Mar 19, 1999

Am I hallucinating or does SQL Server 6.5 not support the EXCEPT and INTERSECT operators?

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Feb 2, 2004

Dose SQL 2000 support the intersect function? If so....could someone show me an example. If not...how do you work around the problem.


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Intersect In Sql

Apr 25, 2008

does any one know about sql intersect

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Intersect Woes.

Oct 18, 2006

I want to be able to intersect many tables. I am building my query from vb code in asp .net based on key fields entered in a search engine box.my query should look like this, which will return the rows that will have the values var, var_2, var_3 in any columns.  All three must be in a row for it to be a hit.  I cant get this to work in ms sql.  I don't know if it supports this feature.select * from t where column1 Like '%var%' or column2 like '%var%' or column3 like '%var%'intersect select * from t where column1 Like '%var_2%' or column2 like '%var_2%' or column3 like '%var_2%'intersectselect * from t where column1 Like '%var_3%' or column2 like '%var_3%' or column3 like '%var_3%'  I also googled around and found a where exists... But cant seem to figure out how to do multiple tables:select * from t where exists (select * from t where column1 Like '%var_3%' or column2 like '%var_3%' or column3 like '%var_3%') i would like to add multiple conditions to the where exists table.  Could anyone please tell me what I am doing wrong.

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Sort Of Intersect

Feb 27, 2008

I have: 4 tables and 1 table variable.
CCenters (ID, Name)
Campaigns (ID, Name)
Rel (ID, CCenterID, CampaignID) - [many to many]
and @SCampaigns (ID, CampaignID) - represents the selected campaigns by the user

performing the commands below I would get the centers associated with the campaigns selected.SELECT CCenterID
INNER JOIN @Campaigns ON @SCampaigns.CampaignID = Rel.CampaignID
 But what I really want are the common centers to the selected campaigns.

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"Intersect" Operator ...

Aug 22, 2001

How to use "INTERSECT" Operator with SQL Server 2000 ?
I tried this :

select ...
select ...

but it doesn't work ! I have an error message : "Incorrect syntaxt near the keyword intersect" !

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WHERE Operators

Mar 18, 2005


I am trying to filter records according to an exact string case match and the operator = does not seem to do the job.


SELECT * FROM Customers WHERE kUserId='admin' AND strPw='abcd'


SELECT * FROM Customers WHERE kUserId='admin' AND strPw='aBcD'

always fetches the same record.

So, how do I do about employing case-exact filtering?

Thank you very much.


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OR Operators

Oct 28, 2007

I apologised if this has been posted before. I am having so many problems with these operators.

I can get this to work..

" Select *
from emp
where job is not 'manager';

but not

" Select *
from emp
where job is not 'manager'
or where job is not 'president' ;

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Usage Of INTERSECT - Keep Getting Errors :(

Dec 21, 2003

Hi everyone, I'm trying to run the following script but it keeps giving me errors (Syntax near the work INTERSECT).

SELECT [stuff], [things], [others], [everyone]

(SELECT [stuff]
WHERE [item] = '1' )


(SELECT [stuff]
WHERE [item2] = '1' )

) temp ON temp.[stuff] = [stuff]

NOTE: If I replace the word INTERSECT with UNION it works fine, just that I'm wanting an intersect not a union!!

Can anyone help me out with this?


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Oct 3, 2007

can any one help me to solve this question?

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Minus And Intersect Functionality

Jul 20, 2005

Hi,I've used the minus functionality which is available in Oracle andi would like to use it in SQL server, but i don't know how to. Thefolllowing is how it works in OracleSelect symbols from symbol_tableminusselect tsymbols from tradeIt returns a list of all the symbols from symbol_table which are notpresent in trade.Similarly, the intersect will return only those which are common toboth.I was wondering if someone throw some light on this problem for me.Thanks in advance,Sumanth

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Transact SQL :: Run Update With Intersect

Oct 7, 2015

I am trying to update all records in #newtable that exist in #mastertable.  I have been using Intersect to show me the duplicate records, but now I need to update a field in #newtable   This was my syntax to show the records that exist in both tables, how can I change this to an update statement?  The field in #newtable I want to update is [alreadyexists] and I want to update it with a yes value  

So update #newtable set [alreadyexists] = 'yes'
select uno, mucha, pablo, company from #Newtable
select uno, mucha, pablo, company from #mastertable

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BETWEEN Clause && &<= Operators

Aug 9, 2006

Hi ,

In a stored procedure when retrieving records based on a DATETIME values in WHERE clause - can we use BETWEEN clause or Col <= AND Col >= ?

Please suggest which is the optimised way.

Thanks in Advance,

Hari Haran Arulmozhi

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Jan 13, 2014

These two T-SQL statements return the same results.

If Microsoft deemed it necessary to add the EXCEPT command, then what are its advantages over an INNER JOIN


USE AdventureWorks2008R2;
FROM Production.Product
FROM Production.WorkOrder ;

USE AdventureWorks2008R2;
SELECT DISTINCT Production.WorkOrder.ProductID
FROM Production.Product
INNER JOIN Production.WorkOrder ON Production.WorkOrder.ProductID = Production.Product.ProductID

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Apr 25, 2006

Hi,We are in the process of buying a new server to run mssql. Howeverbefore this as a tempory fix to using a msaccess backend i believethrough odbc i need to address the following issue:SELECT ai.entry_date as CallTime,ai.agent_login as AgentsLogin,ai.campaign as MarketingCampaign,ai.agent_input2 as ProductsSold,ai.first_name as Cust_FirstName,ai.last_name as Cust_LastName,ai.agent_input1 as Cust_PersonalNumber,ai.street_address as Cust_AddressStreet,ai.city as Cust_AddressCity,ai.state as Cust_AddressState,ai.zip as Cust_AddressZIP,rec.file_name as AgreementRecordingFileFROM agent_input ai, leads l, recordings recWHERE ai.whole_phone_number = l.whole_phone_number ANDl.call_status = 1110 ANDrec.whole_phone_number = l.whole_phone_number ANDrec.last_name = l.last_name ANDrec.agent = ai.agent_login ANDrec.campaign = l.campaign ANDlast_call_date between #04/24/2006 12:00 AM# and #04/25/2006 11:59 PM#ORDER BY ai.agent_login, ai.entry_dateI want to make the recordings entry optional so the same results comeout whether it matches a recording or not. If it does i want it topopulate the AgreementRecordingFile column above, if not just put a ''as you would with '' as AgreementRecordFile.Does anyone know how you can do this, in a access based database systemusing SQL through i believe ODBC?ThanksDavid

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Sep 21, 2006

Hi,I'm coming back to Sql Server after 4 years away, using other RDBMS,and there's a few things I'm struggling to remember how to do (if Icould do them in the first place...)Main amongst those is EXCEPT syntax.In DB2, if I have two sets of data and I want to exclude the second setfrom the first, I can do:SELECT col1, col2, col3, ... colNFROM table1EXCEPTSELECT col1, col2, col3, ... colNFROM table2;But SQL Server balks at this. I've had a quick look in the T-SQL helpfor EXCEPT, but I didn't find that particularly enlightening. Anypointers as to how I should be doing this?ThanksJames

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Comparing Tables In Different Servers (EXCEPT/INTERSECT)

Nov 14, 2007

Hi people!!!

First I'll introduce my situation.

I have the folowing tables:

1.- Table "Codes", DataBase "COD", server 1001

2.- Table "Codes", DataBase "COD", server 1002

Both servers run SQL Server 2000 Edition.

What i need to perform is a check that compares the data stored in both tables in order to know if there is any difference between them. Of course, the structure of both tables are the same.

I use the SP sp_addlinkedserver to link the servers, but the problem is that EXCEPT and INTERSECT didn't work.

Anyone can help me?



P.S.: Please!!!!!!!!!

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Statement, Operators, Operation.

Mar 21, 2007

Hi I just got a paging procedure from the internet and it’s working just fine, but I would like to return the numbers of pages too. So I used the Count() function to retrieve all records on the table and divided by the page size, but even I doing with float number, this is returning a integer number. I just started with SQL Server, does some knows what is wrong with the following code? or knows a better way to do it.
Declare     @Records int,
            @Pages float,
            @hey int
Set @Records = (Select Count(*) as 'Friends' From friends
Set @Pages = ((@Records) / (@PageSize))
Set @hey = (@Pages)
if @Pages > @hey
@Pages = @Pages + 1
return @Pages
Thank you very much.

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Execution Plan Different For = And &<&> Operators

Jun 12, 2006

Hi ,

operator = then index SEEK
operator <> then index SCAN

Is normal ?


FROM dbo.Batch
WHERE (Status = 'Batch Completed')

(1 row(s) affected)

|--Bookmark Lookup(BOOKMARK:([Bmk1000]), OBJECT:([PriceAvisPr].[dbo].[Batch]))
|--Index Seek(OBJECT:([PriceAvisPr].[dbo].[Batch].[IX_Batch]), SEEK:([Batch].[Status]='Batch Completed') ORDERED FORWARD)

FROM dbo.Batch
WHERE (Status <> 'Batch Completed')

(1 row(s) affected)

|--Clustered Index Scan(OBJECT:([PriceAvisPr].[dbo].[Batch].[PK_Batch]), WHERE:([Batch].[Status]<>'Batch Completed'))

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Conditional Operators In SQL Statements

Oct 28, 2005

95% of our DB Calls are in STored Procedures, however there are a few that we're finding hard to convert.


string strSQL = "Some Big *** SQL query with 8 inner joins";

If(Some Variable == something)
strSQL += "AND ...':

if(Something == somethingElse)
strSQL += " AND (this > that OR this <= other + 1);

so on and so forth.

Is it possible to put these types of statements in a Stored Procedure so I can get this out of code?

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Sql Job Notification Sent To Multiple Operators?

Jul 22, 2007

What am I missing? I can only select 1 operator to inform.
Should an 'operator' be redefined to have multiple addresses, if so, how should they be delimited?

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Overloading Add/subtract Operators For CLR UDT

Oct 13, 2006


I have an implementation of the UDT - 3-dimentional vector. In my code I have implemented add, subtract and multiply methods for the type. I have also implemented overloaded operators for +/-/* in my C# code. Those overloaded operator are working as expected in C# tests. However when I€™m trying to use +/-/* operators in T-SQL over my UDT it returns the following error:

Invalid operator for data type. Operator equals add, type equals Vector.

The following fragment does work:

DECLARE @v1 Vector, @v2 Vector, @v3 Vector;

SELECT @v1 = CAST('1,1,1' as Vector), @v2 = CAST('2,2,2' as Vector)

SELECT @v1 'v1', @v2 'v2', @v1.[Add](@v2) 'v1 + v2'

And this fragment does not work:

DECLARE @v1 Vector, @v2 Vector, @v3 Vector;

SELECT @v1 = CAST('1,1,1' as Vector), @v2 = CAST('2,2,2' as Vector)

SELECT @v1 'v1', @v2 'v2', @v1+@v2 'v1 + v2'

I guess that SQL Server is not aware of the operators€™ overload I have implemented in the C# code. Is there any way to instruct SQL Server to use overloaded operators in the T-SQL so the code will look naturally @a + @b instead of @a.[Add](@b) and as a result use standard summary functions SUM() instead of writing user defined aggregate function for the Vector type field?


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Alerting Operators For All Jobs

Jan 26, 2007

Hi there,

I'm not sure which section this really comes under and I think 'availability/disaster recovery' is probably the most applicable, sorry if it isn't.

I have SQL Server 2005 set-up and about 50 jobs listed, now, these jobs were configured before an operators with alerting by email was set-up... so, none of the jobs when fail alert an operator.

Is there any way I can automate a solution so if any job fails a designated/or default operator will be emailed and told what happened? Or would I need to edit each job manually to set this?


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Subquery With Operators - Finding Records?

Jun 19, 2012

I've got a subquery that keeps throwing up an error but I can’t think of another way of completing the query.

Firstly I need to find records where TestQty =3

(this would find 2 records with TestQty =3, TestNumber, 7171003 and 7088650)

The TestNumber is not unique so I would like the final set of records to include all the records with TestNumber, 7171003 and 7088650


Code below:
[Code SQL]
USE TestWarehouse
IF ('dbo.TestItems') IS NOT NULL
DROP TABLE [dbo].[TestItems];
CREATE TABLE [dbo].[TestItems]
( TestItem int not null IDENTITY (1,1)

[Code] .....

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Using Comparison Operators In Query Expression

Sep 14, 2006

I'm trying to put an expression into a view query column. I've already created a column which contains the results of a calculation in the form of an expression. What I don't know how to do is use comparison operators to return a boolean value for display. I'll give some examples of what I'm trying to do, using literal values just to simplify things...

So say I want to display the result of an expression in a view query column, as a boolean value (or BIT), as True or False. I've tried putting the following expressions into the column and none work:

4 < 5: Access converts this to the string '4 < 5' and it's just displayed as a string.

CAST( '4 < 5' AS BIT ): When run, the query displays the error 'Syntax error converting the varchar value '4 < 5' to a column of data type BIT.

Although I'm using Access 2003, It's just a front end for a SQL Server 2000 database. The actual SQL statement containing the latter SQL function is:

SELECT dbo.Tapes.No, dbo.Tapes.Status, dbo.Tapes.LastWrittenDate, dbo.Tapes.Pool, dbo.Tapes.Location, dbo.TapeJobs.No AS Expr1, dbo.TapeJobs.JobNo,
dbo.TapeJobs.TapeNo, dbo.Jobs.No AS Expr2, dbo.Jobs.Date, dbo.Jobs.Successful, dbo.Jobs.RetentionRule, dbo.RetentionRules.No AS Expr3,
dbo.RetentionRules.Name, dbo.RetentionRules.Description, dbo.RetentionRules.RetentionPeriod, dbo.RetentionRules.RetentionCycles,
dbo.Jobs.Date + dbo.RetentionRules.RetentionPeriod AS AgedJob, CAST('4 < 5' AS BIT) AS Expr4
FROM dbo.RetentionRules INNER JOIN
dbo.Jobs ON dbo.RetentionRules.No = dbo.Jobs.RetentionRule RIGHT OUTER JOIN
dbo.TapeJobs ON dbo.Tapes.No = dbo.TapeJobs.TapeNo ON dbo.Jobs.No = dbo.TapeJobs.JobNo

I'm new to SQL. I think the CAST function is the way forward, but I just don't know how to force it to resolve the expression '4 < 5'.

Can someone please help ?

Paul Anderson

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Sql Stored Procedure With Custom Operators

Dec 29, 2007


I am trying to create a stored procedure that filters some customers. The field in wich I am trying to apply the filter is the age field. The problem is that I need to be able to select the comparison operator =,<,>,=<,>=,<>.
I was trying to do it with the following code:

Select CustomerName From Customer Where
(CustomerAge & @Operator & @Age)

But sql Server shows an error telling me that @Operartor couldnt be converted to int.

I dont know if I am in the right track or way off, how is this done?

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Valid Expression Types For Operators.

Apr 14, 2008

Hi everybody:

I want know where can I find information about valid expresion types for each one of de Arithmetic Operators, Bitwise Operators, Comparison Operators, Logical Operators, Unary Operators in SQL server. I want something like this.

for (+) ADD, syntaxis -> expression + expression

expression Valid? result type
int + int ok int
int + bigint ok bigint
char + char ok char <- (+) works like concatenation
char + int ok char???
image + bit error -
binary + int ok binary???

for (*) MULTIPLY, syntaxis -> expression * expression

expression Valid? result type
int * int ok int
int * bigint ok bigint
char * char error -
char * int error -
image + bit error -
binary + int ok binary????

for (<) LESS THAN, syntaxis -> expresion < expression

expression Valid? result type
int < int ok bit???
char < char ok bit???
char < int ok bit???
image < bit error -

tks for help.

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Sp_trace_setfilter Mixing AND/OR Operators In Profiler

Jul 24, 2007

Hello, how do you setup a Profiler filter, that has mixed AND/OR operators. Thru the Profiler GUI, I don't even see how you would ask for any statement/proc with READS over 10,000 OR DURATION over 1000ms. How do you do an "OR" thru the GUI?

Forgetting the GUI and doing traces thru scripts, the @logical_operator isn't too logical, and I can't find any description for setting this parameter. If you only have one filter, it doesn't matter if you set it to 0 (AND) or to 1 (OR)... But if you want multiple filters, so one filter is Reads >= 10,000 and the other filter is Duration >= 1000ms., how do you do that? I tried it with the @logical_operator of "1" on both, but then I also got other events with a NULL value in READS.

Code Snippet

-- @traceID = 1
-- @columnID = 13 (Duration)
-- @logicalOperator = 1 (OR)
-- @comparison_operator = 4 (greater or equal)
-- @value = 1000000 (1000 ms)

sp_trace_setfilter 1, 13, 1, 4, 1000000

-- @traceID = 1
-- @columnID = 16 (Reads)
-- @logicalOperator = 1 (OR)
-- @comparison_operator = 4 (greater or equal)
-- @value = 10000 (# Reads)

sp_trace_setfilter 1, 16, 1, 4, 10000

Looks like DURATION is never NULL for these events>>>






but the READS value cane be null (for SP:Completed at least).

Any ideas on how to mix AND/OR operators in multiple filters of one trace?

Thanks, Bruce

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Transact SQL :: Queries To Simulate INTERSECT And EXCEPT But With Records In Same Table

Jun 5, 2015

I have a table (let's call it MyTable) that consists of four fields:

Id, Source, FirstField, and
SecondField, where Source only takes one of two values:
Source1 and Source2.
The records in this table look as follows:


Product 3 name
Product 3 description


I need to return, using 3 different T-SQL queries:

1) Products that exist only in Source2 (in red above)
2) Products that exist only in Source1 (in green above)
3) Products that exist both in Source1 and Source2 (in black above)

For 1) so far I've been doing something along the lines of SELECT * FROM MyTable WHERE Source=Source1 AND FirstField NOT IN (SELECT DISTINCT (FirstField) FROM MyTable WHERE Source=Source2)

I have read about INTERSECT and EXCEPT, but I am a little unclear if they could be applied in this case out of the box.

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Syntax Of Operators And Common Functions In Expressions

Apr 4, 2008

Hi all, real basic question:
I can't seem to find a basic reference that tells me the syntax and allowable values of parameters in common functions such as Format or CDate when editing a Field Expression in Visual Studio (Report Definition Language?). Where would I start?

For example, I've discovered that the Format function "Returns a string formatted according to instructions contained in a format String expression.", and the string expression can have values like "D" and "d" which produce different results, but where would I find out what the allowable string expressions are and their meaning?

I have also been guessing at the syntax of the CDate command with no luck. I need a reference that tells me what the different function parameters mean.


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SQL Server 2008 :: Queries To Simulate INTERSECT And EXCEPT But With Records In Same Table

Jun 4, 2015

Here's the scenario. I have a table (let's call it MyTable) that consists of four fields: Id, Source, FirstField, and SecondField, where Source only takes one of two values: Source1 and Source2.

The records in this table look as follows:

I need to return, using 3 different T-SQL queries:

1) Products that exist only in Source2 (in red above)

2) Products that exist only in Source1 (in green above)

3) Products that exist both in Source1 and Source2 (in black above)

For 1) so far I've been doing something along the lines of

SELECT * FROM MyTable WHERE Source=Source1 AND FirstField NOT IN (SELECT DISTINCT(FirstField) FROM MyTable WHERE Source=Source2)

Not being a T-SQL expert myself, I'm wondering if this is the right or more efficient way to go. I have read about INTERSECT and EXCEPT, but I am a little unclear if they could be applied in this case out of the box.

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Analysis :: Doing Intersect When Filtering Multiple Values On Single Dimension

May 29, 2015

Link : [URL] .....

This provides a good example for my situation. In this example, you will see a Movie dimension with four attributes; Genre, Language, Movie, and Theme. I have a similar setup except mine is Top Level Hierarchy>Categories>Values which are all under the one hierarchy.

My Question: I have the dimension setup as a multi-value parameter in one of my reports. When I filter on a value in Genre and in Language, it provides all values from that genre and all values from that language. I really only want the values that include both.

Genre - Western: Movie1, Movie2, Movie3
Language - English: Movie2, Movie4, Movie5

If I filter on Western and English, I get Movie1-5 when all I really want is Movie2 only. Is there any way to have this do an Intersect within the same dimension or do I have to build each one out into its own dimension?

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Attempting To Select A Range Of Values Using Wildcard And Between Or Logical Operators?

Mar 16, 2014

I am in the midst of writing a query to return a range of product BIN LOCATIONS from a warehouse stock levels program.I know the start and end BIN LOCATIONS for the warehouse, e.g.: Start - #00000, and End - Z10000.However I cannot hard code these into the program, instead I want my operator to designate the first letter of both the start and end BINS locations, and then hit the 'go button'.Towards this end I have declared a couple of variables in my SQL, as follows -

declare @strBin varchar(10)
set @strBin = ''
if @strBin = ''
set @strBin = '#%'

declare @endBin varchar(10)
if @endBin = ''
set @endBin = 'z%'

My challenge is writing a relevant WHERE clause for my select statement, I have tried the following -

where BINLOCAT.BINLABEL between @strBin and @endBin

Whilst the clause above does not cause any errors, neither does it return any results.My first thought is that the BETWEEN operator does not accept wildcards. But if this is correct then how do I go about allowing an operator to enter the start, and end BINS without typing the entire BIN string (e.g.: #00000)? I have tried >= @strBin and <= @endBin, but I am having a similar issue with no errors, and no data returned.

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