Dynamically Altering/creating Tables

Jul 22, 1998

Is there any way I can dynamically alter the structure of a table? In other words if my Transact SQL
statement returns 5 rows I want to alter an existing table and put in 5 columns. Strange?!
Something like
alter table add
The alter table statement is within a Cursor and ideally @i should increment each time and alter
the table to put in a new column.
If I went 3 times thru the loop, I should have

added to the new table.

Any pointers would be greatly appreciated. Thanks much in advance.

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Altering Dynamically A Set Data Type

Jul 20, 2005

Hisuppose that I have a set named 'my_set' wich contain'aaa','bbb','ccc'and I want to alter with an sql command the structure to get 'ddd' inaddition. How can I do that?

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Altering A Connection Manager Dynamically Via A Variable

Mar 29, 2006

Within an SSIS Package, we are trying to change the connection string of an output file connection manager at runtime (used for package logging).

To do this, we have defined variables with package-level scope and set the connection manager connection string to this variable. The first step of the package is to set these variables. The second step begins the rest of the package operations (moving data). The package executes successfully, but the log file is never created/appended to.

When the package is debugged, I can verify that the variables are being set correctly in the script task and that the variable values are being passed to the connection manager data sources.

Any ideas why this isn€™t working?

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Creating A Job To Altering Trigger

May 22, 2008

Hi Everyone,

I have a database which once every week gets backup/restored and then renamed for training purpose. The problem is that I got trigger on some of the tables and once the database gets renamed the trigger failed to work as it referring to the old database name. I have idenify all the trigger and done a ALTER TRIGGER. However I can't seem to get it to run as a JOB. Tried to create a store procedure but get a error as the ALTER TIGGER is after CREATE PROCEDURE I could do it as a SQLstring but theirs alot of trigger, want to know if there any other ways of doing it. Please help

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Help Altering/Creating Columns

May 19, 2008

I need help in SQL in 2 things:

How do i modify a column to change it to a primary key

How do i add a column that is of type bit, with no nulls, and a default value of ((0))


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Altering Linked Tables

Jul 20, 2005

I have a table (in Access) that is linked to the SQL server, and Ineed to add a column to it. I wrote the following:ALTER TABLE CensusADD COLUMN 'ActiveFacility' BIT;and I get a syntax error that I do not know how to solve. The columnneeds to contain yes/no data for each record.Any help for a struggling newbie?Thanks,Christine

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Altering Views Will It Reflect The Original Tables.....

Aug 17, 2005

phanindra writes "Hello all,

I am phanindra....

I have a question sir/madam,

suppose we have an view named "VIEW" for a table named "TABLE"

will the values in the TABLE alter if we change it in VIEW

thanks in advance

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Dynamically Creating A SQL Connection

Mar 6, 2008

 Hi - hope someone can help. We're creating a ASP.NET C# site that allows a user to connect to any of our 100+ SQL Servers and query a database that sits on every server. I'm trying to work out (and failing) how we can set the 'Data Source' in a connection string dynamically using the server name selected by the user in a drop down box. Any help appreciated, thanks in advance, 

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Dynamically Creating Cube

Jun 21, 2005

Hi guys

I'm investigating whether if its possible to Dynamically create a cube. Then Process this cube before exporting it to a .cub file.

I know that DTS in sqlserver is able to process a cube given at a scheduled time interval. But I'm not sure how I can export a cube to a offline .cub file dynamically. The only way that i know to create a .cub file is via PivotTable in Excel.

Any help in pointing me to the right direction is appreciated.

Thankyou :)

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Creating A Table Dynamically

Jun 10, 2008

Greetings all,

I want to be able to generate a table on the fly. I know I can use dynamic sql to do this but my brains have forzen this afternoon so any help would be much appreciated.

I have the first query that returns one column with three rows. The contents of the these three rows will form the new columns in the dynamically generated table. How can I do this?


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Problem Creating Database Dynamically

Jul 29, 2004

Hi everybody,

I have a problem. When I try to create a database with this code:

strConnection = "server=(local);Integrated Security=SSPI"
objConnection = New SqlConnection(strConnection)
strSQL += "(Name=test_data, filename = 'xxxxx.mdf', size=3,"
strSQL += "maxsize=5, filegrowth=10%)log on"
strSQL += "(name=mydbb_log, filename='xxxxx.ldf',size=3,"
strSQL += "maxsize=20,filegrowth=1)"
objCommand = New SqlCommand(strSQL, objConnection)

it usually works, except when the name of the database (xxxxxx) contains a number in the beginning of the name or if it is all made up completely by numbers. I also converted the database name into a string, but it doesn't work either.

What is the problem?
How can I solve it?

Thanks in advance

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Dynamically Creating Features Grid

Mar 17, 2006

I was given what at first seemed a simple task (and maybe it is, but with everything else on my plate, I can't seem to get my head wrapped around this)...create a grid or table something similar to below:
               Plan A           Plan B                  PlanC                  PlanD
Item1         yes                yes                        no                        no
Item2         yes                 yes                      no                        no
Item3         yes                  no                     yes                        no
The "plans" are stored in one db table, the "items" in another. What I can't seem to get straight in my mind is how to relate the yess and nos and then generate a tabular layout similar to the above.
I don't need anyone to do it for me, but a push in the right direction would sure be nice (using SQL 2005) Thanks!

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Dynamically Creating A Excel File In DTS

Feb 13, 2006

Some one Please guide me... How to create a Excel File Dynamically in DTS.

Once i run my DTS Package the result should be moved to a new Excel sheet( This should be created dynamically).

I tries in this way but it says....Syntax error at the DTS GlobalVariables.....

Function Main()

Dim appExcel
Dim newBook
Dim oSheet

dim oPackage
dim oConn

Set appExcel = CreateObject("Excel.Application")
Set newBook = appExcel.Workbooks.Add
Set oSheet = newBook.Worksheets(1)

oSheet.Range("A1").Value = "au_lname"
oSheet.Range("B1").Value = "au_fname"
oSheet.Range("C1").Value = "phone"
oSheet.Range("D1").Value = "address"
oSheet.Range("E1").Value = "city"

DTSGlobalVariables("fileName").Value = "C:\" & Month(Now) & "-" &
Day(Now) & "-" & Year(Now) & "-" & Hour(Time) & "-" &Minute(Time) & "-" &
Second(Time) & ".xls"

With newBook
.SaveAs DTSGlobalVariables("fileName").Value
End With


set oPackage = DTSGlobalVariables.parent

set oConn = oPackage.connections(2)
oConn.datasource = DTSGlobalVariables("fileName").Value

set oPackage = nothing
set oConn = nothing

Main = DTSTaskExecResult_Success

End Function

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Dynamically Creating Report Width

Apr 5, 2007

Has anyone found out how to dynamically create report width.

If I have 20 columns on a report all of 2cm, then report will be 40cm width.

If I display the columns based on specific criteria using the iif function and then setting the an expression for the Visibility Hidden property, the report could potentially reduce in width.

I cannot see how to build an expression for the report width or table width, to accommodate the potential change in the width of the report when columns are not shown, thus it pages incorrectly, leaving huge white space on the right of the report when columns are hidden... has anyone come across this requirement, and hopefully a solution for it?

Many Thanks people

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Creating A Table Dynamically In SQL Server Express With Asp.net And Vb

Jun 11, 2006

Is there a way to dynamically create a new table in sql server express using the code behind with vb on a Page_Load event?
Thanks Matt

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Dynamically Creating File Name With Todays Date

Jun 15, 2008


My SSIS package automatically creates Excel files everyday.
i want the excel files to get todays date when they are created .
Eg:06152008 for today and 06162008 for tomorrow
please help

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Dynamically Creating Temp Table Names

Jul 20, 2005

Hello,I am interested in dynamically creating temp tables using avariable in MS SQL Server 2000.For example:DECLARE @l_personsUID intselect @l_personsUID = 9842create table ##Test1table /*then the @l_personsUID */(resultset1 int)The key to the problem is that I want to use the variable@l_personsUID to name then temp table. The name of the temp tableshould be ##Test1table9842 not ##Test1table.Thanks for you help.Billy

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Dynamically Creating A New Excel Spreadsheet In SSIS

Feb 25, 2008

Hi everybody, i'm a newbie to SSIS and I'm having a problem dynamically creating a new excel spreadsheet in SSIS.
What I need to do is be able to dynamically create a brand new Excel spreadsheet after a data flow task completes.

Any help would be most appreciated. Thank you.

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Reporting Services :: Creating Cells Dynamically

Nov 2, 2015

i have a ssrs report in which i have creating rows with heading of months name from jan to dec i.e. jan|feb|mar|apr|....i have a parameter start date.i want when i enter start date from march supoose i enter date 03/22/2015 then display months from mar to dec.

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Any Progress On Creating Columns Dynamically On SQL 2005 Report?

Nov 6, 2007


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Dynamically Creating SSIS Package For Each Flat File

Apr 18, 2007

Trying to figure out the best method of reading in a number of flat files, all with different number of columns and data types and outputting them to a database.

Here's the problem: They are EBCDIC encoded and some of the columns are packed decimal. I've set up one package that takes the flat file, unpacks the decimal (Using UnpackDecimal component) and then sending the rest through a second component to go from EBCDIC -> ASCII.

What I need is a way to do this for every flat file based on the schema for that flat file. One current solution is to write a script/app to create the .dtsx XML file and then execute that for each flat file. It appears like this may be possible, but I haven't gotten far enough to know for sure. So my questions are this:

1) Is there an easier way to do this (ie somehow feed the schema to the package and use it to dynamically set up the column makers and determine which columns get fed to the unpack decimal component.

2) If there isn't a better way, will dynamically creating the .dtsx XML file based on the necessary input/output columns for each flat file work? If so, what is a good source of information on this (information about how the .dtsx XML file is set up, what needs to be changed/what doesn't, etc).



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Dynamically Creating New Worksheets To An Existing Excel Document

Aug 31, 2007

Hi All,

I have an exiting excel workbook say master.xls. Now I need to dynamically create and append a new worksheet to the above master.xls every month end using the Reporting services.

Could you please guide me how dynamically creating the worksheets task can be achieved using the reporting services?

Your any guidance or help in this matter will be highly appreciated.

Thanks in advance

Raman Kohli

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SQL Server 2012 :: Syntax Error While Creating Table Dynamically

Apr 19, 2015

I am getting error when I am trying to create table on runtime

Declare @FileName varchar(100)
Declare @File varchar(100)
set @FileName='brkrte_121227102828'
SET @File = SUBSTRING(@FileName,1,CHARINDEX('_',@FileName)-1)
--=select @File

[Code] ....

Error massage:-
Msg 203, Level 16, State 2, Line 16

The name 'CREATE TABLE DataStaging.dbo.Staging_brkrte ( [COL001] VARCHAR (4000) NOT NULL, [Id] Int Identity(1,1), [LoadDate] datetime default getdate() )' is not a valid identifier.

How to resolve above error....

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Dynamically Creating The Data Source Of A Report At Run Time Using Parameters

Feb 13, 2008

I have three databases which have the identical data structure. When the user runs a report, he has to select a database.
For example, my report query would look like:

Select * from <theDatabase>.dbo.MyTable

How could I assign the value of <theDatabase> at run time depending on what the user selects from the list?
In my datasource, I have only specified the server name and no value for initial catalog.

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Transact SQL :: Dynamically Creating And Running A Database Restore Command

Jun 17, 2015

If I run the following command in a Query window it works:

RESTORE DATABASE CIS_Source_Data_Test FROM DISK = 'y:CIS_Source_Data_backup_2015_06_17_085557_7782407.bak' WITH RECOVERY, REPLACE

If I dynamically put together the command and store it in variable @cmd and then execute it using
exec sp_executesql @cmd or exec (@cmd) it does not work. I get the following:

Msg 2745, Level 16, State 2, Procedure CIS_Source_Data_Refresh, Line 92
Process ID 62 has raised user error 50000, severity 20. SQL Server is terminating this process.
Msg 50000, Level 20, State 1, Procedure CIS_Source_Data_Refresh, Line 92
RESTORE DATABASE is terminating abnormally.
Msg 0, Level 20, State 0, Line 0

A severe error occurred on the current command.  The results, if any, should be discarded.

Why it won't work when I try to create and run it dynamically?

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Dynamically Creating Excel Worksheets Based On Groupings From Query In SSIS

Apr 24, 2008

Is there anyway to dynamically create Excel Worksheets based on a group identity results from a query?



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Create Tables Dynamically

Sep 12, 2007

Hi! I am using VS 2003 (v 1.1)
I need to generate tables with the values from the Backend (SQLServer 2000) database in C#.Net.
How can i create the tables, tablerows, cells, etc. from the codebehind page of C#. I am having a very little knowledge about dynamic generation.
Give me the complete code with can example (if possible)
Thanks & Regrads
Jai Shankar

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How To Dynamically Create Tables

Oct 7, 2006

I'm currently developing an RDF application which need to handle lots of datatypes. But I want to use SQL-Servers capabilities for efficient querying and sorting. Therefore, I've wanted to create a Main Table which stores a Reference to the Table where the Data is stored. The Data itself should get stored in a Datatype-specific Table.

The Typed Table might get created by something like:

public void CreateTypedLiterals(Type type)
String sql = String.Format(
"CREATE TABLE [Literals_{1}] (" +
"ID int DISTINCT NOT NULL, Value {1})",

// BUG: does not work
// WARNING: introduces a potential sql-injection problem


As you can see on the statements this solution makes many troubles. So I've wanted to implement it in a more fine way using a DataTable:

public void CreateTypedLiterals(Type type)
DataTable TypedLiterals =
new DataTable(
String.Format("Literals_{0}", type.ToString()));
"ID", typeof(int), "DISTINCT NOT NULL");
TypedLiterals.Columns.Add("Value", type);


But I have totally no Idea how to fetch this result into the existing Database. It might be cool to simply access the Database as it would be a .NET Dataset in the form:


But this is afaik not possible. Has anybody an idea how to solve this issure?

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How Can One Find Out If Two Tables Can Be Joinned Dynamically

Jul 25, 2006

Hi All,

Given a table, is there a way to programmatically find out what other tables and views it can be joinned with? Essentially, given two tables, two views, or a table and a view, I want to be able to find out if they can be joinned. I was able to find related tables with sp_fkeys, but this does not work all the time, and does not work at all with views. I also played with the information_schema but got mixed up and confused quickly.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

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Dynamically Listing Created Temp Tables

Jan 21, 2002


I want to create a nested SP which will dump out the results of All Temp Tables that are currently created in the session. The purpose of this is for createing a generic debugging SP which will write the contents of all temp tables to a debug table (when a certain flag is set).

I need to know how to:

- Get a list of all temp tables created
- Get a list from each temp table of the columns created.

Hope someone can help!



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Dynamically Selecting Tables In OLEDB Source

Mar 17, 2008

hello guys,

I have 10 tables, table1, table2, table3, table4.......table10. all these tables have different structure.
From each of these tables I want extract data and dump into flat file csv.

So i have OLEDB source and FlatFile Destination.

If i write seperate data flow task for each of the tables, then there is no issue.

But i want to use a single data flow task for all these tables. So for this, i use a variable @SQLStr . And i dynamically set the value of this variable to select * from table1, select * from table2.........selct * from table10.

So in the OLEDB source I select Data Access Mode as : SQL Command from variable. And I use @SQLStr for this varible.

For Destination, i dynamically generate the flat file for each of the table.

But this doesnt work, i get validation errors.

So, first can i use a single data flow task to dynamically change the source(different source tables) and destination. If so, what i am missing in the above process?

any help appriciated.


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Dynamically Pick The Source And Destination Tables

Feb 27, 2007

I want to write a SSIS which picks up the source and destination tables at runtime is it possible. As we have a SSIS which is used to pull data from oracle but the source and destination table name changes.

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Filter Dynamically Created Data Tables Using Sql Query

May 24, 2008

Hi friendsI have little problem here.I am creating data tables dynamically.I want to filter it using sql query.Suppose,
I have four data tables with the same structure but records may be
different.There are two fields ServiceMethod and Rates.Now I want to filter all tables and want to get match records with the ServiceMethod.Suppose,four records in First table,three records in other three tables,and only two records(Service method) are same in all tables.I
want to that two records by filtering all tables and sum of rates and
want to add matched records in new table and bind dropdownlist.Can any guide me how to filter more than one tables using sql query if data tables are created dynamically?Thanks in advance. 

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