Drill Through Report Problem - Too Many Parameters?

May 13, 2008

I am having an issue with a drill through report. I have a parent report with 12 parameters that drills through to a report with a single parameter. The parent reports runs fine and the drill through works fine.

The problem occurs when I hit the browser back button to return to the parent report. The parent report will start to refresh (I see activity in the status bar) but then I just get an endless 'Report is being generated' message. If the report refresh button is hit then the report will come up (I would expect this to happen). I can't expect the users to have to continually
hit the report refresh button when returning to the parent report.

The report and drill through works fine in Visual Studio and this probelm is only apparent when testing through IE7.

Anyone have any ideas about this? Out of curiosity is there a limit to how many parameters can be used in a report? I can't find any reference to this in any SSRS literature.


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Reporting Services :: Passing Cascaded Parameters From Main Report To Drill Through Report In SSRS?

Sep 16, 2015

I am trying to develop a report from cube,and it has one drill through report.when i click on sales amount field on main report,then it open the drill through report with details.Here i passed the **(category,subcat,product)parameters(Cascaded)** to drill through report in action part of main report.In my main report i have two columns .

columns are **Level**  and              **Salesamount**.  

Values are like  

**[-]category**              **100**
    **[-]subcat**             **50**
         **product**          **30**

when i click on 100, parameters are passed & it open the detail report correctly, but when i click on 50,the values for subcat parameter is not getting values in detail report and same as the product also.

Here i used the expressions in parameter values




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Drill Through Report -- Passing Date Parameters -- Resulting In RsReportParameterTypeMismatch

Jul 4, 2007


I have two reports. One is the main/summary report and other one is drill through. When I pass the Start and End Date parameters from main to the drill, the original format of DateTime changes. For example, in main report the data is displayed for following date range:

4/7/2007 - 5/9/2007 (i.e 4 July 2007 to 5 Sept 2007)

which displays correct data.

However, when I click on the drill through link, it jumps to the drill through report but displays data for the following period:

7/4/2007 - 9/5/2007 (i.e. 7 Apr 2007 to 9 May 2007)

The reporting services is converting the value from one format to another of the report parameters when passing them from parent report to the drill through. When run individually, these two reports display data for correct date range. And you can imagine, the child report crashes with rsReportParameterTypeMismatch error if the start or end date had a day part greater than 12 (e.g 25/4/2007).

I can't understand what could be going wrong. All the parameters in both reports are datetime, so intrisically, it shouldn't matter even if the reporting services is converting or using different date formats as long as the data type remains the same. Is there a way to fix this and force the parameters to stay in the format they are provided in the main report?

Your help is much appreciated.


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Reporting Services :: Adding Drill Through Parameters Increasing Rendering Time On Report Server

Nov 2, 2015

I have a report which takes around 5 seconds when run in BIDS but takes around 20 seconds when deployed on report server.Execution log says TimeDataRetrieval is around 3-4 seconds and  rendering time is around 15-17 secs.From this report I am passing 8 parameters to a  drill through report and there are 36 text boxes where I have defined these parameters for drill through action.All these parameters are populated in main dataset.When I deployed the same report without any drill through action and parameter, it takes 5 seconds.So I am suspecting that because of drill through parameters report is taking more rendering time on server.I am using 2008R2 and IE11.

Is it expected behavior that due to so many parameters for drill through action, report will take more rendering time?If yes, then why is it not taking same time in BIDS?

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Reporting Services :: Include Special Characters In Passing Parameters In JavaScript In Drill Through Report

Sep 6, 2015

I am passing a field value from main report to a parameter in a drill through sub report. But some field values contain 'special characters'. Those field values that contain special characters are not working for drill through. Javascript code to include special characters to pass to sub report parameter?

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Drill Down In Multi-value Parameters

Jul 21, 2006


can anybody tell me if it is possible in RS2005 to create a multi-value parameter in wich it is possibility to drill down? Say i want to use a multi-value parameter to show data for one or more specific years or months. Then the multivalue parameter would contain a list of years, with a + sign next to them, making it possible to drill down to the specific months.

Any help greatly appreciated.


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Reporting Services :: Row Group Totals On A Drill Down Report Builder Report

Oct 28, 2015

I have a report builder drill down report. I have row groups with totals.    It looks like the attached.   The problem is when the report is not expanded the Grand Totals column is not accurate... it is displaying the totals of one of the rows when expanded.The expression in the Total Show text box is

= Switch (                                                                      
                                         Sum(IIF(Fields!status.Value = "CO", CDbl(Fields!TX_CO.Value),           Nothing)),
  MID(Fields!protocol_id.Value,1,7) = "GENERAL" and                                                  MID(Fields!program_id.Value,1,6)
= "INTAKE",                                                        Sum(IIF(Fields!status.Value = "CO",


Is there any way to not display the expression in the Total columns unless the report is expanded?

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Reporting Services :: TFS Ssrs Report For WorkItemType Drill Down Report

Oct 2, 2015

I need to create a SSRS report using the Warehouse tfs_warehouse DB Report need to be drill down on WorkItemType Parents and child values. So, If we click on Product Back Log Item will get all the tasks inside it and so on....

------->Product BackLog items
                          ----------> Bugs Or Tasks
                                                -----------> Tasks

I have done research and found out how to do it in OLAP cube ..but still can't figure out the TSQL query to be used.Found one of the query on forum:

INNER JOIN FactWorkItemLinkHistory FWILH ON DWI.System_Id = FWILH.TargetWorkItemID
WHERE FWILH.WorkItemLinkTypeSK IN (SELECT DWILT.WorkItemLinkTypeSK FROM DimWorkItemLinkType DWILT WHERE DWILT.LinkName = N'Child')
AND DWI.System_WorkItemType = N'Task'
AND DWI.System_Rev = (SELECT MAX(DWI1.System_Rev) FROM DimWorkItem DWI1 WHERE DWI1.System_Id = DWI.System_Id)
AND FWILH.SourceWorkItemID IN (SELECT DWI2.System_Id FROM DimWorkItem DWI2 WHERE DWI2.System_WorkItemType = N'Bug');

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Report Model: Drill On Calculated Field In Report Builder

Feb 11, 2007


I've created dsv that contain all fields from table database. in the smdl I've remove some fileds due to security. All fields in the smdl do not contain drill.

Issue: When I created calculated field in the report builder the field has a link. When I clicked the drill I saw all the record data including field that not in the smdl.


1) Can I remove the link from the calculated fields?

2) Can I prevent from users drill to fields that not in the smdl?



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Cannot Drill Down On Drillable Column From Report Builder Report

Mar 12, 2008

I deployed the same report model to 2 different SSRS servers. The report only has 1 field with count of records from 1 table. I can drill down on this column on 1 server, but not on the other server. This column is set to drillabe on the report model.

Is there any SSRS configuration that is stopping me drilling down on it?

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Reporting Services :: Passing Cascading Parameters In Drill Through Subreport

Nov 10, 2015

I have two reports.

1. Main Report
2. Sub Report.

I have cascading parameters in 'Main Report'. When i try to pass cascading parameters in to sub-report, I could pass only 'first parameter' value to sub-report.Is there a way that i can pass cascading parameters to the child report?

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Drill Through Report

Jun 5, 2007

Hi All,

I have one dotnet applciation in that i am viewing the report in report viewer. In the same report if the user clicks on one field another report will open. I got a problem with this second report. the image placed on the second report is not coming and if the user clicks on the print button which is on the report viewer the first report is only getting printed. How can I print the second report.

Thanks In Advance

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Drill Down Report Using Report Sevices

May 8, 2007

Hi all

I am new in Sql Server reporting services ..So please help me to clarify my doubt

Please help me to know whether it is possible to generate a drill down report using Report sevices. If it possible please let me know how it can be generated

For Example


Quarter1 Quarter2 Quarter3#

Profit Profit Profit



Product1 200.50 1500.75 -200.40

Product2 5000.00 4000.00 6000.00


In the above example Quarter 3 for product 1 shows los in such cases I want to drill down the transaction to get the detailed inormation and to find out the reason how the loss came..

Please help me to get such type of drill down is possible in measures to get the detailed report

With regards


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MAtrix Report With Drill-through

Mar 13, 2007

Hi All,

I have a table which has a country, division, category, product, Valuetype, value

data looks like this:

Country division, category, product, Valuetype, value

UK Division1 Food Pizza Volume 10000
UK Division1 Food Pizza Revenue 2000
UK Division1 Food Pizza ROI 4.5

UK Division2 Food Pizza Volume 14000
UK Division2 Food Pizza Revenue 2400
UK Division2 Food Pizza ROI 4.1

UK Division2 Drinks Cola Volume 14000
UK Division2 Drinks Cola Revenue 2400
UK Division2 Drinks Cola ROI 4.1

I want to build a drill-through report to be grouped on country, division, category and product.

Can someone help me with some suggestions?


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Problem In Drill Through Report ....

Nov 7, 2007

1)i have drill through report..
a is the parent report..
b is the child/subreport ..

after i click link at parent report -(a), it will go to the child/sub report -(b),
but when i want back to parent report,dont have button back...
for your infromation,it will hapened when i deploy to server and use report viewer control from data tab in visual studio..

2)when i click the button print at child report(b) , but it will print the parent report, not the child report..

any setting for this problem?

thanks for reply..
thanks in advance...

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Drill Down In A Matrix Report

Jan 8, 2007

is it possible to have drill down feature in matrix report?

x 1 0 1
y 2 2 2
z 4 0 7

What would be nice is if the user clicked on "7" and a report opened showing the detail for that value.

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Creating A Drill-through Report

Sep 21, 2007

I'm building my report using the Report Designer in the SQL Server Business Intelligence Development Studio. At the moment I've got a single report which consists of 2 tables. The top table shows some summary data and the bottom table shows more detail.

What I'd like to do is design the report so that when the summary data (in the top table) appears, the user can click on a row in the table and this takes them to a new screen which shows more detail about that item, extracted from the bottom table.

Is this possible? I know it's possible to create a drill-through report if you have the high-level summary data in one report and the low-level detailed data in a separate report, but is it possible to create a drill-through report if all the data is in one single report (albeit in 2 separate tables)?

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Drill-through To A Report In Another Project

May 14, 2007

Hello All,

I am sure many people faced this problem before. I want to drill-through to a report in another project. I want to use "Jump to report" in the navigation tab.

I am able to use Jump to URL. But I cound not specify "method="post" target="_self" in the "Jump to URL" box.

Can some one help me on how to use:

1. "Jump to Report" for reports in another project.

2. Or. Help me specify method="post" target="_self"



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Nested Drill Down Report.

Mar 21, 2008


I want to create the report with following requirements.

I want to have the following fields in the drill down

Sales report
Expense report
Analysis report
Sales report
Expense report
Analysis Report

If I am clicking any country, it should show the sub report. If I click the sub report, it should show the appropriate report. please help me. thanks in advance

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Drill Down Report For SSRS 2000

Feb 26, 2008

Does anyone have a link to a good tutorial on how to create a drill down report in SSRS 2000. I found one for SSRS 2005
If I had the AdventureWorks Db I may be able to figure it out.

I know how to create a hyperlink but I need the toggle (+/-) for my latest endeavor.

My book "Hitchhikers Guide..." didn't help me out.


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Cannot Pass 'All' As A Parameter To A Drill-through Report

Jun 7, 2007


I have a main report that drills-through to a secondary report. The main report has parameters which can be selected (Dairy, Frozen, Fruits, etc.). If I make a selection (let's say Fruits) the second report displays just Fruits information (as would be expected).

However, when I select 'All' from the parameter, on the Main report, and then click to drill-through, the passed parameter is the first selection below 'All.' I cannot seem to pass 'All' to the second report.

What am I doing wrong?

Thank you for the help.


p.s. The datasets are based on an Analysis Services cube.

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Is There A Way To Have A Hide All/Show All In Drill-down Report ?

Apr 10, 2007

Hi all,

I was wondering whether there was a way to implement a "Hide all/show all" option in the report. are there any examples that I could refer to ?

Thanks !


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Drill Down Leads To Jump In Report

Oct 24, 2007

Hi all,

We are developing some reports in Reporting Services 2005 (deployed in Sharepoint). We are having a bit of a problem with the drill down functionality:

When drilling, the report page "jumps", repositioning itself so that the item I drilled is at the top of the page. Not what I wanted, I want it to expand the item without repositioning it.

So, any ideas on what my problem is? I am in kind of a hurry to fix this problem (as always ...).


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Why Does A Drill-through Report Cause An Out Of Memory Error

Apr 11, 2008

I have a report with a matrix object within which I can "drill-down" through several row and column groups. The report runs, and I can successfully "drill-down" within the matrix object.

However, when I create a drill-through action that executes another report when users click on the summed number of the matrix object, the main report fails with an out of memory error. When I remove the drill-through action, the report runs successfully again. This report is important because the users need to use it to get the detailed records from the main report.

Why is this happening? Does adding the drill-through links really use up that much memory?

Is there anything I can do to correct this problem, besides play with server memory settings and/or upgrade to 64 bit? I have already passed as much of the aggregation as I can to the database; in fact, the query for the main report only pulls 1000 records!

I refuse to create an intermediary drill-through report, since the whole reason I created the first drill-through report was because the main report can't handle the detail in the first place.


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Drill Down Report Spacing Issue

Apr 16, 2007

I have created a drill down report, using text boxes. When the report is not drilled down, all root nodes are collapsed, the spacing is really weird between them. For

+ Node A
+ Node B

<a bunch of white space>

+ NodeC.

I want all the nodes to be one after each other. Thanks for any help you can provide.

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Passing A Report Group In Drill Through Parameter

Mar 24, 2008

Hi all;

Could any body tell me as to how I would be able to pass report grouping in drill through report.

Please review the diagram below to better understand my problem

Report 1 (Summary) Columns1 Column 2

Row-1:Grouped by attribute X Calculation based of dates Calculation based of dates
Row-2: Grouped by attribute Y Calculation based of dates Calculation based of dates

The Drill thru option should be present in all of the columns; so that, when any of the numbers in the column are clicked it should drill through to another report which should show all the records pertaining to all the values in X1

Report 2 (Details) Report 3 ((Details)
X1 Y1
X2 Y2
X3 -
X4 -
X5 -
- Yn
What I did so far was to pass the report parmeter in report 1 as "Fields! attribute X ,Value" and same for Y
The problem with is that only the first value of the group that satisfies condition gets passed on to the detail reports. Kindly let me know were I am going wrong and what should I be doing.
Awaiting your opinions
Thanks and Regards

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Two Independent Drill Downs In Matrix Report

Jan 16, 2007

I have defined the following to generate a matrix report

1. Row data: Country,region,state,Race,gender

(Red colored columns - Group1;

Blue colored columns - Group 2)

2. Column Data: Statistics as of (Date)

3. Value: household income

I'd like to be able to have a seperate drilldowns on group1 and group2. i.e drilling down on country, region, state shouldn't automatically expand/minimize race and gender. I played with the attributes of individual columns and edit groups of the same. But couldn't achive an independent drill down.

Income as of '05 Income as of '06

Country Region State Race Gender 100k 105k

Having independent drilldown on the group1 and 2 enables us to find out, for example, how many hispanics live in the region west coast. (in a typical tree like drill down, you need to expand country, region and state to get to Race)

How can create an independent drilldown on group1 and group2?

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How To Create Matrix Drill Down On Report Designer

Apr 24, 2008

i'm trying to create a drill down matrix in report designer because the Chat System, i've a char in the upper region of the RDL and i want to put in the lower region a Matrix with drill down capabilities, but i don't know how to do it.

need help please

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SQL Server 2008 :: Dated Columns With Drill Report?

Jul 4, 2015

I have a matrix report with STORES in the row group and DATES in the column group. The table sums on SALES. The DATES column is formatted like =format(Fields!DATES.Value, "MMM yyyy"). The table also has 2 parameters @Start and @End. This all works great but I then added a child report so that the user can click on the SALES value for any sale by month and store. The child report uses the @Start and @End parameters from the original report but this is where I run into problems.

Rather than bringing me the sales details for a particular store and month it brings back everything from the time period selected with the original date parameters. So say I originally selected 2015-01-01 to 2015-06-30 with the parameters when I select on FEB 15 in my matrix report I get Febs data along with all the other months ie Jan-Jun 15. The DATES fields in both reports are in the same date format - in fact both reports use exactly the same dataset.

I realize it's something to do with the formatting of the DATE field not being recognized in the linked report.

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RsReportParameterTypeMismatch - When Passing DateTime Parameter To Drill Through Report

Jul 13, 2007


I have two reports in my project. One is summary and the other is drill through. In Summary report I have StartDate and EndDate Parameters which are DateTime type. Language settings on my workstation are set to Canadian English, and so are in the IE. When I deploy the reports to the Sharepoint WebParts based reporting portal, the reports run fine individually. However, when I try to drill through from summary report to the detail report, the following error is displayed, where the StartDate is 13/07/2007 (Canadian format dd/MM/yyyy):

The value provided for the report parameter 'StartDate' is not valid for its type. (rsReportParameterTypeMismatch)

Why do the reports run fine individually? Obviously something is wrong with Report Server processing the parameters, that it converts the date format to US English only when passing parameters to drill through report. This problem is eliminated when I change the language settings to US-English on my workstation.

Any ideas how can this be fixed, if at all? It would certainly be not feasible to have all the users change their settings from Canadian to US-English.


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Reporting Services :: Drill Through Report Parameter Getting Unselected

Sep 30, 2015

I am experiencing some issue with drill through report parameter not getting selected some times.I have two reports parent and child. Both reports have total ten parameters and all are cascading parameters with multiple selection. The report, when drill through to child, first eight parameters selected as it in the parent report.But the ninth parameter not get selected with the default value which from parent report and the parameter populated with values.

The first two parameter type is  date time and rest of them are text and all text type parameters available and default values are populated by query (Data set) only.

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Reporting Services :: Drill Down Report Hyperlink In SSRS

Sep 28, 2015

I'm new to the SSRS reports, I have a Drill Down report in that I had Customer data and its related Accounts are populating while expanding the (+) Customer now I need to add hyperlink to the associated Accounts .. How to achieve this.

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Reporting Services :: Drill Through Report - Full Path Must Be Less Than 260 Characters

Sep 15, 2015

I have a drill through report. I am passing multiple parameter values to my sub report using 'url'.

But I am getting error 'The full path must be less than 260 characters long'.

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