Dynamic Function To Return Number Of Records In Table
Aug 5, 2014
I want to write a function, which accept 3 parameters, 1 TableName 2 ColumnName 3 DateValue, and returns number of records in that table for that particular date(in parameter date), I have written below function but it is not returning the desired result.
CREATE FUNCTION dbo.[f_Rec_cnt]
(@InTableName NVARCHAR(100),
@InDtColName NVARCHAR(50),
@InDate NVARCHAR(50)
My overarching goal is to generate sets of random Symptom records for each Enrollee in a drug study, so that for each cycle (period of time), the code will insert a random number of random records for each enrollee.
I'm trying to return a number of random records from a table, but inside a table-valued function... (which could be my problem).
CREATE FUNCTION dbo.ufn_GetTopSymptoms ( @enrollID INT , @CTCVersion VARCHAR(20) , @NumRecords INT ) RETURNS TABLE
[Code] ....
But that ORDER BY NEWID() clause is illegal apparently, because here's the error it throws:
Msg 443, Level 16, State 1, Procedure ufn_GetTopSymptoms, Line 13 Invalid use of a side-effecting operator 'newid' within a function.
I was hoping I could return a set of enrollmentIDs and then use CROSS APPLY to generate a random set of records for each enrollmentID... is this not possible with APPLY? I was trying to avoid using a cursor...
The idea is basically to create all the Symptom records for all the patients in treatment cycle at once by using Enrollee OUTER APPLY dbo.ufn_GetTopSymtoms(dbo.Enrollment.EnrolleeID)
but that's clearly not working. Is there a way to do this without resorting to a cursor?
Is it possible to write dynamic sql on scalar function and assign the value to return value? I like some thing like below but it is not working... Thanks ______________________________________________________________________ set @sql = 'select @CallLegKey= min(calllegkey) as CallLegKey from rt_'+@platform+'_CallLegs where datediff(day,convert(datetime, CallEndTime) ,'''+cast(@today as varchar(20))+''') = '+cast(@cutoff as varchar(5)) exec @sql
I have created a function that will check whether the data is null or not. If its null then it will display that as No data else it will display the original value. Below is the function
GO Object: UserDefinedFunction [dbo].[fnchkNull] Script Date: 3/4/2015 12:01:58 PM ******/ SET ANSI_NULLS ON GO SET QUOTED_IDENTIFIER ON GO
The code is working good. However i want the return type to be dynamic. If the data type supplied is integer then i want to return a integer value like 0 if its null. if the data value is varchar then i want to return 'No Data'.
I am using SQL Server 2008 as a back end for a Microsoft Access front end. I have created a report that is essentially a Bill Of Lading. The detail section lists all the purchase orders that are being shipped on a single load. The problem with the Access Report is that I always need a set number of records (8) so that the layout is consistent. So, if the query returns 5 records, I need an additional 3 blank records returned with the recordset. If there are 2 records, I need an additional 6, and so on. For simplicity sake the query is:
SELECT tblBOL.PONumber FROM tblBOL WHERE tblBOL.BOLNumber=@BOLNumber;Now, I can get the results I want by using a union query for the "extra" records.
For instance, if there are 6 records returned for BOLNumber '12345', I can get the expected results by this query:
SELECT tblBOL.PONumber FROM tblBOL WHERE tblBOL.BOLNumber='12345' UNION ALL SELECT '12345',Null UNION ALL SELECT '12345',Null;
Another solution would be to create a temporary table with the "extra" records and then have only one Union statement. Not sure which is better, but I'm not really sure how to programmatically do either of these. I'm guessing I need to do it in a stored procedure. How do I programmatically create these extra records? One other note.... If there are more than 8 records, I need to return 8 of these "blank" records and none of the real records (hard to explain the reason behind this, but it has to do with the report being only a summary when there are more than 8 records while the actual records will go on a different supplemental report).
What I would like to do is to have a TSQL Select return the number of records in the Result as if TOP (n) had not been used. Example:I have a table called Orders containing more than 1.000 records with OrderDate = '2015/07/21' and my client application has a threshold for returning records at 100 and therefore the TSQL would look like
SELECT TOP (100) * FROM Orders Where OrderDate = '2015/07/21' ORDER by OrderTime Desc
Now I would like to "tell" the client that only 100 of 1.000 records are shown in the client application grid. Is there a way to return a value indicating that if TOP (100) had not been used the resultset would have been 1.000. I know I could create the same TSQL using COUNT() (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM Orders Where OrderDate = '2015/07/21' ORDER by OrderTime Desc) and return that in a variable in the SELECT statement or even creating the COUNT() as a subquery and return it as a column, but I would like to avoid running multiple TSQL's. Since SQL Server already needs to select the entire recordset and sort it (ORDER BY) and return only the first 100 the total number of records in the initial snapshot must somehow be available.
I have sql code that returns the correct number of record when run without an aggregate function like count(myfield) and group by myfield. It always returns 86 row which is correct when Select DISTINCT is used. As, expected when DISTINCT is not used I get double the number if rows or 172. But when I count(myfield) and group by myfield the count is 172 and not 86. The strangest thing about this is that when I am grouping a set of items
Group 1
Group 2
Group 3
The other group sum up correctly while others don't. What can explain this? Here is the code.
Select DISTINCT ws.p4Districtnumber, ws.cycle, ws.worksetid, count(msi.MeterSessionInputKey) as ASND from fcs.dbo.WorkSet as ws left outer join fcs.dbo.WorkAssignment as wa on ws.WorkSetID = wa.WorkSetID left outer join fcs.dbo.MeterSessionInput as msi on wa.worksetkey = msi.worksetkey
I'm trying to use the NEWID function in dynamic SQL and get an errormessage Incorrect syntax near the keyword 'ORDER'. Looks like I can'tdo an insert with an Order by clause.Here's the code:SELECT @SQLString = N'INSERT INTO TMP_UR_Randoms(Admit_DOCID,Client_ID, SelectDate, SelectType,RecordChosen)'SELECT @SQLString = @SQLString + N'(SELECT TOP ' + @RequFilesST + 'Admit_DOCID, Client_ID, SelectDate, SelectType, RecordChosen FROMFD__UR_Randoms 'SELECT @SQLString = @SQLString + N'WHERE SelectType = ' +@CodeRevTypeSt + ' AND SelectDate = ''' + @TodaySt + '''' + ' ORDERBY NEWID())'execute sp_executesql @SQLStringMy goal is to get a random percentage of records.The full SP follows. In a nutshell - I pull a set of records fromFD__Restart_Prog_Admit into a temporary table called FD__UR_Randoms.I need to retain the set of all records that COULD be eligible forselection. Based on the count of those records, I calculate how manyneed to be pulled - and then need to mark those records as "chosen".I'd just as soon not use the TMP_UR_Randoms table - I went that routebecause I ran into trouble with a #Tmp table in the above SQL.Can anyone help with this? Thanks in advance.Full SQL:CREATE PROCEDURE TP_rURRandomReview @ReviewType varchar(30)--Review type will fill using Crystal Parameter (setting defaults)AS/* 6.06.2007UR Requirements:(1) Initial 4-6 month review: 15% of eligible admissions(eligible via days in program and not yet discharged) must be reviewed4-6 months after admission. This review will be done monthly -meaning we'll have a moving target of names (with overlaps) whichcould be pulled from each month. (Minimum 5 records)(2) Subsequent 6-12 month review: Out of those already reviewed(in #1), we must review 25% of them (minimum of 5 records)(3) Initial 6-12 month review: Exclude any included in 1 or 2 -review 25% of admissions in program from 6-12 months (minimum 5)*/DECLARE @CodeRevType intDECLARE @PriorRec int -- number of records already markedeligible (in case user hits button more than once on same day for sametype of review)DECLARE @CurrRec int --number of eligible admitsDECLARE @RequFiles intDECLARE @SQLString nvarchar(1000)DECLARE @RequFilesSt varchar(100)DECLARE @CodeRevTypeSt char(1)DECLARE @TodayNotime datetimeDECLARE @TodaySt varchar(10)--strip the time off todaySELECT @TodayNotime = DateAdd(day,datediff(day,0,GetDate()),0)--convert the review type to a codeSelect @CodeRevType = Case @ReviewType when 'Initial 4 - 6 Month' then1 when 'Initial 6 - 12 Month' then 2 when 'Subsequent 6 - 12 month'then 3 END--FD__UR_Randoms always gets filled when this is run (unless it waspreviously run)--Check to see if the review was already pulled for this recordSELECT @PriorRec = (Select Count(*) FROM FD__UR_Randoms whereSelectType = @CodeRevType and SelectDate = @TodayNotime)If @PriorRec 0 GOTO ENDThis--************************************STEP A: Populate FD__UR_Randomstable with records that are candidates for review************************If @CodeRevType = 1BEGININSERT INTO FD__UR_Randoms (Admit_DOCID, Client_ID, SelectDate,SelectType,RecordChosen)(SELECT pa.OP__DOCID, pa.Client_ID,Convert(varchar(10),GetDate(),101) as SelectDate, @CodeRevType, 'F'FROM dbo.FD__RESTART_PROG_ADMIT paInner join FD__Client cOn pa.Client_ID = c.Client_IDWHERE Left(c.Fullname,2) <'TT' AND (Date_Discharge IS NULL)AND(DATEDIFF(d, Date_Admission, GETDATE()) 119)AND (DATEDIFF(d, Date_Admission, GETDATE()) <= 211)AND pa.OP__DOCID not in (Select Admit_DOCID from FD__UR_Randomswhere RecordChosen = 'T'))ENDIf @CodeRevType = 2--only want those that were selected in a batch 1 - in program 6-12months; selected for first reviewBEGININSERT INTO FD__UR_Randoms (Admit_DOCID, Client_ID, SelectDate,SelectType,RecordChosen)(SELECT pa.OP__DOCID, pa.Client_ID,Convert(varchar(10),GetDate(),101) as SelectDate, @CodeRevType, 'F'FROM dbo.FD__RESTART_PROG_ADMIT paInner join FD__Client cOn pa.Client_ID = c.Client_IDWHERE Left(c.Fullname,2) <'TT' AND (Date_Discharge IS NULL)AND(DATEDIFF(d, Date_Admission, GETDATE()) 211)AND (DATEDIFF(d, Date_Admission, GETDATE()) < 364)AND pa.OP__DOCID in (Select Admit_DOCID from FD__UR_Randomswhere SelectType = 1 AND RecordChosen= 'T'))ENDIf @CodeRevType = 3--only want those that were not in batch 1 or 2 - in program 6 to 12monthsBEGININSERT INTO FD__UR_Randoms (Admit_DOCID, Client_ID, SelectDate,SelectType,RecordChosen)(SELECT pa.OP__DOCID, pa.Client_ID,Convert(varchar(10),GetDate(),101) as SelectDate, @CodeRevType, 'F'FROM dbo.FD__RESTART_PROG_ADMIT paInner join FD__Client cOn pa.Client_ID = c.Client_IDWHERE Left(c.Fullname,2) <'TT' AND (Date_Discharge IS NULL)AND(DATEDIFF(d, Date_Admission, GETDATE()) 211)AND (DATEDIFF(d, Date_Admission, GETDATE()) < 364)AND pa.OP__DOCID NOT in (Select Admit_DOCID from FD__UR_Randomswhere SelectType < 3 AND RecordChosen= 'T'))ENDSELECT @CurrRec = (Select Count(*) FROM FD__UR_Randoms whereSelectType = @CodeRevType and SelectDate = @TodayNoTime)--*************************************STEP B Pick the necessarypercentage **************************************--if code type = 1, 15% otherwise 25%If @CodeRevType = 1BEGINSELECT @RequFiles = (@CurrRec * .15)ENDELSEBEGINSELECT @RequFiles = (@CurrRec * .25)END--make sure we have at least 5If @RequFiles < 5BEGINSELECT @RequFiles = 5End--*************************************STEP C Randomly select thatmany files**************************************--convert all variables to stringsSELECT @RequFilesSt = Convert(Varchar(100),@RequFiles)SELECT @CodeRevTypeSt = Convert(Char(1),@CodeRevType)SELECT @TodaySt = Convert(VarChar(10),@TodayNoTime,101)SELECT @SQLString = N'INSERT INTO TMP_UR_Randoms(Admit_DOCID,Client_ID, SelectDate, SelectType,RecordChosen)'SELECT @SQLString = @SQLString + N'(SELECT TOP ' + @RequFilesST + 'Admit_DOCID, Client_ID, SelectDate, SelectType, RecordChosen FROMFD__UR_Randoms 'SELECT @SQLString = @SQLString + N'WHERE SelectType = ' +@CodeRevTypeSt + ' AND SelectDate = ''' + @TodaySt + '''' + ' ORDERBY NEWID())'print @SQLStringexecute sp_executesql @SQLStringSELECT * FROM TMP_UR_Randoms/*--This select statement gives me what i want but I need to somehowmark these records and/or move this subset into the temp tableSelect Top @RequFilesFROM FD__UR_RandomsWHERE SelectType = @CodeRevType and SelectDate =Convert(varchar(10),GetDate(),101))ORDER BY NewID()*/ENDTHIS:GO
Does SQL have a function that return "null" for records which don't exist? Per example in a FK relation ship, that not all records in the first table have a "child" in the second table, so it returns null records.
I tried to create a dynamic table, fill in it and return it as recordset. The codes as this:
Declare @tbl Table(id int, name varchar(100), age int) Insert Into @tbl(id, name, age) Values(1, 'James, Lee', 28), (2, 'Mike, Richard', 32), (3, 'Leon Wong', 29) Select * From @tbl Order By age
It works well in "SQL Query Ananizer". But return no records in ASP page.
Here is the scenario, I have 2 stored procedures, SP1 and SP2
SP1 has the following code:
declare @tmp as varchar(300) set @tmp = 'SELECT * FROM OPENROWSET ( ''SQLOLEDB'', ''SERVER=.;Trusted_Connection=yes'', ''SET FMTONLY OFF EXEC ' + db_name() + '..StoredProcedure'' )'
EXEC (@tmp)
SP2 has the following code:
SELECT * FROM SP1 (which won't work because SP1 is a stored procedure. A view, a table valued function, or a temporary table must be used for this)
Views - can't use a view because they don't allow dynamic sql and the db_name() in the OPENROWSET function must be used. Temp Tables - can't use these because it would cause a large hit on system performance due to the frequency SP2 and others like it will be used. Functions - My last resort is to use a table valued function as shown:
FUNCTION MyFunction ( ) RETURNS @retTable ( @Field1 int, @Field2 varchar(50) ) AS BEGIN -- the problem here is that I need to call SP1 and assign it's resulting data into the -- @retTable variable
-- this statement is incorrect, but it's meaning is my goal INSERT @retTableSELECT *FROM SP1
Dear all, can i write a table return function like this?
create function my_function( returns @MYTABLE table(NAME VARCHAR(20),SES VARCHAR(20),CNT DECIMAL(10),MYDATE DATATIME) insert into @mytable select col1,col2,col3,col4 from tab1 go select col1,col2,col3,col4 from tab2 go select col1,col2,col3,col4 from tab3 go select col1,col2,col3,col4 from tab4 go return end
am i doing correct? what i'm expecting from this function is, i need all the data from select statements should be inserted into one table. please guide me in this regard
Vinod Even you learn 1%, Learn it with 100% confidence.
I have two tables that share a common identity row. I need to build a query where data that exists in one table does not contain data in the other table. For example, table 1 has columns of Owner_ID, LastName, FirstName and table 2 has columns Auto_ID, Owner_ID, AutoMake. Both tables are joined by the Owner_ID column. I need a query that provides all owners from table 1 who do not have an entry in table 2.
I don't know why this is so difficult. What I want to do is take a table name as a parameter to build a query and get an integer value from the result of the query. But from all of the research I have been doing, Dynamic SQL is bad in SQL server because of SQL Injections. But my users are not going to be supplying the table names.
Things I have learned:
- SQL Functions cannot use Exec to execute query strings. - SQL Functions can return a concatenated string that could be used by a stored procedure to Exec the query string.
So how can I write a stored procedure that will
1. take a parameter 2. Pass the parameter to a function that will return a string 3. Execute that string as SQL 4. Get a return value from that SQL statement 5. Then finally, from a View, how can I pass a parameter to the stored procedure and get the returned value from the stored procedure to be used as a field in the View?
Numbers 3, 4, and 5 are where I am really stuck. I guess I don't know the proper syntax and limitations of SQL Server.
I have an incident reporting management application. People are supposed to report incidents by this application and every time some one reports an incident, they also select thier employee#(reqiured field). so how can write an sql statement that returns only the Top 5 incident reporters i.e going by employee number. Iam thinking of applying a COUNT function on the incident_id and grouping by Employee# but then how do i make sure that only the top 5 incident reporters are returned.
I have an unusual problem. I am using VB.Net 2003 and sqlexpress using .NET dataset to insert records into an timecards table. After inserting several records I tried a 'Select * from timecards' and the inserted records where not selected. if I 'select * from timecards order by employee' ( or any other field) the inserted records are selected! The table was created by an Access Upsize command.
I used Express Manager ( XM ) to try the select statements. That is how I isolated the problem. Even using a "Select * from timecards where employee = 'test' " returns the inserted test records. I found that if I use a WHERE or ORDER BY clause in the SELECT statement to .fill the .net dataset, all records are returned.
I am familiar with DB2 but I am a newbie at VB.NET and MSSQL
Hi, We Have Been Trying To Convert Some Pf The Procs Into Functions Of Late,but There Is A Problem :-we Have Been Unable To Return More Than 1 Table Value From A Function.
Create Function F_clusters() Returns @ki Table(names Nvarchar(200),total Int), As Begin Insert @ki Select Names,count(distinct Chremail) As From Customer Where Chremail Is Not Null Return End
This Works Fine :- And Gives The Reqd. Results.
If I Am Using The Same Function To Return Two Tables Then It Doesn't Work,could You Pls Chk.
Create Function F_clusters() Returns @ki Table(names Nvarchar(200),total Int),@k2 Table(names Nvarchar(200),total Int) As Begin Declare @cnt Int Set @cnt = 1 While @cnt <= 2 If @cnt =1 Begin Insert @ki Select Names,count(distinct Chremail) As From Customer Where Chremail Is Not Null Set @cnt = @cnt + 1 End If @cnt =2 Begin Insert @k2 Select @naamre,count(distinct(a.intcustomerid)) As Pura_ginti From Trcustomerpreference03july A Inner Join Cleancustomer B On A.intcustomerid = B.intcustomerid Where Chremail <> ' ' And Chremail Is Not Null And Intpreferenceid In (6,7,2,3,12,10) Set @cnt2 = @cnt2 + 1 End End Return End
Can We Return Two Tables Or Is It Not Possible ? Pls Chk Into This And Tell Me.
This script is for an in-line table function, F_TABLE_NUMBER_RANGE, that generates a number table. The input parameters are the @START_NUMBER and @END_NUMBER. It returns a sorted result set containing all intergers from @START_NUMBER to @END_NUMBER inclusive.
This is an improved version of a script that I posted on a topic a few weeks ago. I modified it to cross join fewer tables based on powers of 16, instead of powers of 2, because I found that this compiled and ran much faster for small result sets (less than 10,000 rows).
This is the link to the other post: http://www.sqlteam.com/forums/topic.asp?TOPIC_ID=46252&whichpage=5
SET QUOTED_IDENTIFIER ON GO SET ANSI_NULLS ON GO if exists (select * from dbo.sysobjects where id = object_id(N'[dbo].[F_TABLE_NUMBER_RANGE]') and xtype in (N'FN', N'IF', N'TF')) drop function [dbo].[F_TABLE_NUMBER_RANGE] GO create function dbo.F_TABLE_NUMBER_RANGE ( @START_NUMBERint, @END_NUMBERint ) /* This function returns an integer table containing all integers in the range of@START_NUMBER through @END_NUMBER, inclusive. The maximum number of rows that this function can return is 16777216. */
returns table as
return ( selecttop 100 percent NUMBER = (a.NUMBER+b.NUMBER)+ -- Add the starting number for the final result set -- The case is needed, because the start and end -- numbers can be passed in any order case when @START_NUMBER <= @END_NUMBER then @START_NUMBER else @END_NUMBER end from ( Selecttop 100 percent NUMBER = convert(int,N01+N02+N03) From -- Cross rows from 3 tables based on powers of 16 -- Maximum number of rows from cross join is 4096, 0 to 4095 ( select N01 = 0 union all select 1 union all select 2 union all select 3 union all select 4 union all select 5 union all select 6 union all select 7 union all select 8 union all select 9 union all select 10 union all select 11 union all select 12 union all select 13 union all select 14 union all select 15 ) n01 cross join ( select N02 = 0 union all select 16 union all select 32 union all select 48 union all select 64 union all select 80 union all select 96 union all select 112 union all select 128 union all select 144 union all select 160 union all select 176 union all select 192 union all select 208 union all select 224 union all select 240 ) n02 cross join ( select N03 = 0 union all select 256 union all select 512 union all select 768 union all select 1024 union all select 1280 union all select 1536 union all select 1792 union all select 2048 union all select 2304 union all select 2560 union all select 2816 union all select 3072 union all select 3328 union all select 3584 union all select 3840 ) n03 where -- Minimize the number of rows crossed by selecting only rows -- with a value less the the square root of rows needed. N01+N02+N03 < -- Square root of total rows rounded up to next whole number convert(int,ceiling(sqrt(abs(@START_NUMBER-@END_NUMBER)+1))) order by 1 ) a cross join ( Selecttop 100 percent NUMBER = convert(int, (N01+N02+N03) * -- Square root of total rows rounded up to next whole number convert(int,ceiling(sqrt(abs(@START_NUMBER-@END_NUMBER)+1))) ) From -- Cross rows from 3 tables based on powers of 16 -- Maximum number of rows from cross join is 4096, 0 to 4095 ( select N01 = 0 union all select 1 union all select 2 union all select 3 union all select 4 union all select 5 union all select 6 union all select 7 union all select 8 union all select 9 union all select 10 union all select 11 union all select 12 union all select 13 union all select 14 union all select 15 ) n01 cross join ( select N02 = 0 union all select 16 union all select 32 union all select 48 union all select 64 union all select 80 union all select 96 union all select 112 union all select 128 union all select 144 union all select 160 union all select 176 union all select 192 union all select 208 union all select 224 union all select 240 ) n02 cross join ( select N03 = 0 union all select 256 union all select 512 union all select 768 union all select 1024 union all select 1280 union all select 1536 union all select 1792 union all select 2048 union all select 2304 union all select 2560 union all select 2816 union all select 3072 union all select 3328 union all select 3584 union all select 3840 ) n03 where -- Minimize the number of rows crossed by selecting only rows -- with a value less the the square root of rows needed. N01+N02+N03 < -- Square root of total rows rounded up to next whole number convert(int,ceiling(sqrt(abs(@START_NUMBER-@END_NUMBER)+1))) order by 1 ) b where a.NUMBER+b.NUMBER < -- Total number of rows abs(@START_NUMBER-@END_NUMBER)+1and -- Check that the number of rows to be returned -- is less than or equal to the maximum of 16777216 case when abs(@START_NUMBER-@END_NUMBER)+1 <= 16777216 then 1 else 0 end = 1 order by 1 )
-- Demo using the function to ruturn numbers 1 to 2000 select NUMBER from dbo.F_TABLE_NUMBER_RANGE(1,2000)
-- Demo using the function to ruturn numbers -1500 to 2000 select NUMBER from dbo.F_TABLE_NUMBER_RANGE(-1500,2000)
Some automated tools use sp_columns to find out the columns for a table, view or UDF that returns table.
In SQL Server 2000 it gives columns back but in SQL Server 2005 it does not, compat level set at 80 and 90.
Does anyone have an idea what id going on here?
Repro script below. I expect the script to return information about the two columns in the table defined in fnTestColumnsFromFunctions().
if exists (select 1 from sysobjects where id = object_id('dbo.fnTestColumnsFromFunctions') and type in ('IF', 'FN', 'TF')) drop function dbo.fnTestColumnsFromFunctions; go
create function dbo.fnTestColumnsFromFunctions() returns @TestTable table ( ttID int, ttName varchar(50) ) as begin return; end go
if exists (select 1 from sysobjects where id = object_id('dbo.fnTestColumnsFromFunctions') and type in ('IF', 'FN', 'TF')) drop function dbo.fnTestColumnsFromFunctions; go
Both are related through vacation_id. Every vacation however has many pictures. I need a query where the result would give me back all records (vacations) from Table 1 with only 1 record from Table 2(one image per vacation).
Creates a table of prime numbers, starting at 2 up to a maximum number.
Makes use of dbo.F_TABLE_NUMBER_RANGE, which is found here: http://www.sqlteam.com/forums/topic.asp?TOPIC_ID=47685
create function dbo.F_TABLE_PRIME(@MaxNumber bigint) returns @t table (i bigint primary key) as begin insert @t select NUMBER from dbo.F_TABLE_NUMBER_RANGE(2, @MaxNumber)
declare @i bigint set @i = 1 while 1 = 1 begin select @i = min(i) from @t where i > @i if @i is null or @i * @i > @MaxNumber break delete @t where i > @i and i % @i = 0 end return end go
select * from dbo.F_TABLE_PRIME(100000) order by iCan we improve on the speed?
Ryan Randall www.monsoonmalabar.com London-based IT consultancy
Solutions are easy. Understanding the problem, now, that's the hard part.
I've to write a function to return a comma delimited values from a table columns
If a table has Tab1 ( Col1,Col2,Col3).
E.g. as below ( the columnName content I want to use as columns for my pivot table
CREATE FUNCTION [RPT].[GetListOfCol] ( @vCat NVARCHAR(4000) ) RETURNS @PList AS BEGIN SELECT @PList += N', [' + [ColumnName] +']' FROM [ETL].[TableDef] WHERE [IsActive] = 1 AND [Category] = @vCat RETURN; END;
I want out put to be as below, I am getting this output from the select query independently by declaring @Plist variable and passing @vcat value, now I want it to be returned from a function when called from a select query output ,Colum1,column2,....
We have a large test database with million of records for more than company site Code. Sometime we want to refresh the data of that database for one or more site Codes.
In order to do that I have to delete all records of the site code we want to refresh on the test database first then copy a new set of data from production database over. Since we refresh data based on the site code therefore I have to use the Delete command instead of Truncate.
Since this is a huge database with thousand of tables and million of records per table I have a performance issues with delete command. So what would be the best to delete a large number of records without writing any information to database log file?
FYI: The Recovery model of this database is Simple
Can Somebody please show me how to acheive this, using the order details in Northwinddatabase or any other good example. as much details as possible. Many Thanks!
I have tables and a function as representated by the code below. The names for objects here are just for representation and not the actual names of objects. Table RDTEST may have one or multiple values for RD for each PID. So the function GIVERD will return one or multiple values of RD for each value of PID passed to it.
When I run the following query, I get the required result except the rows for CID 500 for which PID is NULL in table T1. I want the rows for CID 500 as well with PID values as NULL.
I got your email address from your web cast. I really enjoyed the web cast and found it to be very informative.
Our company is planning to use SSIS (VS 2005 / SQL Server 2005). I have a quick question regarding the product. I have looked for the information on the web, but was not able to find relevant information.
We are getting Source data from two of our client in the form of Excel Sheet. These Excel sheets Are generated using reporting services. On examining the excel sheet, I found out that the name Of the columns contain data itself, so the names are not static such as Jan 2007 Sales, Feb 2007 Sales etc etc. And even the number of columns are not static. It depends upon the range of date selected by the user.
I wanted to know, if there is a way to import Excel sheet using Integration Services by defining the position Of column, instead of column name and I am not sure if there is a way for me to import excel with dynamic Number of columns.
Your help in this respect is highly appreciated!
Hi Anthony, I am glad the Web cast was helpful.
Kamal and I have both moved on to other teams in MSFT and I am a little rusty in that area, though in general dynamic numbers of columns in any format is always tricky. I am just assuming its not feasible for you to try and get the source for SSIS a little closer to home, e.g. rather than using Excel output from Reporting Services, use the same/some form of the query/data source that RS is using.
I suggest you post a question on the SSIS forum on MSDN and you should get some good answers. http://forums.microsoft.com/msdn/showforum.aspx?forumid=80&siteid=1 http://forums.microsoft.com/msdn/showforum.aspx?forumid=80&siteid=1