Dynamic Excel File Path During Deploy

Jan 23, 2008

Hello, I have a situation in which I need to use a foreach iterator that will perform a transformation on each excel file in a directory. The file names will change, but the structure will stay the same.

I was able to get this working by assigning the file path for each iteration to a variable, and then using that variable to set the excelfilepath in the Excel connection manager. However, for this to work I have to assign the variable to a default file.

Because of this, when I try to deploy the package I need to also add a configuration property for the variable, otherwise the first run will fail. The dummy file doesn't even really need to exist - I just have to put in a valid path, and then use any name that has an .xls extension. After that it runs fine regardless of what is in the directory.

This seems odd that I would need to do this - am I missing something? Apart from creating the Excel Connection Manager programatically (which I'm guessing might solve this), is there a way to avoid having to specify this dummy file?


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Dynamic Path To Excel Files

Nov 5, 2007

Trying to dynamically set the connectionstring property of the excel source.
This is what I enter instead of the hardcoded excel file paths:
"Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=" + @[User::FileName] + ";Extended Properties=Excel 8.0;HDR=YES"

I get this error, every time I set the delay validation property of the dataflow tab to true.
Cannot detach from one or more processes.
The object invoked has disconnected from its clients
Do you want to terminate them instead?


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File System Task - Move File With Dynamic Destination Path

Oct 9, 2006

I am having an issue with the File System Task.

I was wondering if there is a way to 'Move File' with the File System Task inside of a For Each Loop container but to dynamically set the Destination path variable.

Currently, this is what I have:
FileDestinationPath variable - set to C:TestFiles
FileSourcePath variable - set to C:TestFiles
FileNameAndLocation variable - set to blank

For Each Loop Container €“ Iterates through a folder C:TestFiles that has .txt files in it with dates in the file name. Ex: Test_09142006.txt. Sets the file path (fully qualified) to the Variable Mapping FileNameAndLocation.

Script Task (within For Each Loop, first step) €“ Sets the FileDestinationPath to the correct dated folder within C:TestFiles. For example, if the text files I want to move are for the 14th of September, it takes FileDestinationPath and appends the date folder to the end of it. The text files have a date in the file name (test_09142006.txt) and I am picking this apart (from FileNameAndLocation in the For Each Loop) to get the folder date. (dts.Variables(€œUser::FileDestinationPath€?).Value = dts.Variables(€œUser::FileDestinationPath€?).Value & €œ€? Month & €œ_€? & Day & €œ_€? & Year & €œ€?) which gives me €œC:TestFiles9_14_2006€?.

File System Task (within For Each Loop, second step) €“ This is where the action is supposed to occur. I want it to take the FileDestinationPath and move the FileNameAndLocation file (from the For Loop) into this folder for each run.

Now as for my problem. I want this package to run everyday but it has to set the FileDestinationPath variable dynamically according to that day€™s date. Basically, how do I get this to work since I can€™t hard code the destination path variable from the start? I have the DestinationVariable on the File System Task set to the FileDestinationPath variable, after the script task builds it. However, using FileNameAndLocation as the SourceVariable on my File System Task tells me that the €œVariable €œFileNameAndLocation€? is used as a source or destination and is empty.€?

Let me know if I need to clarify further€¦...I may be missing something very simple. Any help would be greatly appreciated!

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Deploy Excel File That Already Exists On Server - File Isn't Replaced

Jan 3, 2007

Dear all,

I am deploying programatically an Excel 2007 file to a SQL Server 2005 Reporting Server. The problem is that if a file with the same name already exists, that file isn't replaced. I would like the opposite to happen. I'm using the following code:


set svr=http://w3sdwsqld1/reportserver
set src_fld="\w3sdwsqld1\deploy\SAD\ECRANS\UPDATES_20061127_190000\Ecrans\AM\Associados\"
set dest_fld="Associados"
set script="\w3sdwsqld1\deploy\SADECRANS\UPDATES_20061127_190000\Ecrans\AM\Associados\PublishReports.rss"
REM Sample: deploy.bat http://w3sdwsqld1/reportserver "\w3sdwsqld1\deploy\SAD\ECRANS\UPDATES_20061127_190000\Ecrans\AM\Associados\" "Associados" "\w3sdwsqld1\deploy\SADECRANS\UPDATES_20061127_190000\Ecrans\AM\Associados\PublishReports.rss"
for /R %src_fld% %%f in (*.xlsx) do rs -i %script% -s %svr% -v ParentFolder=%dest_fld% -v reportP="%%~nf" -v path=%src_fld%

--rss Code

' Script Variables
' Variables that are passed on the command line with the -v switch:
' (a) parentFolder - corresponds to the folder that the script creates and uses
' to contain your published reports

' (b) reportP - corresponds to the report to publish

Dim ROOT As String = "/SAD/Ecrans/Ecrans/AM"

Dim definition As [Byte]() = Nothing
Dim warnings As Warning() = Nothing
Dim parentPath As String = ROOT + "/"+ parentFolder
Dim filePath As String = path
Dim report As String = reportP

Public Sub Main()

rs.Credentials = System.Net.CredentialCache.DefaultCredentials

'Create the parent folder
rs.CreateFolder(parentFolder, ROOT,Nothing)
Console.WriteLine("Parent folder {0} created successfully", parentFolder)
Catch e As Exception


End Try

'Create shared data source
'CreateSampleDataSource("Solucao_Integrada", "OLEDB-MD", "Data Source=dwareas1;Initial Catalog=SAD_Solucao_Integrada")

'Publish the sample reports

End Sub

Public Sub CreateSampleDataSource(name As String, extension As String, connectionString As String)
'Define the data source definition.
Dim definition As New DataSourceDefinition()
definition.CredentialRetrieval = CredentialRetrievalEnum.Integrated
definition.ConnectString = connectionString
definition.Enabled = True
definition.EnabledSpecified = True
definition.Extension = extension
definition.ImpersonateUser = False
definition.ImpersonateUserSpecified = True
'Use the default prompt string.
definition.Prompt = Nothing
definition.WindowsCredentials = False

rs.CreateDataSource(name, parentPath, False, definition, Nothing)
Console.WriteLine("Data source {0} created successfully", name)

Catch e As Exception
End Try

End Sub

Public Sub PublishReport(ByVal reportName As String)
Dim stream As FileStream = File.OpenRead(filePath + reportName + ".xlsx")

definition = New [Byte](stream.Length) {}
stream.Read(definition, 0, CInt(stream.Length))

Catch e As IOException
End Try

rs.CreateResource(reportName + ".xlsx", parentPath, True, definition, "application/x-excel", Nothing)

Catch e As Exception
Console.WriteLine("Failed to publish report")
End Try
End Sub

Any thoughts? Many thanks,

Pedro Martins


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SSIS - Dynamic Excel File Name

Feb 13, 2007

I have a SSIS Package that exports data from Sql Server to an Excel file.
I need help figuring out how to have the file name be "Report_02132007.xls".  Basically I want to append the date to the file name.
Any ideas?

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Creating A Dynamic Excel File

Nov 17, 2006

Is it possible that i can create a dynamic excel file (destination)

ex, i want to create a Dyanamic Excel destination file with a filename base on the date

this will run on jobs. Is this possible?

11172006.xls, 11182006.xls

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Dynamic Source For Excel File At Runtime

Aug 23, 2006


I've seen a number of posts similar to this but i still cannot figure out what i need to do to get it working. So here goes with a couple of newbie questions.

Question 1:
Once created how do i go about executing a SSIS package. I want to be able to call it from a C# application from which i pass in a couple of parameters?

Question 2:
How do i go about setting the file path of my Excel source to a dynamic value passed at runtime. I want to be able to loop through a number of Excel files and do some processing on them. I've set up a variable (which i think i need to do) after that i get stuck however. Some other posts suggest configuration packages but i cannot get my head around how they work?

Any help on this matter would be gratefully recieved.

Thanks in advance,


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SQL Server 2012 :: Read Dynamic Columns From Excel File Into SSIS

Nov 11, 2014

I have an excel file which has dynamic columns

i.e. Col1, Col2, Col3 this week. next week i will have a new Col4 in the sheet. This will keep on adding every week.

My problem is to Unpivot the data

Date 8/2/2013 8/9/2013 8/16/2013

Stock 1,561 1,661 1,761

i.e. the abobe table should become as

Date Stock

8/2/2013 1561
8/9/2013 1661
8/16/2013 1,761

How can I unpivot the dynamic columns given that the columns will keep on increasing every week.

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SQL 2012 :: Creating Dynamic SSIS File Format - Dynamic CSV File As Output

Mar 2, 2014

I am trying to create an ssis package with dynamic csv file as output. and out format contains query output.

sample file name:

Unique identifier + query output + systemdate();

The expression is looking like this.

@[User::FilePath] + @[User::FileName] + ".CSV"

-- user filepath is a variable from ssis package. File name is the output from SQL query. using script task i have assigned the values to @[User::FileName] .

When I debugged the script task the value getting properly but same variable am using for Flafile destination. but its not working.

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Importing Excel Sheet Which Have Dynamic Column Name And Dynamic Number Of Columns

Aug 25, 2007

Hi Craig/Kamal,

I got your email address from your web cast. I really enjoyed the web cast and found it to be
very informative.

Our company is planning to use SSIS (VS 2005 / SQL Server 2005). I have a quick question
regarding the product. I have looked for the information on the web, but was not able to find
relevant information.

We are getting Source data from two of our client in the form of Excel Sheet. These Excel sheets
Are generated using reporting services. On examining the excel sheet, I found out that the name
Of the columns contain data itself, so the names are not static such as Jan 2007 Sales, Feb 2007 Sales etc etc.
And even the number of columns are not static. It depends upon the range of date selected by the user.

I wanted to know, if there is a way to import Excel sheet using Integration Services by defining the position
Of column, instead of column name and I am not sure if there is a way for me to import excel with dynamic
Number of columns.

Your help in this respect is highly appreciated!


Hi Anthony, I am glad the Web cast was helpful.

Kamal and I have both moved on to other teams in MSFT and I am a little rusty in that area, though in general dynamic numbers of columns in any format is always tricky. I am just assuming its not feasible for you to try and get the source for SSIS a little closer to home, e.g. rather than using Excel output from Reporting Services, use the same/some form of the query/data source that RS is using.

I suggest you post a question on the SSIS forum on MSDN and you should get some good answers.


Craig Guyer
SQL Server Reporting Services

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SSIS - DataFlowTask - Excel Source - Dynamic Excel Template

Mar 13, 2008


I am creating an SSIS package witha a Dataflow task, which reads from an Excel source and then uses script component to dumpt the data to multiple tables in Sql Server database

I need to some how make my Excel source dynamic, that is my excel template which i would be using to map the excel columns to script component's input columns would be dynamic..

In other words, I should be able to define the Excel Source, Column Mapping Information, Precedence constraint to the Script component dynamically

Please suggest how could i accomplish this


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How To Create, Install And Deploy Dts File For Sqlserver 2000 And Dtsx File For 2005 ?

Apr 24, 2007


I am looking for tutorials about how to create dts et dtsx files.

Thanks for your help.


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Linked Server To Excel With UNC Path

Apr 5, 2006

We have been having problems getting a linked server to an excel file
working with an UNC path. If the UNC path is to the SQL server itself
it will work but not if the UNC path is to another server.

The SQL server 2000 SP 4 processes are running under a domain id and we
can logon interactively with that same login id and we can access the
excel file via the same UNC path.

We have tried it with setting up a linked server and also linking to it
'on the fly':

FROM OpenDataSource( 'Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0',
'Data Source="\AnotherServerUNCpathexcel.xls";User
ID=Admin;Password=;Extended properties=Excel 5.0')...sheet1$

The message we are getting is the following:
Server: Msg 7399, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
OLE DB provider 'Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0' reported an error. The
provider did not give any information about the error.
OLE DB error trace [OLE/DB Provider 'Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0'
IDBInitialize::Initialize returned 0x80004005: The provider did not
give any information about the error.].

It appears from reading Microsoft's documentation and other topics that
this should be possible. Any ideas on what we are missing?

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Reporting Services :: Parsing SSRS Config File And Dynamically Changing File Path Of Config File In Code

Sep 2, 2015

Currently have a single hard coded file path to the SSRS config file which parses the file and provides the reporting services web service url.  My question is how would i run this same query against 100s of servers that may or may not share the same file path as the one hard coded ?

Is there a way to query the registry to find the location of the config file of any server ? which could be on D, E, F, H, etc. 

I know I can string together the address followed by "reports" and named instance if needed, but some instances may not have used the default virtual directory name (Reports).

Am I going about this the hard way ? Is there a location where the web service url exists in a table ? I could not locate anything in the Reporting service database. Basically need to inventory all of my reporting services url's.

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Integration Services :: Network Path For Flat File Destination - Cannot Open Data File

Apr 6, 2015

I am running my package in sql server 2012, in which i am giving network path for flat file destination. And its working fine. But if i give m local path, its giving me  error " cannot open data file" ...

Nothing is wrong with package.

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File Name Includes File Path In DTS Send Mail Task - Help

Jan 26, 2004

I have an issue with a DTS package. We create a zip file and then attach it to emails going out using DTS. The problem is that the attachment, when received, is named using the full path to the file, so it is quite long.

Has anyone seen this before? Is there a way out of this?

I am considering mapping a drive to the share holding the file to be named, but the fact is this will shorten the name but will still result in the path being included.

I am wondering if this is a bug, as I suspect this isn't the default behaviour.

Thank you in advance.


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Config File Path Not Being Updated In The Dtsx File While Deployment

Sep 21, 2006

Hello All,

I experienced a weird error while deploying my SSIS package. After running the manifest file, i noticed that one of the configuration file's path was not updated in the dtsx file. My solution has 8 packages and almost every package has 2 configuration files. Except 1 file every other config file's path is being updated. Has anybody experieced such a problem?

Thank you in advance for your help


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Certain Numeric Fields Not Read From The Excel File When Using A Excel File Source.

Jul 20, 2006

I have the Excel Connection Manager and Source to read the contents from an Excel file. For some reason couple of numeric fields from the Excel worksheet are brought over as nulls even though they have a value of 300 and 150. I am not sure why this is happening. I looked into the format of the fields and they are set to General in Excel, I tried setting them to numeric and that did not help.

All the other content from the excel file is coming thru except for the 2 numeric fields.

I tried to bring the contents from the excel source to a text file in csv format and for some reason the 2 numeric fields came out as blank.

Any inputs on getting this addressed will be much appreciated.



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Integration Services :: Excel Shared Path Connection

Nov 4, 2015

I am having issue in running a ssis package which connects to an excel file from shared location.It works fine on the machine of the person who has developed it as he has access to that shared drive.After deploying the ssis package to SSISDB and creating a proxy account with the developer's credential, and running the ssis package using the proxy under SQL Agent Jobs, it is failing with error :

Load XXXXXXXXXX :Error: SSIS Error Code DTS_E_CANNOTACQUIRECONNECTIONFROMCONNECTIONMANAGER.  The AcquireConnection method call to the connection manager "XXXXXXXXXX.xlsx"

failed with error code 0xC0202009.  There may be error messages posted before this with more information on why the AcquireConnection method call failed.

XXXXXXXXXX:Error: SSIS Error Code DTS_E_OLEDBERROR.  An OLE DB error has occurred. Error code: 0x80004005.An OLE DB record is available.  Source: "Microsoft Access Database Engine"  Hresult: 0x80004005  Description: "Failure creating file.".

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Integration Services :: Send Excel File From SSIS Using Send Mail Task Without Saving Excel File Locally?

Jul 14, 2015

Is there anyway to  send excel file from ssis using send mail task without saving the excel file locally. I need to automate the process which involves loading the excel file from the database and send it to some people. 

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Log File Path In Configuration File Does Not Work.

Jan 25, 2007


I cannot get the log file path read from the configuration.

If the path in the Connection Manager is invalid, package throws an error "SSIS logging provider has failed to open the log" instead of reading it from the config.file.  What am I doing wrong?

Here is the portion of the config file. Everthing else is read from the config file correctly.

- <Configuration ConfiguredType="Property" Path="Package.Connections[SalesforceConnectLog].Properties[ConnectionString]" ValueType="String">  ConfiguredValue>D:APPSBACIARSalesforceConnectSalesforceConnect.log</ConfiguredValue>


Appreciate a help.


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How To Deploy ASP.Net 2.0 Appliction..No Bin Folder And Dll File

Aug 7, 2006


I am Jaison

I have developed small ASP.Net applocation in visual web developer 2005

I dont find any bin folder and dll file

So how do i deploy my appliction in remote server

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DTS File Path

Oct 4, 2001

How do I dynamically change the file path for the source file in DTS?
Can i use global variable?. if so , How do i use it in the connection task.
Appreciate your help.

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Backup Master Key, Cannot Write Into File 'c: Empmaster'. Verify That You Have Write Permissions, That The File Path Is Valid.

Jul 12, 2006


I tried to backup the master key by the following syntax :



but it failed and i got the following message:

Cannot write into file 'c: empmaster'. Verify that you have write permissions, that the file path is valid, and that the file does not already exist.

NB: I am using the "sa" user to execute this command.

I know that we have a security permission issue , but where and how ?


Tarek Ghazali

SQL Server MVP

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Possible To Deploy Website Applications Using MDF Database File?

Nov 26, 2007

Hi,A quick question, is it possible to deploy a website on a shared hosting environment which attaches to a MDF database file stored in the App_Data folder? 

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How To Deploy An Report And Connection String From Some Xml File

Mar 24, 2007

Suppose we are two developer.Who have SSRS install at there own system.
Our database server is intalled on our main db server.

1,First thing does it necessay to create a shared datasource.
I have a web application in which I want's to add a folder say My reports in which i will put my reports {that is .rdl file}
Then I want's to hit a url with render format as excel this will bring down my report in excel format.

2,How to configure a connection
I want's to pass the connection string in the rdl via some xml file let say myconnectionn xml file
which look like
<source name="Mycon1" default="true" >
Data Source=abcyukon;User ID=sa;Password=as;Initial Catalog=MyDbName1
<source name="Mycon2" skip="true" >
Data Source=asdsadabcyukon;User ID=sa;Password=as;Initial Catalog=MyDbName2

connection string would be where attribute default of source should be true.

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Passing A File Path To A SP

Apr 3, 2006

I'm trying to write a SP thataccept in input a parameter with the nameof a file (with complete path)but I noticed some problems....It's right this way? Thanks!set ANSI_NULLS ONset QUOTED_IDENTIFIER ONgoALTER PROCEDURE [dbo].[BI]@FileToImport nvarchar(100)ASBEGINSET NOCOUNT ON;DECLARE @SQL nvarchar(200)SET @SQL = "BULK INSERT tmptable FROM '"+@FileToImport+"'"EXEC (@SQL)END

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FOR XML PATH + File Structure

Dec 6, 2006

Hey there,I used the FOR XML PATH feature but the XML result is in only one line,it does not conserve the XML structure (treeview). When I open the XMLfile with IE, it s working very (I have the XML hierarchy) but when Iuse Visual Studio or other tool to edit it, I ve just one line!For example:<children group=""><child firstname="" lastname=""></child>=""><childfirstname=""lastname=""></child>..............................</children>............And I d like to have<children group=""><child firstname="" lastname=""></child>=""><child firstname="" lastname=""></child>..............................</children>..............To give you an example of the query:SELECTChild.group AS '@group',(SELECT firstnameAS '@firstname',lastnameAS '@lastname'FROM Collecte_Data_Extract cdeFOR XML PATH('child'), TYPE)FROM Feed AS ChildFOR XML PATH('children'), TYPEAny idea?Many thanks in advance

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Getting Directory Name And File Name From Path

Dec 12, 2007

I have a sql compact table that stores a series of directory paths like so:

Is there a way in sql that I can get just the directory name so the results would look like this:

Also, is there a way to just get the file names so the results would look like this:

I've seen some examples with Sql server but they use the reverse function which is not available in sql compact.

Any ideas would be greatly appreciated.

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Different Path For File Access

Apr 24, 2007

Please help me. I want to know, what i do wrong or may be samewhere documentation is describe this situation:

sql server on servername
filename.txt is situated on servername c:filname.txt
and this query is runing on this server
Version of Msjet40.dll on servername is 4.0.9025.0
SELECT ( [Host] ) AS [Host] e WHERE EXISTS(SELECT PVListFile.F1 FROM OPENDATASOURCE('Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0','Data Source="c:";User
ID="Admin";Password=;Extended Properties="text;HDR=No"')...filename#txt as PVListFile WHERE [Host] LIKE PVListFile.F1 COLLATE database_default
) AND NOT ( EXISTS(SELECT PVListFile.F1 FROM OPENDATASOURCE('Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0','Data Source="\servernamec$";User
ID="Admin";Password=;Extended Properties="text;HDR=No"')...filename#txt as PVListFile WHERE [Host] LIKE PVListFile.F1 COLLATE database_default ) ) ORDER BY e.[Host], e.[Mac], e.[startGMT], e.[stopGMT]

i get this error message
[OLE/DB provider returned message: The Microsoft Jet database engine cannot open the file ''. It is already opened exclusively by another user, or you need permission to view its data.]
OLE DB error trace [OLE/DB Provider 'Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0' ICommandText::Execute returned 0x80004005: ].
Msg 7399, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
OLE DB provider 'Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0' reported an error.

Thank you

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Configuring - Configuration File Path

Mar 6, 2008

Is there any way I can configure the Configuration file Path.

I have an understanding that wherever I store my package but my Configuration file(XML) must be store in the place specified in the package. In my dev environment I have C Drive as such the package is in DevServerNameC:SSIS.

However, there is no C drive allocated in Prod envirnment as such package is going to rest in ProdServerName/SSIS

Now if I place my package and execute here and it will look for configuration files(XML) which are on C file path. Then I guess my package fails.

I am just wondering how can I make my package configure file path dynamic?

View 7 Replies View Related

Integration Services :: How To Upload Excel File Using SSIS With Out Excel Installed On Server

Jul 25, 2015

Trying to upload excel in server where excel is not installed. BIDs was there in the server, when i am trying to craete Excel source I am not able.what the workround for this.. How to upload excel without excel installed on the server.

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Using A Excel Source To Get The Data From An Excel File Gets Null Values For A Couple Columns

Nov 19, 2007

I am using a Excel Source to get the data from an excel file to sql server 2005 table. A couple columns are coming in a double precision float, but some values have characters in them, but those values are coming out as null, even though I changed the datatype from float to unicode string. Any inputs on resolving this will be much appreciated.


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