Dynamic Database Assignment???

Jan 25, 2001

I have an application that is developed to support a customer per database. All the data is unique to that customer and is physically partitioned from other customers. Also, I have a database that has common tables to all customers. I use stored procedures to access all data. I would like to keep from duplicating all the stored procedures (since the meat of them stays the same) because of the database references.

Is there any way to use the "USE <database>" functionality in the stored procedures to switch context dynamically without having to reference the unique databases?

Thank You,

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Variable Assignment

Jul 21, 1999

How do you assign the value returned by a stored procedure to a declared variable and then display the value of that declared variable?

The following does not work:

declare @variable int
set @variable = stored_procedure
show value of @variable?? <HOW>

Sorry for the stupid questions but I am new to SQL in general.

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Need Urgent Help In Assignment Please!!

Apr 15, 2004

I want to know the answer of this question please as i have to submit my assignment as soon as possible. The assignmet question is" We use Composite Index on a table. Which of the following statements will speed up and slow down the operations respectively:
1-Select 2-Insert 3-Modify 4-Delete "

So is there anyone who can help me in this? i would appreciate that! :)


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Variable Assignment

Apr 7, 2008

Is it possible to set the value for several variables from one select query?

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Need Help With SQL Server Assignment!

Dec 6, 2007

Hi everyone. This is my first time here, and I am really in need of some help! I am a senior Information Technology Major and I am in my first SQL course where I have to write a report on a company that uses SQL Server. I haven't been able to find any companies in my area, and need to find a company to write my paper on as soon as possible. I just have a set of brief questions; they are as follows (and I understand, for security reasons, if you are unable to answer certain questions, do not feel obligated to do so!):

A brief overview of your company:
What is your position?
What the SQL Server database is used for?

Which version of MS SQL Server is used?
Type of instance(s) is(are) used?
Which authentication mode is used?
Do you utilize SQL Server Dynamic Disk Space Management, and if so, how?
How is data security maintained?
What type of encryption has been implemented?

What type of backups are completed and how often?
How would the database would be restored in the event of data loss?
How do you preserve data integrity within the database?
Do you utilize any monitoring & troubleshooting tools to assess SQL Server performance (SQL Server Profiler, System Monitor, Database Engine Tuning Advisor, etc).

I greatly appreciate anyone willing to help me with my paper. Thank you!

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Variable Assignment

Apr 7, 2008

Is it possible to set the value for several variables from one select query?

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Parameter Assignment In DTS SQL Task

Sep 13, 2006

Greetings and salutations brilliant people!

I have a problem that I can't find any information on and I bet someone here has hit the wall on this.

I have 2 sql server 2000 servers runnng sql std edition. One has 8.00.2039 SP4 and one has 8.00.818 SP3. The server with SP4 will not let me use a parameter in the DTS SQL task. I get the infamous Access Violation Error. If I replicate the SQL task on the SP3 server I have no problem works great and life is good.

Can anyone tell me if thre is a hotfix for this or something? I've googled this to death and tried various possible fixes with no positive result. Any help would be greatly appreciated!!

Thanks for viewing! :)

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Inline Variable Assignment

Jan 22, 2004

I have to write a query for printing multiple barcodes, depending on the quantity of items that came in the store, based on the order number.

SELECT BarCodes.BarCode, BarCodes.ArticleID, ArticlesTrafic.DocumentID, ArticlesTrafic.TrafficQuantity
Articles ON BarCodes.ArticleID = Articles.ArticleID INNER JOIN
getAutoNumberTable(@num) ON @num=ArticlesTrafic.TrafficQuantity
WHERE (ArticlesTrafic.DocumentID = @Param2)

The thing i would like to do, is somehow assign a value to @num and pass it to the getAutoNumberTable stored procedure, which generates a table of consequtive numbers, so that each record is displayed multiple times. Is it even possible to do it without using temp tables and loops?

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Variable Assignment In Cursor Declaration

Jul 5, 2006


here is the code segment below;
SELECT @SQL = 'select DISTINC(Dates) from ['+@name+'].dbo.['+@t_name+'] order by [Dates] ASC'

but it gives error, variable assignment is not allowed in a cursor declaration. I need to use dynamic SQL , the only way to access all the dbs and their tables inside. Please help.


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Assignment Question, Hit Road Block.

Mar 14, 2008

I am new to sql.
Question1: How do i run a CHECK against serveral words.
e.g. check("name" is either bill or timmy or sally or jessy)

Question2: What is the best variable to use for time.

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Local Variable Assignment In CREATE TRIGGER

Mar 7, 2006

Hi Guys,

i'm batttling with the below Trigger creation

__________________________________________________ _
CREATE TRIGGER dbo.Fochini_Insert ON dbo.FochiniTable AFTER INSERT AS
DECLARE @v_object_key VARCHAR(80)
DECLARE @v_object_name VARCHAR(40)
DECLARE @v_object_verb VARCHAR(40)

SELECT ins.Cust_Id INTO @v_object_key FROM inserted ins <--- my problem area!!
SET @v_object_name = 'FochiniTable'
SET @v_object_verb = 'Create'
SET @v_datetime = GETDATE()

IF ( USER <> 'webuser' )
INSERT INTO dbo.xworlds_events (connector_id, object_key, object_name, object_verb, event_priority, event_time, event_status, event_comment)
VALUES ('Fochini', @v_object_key, @v_object_name, @v_object_verb, '1', @v_datetime,'0', 'Triggered by Customer CREATE')


i'm trying to get the INSERTED variable from table FochiniTable on colomn Cust_Id

and the statement: SELECT ins.Cust_Id INTO @v_object_key FROM inserted ins - is failing [still a newbie on mssql server 2000]

any help will be appreciated

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Help On Script Component Assignment Of Output Variable

Sep 7, 2005

Hi all,

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Reporting Services: Role Assignment Without Using Report Manager

Jul 20, 2005

Hello,I'm having some problems using the Report Manager, but I *really* needto make a role assignment now. Can't wait to have the problem withReport Manager solved.So, I would like to make this role assignment directly in theReportServer database, using the SP SetPolicy or some other SP.I'm looking for the equivalent of making the "New Role Assignment" andthenGroup or user name: EveryoneRole "Browser" checkedOKCan anyone tell me exactly how to do this?Thanks in advance,Filipe HenriquesPS: By the way, the problem I've got using the Report Manager is thatalways appear "The request failed with HTTP status 404: Not Found.",although I can see perfectly the Report Server page.Does anyone knows what's the problem?

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There Is Nothing Happen After Click Finish Checkout On My Shopping Cart Assignment

Mar 16, 2008

Hi all,
There is nothing happen when I finished my checkout process, I expect the data will be saved to order and orderitem table in my SQL database, but no data found on order and orderitem table and no error messages display during operation!!!
Below is my checkout.aspx.vb code, the whole code line number around 138, I captured the part from 1~ 64 line number, I suspect line 35 - 48 have a problem, can somebody help me, many thanks.
 1 Imports System
2 Imports System.Data.SqlClient
3 Imports SW.Commerce
4 Partial Class CheckOut
5 Inherits System.Web.UI.Page
6 Sub Page_Load(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Me.Load
7 If Not Page.IsPostBack Then
8 If Profile.Cart Is Nothing Then
9 NoCartlabel.Visible = True
10 Wizard1.Visible = False
11 End If
12 If User.Identity.IsAuthenticated Then
13 Wizard1.ActiveStepIndex = 1
14 Else
15 Wizard1.ActiveStepIndex = 0
16 End If
17 End If
18 End Sub
19 Sub chkUseProfileAddress_CheckedChanged(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs)
21 ' fill the delivery address from the profile, but only if it’s empty
22 ' we don’t want to overwrite the values
24 If chkUseProfileAddress.Checked AndAlso txtName.Text.Trim() = "" Then
25 txtName.Text = Profile.Name
26 txtAddress.Text = Profile.Address
27 txtcity.Text = Profile.City
28 txtCountry.Text = Profile.Country
29 End If
30 End Sub
31 Sub Wizard1_FinishButtonClick(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Web.UI.WebControls.WizardNavigationEventArgs)
33 ' Insert the order and order lines into the database
35 Dim conn As SqlConnection = Nothing
36 Dim trans As SqlTransaction = Nothing
37 Dim cmd As SqlCommand
38 Try
39 conn = New SqlConnection(ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings("swshop").connectionstring)
40 conn.Open()
41 trans = conn.BeginTransaction
42 cmd = New SqlCommand()
43 cmd.Connection = conn
44 cmd.Transaction = trans
46 ' set the order details
48 cmd.CommandText = "INSERT INTO Order(MemberName, OrderDate, Name, Address1, Address2, Country, Total) VALUES (@MemberName, @OrderDate, @Name, @Address, @city, @Country, @Total)"
49 cmd.Parameters.Add("@MemberName", Data.SqlDbType.VarChar, 50)
50 cmd.Parameters.Add("@OrderDate", Data.SqlDbType.DateTime)
51 cmd.Parameters.Add("@Name", Data.SqlDbType.VarChar, 50)
52 cmd.Parameters.Add("@Address", Data.SqlDbType.VarChar, 255)
53 cmd.Parameters.Add("@City", Data.SqlDbType.VarChar, 15)
54 cmd.Parameters.Add("@Country", Data.SqlDbType.VarChar, 50)
55 cmd.Parameters.Add("@Total", Data.SqlDbType.Money)
56 cmd.Parameters("@MemberName").Value = User.Identity.Name
57 cmd.Parameters("@OrderDate").Value = DateTime.Now()
58 cmd.Parameters("@Name").Value = CType(Wizard1.FindControl("txtName"), TextBox).Text
59 cmd.Parameters("@Address").Value = CType(Wizard1.FindControl("txtAddress"), TextBox).Text
60 cmd.Parameters("@City").Value = CType(Wizard1.FindControl("txtCity"), TextBox).Text
61 cmd.Parameters("@Country").Value = CType(Wizard1.FindControl("txtCountry"), TextBox).Text
62 cmd.Parameters("@Total").Value = Profile.Cart.Total
63 Dim OrderID As Integer
64 OrderID = Convert.ToInt32(cmd.ExecuteScalar())

 Below is checkout.aspx1 <%@ Import Namespace ="System.Data.SqlClient"%>
2 <%@ Import Namespace ="SW.Commerce"%>
3 <%@ Page Language="VB" MasterPageFile="~/SWSHOP.master" AutoEventWireup="false" CodeFile="CheckOut.aspx.vb" Inherits="CheckOut" title="Untitled Page" %>
5 <%@ Register Src="SWShoppingCart.ascx" TagName="SWShoppingCart" TagPrefix="uc1" %>
6 <asp:Content ID="Content1" ContentPlaceHolderID="ContentPlaceHolder1" Runat="Server">
8 <asp:Label id="NoCartlabel" runat="server" visible="false">
9 There are no items in your cart. Visit the shop to buy items.
10 </asp:Label>
12 <div style="float:right">
13  </div>
16 <asp:Wizard ID="Wizard1" runat="server" ActiveStepIndex="1" Width="274px">
17 <WizardSteps>
18 <asp:WizardStep runat="server" Title="Login">
19 <asp:Login ID="Login1" runat="server">
20 </asp:Login>
21 </asp:WizardStep>
22 <asp:WizardStep runat="server" Title="Delievery Address">
23 <asp:checkbox id="chkUseProfileAddress" runat="server" autopostback="True"
24 text="Use membership address"
25 OnCheckedChanged="chkUseProfileAddress_CheckedChanged"></asp:checkbox><br />
26 <table border=�0�>
27 <tr><td>Name</td><td><asp:textbox id="txtName" runat="server" /></td></tr>
28 <tr><td>Address</td><td><asp:textbox id="txtAddress" runat="server" /></td></tr>
29 <tr><td>City</td><td><asp:textbox id="txtcity" runat="server" /></td></tr>
30 <tr><td>
31 Country</td><td><asp:textbox id="txtCountry" runat="server" /></td></tr>
32 </table>
33 </asp:WizardStep>
34 <asp:WizardStep runat="server" Title="Payment">
35 <asp:DropDownList id="lstCardType" runat="server">
36 <asp:ListItem>MasterCard</asp:ListItem>
37 <asp:ListItem>Visa</asp:ListItem>
38 </asp:DropDownList>
39 <br />
40 Card Number: <asp:Textbox id="txtNumber" runat="server" Text="0123456789" ReadOnly="True"/>
41 <br />
42 Expires: <asp:textbox id="txtExpiresMonth" runat="server" columns="2" />
43 /
44 <asp:textbox id="txtExpiresYear" runat="server" columns="4" />
45 </asp:WizardStep>
46 <asp:WizardStep runat="server" Title="confirmation">
47 <uc1:SWShoppingCart ID="SWShoppingCart1" runat="server" />
48 <br />
49 <br />
50 Please confirm amount you wish to have deduct from your credit card.
51 </asp:WizardStep>
52 <asp:WizardStep runat="server" Title="Complete">
53 Thank you for your order.</asp:WizardStep>
54 </WizardSteps>
55 </asp:Wizard>
56 </asp:Content>
57 <asp:Content ID="Content2" ContentPlaceHolderID="ContentPlaceHolder3" Runat="Server">
58 <asp:LoginView ID="LoginView1" Runat="server">
59 <AnonymousTemplate>
60 <asp:passwordrecovery id="PasswordRecovery1" runat="server" />
61 </AnonymousTemplate>
62 </asp:LoginView>
63 </asp:Content>

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Error 409: The Assignment Operator Operation Could Not Take A Text Data Type As An Argument

Aug 2, 2004

How can I make it work when I need to pull out a field which is text type using a stored procedure? Please help!!!Thanks
I am getting the following error
Error 409: The assignment operator operation could not take a text data type as an argument
===========my sp=================================
(@a varchar(50) output,
@b text output
set nocount on
select @a=name, @b= description from ABC


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Parent Package Variable Assignment Issue In Child Package.

Dec 26, 2006

have one main package from which 7 other child packages are called. We are using
ParentPackage variables to assign values for variables and database connections.

While the values from ParentPackage variable get assigned to some of the
packages properly, to others it doesn€™t assign the value.

For example:
Except for one of the packages the database connection string gets assigned
properly to all other packages.

Similarly, in another package one of the
variables doesn€™t get assigned. In other packages it is assigned properly.

have checked all the other property values and they are exactly the same.

We cannot make any head or tail of this erratic behavior.

Please Help.

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Dynamic Database Creation

Apr 6, 2007

Hi All,
I have a web site where the user can select from a list of databases (they're actually all the same structure, but have data unique to each client). Each database is a SQL 2005 database held in the App_Data folder. This all works a treat. Each database is simply named after the client it is holding data for, and the connection string for each is stored in a database that is accessed
However, what I need is a form where  a database name can be entered, and I can then create a new database with the same structure as the others - including tables, indexes and stored-procedures. I know I can use the copy database wizard in the Management Studio, but that isn't an option to the users of this system (it's to be used on an intranet, and the page I'm trying to create will only be used by project managers - but these people won't have a clue when it comes to configuring databases themselves). I have scripted a database, but have no idea on how I can actually use this script from within Visual Studio and more importantly, don't know how to configue it to have the database name as a parameter.
I've also seen some examples that suggest using SQL-DMO, but haven't been able to work out how to use it and according to Microsoft it shouldn't be used for new developments (http://msdn2.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms132924.aspx).
Anyway, I really hope someone is able to offer some assistance on this one as I've spent a whole day trawling forums and various web-sites trying to find a solution to this.
Thanks & regards,

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Dynamic Database Owner

Nov 11, 2007

I've got a GridView on my webform bound to a SQLDataSource (called sqlZKEWILL). Works fine as long as I hard-code the "dbo" database owner in the Select statement, as in:
 select EXIDV, Carton_Count, Carton_Total,  dbo.ZINSPECTION where EXIDV = @CartonID
The problem is that I need the database owner name to be dynamic. This will be a parameter that I read from another SQL table. For example, I'm doing this:
 Select USERID, DatabaseOwner from tblUsers where UserID = 'Kimm'
 I need to take the DatabaseOwner from this second Select statement, and use it as part of that first select statement.
 On the CodeBehind page, I tried replacing "dbo" with the Database Owner field (which I saved in a session variable) with the following code:
  Private Sub gvLineItems_DataBinding(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles gvLineItems.DataBinding
sqlZKEWILL.SelectCommand = sqlZKEWILL.SelectCommand.Replace("dbo", Session("DatabaseOwner").ToString.Trim)
End Sub
But I am still getting the error message: "Invalid object name: dbo.ZINSPECTION". It doesn't seem to recognize that I've replaced "dbo" with a different value.
Any thoughts on getting this to work would be appreciated.

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Dynamic/variable Database Name

Oct 8, 2004

Hi guys

I have a trigger which retrieves database names from a table.
I need to use this retrieved database name in another sql insert statement as a variable
e.g. set @mydbname = Select .... from.. (to get the database name)
insert into @mydbname.dbo.emplTable

At the moment it reads @mydbname as the string "@mydbname" not the value the variable holds

I need the database name as a variable because i have to write to the correct database (there are 15)
Any help appreciated


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Dynamic Field Of Database

Dec 9, 2014

I'm having some troubles with a dynamic field of mine db. The field can change in the length. But I need to change the way it come from the db.

Today it comes like this:
Cod OU | Name OU
10000 Alabama
10100 Olivence
10001 Wraith

I need to change the Code to be like this:

Cod OU* | Name OU
1.00.00 Alabama
1.01.00 Olivence
1.00.01 Wraith

Is it possible?

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Dynamic Database Selection?

Jun 15, 2007

I'm working on a script to convert data from one software packageto another. Greatly simplified, it looks something likecreate procedure import_widget asbegininsert into our_widget (foo, bar)select baz, quux from their_db.dbo.their_widgetendgoThe problem is that the name of the source database varies fromone system to another, so I want to pass the database name as aparameter. I think I could do the following, but is there abetter way to go about it?create procedure import_widget (@db_name sysname) asbeginexec 'create view their_widget as select * from '+ @db_name + '.dbo.their_widget'insert into our_widget (foo, bar)select baz, quux from their_widgetdrop view their_widgetendgo

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Dynamic Database Connectivity?

Jul 31, 2007

Dear SSIS experts,
I was wondering if there's such a thing that we could assign the database connection on the fly dynamically? so that I save the connection string or the database name somewhere and SSIS reads it on load time or something..
Thank you

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How To Create Dynamic Columns In Sql Database

May 3, 2008

in the front end i have two fields one is dropdown list another is checboxlist say dropdownlist consist of title name and checkbox list consists of sub title name.on selecting title name from dropdownlist i will be getting respective title name in checkboxlist. here when i select checkboxlist(suppose if there are 6 items in checkboxlist n if i select only 3)then my databse column should generate one dropdownlist selected item and 3 checkboxlist selected item.

Eg: if dropdownlist contains( title1,title2,title3) and checkboxlist contains(chk1,chk2,chk3,chk4,chk5,chk6). if i select title1 from dropdownlist i will be geeting 6 item in checkbox list) if i select only 3 items of checkbox list. then i should be able to create column name by title1,chk1,chk2,chk3

help is appreciated

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Insert/Update With Dynamic Database Name

Jan 25, 2006

HiMy problem is as follows:I need to transmit data between two databases on the same server, but Ihave to use dynamic database names (they must be configurable). Forexample I need to achive sth like that:insert into [database1].[dbo].[table1](select columns from [table2])when database1 is not known at implementation stage.I know I can use EXEC @t_sql_code, but I wonder if there is any otherway? (OPENROWSET doesn't seem to suit my needs)Thanks in advanceAmfi

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Dynamic Database Source Changing

May 2, 2006


I am building a data warehouse for a customer who has systems located in two different countries.

I need to import that data from four seperate databases, which all share the same structure.

To do this i have created 20 packages to import that data from the source database. What i would like to do, is at run time set which database the SSIS package should get its data from.

In sql 2k this was easy with a global variable that was set, then use a dynamic properties task to set the data source.

How can i achieve the same result in SSIS? the data source is an ODBC connection, with the four ODBC connections having similar names, eg ABC_NZ, ABC_AU

Thanks in Advance!


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How Build Web Application (asp.net + C# ) With Dynamic Database Schema?

Mar 26, 2008

Hi all,

I am doing an e-commerce project. This website will have a category of product. Each category will have sub-category. And sub-category may have another level of sub-category. This means the number of sub-category is not fixed. In the sub-category we will have products. Each product will have unpredicable number of properties (1, 2, 3 or many properties).

With the current requirment, I can know exactly the number of sub-category level and the number of properties. But the problem comes when later my boss add more category, sub-category ,... sub-category(more sub-category level), and product, as well as the products properties. At that time my database schema will not suitable for new category, products because the in can only design database with fixed number of sub-category level and fixed number of product properties(attributes or fiels in database).

Therefore, I want to ask all of you that
- Is there anyway to solve this problem?
- how to design database that meet extended requirements as I present above?

Thanks for all of your advices.


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Integration Services :: Dynamic Creation On DataBase

Jul 31, 2015

I have a reqirement where in i need to create a Database dynamically in SSIS, Database name is given in table.

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Analysis :: SSIS Dynamic Database Creation

Jul 31, 2015

I have a requirement where in i need to create a Database dynamically in SSIS, Database name is given in table.

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Dynamic Database Connection - EXCEL To SQL Server

Feb 5, 2007

Hi *, is there a way to connect Excel to SQL Server so that Excel serves as a frontend to SQL Server? I heard rumors that this is possible with the 2007 release.

I'm looking for a product that helps me storing massive data outside an Excel file. Right now, I'm using Palo (open source multidimensional database).


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Dynamic Transformation To Upload Flat Files Into Database

Feb 6, 2007


My scenario:

I have 4 different flat files types each having different no. of column, order of columns etc. I want to upload all the 4 types into the same destination table in the SQL database. Before uploading I need to apply transformation to each column in the flat files. The transformations could be like

1) Multipying the source column by 100

2) Put an if condition for 2 source columns and then select one column to be copied into the destination.

I have the flat files schema with me and also all the transformations that are required.


Can SSIS provide me with a component that can read the flat file schema and the transformations from the database and apply them to the source data and then upload it to the constant destination table? Can derived column transformation be provided with the input columns list and the transformation to be done on each dynamically?

Why I want this way?

In future there can be an addition of extra flat file formats and we want to keep the changes to the SSIS packages to he mininum. Just entereing the addiional schema and transformation details in the database should run the package on the new flat file successfully.

Thanks for your time.



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Dynamic Database Connection In SSIS Without Using A Config File

May 1, 2008

I'm a newbie to SSIS so this question may cause people to point and laugh. I apologise if that's the case.

I have a configuration database that holds connection details to a remote database. I want to use these connection details to dynamically create a new connection to some remote database.

I usually work in with C# where this would be simple but I can't find how to do this using SSIS.

I have found people using configuration files but as I already have my connection data in a table I don't really want to strip it out. (Also, is it a security risk to have database connection strings stored in a config file?)

I have been able to implement a custom script object to build the connection string and assign it to a user variable within the package but can't find any way to then use that variable to connect to the remote database.

Can anyone help?

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Transact SQL :: Creating Table In Particular Database When Run Dynamic Script

May 13, 2015

I have a question regarding the dynamic sql. I have a script which which deletes all the foreign keys and re- creates it. So, I have created a table instead of a temp table. Now I need to create that foreign keys table in such a way that in which ever database I run the script, this  foreign keys table should be created in that particular database.

For example:

IF OBJECT_ID('tempdb..keys','U') IS NOT NULL
CREATE TABLE keys.[@sourceserver],[@database]. (RowId INT PRIMARY KEY IDENTITY(1, 1),
ForeignKeyConstraintName NVARCHAR(200),
ForeignKeyConstraintTableSchema NVARCHAR(200),
ForeignKeyConstraintTableName NVARCHAR(200),
ForeignKeyConstraintColumnName NVARCHAR(200)

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Analysis :: Dynamic KPI Goal - Derive From Source Database

Jul 14, 2015

I have a requirement to make all of my KPI goals configurable by the end user - I would like to add the data to my datawarehouse so that it is updated in the cube whenever the cube is processed. I'm thinking I will need a table for each KPI that includes two columns (I will be setting goal by year):


In my cube I then create a measure group for each KPI (for some I will add a calculations to break down the yearly goal to lower levels of detail).I will add each measure to my Dimension Usage and relate to each of my time dimensions at the Year level.I currently have around a dozen KPIs - my above approach seems a bit messy i.e. requiring a table and measure group for each KPI (I guess I could at least put them all into one table in my relational db). 

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