Does Adding Indexes Affect How An Access/Jet Application Functions?
Aug 16, 2007
We have an Access application using Jet. I added some new indexes yesterday and now they are being blamed for poor Access application performance. I then dropped the new indexes. The poor performance continued until the Access application was re-linked to the SS2000 database. Then things returned to normal.
Question, does Access/Jet persist SqlServer schema info in its MDB (or elsewhere?) I am told that the MDB is copied from a share to the local PC where it grows during its use. Some people are saying the MDB persists schema info about the SS2000 schema which influences how Jet accesses the SS2000 database. Is that true? Is there a link where I can read about this? I am a dba and am not an Access developer . . .
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Jul 23, 2005
I'm considering adding domain integrity checks to some of my database tableitems. How does adding such constraints affect SQL Server performance? Forexample, I have a simple constraint that restricts a couple of columns tohaving values within the values assigned in my application by anenumeration:(([Condition] >= 0 and [Condition] <=3) and ([Type] >= 0 and [Type] <=2))This enforces domain integrity for two enumerations having values 0, 1, 2, 3and 0, 1, 2 in the application. Is this an efficient way of performing suchchecks? What are the pitfalls of domain integrity checking?ThanksRobin
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May 25, 2015
Somewhere i read..that in SQL Server...usage of Built-in Functions on Columns, makes query optimizer to ignore indexes on that column...!
So lets say we have table EMP with Emp_id and Emp_Name....
Also we have Non-Clustered index on Emp_Name.
So following query would NOT use Non-Clustered index on Emp_Name column.
SELECTLEFT(emp_name, 3) as emp3
Is this true? i am using SQL Server 2008.
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Aug 24, 2006
I'm trying to add exernal functions defined by a third party in a dll. They developed the dll in Visual C++ and is provided as is, with very little additional info about the code. The dll is tested and can be integrated into an application developed with VB.NET but no other experiences are available. I tried to add the functions to SQL Server 2005 Express edition but on attempting to CREATE the ASSEMBLY i get the following error:
CREATE ASSEMBLY for assembly 'ThirdPartyDll' failed because assembly 'ThirdPartyDll' is malformed or not a pure .NET assembly.
Unverifiable PE Header/native stub.
No rows affected.
(0 row(s) returned)
Finished running [dbo].[ThirdPartyDll].
Is there an alternative way to add these functions for non pure .NET assemblies, or in general, is there a workaround to solve the problem?
By the way, do i need to register the dll with RegSvr32 first?
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Feb 18, 2007
I'm looking for information on how to add indexes to a table in a SQL Server 2000 Database, why add them etc? Any source of good information on the web regarding this?
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Jun 13, 2014
I have a simple query like:
select max(PTR_DATE)
from MPR_portfolio_transactions
group by PTR_SYMBOL
and this is working fine, but if I add an extra column with another field like:
from MPR_portfolio_transactions
group by PTR_SYMBOL
Then I get an error message like:
Column 'MPR_portfolio_transactions.PTR_SHAREBALANCE' is invalid in the select list because it is not contained in either an aggregate function or the GROUP BY clause.
How can I get round to this?
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Jan 24, 2008
I'm using SQL2005. I'm confused on why queries run slower after I add indexes to a table. I thought the system would pick the best index available when running select statements.
sys.dm_db_missing_index* and Tuning Advisor keep recommending indexes that make my system slower. Maybe they are making a few queries faster that I'm not aware of but I do know they makes some too slow. Now I have to document which indexes to avoid creating for each table.
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Jul 19, 2006
good idea or bad idea?
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Jun 23, 2014
i am currently working on designing a database for a bank as a school project for my database class. We have to draw up an entity relationship diagram, Sql tables, database size estimate etc. I am currently working on the security portion of the project. I need to list the groups that have access to my application and use a grid format to show access to specific tables.
I am currently working on designing a database for a bank as a school project for my database class. We have to draw up an entity relationship diagram, Sql tables, database size estimate etc. I am currently working on the security portion of the project. I need to list the groups that have access to my application and use a grid format to show access to specific tables.
Role Loans Payments Transactions Accounts Customer Emplo
Internal Auditor S S S S S S
Loan Officer SUID SUI SUI S S
Tellers S S S S SU
Customers U
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Nov 28, 2006
I am developing an application that uses Access database (mdb file) to store the user data. The user of this application is not interested in the database file (to view in MS Access Environment). Does the user machine requires MS Access installation to run my application or just some couple of dlls (OleDB driver, Access DB Engine,..) should be enough to run my application?
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Oct 18, 2006
I usually access stored procedures using SQL data source. But now I need a string returned from the database. If I write a function in SQL how do I access it from an aspx.vb file?
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Mar 27, 2007
I want's to define my custom style for my report project.It should also be consistent.
I doesn't want to set it globally but on the project basis.
Is there any option of defining a style sheet for Sql server reporting services like we do for our web application.
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Apr 4, 2007
When adding SSL certificate to SQL Server, client applications no longer connect.
Error: 17832, Severity: 20, State: 10
2007-04-03 11:42:52.82 server Connection opened but invalid login packet(s) sent. Connection closed..
SSL is not even enabled and we still have this problem. When the cert is removed, then the app works???
EDIT: THis seems to be happening when we use dbopen().
Thank you,
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Oct 19, 2007
for example : " server={0};database={1};trusted_connection=true;application name={3}"
The article SqlConnection.ConnectionString Property refer this term,but doesn't specify use.
I want to know whether it will affect sql server and how to find its effect
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Nov 15, 2006
I'm upsizing MS-Access to SQL Server 2005.
I need to convert the following functions:
Are there any similar functions in SQL Server?
Also I have a query as follows:
SELECT Mid$([AccountNumber],3,8) AS [Account#], Format([checkamount]*100,"000000000") AS Amount, IIf(IsNull([statusdate])," ",Format([statusdate],"yyyymmdd")) AS [Date]
FROM tblResult;
How do I convert this in SQL Server query?
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Mar 5, 2006
a number of time I have come accross developers using functions like
to get the value of the data instead of just using queries / stored procedures
I have not understood why
can you please point to some good forum messages / blogposts / articles on this ?
Whats your take on this ?
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Oct 4, 2006
I am using MS Access 2000 as a front end to a SQL Server 2000 db. When I link to the SQL Server db using a DSN, the SQL Server table pk's and indexes are not coming over with the link. The pk's and indexes do exist in SQL Server. I haven't had to link to these tables in over a year, but they used to link just fine.
Do you have a suggestion as to where to look at this problem?
Thanks you - Darryle
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Dec 6, 2000
Can anyone tell me how i can access an application or open tables in MS sql server that are in MS Access. Its urgent and any help will be appriaciated.
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Jun 28, 2005
I am experiencing problems with databases for the web application that i am developing. The problem is that I have transferred the database from access to sql which initially seemed to work ok. I am now however struggling to solve the problems with one of my fields titled 'notes'. The trouble is that in the original database the notes field contained different notes from different dates for each record, and each note is separated by carriage returns. It is the carriage returns that are now proving to be a problem in the sql database but i am not sure what to do. Any advice would be appreciated.ThanksDan
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Apr 27, 2006
Hello all, We have a SQL database that uses a MS Access projectfront-end, which I am now creating an ASP.Net application for (And am completely new to so may be missing some foundation concepts). With the Access project I added Active Directory groups to the database to use for permissions, logins, etc. For the ASP app I have it set to use Forms authentication with Active Directory (ActiveDirectoryMembershipProvider). I can login to the app with the AD usernames/passwords but the connection from ASP.Net to SQL is using the ASP User. Is there a way to provide the authentication from the ActiveDirectoryMembership through to the SQL server, so the user: bobuser would be authenticated to SQL instead of ASPNETUSER?Or do I need to have the app handle the permissions of which SP's a user can execute?Any help or suggestions are appreciated.Thanks,Jamie.
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Feb 7, 2005
I have recently transfered data from MS Access to MS SQL Server 2000 and created user interface in MS Access Project (ADP). Now I need to secure the data on server and want to access it ONLY through interface I created in MS Access. Every user has to log in the application (user id and password). Users may have the same access rights to the server (so maybe just one account or whatever I need for all of them). Can anyone advice me how to set it up? To access sql server from MS Access I am using ADO.
Thank you.
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May 24, 2006
Hi all,
sql server 2000
windows 2000
authentication is through the db (not windows).
I am attempting to limit access to one of our production sql server databases. I want to ensure that only application users can connect to the db, i.e they connect to the application and the application connects to the database (database access is transparent to them). The app uses a common login account.
I would like to prevent users from connecting to the db using ad hoc query tools or other EDIs (toad for sql server, ...). Currently there is nothing stopping them from doing so using the application acct/pwd.
I am contemplating writing a trigger that checks for the program that the user is using and if the program is not recognized, kill the session. Is this the right approach or is/are there any "out of the box" utilities that will do this for me?
FYI. the acct/pwd that the app uses to access the db is well known to users.
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Mar 5, 2008
We have a few reports that we would like to require the user to enter a password before they can view the report. Is there a way to do this?
Thank You
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Nov 14, 2007
I try to add data to SQL via Access Forms. When I add a data and open tables in Access which are connected to SQL, I can see my new datas. But if I open tables in SQL Server Management Studio I can not see any of those new datas. What should I do to solve this problem. I will be very happy if you can help me about this matter.
Thanks in advance...
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Nov 2, 2006
I can't run my web application on remote pc which is connected in flan with my pc.It works on my local pc but it is not working on remote pc. i m geeting an error like as blowAn error has occurred while establishing a connection to the server. When connecting to SQL Server 2005, this failure may be caused by the fact that under the default settings SQL Server does not allow remote connections. (provider: Named Pipes Provider, error: 40 - Could not open a connection to SQL Server) i have used sql server 2000 for my database but i my getting error for sql server 2005 which i have never used in my web application.Here is the Exception detailsException Details: System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException: An error has occurred while establishing a connection to the server. When connecting to SQL Server 2005, this failure may be caused by the fact that under the default settings SQL Server does not allow remote connections. (provider: Named Pipes Provider, error: 40 - Could not open a connection to SQL Server)i have used coonection string as followsData Source=neptune;Initial Catalog=azim;User ID=saso can anyone give me soluion of this problem
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Mar 13, 2008
I have the below procedure with an output parameter '@rowcount'. Now My issue is how to access the value of '@rowcount' in my ASP.Net application using C#. I have also pasted my C# code which I am using .
create procedure mypro1(@id varchar(10),@rowcount int output)
select * from canid where id like @id
/* @@ROWCOUNT returns the number of rows that are affected by the last statement. */
select @rowcount=@@rowcount
C# code to retrieve the output parameter valuecmd = new SqlCommand("mypro1", cn);
cmd.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure;cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@id", TextBox1.Text).Direction=ParameterDirection.Input;
Parameter cout = new Parameter("@rowcount",SqlDbType.Int);cout.Direction = ParameterDirection.Output;
can some body assist me in the above code whether its right or what needs to be added to get the output parameter value.
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Nov 10, 2005
Is there anyway I can impliment this in my application without installing it as a COM. My Web Hoster says they won't install it. The Data Access Application Block
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Jul 12, 2000
Hi all
Certain people in our company want to use Crystal Reports for data-processing. Problem is we want them to NOT be able to access data in databases within the live server.
Given that we use trusted connection to validate all kind of data-access, I am wondering if there is a way so that (via NT administration or via some SQL Server security features)
the live-server can refuse any connection request from the Crystal Reports application. At the moment the same group of people are allowed access to database (and should remain to be so) on this "live" server via some other applications (e.g. Microsoft Access).
Any advice is welcomed.
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Jul 20, 2005
Hi there,I have written an application which uses MS Access for it's database engine.Due to the large size which the database has become I have decided that itwould be sensible to use SQL Server with the application instead.I am an extreme SQL Server newbie so I am not really sure what I'm doingyet! I have successfully downloaded and installed the MS SQLDE 2000 andservice pack 3.What do I need to do next? Ideally I would like to convert the existingAccess database to MS SQL Server format. Also I would like to know if it ispossible to create an SQL Server database from scratch using a guienvironment similar to Access and if so which software (preferably free) doI need to achieve this?Many thanks,Clive.
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May 19, 2006
I have installed the SQL Server 2000 and its up running.
I can connect to the database direct as administrator, but my test application( 2.0) returns an exception.
SqlConnection sqlConn = new SqlConnection("data source=;initial catalog=testdb;persist security info=False;user id=sa;pwd=data;Type System Version=SQL Server 2000;");
I receive this exception:
An error has occurred while establishing a connection to the server. When connecting to SQL Server 2005, this failure may be caused by the fact that under the default settings SQL Server does not allow remote connections. (provider: Named Pipes Provider, error: 40 - Could not open a connection to SQL Server)
Description: An unhandled exception occurred during the execution of the current web request. Please review the stack trace for more information about the error and where it originated in the code.
Exception Details: System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException: An error has occurred while establishing a connection to the server. When connecting to SQL Server 2005, this failure may be caused by the fact that under the default settings SQL Server does not allow remote connections. (provider: Named Pipes Provider, error: 40 - Could not open a connection to SQL Server)
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May 1, 2008
Does anybody knows, from where can I download the latest version of DAAB for SQL CE 3.5?
I know that the Moblie Client Softvare Factory was included a DAAB, but it is outdated in some respect.
So any information will be greatly appreciated.
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Oct 18, 2006
Hi all...
I am writing a Windows Application which will be used by about 100 clients. (NT Authenticated)
The application is going to be used in a LAN enviroment. User who have access will download a VB.NET application from a web site.
Of course, I want to prevent any of the 100 users from using a tool such as Query Analysis or ODBC to connect directly to the database and modify data.
So, it appears the way to go is to the "Application Roles". For this to work, the application roll password has to be saved in the application to execute the sp_setapprole procedure.
Is there a way to secure this password? I am worried about a user somehow extracting the password from the application and connecting directly.
Am I on the right track here? Any ideas appreciated!
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