Does Boolean DataType Exists In SQL Server

Jan 16, 2005

Does boolean data type exists in Sequel if y how??? if N y???

How can i opt for boolean ( nearest ) ?

I've used Bit with not null

i want 2 display column of bit datatype into Checkbox .. Is is possible??

Whenver i bind the datatype of bit for checkbox it is throwing an error??


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Boolean Datatype

Feb 9, 1999

Can someone tell me if there is a boolean datatype in the SQL Server???
like yes/no not 1 or 0...


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Boolean: {[If [table With This Name] Already Exists In [this Sql Database] Then [ Don't Create Another One] Else [create It And Populate It With These Values]}

May 20, 2008

the subject pretty much says it all, I want to be able to do the following in in code):
{[If [table with this name] already exists [in this sql database] then [ don't create another one] else [create it and populate it with these values]}
How would I do this?

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Boolean Calculated Fields In SQL Server

Feb 15, 2004

This may seem amazing and a stupid question but:

Consider there is a parent table A and child table B and we want to write a query that has some fields from A and a calculated field which indicates whether A has any child record in B or not. The Value 1 means Yes and 0 means No. Has anybody an idea to write this in SQL Server?

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No Boolean Data Type In SQL Server

Dec 3, 2007

I am trying to find boolean data type in SQL Server. but i didn't find.
is this data type available or not.

I want to make a column true or false


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SQL Server 2012 :: Default Value For Boolean Parameter

Sep 23, 2015

I have got a stored procedure with a parameter on a boolean field. When the parameter is passed down I must retrieve records according to the boolean value. That is if it is true retrieving records with the true in that field, if it is false retrieving records with false. And if no parameters is passed down just retrieve all records either with true or false. I have done something similar with integer fields and it works but in that case I wasn't able to make it working.

See at the following sample I am expecting when executing the 3rd time my below to return 4 and it returns 0

( Id int, Name char(30), YesNo bit )
INSERT INTO #temp (Id, Name,YesNo)
Select 1, 'a', 0
INSERT INTO #temp (Id, Name,YesNo)

[Code] ....

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How Would You Set Up Boolean With SQL Server 2005 Express And Vb2005

Dec 19, 2006

Im used to using access and now im gonna switch to sql server 2005 express. My program is coded in Visual basic 2005 where all connection is made to the access database by oledb.

Now when im creating the database in management studio express, ive noticed that there is no boolean datatype, but instead there is a bit datatype.

Is this the one to use, and would the bit datatype accept true/false values when sending sql commands? In visual basic2005 i think that it uses 0 for true and -1 for false or something like that, so when switchin database i would have to recode quite a bit.

Or is simpler than this?

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Does It Exist A Boolean Data Type In SQL SERVER ?

Jan 3, 2007

Hello. A question please. To define a column of a table in SqlServer, Does it exist a boolean data type ?


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SQL Server 2008 :: Expression Of Non-Boolean Type Specified In Context Where Condition Is Expected

Apr 10, 2015

I am getting an error when running this query in SSRS- "an expression of non-boolean type specified in a context where a condition is expected , near ',' " on the following query in the WHERE clause section.



what I need to change in the WHERE clause to rectify this error ?

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T-SQL (SS2K8) :: Varchar Datatype Field Will Ignore Leading Zeros When Compared With Numeric Datatype?

Jan 28, 2015

Need to know if the varchar datatype field will ingore leading zeros when compared with numeric datatype ?

create table #temp
code varchar(4) null,
id int not null
insert into #temp

[Code] .....

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Numeric Datatype To Ssis Variable Datatype Conversion Problem

Apr 24, 2008

Good afternoon,

I have an issue with an ssis variable datatype.

The scenario is as follows:

I have a stored procedure:

PROCEDURE [dbo].[sp_newTransaction]

@sourceSystem varchar(50),



insert into scn_transaction (sourceSystemName) values(@sourceSystem);

SELECT @txOut = @@identity

Whose purpose is to perform an insert into a table and return me the identity value of the inserted record, which I'll then use throughout the rest of my package. The identity column in the inserted table is numeric(18,0).

I execute the stored proc with the following sql with an OLE DB connection manager:

exec sp_newTransaction ?, ?

The first parameter is a string variable from earlier in the package, and the second is the output parameter. I have the following parameter mappings to the execute sql task:

User:ystxId output numeric 1 -1
User:ourceSys input varchar 0 -1

The proc is correctly called, and the row insesrted, however I get a type conversion error when SSIS attempts to map the return parameter to my package variable... I've tried all sorts of combonations, and can't seem to get it to execute.

At one point I wasn't returning a numeric, but rather an int from the stored proc, and all was well until I went to use the variable in a derived column later in the package, and the type was converted quite incorrectly (a 1 was 77799789080 or some such), indicating a type conversion error likely related to the encoding of the number.

I'd like to keep the datatypes as numeric and make ssis use those - any pointers are greatly appreciated as to what type my package variable should be to allow proper assignment of a sql server numeric type to it.

Thanks much,


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Convert Char Datatype To Datetime Datatype

Sep 17, 2003

Database is SQL Server 2000

I have a field in a table that stores date of birth. The field's datatype is char(6) and looks like this: 091703 (mmddyy). I want to convert this value to a datetime datatype.

What is the syntax to convert char(6) to datetime?

Thank you in advance.

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Modify Nvarchar Datatype To Datatime Datatype

Mar 14, 2008


I imported a table from Accees to SQL 7 with data in it.
I need to modify one of the datatype columns to "datetime" from nvarchar.

I tried to convert it manually, in SQL Server Enterprise Manager tool, but it gave me an error.

I also tried, creating another column "DATE2-datatype:datetime" and updating the column with the old one.

UPDATE users SET DATE2 = DATE.. But it also faild,..

How can I modify the column?

Thank you.

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Converting INT Datatype To BIGINT Datatype

Dec 15, 2005

HI,I have a table with IDENTITY column with the datatype as INTEGER. Nowthis table record count is almost reaching its limt. that is totalrecord count is almost near to 2^31-1. It will reach the limit with inanother one or two months.In order to avoid the arithmentic overflow error 8115, we would likechange the datatype from INT to BIGINT. we hope this will solve ourproblem.How do I approch this datatype conversion?. Since the data count ishuge, that leads to a long down time of database.we need better approach or solution for this problem?. kindly give mea better solution that will reduce the total downtime of the productiondatabase.?.Regards

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Text Datatype Vs Nvarchar Datatype

Feb 25, 2008

Hi guys..

i have so doubts in my mind and that i want to discuss with you guys... Can i use more then 5/6 fields in a table with datatype of Text as u know Text can store maximu data... ? acutally i am trying to store a very long strings values into the all fields. it's just popup into my mind that might be table structer would not able to store that my amount of data when u use more then 5/6 text datatypes...

and another thing... is which one is better to use as data type "Text" or "varchar(max)"... ?
if any article to read more about these thing,, can you refere to me...

Thanks and looking forward.-MALIK

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"linked Server" Exists Or Not ?

Jun 8, 2000

how can i know whether "linked server" exists or not ?

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Sep 26, 2005

I have a table in which there are the following 2 columns: sitm and pitm.
sitm is the child item, and pitm is the parent item. i would like to find all child items that are not parent items.

I would have thought that the following query would do this:

select sitm from lhpms010
where not exists (select pitm from lhpms010)

It doesn't return any results although there are certainly items in the sitm column that do not exist in the pitm column. I got the following solution from the SQL forum here, but as i am using SQLServer the 'minus' operator is not supported...

SELECT sitm FROM lhpms010
SELECT pitm FROM lhpms010;

Any body know how i can implement this query with SQL Server?

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How To Check If A Liked Server Exists

Feb 25, 2004

Hi there,

I am quite new to SQL Server and am having a bit of trouble.

I have created a linked server with the datasource an excel spreadsheet.

I am trying to write a bit of T-SQL that basically checks if the linked server exists. If it does do X, if not do Y.

Can anyone help, its driving me bananas!

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Server Principal Already Exists

Jul 7, 2014

I have deleted a windows login user under security in SQL 2012 Management Studio. The users have also been removed from the associated databases. When I try to add back the login, I receive the message 'The server principal 'xxxx' already exists'. What do I need to do so that I can re-add the login ?

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Db Exists But Sql Server Says No To Copy

Mar 21, 2006

This issue is so frustrating. I am hoping someone knows the answer to this specific question.

Why would sql server insist that a database does not exist even though it obviously does exist?

I get the error message: Database 'tf_1' does not exist.

Why would it say it does not exist when it is clearly viewable in SMSS. It attached without problem. I can view the tables in the database. I know it's there; SMSS knows it's there; the VB app I wrote knows it's there. But, when I try to run a query to copy a table from one database to another, sql server says it doesn't exist! What gives?

Yes, I asked this question before but nobody answered. The problem is back!

This is the sql statement in vb:

  sql = "SELECT [DateTime], [Open], [High], [Low], [Close], [Volume] INTO "
  sql = sql & DestDbName & ".dbo." & TableName
  sql = sql & " FROM " & TableName & ";"

The connection string:

  strDbConn = "Provider=SQLNCLI;Integrated Security=SSPI;" & _
  "Persist Security Info=False;" & _
  "AttachDBFileName=" & DbPath

is used to open a connection to the source database.

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SQL Server Does Not Exists Or Access Denied

Nov 5, 2007

Iam using a connection string to connectin sql server from (vesion 1.1).
When iam using same connection string in windows form it is connecting to sql server proplery.
Iam using the same connection in (web based page) but is saying an error "SQL Server does not exists or access denied".
From Query analyzer iam able to connect to sql server.
Please let me know the reason .
ASwani kumar

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How Do I Know If A Table Exists In A SQL Server Database?

Jul 11, 2005

I need to do some processing but only if a specific table 'table1' exists in the SQL Server database. How can I check if this  'table1' exists using  either ADO.Net code or  SQL Server query?

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Check If View Exists On A Linked Server

Jun 3, 2015

I am trying to check if a view exists on a linked server using sys.views. I tried to fully qualify it but that produces an error telling me the below, which both the database name is correct as well as the server name. Is it possible to obtain a list of views from a linked server connection? Msg 7314, Level 16, State 1, Line 321 The OLE DB provider "SQLNCLI10" for linked server "alpha" does not contain the table ""salesdata"."sys"."views"". The table either does not exist or the current user does not have permissions on that table.

SQL Server 2008 is the server I want to query from and sql server 2000 is the server I want to query even if I try to use this syntax it still produces the above said error


I also tried to qualify the views by using the below and still same error

table_schema = 'dbo'

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SQL Server 2008 :: Searching To See If XML Node Exists?

Mar 5, 2015

All I really need to know is how to see if a specific node exists. Here's the XML, as well as the query I have:

<PaymentData xmlns:xsd="" xmlns:xsi="" xmlns="Com.Commerce.Data/PaymentData.xsd"><CreditCardResult Code="0" Message="APPROVED" Last4="xxxx" AuthorizationNumber="123456" Amount="6.34000000" /></PaymentData>

Basically I just need to see if the CreditCardResult node exists, and return that relevant row. That's it!

Here's the where clause so far. I've tried every variation I can think of and checked tons of forums and tech sites.. no luck..

SELECT TOP 1000 * FROM tblOrder
WHERE zPaymentData.exist('(/PaymentData/CreditCardResult[1])') = 1

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Re. Access Denied Or Sql Server Doesnt Exists

Jan 18, 2008


I am using sql sever 2000 installed with sql authentication on windows 2003 server with SP2.

I have developed application on 2005.

When i am go to client system then my applciation doesnt start. for that i have to go to start->run then type \server and i have to enter username password.after that i can connect to my application.

plz help regarding to solve this issue. we wasting lots of time behind this.



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How To Check Whether Server Is Exists With Some Table In Particular Database.

May 29, 2006


I want to know through applicaiton how to check whether the Server named"Myserver" is Exists with Database named "MyDatabase" with Tables named ('Table1','Table2','Table3').

For any Database like (MS Access, Oracle, MS SQL-Server,MySQL)..

Please help me.....

thank's in advance.......

Paresh Patel.

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Sql Server Datatype

Mar 10, 2006

I have a access table that I need to create in SQL Server, there are field with yes/no, in sql server what datatype would I use?


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SQL Server Exists And Access Works From My Webforms. But Not The Webservice! HELP!

Sep 19, 2006

When our production site was deployed on the client's WinServer2003, my webservice is throwing a "server does not exist or access denied" exception. I'm using the same connection string (typed once) as i'm using in my web forms on the user visible sections of the site. the service also works fine on my XP testing machine. unfortunately, I'm not a 2003 admin. If anyone can help, i would greatly appreciate it, trying to find what is misconfigured on the client's server is driving me bonkers.

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Does The Varray Or/and Nested Table Mechanism Exists In Sql Server

Jun 6, 2007

Hi.Like in subject. I know the varray and nested tables from oracle, and I'm trying to implement them in sql server. I've been googling for any information but with no result. Can somebody direct me ??Sorry for any english mistakesThanks for help 

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SQL Server 7 Error 15023, User Or Role Exists

Feb 9, 2000

SQL Server 7
i did a restore of a database, then tried to add the User login
to it, but when i select database access, i get the followinf error :-
"Error 15023, user or role already exists !

the user did exist on the Database, but when i select Database,Users or
Database,Roles the User doesn't exist !! so i can't drop it !

any ideas ??

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SQL Server 2014 :: Using WHERE Not Exists For A Fact Table Load?

Oct 20, 2014

I have a stored procedure in that attempts to perform a WHERE NOT EXISTS check to insert new records. If the table is empty, the procedure will load the table. However, an insert does not occur when a change to one or more source fields occurs against an existing record. The following is my code:

@Created_By nchar(50)
,@Created_Date datetime
,@Updated_By nchar(50)
,@Updated_Date datetime
select @Created_By = system_user


I expected that when one of the source values of any field in the second WHERE clause changes, that the procedure would insert a new record. Why is this not happening? One other note: I am not 'allowed' to use MERGE.

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SQL Server 2008 :: Compare If Row-Combination Exists In Other Table

Mar 10, 2015

I've the following two tables:

create table #temp1 (name varchar(5), id int)
insert into #temp1 (name, id)
select 'a', 5
select 'a', 8


As a result I would need every name from #temp2, where both searchred id's (5 & 8) from #temp1 are included.In this example i would like to get 'e' as a result, because in #temp2 'e' has the id's 5, 8 and 25.I've tried using cross apply, but cross apply returns every Name that have one of the ids... in this case it would also return 'c'...

Selectdistinct name
, id
wherename = 'a'
) as a
cross join(
Selectdistinct name
, id
) as b =

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SQL 2012 :: Not Exists Linked Server Object Query

Aug 10, 2015

So, I've got this query running and it works great providing there is a record in both DataBases. Now, I need to get all of those that have a record in DBServer1 but not in TranscendDB. I assume i'd use an If not exists, but can't figure out the syntax when using the Linked Object...

select Portfolio
from [TranscendDB].[dbo].[CMContactEvents] as CM
inner join
from [DBServer1].[DB1].[dbo].[Account] AS A,

[Code] ......

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