Dynamic Filedlength Of Varchar Fields In Source

Nov 21, 2006

I'm using SSIS to import data from a table (SQL) containing varchar fields. The problem is, that those varchar fields are changing over time (sometimes shrinking and sometimes expanding). I.e. from varchar(16) to varchar(20).

When I create my SSIS package, the package seem to store information about the length of each source-field. At runtime, if the field-length is larger then what the package expects an error is thown.

Is there anyway around this problem?

Oh, yeah... My destination fields are a lot wider then the source fields, so the problem is not that the varchar values doesn't fit in my destination table, but that the package expects the source to be smaller...

Regards Andreas

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Dynamic Source And Dynamic Destination

Apr 15, 2008

I have a requirment which i have partly accomplished , but could not get through completely

i have a file which comes in a standard format ending with date and seq number ,

suppose , the file name is abc_yyyymmdd_01 , for first copy , if it is copied more then once the sequence number changes to 02 and 03 and keep going on .

then i need to transform those in to new file comma delimited destination file with a name abc_yyyymmdd,txt and others counting file counting record abc_count_yyyymmdd.txt. and move it to a designated folder. and the source file is then moved to archived folder

what i have taken apprach is

script task select source file --------------------> data flow task------------------------------------------> script task to destination file

dataflow task -------------------------> does count and copy in delimited format

what is happening here is i can accomlish a regular source file convert it to delimited destination file --------> and move it to destination folder with script task .

but cannot work the dynamic pick of a source file.

please advise with your comments or solution you have

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Parsing Varchar Fields

Sep 24, 2005

What are some good strategic approaches to using freeform text fields fordata that needs to be queried? We have a product whose tables we can'tchange, and I need to count on a "description" field for storing a value.Two, actually. I'm thinking of adopting this convention:InvoiceNumber@VendorAcronymThere'd be a lot of vendors.Additional issue: sometimes these values would be referred to in thedescription field, and I'd need to distinguish them as referrals ratherthan as original recorded instances of the values. For that, I imaginedeither:InvoiceNumber@@VendorAcronymorInvoiceNumber&VendorAcronymInvoiceNumber//VendorAcronymetc. -- something like that.I'm just wondering if there's best practice for doing anything this stupid(hey, I'm stuck with this as our only option just now; hopefully it's onlytemporary). How to parse out whatever I end up implementing -- well, itneeds to be tractable.Thoughts?--Scott

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Two Int Fields Or One Varchar Field

Jul 20, 2005

I am setting up a database that will receive a lot of data from twoseparate telephone centers, the log table will in a short time haveover 1 million lines, and I was wondering if I should use 1 identifyfield or two:case 1:[Id] [int] IDENTITY (1, 1) NOT NULL[ServerId] [int] NOT NULLcase 2:[Id] [varchar(20)] IDENTITY NOT NULLWhere in case 1 I would just use a combination of Id and ServerId toidentify the line, where in case 2 I would have the Id field a varcharthat would look something like A-000001, A-000002 for server 1 andB-000001, B-000002 for server 2Which solution will be faster when searching for a record when thewill have over 1 million lines?

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HOw To Order Fields Of Type Varchar?

Mar 22, 2000

I have a varchar field which holds IDs like (1, 3, 5, 19, 23) when I order it, i get it ordered in ASCII order like (1, 19, 23, 3, 5) rather than (1, 3, 5, 19, 23) Even if I convert it to int, I won't be able to order it.

is there any way I can order a varchar field numerically?


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JDBC - Varchar Or Nvarchar Fields?

May 10, 2006

Hi, I'm starting a new application in java using JTDS jdbc driver(http://jtds.sourceforge.net) and SQLServer 2005 Express.I have to design the database from scratch and my doubt is if I have to usevarchar or nvarchar fields to store string data.Any experience about performance issues using nvarchar instead of varchar(considering that Java internally works in unicode too)?Thanks in advance,Davide.

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Concatenate Text And Varchar Fields

May 29, 2008

I am trying to add a carriage return to the end of a text field through a script. This is what I'm trying:

UPDATE Table_Name SET Column_TEXT = Column_TEXT) + '

' WHERE Column_TEXT = 'Some text'

I also tried

UPDATE Table_Name SET Column_TEXT = Column_TEXT) + '<cr>' WHERE Column_TEXT = 'Some text'

But I keep getting the error

The data types text and varchar are incompatible in the equal to operator.


Thanks in advance

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Concatenated Long Varchar Fields Are Getting Truncated

Mar 30, 2004

(I'm using MS SQL 2000)

I've two tables that I've made from some query subsets. Each table has a varchar field with notes/memos and I want to concatenate the fields into one long field.

The problem I'm running into is that when I run the query to check the concatenation, the field is truncated maybe 256 chars in.

I tried converting and casting the field as nvarchar 4000, and I've also done the same for the fields in the two tables, but that doesn't seem to help.

I can query for the fields from each table and none of them are truncated by themselves. It only happens after I concatenate them.

I've created a new table and inserted the results into it, but the field in it is also truncated.

Am I missing something obvious here?

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T-SQL (SS2K8) :: Copy Varchar (max) Fields Slow

Mar 13, 2015

I'm archiving some data. In a 2 step process.

1. Copy old data from each table in LiveDB to same table in ArchiveDB.
2. Delete the data from each table in LiveDB which is in ArchiveDB

Both DBs SIMPLE recovery mode.

Each table has a clustered PK on a single int value. In both DBs

The tables with varchar(max) columns are taking a v.long time to copy over.

IS there anything I can change in the ArchiveDB to make it run faster.

It is the insert that is taking the time. I've tried dropping the clustered PKs in ArchiveDB tables and then rebuilding afterwards but it has not made any difference. After all I am adding data to the ArchiveDB in clustered index order, so wouldn't have expected it to.

How I can change the Archive DB but cannot touch the schema/settings of Live DB.

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Retrieving Varchar(max) And Varbinary(max) Fields With VFP9

Mar 20, 2007

I have a test database that contains a varbinary(max) field and a varchar(max) field.

when I do a

Select * from test where id = xx

I get the expected results if my connection string uses

'driver=SQL Server;Server'

but these two fields return no data if I use

'driver=SQL Native Client'

the other fields in the record come back with no problems.

Is there anything special I need to do to retrieve these types of fields?

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Converting Varchar To Numeric And Date Fields...

Jan 21, 2008

Hi All,

I have 2 varchar fields on MS 2005 table
First field is date and format is 080118(YYMMDD)
and second is salary field like 00002000(positive) and 00002000- (negative)
how can I move them to date and numeric fields on another table....


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Dynamic SQL - Date To Varchar

Jun 18, 2008

I cannot execute a dynamic SQL function when I convert a datetime to a string:

declare @date_key datetime
set @date_key = '5/1/08'

select * from OPENROWSET('SQLOLEDB','Data Source=test;Trusted_Connection=yes; Integrated Security=SSPI'
,'Execute dbFinance..spCalc ''' + convert(varchar(20), @date_key, 101) +'''')

The code below produces the exact same text but DOES work:
select * from OPENROWSET('SQLOLEDB','Data Source=test;Trusted_Connection=yes; Integrated Security=SSPI','Execute dbFinance..spCalc ''05/01/2008''')

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Optimization Gurus: Help With Varchar Vs. Text Fields Decision

Dec 16, 2007

Hi, I'm trying to improve performance for a db that stores messages.  The message is currently stored in an ntext field, but when I look at all the records from the past 3 months, I found that 88% are less than 1000 characters, and 97% are less than 3000 characters.  I don't want to actually limit the message size, but it seems like I might get much better performance using a varchar(3000) field to hold most of the messages, and a separate text field just used for those 3% that really are long. Is this a good idea?  If so, is it better to put the Message and LongMessage fields in the same table; or, have a separate table to hold the long messages?  If it is in a separate table, it would need to be left joined with the message table each time messages are retrieved.Also -- I am getting about 700 new messages daily, and right now have over 150,000 messages stored.  The vast majority of activity involves new messages.  Is this a good situation to look at using horizontal partitioning?Thanks for any help, I don't really have anyone to discuss this with and it is really helpful to get some other views!! 

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Nvarchar/varchar Confusion In OLE DB Source

Jun 29, 2007

There is a view in a SQL Server database that I need to connect to. If I connect to the database via Management Studio, the column CLIENT_NUMBER is nvarchar(15). Now in SSIS, if I add an OLE DB Source, access using a SQL Command, click Build Query, and add the view, I can see CLIENT_NUMBER as nvarchar(15) there too. Now I click OK, go to Columns, and I see that in both External Column and Output Column, CLIENT_NUMBER is specified as a DT_STR of length 30! The same thing happens if I use Table or view mode, and it happens with every nvarchar column here.

The kicker here is that I know this was working before. When I opened this package for the first time in weeks, I could see the Output Column as DT_WSTR length 15, so I know things were working then. In the meantime, I had installed SP2. Has anyone else heard about an issue like this? It certainly isn't happening with every package. Should I just take the ugly way out and CAST all of these nvarchar columns as nvarchars?

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SSIS Import Of CSV Don't Recognize NULL Values For VARCHAR Fields

Sep 4, 2007

Hi, i'm new to SSIS and trying to import some csv files (comma delimited) into SQL Server. A NULL value for a CHAR column is correctly regonized as NULl in SQL Server, but a NULL value for of a mapping to a VARCHAR column in SQL Server is not recognized correctly and i get the value "'NULL'" in SQL Server (including the single comma.


CSV file contains columns A and B. A and B contains the Text NULL.
Column A is mapped to a CHAR field, and column B is mapped to a VARCHAR field in SQL Server.
After the import, SQL has the following value: A = NULL as NULL, B 'NULL' as text.

did anyone else had this problem?

thanks so much for any help.

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Trying To CONCAT A TEXT Field With 2 VARCHAR Fields - Brick Wall.

Dec 7, 2006

Hi all. I have been going round and round for the past 2 days on this and would appreciate any help. In a view select statement, I need to concat 2 varchar fields with a text field. If I CONVERT the TEXT field to VARCHAR, only the first 30 characters of the field appear in the result set. If I convert the VARCHAR fields to TEXT, I get an error that I cannot CONCAT TEXT fields. I'm not sure what to do. Can someone please offer some assistance? Thanks in advance! Steve

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Dynamic Fields In SQL

Dec 31, 2003

I want to make my table have dynamic fields. For example if my table includes 2 fields. ID & name. I want the user to be able to add another field (if he needs) with the datatype he determines and the field name. I want then to alter the table and add that field.ok
using alter statement is not required cause it mat cause lose of data if error occurs in the middle of the trnsaction.
any suggessions???
Thnak :)

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Dynamic SQL Sp_executesql And Employee ID List Varchar

Jan 11, 2008

For the example stored procedure below, lets say I want to use the "sp_executesql" stored procedure instead of "EXECUTE".
 CREATE PROCEDURE [dbo].[spGetEmployees]
@managerId int,
@employeeIdList nvarchar( 200 )

FROM [dbo].[hrEmployees]
WHERE [ManagerID] = ' + CAST( @managerId AS nvarchar ) + '
AND [EmployeeID] IN (' + @employeeIdList + ')'
I want to rewrite it something like this. Please see MSDN documentation ( http://msdn2.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms188001.aspx ) for sp_executesql stored procedure usage.DECLARE @selectStatement nvarchar(500)
SET @selectStatement = 'SELECT * FROM [dbo].[hrEmployees] WHERE [ManagerID] = @paramManagerID AND [EmployeeID] IN (' + @employeeIdList + ')'

DECLARE @paramList nvarchar(500)
SET @paramList = '@paramManagerID int'

EXECUTE sp_executesql @selectStatement, @paramList, @paramManagerID = @managerId
Reason for using "sp_executesql" is the performance gain.However, as you can see, the @employeeIdList cannot be included as part of the Parameter List ( @paramList )like the @managerId since it **has** to be passed in as a varchar ( example: @employeeIdList = '1,2,3,4' ).
My Question Is there a way to include it as a parameter instead of it being part of the embedded dynamic SQL syntax?

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Advice Needed : Nasty Problem PHP/MS SQL Server And Varchar Fields &> 255 In Length

Jul 20, 2005

I am currently working on a PHP based website that needs to be able to drawfrom Oracle, MS SQL Server, MySQL and given time and demand other RDBMS. Itook a lot of time and care creating a flexible and solid wrapper and amdeep into coding. The only problem is a noticed VARCHAR fields being drawnfrom SQL Server 2000 are being truncated to 255 characters.I searched around php.net and found the following :Note to Win32 Users: Due to a limitation in the underlying API used by PHP(MS DbLib C API), the length of VARCHAR fields is limited to 255. If youneed to store more data, use a TEXT field instead.(http://www.php.net/manual/en/functi...ield-length.php)The only problem with this advice is Text fields seem to be limited to 16characters in length, and I am having similar results in terms of truncationwith other character based fields that can store more than 255 characters.I am using PHP 4.3.3 running on IIS using the php_mssql.dll extensions andthe functions referenced here http://www.php.net/manual/en/ref.mssql.php.What are my options here? Has anybody worked around this or am I missingsomething obvious?James

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Dynamic Table Name And Fields

Jan 13, 2007

I need to get the field values of a table (name will be dynamic).Then assign those values to properties in a class.Let's say I will get the table name dynamically.dim tblName as string = "tablea"The 2 tables can each have 25 fields or so.I need a way to select the amt and email field values from tblName.  Without saying "select job_amt, job_email from ...Is there someway to get the values based on the column name.  So if the column name has amt and email, then give me those values.Maybe loop through the datatable - then for each column -- if col.ColumnName.IndexOf("Amt") = 0 or col.ColumnName.IndexOf("email") = 0 thenthen drop  that column from the datatable.ex of table structure<u>tablea</u>job_idjob_amtjob_email<u>tableb</u>dance_idamt_dancedance_email

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Exporting Data With Dynamic Fields

Jan 12, 2005


I have one Query Builder application where user creates queries and generates output with required fields.Then user can export the same to excel (Using farPointSpread properties)
But if no. of records goes beyond 10K it goes too slow or even user machine hangs up. I want to give proper export facility. Can it be given using DTS?

I tried DTS (.vbs) file. but for random field selection it did not work.

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Issue With Executing Dynamic Sql With Inbound Paramter As Varchar Striong

Aug 4, 2007

Hi All:

I am trying to execute a dynamic sql, the dynamic sql makes use of an inbound paramter defined as varchar.

When I try to execute it fails, because it does not plavce the inbound paramter in quotes.

Any help would be appreciated.

In the bound search as an eaxmple can be" 'NY'




EXEC sp_executesql @V_SQL

Here is the v_sql out put:


As you can see the sql will fail because the NY is not in quotes.

I tried using '@P_SEARCH_VALUE''' and other forms but could not get it work.

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Dynamic Source

Apr 30, 2008

I have a source file name which changes every day , basically the filename like 9500 , the next file would come is 9501 , then next could be anything may be 1000Q. I need the source connection to pick dynamicallly those file name. is their any way i could achieve this in SSIS.

I would not know what is the name of the file i would expect

please advise

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SQL Statement For Querying Data With Dynamic Fields

Sep 19, 2006

I am working on a project in which a customer wants to be able to list and search their inventory and display the items in a table/grid on a web page.Each item in their inventory has a set of properties - for example, manufacturer, price, serial number, name, etc.  The complicated part is that they want an admin to be able to modify/add/delete the set of properties.  So for example, they could add the attribute "size."   Given that, I think what is needed is 3 tables - one to store the set of properties schema, one for the items, and one to store the actual properties for each item.  I know i COULD use alter table statements to add and delete columns, but that doesn't seem like the "right" solution.I would like to be able to write a query such that each row returns the item and all its properties - then i can easily bind to a datagrid.  However, what would the query be to do this?  I also need to be able to allow the customer to query for items with certain properties - i imagine the sql for that to be similar to this:SELECT * FROM items d WHERE d.Id IN(SELECT a.ItemId FROM attributes a WHERE a.Name = "Manufacturer" AND a.Value = "Samsung") AND d.Id IN(SELECT a.ItemId FROM attributes a WHERE a.Name = "SerialNumber" AND a.Value = "3223")

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Reporting Services :: Dynamic Fields In SSRS

May 21, 2015

I have a SP like this:

ALTER PROCEDURE [dbo].[ReportGateWay]
@ISO bigint= 0,
@Gateway bigint= 0
DECLARE @SQL nvarchar(max)

[Code] ....

I need to invoke this in SSRS. The problem is that when on creating dataset for this, I get an error which read:

You must have atleast one field for your dataset

What can be done in this case?

Here is the SQL Fiddle: [URL] ....

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Dynamic Data Set Based On Calculated Fields

Mar 26, 2008


I have three data sets. Data Set A is bound to my table in my report. There are also Data Sets B and C. All three data sets have the identical columns. I have setup data set A so that all of its fields are "Calculated". The calculation for each field will either pick the field from data set B or data set C based upon a parameter called BorC. So the calcualted fields in data set A look like the following:

=iif(Parameters!BorC.Value, First(Fields!MyField.Value, "dataset_B"), First(Fields!MyField.Value, "dataset_C"))

Problem is when I run the report I get internal error. Is it possible to populate one data set from the fields of another data set? If so is there some trick to doing this? Stripping this example down to one column in each of the data sets, and then just directly setting data set A from either B or C still gives me the same error. SO I set the one field in data set A to the following and it still doesn't work:

=First(Fields!MyField.Value, "dataset_B")


=First(Fields!MyField.Value, "dataset_C")

This leads me to believe there is some fundamental problem with using another data set in a Calculated field. Since I think I have done this before I am convinced I am doing sommething wrong.

Any advice you have for me would be greatly appreciated!


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Data Source View Missing Fields

May 9, 2008

Is there a limit on the number of fields that can be displayed in a table object in a data source view in SSAS 05?
One of the tables (the fact table) in my data source view is displaying only 50 fields. The table actually has many more than that. One of the fields that is not displaying is a foreign key that I need to link to a new dimension table. I have tried refreshing the view, but it doesn't bring in any additional fields.

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DTS W/dynamic Source && Query

Jul 20, 2005

I'm looking for a way to transform the contents of n source tablesinto a single destination table. This by itself is no problem.However, the name of the source tables change, so I'll need to basethe transform task on a global variable that I can update via externalcode. Not sure how to do that. I'm ok with executing the package 10times if there's 10 source tables.The last unknown piece is modifying the query used for the transform.There are 10 columns in the source table, but there are 12 columns inthe destination table. I must provide the 2 missing columns. They willsimply contain a year and month, ie. 05 2003.I'm taking a bunch of source tables (for a given month and year) androlling them together into one destination table, and carrying overthe month and year. I assume the month and year would also be globals.But I'm not sure how to incorporate them into the transform task sinceit wants strict SQL syntax.Any help is appreciated, thanks in advance!

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Dynamic OLE DB Source And Destination

Mar 27, 2007


I am building SSIS for 3 different files that have identical
schema and mapping logic.

In my OLE DB Source (object name - "OLEDBSource_SourceTable")
Data Access mode is "Variable name".
As soon as I swithced to this Data Acces mode
it started to give me an error:

[OLEDBSource_SourceTable [1]] Warning: The external metadata column collection is out of synchronization
with the data source columns.

The column "DEAL_NUM" needs to be updated in the external metadata column collection.
The "external metadata column "DEAL_NUM_Flag" (34529)" needs to be removed
from the external metadata column collection.
The "external metadata column "recordID" (33740)"
needs to be removed from the external metadata column collection.

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Dynamic Data Source Name...

Jun 6, 2005

Sorry if this is a pretty basic question.. but my team here is working on SQL Reporting app for the first time.

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Dynamic XSD Schema Location For XML Source

Jul 14, 2006

I want to be able to programmatically set the schema location for an XML source. I first thought it would be a simple task using expressions and variables but it doesn't appear to allow anything in the way of setting it at runtime. Is this possible?

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How To Create A Dynamic SQL Command For OLE DB Source

Mar 21, 2008

Hi All,

I have a requirement to create a dynamic SQL Command in an OLE DB Source due to the fact that I need to read data from another database based on a date range. For example, the SQL command would look like

SELECT * FROM Table1 WHERE DateField BETWEEN '17/03/2008' and '21/03/2008'

and I need to change the dates - '17/03/2008' and '21/03/2008' to different dates when the package is deployed in production, how do I do that ?


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Dynamic Database Source Changing

May 2, 2006


I am building a data warehouse for a customer who has systems located in two different countries.

I need to import that data from four seperate databases, which all share the same structure.

To do this i have created 20 packages to import that data from the source database. What i would like to do, is at run time set which database the SSIS package should get its data from.

In sql 2k this was easy with a global variable that was set, then use a dynamic properties task to set the data source.

How can i achieve the same result in SSIS? the data source is an ODBC connection, with the four ODBC connections having similar names, eg ABC_NZ, ABC_AU

Thanks in Advance!


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