Dump Database Task Stops SQL Executive

Aug 18, 1998

We are running sql 6.5 with Serv. pack 4. All of our Prod. database are backedup weekly via scheduled tasks. On occasion the dump of a particular database will cause 1 of 2 things:
1. The db dump seems to work correctly but stops sql executive service.
2. The db dump seems to work correctly but sends an alert email msg to me indicating that it failed. The msg in the email is "NO Message".

Has anyone experienced either of these 2 problems or have any solutions?

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Script Task, Debugger Stops And Waits Indefinitely

Jul 7, 2006


I have MS SQL Server 2005 with SP1 installed, version 9.0.2047
I am trying to debug a Script Task in SSIS.
I have break point on the first line of the code.
SSIS runs and eventually launches MS Visual Studio for Applications.
Line with the break point is highlighted in yellow.
After that Visual Studio is frozen. F5, F11 or any other key press produces a popup which says the following:

Delay notification.
Microsoft Visual Studio for Applications is waiting for an operation to complete. If you regularly encounter this delay during normal usage please report this problem to Microsoft. Please include a description of the work you were doing in Microsoft Visual Studio for Applications and when possible instructions how to reproduce this delay.
If Microsoft Visual Studio for Applications is waiting on another application you can switch to that application now, or you can continue waiting for this operation to complete.

The popup has to buttons: [Switch to€¦] and [Continue Waiting]
None of the buttons allows to proceed.

Any idea what causes Microsoft Visual Studio for Applications to a complete halt?


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Integration Services :: Send Email When Execute Task Stops But Doesn't Error?

Oct 13, 2015

I'm trying to put together an SSIS package that will look in one directory for 2 distinctly named .csv files.  The files will then be loaded into 2 tables. 

The first task I execute is a SQL Task that checks to see if the tables I'm loading the data into are empty.  If the tables have data, the package stops executing.  If they are empty, the package continues to execute.

What is the best way to send an email out from SSIS if the package stops on the first step? 

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Cross-database Stored Procedure Stops SQLEXPRESS Service

Feb 22, 2008

I've written a stored procedure that copies records from tables in one database to the same tables in another database. Here is a snippet for a single table:

delete from washmaster_mirror.dbo.batches

DBCC CHECKIDENT (washmaster_mirror.dbo.batches', RESEED, 0)

alter table washmaster_mirror.dbo.batches disable trigger tr_BATCHES_INSERT

alter table washmaster_mirror.dbo.batches disable trigger tr_BATCHES_UPDATE

insert into washmaster_mirror.dbo.batches(processorid,batchnum,processdate,transcount,batchamount,dtmCreate,dtmUpdate,keypreserve)

(select processorid,batchnum,processdate,transcount,batchamount,dtmCreate,dtmUpdate,[ID]

from washmaster.dbo.batches)

alter table washmaster_mirror.dbo.batches enable trigger tr_BATCHES_INSERT

alter table washmaster_mirror.dbo.batches enable trigger tr_BATCHES_UPDATE

This kind of block is repeated in the same stored procedure for each table. There are 20 tables populated this way. The idea is to copy records from the working (washmaster) database to a mirror (washmaster_mirror) database then back up the mirror database so I can avoid having down time during the back up process (due to database locking).

The problem I have is that the above stored procedure sometimes causes the SQLEXPRESS service to stop, thus the Sql Express connection to break. I've checked the error logs and the event log (I'm running on Windows Vista) and nothing sheds light on the issue. When I originally coded the stored procedure I surrounded it by a TRY - CATCH block, which forced it to lose the connection every time. When I eliminated the TRY - CATCH block the broken connection issue became rare, but still occurs occasionally. Any ideas why this might be occuring or what I can do to solve it?


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How To Dump Database

Mar 6, 2000


I need a good suggestion from you.

1. I need to create a replication enviroment. In that i want to snapshot the database as and when i want from my Java program, so that selective tables are updated with latest data. Is there anyway i can do with out creating native replication methods.

2. Is there any way with out creating a snapshot or replication. I need to copy the data from my master database to child database(my reporting database) with out straining much my master database

Thanks in advance

Regards Jagannadh

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Database Dump

Oct 5, 2000

Hi people

when doing a dump on a Win2000/SQL7 database from and NT4/SQL6 machine I get the following error:

EXEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION. SqlServer is terminating the process.

Can anybody tell me why?
What should I do?

De waal

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Dump Database

Aug 3, 1999

Hi all,

When I use "DUMP DATABASE", it will help me to backup both database and
transaction log. However, it will not help me to clean up the transaction log.
Therefore, I am worry that will the following happen?

Start backup database
( there are transactions during the backup process )
Finish backup database
Start backup transaction
Finish backup transaction

Start backup transaction and clean up the transaction log

So, will the transactions been backuped twice? If yes, will it cause those
transaction do twice when I restore the database then restore the transaction?


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Aug 10, 1998

Hello, All!
Can anyone explain what happens to Transaction Log
when DUMP DATABASE is issued?


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How Do You Dump A Database With MS SQL?

Jul 20, 2005

Tried googling, but I guess I have the wrong terminology for MSproducts.Using PostgreSQL, or MySQL, if I wanted to tranfer a database from onemachine to another, I'd do a "dump" with a single command, such as:mysqldump [databasename] > [path/filename]Then I'd take the file generated and dump it back onto a new machine.What's the process with MS SQL Server? Can someone point me in theright direction to a webpage dealing with this?--[ Sugapablo ][ http://www.sugapablo.com <--music ][ http://www.sugapablo.net <--personal ][ Join Bytes! <--jabber IM ]

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Dump Database To Network

Sep 29, 2000

I am trying to backup database on a network disk using isql
dump database <DBNAME> to disk = 'servernamepathfile.ext' with INIT

but this does not work and gives an error device off line.
How can I do this??


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Creation Of Database From Dump

Aug 29, 2006


I have a SQL database dump with me. I would like to create a database using the dump. Could somebody help me with the steps?

Thanks :)

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How To Dump Database To MSDE

Dec 7, 2006


In my app. i'm using sql server 2000 now I want to move to MSDE2000. I have two Queres. my application environment is Vb.net

1.how to dump my sqlserver database which i was already using to theMSDE and

2.can i connect this MSDE to MSSqlServer2000

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Dump Database Vs. Sqlmaint.exe -bkupdb

Oct 25, 1999

Both "dump database" and "sqlmaint.exe -bkupdb" would be able to backup database, one important advantage I can see from "sqlmaint" is that it has the option to cleanup the very old generations of backups by using -delbkups option in a scheduled maintenance backup job, while the "dump database" would first create a dump device and it'll grow with time.
Is there any suggested way to use the "dump transaction" but still we can get control on the size of dasd used ?
Any negative part of using "sqlmaint" utitity to backup database as compared to the "dump database " utility ?

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Oct 13, 1999

We run SQLMaint hourly ( as a scheduled task ) to clear our transaction logs. Last night our hard drive filled up during a log dump, causing SQLMaint to fail, and a subsequent transaction filled up the log.

We succeeded in manually truncating and clearing the log, but SQLMaint still insists on us doing a DUMP DATABASE to clear the logs before it will run again. Unfortunately, we do not have enough space left on our hard drive to do a full database dump.

Is there any way of fooling SQLMaint into believing that a DUMP has been run? Some flag in a system table somewhere, or maybe a registry entry?

John Morrison
Hurst, TX

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Cross Server Database Dump

Oct 5, 2004

I am attempting to remember the string to dump/restore a database to a different physical server.

I have the database on Server 1 and want to back it up to server 2. Can anyone refresh my memory?


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Newbie : Dump The Log On Distribution Database ?

Apr 12, 2001

Hi there,

I'm a newbie. I've installed a replication between 2 NT4 servers, with SQL 6.5. My logreader tasks has crashed "Can't allocate space for objects 'syslogs' in database 'distribution' etc...". With a DBCC SQLPERF(LOGSPACE) I can see that the log is 100% full, but I can't dump it : when I use DUMP TRAN DISTRIBUTION WITH NO_LOG, my distribution log is still 100% full. So how can I do to dump it and what can I do to prevent it from filling up ? Do I need to dump it like I do for my database but how could it work if a DUMP TRAN doesn't work ?

Thanks in advance.

Sorry for the English, it's not my native language.

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Scheduled Database Dump Dilemma

Mar 7, 1999

I am fairly new to SQL server and am having a problem getting the SQL backup or "dump" to do what I need it to do. My desired end result is to have a database backup every night to a backup device on the same server as SQL is running, and keep one weeks worth of databases in the backup device, overwriting the database backup from 7 days before. This device is then transferred sometime later to another server using the NT AT scheduler. The first time I tried to accomplish this I used Enterprise manager to schedule a full backup to be run each night at midnight. The backup device was set to be initialized and retained for 7 days. This procedure worked once, the first night. There after it failed. In looking at books on line it said that I needed to change the transact -SQL command from INIT to NOINIT as the INIT instruction was the cause of the failure. I changed the statement in the Scheduled Task manager to NOINIT. That seemed to do the trick as I checked the backup device each of the next few days and saw that it was indeed performing the backup and retainng the databases. A week later I checked the backup device again and found that it is still adding database dumps to the file, but it is not overwriting the dumps that are 7 days old. I am told that I need the INIT statement in the dumpdevice command in order for the RETAIN DAYS = command to kick in. However, this did not work before. I can not continue adding to the dump device as it will get too large and take up too much disk space on the server. The only way I can get the device to a reasonable size is to do a backup and initialize the device, which gets rid of all of the older databases. This seems like a catch 22. Is there any way I can make this work. I am running SQL 6.5 on the latest service pack (5a). Any help would be greatly appreciated.

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How To Find The Size Of The Database Dump.

Jul 20, 2005

hi,There is facility to do backup of the database. I can use thatfacility to backup the database. But before i do a backup i want tocheck if the disk space available enough to backup that database. Ihave a 22gb database mdf file, when i took a backup of that its only3gb. SO i cannot use the size of mdf file to determine the databasedump file. Is there any facility available to find out the backupdatabase dump size before doing the backup?ThanksNabhonil.

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How To Dump A Database From Mysql To Sql Server2005

Mar 16, 2007

Hi Every bdy,

I have a database which is in mysql. Now we want to port that database to Sql Server 2005. Please tell the steps to do this.

With Regards

Ravinder Reddy.K

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Importing A Single Table From A Database Dump?

Dec 5, 2005

I have a database dump using mysqldump. Now I want to import a table from the dump file. How would one do this?

I've used mysqlimport < table.sql, but what if I have databasedump.sql which includes all the tables, but I only want to import ONE table?


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SQL Executive

Mar 15, 2001

Hi all! Does anyone of you know what port number SQL Executive is using? Is it separate from the SQL Server's 1433?
I have a user who is behind a firewall. He can connect to sql server but he can not run a task manually. If the task is scheduled it is successful but
if he run manually , sql server display "The SQL Executive service is not currently running on <servername>. This prevents task .... from being run."
Eventhough the service is running and other jobs are successfully.

Would it be possible the port for SQL Server is open to that user but not the
sql executive.

Thanks in advance.

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SQL Executive Using 6.5 And 7.0

Oct 27, 2000

i have both SQL Server 6.5 and 7.0 installed...for some reason i cannot start SQLExecutive while operating on 7.0...when i try to start the service it says 'Yu need SQL version 6.5 or later to start SQL Executive'
has ayone come across such an error?

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SQL Executive

Mar 28, 2002

Having issue starting this service on SQL7 SP2. Returns "specific error 109"
Any tips on resolution--no help on MS site search. what are ramifications of NOT starting this service if it is a single Server and the SQL application we use does not seem to be affected other than problem loading SP3 and is this related?

Thanks for any input

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SQL Executive

Jan 17, 2000

MSSQL Server, SP4, running under version 6.5.

Is there a way I could use T-SQL to find out if the SQL Executive is running or not ?

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SQL Executive (SQL 6.5)

Jun 11, 1999

When trying to run SQL Executive from the SQL Enterprise manager it run in a dos window ( all scheduled tasks runs fine).
PS: the machine in question had sql 6.5 installed , removed and then and then re-installed again. this is when the problem started.

Any hint on this subject is appreciated.

Thank you.

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SQL Executive Not Running SQL 6.5 Sp3

Mar 31, 2000

MS SQL server error 18450 severity 14

Login failed for user ‘%ls’. Reason: Not defined as a valid user of a trusted SQL Server connection.

does anybody have a clue how to fix this
already cjanged user used for mssql service and sqlexec service

No scheduled tasks can run

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Sql Executive Jobs

Mar 19, 2001


I have registered a Sql server on my local machine.

I can adddelete jobs to the Task Scheduler, view job histories etc on
that server however, when I try to execute a job on that server using the Task Scheduler, I get the following error message:

"The sqlexecutive servive is currently not running on server <server name>. This prevents the task from running".

I have checked the SqlExecutive service on the server and it is running.
I have jobs that get executed each night via the Task Scheduler

Does anyone have any idea of what the problem could be ?


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SQL Executive NOT Visible...

Mar 23, 1999


When I register an SQL Server from elsewhere on the network, some of them are not displaying SQL Executive in the Enterprise manager.

Why is this?

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SQL Executive Problem !

Mar 31, 1999

Hi !

I have SQL Server 6.5 on Windows NT 4.0. Every night i was doing my
backups with SqlExecutive.
Some days ago I had to restart my server. First I stopped SQL
Sevrver,then DTS service and
when I tried to stop SQL Executive it begun to show me the stopping
status. I waited for 20 min.
and status didn't changed. In the Control panel, Services SQL Executive
status is stopped. When I'm
trying to start it from control panel the system tells me that this
service is already running. And now
I can't stop it or start it from service manager.
What could be wrong ? Is it SQL Server problem or NT problem.

Thanks in advance !


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SQL Executive Error

Sep 23, 1998


If I execute any scheduled jobs on my SQL Server I am getting the following error message.

`Error 21003 : [SQL Server] Error executing xp_schedulersignal extended stored procedure`

`SQL Executive not running.`

If I check SQL Executive by right click, the drop down menu show start option is disabled.

Can any one help.

Thank you in Advance.

Murali Raparla

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SQL Executive Problem

Jul 10, 2001

I registered a remote server on my machine that has SQL 6.5 Client installed.
Using the SQL Enterprise manager I am trying to run the scheduled jobs in the remote site, and I get the following error message

"The SQLExecutive Service is not currently running on Server 'Server Name'. This prevents task 'task name' from being run"

I have verified that SQL executive is running in the remote server and I was able to run the same jobs on the same server from another machine. Can you please suggest me as what is wrong with my machine. I have tried to re-install SQL client on my machibe.

I would appreciate if anyone can reply this ASAP as I am stuck.


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Using A Dump From One Database In Another Database

Nov 3, 1998

can a database dump created from one database be used in another database? what are the procedures?

thanks in advance

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SQL Executive And Scheduled Tasks

Jan 19, 1999

I'm running SQL Server 6.5 and have schedules a number of tasks to run overnight. This has generally been successful; even when the tasks have failed, it's been because of a lack of data in a feeder database system.

My problem is that when I try to run the tasks manually, I get a message saying that they can't be run because SQL Executive is not running on the server. Now, this ain't true. The little gizmos show green in the server manager, and if I right click on SQL Executive, 'Start' is disabled and 'Stop' is enabled.

Am I missing something here? Does anyone have any clues or suggestions?


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