The code below produces the exact same text but DOES work:
select * from OPENROWSET('SQLOLEDB','Data Source=test;Trusted_Connection=yes; Integrated Security=SSPI','Execute dbFinance..spCalc ''05/01/2008''')
I have a column of data in a table that has date formatted as '2006-03-26 00:00:00.000'
What T-SQL command that will alter the column so that it is now Varchar '03-26-2006'?I also want to know how to do the opposite... if I have '03-26-2006' via command, how do I convert the column of the table to be datetime from varchar
For the example stored procedure below, lets say I want to use the "sp_executesql" stored procedure instead of "EXECUTE". CREATE PROCEDURE [dbo].[spGetEmployees] @managerId int, @employeeIdList nvarchar( 200 ) AS
EXECUTE ( 'SELECT * FROM [dbo].[hrEmployees] WHERE [ManagerID] = ' + CAST( @managerId AS nvarchar ) + ' AND [EmployeeID] IN (' + @employeeIdList + ')' )
I want to rewrite it something like this. Please see MSDN documentation ( ) for sp_executesql stored procedure usage.DECLARE @selectStatement nvarchar(500) SET @selectStatement = 'SELECT * FROM [dbo].[hrEmployees] WHERE [ManagerID] = @paramManagerID AND [EmployeeID] IN (' + @employeeIdList + ')'
DECLARE @paramList nvarchar(500) SET @paramList = '@paramManagerID int'
Reason for using "sp_executesql" is the performance gain.However, as you can see, the @employeeIdList cannot be included as part of the Parameter List ( @paramList )like the @managerId since it **has** to be passed in as a varchar ( example: @employeeIdList = '1,2,3,4' ). My Question Is there a way to include it as a parameter instead of it being part of the embedded dynamic SQL syntax?
I'm using SSIS to import data from a table (SQL) containing varchar fields. The problem is, that those varchar fields are changing over time (sometimes shrinking and sometimes expanding). I.e. from varchar(16) to varchar(20).
When I create my SSIS package, the package seem to store information about the length of each source-field. At runtime, if the field-length is larger then what the package expects an error is thown.
Is there anyway around this problem?
Oh, yeah... My destination fields are a lot wider then the source fields, so the problem is not that the varchar values doesn't fit in my destination table, but that the package expects the source to be smaller...
Hi: here i am giving one example with Emp table and fields ssn,empjoindate
I have a table with field empjoindate as varchar(10).I need number of employees joined between 12/23/01 and 01/04/02.I ran this query using select ssn from EMP where convert(varchar(10),empjoindate,101) between '12/23/01' and '01/04/02'.it is not fetching any data.
I have a preexisting database that has dates in the format mm/dd/yyyy but it is set up as varcar. How can I apply numeric operators to it to find how old someone is from todays date? I then need to take that value and populate another column on the same row.
i am pulling data from a read only database and the dates are i think in varchar format (they sort by 01-01-2012, 01-02-2011...etc)the dates are also in US can i convert these to a EUROPE date format and also datetime so that i can use the > and just show logged events greater than a specific date
SELECT logId, logdate, logdesc FROM dbo.log WHERE (logdate >'07/07/2012')
the code about will not work as the logdate is in varchar.
I have a datetime column and I would like to update another column in the same table with the varchar value of date. e.g. date column has 06-08-2008 as a value. I would like to have the same value in the varchar field.
wondering which function can I use to accomplish this task?
We are trying to create a new view within SQL 2000. We have two colums from seperate tables, 1 is a datetime data type which stores the Date the other is a varchar that stores the time.
What we would like to do is merge the two into one datetime colum so we can work with this one datetime column. Unfortunaly it is not posible to have this entered into the one field at data entry. If needed we can change the time column from a varchar to a datetime datatype.
Also our SQL knowledge is minimal.
Hope this makes sense any help would be deeply appreciated.
I have developed a CF application and now need to add some charts to it for admin purposes. I have a form page that uses a calendar widget to let a manager select a date range and submits to display data for that timeframe. I need to convert the formfields to a date for my WHERE clause in my query. My experience to this point has just been simple queries of one table. below is a sample I found and modified numerous time to try and make it work with no success.
Can anyone give me a hand with this?
SELECT COUNT ((CHG_TYP_CD)) AS CHG_TYP, CHG_TYP_CD FROM WRK_RQS WHERE(CAST('form.startdate' AS datetime) >= RQS_SBM_TS) AND (CAST('form.startdate' AS datetime) <= RQS_SBM_TS) GROUP BYCHG_TYP_CD
Hi I have a table named prodwin in which i have to update a column name mfgdt which is varchar(10) to 7 months which I am able to do but the problem is that since it is only 10 character it is cutting the end of the year for eg
Before the date was 5/22/2000
Now it is this
Dec 23 200
Please tell me what to do , should i use cast or convert ?
Hi, Can any one help me in that case? I have 2 colomns one have the month (1,2,3,4,....,12) and the other have the years (2007,2008,....) I want to merge both in one date field MM/DD/YYYY and the day will always be '01' Thank you M.Maraghy
for some odd reason our other programmer used varchar datatype to store dates. he claims it gives him more control. now i am trying to sort it based on date. so i create a procedure:
AS Select convert(datetime, we) as we2 FROM tblArchive order by we2 GO
if i use the convert function in the procedure, i'll get an error msg when i run the code. this is the code i am using.
Dim MyConnection As SqlConnection = New SqlConnection(ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings("ConnectionStringSQL")) Dim MyCommand As SqlCommand
MyCommand = New SqlCommand("GetAllWeekEnding", MyConnection) MyCommand.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure MyConnection.Open()
Dim mydr As SqlDataReader = MyCommand.ExecuteReader() While mydr.Read() DropDownList1.Items.Add(mydr("we2")) End While
mydr.Close() MyConnection.Close()
the error message is: No accessible overloaded 'ListItemCollection.Add' can be called without a narrowing conversion
I have to change a due_date field with a varchar(10) to a datetime. I created a new table with datetime but when I imported data into the table it errored out due to the datatype. A varchar(10) going into a datetime(8).
Is there way to resolve this without losing data?. or how do you result this problem?.
Hi guys. i have a field in a table which datatype is varchar and i m storing datetime and number in it.. but when i try to use select statement like ( between startdate and enddate) or number (= ) operator it's not working..
select * from table where cast(Field as datetime) between @startdate and @enddate
second query that i m trying to exectue is
select * from table where cast(Field as bigint) = @Fieldid
but both are not returning any value...can anyone tells me where i m doing mistake
In my table I am using varchar to save a date like this 2-dec-2011. Now I have a requirement where i need to select employee who where present in a month so for that I need a query so that i can pull out all the employees who are present in dec like :
Code: select * from emp_attendence where date = 'dec-2011'
My current Query takes the DATE value stored in P.CreatedDate and makes it VARCHAR, then stores it in the table. I need to format this to return YYYYMMDD. How would I go about this?
Current Code:
Code: CAST(P.CreatedDate AS VARCHAR) AS DateEntered,
I have a varchar field which should contain dates but unfortunately it is fill with all sorts of imaginary formats which only the one who has typed may understand.
in a data set of 15000 rows most of them are like '1/15/2007' and 305 roes are like the rest in the sample.
can you sugest ma a simple way to convert posible data to format '1/15/2007' format which i can use in a SELECT...INSERT STATEMENT and convert the rest to NULL
how do you get it to sort correctly for the date? at the minute its sorting on the characters rather than actual date value
Code Snippet INSERT INTO @TempItems (OrderID) SELECT OrderID FROM Orders o INNER JOIN Customers c ON c.CustomerID = o.CustomerID INNER JOIN Employees e ON e.EmployeeID = o.EmployeeID ORDER BY CASE @SortOrder --Order ASC WHEN 0 THEN cast(OrderID as varchar(100)) WHEN 1 THEN cast(c.CompanyName as varchar(100)) WHEN 2 THEN cast(e.FirstName as varchar(100)) WHEN 3 THEN cast(o.OrderDate as varchar(100)) WHEN 4 THEN cast(o.RequiredDate as varchar(100)) WHEN 5 THEN cast(o.ShippedDate as varchar(100)) ELSE '1' END,
I have 2 varchar fields on MS 2005 table First field is date and format is 080118(YYMMDD) and second is salary field like 00002000(positive) and 00002000- (negative) how can I move them to date and numeric fields on another table....