Dynamic Location For TAble Object In Report

Feb 14, 2008


I have placed one table object to show my datarows in reporting services report.
Depending upon the Parameter i want to change the location of this table in report. Is it possible or any other way we can do this. please help on this.
The purpose is to show the table horizontally centered after hiding the visibility of some column depending upon the parameter.

Thanks in advance.
With regards,
Sathish Raja S

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Absolute Position Or Location Of Report Table.

Apr 10, 2007


I have a report that prints cards for customers. The body of the report contains an address box, letter body, followed by a table that contains all the people to be printed on the cards. If the number exceeds 6 people, another page is to be printed, with no address or letter body, but the table with the remainder of the people on it.

I have been able to get everything to work except for the location of the table on the subsequent pages. They do not appear at the bottom as they do on the first page, but at the top of the page. I've tried using a rectangle as a container for the table, with no luck.

I seem to remember doing this in the past, but as projects get shelved for an extended period of time, the technical knowledge tends to fade.

Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Thanks

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Dynamic Feed Of Table Name To Transfer SQL Server Object Task

Jan 10, 2007

I would like to be able to feed the List of tables to the Transfer SQL Server Object Task dynamically.
I have got a foreachloop container which it feeds the table names into a variable @table_name (string).

Transfer SQL Server Object Task is with in foreachloop container

I did add an expression into the property of Transfer SQL Server Object Task and assign the tablelist property to @table_name

I would be grateful if you can give me any hint.

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Dynamic Table In Report

Nov 8, 2006


i have a dataset which returns me a dynamic set of data ie. number of columns can be different....say 14 columns for some dates...and just 12 for some other...(pivot table is being used in the backend)...how can i present this in the table...also my column names are best suited to be the column headers in the table.....is it possible to create a table at runtime...??

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Dynamic File Location For DTS Transfer

May 2, 2005

Does anyone know if this is possible:

I have an FTP server that will be receiving files.  The directory
and file structure will be a folder with a client name (can be called
anything) and it will have files in it (these files will have the same
filenames as all the other directories.  So I will have folder
JimmyDoe with files a.txt, b.txt, c.txt and I will have JonnyDue with
files a.txt, b.txt, and c.txt. 

Now I'm trying to figure out a way to get that dynamic file location to
a DTS package so I can import all the data from the text file into a
SQL server.  The way the SQL server will be set up is that each
Folder from the FTP site will be a separate Database and each file will
1:1 with a table with the same name..

My biggest issue is figuring out a way to tell the DTS package the file
location to pull all those files and then importing them to the proper

I'm not limiting the solution to DTS packages so if .NET can be
incorporated to make it easier then so be it.  But keep in mind I
can have up to 200 folders with 12 - 20 text files ranging from
hundreds of rows of data to many thousands of rows.  And the
package needs to be ran twice a day so time/performance is an

To recap:  Need DTS package that uses Dynamic file source and transfers data to Dynamic database destination.

(And I'll write slow VB.NET code to handle this before I create/manage 200+ DTS packages as a solution)

Any help at all is greatly appreciated.

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Dynamic XSD Schema Location For XML Source

Jul 14, 2006

I want to be able to programmatically set the schema location for an XML source. I first thought it would be a simple task using expressions and variables but it doesn't appear to allow anything in the way of setting it at runtime. Is this possible?

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Dynamic Parameterized MDX Dataset In Report Table

Oct 10, 2007

Hi, I was wondering if there is a way to solve this issue.

I have the following MDX to retrieve specialised time related data from a cube

Code Block

SELECT NON EMPTY { { { [Measures].[% Vacancy], [Measures].[Total Square Area], [Measures].[Deliveries], [Measures].[Net Absorption] } * { [Time].[Quarter].[2007 Q1], [Time].[Quarter].[2007 Q1].lag(1), [Time].[Quarter].[2007 Q1].lag(2), [Time].[Quarter].[2007 Q1].lag(3), [Time].[Quarter].[2007 Q1].lag(4), ytd( [Time].[Quarter].[2007 Q1]), ytd( [Time].[Quarter].[2007 Q1].lag(4)),ytd([Time].[Quarter].[2007 Q1].parent.lag(1)),ytd([Time].[Quarter].[2007 Q1].parent.lag(2)) } } } ON COLUMNS ,

NON EMPTY { DESCENDANTS( [Location].[All Location], [Location].[Market] ) } ON ROWS


WHERE ( [Overall].[Overall].&[Y] )

I can populate a table with the columns i need from the resulting dataset, however it is not dynamic. i.e.

The dataset field names come up as say,


Which i can place in the report...

But if I then want to parameterize [2007 Q1] like as follows

Code Block
="SELECT NON EMPTY { { { [Measures].[% Vacancy], [Measures].[Total Square Area], [Measures].[Deliveries], [Measures].[Net Absorption] } * { [Time].[Quarter].[" + Parameters!Quarter.Value + "], [Time].[Quarter].[" + Parameters!Quarter.Value + "].lag(1), [Time].[Quarter].[" + Parameters!Quarter.Value + "].lag(2), [Time].[Quarter].[" + Parameters!Quarter.Value + "].lag(3), [Time].[Quarter].[" + Parameters!Quarter.Value + "].lag(4), ytd( [Time].[Quarter].[" + Parameters!Quarter.Value + "]), ytd( [Time].[Quarter].[" + Parameters!Quarter.Value + "].lag(4)),ytd([Time].[Quarter].[" + Parameters!Quarter.Value + "].parent.lag(1)),ytd([Time].[Quarter].[" + Parameters!Quarter.Value + "].parent.lag(2)) } } } ON COLUMNS ,NON EMPTY { DESCENDANTS( [Location].[All Location], [Location].[Market] ) } ON ROWS FROM [QMS] WHERE ( [Overall].[Overall].&[Y] )"

so that everything is then driven from a single selected Quarter value, the table report no longer gets populated, as it has hardcoded field values such as


and if the Quarter selected is [2006 Q1] for example, this field will not exist in the dataset.

Is there a way to accomplish this? I am using SSRS 2005 against SSAS 2000 cubes

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Dynamic Group Changing In A Table Report

Nov 29, 2007

Hello all!
Does anybody know, if it is possilbe to dynamically change grouping in a table report?
I mean, is it possible to provide the enduser the capability to group data in a table on whatever column he would like?

The second question is related:
Is it possible to make a usersort on a grouped table, in such way, that ALL the rows would be sorted ascended regardless of the group they belong to? (For now the only way I see to do this is to give the enduser possibility to turn off grouping manually)

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Object Reference Not Set To An Instance Of An Object. MSSQL Server Report Builder

Feb 15, 2007

When I try and run Report Builder Reports i get this error message "Object reference not set to an instance of an object. "

I can run reports locally but not from Report manager

here is the stack trace info

Exception Details: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.

Source Error:

An unhandled exception was generated during the execution of the current web request. Information regarding the origin and location of the exception can be identified using the exception stack trace below.
Stack Trace:

[NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.]
Microsoft.Reporting.WebForms.WebRequestHelper.GetExceptionForMoreInformationNode(XmlNode moreInfo, XmlNamespaceManager namespaces) +18
Microsoft.Reporting.WebForms.WebRequestHelper.ExceptionFromWebResponse(Exception e) +358
Microsoft.Reporting.WebForms.ServerReport.ServerUrlRequest(Boolean isAbortable, String url, Stream outputStream, String& mimeType, String& fileNameExtension) +482
Microsoft.Reporting.WebForms.ServerReport.InternalRender(Boolean isAbortable, String format, String deviceInfo, NameValueCollection urlAccessParameters, Stream reportStream, String& mimeType, String& fileNameExtension) +958
Microsoft.Reporting.WebForms.ServerReportControlSource.RenderReport(String format, String deviceInfo, NameValueCollection additionalParams, String& mimeType, String& fileExtension) +84
Microsoft.Reporting.WebForms.ExportOperation.PerformOperation(NameValueCollection urlQuery, HttpResponse response) +143
Microsoft.Reporting.WebForms.HttpHandler.ProcessRequest(HttpContext context) +75
System.Web.CallHandlerExecutionStep.System.Web.HttpApplication.IExecutionStep.Execute() +154
System.Web.HttpApplication.ExecuteStep(IExecutionStep step, Boolean& completedSynchronously) +64

Version Information: Microsoft .NET Framework Version:2.0.50727.42; ASP.NET Version:2.0.50727.210

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Dynamic Change Of The Column Size And Location Of A Matrix

Feb 24, 2007

I have a report that has a matrix. That matrix can have from 2 to 16 columns dependinging on the dataset result. Right now I am forced to place this matrix on the left side of the report and make a column layout pretty narrow. When dataset has more than 13 or so columns it looks OK, but when dataset has only two or three columns it looks weird with a matrix sitting in the left corner with two or three narrow columns and a lot of empty space to the right.

Is it possible programmatically change the width of the columns depending on their number in the dataset?

Is it possible to move the location of the matrix (horizontally) depending on the number of columns in the dataset?

Thank you,


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Report Server Issue Object Reference Not Set To An Instance Of An Object

Nov 14, 2006

Hi all,

I'm getting this problem 'Object reference not set to an instance of an object.' whenever I try to review a report and I checked the log file and this is what it had

w3wp!ui!1!11/14/2006-10:54:20:: Unhandled exception: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
at Microsoft.Reporting.WebForms.WebRequestHelper.GetExceptionForMoreInformationNode(XmlNode moreInfo, XmlNamespaceManager namespaces)
at Microsoft.Reporting.WebForms.WebRequestHelper.ExceptionFromWebResponse(Exception e)
at Microsoft.Reporting.WebForms.ServerReport.ServerUrlRequest(Boolean isAbortable, String url, Stream outputStream, String& mimeType, String& fileNameExtension)
at Microsoft.Reporting.WebForms.ServerReport.GetStyleSheet(String styleSheetName)
at Microsoft.Reporting.WebForms.ReportServerStyleSheetOperation.PerformOperation(NameValueCollection urlQuery, HttpResponse response)
at Microsoft.Reporting.WebForms.HttpHandler.ProcessRequest(HttpContext context)
at System.Web.HttpApplication.CallHandlerExecutionStep.System.Web.HttpApplication.IExecutionStep.Execute()
at System.Web.HttpApplication.ExecuteStep(IExecutionStep step, Boolean& completedSynchronously)

Some previous forums stated checking the webconfig file but the web config file look okay. Is there another way to fix this.

Much Thanks,


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SSRS 2005 - Email Report On Execution To Dynamic List With Dynamic Parameters = No Schedule

Nov 23, 2007

I have a need to display on screen AND email a pdf report to email addresses specified at run time, executing the report with a parameter specified by the user. I have looked into data driven subscriptions, but it seems this is based on scheduling. Unfortunately for the majority of the project I will only have access to SQL 2005 Standard Edition (Production system is Enterprise), so I cannot investigate thoroughly.

So, is this possible using data driven subscriptions? Scenario is:

1. User enters parameter used for query, as well as email addresses.
2. Report is generated and displayed on screen.
3. Report is emailed to addresses specified by user.

Any tips on how to get this working?


Mark Smith

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Invalid Object Problem Dynamic(CTE)

Aug 30, 2007

Hi there,

I'm new to T-SQL and i'm trying to implement the efficient paging method outlined in scottgu's article: http://weblogs.asp.net/scottgu/archive/2006/01/07/434787.aspx

The problem is i'm trying to make the stored procedure Dynamic, but when I run the following Stored procedure I get the following error:

Incorrect syntax near ')'.
Invalid object name 'ItemEntries'.

It looks like it is to do with the common table expression "ItemEntries". What would be the correct syntax for the following dynamic sql:

SET @sqlString = 'With ItemEntries as (
FROM tblDogs
WHERE ' + @whereClause + ')'


Any help would be very much appreciated, thanks

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SP2 Report Builder And Default Save Location

Feb 27, 2007

Prior to SP2, when you clicked the save button it would take you to the root of Report Server. With SP2 (in old-style Report Manager mode, not Sharepoint integrated mode) it takes you to the /Models directory by default when you click save. Is there a way around this?

If I launch Report Builder via the following URL, it does fix the problem. But it doesn't let me pick table/matrix/chart. I would like to override the default save location AND be able to let the user pick table/matrix/chart:



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Reporting Services :: Way To Subscribe SSRS Report Using Dynamic Parameters For Email And Trigger Report

Feb 8, 2015

Is there a way to subscribe SSRS report using dynamic parameters for email and trigger the report from autosys job so that report should generate the exact time the job is triggered.Let me describe, my SSRS report should be triggered on success of one autosys job. i need to send email parameter and time of report schedule from this autosys job.

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'Dynamic Time(year,month,date)' Report Template (rdl) Using Report Designer VS2005

Jan 19, 2007

I have three types of specific reports that i have to create with the input parameters (range) either

1: By date (rdl 1)

2.By Month (rdl 2)

3.By Year (rdl 3)

Is it possible ( or how do I ) to create just one report template ( one rdl) with the three sets of parameters ( hiding/invisible which ever two sets base on user selection) and the output of the report will display the desired type( either by year, month or date).

I ask this because its possible to create a drill down report from year down to date etc in report designer (vs 2005). Not sure if I can create one instead of three rdls and with the 'logic' built within that template.




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Dynamic Refresh Of Report Model In The Report Builder

Jan 22, 2007

Is it possible to dynamically refresh the report model of the report builder?

could it even be using code with any of the interfaces?

When we add a table or add a column to the table in database , will the report model get refreshed automatically or do we need to do it externally. If so, can we use any of the objects and write a custom code in VB.

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Report Header Alignment In Dynamic Report

Jun 22, 2007


I have a report that grows horizontally as it contains a matrix. In the header section of the report, I have items such as Title and time stamp in text boxes. How can I make these items align in the center if the report grows horizontally, it looks kinda odd with report title not being in the center? Any input will be appreciated.


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Add A Column Specified Location In Table..

Mar 20, 2006

hello sir,i have a table emp ,it has three fields one is empno int ,second isename varchar(20).and last is salary ,empempno ename salary----------- ------------ ---------1000 suresh 100001001 ramesh 20000i want to add a column name is 'doj varchar ' between columns 'ename'and 'salary'.i dont want a add last only , i want to add a column only between'ename' and 'salary'give me some examplethanks u sir

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Dbo.Table Of A Database In The .SQLEXPRESS Object Explorer: How To Copy The Dbo.Table To The Another Blank Dbo.Table?

Jan 9, 2008

Hi all,

The following dbo.Tables of Northwind.mdf in my .SQLEXPRESS (SQL Server Management Studio Express) are missing:
dbo.Order Details

But, I have these dbo.Tables in a different Database "xyzDatabase". How can I copy each of these dbo.Tables to the another blank dbo.Table of Northwind Database?

I right clicked on the dbo.Categories and I saw the following thing:
New Table...
Open Table
Script Table as |> CREATYE To |>
DROP To |>
INSERT To |> New Query Editor Window
DELETE to |>
From the above observation,I think it is possible to copy the dbo.Table from the one Database to the Northwind Database that needs to be repaired. Please help and advise me how to do this task or tell me where I can find the Microsoft document that gives the details of this X-copy thing.

Thanks in advance,
Scott Chang

P. S. I am using VB 2005 Express to create a project to learn "Calling Stored Procedures with ADO.NET" (see Paul Kimmel's article in http://www.developer.com/db/article.php/3438221) that needs the dbo.Tables of Northwind Database and my Northwind Database has been screwed up for quite a while and needs a big repair.

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Changing Config Table Location On The Fly

Aug 30, 2007

Hi everyone,

I am trying to create a proof of concept to show that we can have packages deployed on 3 different servers and all we need to do is tell the package, upon execution/scheduled task, where to go fetch it's configurations from.

The configurations are using SQL Server as the package configuration. This makes it easier for DBA's to maintain since DBA's are responsible for package executions and job scheduling.

For example, the configuration database and all package configurations would be found on server1, server2 and server3 The difference in values is that on Server1, the configuration for the source data and the destination data point to Server1DatabaseSource and Server1DatabaseDestination and on server2, the configs point the source to Server2DatabaseSource and Server2DatabaseDestination and for server 3, the same thing but pointing to server3.

There is also a connection for the SSIS_Config database we're getting the configurations from. In theory, if we specify a different server where this SSIS_Config database is found, it should override the settings in the package. No?

When I schedule OR execute the package, it's always getting it's configs from the config specified in the package independent of wether I specify it in the Connection Managers of the Execute Package Utility when I manually execute it OR in the data sources tab when I configure the package to be run as a job in SQL Server 2005.

Am I missing something here?



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Embed Excel Object In Report

Feb 22, 2007

Is it possible to embed an excel worksheet in a report? I have a workbook which contains some data and this data needs to be part of the report. What are my options and can this be done by creating a custom report item.

Thanks for your advice.


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Bind Object To RDLC Report

Apr 8, 2006

I hava a question about Bind object to RDLC Report,the RDLC like
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<Report xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/sqlserver/reporting/2005/01/reportdefinition" xmlns:rd="http://schemas.microsoft.com/SQLServer/reporting/reportdesigner">
    <DataSource Name="DummyDataSource">
        <ConnectString />
      <Table Name="table1">
                    <Textbox Name="textbox7">
                      <Value />
                    <Textbox Name="textbox8">
                      <Value />
                    <Textbox Name="textbox6">
                      <Value />
                    <Textbox Name="textbox9">
                      <Value />
                    <Textbox Name="ID">
                    <Textbox Name="Name">
                    <Textbox Name="Name_1">
                    <Textbox Name="PatientOfMedcialCase">
                    <Textbox Name="textbox1">
                    <Textbox Name="textbox2">
                    <Textbox Name="textbox4">
                    <Textbox Name="textbox3">
                      <Value>Patient Of Medcial Case</Value>
    <DataSet Name="WindowsApplication1_MedcialCase">
        <rd:ObjectDataSourceType>WindowsApplication1.MedcialCase, WindowsApplication1, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null</rd:ObjectDataSourceType>
        <CommandText />
        <Field Name="ID">
        <Field Name="PatientOfMedcialCase">
        <Field Name="Name">

the object I bind  to the Report like

public class MedcialCase
        private Guid iD;

        public Guid ID
            get { return iD; }
            set { iD = value; }

        private Patient patient;

        public Patient PatientOfMedcialCase
            get { return patient; }
            set { patient = value; }


    public class Patient
        private string name;

        public string Name
            get { return name; }
            set { name = value; }


and the code bind object to report like

  MedcialCase medcialCase = new MedcialCase();
  medcialCase.ID = Guid.NewGuid();
  Patient patient = new Patient();
  patient.Name = "Michael";
  medcialCase.PatientOfMedcialCase = patient;
  this.MedcialCaseBindingSource.DataSource = medcialCase;

I choose the MedcialCase.ID and MedcialCase.PatientOfMedcialCase.Name to show, but when the report was run ,,just MedcialCase.ID has been shown,
the text of MedcialCase.PatientOfMedcialCase.Name is "=Fields!Name.Value"

I modify it to "=Fields!PatientOfMedcialCase.Value.Name.Value" and run it ,the "#Error" show in the text of Name

anyone can tell me why?and how to bind object like MedcialCase to the Report?



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Inserting Flash Object In Report

Mar 29, 2008

Hello friends,
So, this is my senario...
i'm using SQL 2005 reporting service which reports are shown to the client from my web-site...
I've included a report viewer in my ASPX page through which i'm displaying the reports.
I wanted to know if their is any way by which i can embed a flash file in my report.

Secondly, i have some reports in which I have used the matrix control. And to display the headings of the columns i've created individual text-boxes & have made them overlap on the top region of the matrix.thoe these text boxoes are getting rendered in proper places when i preview the reports during design time, but when they get rendered in my website all the heading text-boxes get scattered all 'round the report......has anyone faced such weired problems & is there any alternate way of do'in the same ??

thanks in advance,

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How To Embed Word/pdf Object Into Report?

Oct 15, 2007

Hi, I have a report which includes all the customer data. each customer have a separate page based on their id.
For example, the report is 10 pages and each page is data for one customer.
Now we need to insert the instruction on the second page of each customer report. that means we need
to insert 10 instructions on the above report so each customer will get one page of data and one page of instruction.
this instruction is a pdf/word file, and
it is big so it is hard for us to redesign it in the report. We are thinking to embed the pdf/word file into the report, but
looks to me, the report only can embed the the image. If we make that pdf file as image, the report will be very
large and hard tto deploy. Can someone help me with this? thanks in advance.

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Integration Services :: Exporting A Table To Flat File In Folder Location

Jun 10, 2015

I am using the below code in my command prompt and it is copying all the records from a particular table and dropping in Flat file format in particular folder location. The below code is working if I am pointing to my local database but if I need to point to different database outside my environment how should I set it here also including the case where User ID and password are required to access the db.bcp AdventureWorks.HumanResources.Department out C:myDepartment_c_t.txt -c -t, -r -T -S.

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Integration Services :: Exporting A Table From Flat File In Folder Location

Jun 8, 2015

I have a requirement where I have to take all the data available from a sql table and write it out as a flat file in folder location.Its a simple table have 8-10 coloumns, have to take this data on daily basis from sql table and deliver out as flat file in a folder.

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Report GenerationObject Reference Not Set To An Instance Of An Object

Mar 26, 2007

I started a new thread as I was able to get more information on the error Im getting when I attempt to generate the report in report manager. Ive seen some solutions but nothing seems to work for my particular case. I am hopefull that this can be resolved "WITHOUT" ininstalling and reinstalling SSRS so any information would be helpful.

Here is the Soure Error and Stack Trace info:

Server Error in '/Reports' Application.

Object reference not set to an instance of an object.

Description: An unhandled exception occurred during the execution of the current web request. Please review the stack trace for more information about the error and where it originated in the code.

Exception Details: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.

Source Error:

An unhandled exception was generated during the execution of the current web request. Information regarding the origin and location of the exception can be identified using the exception stack trace below.
Stack Trace:

[NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.]
Microsoft.Reporting.WebForms.WebRequestHelper.GetExceptionForMoreInformationNode(XmlNode moreInfo, XmlNamespaceManager namespaces) +18
Microsoft.Reporting.WebForms.WebRequestHelper.ExceptionFromWebResponse(Exception e) +358
Microsoft.Reporting.WebForms.ServerReport.ServerUrlRequest(Boolean isAbortable, String url, Stream outputStream, String& mimeType, String& fileNameExtension) +482
Microsoft.Reporting.WebForms.ServerReport.InternalRender(Boolean isAbortable, String format, String deviceInfo, NameValueCollection urlAccessParameters, Stream reportStream, String& mimeType, String& fileNameExtension) +958
Microsoft.Reporting.WebForms.ServerReportControlSource.RenderReport(String format, String deviceInfo, NameValueCollection additionalParams, String& mimeType, String& fileExtension) +84
Microsoft.Reporting.WebForms.ExportOperation.PerformOperation(NameValueCollection urlQuery, HttpResponse response) +143
Microsoft.Reporting.WebForms.HttpHandler.ProcessRequest(HttpContext context) +75
System.Web.CallHandlerExecutionStep.System.Web.HttpApplication.IExecutionStep.Execute() +154
System.Web.HttpApplication.ExecuteStep(IExecutionStep step, Boolean& completedSynchronously) +64

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User Defined Function: Convert String Value Of Table To Table Object

Jul 20, 2005

Does anyone know where to find or how to write a quick user defined fucntionthat will return a table object when passed the string name of the tableobject. The reason why I want dynamicallly set the table name in a storedprocudue WITHOUT using concatination and exec a SQL String.HenceIf @small_int_parameter_previous = 1 then@vchar_tablename = "sales_previous"else@vchar_tablename = "sales"Endselect * from udf_TableLookup(@vchar_tablename )So if I pass 1, that means I want all records from "sales_previous"otherwise give me all records from "sales" (Sales_Previous would last yearssales data for example).udf_TableLookup would I guess lookup in sysobjects for the table name andreturn the table object? I don't know how to do this.I want to do this to avoid having 2 stored procedures..one for current andone for previous year.Please respond to group so others may benfiit from you knowledge.ThanksErik

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Using Object Data Sources In A Report - For Web Apps? (VS 2005)

Sep 4, 2005

In VS 2005, using the ReportViewer control on a form in a Windows app, I've created an Object Data Source for the report by following the walkthrough in the documentation, it works.

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Dynamic DSN In Report

Sep 21, 2006

I am creating a dynamic DSN in a report to pick which database to run a query against. I have a fairly simple expression,

="Data Source=MYSQLSERVER;Initial Catalog=ADV_" & Parameters!DBNum.Value

When I try to preview the report, I get the following error

An unexpected error occured while compling expressions. Native complier return value: '[BC32017] Comma, ')', or a valid expression continuation expected.'.

I have also tried it without the parameter,

="Data Source=MYSQLSERVER;Initial Catalog=ADV_1"

with the same result. When I use the exact same static DSN it works fine. Anyone have any idea what I might try to get it to work next?


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Report With Dynamic Columns

Jun 10, 2008

I'm trying to create a report with dynamic columns. I mean that the user is able to select if he wants to see a double drill report with client group and product group, or agents with clients, or everything else he needs. I tried to insert some variables in the query that extracts data from report, and using that variables like parameters, but Reporting Services always get the parameter default value and not the correct value i give him.
How can I solve my problem? There is another way to obtain dynamic reports?

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Dynamic Report With Several Datasources

Feb 15, 2007


I am currently working with SQL 2005 Reporting Services and MS Visual studio 2005.

In my SQL server I have data about organizations, so that each organization's data is stored in an individual database.
In addition, the number of organizations/databases is variable. I know the number of organizations and the name of each one (that it agrees with the name of its database)
because there is a database (organizationsDB) with a table (organizationsTB) containing the list of the organizations.

So, It would be possible to create a report containing a summary of each organization? .... for example a table in which each row contains data of each organization.

Could you give me any ideas?

Thanks in advance!

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