Does Anyone Have A Script To Reset All Logins On A Server?
Apr 13, 2006
We want to merge 2 SQL servers into one. This means we will have duplicate logins with differing passwords.
We want to reset all the passwords on one server to something memorable. Does anyone have a script that cursor through (or trans - I'm not shy) all the logins in a mster db? I really don't fance going through hundreds of logins changing their passwords by hand!
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Jul 17, 2001
I would move a Database to another server. I try to use DTS but I have problems with this process because DB have big tables, I think. I try to use DETACH and ATTACH procedures but logins doesn't export. And more, in new server there are already logins from another DBs.
What's the best way to solve this problem?
Please, help
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Apr 3, 2007
I am a systems analyst and work with an app that runs against 2 SQL Server DBs. Though I have some familiarity with SQL Server and SQL, I am not a DBA.
The app executable is tied to a Windows service.
When we install the app, we run a process that builds 2 dbs to include:
Tables, indexes, stored procedures, views and user accounts.
SQL Server is set up for mixed mode authentication.
Normally, the dbs run off the local db user accounts which are tied to local logins with the same names.
We have a client that wants to remove our standard logins so that they can run on only a Windows login.
I know I should be able to tie the db users to a Windows login.
And I can do the same for the service.
But I am at a loss as to how to get this done.
How do you associate db users with a Windows login?
When I have tried sp_change_users_login I get an error that the Windows login does not exist. (Though I have added the Windows account to the DB.)
Hope this all makes sense.
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Jan 21, 2007
ok, first, I know... I forgot to run a backup of the master database, and I forgot to run a script to caputure logins. Not that that is out of the way... I need to recreate the logins under the Securities tab below the databases. All the company databases have the user names and passwords assigned to them, but they are not able to login, because they are not able to authenticate to the SQL server first.
Is there a script that someone has that will copy the company database security info for the users and recreate them in the SQL security tab?
I know that I can rebuild them manually, but I need to delete them first in the application software, then delete them from the databases, and then recreate them in the application software... and as simple as that sounds... it is a slow moving process.
Any assistance would be greatly appreciated.
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Mar 4, 2008
Hi all,
I am wondering if there is a way that the SQL server resets every few hours. I am using an application which is heavily utilising SQL server and the server crashes every now and then. I can reset it manually but I was wondering if there is a way that it detects the crash and reset itself automatically. Thanks a million in advance.
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Mar 11, 2008
How can I reset the default DB in SQL server management studio express? I am really frustrated with this...thanks for any help.
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Sep 25, 2006
Hi Guys,We've lost the password for the sa. No other users belong to the admingroup. I've tried logging in using osql -E (windows authentication)without success. Is there anyway to reset the sa password? The databaseis MSDE and the version seems to be 7 (sql server 7 folder on pc). Itis running on Windows 2000 professional.Any help would be greatlyappreciated.Regards,Eddie
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Sep 4, 2006
I can't seem to find a way to reset the auto increment fields in my SQL Server Mobile database table.
Are there any SQL statements I can call in order to do this?
I'd rather not have to drop and then re-create the database.
Any help much appreciated
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Jul 19, 2007
Hi there,
This is probably a really obvious question but I have been struggling with answering it for about two days now. (I may even be in the wrong forum) I work in a company with an internal network set up. I have been trying to connect to our website via FTP and it has worked ... well it did in the beginning. I think the server that our website is hosted on is a Unix server - this is a guess from reading the FTP transcripts of the various programs I've downloaded and tried out in an attempt to connect to it.
What happened:
I was working on an .ASP page in Dreamweaver, hit save without thinking, realised I wanted to make a few additional changes before uploading it onto the server, cancelled the transaction and voila. I haven't been able to connect to the remote server since.
Depending on the FTP program that I am using, I get a connection error along these lines:
- "Connection to the server was reset" "The server may temporarily be down or unavailable or not accepting connections"
I am a big newbie at this. I have turned off the windows firewall and tried turning on and off passive IP. I can connect from home but not from inside the building which has me think this has to do with a stray setting somewhere. My housemate suggested I try using the "telnet" command from DOS and see can I get any sort of connection from work. If I can't, he said, it's probably a firewall on the internal network itself.
Any other suggestions?
Help would be welcome!
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Dec 22, 2014
I need to calculate running total which resets when reached to 16, and also needs to calculate remaining amount as paid.
I have attached sample data, so we have two columns Earned, and Used. And we need to calculate Balance, and Paid columns.
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Jun 17, 2015
I have a local instance of SQL 2012 express,
Somehow my admin privileges have been lost, and the sa password is not Password123.
Is there anyway to reset this password without re-installing SQL server.
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Jul 22, 2015
I have come up with an issue where I want to update data in a table using bulk/SET update to get the result shown in below code with output in column titled "Arrear Amt".
Please use this test data.
Seq_No INT ,
Contract_id INT ,
Rental_id INT ,
Actual_OD INT ,
Logic_OD INT ,
Due_dte DATETIME ,
[Code] .....
Logic required is that once the sum of column [ArrearAmt] of current row and all previous rows becomes greater than $100 then column [ChArrrearAmt] should show that summed up value and in else case the column [ChArrrearAmt] should show the same value as that of column [ArrearAmt].
Once the column [ChArrrearAmt] reaches the threshold of $100 then the same cycle should start again i.e. in above example rental#1 had $37.17 < $100 then rental#1 + rental#2 is also < $100 and at rental#3 sum of rental#1, rental#2 and rental#3 becomes $111.51 which is greater than $100 so its updated in column [CHArrrearAmt]. The same cycle start overs from rental#4 onwards however the summation of [ArrearAmt] will now begin after rental#4 onwards and not from the starting.
Below is the loop based SQL script which handles the above situation, however in BULK its a total deterioration of performance if thousands of rows are to be processed i.e. with a contract having multiple rentals.
The case here is that I have to use the result of previously updated column value of [ChArrrearAmt] to take decision for the next row, however with BULK update since the row is not yet updated with latest amount therefore the decision on next row is also giving wrong result.
This is the code with which I have achieved to update the column 'chArrear Amount', however its a loop based solution and performance killer.
INSERT INTO ##vOD_Calc_loop
( Rows_count ,
FROM ##vOD_Calc T
GROUP BY T.Contract_id
[Code] ....
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Aug 19, 2015
I wanna to create a linked server which connect to oracle. Â Here are my steps:
1.Install Oracel drivers Oracle Data Access Components.
2.Configure the Oracle Ole DB provider to run inside the SQL Server process and configure it to accept parameters. exec
N'AllowInProcess', 1
exec master.dbo.sp_MSset_oledb_prop
N'DynamicParameters', 1Â
3.Create linked server with scripts:
exec sp_addlinkedserver N'MyOracle1', 'Oracle', 'ORAOLEDB.Oracle', N'//', N'FetchSize=2000', ''
exec sp_addlinkedsrvlogin @rmtsrvname='MyOracle', @useself=N'FALSE', @rmtuser=N'root', @rmtpassword='Sqlexp!23' Â Â
4. After create successful and testing the connection ,I got the error below.(My windows firewall is turn off)
An exception occurred while executing a Transact-SQL statement or batch. (Microsoft.SqlServer.ConnectionInfo)
Cannot initialize the data source object of OLE DB provider "ORAOLEDB.Oracle" for linked server "MyOracle".OLE DB provider "ORAOLEDB.Oracle" for linked server "MyOracle" returned message "ORA-12504: TNS:listener was not given the SERVICE_NAME in CONNECT_DATA". (Microsoft SQL Server, Error: 7303)
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Oct 17, 2000
good afternoon,
Does any1 know how to prevent a login screen being encountered upon hitting the SQL dbase? I'm sure there is a table in SQL server that you can create that allows this (and the number of rows retrieved as well). Can any1 help me out?
Thanks in advance for any and all help
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Aug 21, 2002
I have succeeded in reattaching the db to the new server, but the old logins do not work, as has been experienced by many people.
What follows was is a solution from an earlier post (last year) on this topic. I tried running the queries from Master in on the new server, and got the following error:
Server: Msg 2601, Level 14, State 3, Line 1
Cannot insert duplicate key row in object 'sysusers' with unique index 'sysusers'.
The statement has been terminated.
The sql queries I am using are:
insert sysxlogins(srvid, sid, xstatus, xdate1, xdate2, name, password, dbid, language)select srvid, sid, xstatus, xdate1, xdate2, name, password, dbid, language
from "oldServerName".master.dbo.sysxlogins
insert sysusers(uid, status, name, sid, roles, createdate, updatedate, altuid, password)
select uid, status, name, sid, roles, createdate, updatedate, altuid, password
from "oldServerName".master.dbo.sysusers
where name not in ('public', 'INFORMATION_SCHEMA', 'db_owner', 'db_accessadmin', 'db_securityadmin', 'db_ddladmin', 'db_backupoperator', 'db_datareader','db_datawriter', 'db_denydatareader', 'db_denydatawriter', 'guest', 'dbo')
The old server is set up as a linked server on the new server.
This suggests that the information is all in the new server. Any tips? TIA D. Lewis
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Sep 10, 2001
We are in process of migrating of databases from one Server to another, Can anyone please suggest me how to transfer or copy the logins from one Server to the other instead of creating them all over again??
Thanks in advance...
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Sep 13, 2001
Can anyone help me to script sql server logins.
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Dec 12, 2001
I need to restore the logins from prod server "A" to a dev server. The dev server has many databases from different prod servers. If I restore the master from prod A to dev, i'll lose the logins on dev for the other dbs. How can I get the logins from prod A to dev without losing the other logins for the other dbs?
Your help is greatly appreciated!
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May 7, 2008
Can someone remind me where Server Logins are stored in SQL Server?
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Oct 26, 2005
I have an application that runs off an sql server 2000 sp3 database. I have taken a backup (.bak file) of the production database and restored it to another server for testing purposes. the users cannot login to the new server because the logins have not been transfered to the new server. I am looking to transfer the logins using the procedure outlined at the following link: under the header "Create and Run Stored Procedures in the Master Database". what I need to know is will this procedure affect the production server in any way? (I can't have that) and is there anything else I need to do after this to let the users login to the test server with the same name and passwords?
thanks for any help
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Sep 18, 2006
I need to create a new login that only has access to 2 Views.
I have tried everything, A New Role, Schema, set the Securables but when I connect to the server with MS Access or MS Excel, and sign in using that Login, I can still a bunch of tables. I only want this Login to be able to run either view and not see anything thing else.
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Apr 1, 2006
Historically, many of us have used bulk copy to move selected contents of syslogins from one server to another so that the logins stayed in sync for things such as replication, log shipping, etc.
In SQL 2005, I have no access to passwords (this is proper from a security perspective) so I can't generate a file with bulk copy. I also can't update sys.server_principals, so it doesn't really matter that I can't export the passwords.
So what is the SQL 2005 solution? Suppose I decide to mirror my database. How do I get the logins that are users of that database over to the mirror server? Scripting the logins won't work because it generates a random password. sp_change_users_login requires me to provide a password but then I would have to know each login's current password or give them each a new password. This is viable with 2 users; it is not viable with 2000!
I know that Copy Database Wizard will move the logins with the passwords intact, but it will assign new SIDs to SQL Server authentication logins. That's fine as long as it is a one-time move but not if I am maintaining a warm standby.
This problem has been one of the most frequent problems posted on newsgroups, etc. in the past. But we have had solutions. I fear that we do not have one in SQL 2005.
I'd appreciate any help you can provide.
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Nov 30, 2005
I am replacing a server so I need to migrate everything. The old server is running SQL2000 and the new server is running SQL2005. I am trying to write an SSIS solution to migrate everything for me and I can't even get started because I get the error "The source server can not be the same as the destination server". At the same time I am changing the name of the Domain so the two machines arenot even members of the same Domain. I am doing this over the Internet so the machines are not even on the same subnet. The only thing I can think of is that the machine names are the same so even though the domains are different therefore the full names are different, the NetBIOS names are the same. Could that be the problem?
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Dec 4, 2006
Hi guys,
I have tried to use the sp_help_revlogin script to move logins from a sql 2000 server to a sql 2005 server. It works for users that have a password. But if the password is blank it will fail. Is there a work around for this since I can't change the users passwords?
I have also tried SSIS package but that too doesn't work because of the same reason.
Can anyone help...
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Apr 12, 2000
I need to move several databases to a new server while retaining the same logins/permissions. Books Online indicates that DTS can move the SQL Server logins, but it sets the passwords to NULL in the process. Is there any way to move the logins and keep all passwords/permissions intact?
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Mar 27, 2004
I'm changing servers and want to copy all the logins from the old server to the new server. Is there anyway to do this?
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Jan 10, 2007
I am developing an application in VB.NET that is using a sql database. I am trying to start testing with multiple computers running the app while the database is on a remote computer. I have 2 desktop computers networked right now with 1 of them having the database and the other I want to run the program on. I am trying to figure out how to use windows authentication to login to sql server from the remote computer. I can login using Sql authentication but it is taking forever and I keep getting timeout errors so I wanted to try Windows Authentication to see if it is faster. If someone could walk me through the steps I need to take or give me some suggestions to fix my problems I would greatly appreciate it.
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Jun 25, 2007
I have SQL Server 2005 on a DEV box and I have a linked server on that box.
It has several logins that I would like to move over to our production server when I re-create the linked server.
Now I can export the script to create that linked server, but when I do so it doesn't provide me with the user's login password.
Is there a way to export the password as part of the script so I can move the linked server AND all the users associated to it over to a new server?
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Nov 1, 2007
Sometimes a user name will change in Active Directory and I have to change the name in SQL Server as well. So what I do is first delete the old user name from SQL Server's logins. However I wont be able to see the new user name in SQL Server to add it as a legit user until I roboot the server. Is there somekind of code I can execute to resynchronize with Active Directory again?
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Jul 20, 2005
Hello,Can anyone tell me how to monitor logins/logouts to Analysis Servicesdatabases? I use Profiler to do so in SQL, but cannot find a way to doit in AS.Thanks,Tim*** Sent via Developersdex ***Don't just participate in USENET...get rewarded for it!
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May 2, 2007
We are moving from Oracle to SQL Server 2005 for our next release and I'm looking for content that describes creating Logins, creating User accounts and what approach to take if the database is using windows authentication vs. SQL authentication.
Any suggestions?
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Mar 28, 2006
I€™m using express edition of SQL server 2005. 9.00.1399.06 (Intel X86)
I need to transfer all SQL logins and passwords from one server to another.
The script at (designed for sqlserver 7.0 and 2000) This script references a system table (master..syslogins) that may not exits in sqlserver 2005. I get the following error:
EXEC master..sp_help_revlogin
Msg 208, Level 16, State 1, Procedure sp_help_revlogin, Line 12
Invalid object name 'master..sysxlogins'.
Would SMO be something to try for transfering logins and passwords?
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Sep 10, 2007
Haven't been able to find the answer to this after sever searches. So decided to open the thread myself.
I am trying to write a report enumerating logins in SQL Server and all database-level and object-level permissions granted to each login.
Can someone tell me what system objects I can query to fetch this information?
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