Drill Through Report Problem For Implementing Tree View Structure
Dec 21, 2007
Hai Iam new to SSRS 2005, please help me regarding below Drill Through Report Problem. Assum my problem with below example.Iam tried Hard iam not able to find the solution, Any body please help me.my real time problem is same as below functionality
If Suppose iam dispalying two columns like Country,Department,iam taking these two columns in a table, assume country column having America,south africa, individual america column having Florida state, south africa column contains capetown state, in the preview of the report iam applying drilldown to America column like + America, i need when clicking the America column i want to display Florida state under the column of Country like tree view structure
i need output like this and the same time i want to display other columns those also contain tree view structure assume other one is department column, with contains computers and sales, individualy computers contains HP, Sales contains Bikes
Country Department
+ America + Computers
---Florida -- HP
+ SothAfrica + Sales
---Capetown __Bikes
How to implement above output using drill through functionality, i tried with subreports and used all grouping formats, is possible for display output like above explain the procedure .
I got assignment, how to make it appear in the right order .
/* DROP TABLE EMP SELECT * INTO Emp FROM ( SELECT 'A' EmpID, NULL ManID, 'Name' EmpName UNION ALL SELECT 'MAC' EmpID, 'A' ManID, 'Name__' EmpName UNION ALL SELECT '1ABA' EmpID, 'MAC' ManID, 'Name____' EmpName UNION ALL SELECT 'ABB' EmpID, '1ABA' ManID, 'Name______' EmpName UNION ALL SELECT 'XB' EmpID, 'A' ManID, 'Name__' EmpName UNION ALL SELECT 'BAC' EmpID, 'XB' ManID, 'Name____' EmpName ) b */
I added the row group to show up as the tree view in the left side of the report. But I need it to display the records in the report detail for just that group value for the records when I clicked the group value from the tree view list.
Currently, it‘s not doing that. It takes me to that page where the group value is listed but it lists all other records too (which I don't want).
Can anyone please help me? I need to create a tree structure of my company's database server. I need to include all the tables and their description in a tree structure. The output can be in any format. Is there some tool in the MSSql that will do this for me, so I don't have to write it out manualy?? Thank you very much for any ideas!! M.
I have the following table Memberid int submemberid int
example MemberId SubMemberId
1 2 2 3 1 4 3 5 2 6 7 8
Each member may supervise more than one member under him (whom I call submember) and then each sub member may also supervise more than one member under him I need to be able to select a specific member for example whose id is 1 and consequently all his sub members should be selected whose also all submembers should be selected and so on I do not know how to do this here is my trial:
ALTER Procedure dbo.MemberReports;1
@MemberMaskId nvarchar(8)
As SET NOCOUNT ON Begin Declare @Exists Int -- Return Value
-- Select * from MembersTree where MemberId = @memId or MemberId = subMemberId
SELECT MembersTree.memberid, MembersTree.submemberid, MembersTree1.memberid FROM MembersTree INNER JOIN MembersTree MembersTree1 ON MembersTree.Submemberid = MembersTree1.memberid
WHERE MembersTree.MemberId = @memId
If @@rowcount = 0 -- No Record returned Select @Exists = 0 Else Select @Exists = 1 Return @Exists
hello i have a table with four fields : name_id, name, tree_id, level withthese data:1 name1 001 12 name2 002 13 name3 003 14 name4 001001 25 name5 001002 26 name6 001003 27 name7 001001001 3tree:1-- 4-7-5-62-3-and procedure which add nodes to tree looks tree.add(idparent,idchild,name)how to write select which returns idparent,idchild and name then i can addnodes in loop reading datareader ?
The same as following Tree as you can see 1__ | 2__ | 4__ | 6 | __ 3__ 5
I need a query to return the following Result. I think it is possible only through Nested sub-Queries But i don't know how to do that Could any one help me.?
Hi all! I am trying to organize a hierarchical data structure into a table. I need to have the possibility to set 2 parents for some nodes. Curently I see following two options: Example 1 id parent_id name-----------------------------------1 0 Level 1 Parent A2 0 Level 1 Parent B3 1,2 Level 2 Child Example 2 id parent_id name-----------------------------------1 0 Level 1 Parent A2 0 Level 1 Parent B3 1 Level 2 Child3 2 Level 2 Child Is any of the two examples valid database logic wise? In fact, is it possible to achieve the requirement by using only one table? Thanks in advance,
SELECT 'A' as Item, '1' as Version, 0 as Counter, '01-01-2011' as CreatedDate UNION ALL SELECT 'A' as Item, '1.1' as Version, 1 as Counter, '01-02-2011' as CreatedDate UNION ALL SELECT 'A' as Item, '1.2' as Version, 2 as Counter, '01-03-2011' as CreatedDate UNION ALL SELECT 'B' as Item, '1.2' as Version, 0 as Counter, '01-01-2011' as CreatedDate UNION ALL
[Code] .....
I want to write a script where if a user enters the version number, then the output should show all the upward and downward nodes..e.g. if a user selects '1.2' version then following should be the output
In the Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio, could anyone tell me how to enable the 'tree view' for the Summary window? It currently behaves like a file folder where I can move up and down 'folders' but can't see the tree of where I'm at.
We need to present hierarchical data on a web page, the same way thetree view shows files in Windows Explorer. Here's the catch: thattree view needs to be bound to a SQL Server database. How can this bedone?
I have a report builder drill down report. I have row groups with totals. It looks like the attached. The problem is when the report is not expanded the Grand Totals column is not accurate... it is displaying the totals of one of the rows when expanded.The expression in the Total Show text box is
I am trying to develop a report from cube,and it has one drill through report.when i click on sales amount field on main report,then it open the drill through report with details.Here i passed the **(category,subcat,product)parameters(Cascaded)** to drill through report in action part of main report.In my main report i have two columns .
when i click on 100, parameters are passed & it open the detail report correctly, but when i click on 50,the values for subcat parameter is not getting values in detail report and same as the product also.
Category_ID Number Parent_ID Number <----Category_ID reports to this colum Category_Name Varchar....
MY QUERY <---I replaced the query above with my data ============================= WITH Hierarchy(Category_ID, Category_Name, Parent_ID, HLevel) AS ( SELECT Category_ID, Category_Name, Parent_ID, 0 as HLevel FROM Dir_Categories UNION ALL SELECT SubCategory.Category_ID , SubCategory.Category_Name, SubCategory.Parent_ID, HLevel + 1 FROM Dir_Categories SubCategory INNER JOIN Hierarchy ParentCategory ON SubCategory.Parent_ID = ParentCategory.Category_ID ) SELECT Category_ID, Category_Name = Replicate('__', HLevel) + Category_Name, Parent_ID, HLevel FROM Hierarchy
My OUTPUT============
All the categories under reporting to Parent_ID 0 or continuous, then the ones reporting to 1 and so fourth. Subcategories are not showing within their main categories. I AM GOING NUTS WITH THIS.
The above table shows a parent child relationship with the hierarchy shown in column level. for each parent (IDs 1, 9, 11), I want the first child level where the column IsAutoCalculate = 0
so for parent Id 1, the rows to be returned is of level 1 as that is the first child row of this parent with IsAutoCalculate = 0. The rows with level 2 should not be returned
For parent id 3, the rows to be returned will be with level 2 as this is the first child row of this parent with IsAutoCalculate = 0
I need to create a SSRS report using the Warehouse tfs_warehouse DB Report need to be drill down on WorkItemType Parents and child values. So, If we click on Product Back Log Item will get all the tasks inside it and so on....
------->Product BackLog items ----------> Bugs Or Tasks -----------> Tasks
I have done research and found out how to do it in OLAP cube ..but still can't figure out the TSQL query to be used.Found one of the query on forum:
SELECT * FROM DimWorkItem DWI INNER JOIN FactWorkItemLinkHistory FWILH ON DWI.System_Id = FWILH.TargetWorkItemID WHERE FWILH.WorkItemLinkTypeSK IN (SELECT DWILT.WorkItemLinkTypeSK FROM DimWorkItemLinkType DWILT WHERE DWILT.LinkName = N'Child') AND DWI.System_WorkItemType = N'Task' AND DWI.System_Rev = (SELECT MAX(DWI1.System_Rev) FROM DimWorkItem DWI1 WHERE DWI1.System_Id = DWI.System_Id) AND FWILH.SourceWorkItemID IN (SELECT DWI2.System_Id FROM DimWorkItem DWI2 WHERE DWI2.System_WorkItemType = N'Bug');
I've created dsv that contain all fields from table database. in the smdl I've remove some fileds due to security. All fields in the smdl do not contain drill.
Issue: When I created calculated field in the report builder the field has a link. When I clicked the drill I saw all the record data including field that not in the smdl.
1) Can I remove the link from the calculated fields?
2) Can I prevent from users drill to fields that not in the smdl?
I deployed the same report model to 2 different SSRS servers. The report only has 1 field with count of records from 1 table. I can drill down on this column on 1 server, but not on the other server. This column is set to drillabe on the report model.
Is there any SSRS configuration that is stopping me drilling down on it?
has anyone out there found a way to get the best of both recursive hierarchy and drill down in the same report, ie without needing to know how many levels there are in your hierarchy, still being able to report them like a tree view with collapse and expand capability at each level?
I building some reports with SSRS, and showing data in a table. The table has one Details row that forms at the end multiple rows with the tree view (+ and -).
Is there a way to open the tree view upwards and not downwards so that the children of level 2, 3 etc come over the parent row?
I've goggled it everywhere, but I don't seem to find the answer. If anyone could help me out, I would appreciated.
I have one dotnet applciation in that i am viewing the report in report viewer. In the same report if the user clicks on one field another report will open. I got a problem with this second report. the image placed on the second report is not coming and if the user clicks on the print button which is on the report viewer the first report is only getting printed. How can I print the second report.
I am new in Sql Server reporting services ..So please help me to clarify my doubt
Please help me to know whether it is possible to generate a drill down report using Report sevices. If it possible please let me know how it can be generated
In the above example Quarter 3 for product 1 shows los in such cases I want to drill down the transaction to get the detailed inormation and to find out the reason how the loss came..
Please help me to get such type of drill down is possible in measures to get the detailed report
1)i have drill through report.. a is the parent report.. b is the child/subreport ..
after i click link at parent report -(a), it will go to the child/sub report -(b), but when i want back to parent report,dont have button back... for your infromation,it will hapened when i deploy to server and use report viewer control from data tab in visual studio..
2)when i click the button print at child report(b) , but it will print the parent report, not the child report..
I'm building my report using the Report Designer in the SQL Server Business Intelligence Development Studio. At the moment I've got a single report which consists of 2 tables. The top table shows some summary data and the bottom table shows more detail.
What I'd like to do is design the report so that when the summary data (in the top table) appears, the user can click on a row in the table and this takes them to a new screen which shows more detail about that item, extracted from the bottom table.
Is this possible? I know it's possible to create a drill-through report if you have the high-level summary data in one report and the low-level detailed data in a separate report, but is it possible to create a drill-through report if all the data is in one single report (albeit in 2 separate tables)?
I am sure many people faced this problem before. I want to drill-through to a report in another project. I want to use "Jump to report" in the navigation tab.
I am able to use Jump to URL. But I cound not specify "method="post" target="_self" in the "Jump to URL" box.
Can some one help me on how to use:
1. "Jump to Report" for reports in another project.
2. Or. Help me specify method="post" target="_self"
I want to create the report with following requirements.
I want to have the following fields in the drill down
India Sales report Expense report Analysis report USA Sales report Expense report Analysis Report
UK .... If I am clicking any country, it should show the sub report. If I click the sub report, it should show the appropriate report. please help me. thanks in advance
Does anyone have a link to a good tutorial on how to create a drill down report in SSRS 2000. I found one for SSRS 2005 http://www.c-sharpcorner.com/UploadFile/MohanKumar.R/DrillDownReport02212008083910AM/DrillDownReport.aspx If I had the AdventureWorks Db I may be able to figure it out.
I know how to create a hyperlink but I need the toggle (+/-) for my latest endeavor.
My book "Hitchhikers Guide..." didn't help me out.
I have a main report that drills-through to a secondary report. The main report has parameters which can be selected (Dairy, Frozen, Fruits, etc.). If I make a selection (let's say Fruits) the second report displays just Fruits information (as would be expected).
However, when I select 'All' from the parameter, on the Main report, and then click to drill-through, the passed parameter is the first selection below 'All.' I cannot seem to pass 'All' to the second report.
What am I doing wrong?
Thank you for the help.
p.s. The datasets are based on an Analysis Services cube.