migrating a data warehouse from SQL 2000 to 2005. So far, I have been able to convert all DTS's on the old server and most tables and users. I am having problems with some of my views, though. A view which involves over 5 tables, and some sub-views of those tables runs perfectly on SQL 2000, but on 2005 I get a Query Timed out Message. A typical run of this view can return from 200-1000 records. My guess is that it gets stuck somewhere in the subviews it has to run. So I wonder, what are the limitations of SQL 2005 concerning Queries and sub-queries (how many subqueries can a query have without timing out?). I mean, I would expect 2005 to have more processing capacity than SQL 2000 (on which this query runs perfectly). I have run some queries which don't run on 2000 but do run on 2005 and return over 4000 records.
Or is there some setting I haven't adjusted, like the time it takes for a query to time out? How would I adjust this, then?
Many thanks for the info.
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Jan 25, 2006
Two simple questions:
1. Im insterting records in a recently created EDB databse for WM 5.0, but only 16 records can be witten, does any body knows where is the property to accept more than only 16 records???
2. is there ann RAPI for manage EDB. because my aplication use a lot the RAPI that comes for CEDB, but what about EDB??? does it exist?
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Jul 27, 2006
Hi, can someone explain which are the limits o maximum values that SQLServer Express permit?
I dont see anywhere a compare table in which it says, 10 concurrent connections, etc.
Thanks in advance.
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Jul 2, 2007
Hi folks. I'm trying to clear up some licensing confusion I"ve come across. First, if I use MIRROR on SS SE I am limited to a single REDO thread and Sycn mode. I see that on the Web. Will the singel REDO thread hurt the ability for the Secondary to keep up? Any one done any tests?
My confusion comes from a document that came across my desk a long time ago that showed that if you use MIRROR on SQL Server SE you are limited to 4 processors for the entire cluster. So if you wanted a balanced failover you would have to have two 2-ways in essence. Is this true? Is it not longer true? I can't seem to find any mention of this....did someone give me bad advice? Help! Thanks.
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Mar 20, 2007
I am looking at the failover options for SQL Server 2005 and the mirroring option as documented in Using Database Mirroring with Office SharePoint Server and Windows SharePoint Services seems to cover this however I have a concern about the recommended limit of 10 databases.
Has anyone had any experience with this, i.e. can it support more and also what sizing limits would be expected (I assume as it uses transactions this is not an issue).
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Feb 11, 1999
I need some advise on how to check the consistensy of a DateTime attribute.
Some of my Datetime field(s) won't read as a NULL and some does for example:
Select FileNo,DateReceived,DateEntered,DateFU from RECEIVING
where DateReceived is not null and DateEntered is not null and DateFU is not null
I should get several records but the result is zero.
Is there any articles out there about DateTime ?
I appreciate any help.
Rey Caunca
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Apr 11, 2006
HiI have an oddity. If I run a piece of SQL:SELECT EmployeeNo, MailToFROM ST_PPS.dbo.Employeewhere AddedOn BETWEEN '01-jan-2006' and '01-feb-2006'AND MailTo NOT IN ( '3', 'x')order by MailToI get the resultsEmployeeNo MailTo----------- ------608384 1606135 1608689 1609095 1607163 1606165 1606472 1608758 1.....for 2594 rowsIf I create a stored procedure with the same SQL:-CREATE PROCEDURE dbo.PPS_testASSELECT EmployeeNo, MailToFROM ST_PPS.dbo.Employeewhere AddedOn BETWEEN '01-jan-2006' and '01-feb-2006'AND MailTo NOT IN ( '3', 'x')order by MailToGOand run it:-EXEC PPS_testI get three extra rowsEmployeeNo MailTo----------- ------607922 NULL606481 NULL605599 NULL606316 1608871 1607427 1608795 1.....for 2597Does anyone know what is happening here? It appears that the clause:-MailTo NOT IN ( '3', 'x')excludes NULL in raw SQL, but includes NULL (correctly I think) in astored procedure.Chloe CrowderThe British Library
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Jul 20, 2005
I get an error every so often with a DTS package on SQL 7. Error asfollows.The connection is currently being used by a task. The connectioncannot beclosed or re-used.This doesn't happen all the time and I can sometimes (more often thannot) get the DTS package to complete in it's entirety.To explain what the DTS package does...Truncate tables in reporting environment(several in a batch)Clear Transaction LogsCopies data from live environment into CSV (for speed)Copies data from CSV files into tables previously truncated.Builds up a table based on the data copied (for reporting)Clear Transaction logsI'm using a pretty basic set up, Connection (1st DB) -> Transformationto CSV -> Transformation to Connection (2nd DB). It seems to fail oneither the first or second transformation at random (?).I've checked the transformations so that they close the connectionafterwards so it should in theory be releasing the CSV files for thenext step. I suspect that there is a timing issue with this. I cancopy the CSV files over, but this is a little sloppy and I wouldprefer not to do it.Any ideas how to find a tidy way to ensure these are closed bothbefore and afterwards ?ThanksRyan
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May 5, 2008
I am building a report with a recursive hierarchy for drill-down purposes. The hierarchy is built by querying a SSAS OLAP cube and defining a details grouping for the table/matrix.
Every time I run the report one or more of the leaf members in the recursive hierarchy "jumps" up to the highest level. First I thought that this may be due to the fact that the leafs parents are not part of the returned dataset. However, the queries makes sense and the "offending" members does never contain any data (while the query should return only non empty members) which is why this is a very strange behavior. Furthermore, the "offending" member differs between different executions of the report, despite the fact that the parameters is exactly the same and the cube is untouched between executions.
I am actually pressing "View Report", waiting for the report to execute and when I press "View Report" again, the returned datasets seem to differ, yielding different "offending" members in the report.
When I run the queries individually in the Data-tab in BIDS, the returned datasets are always the same. Execution caching is turned off for the report.
Checking against SSRS's ExecutionLog, the RowCount for consecutive executions with the exact same parameters differ. For example, RowCount:
Why does SSRS behave such inconsistently? Any tips or tricks?
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May 17, 2001
I nested a case to 15 levels and got an error message saying I could only nest it to 10. Is there a way to increse this??
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May 1, 2008
Hello all.
For my first foray into this forum I have a tricky one....
We have a table in our database called tblJob with two columns:
jobNbr VARCHAR (5) (This would be, for example '12323')
When a new job is created (i.e. job Number 12323), the client wants a trigger on this table that creates a new table called tblJobData12323.
Does anyone know how I can accomplish this?
Thank you in advance.
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Dec 6, 2005
Is there a limit to how much text you can concatenate (other than datatype limits, of course)? For example, if you write:SELECT 'This is some text from: ' + Convert(char(15), SomeFieldName01)+ 'some more text' + Convert(char(25), SomeFieldName02) + 'yet moretext.' As BigNoteFROM TableIs there a limit on how much you can concatenate into that big notefield, meaning is there a limit other than the size of the data type?
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Jul 20, 2005
In SQL Server 2000, I've got a rather lengthy stored procedure, whichcreates a lot of temporary tables as it processes down through a fewsets of data.When testing it through Query Analyzer, it runs fine (a bit slowthough). But when I try to run it through the ade, it doesn't doanything. It runs through the procedure in milliseconds but doesn'tseem to ever actually start it. If I change the calling code in theade VBA to refer to a different SP, it will call/run the different SP,so I don't think its the way I call it.Is there a limit to the number of lines a stored procedure can have,or some other limit on memory or transactions?
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Jun 26, 2007
Hi everybody,
I know that SQL2005 Express has 1 GB memory limitation.
Well, if my server has 2 GB RAM and I have other applications (without memory constraints) how does this relate to the SQL constraints ?
Can I still run SQL2005 Express if other applications exaust only 1 GigaByte of memory ?
Thank you in advance.
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Jun 3, 2008
What are the limits of SQL Server 2005 Express. I have 500,000 records and 60 users. Is this acceptable?
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Apr 7, 2008
I have a database hosted by GoDaddy. Recently they made some changes to the interface and upgraded to SQL Server 2008. One or the other has made it impossible to access my data in one table.
The table is quite large in terms of the numbers of elements. Each row describes a dog and all the elements are components of the description. There are (I would guess) more than 50 elements all together.
When I try to search the database, the query form goes beyond the top and bottom of the page. I can scroll the database but the search tool (which lies atop the data) does not scroll. The result is that I can't activate the search.
I've tried about 10 machines. All with IE6 display this fault. Machines with IE7 do not. I've tried various screen resolutions on the machines with IE6. That doesn't help.
I've checked other tables in the database. No problem.
In short, there's nothing I can do. I can't edit my data and GoDaddy says, "Tough."
Is there a limit on the number of columns (elements) in a table in SQL Server 2008?
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