Doubt About SQL Server

Feb 2, 2007

I need an application to obtain the databases names from my SQL
Server, using Visual Basic 6.0.
Can somebody hel me?

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Sql Server Doubt

Aug 13, 2004

Hi all
I am using osql utility in sql server 2000 to convert data in database to excel sheet. My datas contain both english and chinese . While converting to excel sheet english datas are comming but the datas in chinese is comming like (?) this. Does any body has any idea to solve this problem. is there any way to set font in osql utility.
Note: I tried giving chinese font in excel still it is not working.
Its really urgent pls reply

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Sql Server 2005 Doubt

May 21, 2007

Dear Folks,
I'm verymuch new to sql server2005, while I'm trying to open a file from particular location, it is opening and asking again to connect, after that it is directly going to default database msdb.

is there any chance like directly to open any number of new query windows?

thank you very much

Even you learn 1%, Learn it with 100% confidence.

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SQL Server Windows Authentication Doubt

Feb 13, 2008

When I use Windows authentication on My SQL Server Database, I can use Windows accounts to define access to read/write/modify databases, right ?
But, when someone access a ASP.NET Web Site that access this Database wich user is that going to be ?
The IIS users ? IWAN_SRV and IUSR_SRV ?

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Linked Server Security Doubt

Apr 3, 2007


I have 2 sql servers server1 and server2. I need to setup a linked server from server1 to server2.
I want to limit the access for 1 user to be able to use this linked server from server1. I also want a login/password for the linked server connection to be setup for the access.

I am not clear about thedifferent security levels and not sure which one I can use

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Doubt Pls Help SQL Server Reporting Services

Mar 25, 2008


I execute the report and the report generates fine. When I click on the €˜+€™ or €˜-€™ button (toggle feature), I get this error: €˜€œAn internal error occurred on the report server. See the error log for more details. (rsInternalError) €œ.€™

Any help is greatly appreciated.

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Diff Datatypes Used Doubt Int And Bigint ........SQL SERVER 2005......Any Useful Links ??

Jun 12, 2007

 Hello Frdz,                I have doubt regarding the datatypes fields used in  SQL SERVER 2005.The value for bigint Int64 is 18The value of int Int32 is 9/10Now,if in int i write : 1234567890 (accepted)This gives error     :  9874565656 (not accepted..........why is it so      ???     )Why is it so ??I want to know the perfect size of all the datatypes used in SQLSERVER 2005.There are also smallint,tinyint.....What's the main difference with all of them ??Can anyone provide me the nice links which can explain me what m i asking in this post...Please help me....I want to know all the datatypes used differences...   

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May 3, 2008

i have the following procedure:while running

EMP_SP_EmpDetails_Display 'FirstName', 'ASC'

i got the error like this: Msg 170, Level 15, State 1, Line 1
Line 1: Incorrect syntax near '.'.

plz can any one solve this problem.

My procedure:

-- =============================================
-- Author:
-- Create date:
-- Description:
-- =============================================
ALTER procedure [dbo].[EMP_SP_EmpDetails_Display]
-- Add the parameters for the stored procedure here
(@colum as varchar(50),@order as varchar(50))
-- SET NOCOUNT ON added to prevent extra result sets from
-- interfering with SELECT statements.

declare @sqlexec varchar(1500)

-- Insert statements for procedure here
set @sqlexec=''
set @sqlexec=@sqlexec + 'SELECT EL.UserName,EL.Password, E.EmpID, E.FirstName, E.LastName, E.DesignationID, E.DepartmentID, E.Sex '
set @sqlexec=@sqlexec + 'E.DOB, E.Age, E.Address, E.Email, H.Hobby,'
set @sqlexec=@sqlexec + 'ContactNo=Case When is not null Then '
set @sqlexec=@sqlexec + 'When is null Then E.Mobile End, '
set @sqlexec=@sqlexec + 'E.DateOfjoining, D.Designation, DE.Department '
set @sqlexec=@sqlexec + 'From dbo.EMP_Tbl_Employee E '
set @sqlexec=@sqlexec + 'Inner Join dbo.EMP_Tbl_Designation D On E.DesignationID=D.DesignationID '
set @sqlexec=@sqlexec + 'Inner Join dbo.EMP_Tbl_Department DE On E.DepartmentID=DE.DepartmentID '
set @sqlexec=@sqlexec + 'Inner Join dbo.EMP_Tbl_EmployeeHobbies EH On E.EmpID=EH.EmpID '
set @sqlexec=@sqlexec + 'Inner Join dbo.EMP_Tbl_Hobby H On E.Sno=H.Sno '
set @sqlexec=@sqlexec + 'Inner Join dbo.EMP_Tbl_EmployeeLogin EL On E.Sno=EL.Sno order by '+@colum+' '+@order+''



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So Doubt

Nov 4, 2003

i have some doubt that if we want to put some data in the database, is two paragraph words, so is it i need to type this two paragraph word in the database?

how i can made a paragraph in database? is it possible?

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Mar 2, 2005

Hi there

I have a question here. I need to import the excel template into sql server data base tables. I did worked on the regular importing of excel spread sheets to import into the appropriate data base columns. I am not getting idea with the eacel template. My main goal is to import the excel template to sql tables and then reproduce the same template for the user in the browser. If any body can help i would really appreciate.....

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A Doubt

May 19, 2008

hi all

I have heard that neither SQL Server 2000 nor SQL Server 7.0 supports adding the IDENTITY property to an existing column by using a single T-SQL command .Is it true?

tanx in advance

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Sql Doubt

Dec 12, 2005

ramesh writes "i was using oracle database in last 2 years.
presently my concern using sqlserver 2000.
so i have some doubt in sqlserver 2000.
pls answer me.

1.Give some tips T-SQL with Examples. to call .sql files in query analyser."

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Doubt With LSN

Jan 25, 2007


When hourly transcation log backups are taken , is any log sequence number(LSN) generated .

I want to know if this is right or wrong.I
do the T-log backups until 10.00 pm and I do the complete DB backup at 12.00 AM. So the complete DB backup contains the DB and the T-log from 10.00 pm till 11.59 pm.

So, is my understanding right.


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Jun 5, 2007

I have a table in my database. Now I will import the data into table from excel. Now I have Firstname,Lastname,email,phone from excel.There is a chance some email,phone can be null. Now I have to identify and update the null values with values from tables from another database which has a master table containing all values.

How to write a script?

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Doubt Is SQL

Mar 28, 2008

Hi guys I am new to SQL Pls help me on this...

In sql server 2005 we have ROW_NUMBER() as inbuilt function...
But i am using sql server 2000... instead of ROW_NUMBER () what is the functionality in SQL SERVER 2000. can anyone help me out in this pls...

Thnaks in advance!!!!

Thanks and Regards,
Samuel P

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Jul 20, 2005

hi,How to search a word in the sqltable?.ie suppose the field name has data type nvarchar(200). From there i enter the persional address of that persion. now i want to know the information whoes are coming from particular city?. The city value can enter in the address field. how we can make search?...with regards,ks.kumar****************************************** This message was posted via** Report spam or abuse by clicking the following URL:******************************************

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Jul 28, 2007


How to retrive the health insurance claim cms form in fastest way using sql server 2005

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SQL Query Doubt

Jun 26, 2007

I had a Sql query doubt. I have two tables. One is table with profile data but in this table instead of actually values it stores codes. The value of each code is stored in another table. Something like this
Profile Table
ProfileID    Title  First Name  Last Name       State
1             122          xxx          yyy                 333
So as you can see title and state both are code which are further stored in another table which is something like this
Code_ID         Code_Value
122                   Director
124                   International
333                  AZ
Now I want to replace all these codes with values. Something like this
ProfileID    Title               First Name  Last Name       State
1             Director           xxx              yyy                 AZ
I tried Case statement but it fails. I am not sure how to do this. I have hundred thousands of records to doing programmaticall slows the process. I would appreciate your help or ideas.

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Doubt On Recovery

Aug 9, 1999

When I try to restore a database on one server from another server, by choosing the ‘From device’ option, I am not able to see any mapped drives. So I always have to copy the backup file to my local drive before performing the restore. Is there any other way to do it?
For example, Server1 contains a database db1. A full backup, differential backup and log backups of db1 are stored in ,
The backup devices have been created using sp_addumpdevice.
Server2 contains a database db1.
If I need to restore a copy of db1 on server1 onto db1 of server2, I first copy
to a local drive on server2.
I then restore using the ‘from device’ option.
SQL Server uses NT Domain account with admin. Privileges, log on as a service rt. Etc.


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Doubt On Recovery

Aug 10, 1999

When I try to restore a database on one server from another server, by choosing the ‘From device’ option, I am not able to see any mapped drives. So I always have to copy the backup file to my local drive before performing the restore. Is there any other way to do it using Enterprise Manager?
For example, Server1 contains a database db1. A full backup, differential backup and log backups of db1 are stored in ,
The backup devices have been created using sp_addumpdevice.
Server2 contains a database db1.
If I need to restore a copy of db1 on server1 onto db1 of server2, I first copy
to a local drive on server2.
I then restore using the ‘from device’ option.
SQL Server uses NT Domain account with admin. Privileges, log on as a service rt. Etc.


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Installation Doubt

Apr 3, 2008

can we install a named instance first with out default instance?

The default recovery model in sql server is full or simple?

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Replication Doubt

Apr 13, 2008

Hello Could any one clear my doubts

1. Why it is necessary to have a primary key for a table in order to publish.
2. After setting up transactional replication can we add another table at the publisher side.If it is possible how to replicate that table.

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Foreign Key Doubt

Apr 15, 2008

hi al,
We normally use foreign key in a table, as a reference to a primary key in another table.
But by definition foreign key can assume null my question is when we are using foreign key as null in a table.Clarification with an example would be great..
thanks in advance..

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Small Doubt

May 29, 2008

in command promt how to come out c drive to d drive

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Doubt In GROUP BY...

Jun 12, 2008

Hi All,

select MatchID, ClubID, Max(Distance) as 'MaxDist'
Where MatchID in (8,12)
Group By MatchID, ClubID

How to get the PlayerID who has max(distance),
If i do Group By MatchID, ClubID,PlayerID i can get the playerID,
But I need PlayerID, but PlayerID should not include in Group By clause

How can i achieve it..


Solutions are easy. Understanding the problem, now, that's the hard part

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Query Doubt!!

Jun 13, 2008


I just execute the following statement

Delete top 1 from <table name>
it is giving the error "incorrect syntax near 1"

But this statement is working fine .

Delete top (1) from <table name>

What is the differance between these statements..?

Can any can explian me..


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Query Doubt

May 28, 2007

hi folks,

i want the difference of 15 mints i.e 24.15000 but it is giving 24.45000

select (datediff(mi,'2007-04-28 14:30:14.347','2007-04-29 14:45:14.347')/60.0)

Even you learn 1%, Learn it with 100% confidence.

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Doubt On Trigger

Jun 8, 2007

This is my table structure

EMPId EMpName PhoneNO

and in my application i may change the " PhoneNo" Column for a empid.

I want to audit the PhoneNo change.

I have one more audit table say, EmpAudit where i have phoneno as a column

If there is any phoneNumber change for a particulare EMPID, i want to put a new phone no to the audit table.

How to implement this with out using INSTEADOF trigger???

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CREATE DB --- Doubt

Jun 21, 2007

I want to create a database,before that i want to check whether i have the permission to create a DB.(Im not creating this DB from Master)

if db_id('TEST_DB') is null

What code i have to add before the above piece of code.So that my query shouldnt make any error like 'Permission denied..'

Thanks in Advance

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Jun 21, 2007

I want to create a database,before that i want to check whether i have the permission to create a DB.(Im not creating this DB from Master)

if db_id('TEST_DB') is null

What code i have to add before the above piece of code.So that my query shouldnt make any error like 'Permission denied..'

Thanks in Advance

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Replication Doubt

Sep 6, 2007

Dear Experts,
i'm practicing replication with this link,
id dont know why my database engine option in server type was not enabled.
please guide me in this regard

thank you very much

Even you learn 1%, Learn it with 100% confidence.

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Upgradtion Doubt

Sep 12, 2007

Hi Experts,
i've sql server 2000 enterprise edition installed.....
now if i installed sql server 2005, both the instances will be there or 2000 will be upgraded to 2005?

and is there any trial download of sql server 2008?(katmai)?

thank you in advance

Even you learn 1%, Learn it with 100% confidence.

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Doubt Regarding A Query

Jan 21, 2008

hi guyz...this is my first doubt here as i have taken up an sql server course this semester
i am finding it tuff with one particular query...can sum one help me with this

18.Generate a recordset of all people whose birthday falls within +/- two weeks from whenever the query is run.


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