Hello, I have been working around this issue, but couldn't yet find any solution.I have a stored procedure that calls a method to do a certain repetitive work.In this function, I have a dynamic query, which means, that I am concatinating commands to the query depending on the input of the function.for example, there is an input for a function called "Id"Inside the function, if Id = 111I need to add " and ID <> 1" and if Id has another value I need to add " and ID = c.ID" something like that.Now, inside the function, I need to return a value by executing the above @SQLString as follows:EXEC @SQLStringWhen I need is something likeEXEC @SQLString, @Total OutputReturn (@Total)Are there any ideas ?regards
Hello, The SqlString variable; if a null value is assigned, will Value return the text null? Also, if I use another type such as SqlInt32, when I do ToString(), if the value is null, will it return the text null, so that it will work with a SQL string? I was wondering if that was the case. Brian
Anyone know how to return a sql command from a sql server stored procedure using asp.net c# and sql server 2000?I'm trying to debug the stored proc and thought the easiest way would be to return the insert command and debug it in the query analyzer.Thanks.Doug.
When I use EXEC in a stored procedure ( after building complex option logic) it produces an returns an error of 'Access denied' on the underlying tables. All objects are dbo owned and execute permission has been given to all users. Can ant one help? Rob
When using a SP for getting a recordset is there any issues with using exec like in: rs.open "exec spWhatever"... Should I use rs.open "spWhatever" or does it really matter performance wise on the SQL server?
declare @TableName Varchar(255);--Just For Testing---DELETE!! declare @Filename varchar(255); --Store Distinct filename declare @DSNo Varchar(255);-- Use 'set' to execute Var TableName declare @SumUnits Varchar(255); --Use 'set' to calculate sum of units declare @SumValue Varchar(255); Set @TableName = 'TrDs01' -- Testing Only--DELETE!!
------------------------Set Statements using @TableName Var------------------------------------------
Set @DSNo = 'select distinct DataSupplierNo from ' + @TableName Set @SumUnits = 'select sum(Units) from ' + @TableName Set @SumValue = 'Select sum(Value) from ' + @TableName
Insert into TransactionMaster([FileName],DataSupplierNo,ImportFileRecordID,FileLoadDate, UnitsSum,ValueSum,RecordCount)
Select(@Filename),(exec(DSNo)), ................
Just the Bold and underlined bit "exec(DSNo)"..... is this doable in some way? can i use exec to retrieve the value to insert to data supplier. As far as i know i have to do it like this because im using a variable as the table name...
I need help understanding the syntax of the "exec sql" statement.
i am looking at code that build an sql string such as
sql="exec SOMETHING Session("id")"
or something like that.
then, there is
My question is the "SOMETHING" in the sql statement...is what? I know it is user defined (object or variable or such), but what exactly is it? i look through the rest of the code and don;'t see SOMETHING defined elsewhere.
i am not sure if i am asking the question right. i don't understand what the SOMETHING is doing, or why it is there.
i understand the this statement will delete a record, but how does it handle "SurveyDelete", how does it know what the is when it is not defined anywhere else in the code?
Hi, I have an sql query like this :DECLARE @TableName varchar(200), @ColumnName varchar(200), @EmployeeID varchar(200), @Result varchar(200);SET @TableName = 'Customer';SET @ColumnName = 'First_Name';SET @CustomerID = 28;-- This line return ErrorSET @Result = EXEC ('select' + @ColumnName + ' from ' + @TableName + ' where Recid = ' + @CustomerID + '');Print @Result; I am pretty sure the SELECT statement in EXEC will only return 0 or 1 record. But how to capture result from EXEC? Thanks
is it possible to have a sproc with a input parm of a column name and have this column name be inserted into an exec statement that runs and provides the output as a OUTPUT parm instead of a result set?
i can get the sproc to take the column name as a parm, run the exec, but cannot figure out how to assign the "dynamic sql" output to a OUTPUT variable instead of returning the result set.
I found this statement in BOL and it didn't make it to work.Is anybody out there who ha the same problem? Database is MASTER. USE master EXEC ("USE pubs") SELECT * FROM authors
Running this dynamic sql construct gives me an error because somehow it does not accept my variable @table or it is recognised differently. If run directly no problem but apparently the single quotes are a problem.
Print @Table (db and table name: opms..transactions) Select @sql = 'Select * From Payments where not exists (Select * from Hist Where TableName = ' + @Table + ' and sYear = '+ @Year + ' and sMonth = ' + @Month + ')' Print @sql EXEC (@sql)
opms..Transactions Select * From Payments where not exists (Select * from Hist Where TableName = opms..Transactions and sYear = 2003 and sMonth = 12)
Server: Msg 1004, Level 15, State 1, Line 1 Invalid column prefix 'opms.': No table name specified
I am seeking an expert help for the following issue, please find the code am using first ...the problem mentioned below that... ---------------------------------------------- DECLARE ,@DBName VARCHAR(128) ,@LoginName VARCHAR(128) ,@SQL VARCHAR(2000)
EXEC(@SQL) IF @@ERROR <> 0 PRINT @@ERROR ELSE BEGIN PRINT 'Revoked database access of [' + @LoginName + '] from the database ['+ @DBName +'] PRINT @@ERROR END --------------------------------------------------------------
Suppose I am trying to REVOKE a database access which not exist iw will give me a mesage like , Server: Msg 15008, Level 16, State 1, Procedure sp_revokedbaccess, Line 36 User 'Loginname' does not exist in the current database.
But the @@ERROR will return 0 as it was a successfull execution of EXEC(@SQL) .
So How can I retrieve the error value 15008 in a variable ..?
I'm trying to do something like the following, but it keeps complaining that I need to declare @max, even though I have (and it is of the same type as link_id).
EXEC('SELECT @max=MAX(link_id) FROM '+ @str1)
I've looked into sp_executesql but I'm not entirely sure how that functions. Any suggestions?
I have a stored proc that assigns a value to a field based on user input from an Access front end.
The last part of the stored proc sends an email if certain conditions are met.
It appears that users do not have permission to execute xp_sendmail. I guess this is because it is executed on the master database. Is there a way I can give them permission to this stored proc?
The users are getting this message:
EXECUTE permission denied on bject 'xp_sendmail', 'database master', owner 'dbo'.(#229)
I am creating a dynamic query and using exec to execute it inside of a function. This query will return only one value. How can I get the value the query returns into a variable?
Functions can not call stored procedures, and they can not use temporary tables.
OK, I'm fairly new to SQL Server, but I know SQL and databases pretty well. I'm just starting to use the dynamic SQL feature of SQL Server (with EXEC), and am wondering how to return a scalar value from a dynamic SQL expression. I realize I can't use EXEC in a user-defined function, but I want to create a stored procedure with one OUTPUT variable so I can simulate a function. The following code does not work, because EXEC does not return a value:
Code is really not important. Any sys SP can replace the above code.
I am getting the following error Msg 8164, Level 16, State 1, Procedure sp_MSload_tmp_replication_status, Line 80 An INSERT EXEC statement cannot be nested.
I have seen the following link which discuss this issue, http://www.sommarskog.se/share_data.html But there is no solution there.
I tried with sp_executesql and EXEC(), but unable to get the result. Can anyone put some light?
------------------------ I think, therefore I am - Rene Descartes