Is there a way to write such a query where we can declare the variable dynamically ? Currently I am using the query as shown below :
declare @pYear_Internal as NVarchar(100) set @pYear_Internal = [D FISCALPERIOD].[FP CODE].[FP CODE] WITH MEMBER MEASURES.[REVENUE] AS [Measures].[TOTAL REVENUE] SET LAST5YEARS AS STRTOMEMBER(@pYear_Internal).Lag(4) : STRTOMEMBER(@pYear_Internal)
While executing the above query, getting the error - Query (1, 9) Parser: The syntax for '@pYear_Internal' is incorrect. Â It looks like it doesn't recognize DECLARE keyword as it does with SQL queries. Â I just want a query that runs directly against the server.Â
i have used @ symbol for declaring local variables in stored procedure.... The symbol @@ is there....where to use and what is the purpose of using that symbol...
Hello everybody!I have a small table "ABC" like this:id_position | value---------------------------1 | 112 | 223 | 33I try to use a dynamic cursor as below.When the statement "order by id_position" in declare part of the cursor_abcis omitted - cursor work as it should.But when the statement "order by id_position" is used, cursor behave asstatic one.What's the matter, does anybody know?Code:declare @id_position as int, @value as intDECLARE cursor_abc CURSORFORselect id_position, value from abcorder by id_positionset nocount onopen cursor_abcFETCH NEXT FROM cursor_abcINTO @id_position, @valueWHILE @@FETCH_STATUS = 0BEGINprint @id_positionprint @valueprint '----------------------------'update abc set value=666 --next reading should give value=666FETCH NEXT FROM cursor_abcINTO @id_position, @valueENDCLOSE cursor_abcDEALLOCATE cursor_abcGORegardsLucas
Can someone say how to declare a record like variable in MSSQL-2000 Like: mr_rec record of variables a int, b char(20), c datetime? I could not find any examples on BOL. I want to use this in a stored procedure create script.
I am reviewing some code we have inherited (riddled with multiple nested cursors) and in the process of re-writing some of the code. I came across this and it has me puzzled.
As I understand it, if you declare a variable and then try to re-declare a variable of the same name an error is generated. If I do this inside a While loop this does not seem to be the case. What ever is assigned is kept and just added to (in the case of a table variable)
I understand things are in scope for the batch currently running but I would expect an error to return (example 1 and 2)
--Table var declaration in loop SET NOCOUNT ON DECLARE @looper INT = 0 WHILE @looper <= 10 BEGIN DECLARE @ATable TABLE ( somenumber INT )
here is the code segment below; ... DECLARE find_dates CURSOR FOR SELECT @SQL = 'select DISTINC(Dates) from ['+@name+'].dbo.['+@t_name+'] order by [Dates] ASC' EXEC (@SQL)
but it gives error, variable assignment is not allowed in a cursor declaration. I need to use dynamic SQL , the only way to access all the dbs and their tables inside. Please help.
I've been curious why some variables don't need to be declared with a value type in a stored procedure. Please see the example below in the bolded area. The stored procedure works fine - nothing is wrong with it, but I just wanted an explanation on why and when is a value type not needed for a variable.
CREATE PROCEDURE [DBO].[EmailRpt] ( @TagDest char(2) = NULL, @DateWanted smalldatetime = NULL, @CustName varchar(64) = NULL, @AcctID AcctId = NULL, @ContactPhn phone = NULL, @CustAddr address = NULL, @City city, @CrossSt varchar(50) , @Access varchar(50) = NULL, @Activity tinyint, ) AS DECLARE @String as varchar(2000), @Header as varchar(200), @MailBox as varchar(50), @ActivityName as Name, @Return as int, @UserName as Name
Dim subtot As Double Dim tax As Double Dim tot As Double subtot = "0.00" Dim sql As String sql = "SELECT items.qty, products.descrip, products.price FROM items INNER JOIN products ON items.productid = WHERE (items.orderid = " & Request.QueryString("oid") & ")"Dim objConn As New SqlConnection("Data Source=.SQLEXPRESS;AttachDbFilename=|DataDirectory|AllStar.mdf;Integrated Security=True;User Instance=True") Dim cmdCustomers As New SqlCommand(sql, objConn)Dim dataReader As SqlDataReader objConn.Open() dataReader = cmdCustomers.ExecuteReader(CommandBehavior.CloseConnection)While dataReader.Read subtot = subtot + (dataReader.GetValue(0) * dataReader.GetValue(2)) End While tax = (subtot * 0.07) tot = (subtot + tax) Label1.Text = subtot Label2.Text = tax Label3.Text = tot ---------------------------------------- How to a convert the variable tax to just two decimals? I tried label2.text = CType(tax, Double) but that didn't work either Thanks in advance
Hi guys, I have the following store procedure:PROCEDURE dbo.AddSearchColumn (@A1, @A2. @A3, @A4, @A5) ASDeclare @cElements cursor,@DocNum varchar(100)BEGIN Set @cElements = cursor for select FirstNaname rom dbo.DocTable1open @cElements fetch NEXT from @cElements into @DocNumwhile (@@FETCH_STATUS = 0) begin if (@DocNum==@A1 //Here is what I need to do: I want use @A1 at the first loop step, @A2 at the second, and so on....... // @A1, @A2 are the parameters in inputendENDclose @cElementsDEALLOCATE @cElements I hope my explanation is clear.Please, give some hints.Thanks for your time,Christian Malatesti
Ok, I have a table with several column all labeled, column1, column2, etc. I need to loop through them so I have this statement which will loop through and get the first value, then go to colun2, etc
declare @score int declare @stm nchar(500) set @score=0 While @score<=50
Begin Set @score=@score+1 set @stm='select column' + rtrim(convert(char(2),@score))+' from tablename' exec sp_executesql @stm if @score>50 Break else COntinue end
My question is, how can I stuff this value from the dynamic sql into a variable such as:
I have a trigger which retrieves database names from a table. I need to use this retrieved database name in another sql insert statement as a variable e.g. set @mydbname = Select .... from.. (to get the database name) then.. insert into @mydbname.dbo.emplTable
At the moment it reads @mydbname as the string "@mydbname" not the value the variable holds
I need the database name as a variable because i have to write to the correct database (there are 15) Any help appreciated
how to use a Dynamic variable on a function, to explan my self more here is a sample, we use this on SP but the function not allow executing.
DECLARE @SQL nvarchar(1000);set @sql=''
I know this has been dealt with a lot, but I would still reallyappreciate help. Thanks.I am trying to transform this tableYY--ID-Code-R1-R2-R3-R4...R402004-1-101--1--2-3-42004-2-101--2--3-4-2....2005-99-103-4-3-2-1Into a table where the new columns are the count for 4-3-2-1 for everydistinct code in the first table based on year. I will get the yearfrom the user-end(Access). I will then create my report based on theinfo in the new table. Here's what I've tried so far (only for 1stcolumn):CREATE PROCEDURE comptabilisationDYN@colonne varchar(3) '*receives R1, then R2, loop is in vba access*ASDECLARE @SQLStatement varchar(8000)DECLARE @TotalNum4 intDECLARE @TotalNum3 intDECLARE @TotalNum2 intDECLARE @TotalNum1 intSELECT SQLStatement = 'SELECT COUNT(*) FROMdbo.Tbl_Réponses_Étudiants WHERE' + @colonne + '=4 AND YY = @year'EXEC sp_executesql @SQLStatement, N'@TotalNum4 int OUTPUT', @TotalNum4OUTPUT INSERT INTO Comptabilisation(Total4) VALUES (@TotalNum4)GO
Here's the WRONG way to do what I want. I need a way to populate a variable from the output of a dynamic query.
declare @TableName sysname set @TableName = 'Customers'
delcare @Output bigint
declare @SQL varchar(max)
set @SQL = 'select top 1 RowID from ' + @TableName
select @Output =
create function udf_GetDatabaseFingerPrint(
@DBID bigint ) begin returns bigint as declare @dbname sysname
, @iBig bigint , @tSQL varchar(2000) select @dbName = Name from Master.Dbo.Sysdatabases where DBID = @DBID set @tSQL = 'select sum(Rows) from ' + @dbName + '.dbo.sysindexes' set @iBig = exec(@tSQL) return @iBig end
I've a roblem with table variables in dynamic sql context.
If i use it with normal sql there is of course no problem. Simplified it looks like this:
-- Standard SQL ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DECLARE @TestTable as TABLE(MyBigInt bigint NOT NULL, Myint int NOT NULL);
INSERT @TestTable SELECT 4711,10
SELECT* FROM @TestTable -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
If i do the same thing in dynamic sql, i get errors.
SELECT* FROM @DynamicTestTable; -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
What is wrong with tis code? Or are table variables not supported inside dynamic SQL?
I have a table with 52 columns named 'Week1', 'Week2' etc. with values 1, 0 etc. I want to check values in each column. I have following lines in my procedure.
Declare @l_str varchar(50), @l_count int
Select @l_count = 1 Select @l_str = 'Week' + Convert(varchar, @l_count) Now how do I compare the value stored in the @l_str which should be wither 0 or 1 and not 'Week1'?
Is there any better method to compare read these 52 table variables?
I am trying to assign @sql variable to @total, where @sql is a sqlstatement stored on the database, however what I am getting is itsstring value and not its calcuation. Could anybody help?DECLARE my_cursor CURSOR FORSELECT sqlstatement from Sn_SalesReportdeclare @sql varchar(255), @total varchar(20)OPEN my_cursorFETCH NEXT FROM my_cursor INTO @sql-- Check @@FETCH_STATUS to see if there are any more rows to fetch.WHILE @@FETCH_STATUS = 0BEGINSET @total = (@sql)print @total-- This is executed as long as the previous fetch succeeds.FETCH NEXT FROM my_cursorINTO @sqlENDCLOSE my_cursorDEALLOCATE my_cursorI tried this SET @total = EXEC (@sql), but no successRod
Hi allIn the SP below im (trying to) do some dynamic sql. As you can see the tableto use is set as a variable and the 'exec' method used to run thesqlstatements.My problem is that the 'if exists' method is not doing what i was hoping itcould do.The @presql command returns somewhere between 0 or 50 rows (give and take) -i just want the 'if exists' part to determine if the select statementreturns something or not since i then will have to update a current row - orinsert a new one.Even if there is no rows returned, the 'if exists' command will return true:-/Any suggestions to a different way of approach...?Thanks in advance :-)######## Stored procedure start ########[various @ variables]....declare @presql varchar(200)select @presql = 'SELECT * FROM '+@CurrentDB+' where btsiteID='+cast(@SiteID as varchar(6))+''IF exists((@presql))BEGINdeclare @UpdateSQL varchar(400)set @UpdateSQL = 'UPDATE '+@CurrentDB+' SET btDate='''+cast(@FileDate asvarchar(12))+''''exec(@UpdateSQL)ENDELSEBEGINdeclare @InsertSQL varchar(2000)select @InsertSQL = 'INSERT INTO ' + @CurrentDB + '(btDate,btTime)VALUES('''+ cast(@FileDate as varchar(12)) + ''','+ cast(@ImportTime as varchar(6)) + ')'EXEC(@InsertSQL)END######## Stored procedure end ########
set @x1 = (select DRfieldname from tblJournalType where journaltypeid = 2 set @SQLstring = 'select ' + @x1 + ' from tblAssettype where assettypeid = 10' set @x2 = EXEC (@SQLstring)
The last line above is where I am getting the error. Is this possible to do this?
I am trying to use this statement in a variable, including another variable:
"SELECT * FROM my_table WHERE CAST([timestamp] AS INT) > " + @[User::LastTimestamp]
But the variable value insists on giving me this error:
The expression for variable "VariableName" failed evaluation. There was an error in the expression.
I cast the columntype "timestamp" to int, and the variable "LastTimestamp is stored as int32, and has a default value of 0. I simply can't grasp what it is I am missing.
Is it because the expression is part string and part integer? If so, how is that avoided?
Error Output: -------------------------------------------------------------------------- my new db test Server: Msg 911, Level 16, State 1, Line 1 Could not locate entry in sysdatabases for database 'my'. No entry found with that name. Make sure that the name is entered correctly. -----------------------------------------------------------------------
Any idea how to get the entire database name to be used with spaces in the database name. It prints the @DatabaseName just fine, but in the dynamic sql, it truncates after the first space.
I already tried N'my new db test' in the set statement. That didn't work. I tried using NVARCHAR when declaring the variable.
Ok, so I have this stored procedure that Inserts a record and I need to return the ID inserted to pass to another procedure. I ended up having to use sp_executesql because I need to dynamically add the schema to the table. The issue that I am having is that the variable that I try to pass to the other procedure always ends up null, but it shows the correct output. Just to clarify on this, i am an Applications developer and not a DBA so I may be going about this all wrong. Any help on this would be greatly appreciated.
Here is the SP
set ANSI_NULLS ON set QUOTED_IDENTIFIER ON GO ALTER PROCEDURE [dbo].[sp_AddAnalyte] @Analyt NVarChar(100), @LName NVarChar(100), @AtomicNum NVarChar(100), @AtomicMass NVarChar(100), @Weight NVarChar(100), @HalfLife NVarChar(100), @Units NVarChar(100), @HF_Secs NVarChar(100), @Gas NVarChar(100), @Nat NVarChar(100) AS DECLARE @ID INT,@i INT DECLARE @schema VarChar(50) DECLARE @sql NVARCHAR(512) BEGIN SET @Schema = (SELECT schema_name()) SET @sql = N'INSERT INTO [' + @schema + '].[Analytes] ([Analyte],[LongName],[AnalyteType]) VALUES (''' + @Analyt + ''',''' + @LName + ''',1)'; EXEC sp_executesql @query = @sql; SET @sql = N'SELECT MAX(AnalytePK) FROM [' + @schema + '].[Analytes]'; EXEC sp_executesql @query = @sql, @params = N'@ID INT OUTPUT', @i = @ID OUTPUT EXEC sp_AddParameterValue 6, @i, 'AtomicNum', @AtomicNum, ''; EXEC sp_AddParameterValue 6, @i, 'AtomicMass', @AtomicMass, ''; EXEC sp_AddParameterValue 6, @i, 'Weight', @Weight, ''; EXEC sp_AddParameterValue 6, @i, 'HalfLife', @HalfLife, ''; EXEC sp_AddParameterValue 6, @i, 'Units', @Units, ''; EXEC sp_AddParameterValue 6, @i, 'HF_Secs', @HF_Secs, ''; EXEC sp_AddParameterValue 6, @i, 'Gas', @Gas, ''; EXEC sp_AddParameterValue 6, @i, 'Natural', @Nat, ''; END
Not wishing to derail the other recent thread on loading a local variable, I've posted this query (hee,hee,hee...I kill me) on a separate thread...though I think I am trying to do something similar...that is to build a dynamic select statement, but return a count of the rows it finds/doesn't find to a local variable...using the (amazingly timely) responses above, I tried this:
Note that the local variables @TargetDate and @TLevel are necessary because they are being passed into the procedure as variables....
DECLARE @SQLCmd varchar(256) DECLARE @TargetDate smalldatetime DECLARE @TLevel int DECLARE @n int SET @TargetDate = '2004-05-24' SET @TLevel = 1
SET @SQLCmd = 'SELECT @n = count(*) FROM EventLog WHERE ((CONVERT(varchar(10), [Date], 101) = ''' + CONVERT(varchar(10), @TargetDate, 101) + ''') AND (MsgLevel = ' + CONVERT(varchar(3), @TLevel) + '))' exec (@SQLCmd) if @n > 0 print 'yep' else print 'nope'
and, it's TRYING to work...but apparently the local variable @n is not recognized in the execution of the dynamic statement, as this is the output: Server: Msg 137, Level 15, State 1, Line 1 Must declare the variable '@n'. nope
HiI'm grateful for any light you can shed on this!!I've to admit, it's an unusual design but I've multiple contact tables namede.g. i2b_ash_contact or i2b_ted_contact.'i2b_' and '_contact' are static but the middle part is dynamic.Storing all contacts in one table with an identifier of e.g. 'ash' or 'ted'for each record is not possible.Returning the value from the dynamic Query is no problem but I don't knowhow to assign it to a variable.When I try doing this it either runs into problems with evaluating thevariables or doesn't retuen anything at all e.g. if I say at the end 'Print@AddressID'. The variable remains empty.How can I do something like:DECLARE@AddressID int,@ProgClient (varchar(10),@Table varchar(10)Note: @Prog is a string e.g. 'ash' or 'ted'SET @Table = 'i2b_ + @ProgClient + '_contactSET @AddressID = (SELECT AddressID FROM @Table WHERE ContactID = @ContactID)
I am trying to use the idea as mentioned by Jamie at: which is to build dynamic SQL using a variable evaluated as an expression.
Set Expression="SELECT * FROM MyTable WHERE MyColumn = " + @[VariableContainingFilterValue]
Everything works fine. The entire package works. My next step is to log the variable so that I know, after package execution, exactly what SQL statement the package is executing. I tried to do it by a couple of ways in a Script task: