I've got a SQL Reporting Server 2000 SP2 report that takes 3 parameters. FromDT, ToDT, and LocationCD. The first two parameters are free form text fields that expect a date. The last one is a drop down box. For some reason, when I'm viewing the report through the standard reports folder on the report server I have to click the "View Report" button two times to get the report to render. Clicking it just once, doesn't seem to do anything. The report is a line graph.
There are default values in the FromDT and ToDT parameter fields.
Anyone have any ideas what would be causing the need for the second click?
I am having a problem where I have a Summary Report for a Region that lists out data for each community in that region (sample below):
West Region Count
Community 1 N/A
Community 2 14
Community 3 41
Community 4 25
Community 5 38
Community 6 67
Community 7 40
Community 8 52
I have navigation setup such that when I click on a Community (like Community_1 above), the detailed community report is called. I am passing CommunityID as a parameter to the community report. The community report has a CommunityID (literally) parameter setup. This seems fine, but when I click on a community from the Region report (for example, Community_1 above), the community report does not automatically get rendered, it makes me select a community before it renders. I must have something setup incorrectly, but can't figure it out. Any ideas would be appreciated.
I want the community report to be rendered based on the selected community without having to select it again.
I have a report that I am building that consist of 4 multi-value selections from four different queries. When I choose "Select All" from all the drop downs and click on "View Reports", it blanks out all the selections from one of the drop downs.
Can someone please point me in the right direction on this problem. The report will run sometimes, but most of the time it will not.
So far so good. I want to send this report by email everyday, so I need to set these parameters as a default value. This is where I run into problems.
When I add any of these parameters I get the following error "The restrictions by the CONSTRAINED flag in the STRTOSET function were violated". This problem occur when I choose NON-queried under Report->Report Parameters, and set a default value for THISYEAR under DEFAULT VALUES
I have a basic SSRS report against an SSAS database with a "start date" parameter. I want to set the default value of that date parameter to Today's date. What is the easiest way to do this? I have no problem doing it against a relational source, just haven't done it against an OLAP source.
I was wondering if there's a way to override the default date parameter of a report to a dynamic value such as Today(), Now(), DateAdd(),... through Report Manager.
I know this can be done in Report Designer, but never been successful when I try to change the date parameter value in Report Manager.
I've tried to change the date parameter value by clicking on the Override Default button in the report's properties page from Report Manager, error like the one below will be shown after I entered Now() in the Default Value field and clicked Apply: The value provided for the report parameter 'StartDate' is not valid for its type. (rsReportParameterTypeMismatch)
After connected to Analysis Services and following the path below:
Analysis Service - Databases - Cubes
I create the parameters for a custom report after right click on a specific Cube and select Browse to arrive at a view where i can define dimensions and parameters as well as drag and drop measure to the report rows and columns. The left top File bottom only give me a Save Selection or Save ALL option. However, i'm not sure where it saves it to or if it saves the settings for this custom report at all.
I pull this report monthly and it's a pain to recreate all the parameters. How to save this template for future pulls or maybe even incorporate the pull into excel for monthly refresh instead?
Has anyone encounted a problem with Reporting Services (2005) with the following scenario: A report with a dropdown parameter allowing a Select All choice -
If the selection list is fairly long and Select All is selected - if the user clicks the View Report button the selection list is completely reset (i.e. all items are unselected). This seems to happen if the user quickly clicks the View Report button immediately after clicking the Select All box on the parameter dropdown.
This happens inconsistently - some users experience it frequently while others do not see it at all (using the same parameter values, etc.)
We are having a weird problem. User printing a report have to press the print button twice to print a report. It is causing some problem and failing in QA too :-(.
I need help figuring out what setting I need to tweak to get the correct calculations for the default aggregate attributes for the related entities of the one I am drilling into. Right now it is calculating the total across all for every row and not slicing by sub-customer.
I have a customer with a one-to-many relationship to incidents. Both have a count aggregate that is part of the default aggregates for the entity. There are 58 rows in my table. If I run a report with CustomerName and #Incidents, I correctly get different sub totals for each customer, totalling to 58 for the grand total. However, if I run a summary report on customers and drill into the customers using click through, the #Incidents is displayed but it is 58 for all customers - every row.
If I go into the defaultDetailAttributes of the Customer and add the #Incidents to it and run the previous test, then the correct number of incidents are shown for the customer, then the incorrect number of incidents follow (from getting the aggregates from the children).
The query generated is huge and I am sure it has something to do with my OptionalMany relationships between the tables, but I can't understand why...
I am novice to SQL reporting services. I have created a report using SSRS. In this report I would like to show a column value as button and wants to execute vbscript code on click. Or at least execute vbscript code on click of that field (button is just an option!) The code will launch another application (exe file or else)
Hi, I have a need to display on screen AND email a pdf report to email addresses specified at run time, executing the report with a parameter specified by the user. I have looked into data driven subscriptions, but it seems this is based on scheduling. Unfortunately for the majority of the project I will only have access to SQL 2005 Standard Edition (Production system is Enterprise), so I cannot investigate thoroughly.
So, is this possible using data driven subscriptions? Scenario is:
1. User enters parameter used for query, as well as email addresses. 2. Report is generated and displayed on screen. 3. Report is emailed to addresses specified by user.
Hello, since a couple of days I'm fighting with RS 2005 and the Stored Procedure.
I have to display the result of a parameterized query and I created a SP that based in the parameter does something:
SET ANSI_NULLS ON SET QUOTED_IDENTIFIER ON CREATE PROCEDURE [schema].[spCreateReportTest] @Name nvarchar(20)= ''
declare @slqSelectQuery nvarchar(MAX);
SET NOCOUNT ON set @slqSelectQuery = N'SELECT field1,field2,field3 from table' if (@Name <> '') begin set @slqSelectQuery = @slqSelectQuery + ' where field2=''' + @Name + '''' end EXEC sp_executesql @slqSelectQuery end
Inside my business Intelligence Project I created: -the shared data source with the connection String - a data set : CommandType = Stored Procedure Query String = schema.spCreateReportTest When I run the Query by mean of the "!" icon, the parameter is Prompted and based on the value I provide the proper result set is displayed.
Now I move to "Layout" and my undertanding is that I have to create a report Paramater which values is passed to the SP's parameter... So inside"Layout" tab, I added the parameter: Name allow blank value is checked and is non-queried
the problem is that when I move to Preview -> I set the value into the parameter field automatically created but when I click on "View Report" nothing has been generated!!
Is there a way to subscribe SSRS report using dynamic parameters for email and trigger the report from autosys job so that report should generate the exact time the job is triggered.Let me describe, my SSRS report should be triggered on success of one autosys job. i need to send email parameter and time of report schedule from this autosys job.
I have three types of specific reports that i have to create with the input parameters (range) either
1: By date (rdl 1)
2.By Month (rdl 2)
3.By Year (rdl 3)
Is it possible ( or how do I ) to create just one report template ( one rdl) with the three sets of parameters ( hiding/invisible which ever two sets base on user selection) and the output of the report will display the desired type( either by year, month or date).
I ask this because its possible to create a drill down report from year down to date etc in report designer (vs 2005). Not sure if I can create one instead of three rdls and with the 'logic' built within that template.
I had thought that this was possible but I can't seem to figure out the syntax. Essentially I have a report where one of the parameters is populated by a stored procedure.
Right now this is easily accomplished by using "exec <storedprocname>" as the query string for the report parameter. However I am not clear if it is possible to now incorporate User!UserID as parameter to the stored procedure. Is it? Thanks
I have a report parameter called para1 which is a drop-down list and what I want to do is display another report parameter based on the para1 selection.
So for example, para1 contains a, b, c choices. if a user selects b, I would like para2 to display but if the user selects a or c, I don't want the para2 to display.
I'll go to a dataset, open up the query designer, add a new parameter, then refresh the fields, but the parameter won't be added as a report parameter. If I go to the dataset properties under the list of parameters, the value in the dropdown will be blank. However, sometimes this will automatically add.
Is this a bug in Visual Studio? How do I get around this?
I got a situation in which I would like to create a Views which is using my Test database (Could use more then one test database), but when I test It I would like to create using my Production database (Which is different Database name). Is there any way so that I can pass a parameter at run time which hold a Database name and create those views using that parameter. Any help really appreciated
I am using dynamic sql in my report. I cannot see the sql the report is generating in sql profiler. Is there somewhere else I can view it? Thanks, Linda
Is it possible to dynamically refresh the report model of the report builder?
could it even be using code with any of the interfaces?
When we add a table or add a column to the table in database , will the report model get refreshed automatically or do we need to do it externally. If so, can we use any of the objects and write a custom code in VB.
I have created a menu report listing available reports and am setting the Jump to settings of each text box in the list to take the user to the relevent report. But I am having a problem setting up drill down to reports with multivalued parameters.
What I want to happen when the user drills down is for the report to open up with no parameter values selected. This works for single value parameters where I have set Null as the default value. But I have not been able to figure out how to do this with MVPs. Does anybody know if this is possible?
As a workaround I have been using Jump to URL (rather than Jump to report), which has no problem opening the report without having to pass any values for the MPV. But I do not like using this as I use different DEV/UAT and PROD environments so would have to amend the URL for each environment.
Seems like this should be possible... Any idea?
Cheers, Mike
PS: I should add I can Jump to reports with MVP without specifying a parameter in development studio but not when the report is published.
I have some date criterias on my report that default and so I would like for the report not to display until the user clicks on the "view report" button.
Also, I would like to trap that button to send my own internal parameters to the report. How and where would I do that.
I'm running the report through report viewer and I have a subroutine that would refresh the report with my desired internal parameters. I just need to hook it up.
It appears to work fine on my end however on my clients end, whenever they try to print a report that displays perfectly within the report viewer to their printer by selecting the printer button in the report it never ends up printing.., however if they go into printer setup and change the page range to print from all pages to just maybe one page and then select the print button it seems to print fine..
The printer seems to receive the information as the light flashes but no page kick out when all pages is selected to print..
I am having a hard time finding the report path for the web report Viewer in visual studio 2005. I have tried entering the absoute path to the folder containing the reports. this gave the error that the path is invalid. I have also tried reletive paths using / and // in the front of the name for each report. these all fail. could someone please assist with finding the path to the reports? the reports reside on another server away from the one being used for development of the web site.
I have a procedure that creates a large dynamic view of several tables. The view is a union view of up to 15 tables. The table names are all <name>_DDMM where name is the standard table name and ddmm is the day and month of the tables data. The tables are created by a software supplied by another company, so I can not ensure that the tables will always have exactly the same fields or number of fields. Sometimes the company will add more fields to the tables in thier updates. So, I have to include the field names in the SQL exec command to create the query. This makes for a very long exec command and depending on the number of tables it needs to include, it can require upwards of a 16,000 character string. Obviously, this can't work, so I had to break up the variable in order to create the procedure. However, I'm wondering if there isn't a better method than creating three different 8000 varchar variables and having overflow write to the next variable in line. Especially if the number of tables needs to be expanded, it could be a problem. Is there a better way to run a create view exec command on a large number of characters?
EDIT: Changed the title to read Procedurally generating a large view.
I'm very new to SQL Server. Please help. I need to create a FUNCTION that creates a view. Then call this function in a SQL which is passed as a parameter to BCP. In Oracle, it would be something like:
create function CREATEVIEW
return number as
create view SampleView as SELECT a,b,c from Mytable;
return 1;
when others then return 0; -- for exception handling
create function DROPVIEW
return number as
Drop view SampleView;
return 1;
when others then return 0; -- for exception handling
Then my BCP will have something like:
BCP "select CREATEVIEW from dual"... QUERYOUT ..
BCP "select * from SampleView"... QUERYOUT ..
then drop the view again:
BCP "select DROPVIEW from dual"... QUERYOUT ..
I know there is no DUAL table in SQL SERVER. I just want to know how to code this in SQL Server.
The origin of my problem is that my SQL statement is too long to fit as BCP parameter, hence, am creating a view and reading there and dropping it again. If you can provide me with a better workaround, that would be great. Thanks in advance.
I have a report that grows horizontally as it contains a matrix. In the header section of the report, I have items such as Title and time stamp in text boxes. How can I make these items align in the center if the report grows horizontally, it looks kinda odd with report title not being in the center? Any input will be appreciated.