Duplicates Multiple Databases

Nov 9, 2007

Ok, so right now we have a bunch of queries similar to the following:


use db001 select co#=(001), fieldvalue from tablename where fieldid = '1'

use db002 select co#=(002), fieldvalue from tablename where fieldid = '1'

what i need to find is if there are duplicates of fieldvalue and have it display all in one.

Basically right now we run all these there are 25 databases and we export everything to a file and then open it in excel. we then format it it so its just co# and fieldvalue and then look for duplicates.

i would like to avoid the whole excel part and just run a query that will display any duplicates of fieldvalue across all 25 databases in "tablename"

hope that makes sense. - Thanks

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Resolving Duplicates Entries In Table Among 10 Databases

Feb 11, 2006

HiOur product uses MS-SQL Server 2000. One of our customer has 10installations with each installation stroring data in its own database.Now the customer wants to consolidate these databases into one and wealready have plan for that by consolidating one DB at a time. But firstthey want to find how many unique or duplicate entries they have acrossall the 10 databasesAssumptions:1. All the databases reside on the same server. (This is just anassumption, not the real environment at customer site)2. Databases can not be merged before it is found how many unique orduplicate rows exist.Table under consideration:Message(HashID PK,....)# of rows in Message table in each of databases: 1 MillionHere is my question: How can I find how many unique or duplicateentries they have across all the 10 databases. I easily find uniquerows for two databases with a query like this:SELECT COUNT(A.HasID) FROM db1.dbo.Message A LEFT OUTER JOIN ONdb2.dbo.Message B ON A.HashID = B.HashID WHERE B.HashID IS NULLHow can I do this for 10 databases. This will require factorial of 10queries to solve this problem.I will appreciate if someone can provide hint on this.RegardsAK

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Linking Tables From Different Databases Or Querying From Multiple Databases

Dec 10, 2007

Dear Readers,Is it possible, like in Access, to link to tables in other SQL databases that are on the same server? I have a query that I originally had in Access that queered from multiply databases. It did this by having those other tables in the other databases linked to the database that had the query. 

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Selecting From Multiple Tables Avoiding Duplicates

Sep 6, 2006


I currently have two tables called Book and JournalPaper, both of which have a column called Publisher. Currently the data in the Publisher column is the Publisher name that is entered straight into either table and has been duplicated in many cases. To tidy this up I have created a new table called Publisher where each entry will have a unique ID.

I now want to remove the Publisher columns from Book and JournalPaper, replace it with an ID foreign key column and move the Publisher name data into the Publisher table. Is there a way I can do this without duplicating the data as some publishers appear several times on both tables?

Any help with this will be greatly appreciated as my limited SQL is not up to this particular challenge!!!

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Transact SQL :: How To Find Duplicates For Multiple Fields

Oct 26, 2015

I have a table that exists of Serial, MSDSID and other fields.

What I need to check is to see if there are Serial numbers that multiple MSDSID numbers.

So if I have

Serial          MSDSID
001                23
002                24
003                25
004                23
005                26
006                24

The results would be

Serial             MSDSID           Count
001                23                   2
004                23                   2
002                24                   2
006                24                   2

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T-SQL (SS2K8) :: Multiple Contact / Possibilities - How To Remove Duplicates

Aug 11, 2015

I have a bunch of contacts that I've scored how well their names match to other contacts in the same business. I can programmatically figure out how to parse the results, but would like to know how to do this via SQL. My problem is for Business_fk 968976 I have 7 contacts. In the end I should have 4 contacts based on name match. For the business key listed Gerardo Lopez is in the ContactScore table twice for Contact keys 7355719 and 57028145. I then have two rows like so:

PossibleBusinessContactMatch_pk BusinessContact_fk Business_fk BusinessContactMatch_fk MatchTypeCode MatchScore MatchRank FirstName LastName Phone Email
------------------------------- ------------------ ----------- ----------------------- ------------- ----------- ----------- -------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- ---------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
1772960 57028145 968976 7355719 C 46 1 GERARDO I LOPEZ 8162214000
838834 7355719 968976 57028145 C 50 1 GERARDO

Each reference each other, and 2 is a good case, a more difficult case would have key 1 listed 10 times showing a ContactMatch_fk of 2 - 11, and then Contact_fk 2 listed 10 times with a ContactMatch_fk of 1, 3-11.I know 57028145 maps to 7355719 from the first row in the ContactScore table, so when Contact_fk of 7355719 comes up I should be able to skip it and not process that match. Hopefully that makes sense. Anyway here is the test data:

IF EXISTS (SELECT * FROM sys.objects WHERE object_id = OBJECT_ID(N'[dbo].[ContactScore]') AND type in (N'U'))
DROP TABLE [dbo].[ContactScore];
CREATE TABLE [dbo].[ContactScore]
[ContactScore_pk]INT NOT NULL,
[Contact_fk]INT NOT NULL,


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Transact SQL :: Create Email Report Which Gives Result Of Multiple Results From Multiple Databases In Table Format

Jul 24, 2015

I'm trying to create an email report which gives a result of multiple results from multiple databases in a table format bt I'm trying to find out if there is a simple format I can use.Here is what I've done so far but I'm having troble getting into html and also with the database column:

EXEC msdb.dbo.sp_send_dbmail
= 'Job Summary', 
@profile_name  =

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Creating A Database From Multiple Databases Accross Multiple Servers

Sep 13, 2007


I'm trying to create a database that takes specific information from a number of databases on different servers to make some reporting that we have much easier.

I'm pretty new to SQL so I'm not sure of the best way to proceed. I read an article that suggested I use the OPENROWSET command. The problem is, the version of SQL that came with one of the programmes we use is limited and will not allow you to turn on the allow "Ad Hoc distributed Queries" so the SLQ statement will not execute.

I'm confused why it won't let me to connect through ODBC as I've created a web page that selects data from this database with no problems!

Here is the SQL statement that I've written to make sure it is the correct one (on the msdn library page it said that this was the ODBC connection):


I've also created the ODBC connection using the tool on Administration Tools>Data Sources ODBC

Any help would be greatly appreciated (also any ways of selecting from one database and inserting it into another will be helpfull)


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Merging Data From Multiple Databases With Multiple Tables (all With The Same Structure)

Nov 15, 2006


I have 7 source databases and one target database, all using the same structure. The structure is made of 10 tables, with foreign key constraints.

I need to merge the source databases into the target (which won't have any data before that process, but will already have the correct schema), and to keep the relationships between the records.

I know how to iterate over the source databases (with SMO foreach), but I'd like to know if someone can advise the best copy method for that context in SSIS ? (I don't want to keep the primary keys, but I need to keep the relationships...)

Any pointer most welcome!

best regards and thanks


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SQL Server 2008 :: Query Joining Multiple Tables Getting Duplicates?

May 17, 2013

I'm joining several tables and when I add the last one I get duplicate results. How can I get just one for each?

select a.field, b.field, c.field
from atblname as a inner join btblname as b on a.id = b.parent_id
left outer join ctblname as c on a.id = c.parent_id

There are more than one result when joining tbl a and c, but I'm getting a reult for each of them for all results from joining a and b.

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SQL Tools :: How To Restore Multiple Databases From Multiple BAK Files At Once

Aug 14, 2012

I am trying to restore multiple .bak backup SQL database files onto a new server. However, I have found that it will not allow me to restore multiple databases at once. Is there a way to do this so that I do not have to manually upload one at a time? I tried adding all the .bak files at once to the backup device window but it only did the first one listed. It would be so much easier to restore them all at once so that I do not have to continue this manual process. I am restoring them via device.

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JOIN Multiple Tables From Multiple Databases

May 23, 2008

I am in the progress of designing a new section of my database and was thinking of creating a hole new database instead of just creating tables inside the database.  My question is can you JOIN multiple tables in an SQL Statement from multiple databases.  Ie, In the Management program I have a database called 'Convention' and another one called 'Services', inside the two databases there are many tables.  Can I link say tblRegister from Convention to tblUser in Services?

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T-SQL (SS2K8) :: Rank Duplicates But Only Rows Involved In Duplicates?

Oct 22, 2014

I have a table with 22 million Business records. I can see that there are duplicates when I group by BusinessName and Address and Phone. I'd like to place only the duplicates into a table, with a ranking, oldest business key gets a ranking of 1.

As a bonus I'd like each group to have a distinct group name (although not necessary, just want to know how to do this)

Later after I run more verifications to make sure these are not referenced elsewhere I'll delete everything with a matchRank > 1 out of the main Business table.

DROP TABLE [dbo].[TestBusiness];
CREATE TABLE [dbo].[TestBusiness](
[Business_pk] INT IDENTITY(1,1) NOT NULL,
[BusinessName] VARCHAR (200) NOT NULL,


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Multiple Databases?

Jul 8, 2004

Is it possible to retrieve Data from SQL Database #1 and insert it into SQL Database #2 using a Stored Procedure? Thanks. If so Can you show example. Thanks

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Multiple Databases

May 18, 2007

Hi All

I have a question about having one or multiple databases for a large project. What are the main differences between designing my database as one or breaking in to multiple databases. I should mention that there are many relationships between tables in different DBs in the multiple DBs state?


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Converting Duplicates Records Into Non Duplicates?

Jan 26, 2015

Is there a query or a way to convert duplicates value in a column to non duplicates.

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Querying Multiple Databases

Feb 7, 2007

Hey there!
I'm not sure how to explain this but here goes...
I'm a bit stuck, a new project that's come about "requires" me to query multiple databases as if they were tables.
1 Oracle database which stores information on our staff (this database is a part of some MIS software and can't be changed in any way)
1 SQL Server 2005 database which stores information on staff sickness
Basically say theres 1 table in each database
Oracle DB


Lets say the query I want to perform is to select all the records from sickness where person code is 22334 and also get their name from the other db, so the output may look like
22334 Dann Rees 01/01/2007
22334 Dann Rees 03/01/2007
22334 Dann Rees 10/02/2007
Now I realise I can write a quick function to pull the information but this is just a basic example. Effectivley what I "need" is to be able to query sickness while sub querying people to get the names, or some kind of pass through query?
Please remember this is just a very simple example and the "actual" queries will be far more complicated, for instance finding all the employees of a certain department who is male and was sick in January. All the data for that example is stored in people (oracle) except for the dates which is stores in sick (SQL 2005). Now these are easy enough if they were tables in 1 database....but their not, their tables in 2 databases, and theres nothing I can do to change that :(
All help appreciated as this is becoming very urgent.
Many thanks
(I couldnt post this in the General data access forum for some reason)

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Searching Multiple Databases

Jul 16, 2007

Hi all:I am trying to create a website which will search and return results that are from multiple tables in different databases.  I have the code to search a singular database right now, and I tried to make a connection to a second one, which worked, but I don't know how to send the proper sql commands to the second database or how to link them in the code.  Does anyone have any pointers on creating a site which will search different tables in different databases with a known connection between databases?   Any help would be really really really really appreciated.-Shrey 

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Using Multiple Databases In A View

Nov 11, 2007

How can I include tables and views from database A when building a view in database B, if possible?
Same for stored procedures.

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How To Write An Sql Across Multiple Databases

Dec 23, 2005

so, I am trying to write an sql that requires information across two
different database. It's under the same sql server. However, the
location of the tables are from different database.

Any links I can read about that can show me how to write the queries?

Thanks in advance, and merry X'mas.

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Reflecting Changes To Multiple Databases

Jun 14, 2001

We have a number of databases(on sqlserver 7.0) which has the same structure but with data for different users. We would like to change the structure of the databases with minimum effort and with minimum down time.
Is there any method to automate the change so that the change is reflected in all the databases when a single database structure is changed?
Any suggestions in this regard are welcome and urgent

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Indexes In Multiple Databases

Nov 1, 2000

Okay this is a test...actually I am still learning SQL and need some help. Does anyone have any information on being able to move indexes from one database to another. My scenario is I have 3 databases, Development, QA and Production. I want to move/copy indexes I created in Development to the QA database. I have many indexes so I do not want to have to recreated them if I can avoid it. Any suggestions?


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Multiple Databases Synchronizing

Apr 5, 2004


Currently developping a c# database based application, which will be used in different establishments worldwide. I'm currently a bit confused by the ms sql features offered. Because the huge data amount which will be fetched during application use from the database, the best option is probably to put a ms sql server in each establishment to realise quick data fething. Problem is that the servers, which are all running on the same database design have to be synchronised real-time. I read about datareplication with the merge option which I thought was a nice solution. The subscribers can only have read-only rights on these subscriber databases, because the merging doesn't work appropriate i heard, so this is no good solution. Then I read about distributing transaction coordination. Seems a good solution as well, but what happens if a server system crashes for one day and then comes back online? It won't be up to date anymore... Right now I think about a combination of these 2 features. DTC in combination with merge replication, but there must be a better solution. Fact is that a lot of users will be editing data worldwide non stop, and everyone has to be up to date. Because of huge data fetching I don't think it's a good solution to let everyone work worldwide with one single database. Is there a possibility to realise this with ms sql server? Because I'm getting more and more confused... Thx in advance.

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Best Tool For Changes To Multiple Databases?

Feb 5, 2002

I need some guidance! We are running SQL Server 2000. We have 4 or 5 databases with the same schema, and I need to make sure that their structures all stay synched. We will have more soon. I also need certain tables to have the same data across all the databases.

I need a way to manage changes on the multiple databases! Right now I generate a script in Enterprise Manager, then run it in Query Analyzer on each database, manually. There's too much room for error here.

Any suggestions are appreciated! I am currently evaluating Embarcadero's products, but they are complicated and confusing - I'm not sure yet which of their tools is meant for this purpose.


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Updating Multiple Databases

Jun 25, 2002

I have a problem like this. I have an application which shud be internet hosted. All transactions should be updated to the central server of the net as well as an intranet DB server. (I'll have a DB server - SQL Server 2000 in each intranet). Is this possible.. i'm planning to use ASP to develop the net based application.
Thank you in advance..
Geetha R

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Copy Multiple Databases

Aug 14, 2007

Could anyone possibly help me out with an issue I am having...
I need to copy all my SQL2005 databases from Server1 to Server2. How can I, using SSIS, copy all the databases and not just 1 specific one (database transfer task)???
My actual task is much deeper than this, but this is the main problem I seem to be encountering and I cannot find this anywhere on the web...

Over and above the what I have mentioned, is there a way to also specify a name of the target DB the copy will go through to?
e.g. Server 1 has 3 instances, each one with a different copy of the same DB.
I would like to copy all 3 copies to Server 2 running 1 SQL instance, but to target DB's like DB_dev, DB_prod and DB_test.

The latter section is not so crucial at the moment, but the first part is really an issues I am struggling with at the moment...

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Thanking You in advance!!!!!

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Best Way To Organize Multiple Databases?

Jan 21, 2008

I'm very new to SQL, so you'll have to excuse the nubishness of this question. I've got my trusty O'Reilly book here!

We're using Microsoft SQL Server 2005 on our web server. I'm currently working on a project to get a few MS Access Databases available on the web page.

The web part is actually working fine, with the DBs exported into SQL for performance reasons. (From what I've read pulling data from the .mdb file could cause me problems in the future, so I'm tossing it all onto the SQL server from the start.)

Before I get into the project full-tilt, though, I'm curious about how best to organize all the data?

I'm using the Upsizing Wizard in Access for the conversions, and every new DB gets added under Databases. If this gets approved I may be looking at well over a hundred DBs which will eventually be converted and made web accessible.

I can keep everything neat and tidy on the web server by just tossing things in a few directories, but the menu on the SQL Server Management Studio is going to become a mess really quickly if I let it just keep adding to +Databases.

Is there a way to sort everything into a series of folder/groups, like how System Databases has it?

Thanks in advance,


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One Database Vs. Multiple Databases

Jun 20, 2006

I need to design a system which represents multiple "projects" in SQLServer. Each project has the same data model, but is independent of allothers. My inclination is to use one database to store all projects.Looking at the numbers involved, however, I wonder if I would getbetter performance by storing each project in its own database.Suppose I have 50 projects, each with two users and 10,000 rows; itseems to me I'd rather have 50 x 2 users working in a table with 10,000rows than 1 x 100 users working in a table with 500,000 rows.On the other hand, the single database approach seems more elegant froma design perspective. I wouldn't be creating multiple copies of anidentical data model, and I wouldn't be creating new databases as abusiness procedure, every time a new project is required.Here are my questions:1. For the scenario described above, am I correct to assume I will getbetter performance by using multiple databases, or does SQL Server havesome clever way of achieving the same performance in a single database?2. Is the multiple database approach common? If anyone has tried it,please tell me about how it works in practice.-TC

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Log Shipping For Multiple Databases

Sep 21, 2007


we have SQL instance which contains databases (A, B, C...). When ever i configured LS with Standby option, and i want complete restore of database A (Primary) to stand by A (Secondary), then logs will always going to restore...

but SQL server is taking a copy of the Backup like "GJ_Temp_data, GJ_Temp_log" as the default file names, for restore the DB Backups.

if i want to set up for the database B, it is taking "GJ_Temp_data, GJ_Temp_log" again for the database B, and giving error as "the files are already in use".

If i script the Log shipping setup while enabling for Database A, and make sure that i will enabling it for remaining databases B, C, D..

Please advice, and give us best experienceS for enabling LS FOR Multiple databases on the single SQL Instance.

Thanks in advance.

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Querying Multiple Databases

Sep 21, 2006


This is probably a simple solution but I'm a bit confused about which flows to use.

I have two databases on different servers that contain the same information but for the appropriate server.  I want to retrieve data from each of the servers using a "select" statement.

Would I use a ForLoop and change the connection in a Script Task and then execute the SQL statement?  Or can a ForEach Loop be used, but I'm not sure which type of enumerator.

Thanks for any help you can give.

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Queryign Multiple Databases

Aug 22, 2006


I'm a newbie to SQL Everywhere. I have gon e through the examples and created a C# application to create and a manipulate database on desktop. SFSG. For my application, though, I see the need to work around the 4GB limit. So I will need to segment my data into multiple databases.

Does SQL Server Everywhere supports joins across mutiple SQL/e databases on the same machine ? I have not found any examples that guide to address this issue. can anyone point me to something/help me write queries that join D1.T1 and D2.T2.

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Run Sql Query On Multiple Databases

Feb 5, 2007

I need to run a same query on 15 different databases and union the results.

Does any of the experts know how to do this with good performance?

Any help is appreciated.

Phil....the only reason i posted in T-Sql is because i will be using this query in reporting services :)


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Multiple Databases In One Dataset

May 8, 2008

I usually use Access for my database work, but a recent request needs data from a table with about 8 million records - a mite outside of Access' league.

So, I am using SQL Server Report Services to create this report.

Essentially, I need to be able to use a table from database A and a table from databse B in a single dataset for the report I'm making.

I'm self-learning this package and have not been able to locate if this is even possible, let alone how to do it. I can't see it not being possible, so I figure the procedure is simply eluding me.

I've seen a thread on a similar - if not the same - problem, and the answers given all seemed to be based upon the user being able to write to the database server or in some other manner manipulate the server. I have no such capabilities. All I can do is look at the data and create a report based upon what I see. No write access at all.

This wasn't a problem in Access, because, though the main data was on the server, I linked to any needed tables and everything else was local to my box.

Thanx in advance for any help!

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