Does SQL 2005 Purchase Come With Access To SQL 2000 Media?

Mar 13, 2007

My company is planning to purchase a SQL2005 standard Processor license (unlimited users - about $5000)

Does anyone know if we can obtain SQL2000 media along with the purchase. Because of the app we are running and its stage of development, we have to install and run SQL2000 for about 6 months before we can run Sql2005. We dont want to purchase SQL2000 for such a short term use.

I asked a DELL rep to help me with this over a month ago and he still has no answers for me.

Any help with this would be greatly appreciated.

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Do We Get SQL2000 Media With A SQL2005 Purchase?

Mar 13, 2007

My company is planning to purchase a SQL2005 standard Processor license (unlimited users - about $5000)

Does anyone know if we can obtain SQL2000 media along with the purchase. Because of the app we are running and its stage of development, we have to install and run SQL2000 for about 6 months before we can run Sql2005. We dont want to purchase SQL2000 for such a short term use.

I asked a DELL rep to help me with this over a month ago and he still has no answers for me.

Any help with this would be greatly appreciated.

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Append To Media Vs Overwrite An Existing Media In SQL Server Database Backup

Sep 24, 2007

Dear All,

I know the basic defiinition of these two options, but i am not very clear why would someone choose one over another,
currently I am using Append to Media option, and every day backup, I see my backup files growing in size.

can someone give me nice example about these two options,


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SQL Tools :: Media Set Has 2 Media Families But Only 1 Provided

Feb 13, 2014

We are getting error and we are aware that there should be 2 files but we are able to find the second file,how to search all files(2) so that we may restore DB.

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Installing SQl Server 2000 (2k) On Media Center

May 16, 2006

Hi, hope someone can help...

I'm trying to install SQL Server 2000 on my XP Media Center laptop and keep getting the "this operting system is not supported message"

Any ideas?

Many thanks....

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The Media Set Has 2 Media Families But Only 1 Are Provided

Nov 6, 2007

Hi, I'm from Argentina. I made a backup of my database from ServerA (SQL 2000) and trying to restore it to ServerB (SQL 2005) I'm getting the following error: "The media set has 2 media families but only 1 are provided".

Any ideas? Thanks.

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(Can't Get) Media For SQL Server 2005

Dec 29, 2005

We have a software assurance contract, and we getour media from a Microsoft Certified Partner.Our MCP hasn't been able to provide us with media forSQL Server 2005.It's been 7 weeks since the launch; I expected the product tobe in the channel by now.Anybody else (especially software assurance customers) havingtrouble getting the goods from MCPs and/or resellers?

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How Well Is SQL Server 2005 Handling Media?

Dec 12, 2006

I'm thinking of storing a lot of images, Word documetns, PDF, and emails as media in SQL Server 2005. Is it equiped to handle a lot of media? Or is it still preferred to store media separately on a file server?

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SQL Server 2005 Standard Media

Jan 31, 2008

I am new to the forums, so hopefully this is the correct place for this question.

Is there somewhere to download the media for SQL Server 2005 Standard? I already have my licensing, and am wondering if you can avoid purchasing the media discs. I have done this with Windows Vista and Office 2007 in the past.

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Windows XP Media And SQL Server 2005

Sep 11, 2006

I'm not finding a definitive answer to my question as to whether or not I can run the development edition of SQL Server 2005 on my brand new pc with this operating system. No one seems to know for sure and I can't afford to pay for tech. support. It should be supported but I don't know where to get a 'real' answer.



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SQL Server 2005 Standard Edition - Installation Media

Mar 30, 2007


We were recently let down by our software supplier who have happily provided us with a single processor license for SQL Server 2005 before the weekend.. but haven't been able to provide any installation media.

I notice on the website that there is a trial edition of the Enterprise edition for download, that can be converted into a full installation by using a valid license key.

My question is.. would I be able to use that trial edition with my license key? Or are they fundamentally different?

If that isn't an option.. is there anywhere where I can obtain installation files for standard edition?

Thanks in advance,


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SQL Server 2005 Trying To Restore Get Error Media Family Incorrectly Formed

Jul 30, 2007

I am trying to restore a 2005 backup to a 2005 database on another server. This has worked for me before. I have tried to take the backup 5 times now and each time I get the error media family incorrectly formed. Since I have successfully backed up and restored before between these same two databases I do not understand what is wrong now.

I found other questions with this error; however, they were taking a 2000 backup to a 2005 database. I am using a backup of a 2005 database to a 2005 restore.

How should I begin to debug this problem?


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Access Sql 2005 From Sql 2000

Jul 13, 2007


I access the sql 2000 db's . Now, the dbs have been moved to 2005. Is it possible to connect to sql 2005 db from sql enterprise manager 2000. Or let me know if I have to upgrade to 2005 to access the same.

I get the error message To connect to the server you must use sql server management studio or sql server management objects(SMO) when trying to access the server from sql enterprise manager 2000.

Usually it is not possible to access higher version dbs from a lower version.

Please help me out as soon as possible as this is very urgent.

Thanks & Regards,

K. Sripriya

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Access 2000 And SQL Server 2005

Jan 21, 2008

Is it possible to connect to Sql Server 2005 using an Access 2000 adp? Ikeep trying, but it doesn't want to accept my id, even though it is right.

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Access 2005 Databases From 2000

Oct 31, 2007

I have upgraded 2000 databases to sql server 2005.If the users use just query analyzer & enterprise manager in 2000 to access 2005 databases.

will there be any issues???

let me know

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Why Upgrade To MS SQL Server (be It 2000 Or 2005) From Access (say, 97)?

Dec 1, 2005

Probably this question has been asked hundreds of times and yet netsearch has not generated satisfactory enough answer, at least, to me.And OK, let's assume your organization has more than 200 employees,just one measure to indicate that it's not small and data processingneeds are quite extensive (for both OLTP and OLAP).We've heard so much about concurrency support, stability andperformance. Are there any real persuasive paper out there to talkabout it? Now, let me also put it in another perspective, say, you'rea Microsoft sql server sales guy or gal for that matter for newaccounts. What you got?Thanks.

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Migration Of VB Net 2005 (Pro) App Using Access 2000 DB (DAO && ADO) To SQL Express

Nov 3, 2006

I've downloaded the migration tool to convert an Access 2000 DB to a SQL DB. The VB code utilizes DAO (3.6) for hourly automatic compaction and the creation of an encrypted security database. ADO is used for the data maintenance functions. I expect the current connection methodology of ODBC using Jet 4.0 will need to be modified (many articles here address this). All the SQL code is inline and also must be modified. The Coldfusion code utilizes Micrsoft Access with Unicode via an ODBC connection with only SQL Select statements. At another job, I migrated an Informix 7 database to MS SQL 7 and for the most part the SQL code remained the same except for the wildcard spec from * to %.

I'm looking for insights and/or shortcuts on this effort, primarily in the SQL command mods area. I'm perusing the threads here as we speak, but hoped someone knew of a specific thread I could go to....laziness is alive and well for us chronologically gifted people, i.e. over 55.

Any help or links are greatly appreciated!

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Using 2005 JDBC Driver To Access SQL Server 2000

Oct 5, 2006


I'm using JDBC driver for Server 2005 (version 1.1.1501) to access Server 2000. I have no problems reading my data, but every update returns "Cursor is READ ONLY".

If I use driver for Server 2000 I have no problems. And I have no problems running the same program with 2005 driver against SQL Server Express.

Where should I start debugging?

Thank you,

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Mar 5, 2007

Dear Sir/Madam,

I have some data which is stores in Foxpro dbf files & Access 200 MDB file. Can i extract import these files into SQL Server 2005

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Upsizing Access 2000 DB To SQL Server 2005 Express Edition

Jul 26, 2006


I have an Access 2000 Database which I am upsizing to SQL Server 2005 Express Edition. The Database has 29 tables and 60 stored queries. Each time I upsize to SQL Server the tables come in fine but non of the queries are imported.

All of the queries are very simple Select, Insert, Update and Delete Queries with nothing special in them.

I have tried using the upsizing wizard in Access 2003 and also the SQL Server 2005 Migration Assistant for Access.

Is there anything special I need to do in the migration assistant to ensure that the queries are imported as well.



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Distributed Query From SS 2000 To Access Catalog Views On SS 2005 Via Linked Server

Aug 24, 2006

I am trying to write some admin only procedures which will collect information to one of my development server from other production and development servers.
I have created linked servers to access these other servers on the development server. This development server is SQL Server 2000 EE. Other servers which I want to access are 2000 and 2005 (vaious editions)
E.g I have another development server called PRODTEST which is SQL Server 2005 and on the development server I have created a linked server pointing to PRODTEST called TESTLINKSRV. I want to access new object catalog view (as I do not want to use sysobjects)
When I run the following query
I get following error,
OLE DB error trace [Non-interface error:  OLE DB provider does not contain the table: ProviderName=' TESTLINKSRV ', TableName='" DBNAME "."sys"."objects"'].
Msg 7314, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
OLE DB provider ' TESTLINKSRV ' does not contain table '"DBNAME"."sys"."objects"'.  The table either does not exist or the current user does not have permissions on that table.
So I try this query
and I get following error
Msg 208, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
Invalid object name TESTLINKSRV.DBNAME.sys.objects'.
So bottom line is how do I access catalog views on a 2005 server from a 2000 server using linked server?
I hope someone understands what I am trying to achieve. Please let me know what is it that I am doing wrong.
Thank you

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Nov 9, 2006


Would you mind advising me on what sql server license would be suitable?
What I am concerned about having is the ability to access a database from 10 computers.
I like to use the Enterprise Manager, Query Analyzer, write proceduers, Views and Triggers. Not sure if this affects anything.

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Need Opinion On New Purchase

Dec 18, 2007

I need to purchase a new computer for a small medical clinic which will basically only have one purpose: to answer to read and write queries to a SQL Server 2005 which is resident on that computer. Queries come from the current 8 stations (up to 14 stations in the future). Most of the time, only 3 stations will be active at a time. Queries are mostly to access patient file information, are not complex and are short-lived.

A friend of mine who owns a computer store just quoted me for a dual quad-core Xeon 5405 2GHz system with Windows Server 2003 10 Cals. I'm concerned about the following:
- What's the use in having 8 cores, each of them running at only
2GHz, when there's really only one service running (SQL Server
2005, likely Express Edition) on the computer. Does SQL Server
have the capability to make use of all cores? Otherwise, why
spend more for Xeon and so many cores instead of a single
C2D running at a faster speed of say 3GHz ?
- What would be the advantage of using a Windows Server over
Windows XP in a peer-to-peer configuration? I don't buy into
the 10 connection limit because the TCPIP.sys file can be
altered to move that limit up, so 14 stations does not trigger
the need for Windows Server in and of itself.

Thanks all!

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Linked Server 2000 To 2005: Error 17 Sql Server Does Not Exist Or Access Denined.

Aug 30, 2006

I'm trying to link SQL Server 2000 sp3 to SQL 2005 64 bit. I keep getting Error 17 sql server does not exist or access denined. I tried adding remote user mapping and chaning the linked server properties to "Be made using this security context" without any success.
Any help is appreciated.

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Using The Database Access Concept In SQLsrvr 2000 To SQLsrvr 2005

Mar 6, 2008

In SQL Server 2000, when i install a client connection only, it also install the enterprise manager, just by adding/register new SQL server. there you can access all the tables.  but in SQL Server 2005 how can I achieve that?  Coz when i only install the client tool for SQL Server 2005 it only enables to connect to database, not accessing it freely and sql server management studio not included.
please help..

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Can I Access SQL Server 2000 Tables Via SSIS/SQL Server 2005

Apr 9, 2007

Can I access SQL Server 2000 tables via SSIS/SQL Server 2005?

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Dissapointing Book Purchase

Jan 21, 2004

I went in to waterstones today to try and get a copy of sql pocket reference (o'riely publishers i think) but there were none in stock, as the new edition is out on the 31st.

so i bought sam teach urself sql "in ten minutes"

unfortunately it covers the alter tag but not its use to modify columns >:(

I'm a bit stuck with this one atm
1> alter table news modify ( dateadd varchar(80))
2> go
Msg 170, Level 15, State 1, Server NEIL, Line 1
Line 1: Incorrect syntax near '('.

what exactly am I doing wrong?

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Idea On Hardware Purchase

Oct 29, 2004

I am looking for a good reference on hardware specs for a dedicated SQL server. I don't want to talk to vendors, because I'm not looking to get snowed. Does anyone know of any resources? The server is to be a dedicated dataserver, for about 300 clients.

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Which Sql Server Product To Purchase?

Oct 14, 2006


The SQL server 2005 is needed to be put for user's access as database backend for application. We need only one system for development. Which is best suited for our application?

Any suggestions?

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Access SQL Server 2005 EXPRESS From SQL Server 2000?

Feb 18, 2008

I have just acquired my first root server (Microsoft Windows Server 2003) to run a lightly used ASP application. I installed SQL Server Express 2005 on the server and the application works just fine. The problem is that I cannot access the SQL database on the server from my local computer that is running SQL Server 2000 Developer.

Please note the following:
1) I can access the server database (2005 Express) from a computer that is running SQL 2005 developer.
2) I can access other servers that are running non-EXPRESS versions of SQL 2005 from my computer (which is running SQL 2000)

Thus my question is:
Is there some kind of limitation or required setting in SQL Server Express to allow remote connections from SQL 2000?

Remember - I CAN access the database remotely using SQL 2005, just not SQL 2000.

I am using SQL Query Analyzer to try to access the database from my local computer using the same connection parameters that work on my SQL 2005 computer in Management Studio.

Thanks for any help!

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Average Duration To Purchase Again Same Product

Sep 6, 2015

I have data concerning sale of several products, columns are two : Name_product, Purchase_day

I need to calculate with SQL the average duration (number of days) to purchase again the same product among the products

As in example, one product can be bought many times, so this product we will see it repeated several times at different days "Purchase_day" so here we can have Duration between each two successive purchases for the same product, but for the last purchase of this product the duration until today will be the day of yesterday minus the last day of purchase, and finally the average duration of this product will be the sum of all duration of this product / number of all duration of this product.

Link to the table copy and paste : [URL] .....

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Exclude All ID Which Doesn't Purchase Any Code

Aug 30, 2013

how can i exclude all id which doesn't purchase any code.

ID 1 purchase codeA, this will not be pulled out.
ID 2 didnt purchase any code, this will be pulled out.

I tried select id,code from tableA where code not in ('codeA','codeB','codeC','codeD',...)

but it still pull out ID 1.

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SQL Statement To Retrieve Rows With More Than One Purchase On Any Particular Day

Sep 10, 2007

I am new at SQL hopefully this would be a rather easy question for you guys to help me out with.
I have a table called PRODUCT with the following fields:
a. Product Name
b. Product Dept.
c. Purchase Date.

I would like to run a query to obtain all rows tha has more than one purchases on any particular day.

Any replies would be great.

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