Drill Down Interactive MDX Query
Sep 17, 2007
I am new to reporting services. We are creating a report with drill-down capability. We have a Date dimension hierarchy defined as Year - Month - Day.
On the report, we expect reporting services send MDX query to SSAS to get the total sales just for the the year, say 2007, when we click the year 2007. Then it send query just to aggregate sales for that month when we click a month.
But when we build the reports, it looks like it always aggregate for all levels. So the performance is bad to first open the report.
How do I resolve this issue? Please help.
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Dec 20, 2007
I have a drill down report and would like to add interactive sort on two columns:- column 1 & column 2. These two columns should be in descending order. By adding this, when user's click on column 1 they will see the data based on the sorted order.
Does anyone help me on this issue.
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Aug 28, 2013
I have a report  that has a drill down option that shows all workgroups within a specific  parent group and an interactive sorting ass well on both columns  parent group &  workgroupÂ
This is displayed  in pps combined with a SharePoint
The problem is that after sorting the parent group column by name I then press the drill through icon  (+) next to it hopping to see all workgroups related to each parent group - but insteadÂ
I receive this Reporting Services Error  :
The value for parameter 'SortItem' is not specified. It is either missing from the function call, or it is set to null. (rsMissingParameter)
If I don't press the sorting and just drill through it works fine. the sorting itself also works fine.
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Feb 9, 2006
Hi all,
Drill through bar charts work great in the report designer preview, but as soon as I deploy the report, and view the report in a webpage, drill through does not work smoothly.
I have to move the mouse around to be able to find a place on the bar to click through to the next report. Sometimes, I am able to click on the bar to go to next report, but then sometimes I have to click on the label, and other times somewhere in the vicinity of the label.
Any help will be much appreciated.
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Aug 20, 2015
I am using Report Builder 3.0 and i have report which has a drill down group. The report opens in a collapsed form.This report has interactive sorting on a column. But,when we drill down and sort the column, the group collapses and the details disappear.
In some posts, i have seen that instead of interactive sorting, people recommended a parameter. But i have to do interactive sorting only.
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Aug 13, 2007
Does clicking interactive sort button in a column reporting services 2005 result re-execution of the query.
Or will it just re-print the rendered data in the layout and so perform better in comparison to the implementation which can be done using drill down to same report with the help of some extra parameters
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Oct 28, 2005
Can anyone help me with this?
This is my problem:
I have a cube that I created in AS2005, I have a hierarchy and drillthrough action defined. When I create a pivot table in Excel based on that cube and I try to drill down on the cell in the pivot table I can not drill down to the next level. I get an error message: Cannot show or hide detail for
this selection. My hierarchy is based on Dimension Facility. Facility State is root level, facility zip is next level. When I'm in AS2005 and browse the cube, I'm able to drill down and drill through and see the hierarchy just fine. (Also, I find interesting that when I create a cube in excel, based on a two relational tables, I'm able to drill down. ) I have the Analsysis Services Add-on installed on my machine, so I have the Cube Analysis Menu item. But I can't seem to even drill-through. So, for now all I want to know is why can't I drill-down (i.e. double clicking on a cell and having the data related "explode" in the spread sheet) like it shows in the article written by William Pearson, titled September 12, 2005
Introduction to MSSQL Server Analysis Services: Reporting Options for Analysis Services Cubes: MS Excel 2003 and More. Any help is greatly appreciated!!
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Sep 22, 2004
I am migrating few my oracle codes to T-SQL. Currently am using & (ampersand) interactive prompt of SQLPlus. Is there any equivalent for the above said in SQL Server.
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May 17, 2007
Software packages like Microsoft Small Business Accounting and Quickbooks offer a very powerful reporting module that lets end users change grouping, filtering, sorting, etc at run time (having it change the report dynamically infront of them). More importantly, their reporting tools let users click on details on the reports which opens the data in the form based portion of their software.
For example: If the end user pulls up a financial report, lets say "All Bills for February 07", the user get a report of all the bills that have gone out in that time frame. The end user can then click on the actual details in the report, and the Bill will come up in the Windows Forms portion of their software so they edit the bill, or create a new bill.
I have done a very limited amount of reporting in SQL Server, so I am not sure of how they were able to achieve this. If someone could give me some key words or ideas that I can bring up more information from in google, or even on here, I'd appreciate it.
Thanks in advance!
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Mar 25, 2008
The Items Display is like this.
Project Name Acronym ID
SedRich Sed 123
Diercrom Dife 256
Fireup Fip 563
Hiluke Hik 478
Jikerty Jer 125
Kilert Kre 458
The Report idea, u Got Right, now I want to implement Interactive sorting to Name ,Acronym,ID
Please help me
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Jun 14, 2007
I know this is not available now, but is it plan in the near future:
I want to be able to set the initial sort order on the interactive sort.
for example, I have a report sorted Asc by Rank. If I click on the interactive sort button on the Rank column, it resorts ascending... totally pointless, and my customers point this out on a weekly basis...
Any plans to add this feature? If not, I will go to connect and suggest it.
Also, does anyone else find this annoying?
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Jan 19, 2008
I have a report that lists customers. Is it possible to create an interactive mechanism so that a user can somehow select a customer and have a subreport update to show that customer's data, without jumping away from the parent report?
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Nov 20, 2007
We have an issue with interactive sorting. Interactive sorting works in our Dev and test environments but does not work on our production server. We have deployed exactly the same report to each server. All servers are sp2 (9.00.3042.00). When the interactive sort buttons are clicked on production nothing happens. Has anyone seen this?
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Oct 16, 2006
You say, "we enjoy the option of specifying sorting for
multiple columns within the matrix, table or list within which we
are working." But, when I add interactive sorting to the headers of a matrix, the up and down toggles appear in the preview, but the rows are not sorted after clicking.
This works perfectly fine on tables, as you say, but I have yet to see it on a matrix.
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Apr 16, 2008
I can't get interactive sort to work on Report Server reports (but it works on reports I've done in Report Builder using one table per report).
I tried it on a different database in a Report Server report and it did work.
There was another post that talked about the collation, which is Latin1_General_CI_AS_KS_WS for the ReportServer and ReportServerTempDB, and SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS for the two databases I reported on. But it seems like I'm not doing something correctly since it works in RB but not RS (though the one database report did work).
Any ideas?
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Sep 14, 2007
I am trying to create a dashboard that is split into the five main focus areas of Customer, Finance, Management, People and Innovation. Each focus area has a main report and a series of subreports (within a panel). I use the €˜Jump to report:€™ property at the domain level €“ which works well.
My problems arise when dealing with the subreports. For example, in the €˜People€™ focus area €“ the panel contains 4 subreports covering; contractor vs. fte trends, gender balance trends, compliance trends and investment trends.
Ideally I would like to have four €˜tabs€™ which when clicked would show the relevant subreport. I know this can be done via a full report refresh, but it looks clumsy and is more complex and costly to maintain.
I am happy for any method that might change the €˜Subreport€™ property dynamically or set the visibility of the objects. I want to avoid using the toggle capability as this could result in two or more subreports conflicting and being visible at the same time.
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May 2, 2007
We have run into a really bizzare problem after upgrading to SQL Server 2005 SP2. We have a bunch of matrix reports that have interactive sort in the upper left hand corner, the sort based on Numeric and Text fields. For Example
Now for whatever reason after upgrading to SP2 and making NO CHANGES to the reports or under data sources, interactive sorts that use the =Sum(....) no longer work but interactive sorts on text values still work.
Any ideas???
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Jun 11, 2007
Hi All,
I've designed a simple sales report , first grouped by Transport type and then by item.
Category Item Sales
DHL A 2000
DHL C 1500
DHL E -1700
AmEx A 200
Amex E 20
when click on sales under group DHL it shouild sort -say descending-
so result should be
DHL A 2000
DHL C 1500
DHL E -1700
instead I get results
DHL A 2000
DHL E -1700
DHL C 1500
this is just an example but this is the sort of results I get when I try to use interactive sorting.
Any Ideas?
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May 14, 2008
Is there any way to change the interactive sorting icon or even adjust it? When I add the functionality to a column, it skews the column heading to make room for it. This means that reports that previously displayed properly no longer look correct. If I adjust the width of the report to allow room for the icon, then the report overflows its boundary in terms of printing.
Also, the icon does not display evenly all the time. Sometimes, it displays directly next to the text and sometimes it is off to the right more.
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Aug 8, 2007
I have a table with WritingMode for the column labels set to tb-rl (vertical writing).
I want the text in each label to be right-aligned (i.e. aligned along the actual bottom of the cells), so I set TextAlign = Right.
This works fine for all columns until I enable Interactive Sort. When Interactive Sort is activated TextAlign ignores the value and always behaves as if General (or Center) was selected.
Is there a solution to this?
By the way: Is it possible to have the vertical text written upwards (bt-lr) instead of downwards?
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Mar 9, 2007
Hi All
I'm Climbing the walls here, does anyone know how to do an interactive sort but keep one of the returned rows pinned at the end of the result set?
i've tried this
=iif(Fields!Item.Value <> "c", 1 ,2) & Fields!Item.Value
Doesn't work to well
Results to Sort
Sort should return
which works fine on the ascending sort
with c remaining at the bottom
But i get this on the descending sort
Thanks in advance
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Sep 23, 2006
I have a table with interactive sort and toggled to hide and unhide details (table group is the toggled)
when user click on the interactive sort the collapse back to default.
in the report all the details on the table group are hide and the group have toggled.
user open one of the group. after that click on the sort all the collapses are close also the group user click to unhide.
any workaround ?
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Dec 26, 2006
I've been having trouble getting my RS2005 reports with interactive features (drilldowns) to work in an Iframe and rendered with SOAP.
The main problem now is that the toggle buttons (+ / -) point to the reporting services server and do a URL Access call. I've tried the <ReplacementRoot> element in the DeviceInfo parameter but it doesn't appear to do anything.
I keep on reading about how everything is possible through the web services but it looks as if these interactive features are only available using the URL Access. Is this true?
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Oct 25, 2007
I'm setting 'interactive sort' property on some columns of my SSRS report. By some reason, this functionality works only for some columns. Settings do not produce any errors and everything is OK on preview level but when report is accessed through web-based Report Manager only some of the sorting arrows appear.
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Jan 24, 2007
I making a report using Matrix with 2 row groups and 1 column group. The group names are:
Row : CompanyName, TotalUsers
Column: UserType
Detail Group has a count of number of user in each type.
I want to use interactive sort feature on my column group so that when I click on my column header, it sort my detail group data ascending or decending and companyName and total users based on datail group.
Thanks a lot,
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Oct 15, 2006
In VS 2005 with SQL Server Express: How do I debug a stored procedure that is called from a object datasource control while the asp.net code is running? Thanks
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Jun 3, 2007
Hi, I am looking for some guidance on the way to go for achieving the task described below.
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Nov 6, 2006
I'm trying to setup the Interactive Conflict Resolver in my C# app via RMO. (using SQL Server 2005)
The only article I can find on MSDN or anywhere is involing T-SQL. Can someone please shed some light on this for me specificaly on the subscriber side.
Thank you! Chris
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Nov 19, 2007
Hello All,
I have a subreport that has interactive sort on one of the columns in a table. The interactive sort works well when i run the subreport. But when i run the parent report that contains the subreport then the interactive sorting does not work.
Has anyone come across this issue, any help will be greatly appreciated.
Thanks a lot!
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Jul 13, 2007
My reports are not allowing me to "Clickthrough" to more detailed reports.
I want my report to automatically show a detail record when they select some "interactive data" in my reports.
I have read a page on this stuff ( http://msdn2.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms345252.aspx ) which states:
In Report Builder, a clickthrough report is a report that provides detailed information about the data contained within the main report. A clickthrough report is displayed when the Report Builder user clicks the interactive data that appears in the main report. These reports are automatically generated by the report server. You, as the model designer, determine what is displayed in clickthrough reports by setting the DefaultDetailAttribute and DefaultAggregateAttribute properties that you assign to an entity in the report model.
Hence, within my report model i have created an entity with a number of DefaultDetailAttributes.
I have not created a specific "click through" report as i would be happy to view the automatically generated report that should contain the attributes defined in the "DefaultDetailAttributes" list.
However, when i view the report, no data items are links (or "interactive data" as the msdn article describe them).
Has anyone got any ideas on how to make the report data interactive?
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Aug 24, 2007
I'm trying out the interactive sort feature (and have searched high and low for this answer), but can not make the sorting work if I have the data in the table grouped. If I remove the group, the sorting works fine but the output is not acceptable due to the duplicated records in the list.
Can someone steer me in the right direction?
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Feb 27, 2008
I looked around quite a bit but couldn't get around to the issue I've at hand.
I've a matrix report with one row group and one column group. I want to apply interactive sort so that when a user clicks on the column header based on the values in the column the report is rearranged.
The report shows:
Name 02/02/2008 01/31/2008
Test1 15 12
Test2 9 15
Now if the user clicks on 02/02/2008 then it will show
Name 02/02/2008 01/31/2008
Test2 9 15
Test1 15 12
And toggle if clicked again. Hope I'm clear.
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