I am getting output two times but my table has single data then how to remove duplicate my SQL query is:
select nonregister.email as firstname,nonregister.email ,appliedjobstatuswithresumes.description,appliedjobstatuswithresumes.applieddate from nonregister , appliedjobstatuswithresumes where appliedjobstatuswithresumes.nonregid IN (select nonregid from nonregister where nonregid IN (select nonregid from [appliedjobstatuswithresumes]
I have tried joining several tables and the result displays duplicate rows of virtually every line/row. I have tried using distinct but this didn't work. I know it could because there's several columns from some of the tables named the same.
We have the below query which is pulling in Sales and Revenue information. Since the sale is recorded in just one month and the revenue is recorded each month, we need to have the results of this query to only list the Sales amount once, but still have all the other revenue amounts listed for each month. In this example, the sale is record in year 2014 and month 10, but there are revenues in every month as well for the rest of 2014 and the start of 2015 but we only want to the sales amount to appear once on this results set.
I am using the Import/Export wizard to import data from an ODBC data source. This can only be done from a query to specify the data to transfer.
When I try to create the tables, for the query, I am getting the following error:
Msg 2714, Level 16, State 4, Line 12
There is already an object named 'UserID' in the database.
Msg 1750, Level 16, State 0, Line 12
Could not create constraint. See previous errors.
I have duplicated this error with the following script:
USE [testing]
IF OBJECT_ID ('[testing].[dbo].[users1]', 'U') IS NOT NULL
DROP TABLE [testing].[dbo].[users1]
CREATE TABLE [testing].[dbo].[users1] (
[UserID] bigint NOT NULL,
[Name] nvarchar(25) NULL,
IF OBJECT_ID ('[testing].[dbo].[users2]', 'U') IS NOT NULL
DROP TABLE [testing].[dbo].[users2]
CREATE TABLE [testing].[dbo].[users2] (
[UserID] bigint NOT NULL,
[Name] nvarchar(25) NULL,
IF OBJECT_ID ('[testing].[dbo].[users3]', 'U') IS NOT NULL
DROP TABLE [testing].[dbo].[users3]
CREATE TABLE [testing].[dbo].[users3] (
[UserID] bigint NOT NULL,
[Name] nvarchar(25) NULL,
I have searched the "2714 duplicate error msg," but have found references to duplicate table names, rather than multiple field names or column name duplicate errors, within a database.
I think that the schema is only allowing a single UserID primary key.
I've begun to get the above error from my package. The error message refers to two output columns.
Anyone know how this could happen from within the Visual Studio 2005 UI? I've seen the other posts on this subject, and they all seemed to be creating the packages in code.
Is there any way to see all of the columns in the data flow? Or is there any other way to find out which columns it's referring to? Thanks!
I want to make some joining in my table but I dont know what kind of joining is appropriate. Here is my tables sample:table1 -> tableid, useridtable2 -> userid, firstname, lastnametable3 -> userid, firstname, lastname Now, I want to to get data from table1 with the data from table2 and table3 where userid of table1 = table2, table3.
Hi. I'm new to SQL, and need to join 2 tables... any hints??? table1:id (int)title(varchar(50))body(text) table2:id (int)title(varchar(50))body(text) somehow need to get the id, which table the record is from, and the title and body... so if the tables had the information: table1:id title body1 "first title" "first body"2 "second title" "second body"3 "third title" "third body" table2:id title body1 "first title" "first body"2 "second title" "second body"3 "third title" "third body" I would like to get... id table title body3 1 "third title" "third body"3 2 "third title" "third body"2 1 "second title" "second body"2 2 "second title" "second body"1 1 "first title" "first body"1 2 "first title" "first body" Does anyone know how to get this? I am fairly flexible if i need to change things... cheers, eh!
Hello everyone,I'm starting a new project right now and am trying to cut down on the number of stored procedures and tables I'm gonna have to use and I have run into a dead end.Up till now I have been doing the following: Say I had a PRODUCTS table with a DesignId column and ColorId column. I would then create a DESIGN table (Name, Id) and a COLOR table (Name, Id) to INNER JOIN with the two columns in my PRODUCTS table. And the same goes for all my other tables: ORDERS, CUSTOMERS, LINKS etc...... And in the end I would have a lot of tables and stored procedures for these category columns. So I thought, it would be nice to just have a Categories and Subcategories table for all my category columns for the whole website. That way every time I need to define a category column for any table I can simply just add the values to my Categories and Subcategories table instead of having to create a new table for every category column. Everything is fine and dandy except for trying to INNER JOIN these two tables with more than one column. To get values for one column is no problem:<code> SELECT *, _SubCategories.SubCategoryNameFROM _ProductsINNER JOIN _SubCategoriesON _Products.DesignId = _SubCategories.SubCategoryIdWHERE DesignId = COALESCE (@DesignId, DesignId)</code> But how do you INNER JOIN the ColorId column as well. Both DesignId and ColorId values are in my _SubCategories table. In a stored procedure: Is there any way to create a table and columns. Run a loop statement, with one INNER JOIN . Rerun another loop statement with a new INNER JOIN statement? Would that work or does any one else have an idea what would?Thank you guys for the help. It is much appreciated. Alec
Hello all, I have two datatables "customersReached " and "customersGuessed " and I want to combine them into one table only, the problem is that one table exeeded to the other by two fields, so what can I do??????? Mahmoudona
Hello I have two queries that I would like help joining: Query #1SELECT UserName, (SELECT COUNT(*) AS Expr1 FROM Jokester WHERE (InvitedBy = aspnet_Users.UserName)) AS invsFROM aspnet_Users Query #2 SELECT UserName, SUM(Hits) AS HitsFROM (SELECT UserName, (SELECT COUNT(*) AS Cnt1 FROM (SELECT COUNT(*) AS Cnt2 FROM Hits WHERE (JokeId = j.JokeId) GROUP BY UserId) AS T1) AS Hits, (SELECT AVG(CAST(Rating AS numeric(12, 2))) AS Rating1 FROM Ratings WHERE (JokeId = j.JokeId)) AS Rtng FROM Jokes AS j) AS t2WHERE (Hits >= 1) AND (Rtng >= 3)GROUP BY UserName They both return correct values, I just want to join them on UserName Thank you, Louis
I've been trying to think about how I can do this. I have forums that I have written built around SQL Server. Basicly you have:
-A users Table -A Posts Table -A Replies Table.
Posts and replies have very similar structures. I'd like to be able to merge them and pick out the earliest post for said forum.
1 - is there a way to merge them so that the post date for both the replies and posts tables is contained in 1 column. If not is there a better alternative.
I'd also like to add indexing to the posts so I can do paging. Is there a way for me to add an index number to them while I can sort them anyway i want.
Right now I have two Queries that I've created: What I'm wanting to do is graft everything from Query1 onto Query2 but only where Query1.UserID = Query2.UserID . Any suggestions on how I would go about doing this?
--Query 1 ( SELECT PC1.ID, PC1.UserID, PC1.ModuleID, PC1.ModifiedDate FROM Projex2_0_0_Cores PC1 WHERE PC1.ModuleID = 369 )
--Query 2 ( SELECT PC2.UserID, MAX(PC2.CreatedDate) as CreatedDate FROM Projex2_0_0_Cores PC2 WHERE PC2.ModuleID = 369 GROUP BY PC2.UserID, PC2.ModuleID )
I am using MS SQL Server 2005 on Windows XP with SQL Server Management Studio Express CTP. I am having issues with my query on joining 2 tables I created using BETWEEN to restrict the Salary. Table 1 is called Employee and Table 2 is called Job_title. The column Job_title_code is the only column that is in both tables which is how I am joining both tables. Here is my SQL query:
SELECT Employee.*, Job_title.*
From Employee
INNER JOIN Job_title
ON Employee.Job_title_code=Job_title.Job_title_code
WHERE Salary
BETWEEN 50000 AND 500000;
The results I am getting back are:
Msg 207, Level 16, State 1, Line 7 Invalid column name 'Job_title_code'.
I can't figure out how to fix this error. I feel like I have tried everything, so any help will be much appreciated. Thank you.
Hi, I have a table with fields as partnerid, contractno. The partnerid field has the Id number which can be a supplier or a customer. I need to get the partner id(supplier) and the partner id (customers) of that particular supplier only. I tried with self join but the data is data is replicating.
Data in table PId ContractNo 20045 1567 435 1567 123 1567 345 1678 1004 1678
I need to display the data in the following format.
jack 20 Melbourne AAA Nick 30 Bendigo BBB Russ 28 Sydney AAA Marty 31 Perth AAA
Table 3
name age city Position
jack 20 Melbourne Manager Nick 30 Bendigo Manager Russ 28 Sydney Clerk Marty 31 Perth Manager
Table 4
name age city datejoined
jack 20 Melbourne 09-09-2001 Nick 30 Bendigo 08-05-2001 Russ 28 Sydney 10-12-2000 Marty 31 Perth 11-11-1999
I want a query which extract the name, age and city from Table 2 (where name,age and city equals table1 values) and position from table3 where position is 'manager' else return null and date joined from table 4 only for the managers else return null.
so the result should be
name age city position datejoined
jack 20 Melbourne Manager 09-09-2001 Nick 30 Bendigo Manager 08-05-2001 Russ 28 Sydney null null
my query
SELECT b. name, b.age, b.city,b.company,c.position,d.datejoined FROM Table1 a, Table2 b, Table3 c, Table4 d WHERE a.age=b.age and a.name=b.name and a.city=b.city and b.age*=c.age and b.name*=c.name and b.city*=c.city and b.position='Manager' and b.age*=d.age and b.name*=d.name and b.city*=d.city
jack 20 Melbourne Manager 09-09-2001 Nick 30 Bendigo Manager 08-05-2001 Russ 28 Sydney null 10-12-2000
When I try to join table4 with table i am getting a exception
Ps: as the original code was in SQL SERVER 6.5 I have to use *= for joins not keywords LEFT JOIN or RIGHT JOIN
I have tables Companies, CompaniesDetails (the company branches), Addresses and Companies_Addresses.
The addresses table contain street and city while the Companies_Addresses has the keys for both companies and branches ,i.e., they are linked to Companies and CompaniesDetails via CompanyID and CompanyDetailID and to Addresses via addressID.
Companies_Addresses id (PK) companyID (FK) companyDetailID (FK) addressID (FK)
I am able to get the branch address at the moment with this code but I would like to get the company address as well using a single select statement.
Code: SELECT DISTINCTAddresses.city as branchCity, Addresses.street as branchStreet FROMCompanies LEFT JOINCompaniesDetails AS cd ON companies.companyID = cd.companyID
LEFT JOINCompanies_Addresses AS c ON c.companyDetailID = cd.companyDetailID LEFT JOINAddresses ON c.addressID = Addresses.addressID
WHERE Companies.name LIKE 'abc' ANDCompanies.status_indicator like 'Current'
I have a bit of an issue that I can not seem to figure out and was hoping to get some feedback/advice from you all.
First a little background. I have two databases and I am adding a new table too one of them. However I need to join the two databases but by columns and the columns I want to use to join them will use different data types and values.
Example database 1 column 1 will be groups.group.id and database 2 column 1 will be users.group.id. However in database 2 (users) the group_id will contain different data.
Database 1 group.id will contain a single integer and database 2 group.id I want to have it contain multiple integers seperated by a comma.
Example code: select groups.group.id, groups.group.name from groups, users where groups.disabled='1' and users.user_id = $user_id and groups.group.id ? users.group.id
The "?" is where I am having trouble. Does anyone know of a way to join two databases by columns using different data types?
Hi, i have some sql experience and can link tables but the link i am trying to get is not displaying how i need it to
here is the code i am using, which display logical results, but not the ones i need :P
qry = "SELECT * FROM wce_contact INNER JOIN wce_mailer_link ON wce_contact.UNIQUEID = wce_mailer_link.Contactid LEFT JOIN wce_mailer ON wce_mailer.uniqueid = wce_mailer_link.mailerid RIGHT JOIN wce_mailer_attachments ON wce_mailer_attachments.uniqueid = wce_mailer.fileid WHERE wce_contact.uniqueid = '"& Request.QueryString("id") &"'"
Ok i have these tables
wce_contact This has the contacts name and address
wce_mailer This holds the details of the mailer and a link to the wce_mailer_attachments, there would be multiple rows in wce_mailer_attachments table which link to 1 row in wce_mailer.
wce_mailer_link This holds the wce_contact uniqueid, and the wce_mailer uniqueid. there will be many contacts to many mailers
wce_mailer_attachments This holds an individual row for one attachment, but the uniqueid would be the same for multiple rows, Dependant on how many attachments the users adds. i.e. one mailer could have several attachments, they would all have the same uniqueid.
Basically the results i am getting using the join i built are displaying each attachment as a separate row when i display the mailers assigned to a contacts record. i need them to display in one single row where the uniqueids are the same in the wce_mailer_attachments and they match the only fileid in wce_mailer.
Hi Can anyone help me join these two quries together? SELECT SUM(SchemeAccount.TotalVar) AS TotalVar, Scheme.Code FROM SchemeAccount LEFT OUTER JOIN Scheme ON SchemeAccount.SchemeID = Scheme.SchemeID GROUP BY Scheme.Code
SELECT SUM(Variation.VarAmount) AS VarAmount, Scheme.Code FROM Variation RIGHT OUTER JOIN Scheme ON Variation.SchemeID = Scheme.SchemeID GROUP BY Variation.SchemeID, Scheme.Code
Hi all! I have a problem joining three tables. My tables are: rooms: room_id ¦ room_name computers: computer_id ¦ computer_name ¦ room_id bookings: booking_id ¦ computer_id ¦ date
I want to join them so that i get a listing that displays all room names, and if there is a booking for any computer in that room I also want to display the computer name and the booking date next to the room name. If one room has bookings for several computers I would like to display that room several times.
I have gotten a correct result with:
SELECT rooms.room_name, t.computer_name, temp.date FROM rooms LEFT JOIN (SELECT computers.room_id, computers.computer_name, bookings.date FROM computers JOIN bookings ON (bookings.computer_id = computers.computer_id)) AS temp ON (rooms.room_id = temp.room_id)
but I would like to use something shorter like: SELECT rooms.room_name, computers.computer_name, bookings.date from computers INNER JOIN bookings ON (computers.computer_id = bookings.computer_id) RIGHT JOIN rooms ON (computers.room_ID = rooms.room_ID)
That however gives me a list where every combination of rooms and computers is listed and bookings displayed when there is a match. I don't really get why this doesn't work and I've been staring at it for days. Could somebody help me out? (I'm using PHP and MySQL)
If a table gets joind with itself and then joined again with itself, is it possible to perform one kind of outer join from the third table to the second tabe and having the range of records in the second table limited to the joins between the first and the second table?
Join on RegionID Join on RegionID and City Show records not qualifying for the joint but limited to the scope of of records established by the first joint _______________ ________________ _______________ | | | | | | | RegionID One | | RegionID One | | RegionID One | |_______________| | City New York | | City New York| |________________| |_______________| _______________ ________________ _______________ | | | | | | | RegionID One | | RegionID One | | RegionID One | |_______________| | City New York | | City New York | |________________| |_______________| _______________ ________________ _______________ | | | | | | | RegionID One | | RegionID One | | RegionID One | |_______________| | City Buffalo | | City New York | |________________| |_______________|
Let say i have 3 tables (tblA, tblB, tblC). I want to get all data in tblA. At the same time, i want to join the tables. If value in column aStatus equal to 1, it will get the value from tblB. If the column value is 2, it will refer to tblC. Else, if it 0, no need to refer to any table. just like inner join.. but i dun get the logic of how im going to do that.. can someone advise me on how to do the joining? please refer to picture below.
i have 3 table. branches,sales,purchase i have to get the sum(sales),sum(purchse) for each branch. this is my query. but i am not getting the proper result. i think its the problem with join. please help me out
select bm.branch_name,sum(am.total) sales,sum(pm.total)purchase from branch bm,sales am,purchases pm where bm.branch_code=am.branch_code and bm.branch_code=pm.branch_code group by bm.branch_name
Not sure if this as straight forward as it sounds!
Everytime I create new fields on our DB it creates new tables(our customer units have changed). What I need to do is pull the customer units from both tables into the same column. Is there a way to do this?
I am having trouble building a query that joins three tables. The tables are:
Table------------key fields Organizations---org_KEY (all fields start with org_) Locations-------LOC_KEY--LOC_ORG_KEY (all fields start with loc_) Users-----------USR_ORG_KEY----USR_LOC_KEY (all fields start with usr_)
Every location record is tied to a record in the organization table. (Via loc_key=org_key) Each user record belongs to one organization and one location. (usr_org_key=org_key and usr_loc_key=loc_key) Not all locations have a user. So if there is no user for any location ,I need the address info.
I need a result that is of all organizations, Locations and users Not all locations have a user but they all have address information eg (loc_address1, loc_city, etc....)