Dynamic Database Connectivity?

Jul 31, 2007

Dear SSIS experts,
I was wondering if there's such a thing that we could assign the database connection on the fly dynamically? so that I save the connection string or the database name somewhere and SSIS reads it on load time or something..
Thank you

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Database Connectivity

Jan 21, 2008

how to connect the database for first time
iam working for a website in that i have a form. how to connect the form to the database.
throw enterprice managment

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Database Connectivity

Jul 26, 2005

Hi im new to ASP.NET.. can anyopne pelase tell me how to make database connectivity with sql server 2000.i need to insert data into sqlserver2000 database from an ASP.NET Web form. please provide me with a asample code.thank you

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Database Connectivity

Jan 11, 2006

I am using SQL SERVER 2000 and asp.net How shoul i connect using OLEDB provider?.
In connection string, i am giving Provider=SQLOLEDB.1,datasource .
It's giving error in conn.open() that login failed for database. i am also poroving username and password in connection string, so i want code for the same.
awaiting for reply...

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Database Connectivity

Apr 9, 2007


I'm using Visual Studio 2005 and want to connect my C# application to a SQL mobile database. So far I have added one via Project->Add component and can create tables and manipulate fields.

Howver I can't manage to manipulate it via my code. All I seem to be able to access is a <database name>DataSet object and I cant see how that helps. Do I need to import any new libraries? I'm familiar with datasets with VBA so was expecting something similar.

Any advice?



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Database Connectivity

Nov 22, 2007

We are trying to setup a role based security access within our client software so that users have read only access to the database. Right now we are not able to connect to the database. This is a blocking issue for us on the project right now

Please let us know how to proceed now ?

Thanks in advance


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Database Connectivity Issues

Jan 17, 2007

I'm trying to connect to a database to carry out a simple task but my connection keeps returning the error
Login failed for user 'myComputerNameASPNET'.
I can use the same connection string to connect from both a desktop app and a web service. I can even connect using the same code while in debug and stepping through the code line-by-line. And yet when I run the web page normally I get the above error. Why is this?
I've tried several connection strings but they all return either the above error or "Not associated with a trusted connection".

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Problem In The Connectivity With The Database

Mar 24, 2008

Dear Sir,
Recently I had hosted a web site, and I had tested a database connectivity to check. After giving the connectivity to the database it had given me the following error:
Server Error in '/' Application.

The connection name 'masarad_jagdishConnectionString1' was not found in the applications configuration or the connection string is empty.

The source code that generated this unhandled exception can only be shown when compiled in debug mode. To enable this, please follow one of the below steps, then request the URL:1. Add a "Debug=true" directive at the top of the file that generated the error. Example:  <%@ Page Language="C#" Debug="true" %>or:2) Add the following section to the configuration file of your application:<configuration>   <system.web>       <compilation debug="true"/>   </system.web></configuration>Note that this second technique will cause all files within a given application to be compiled in debug mode. The first technique will cause only that particular file to be compiled in debug mode.Important: Running applications in debug mode does incur a memory/performance overhead. You should make sure that an application has debugging disabled before deploying into production scenario. Stack Trace:

[InvalidOperationException: The connection name 'masarad_jagdishConnectionString1' was not found in the applications configuration or the connection string is empty.]
System.Web.Compilation.ConnectionStringsExpressionBuilder.GetConnectionString(String connectionStringName) +3047985
ASP.data_aspx.__BuildControlSqlDataSource1() +81
ASP.data_aspx.__BuildControlContent1(Control __ctrl) +106
System.Web.UI.CompiledTemplateBuilder.InstantiateIn(Control container) +12
ASP.masterpage_master.__BuildControlContentPlaceHolder1() +105
ASP.masterpage_master.__BuildControlform1() +196
ASP.masterpage_master.__BuildControlTree(masterpage_master __ctrl) +106
ASP.masterpage_master.FrameworkInitialize() +45
System.Web.UI.UserControl.InitializeAsUserControlInternal() +31
System.Web.UI.MasterPage.CreateMaster(TemplateControl owner, HttpContext context, VirtualPath masterPageFile, IDictionary contentTemplateCollection) +2028700
System.Web.UI.Page.get_Master() +48
System.Web.UI.Page.ApplyMasterPage() +18
System.Web.UI.Page.ProcessRequestMain(Boolean includeStagesBeforeAsyncPoint, Boolean includeStagesAfterAsyncPoint
My connection in the web config file  given is correct. I check the test connection is was also successful
  My web site link is as follow
http://www.masarada.com/hardware.aspx after opening the site click on the hyperlink:-database.
kindly help me in this regard.
B.Jagdish Rao 

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Sql Database Connectivity Error

Mar 25, 2008

Hi All, 
I am a beginner in ASP.NET and trying to access sql database from using C# language thru ASP.NET .  I hv tried with below code but could not able to make out. connection = new SqlConnection("Integrated Security=SSPI;Persist Security Info=False;Initial Catalog=Northwind;Data Source=ServerName;");
dataadapter = new SqlDataAdapter("select * from customers", connection);dataset = new DataSet();
dataadapter.Fill(dataset, "table1");
DataGrid1.DataSource = dataset;
DataGrid1.DataMember = "table1";
Am getting the error -
System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException: Login failed for user 'ServerNameASPNET'.
 Please help.  

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Problem With Database Connectivity

Jul 20, 2005

I am using java applications to connect to my MS SQL Server database.I am using ODBC for database connectivity.If i am running my java applications in a remote PC and try to connectto database server, unless i login to theserer, i am unable to connect to database.If a login to database server with it's username and password, thenthe database is getting connected.It is not correct to login to database server for databaseconnectivity.what is the solution for this?

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Complete Lack Of Database Connectivity

May 9, 2008

 A couple of days ago I installed SQL Server 2005 developer. To pave the way for this I removed SQL Server 2000 and 2005 Express. Since then I've been unable to connect from any of my applications or websites in Visual Studio 2005 to either:- my new 2005 Developer database engine- my colleagues 2005 developer database engine. My colleague can connect to my databases from his visual studio on his machine. I am receiving unspecified OleDb errors.Anyone else had this happen? Anyone know where I should start looking? I've uninstalled all .Net frameworks and re-installed 1.1 and 2.0.Many thanks, Sam 

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SQL 2012 :: Database Connectivity Through Server

Nov 3, 2014

I need to connect database engine through SQL Server Authentication and want to disable connectivity through Windows Authentication. Only wanna connectivity through SQL Server, if this is possible then how to proceed further?

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MSSQL - MySql Database Connectivity

Dec 6, 2007

A third party development company is creating a third party application for us in PHP and uses a MYSQL database. The app is an extension of our website which is developed in .NET and uses a MSSQL 2005 database. There are some cases where the two databases require connectivity since a few fields need to relate. We are having issues connecting the two databases on the server and after reading some forums have identified it to be a configuration issue.

I was wondering if anyone could be of any help in solving this issue, or lead us in the right direction (i.e. where to begin, forums, etc.). Here is a description and some questions from our developer:

We are trying to get a PHP application (.php pages running on the webserver which is the same physical machine as the MS SQL server) to connect to the database (MS SQL server). In order to facilitate this, php.ini was configured in the following manner:

mssql.secure_connection = ON

We ensured that IIS/Windows was setup properly too:
System32 and php both contain ntwdblib.dll ver 2000.80.194.0
enable pipe name protocol [Default was disable]
enable TCP/IP IP1 [Default was disable]

MS SQL Server is set to Windows AND SQL server authentication (Mixed mode).

When the PHP application attempts to connect to the database by using:
mssql_connect('localhost', '<userid>', '<password>')

produces this error message:
Login failed for user 'MAILIUSR_<computername>'. (severity 14)

Why doe this occur? Why is this IUSR userid being used? the userid we sent in with PHP was a sql userid that we know works (we use it with .NET, and to connect to the database remotely). Also, why is it using the MAIL domain? In anycase, shouldn't this IUSR userid work? it's a valid windows account, and mixed mode authentication is allowed.

Any assistance would be greatly appreciated!

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Database Connectivity Using SQL Server And ASP.NET In Visual Studio

Oct 19, 2005

Dear all,I am having trouble connecting my asp.net pages to a sql server database.I have the database running in visual studio and i can query it using the sql pane.My problem is that i don't know where to put the ADO.net query string or what it should look like.Does visual studio provide a wizard for doing this?Also is it possible to use CSS to change ASP.NET tags, i.e. asp:LabelAny help would be appreciated.Cheers

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Regarding Connectivity Issues Of IBM U2 XML Database Using .net Server Explorer

Jan 9, 2008


Im trying to connect IBM U2 XML Database using my ms.net Server explorer.but server not itself getting detected.

Prerequisites :i have installed the following things in my system
1. U2 on my machine and created databaes and tables.
2. IBM Database Add-ins for Vs.net 2005

below are the following steps im trying to connect IBM U2 Xml Database

1.Server Explorer ->Addconnection
Datasource : IBM DB2,IDS and U2 servers

2.in server tab its not showing my server which created using U2

Can any one please guide me in this issue

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Lose Sql Connectivity To Database When Putting New Router In.

Dec 5, 2007

We recently had a problem were a webserver lost connection to sql 2000 database after we put in a new router. When we failed back to old router it was able to connect to database again. It is using a non standard port 2125 to connect to sql database. Why would a new router cause connection problems to a database.

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Connection String For Remote Database Connectivity(SQL Server2000)

Jun 12, 2007

I am working on ASP.NET 2003 with SQLServer2000. My application requires to be connected to the Database which is there in my Headoffice.
My SQLServerName is "MyDBServerTestDB"
Database Name is "WebTO", UserID="******" and Password="******"
My Remote Server IP Address is "" and its Static IP is ""
I have specified the Connection string for my Remote Server as
"Provider=SQLOLEDB.1;Server=,1433;UID=******;PWD=******;Database=WebTO"           (1433 is the Port number of the Remote SQLServer)
but it is giving the error " SQL Server does not exist or access denied".
if i execute the same application at my Headoffice (Remote Server) by changing the Connection string as
then, it is working fine.
Can anyone tell me where i went wrong or what i have to specify in my Connection string so that i can access my Remote Database Server.
Thanks in Advance,

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Management Studio Express Breaks Database Connectivity

Nov 7, 2006

Hi, I'm using SQL Express to run DotNetNuke on my own Windows 2003 server. DotNetNuke(DNN) copies a database on to the server from it's installation files and during the installtion process it fills the database with starter data. That process works fine.

But the minute I attach to the database in SQL Server Management Studio Express (MSE), my web app loses connectivity to the database. When browsing to the default.aspx, I see the following message:
Error Installing DotNetNuke
Current Assembly Version: 04.03.05
ERROR: Could not connect to database specified in connectionString for SqlDataProvider


(don't be fooled by the error message, Dot Net Nuke was fully installed and working before I attached to it with Management Studio Express)

Does anyone know the trick to getting the asp.net app talking to the database again? I'm using Windows Authentication. I have verified that Management Studio Express is what is messing up my connection. Any help is appreciated.

I have already become aware that I must disconnect from the database (in Management Studio Express) for the web app to connect properly. I have already tried that. Same error. So far for me, it seems that simply attaching to the database with Management Studio Express breaks my database connectivity.

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SQL Server Admin 2014 :: Remote Database Connectivity Error

Apr 17, 2014

We are in web site development company,Previously we don't have proxy configuration, after implementing Proxy , we have an issue to connect a remote database.

The error pops "A network-related or instance-specific error occurred while establishing a connection to SQL Server. The server was not found or was not accessible. Verify that the instance name is correct and that SQL Server is configured to allow remote connections. Error 53".

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Do I Need To Create A Domain To Get Connectivity To A Report Server Database On A Remote SQL Server Instance?

Oct 23, 2007

I'm setting up a simple SSRS implementation for a non-profit organization, using two servers hosted at a data center. The first server has SQL Server Standard Edition and Reporting Services installed. I've designed and deployed a number of useful reports on this server.

I was hoping to isolate this first server by installing IIS and SSRS on the second server, have users browse from the Internet to that second server (over SSL, of course), and have all reports served up from databases (and, presumably, the report server database) on the first server.

During the installation of SSRS on the second server, however, I'm being prompted to specify the service account. According to the help text:

"Reporting Services. Service accounts are used to configure a report server database connection. Choose a domain user account if you want to connect to a report server database on a remote SQL Server instance. If you are using a local report server database, you can use a domain user account or Local System to run the service."

I believe I want to configure SSRS to connect to a report server database on a remote SQL Server instance; therefore, it appears that I need to enter a domain user account. The only problem is, neither server belongs to a domain; they are members of a simple two-server workgroup.

Does SSRS, configured to connect to a report server database on a remote SQL Server instance, require a domain? Does what I'm hoping to accomplish require a domain? Creating a two-server domain seems like overkill for this implementation, doesn't it?

I appreciate any comments and suggestions. Thanks!

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Can't Find SQL Native Client In ODBC Connection Manager In SQL Server Open Database Connectivity (ODBC)

Feb 13, 2007

I apologize if this is not the correct forum for this posting. Looking at the descriptions, it appeared to be the best choice.

I am running Windows XP Pro SP2. I have installed the SQL Native Client for
XP. However, when I try to add a new data source through ODBC Connection
Manager, SQL Native Client is not listed as an option. I have followed this procedure on three other systems with no problems. What would be causing the
SQL Native Client to not show up in the list of available ODBC data sources?

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Dynamic Database Creation

Apr 6, 2007

Hi All,
I have a web site where the user can select from a list of databases (they're actually all the same structure, but have data unique to each client). Each database is a SQL 2005 database held in the App_Data folder. This all works a treat. Each database is simply named after the client it is holding data for, and the connection string for each is stored in a database that is accessed
However, what I need is a form where  a database name can be entered, and I can then create a new database with the same structure as the others - including tables, indexes and stored-procedures. I know I can use the copy database wizard in the Management Studio, but that isn't an option to the users of this system (it's to be used on an intranet, and the page I'm trying to create will only be used by project managers - but these people won't have a clue when it comes to configuring databases themselves). I have scripted a database, but have no idea on how I can actually use this script from within Visual Studio and more importantly, don't know how to configue it to have the database name as a parameter.
I've also seen some examples that suggest using SQL-DMO, but haven't been able to work out how to use it and according to Microsoft it shouldn't be used for new developments (http://msdn2.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms132924.aspx).
Anyway, I really hope someone is able to offer some assistance on this one as I've spent a whole day trawling forums and various web-sites trying to find a solution to this.
Thanks & regards,

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Dynamic Database Owner

Nov 11, 2007

I've got a GridView on my webform bound to a SQLDataSource (called sqlZKEWILL). Works fine as long as I hard-code the "dbo" database owner in the Select statement, as in:
 select EXIDV, Carton_Count, Carton_Total,  dbo.ZINSPECTION where EXIDV = @CartonID
The problem is that I need the database owner name to be dynamic. This will be a parameter that I read from another SQL table. For example, I'm doing this:
 Select USERID, DatabaseOwner from tblUsers where UserID = 'Kimm'
 I need to take the DatabaseOwner from this second Select statement, and use it as part of that first select statement.
 On the CodeBehind page, I tried replacing "dbo" with the Database Owner field (which I saved in a session variable) with the following code:
  Private Sub gvLineItems_DataBinding(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles gvLineItems.DataBinding
sqlZKEWILL.SelectCommand = sqlZKEWILL.SelectCommand.Replace("dbo", Session("DatabaseOwner").ToString.Trim)
End Sub
But I am still getting the error message: "Invalid object name: dbo.ZINSPECTION". It doesn't seem to recognize that I've replaced "dbo" with a different value.
Any thoughts on getting this to work would be appreciated.

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Dynamic Database Assignment???

Jan 25, 2001

I have an application that is developed to support a customer per database. All the data is unique to that customer and is physically partitioned from other customers. Also, I have a database that has common tables to all customers. I use stored procedures to access all data. I would like to keep from duplicating all the stored procedures (since the meat of them stays the same) because of the database references.

Is there any way to use the "USE <database>" functionality in the stored procedures to switch context dynamically without having to reference the unique databases?

Thank You,

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Dynamic/variable Database Name

Oct 8, 2004

Hi guys

I have a trigger which retrieves database names from a table.
I need to use this retrieved database name in another sql insert statement as a variable
e.g. set @mydbname = Select .... from.. (to get the database name)
insert into @mydbname.dbo.emplTable

At the moment it reads @mydbname as the string "@mydbname" not the value the variable holds

I need the database name as a variable because i have to write to the correct database (there are 15)
Any help appreciated


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Dynamic Field Of Database

Dec 9, 2014

I'm having some troubles with a dynamic field of mine db. The field can change in the length. But I need to change the way it come from the db.

Today it comes like this:
Cod OU | Name OU
10000 Alabama
10100 Olivence
10001 Wraith

I need to change the Code to be like this:

Cod OU* | Name OU
1.00.00 Alabama
1.01.00 Olivence
1.00.01 Wraith

Is it possible?

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Dynamic Database Selection?

Jun 15, 2007

I'm working on a script to convert data from one software packageto another. Greatly simplified, it looks something likecreate procedure import_widget asbegininsert into our_widget (foo, bar)select baz, quux from their_db.dbo.their_widgetendgoThe problem is that the name of the source database varies fromone system to another, so I want to pass the database name as aparameter. I think I could do the following, but is there abetter way to go about it?create procedure import_widget (@db_name sysname) asbeginexec 'create view their_widget as select * from '+ @db_name + '.dbo.their_widget'insert into our_widget (foo, bar)select baz, quux from their_widgetdrop view their_widgetendgo

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How To Create Dynamic Columns In Sql Database

May 3, 2008

in the front end i have two fields one is dropdown list another is checboxlist say dropdownlist consist of title name and checkbox list consists of sub title name.on selecting title name from dropdownlist i will be getting respective title name in checkboxlist. here when i select checkboxlist(suppose if there are 6 items in checkboxlist n if i select only 3)then my databse column should generate one dropdownlist selected item and 3 checkboxlist selected item.

Eg: if dropdownlist contains( title1,title2,title3) and checkboxlist contains(chk1,chk2,chk3,chk4,chk5,chk6). if i select title1 from dropdownlist i will be geeting 6 item in checkbox list) if i select only 3 items of checkbox list. then i should be able to create column name by title1,chk1,chk2,chk3

help is appreciated

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Insert/Update With Dynamic Database Name

Jan 25, 2006

HiMy problem is as follows:I need to transmit data between two databases on the same server, but Ihave to use dynamic database names (they must be configurable). Forexample I need to achive sth like that:insert into [database1].[dbo].[table1](select columns from [table2])when database1 is not known at implementation stage.I know I can use EXEC @t_sql_code, but I wonder if there is any otherway? (OPENROWSET doesn't seem to suit my needs)Thanks in advanceAmfi

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Dynamic Database Source Changing

May 2, 2006


I am building a data warehouse for a customer who has systems located in two different countries.

I need to import that data from four seperate databases, which all share the same structure.

To do this i have created 20 packages to import that data from the source database. What i would like to do, is at run time set which database the SSIS package should get its data from.

In sql 2k this was easy with a global variable that was set, then use a dynamic properties task to set the data source.

How can i achieve the same result in SSIS? the data source is an ODBC connection, with the four ODBC connections having similar names, eg ABC_NZ, ABC_AU

Thanks in Advance!


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How Build Web Application (asp.net + C# ) With Dynamic Database Schema?

Mar 26, 2008

Hi all,

I am doing an e-commerce project. This website will have a category of product. Each category will have sub-category. And sub-category may have another level of sub-category. This means the number of sub-category is not fixed. In the sub-category we will have products. Each product will have unpredicable number of properties (1, 2, 3 or many properties).

With the current requirment, I can know exactly the number of sub-category level and the number of properties. But the problem comes when later my boss add more category, sub-category ,... sub-category(more sub-category level), and product, as well as the products properties. At that time my database schema will not suitable for new category, products because the in can only design database with fixed number of sub-category level and fixed number of product properties(attributes or fiels in database).

Therefore, I want to ask all of you that
- Is there anyway to solve this problem?
- how to design database that meet extended requirements as I present above?

Thanks for all of your advices.


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Integration Services :: Dynamic Creation On DataBase

Jul 31, 2015

I have a reqirement where in i need to create a Database dynamically in SSIS, Database name is given in table.

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Analysis :: SSIS Dynamic Database Creation

Jul 31, 2015

I have a requirement where in i need to create a Database dynamically in SSIS, Database name is given in table.

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