Dynamic Database Source Changing

May 2, 2006


I am building a data warehouse for a customer who has systems located in two different countries.

I need to import that data from four seperate databases, which all share the same structure.

To do this i have created 20 packages to import that data from the source database. What i would like to do, is at run time set which database the SSIS package should get its data from.

In sql 2k this was easy with a global variable that was set, then use a dynamic properties task to set the data source.

How can i achieve the same result in SSIS? the data source is an ODBC connection, with the four ODBC connections having similar names, eg ABC_NZ, ABC_AU

Thanks in Advance!


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Integration Services :: Dynamic SIS Package Changing Source Connection At Run Time

Jul 30, 2015

I am in between of creating a dynamic SSSIS package which will run for multiple zones having different source connection.My source is in Oracle.I am having 3 DFT with the 3 different source tables.I want to create a package with above DFT dynamically so that my single package can run for the entire zone with dynamically source connection change.I have created a Master table which stores the zone source connection string and zone name. I have 2 different connection.so if in future any new zones come so only newly zone details need to be add in master table without opening the package.

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Analysis :: Dynamic KPI Goal - Derive From Source Database

Jul 14, 2015

I have a requirement to make all of my KPI goals configurable by the end user - I would like to add the data to my datawarehouse so that it is updated in the cube whenever the cube is processed. I'm thinking I will need a table for each KPI that includes two columns (I will be setting goal by year):


In my cube I then create a measure group for each KPI (for some I will add a calculations to break down the yearly goal to lower levels of detail).I will add each measure to my Dimension Usage and relate to each of my time dimensions at the Year level.I currently have around a dozen KPIs - my above approach seems a bit messy i.e. requiring a table and measure group for each KPI (I guess I could at least put them all into one table in my relational db). 

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Dynamic Source And Dynamic Destination

Apr 15, 2008

I have a requirment which i have partly accomplished , but could not get through completely

i have a file which comes in a standard format ending with date and seq number ,

suppose , the file name is abc_yyyymmdd_01 , for first copy , if it is copied more then once the sequence number changes to 02 and 03 and keep going on .

then i need to transform those in to new file comma delimited destination file with a name abc_yyyymmdd,txt and others counting file counting record abc_count_yyyymmdd.txt. and move it to a designated folder. and the source file is then moved to archived folder

what i have taken apprach is

script task select source file --------------------> data flow task------------------------------------------> script task to destination file

dataflow task -------------------------> does count and copy in delimited format

what is happening here is i can accomlish a regular source file convert it to delimited destination file --------> and move it to destination folder with script task .

but cannot work the dynamic pick of a source file.

please advise with your comments or solution you have

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Changing The Source Wth A Button

Feb 4, 2007

I have this Gridview in which I show attendees to a course (per course)
In the same gridview I want to be able (by clicking a button) to show all attendees to all courses simply by leaving out a part of the SQL;
WHERE Eventid = @eventid (resulting in all attendees no matter what course)
In other words how can I alter the selectcommand of the SQLDataSource?
Seems simple, but can't hack it.
Thanks in advance,

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Changing Source Filename In DTS

Dec 15, 2005


Is there a way I can make the source file in my DTS dynamic so that every time I run it using ASP I can tell it which file to use?

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Changing Source File Name In DTS Through ASP

Dec 15, 2005


Is there a way I can make the source file in my DTS dynamic so that every time I run it using ASP I can tell it which file to use?

$3.99/yr .COM!

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Dynamic And Changing Columns Problem

Dec 1, 2007

Hi all,
I am dealing with a quite complicated problem - I have to build a report with dynamic columns based on table rows. Each row in the table representes a column. My real problem is that the columns are changing all the time, so even if I am using C# to build the report dynamically I cannot use SSRS subscription (because the rdl file need to be on reports server and it is not updated). A matrix is not suitible becase some of the columns are static (mayebe in SQL 2008 there will be a solution with the new matrix - table control).
I thought of two solutions to the problem:
1. Build the report dynamically with c# and update it on the server each time a row in the database is changed. Very complicated to manage and can have a lot of problems.
2. Use some kind of formula (mayebe with VB custom function code) to determine the rows dynamically). I am not sure this is even posible. I have to use a table with grouping when each group with a diferrent unknown size columns.

Did someone have a similar propblem? I will love to hear an idias / solusions.



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Changing XML Source To A Variable At Runtime

Apr 12, 2007

Hiya guys,

The question:

Can I design data flows with an XML Source pointing to file system xml files, and but run them against variables? I can see the properties at design time (Accessmode=0,1,2; XMLDataVar="User::XMLData), but the XMLSource object doesn't appear to have expressions enabled to change this at runtime, nor do these properties seem to be exposed to configurations.

The scenario:

I have a package that reads through (potentially thousands) of XML files, and having identified the embedded message "type", transforms them via XSLT to an easier XML format (XML Datasource can't cope well with multiple namespaces etc). Then send this the new file off to a type specific dataflow task to send contents to database.

For performance (and other) reasons I'd rather XSLT to a single shared variable and use this variable as the XML source in the data flows (Rather than writing out to the filesystem [via xslt] and immediately reading it back in each time [via datasource]).

But designing the data flow task using a variable as xml source is frustrating for a bunch of reasons - not the least being:

(a) The variable needs to be populated with sample xml data at design time. But this could only ever match one dataflow at a time (fine at run time, but painful at designtime - leading to validation errors popping up all around the place.)

Yes I could have a seperate variable for each xmlsource - but that just makes things more complicated up front and also leaves me with 20+ large, type specific, xml variables floating around at runtime of which only one is ever being used per import - which just doesn't feel right to me.

(b) populating the variable with sample xml at design time is painful due to it being a string - and not accepting hard returns etc that are in text files, design time changes etc)

Using a file XML source at design time is infinitely easier, when I get a design time change - I can just amend the XSLT and run the appropriate task to produce a sample XML file to design against.

Any ideas?



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Dynamic Chart Labels (changing The Colors On The Fly)

Sep 11, 2007

I have a chart that presently has two groupings on the x-axis: Year & Qtr. I'd like the Year labels to be one color, and the Qtr labels to be a different color. (All year labels should be Black, all Qtr labels should be Blue). I can see that an expression can be written to handle this dynamically, but I'm banging my head trying to figure it out...

Any help?

Thanks in advance,

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Dynamic Group Changing In A Table Report

Nov 29, 2007

Hello all!
Does anybody know, if it is possilbe to dynamically change grouping in a table report?
I mean, is it possible to provide the enduser the capability to group data in a table on whatever column he would like?

The second question is related:
Is it possible to make a usersort on a grouped table, in such way, that ALL the rows would be sorted ascended regardless of the group they belong to? (For now the only way I see to do this is to give the enduser possibility to turn off grouping manually)

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Changing Connection String To Data Source

Sep 4, 2007

Can I change databases for a SqlDataSource in code behind and still use the edit,inset,delete capabilities of the SQLDataSource control?

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Changing Data Source Of Existing Cube

Dec 25, 2006

Hi Guys,

We had existing cubes in our Analysis Server, we were required to move them on another Reporting Server which would be using Data Replicated every night to that server. Problem is now source data is divided into 2 Reporting Database Servers. Table Names/View Names are the same in all the Databases. I just want to change the data source pointing to existing Database to the new Reporting Server. Can you tell me how this can be achieved?



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Changing DataTypes In An Excel Data Source

Jun 7, 2006


I'm importing some data from an excel file to sql server 2005.

I created an Excel Data Source inside my Data Flow Task but it is assuming that the source columns DataType is double-precision float [DT_R8]. It isn't, even though some rows may containg numeric string in the column's cell.

If I go to the Data Sources advanded editor, and modify the data type property of the column, SSIS complains the the error output and the source output are not of the same DataType. If I try to change the error output's data type in the advanced editor I get this error: "Property Value". The deailed error states:

Error at MOVIM 04 [MOVIM 04 [1]]: The data type for "output "Excel Source Error Output" (10)" cannot be modified in the error "output column "Agente Protector" (7662)".

Error at MOVIM 04 [MOVIM 04 [1]]: Failed to set property "DataType" on "output column "Agente Protector" (7662)".

If i let SSIS correct the error by itself, it changed the dource column back to double-precision float [DT_R8].

Is there any way to get arround this?

Thanks in advance,

Hugo Oliveira

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Error When Changing The Length On DataReader Source

Nov 3, 2006

I am trying to import data from Oracle RDB into SQL Server 2005 using SSIS. Created a ODBC data source to connect to Oracle and used DataReader Source component and ADO.net to connect to the ODBC data source.

Under the Component properties tab, the SQL Command looks something like this.


The data type for the source columns are Integer, Varchar(30) and DATE VMS.

Now when I look at the Input and Output properties window,

The External columns has the following data types.

ID - four-byte signed integer [DT_I4]
ADDRESS - Unicode string [DT_WSTR], length = 0
REVISED - database timestamp [DT_DBTIMESTAMP]

The Output columns has the following data types

ID - four-byte signed integer [DT_I4]
ADDRESS - Unicode string [DT_WSTR], length = 0
REVISED - database timestamp [DT_DBTIMESTAMP]

When I tried to change the length of the ADDRESS on the output column, I get the following error.

Error at Data Flow Task [DataReader Source [1]]: The data type of output columns on the component "DataReader Source" (1) cannot be changed.

Error at Data Flow Task [DataReader Source [1]]: System.Runtime.InteropServices.COMException (0xC020837D)
at Microsoft.SqlServer.Dts.Pipeline.DataReaderSourceAdapter.SetOutputColumnDataTypeProperties(Int32 iOutputID, Int32 iOutputColumnID, DataType eDataType, Int32 iLength, Int32 iPrecision, Int32 iScale, Int32 iCodePage)
at Microsoft.SqlServer.Dts.Pipeline.ManagedComponentHost.HostSetOutputColumnDataTypeProperties(IDTSManagedComponentWrapper90 wrapper, Int32 iOutputID, Int32 iOutputColumnID, DataType eDataType, Int32 iLength, Int32 iPrecision, Int32 iScale, Int32 iCodePage)

Is this the default length for the Unicode string type. I was not able to load the ADDRESS column as it gets truncated before I load it into destination. Even if I use Derived or Data Conversion transformation, the ADDRESS is getting truncated before it reaches this transformation.

Any thoughts.


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Manually Changing Flat File Source Has No Effect

Jul 5, 2006

I have a data flow that reads from a flat file source, goes through one data transformation component to change from unicode to normal text and writes the data to a SQL Server table.  This has been working fine throughout development using a specific source file as input.  I have now manually changed the path and name of the input source file in the connection manager to point to a new file and the task continues to process the old text file.

I open the connection manager and check its properties and preview the data and it all looks fine - it is finding the new file.  I also edit the flat file source component and preview the data and it shows the data from the new file.  I run the data flow by right-clicking and selecting Execute Container and it continually reads the old file and processes it!  (I do the right-click thing because this is just one small part of a larger package.)

This has got to be a bug, but just where I wonder.  Anyone ever see this before?  I'm going to try to run the entire package in debug mode, instead of right-clicking, next and see if that's any different.  Anyone have any ideas on how to force a refresh of the necessary internal components to make it read the new file?  All the external properties point to the new file, but it's not being read.




I ran the entire package and found no difference in execution - it's still reading the wrong input file.  I then deleted and recreated the connection manager, again specifying the new file to read.  It still continued to read the old file.  I deleted the flat file source component and recreated it, specifying the latest connection manager (twice, since I must have pointed it at the wrong one the first time and it read a completely different file).  I still have the same problem of it reading the wrong input file.  I don't know what else to recreate that would have any effect.  Does anyone have any ideas?  I need to change the pointer to different files multiple times and have it read several different input files.  This has got to work somehow.  Any help is appreciated.


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Integration Services :: How To Handle Dynamically Changing Source Columns

Jun 29, 2015

I have a scenario where we have to handle dynamically changing source columns.

For example , some times in the source files the number of columns will be increased or decreased, new columns can be added in the middle or in the end of the source file.

How to handle this kind of scenario in the SSIS ?

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Dynamic Source

Apr 30, 2008

I have a source file name which changes every day , basically the filename like 9500 , the next file would come is 9501 , then next could be anything may be 1000Q. I need the source connection to pick dynamicallly those file name. is their any way i could achieve this in SSIS.

I would not know what is the name of the file i would expect

please advise

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SSIS - Slowly Changing Dimension - Detect Deleted Rows From The Source

Nov 22, 2007

Hi all,

Can you help me to resolve my problem ? I have to do a simple daily backup system. Source : Flat File; Destination : SQL Server. I want to use the Slowly Changing Dimension component to backup only the new and updated row from my source (Flat File) and put them into SQL Server.

But how can I do to detect deleted rows from my source ?

Any suggestions ?

If it's not clear enough, please ask for more details !


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Reporting Services :: Changing Credential Used For SSRS Data Source Programmatically

Jun 15, 2015

I am looking command (cmd/powershell/c#) for setting/updating credential for SSRS data source.

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DTS W/dynamic Source && Query

Jul 20, 2005

I'm looking for a way to transform the contents of n source tablesinto a single destination table. This by itself is no problem.However, the name of the source tables change, so I'll need to basethe transform task on a global variable that I can update via externalcode. Not sure how to do that. I'm ok with executing the package 10times if there's 10 source tables.The last unknown piece is modifying the query used for the transform.There are 10 columns in the source table, but there are 12 columns inthe destination table. I must provide the 2 missing columns. They willsimply contain a year and month, ie. 05 2003.I'm taking a bunch of source tables (for a given month and year) androlling them together into one destination table, and carrying overthe month and year. I assume the month and year would also be globals.But I'm not sure how to incorporate them into the transform task sinceit wants strict SQL syntax.Any help is appreciated, thanks in advance!

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Dynamic OLE DB Source And Destination

Mar 27, 2007


I am building SSIS for 3 different files that have identical
schema and mapping logic.

In my OLE DB Source (object name - "OLEDBSource_SourceTable")
Data Access mode is "Variable name".
As soon as I swithced to this Data Acces mode
it started to give me an error:

[OLEDBSource_SourceTable [1]] Warning: The external metadata column collection is out of synchronization
with the data source columns.

The column "DEAL_NUM" needs to be updated in the external metadata column collection.
The "external metadata column "DEAL_NUM_Flag" (34529)" needs to be removed
from the external metadata column collection.
The "external metadata column "recordID" (33740)"
needs to be removed from the external metadata column collection.

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Dynamic Data Source Name...

Jun 6, 2005

Sorry if this is a pretty basic question.. but my team here is working on SQL Reporting app for the first time.

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Integration Services :: Package Failed After Changing Password In Shared Data Source

Jun 19, 2015

I'm using a shared data source to connect an Oracle server in my packages.  After changing the database user password in the shared data source, I noticed the package concerned would fail with the following description.

Source: "OraOLEDB"  Hresult: 0x80004005  Description: "ORA-01017: invalid username/password; logon denied".

Is there a way to ensure the packages will use the latest information in the shared data source?  I did do a Rebuild before executing the packages.

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Dynamic XSD Schema Location For XML Source

Jul 14, 2006

I want to be able to programmatically set the schema location for an XML source. I first thought it would be a simple task using expressions and variables but it doesn't appear to allow anything in the way of setting it at runtime. Is this possible?

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How To Create A Dynamic SQL Command For OLE DB Source

Mar 21, 2008

Hi All,

I have a requirement to create a dynamic SQL Command in an OLE DB Source due to the fact that I need to read data from another database based on a date range. For example, the SQL command would look like

SELECT * FROM Table1 WHERE DateField BETWEEN '17/03/2008' and '21/03/2008'

and I need to change the dates - '17/03/2008' and '21/03/2008' to different dates when the package is deployed in production, how do I do that ?


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SSIS - Excel Source Dynamic

Jan 2, 2008

Dear Friends,
I currently have my excel source dynamic for the connectionstring. Using a global variable with the filename and using the expressions of this control to dynamically have the connecttionstring. My problem is that i need tto read always the first workseet and the name changes frequently and generates an erro in SSIS.
how can I set the excel source to goes only for the first sheet independently of the worksheet name?!

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Dynamic Mapping For Source/Destination

Aug 8, 2007

What I'm trying to accomplish is to have a variable names "SourceTable" and "DestinationTable". So for each SourceTable, the DestinationTable will have the same columns. All I need is to auto-map these columns between source and destination via code?

Is this possible?


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Dynamic File Name For Flatfile Source In SSIS

Apr 11, 2008

I have CSV file as source for SSIS package every time the filename will be changing like trd_1990M1_1990M12.csv,trd_1991M1_1991M12.csv , trd_1992M1_1992M12.csv etc.,

so it will vary as per user selection . i need to run the same SSIS package to execute the different file name with the same structure.

Please let me know the solution for that how to pass the file name dynamically to SSIS package.

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Dynamic Filedlength Of Varchar Fields In Source

Nov 21, 2006

I'm using SSIS to import data from a table (SQL) containing varchar fields. The problem is, that those varchar fields are changing over time (sometimes shrinking and sometimes expanding). I.e. from varchar(16) to varchar(20).

When I create my SSIS package, the package seem to store information about the length of each source-field. At runtime, if the field-length is larger then what the package expects an error is thown.

Is there anyway around this problem?

Oh, yeah... My destination fields are a lot wider then the source fields, so the problem is not that the varchar values doesn't fit in my destination table, but that the package expects the source to be smaller...

Regards Andreas

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Dynamic Table Name In Parameterized Ole Db Source Query?

Sep 11, 2006

hi everyone,

joy mundy alluded in her webcast that it is possible to dynamically specify a table name in a parameterized ole db source query. is this true? if so, how can it be done?

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Date Problem : Dynamic SQL In An OLE DB Source Component

Feb 21, 2006


I have an OLEDB Source component with a Oracle OLEDB connection manager.
In my SQL statement I must do something like this ...

SELECT * FROM OracleTable
WHERE convert(datetime, OracleDate) = parameter

I've dynamicaly build the statement like this : http://blogs.conchango.com/jamiethomson/archive/2005/12/09/2480.aspx

Unfortunately this doesn't work because the variable is a datetime value and not a string.

Maybe another way is to store the date in a table in my SQL database and include it in my Oracle SQL statement ? This would mean that there are multiple connection managers being used in one SQL statement ... I have no idea if this would be possible ...

Any other options ?

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Dynamic Source Table For SSIS Package

Oct 20, 2007

I have created an SSIS package that is designed to move data from SQL Server 2000 to an Access db. I have set the package up to accept four parameters. They are:

the name of the SQL Server Database, which is used in an expression to provide the source connection manager connection string;

the full path to the Access db destination database which is used like #1 above.

the SELECT statement used in an OLE DB Source object to get the data from the source table

the table name which is used by an OLE DB Destination object.
I know that the source and destination tables have exactly the same structure and do not require a transformation.

In order to change variables 3 and 4 from above and have it work, I go through the following steps:

I change the variables to appropriate values.

Go to the Advanced Editor for the OLE DB Source object and click on "Refresh". This produces an error in the OLE DB Destination object that is something like "Validation error. Data Flow Task: DTS.Pipeline: input column "strRECTYPESUFFIX" (301) has lineage ID 17 that was not previously used in the Data Flow task.

Go to the Advanced Editor for the OLE DB Destination which brings up the "Restore Invalid Column Reference Editor". I mark all the columns that show up with the option to <Delete invalid column reference> and click OK

I then reopen the Advanced Editor for the OLE DB Destination, go to the 'Column Mappings' tab click 'Refresh', then in the upper pane where the input and output columns list appear I right click and choose "Map Items by Matching Names"
At this point I no longer have the error and the package will execute without any problems.

I am doing this so that I can load the SSIS package in VB.NET (2.0) so that I can then set these variables programmatically and then execute the package. The problem is that this actually performs steps 1 and 4 above. 2 and 3 are left out and the package fails miserably.

I have found some information that would be helpful if I could get my hands on the appropriate object. I realize that the data flow component would return VS_NEEDSNEWMETADATA from the Validate method, and that could be repaired with the ReinitializeMetaData method of the data flow component ( I assume that is the object to be using in this case). But I do not know how to grab the "Data Flow Component" as an object based upon the "Package" object I have loaded so that I can check if it is valid and manipulate it if necessary.

Thank you in advance for your help.

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