Dynamic Member Selection In MDX?

May 28, 2008

I've got a cube in SSAS 2205 with some financial measures that I want to appear conditionally in an MDX query. Here's what I mean...

The cube measures I'm interested in are actual revenue, forecast revenue and budget revenue. The dimension I'm reporting across is the [Time].[month] member. The report I'm trying to create with this query has each month across the top. But the headers show actual revenue if the current reporting month is on or before the month in question. For future months, we show the forcast revenue if there is any. For any other future revenue, we show the budget measures. So a sample report for April would have columns like...

Code SnippetJanuary February March April May June July August September
Actual Actual Actual Actual Forecast Forecast Forecast Budget Budget

I need to conditionally bring back the right measure and have the measure name (e.g., column header) indicate if it's an actual, forecast or budget value.


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Dynamic Database Selection?

Jun 15, 2007

I'm working on a script to convert data from one software packageto another. Greatly simplified, it looks something likecreate procedure import_widget asbegininsert into our_widget (foo, bar)select baz, quux from their_db.dbo.their_widgetendgoThe problem is that the name of the source database varies fromone system to another, so I want to pass the database name as aparameter. I think I could do the following, but is there abetter way to go about it?create procedure import_widget (@db_name sysname) asbeginexec 'create view their_widget as select * from '+ @db_name + '.dbo.their_widget'insert into our_widget (foo, bar)select baz, quux from their_widgetdrop view their_widgetendgo

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Dynamic Selection Of DataSource

Feb 6, 2008

I need to write a report which will run based on the user's input for Server Group. Meaning, if the user wants the report to be run for one say, UAT group, the report (and therefore the stored procedure) should be executed against UAT server. Or, if the user wants it to be run on the Production machine, the stored procedure should be executed on the Production Server. Assume that both UAT and Production servers are in the same domain to rule out any authentication issue.

I think one way of doing it is to create a linked server on one server which we use to connect via the Report Manager. So, whatever Server Group is selected based on that the SP will be executed on that respective Server Group's Server, since in the query we will have given full names of the tables that we use.

But, I strongly suspect, that having linked servers will not be accepted since it requires that the server owners maintain that. So, I was thinking if there is any other way of achieving this. If anyone knows, please help me with this.

Thanks a lot...


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Dynamic Selection Of Column

Nov 19, 2007

I have to choose a particular column from a table whenever a condition met. That means i have to use the column in the select query whenever the condition met otherwise i have to create a dummy column with the same column name.
I tried to use the following sample query.
Create table temp
(test_id int,
test varchar(100))

Declare @var varchar(100)
Set @Var='Hi'
case when @Var='HI' then "None" else Test_new End as Test
from Temp

But it throw error as "Invalid column 'Test_new' "

As per my situation the Test_new column will be available in temp table whenever the condition is not met.So when @var<>'HI' i have to get the details of the test_new column otherwise i have to create a dummy column with the same name.

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[SQLDatasource]Dynamic Selection Of Column

Mar 29, 2006

Hey, I have a search form with a selectbox. This selectbox contains the columnnames.I want when I put a text in a textbox and select a value in the selectbox and click submit that it search database.The Columnnames I put in a session.
If you see I have put in the querystring as columnname @sescolumn which I have initialised as asp:sessionparameter.But it gives no results. When I put @sescolumn between [] like normal columnnames are it doesn't work also.
Can someon put my on the right path?

<asp:SqlDataSource ID="Database_ecars" runat="server" ConnectionString="<%$ ConnectionStrings:connectionstring %>"
SelectCommand="SELECT [AutoID], [Merk], [Kleur], [Type], [Autotype], [prijs], [Zitplaatsen], [Afbeelding1], [Afbeelding2], [Afbeelding3], [Afbeelding4] FROM [Auto] where @sescolumn like @seskeyword and [AutoID] not in (select [AutoID] from [verhuring] where [StartVerhuur] >= @sesdatefrom and [Eindeverhuur] <= @sesdatetill)" >
<asp:SessionParameter Name="sesdatefrom" SessionField="datefrom" Type="Decimal" />
<asp:SessionParameter Name="sesdatetill" SessionField="datetill" Type="Decimal" />
<asp:SessionParameter Name="seskeyword" SessionField="keyword" Type="string" />
<asp:SessionParameter Name="sescolumn" SessionField="columnname" Type="string" />

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Dynamic Selection Of Multivalued Parameters

May 4, 2007

Hi All,

I Hope someone can help me out with this problem.. its pretty NB.

I have a pair of multivalued parameters. So, parent and child... the child needs to get its selection based on the selection made by the user on the parent parameter ( the child parameter is hidden).

Fictional values:
Parent Parameter: SelectAll, ALL , 1 , 2
Child Parameter: Home, Work, Play

If user selects "ALL" from the parent parameter I need Home and Play selected.

My idea was this:
=iif(Parameters!Parent.Value(1) = "All","Home,Play") <-- in Available values.

However, the dataset that reads this value does not like the coma delimited string.
This dataset is a cube created dataset, reading the child parameter.

Any help is greatly appreciated.
Kind Regards,

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Dynamic Selection Of Flat File

Oct 6, 2006

I am writing a package where the user uploads a flat file to a web folder. I need to automate this package to run everytime it sees a new file.

How can I implement this?

Can I make a call to a package or a sql server job to run from .net 2.0?

Do I need to use a service broker to look for a new file and run the package or a stored proc....I am looking for an async process where user doesnt have to wait for the package to run as it involves data validation of flat file and its huge...

Please help!!

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Dynamic Column Selection In Stored Procedure

Feb 10, 2005

Hey Guys,

Here is the issue I'm having. I am writing a stored procedure that takes a couple of parameters. Each one is the value within a specific column in one table (i.e., @part = 'o-ring' or @sub_assembly = 'hydraulic ram'). Needless to say, the columns form a hierarchy. What I am trying to achieve is to allow the user to specify one of the parameters and get a count for all records where the specified value is in the corresponding column. So, if the user puts in the parameter @part = 'o-ring', I want it to know that the where clause for the select statement should look for o-ring in the part column and not the sub_assembly column. Here is what I am trying to do, which isn't working.

DECLARE @querycolumn varchar(20),
@queryvalue varchar(35)

SET @querycolumn = ''
SET @queryvalue = ''

IF(@sub_assembly = NULL)
IF(@part = NULL)
PRINT 'This is an error. You must have at least a part'
SET @querycolumn = 'Part'
SET @queryvalue = @part
SET @querycolumn = 'SubAssembly'
SET @queryvalue = @sub_assembly

SELECT SubAssembly, Part, COUNT(RecordID)
FROM Table
WHERE @querycolumn = @queryvalue
GROUP BY SubAssembly, Part
ORDER BY SubAssembly, Part

The problem is that I'm getting an error when I try to use @querycolumn to supply the column name to the WHERE clause. Any ideas or suggestions?

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SSRS Dynamic Chart Type Selection?

Apr 16, 2008

Does anyone know if there is a way to dynamically set the chart type (i.e. pie, line, column, etc.) for your report in SSRS? I want the customer to be able to chose which type of chart they'd like to see.

I've looked all over the Internet and can't find anything.

Any help would be appreciated.

I guess I should clarify a little. I am using an ASP.NET 2.0 page written in C# and using a ReportViewer control.

More Clarification:
The ReportViewer displays an rdlc.

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A New Member Could Not Be Added To A Local Group Because The Member Has The Wrong Account Type

Mar 23, 2007

Hi all,

I installed SQL 2005 SP2 + ReportServices Add-in for Sharepoint (WSS 3.0). All it's OK until I try to grant database access in the Sharepoint Central Admin site.

I setup the Reporting Services Integration (Manage integration settings). I use the default SQL instance, I put the USERNAME and the PASSWORD of my ADMIN account in the ENTER CREDENTIALS windows.. When I click the "OK" button, I receive always the error ...

"A new member could not be added to a local group because the member has the wrong account type"

I tried a lot of things... without success.

Is there someone who can help me....

PS: There is no error in the LOG


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A New Member Could Not Be Added To A Local Group Because The Member Has The Wrong Account Type

Mar 23, 2007

Hi all,

I installed SQL 2005 SP2 + ReportServices Add-in for Sharepoint (WSS 3.0). All it's OK until I try to grant database access in the Sharepoint Central Admin site.

I setup the Reporting Services Integration (Manage integration settings). I use the default SQL instance, I put the USERNAME and the PASSWORD of my ADMIN account in the ENTER CREDENTIALS windows.. When I click the "OK" button, I receive always the error ...

"A new member could not be added to a local group because the member has the wrong account type"

I tried a lot of things... without success.

Is there someone who can help me....

PS: There is no error in the LOG


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Master Data Services :: How To Add A Reference To Another Entity Member When Creating A Member

Oct 23, 2014

I need to create a member that one of its Attributes (maybe my term is wrong) is a reference to another entity member named group 
the code 

createRequest.Members.MemberType = MemberType.Leaf;
createRequest.Members.Members = new System.Collections.ObjectModel.Collection<Member> { };
Member aNewMember = new Member();
aNewMember.MemberId = new MemberIdentifier() { Name = uag.groupName, MemberType = MemberType.Leaf };


 "The attribute data type is not valid".Is it wrong to add the reference as attribute? How can I embed the reference in the new member? 

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SQL 2012 :: Delete Rows If Member Does Not Exists In The Member Table

Sep 24, 2015

I have a table where I need to delete rows if the member does not exists in the member table. Will the following syntax work ?

Delete T
FROM Event_Temp_Lead_Screen T
left join member M on ( M.MemberID = T.MemberID )
T.Gender is NULL

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MDX - With Member

Apr 15, 2004

for example

with member [Measures].[Accumulated Sales] as 'Sum(YTD(),[Measures].[Store Sales])'
{[Measures].[Store Sales],[Measures].[Accumulated Sales]} on columns,
{Descendants([Time].[1997],[Time].[Month])} on rows
from Sales

I need more then 1 member how to do in


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Hi From A New Member

May 8, 2008

Hi. I am Rabbee from Bangladesh who has join recently with the team. I need a Solution. How can I find out Duplicate data in sql server 200 database by generating a query. Thank you.

fazle rabbee

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SQL Member Rank

May 13, 2008

ive created a photo sharing site, and im trying to show the statisics for certain users, so far i can COUNT all the photos the user has upload, and show them in descending order, but i need to be able to see the ranking of the user, like :


1 10 100
2 8 70
3 9 85

is there anyway of doing this? thanks Si!

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Getting The Last Member Of As400

Mar 14, 2004


I need some help here. I am trying to do a DTS from As400 from SQL Server 2000. However, the file that I require have members. IF I just do a select statement, it will retrieve the earliest member.

Does anyone know how I can access the latest member?

Thanks a lot!

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How To Hide A Member?

Jan 14, 2005

I have a dimension named Products with the following hierarchy:

Sub Type

Due to requirements I want that a particular product, whose name is, say, "XYZ" should not be displayed when the user drills down to the lowest level i.e. the Product level.

I tried playing with the Advanced Properties tab but could not make any progress and thus will be grateful for help.


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Calculated Member

Jan 19, 2005


I have following problem:

A measure in a cube need to be divided by another measure as follows:


Measure 1 (SUM of Money spent by each person)
Measure 2 (Amount of Money available for each country per person).
USA: 155

Measure1 is a SUM and works fine, but Measure2 should only be a distinct value for each country. So if person comes from Germany, then the SUM of Spent Money should be divided by 134.

Any idea how this can be done.

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AS400 To SQL With Different MEMBER Name

Apr 7, 2007

I have been trying to transfer some data from a file located in a AS400 Server to SQL , but the file has more than one Member Name. I'm not sure how to specify a different member name on the SQL query . Please help.

The name of the file is:

Library = MTGLIBP2

File Name = CHSAVQPL

Member Name = INS

this is the query I have so far but I still need to reference the Member Name


I have been trying to transfer some data from a file located in a AS400 Server to SQL , but the file has more than one Member Name. I'm not sure how to specify a different member name on the SQL query . Please help.

The name of the file is:

Library = MTGLIBP2

File Name = CHSAVQPL

Member Name = INS

this is the query I have so far but I still need to reference the Member Name


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AS400 Member

Aug 7, 2006

I need to query data through SSIS from what I was told is an AS400 DB2 member table. I am assuming this is a sub-table of the main table. I was going to write a correlated sub-query in SQL to get this data, however our AS400 contracted programmer says that there is an easier way and she pointed me to the main table's member. I do not know how to go about accessing this.

Has anybody had experience with this? The AS400 programmer is familiar with SQL syntax, however she does not know how to have SQL grab the data from a member table.

If all else fails, I will just construct my correlated sub-query.

Thanks for the information.

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MDX Ratio And All Member

May 21, 2008


I have a calculated member that is a ratio calculation. It works fine but I would like that the value for the "All" member to be the sum of the children.

So I have the following MDX where the calculated member [Dim Group Rubric].[Group Rubric Description].[BO + ADM Cost] does not give me good results for the "All" member:


MEMBER [TOTAL YEAR CONTRACT] AS sum({[Total Year]},[Dim Contract].[Contract Number].[563131])

MEMBER [TOTAL YEAR BU] AS sum ([Total Year])

MEMBER [Dim Group Rubric].[Group Rubric Description].[TOTAL BU PVN] as

([Dim Group Rubric].[Group Rubric Description].[PVN], [TOTAL YEAR BU])

MEMBER [Dim Group Rubric].[Group Rubric Description].[TOTAL BU BO + ADM] as

([Dim Group Rubric].[Group Rubric Description].[BO + ADM], [TOTAL YEAR BU])

MEMBER [Dim Group Rubric].[Group Rubric Description].[BO + ADM Cost] as

([Dim Group Rubric].[Group Rubric Description].[PVN], [TOTAL YEAR CONTRACT])

/ ([Dim Group Rubric].[Group Rubric Description].[TOTAL BU PVN], [TOTAL YEAR BU])

* ([Dim Group Rubric].[Group Rubric Description].[TOTAL BU BO + ADM], [TOTAL YEAR BU])



ON 0,

{[Dim Group Rubric].[Group Rubric Description].[BO + ADM Cost]}



[Dim BV Organisation Finance].[Business Unit].[All]


[Dim BV Organisation Finance].[Business Unit].children

,[Dim BV Organisation Finance].[Business Unit Code].currentmember.name

= '071MIND1'



[Dim BV Organisation Finance].[Business Unit].children

,[Dim BV Organisation Finance].[Business Unit Code].currentmember.name

<> '071MIND1'



ON 1

FROM (SELECT ([Dim Year].[Year].&[2008]) ON 0

FROM (SELECT ({[Dim BV Organisation Finance].[Business Unit Code].[071MIND1]

,[Dim BV Organisation Finance].[Business Unit Code].[071DIDD1]}) ON 0

FROM [BV Contract Margin DW]))

When I launch this query I obtain:
BO + ADM Cost All - 45013 (I would like to obtain here - 90651)
BO + ADM Cost 071MIND1 - 35680
BO + ADM Cost 071DIDD1 - 54971

Please do you know what should be changed in this query to obtain the good results?



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Importing Excel Sheet Which Have Dynamic Column Name And Dynamic Number Of Columns

Aug 25, 2007

Hi Craig/Kamal,

I got your email address from your web cast. I really enjoyed the web cast and found it to be
very informative.

Our company is planning to use SSIS (VS 2005 / SQL Server 2005). I have a quick question
regarding the product. I have looked for the information on the web, but was not able to find
relevant information.

We are getting Source data from two of our client in the form of Excel Sheet. These Excel sheets
Are generated using reporting services. On examining the excel sheet, I found out that the name
Of the columns contain data itself, so the names are not static such as Jan 2007 Sales, Feb 2007 Sales etc etc.
And even the number of columns are not static. It depends upon the range of date selected by the user.

I wanted to know, if there is a way to import Excel sheet using Integration Services by defining the position
Of column, instead of column name and I am not sure if there is a way for me to import excel with dynamic
Number of columns.

Your help in this respect is highly appreciated!


Hi Anthony, I am glad the Web cast was helpful.

Kamal and I have both moved on to other teams in MSFT and I am a little rusty in that area, though in general dynamic numbers of columns in any format is always tricky. I am just assuming its not feasible for you to try and get the source for SSIS a little closer to home, e.g. rather than using Excel output from Reporting Services, use the same/some form of the query/data source that RS is using.

I suggest you post a question on the SSIS forum on MSDN and you should get some good answers.


Craig Guyer
SQL Server Reporting Services

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SSRS 2005 - Email Report On Execution To Dynamic List With Dynamic Parameters = No Schedule

Nov 23, 2007

I have a need to display on screen AND email a pdf report to email addresses specified at run time, executing the report with a parameter specified by the user. I have looked into data driven subscriptions, but it seems this is based on scheduling. Unfortunately for the majority of the project I will only have access to SQL 2005 Standard Edition (Production system is Enterprise), so I cannot investigate thoroughly.

So, is this possible using data driven subscriptions? Scenario is:

1. User enters parameter used for query, as well as email addresses.
2. Report is generated and displayed on screen.
3. Report is emailed to addresses specified by user.

Any tips on how to get this working?


Mark Smith

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Merge Replication W/ Dynamic Row Filter - Not 'dynamic' After First Initial Sync?

May 2, 2007

If anyone could confirm...

SQL Server 2000 SP4 to multiple SQL Server 2005 Mobile Edition on PDAs. My DB on SQL2k is published with a single dynamic row filter using host_name() on my 'parent' table and also join filters from parent to child tables. The row filter uses joins to other tables elsewhere that are not published to evaluate what data is allowed through the filter.

E.g. Published parent table that contains suppliers names, etc. while child table is suppliers' products. The filter queries host_name(s) linked to suppliers in unpublished table elsewhere.

First initial sync with snapshot is correct and as I expected - PDA receives only the data from parent (and thus child tables) that matches the row filter for the host_name provided.

However - in my scenario host_name <--> suppliers may later be updated E.g. more suppliers assigned to a PDA for use or vice versa. But when I merge the mobile DB, the new data is not downloaded? Tried re-running snapshot, etc., no change.

Question: I thought the filters would remain dynamic and be applied on each sync?

I run a 'harmless' update on parent table using TSQL e.g. "update table set 'X' = 'X'" and re-sync. Now the new parent records are downloaded - but the child records are not!

Question: I wonder why if parent records are supplied, why not child records?

If I delete existing DB and sync new, I get the updated snapshot and all is well - until more data added back at server...

Any help would be greatly appreciated. Is it possible (or not) to have dynamic filters run during second or subsequent merge?

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Db_datawriter Member Could Not Select???

Nov 1, 2000


Here is the question:
I add a user with "sp_adduser 'ABC', 'ABC', 'db_datawriter'" to the database role. However, the ABC login and password was rejected from select?

in ASP include file:
strConnect= "driver={SQL Server};server=ServerA;uid=ABC;pwd=ABC;database=Cu stDB"
--Error: [Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][SQL Server]
--SELECT permission denied on object 'tblCustomer', database 'CustomerDB', owner 'dbo'.

Do I have to give db_datawriter selection permission?
According to the books on line: this role has insert, delete and update rights


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Can Not Sysadmin Member See And Run Jobs From EM?

Jan 25, 2002

Hello everybody .
I have a group - SQL support.I want to give them rights to run any job from EM but I don't want them be a part of sa group
What rights should I give them ?
All existing jobs owned by members of sysadmin group.

Thank you

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Create Dimension Without Member

Apr 7, 2006


Analysis manager won’t let me create dimension unless fact table filed has value init. Other words, how do I create MT dimension(dimension without member)


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Can I Hide Displaying A Certain Member?

Apr 25, 2006


I have a dimension called customers having the following levels:

Level 1 CustType
Level 2 Cust Rank
Level 3 Cust Name

Suppose that the possible CustTypes are "Potential", "Active", "Lost".
Is it possible to hide displaying Level 1 and below if the Custtype (Level 1) = "Potential"

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SQL 2012 :: MDX Creating A Member

Apr 30, 2015

I have a

[Project].[Project Status]

there are 4 statuses

Closed Complete
Closed Failed

I want to create a member that groups the closeds..Can you use case statements? case when 'open' then 'open' when 'Cancelled' then 'Cancelled' else 'Closed' end.

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Can You CREATE A Member On The AS400 From SQL?

Apr 13, 2008

I am trying to CREATE a member in a file on the AS400 using SQL. The member name is a variable and will change everytime the Insert command is issued. I have tried using the Alias command, but I am either doing something wrong, or it is not meant to be used to create a member that had not existed prior to the Alias statement.

On the As400, the command to add a member is ADDPFM. Then an Override Data base file command (OVRDBF) is issued to point to the right member.

Any help would be greatly appreciated!


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Field Value As A Set Or Member To A Parameter In MDX

Jun 19, 2007

Hello Everyone,

I have report based on a cube and it is working. What it does is display a matrix based on six parameters selected. The matrix displays with the following results (there is some more, but this is the gist):

Job Level Headcount

Partners 102

Managers 85

Associates 98

By clicking on a number it properly navigates to the next report (also based on a cube) and properly passes all of the parameters. All of these paramters are dimensions.

But the rows (Partners, Managers, Associates) are not a parameter in this first report. So when I click a number and it navigates to the next report, it is not passing the JobLevel (Partners, Managers, Associates) I clicked on.

When I add the JobLevel to pass to the parameters in the second report, I can only add it as a Fields!JobLevel.Value, I can't pass it as a Dimension or a Set - which is what I assume the second report needs.

I tried StrToSet in the Navigation expression, but it doesn't recognize StrToSet in that expression.

How can I pass a Field value to populate a parameter in a second report that uses MDX for its parameters?

Thank you for the help.


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MDX ParallelPeriod In Calculated Member

May 24, 2008

Hi Gurus,

I'm trying to calculate the prior year sales count in a calculated member with the following expression. The cube processes without errors but, the result in PriorYearCount column when i browse the cube is null value for all rows.

-- Prior Yr Sales Count Calculated member


[Measures].[W SALES F Count],

ParallelPeriod([Date].[Fiscal Date Hierarchy].[Year]

, 1

, [Date].[Fiscal Date Hierarchy].CurrentMember)


But the same expression works fine when I used it to write query on the cube to get previous year sales count. Following is the query for that. Coundnt understand why the same WITH MEMBER expression used in Calculated member is not working.

With Member [Prior Yr Sales count] As


[Measures].[W SALES F Count]

, ParallelPeriod([Date].[Fiscal Date Hierarchy].[Year]

, 1

, [Date].[Fiscal Date Hierarchy].CurrentMember)



{[Date].[Fiscal Date Hierarchy].[Year].[2004]

, [Date].[Fiscal Date Hierarchy].[Year].[2004].Children} on columns

, {[Measures].[W SALES F Count], [Measures].[Prior Yr Sales count]} on rows

From Cube1

Please correct me if i'm doing anything wrong.

Thank you in advance.

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