EXEC In SQL Functions

Sep 1, 2006


I need to pass a table name and id to a function and return a row count
I need to use EXEC or SP_EXECUTESQL to run dynamic SQL
It wont work in functions. Following is my function

alter FUNCTION [dbo].[GetRowCount] (@TblName NVARCHAR(25) , @Itemid INT)
set @RowCnt = 0
DECLARE @Sqlstring nvarchar(2000)

set @Sqlstring = 'SELECT @RowCnt = COUNT(*) FROM ['+ @TblName +'] WHERE Itemid = '+ convert(varchar(10),@Itemid)
EXEC @Sqlstring


while executing this I get the following error ....
"Only functions and extended stored procedures can be executed from within a function." and "Incorrect syntax near the keyword 'EXEC' "

does anyone have any ideas of this ?

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Calling Functions Within An Exec() Block

Feb 27, 2007

I have an exec() statement in a stored procedure:


exec('insert into foo
select a, b, c, dbo.bar(d, e)
from baz')

dbo.bar() is a function defined elsewhere. It works OK
by itself.

Getting this error when running the stored procedure:


Could not locate entry in sysdatabases for database 'bar'. No entry found with that name.

How do I force SQL Server to recognize the function's name?


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User Defined Functions And EXEC

Mar 5, 2008

I'm using MS SQL Server 2005.

I want to simulate a table, using a Multi-statement Table-Value User-Defined Function, but I need the function build the SQL statement from scratch each time so I can dynamically define values like the table it references. The only way I know how to run the query after it has been defined in this manner is to run an EXEC command. However I'm getting an error basically saying that the EXEC command is off limits in a User Defined Function.

The Exsact Error is:
>[Error] Script lines: 1-108 ------------------------
Invalid use of side-effecting or time-dependent operator in 'EXECUTE STRING' within a function.

Is there some way to get around this limitation of User Defined Functions. Or perhaps a way to simulate the functionality of Multi-statement Table-Value User-Defined Functions in a Store Procedure, specifically the ability to run where statements, or transform the data on the fly without re-writing the Stored Procedure every time.

The code I’m trying to run is below.

(Note: The code works as a stored procedure, so I'm sure that the core of the statment is correct)

CREATE FUNCTION [dbo].[TrendLine]
@Summary as smallint,
@Start as datetime,
@End as datetime,
@Table as varchar(100),
@X as varchar(100),
@Count as varchar(100),
@Duration as varchar(100)
@TrendLineTable table (
DATE_DAY datetime
, EQ_REGION varchar(25)
, EQ_MARKET_CLUSTER varchar(30)
, Y float
, X int
, DURATION float
, FORMULA varchar(100)
, a float
, b float
, EX int
, EY float
, EX2 int
, EXY float
, N int

DECLARE @SQL as varchar(3000)
, @CountText as varchar(150)
, @StartText as varchar(50)
, @EndText as varchar(50)

SET @StartText = 'cast( ' + char(39) + cast( @Start as varchar(20) ) + char(39) + ' as datetime ) '
SET @EndText ='cast( ' + char(39) + cast( @End as varchar(20) ) + char(39) + ' as datetime ) '
IF @Summary = 1
SET @CountText = 'sum'
SET @CountText = 'count'

SET @SQL = 'INSERT INTO @TrendLineTable
DECLARE TrendlineC cursor for
, ( ( EY - ( b * EX ) ) / N ) + ( b * X ) AS Y
, X
, cast( b as varchar(100) ) + ' + char(39) + 'x + ' + char(39) + ' + cast( ( EY - ( b * EX ) ) / N as varchar(100) ) AS FORMULA
, ( EY - ( b * EX ) ) / N AS a
, b
, EX
, EY
, EX2
, N
, sum( X ) AS EX
, sum( Y ) AS EY
, sum( X2 ) AS EX2
, sum( XY ) AS EXY
, count( X ) AS N
, ( ( count( X ) * sum( XY ) ) - ( sum( X ) * sum( Y ) ) ) / ( ( count( X ) * sum( X2 ) ) - POWER( sum( X ), 2 ) ) AS b
, row_number() over (partition by EQ_MARKET_CLUSTER order by ' + @X + ' ) AS X
, cast( sum( ' + @Duration + ' ) as float ) / ' + @CountText + '( ' + @Count + ' ) AS Y
, POWER( row_number() over (partition by EQ_MARKET_CLUSTER order by ' + @X + ' ), 2) X2
, row_number() over (partition by EQ_MARKET_CLUSTER order by ' + @X + ' ) * cast( sum( ' + @Duration + ' ) as float ) / ' + @CountText + ' ( ' + @Count + ' ) AS XY
FROM ' + @Table + '
WHERE ' + @X + ' >= ' + @StartText + '
AND ' + @X + ' < ' + @EndText + '
GROUP BY ' + @X + '
) s1
) s2
, row_number() over (partition by EQ_MARKET_CLUSTER order by ' + @X + ' ) AS X
, cast( sum( ' + @Duration + ' ) as float ) / ' + @CountText + '( ' + @Count + ' ) AS Y
FROM ' + @Table + '
WHERE ' + @X + ' >= ' + @StartText + '
AND ' + @X + ' < ' + @EndText + '
GROUP BY ' + @X + '



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SQL Server 2008 :: Using EXEC Functions And Temp Tables?

Jul 14, 2015

here's an example of what I am trying to do.

--Exec Database.Employees
--Use Database
--Create PROCEDURE AEM.TempTable
--Select * into #emptemp From Database.Employees
--Select * From #emptemp

Is something like this possible? I can get the EXEC to run the "Select * into #emptemp From Database.Employees" statement, but when I try to use the temp table it doesnt see it.

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SQL Server 2005: CLR Functions Vs SQL Functions

May 26, 2006

I was playing around with the new SQL 2005 CLR functionality andremembered this discussion that I had with Erland Sommarskog concerningperformance of scalar UDFs some time ago (See "Calling sp_oa* infunction" in this newsgroup). In that discussion, Erland made thefollowing comment about UDFs in SQL 2005:[color=blue][color=green]>>The good news is that in SQL 2005, Microsoft has addressed several of[/color][/color]these issues, and the cost of a UDF is not as severe there. In fact fora complex expression, a UDF in written a CLR language may be fasterthanthe corresponding expression using built-in T-SQL functions.<<I thought the I would put this to the test using some of the same SQLas before, but adding a simple scalar CLR UDF into the mix. The testinvolved querying a simple table with about 300,000 rows. Thescenarios are as follows:(A) Use a simple CASE function to calculate a column(B) Use a simple CASE function to calculate a column and as a criterionin the WHERE clause(C) Use a scalar UDF to calculate a column(D) Use a scalar UDF to calculate a column and as a criterion in theWHERE clause(E) Use a scalar CLR UDF to calculate a column(F) Use a scalar CLR UDF to calculate a column and as a criterion inthe WHERE clauseA sample of the results is as follows (time in milliseconds):(295310 row(s) affected)A: 1563(150003 row(s) affected)B: 906(295310 row(s) affected)C: 2703(150003 row(s) affected)D: 2533(295310 row(s) affected)E: 2060(150003 row(s) affected)F: 2190The scalar CLR UDF function was significantly faster than the classicscalar UDF, even for this very simple function. Perhaps a more complexfunction would have shown even a greater difference. Based on this, Imust conclude that Erland was right. Of course, it's still faster tostick with basic built-in functions like CASE.In another test, I decided to run some queries to compare built-inaggregates vs. a couple of simple CLR aggregates as follows:(G) Calculate averages by group using the built-in AVG aggregate(H) Calculate averages by group using a CLR aggregate that similatesthe built-in AVG aggregate(I) Calculate a "trimmed" average by group (average excluding highestand lowest values) using built-in aggregates(J) Calculate a "trimmed" average by group using a CLR aggregatespecially designed for this purposeA sample of the results is as follows (time in milliseconds):(59 row(s) affected)G: 313(59 row(s) affected)H: 890(59 row(s) affected)I: 216(59 row(s) affected)J: 846It seems that the CLR aggregates came with a significant performancepenalty over the built-in aggregates. Perhaps they would pay off if Iwere attempting a very complex type of aggregation. However, at thispoint I'm going to shy away from using these unless I can't find a wayto do the calculation with standard SQL.In a way, I'm happy that basic SQL still seems to be the fastest way toget things done. With the addition of the new CLR functionality, Isuspect that MS may be giving us developers enough rope to comfortablyhang ourselves if we're not careful.Bill E.Hollywood, FL------------------------------------------------------------------------- table TestAssignment, about 300,000 rowsCREATE TABLE [dbo].[TestAssignment]([TestAssignmentID] [int] NOT NULL,[ProductID] [int] NULL,[PercentPassed] [int] NULL,CONSTRAINT [PK_TestAssignment] PRIMARY KEY CLUSTERED([TestAssignmentID] ASC)--Scalar UDF in SQLCREATE FUNCTION [dbo].[fnIsEven](@intValue int)RETURNS bitASBEGINDeclare @bitReturnValue bitIf @intValue % 2 = 0Set @bitReturnValue=1ElseSet @bitReturnValue=0RETURN @bitReturnValueEND--Scalar CLR UDF/*using System;using System.Data;using System.Data.SqlClient;using System.Data.SqlTypes;using Microsoft.SqlServer.Server;public partial class UserDefinedFunctions{[Microsoft.SqlServer.Server.SqlFunction(IsDetermini stic=true,IsPrecise=true)]public static SqlBoolean IsEven(SqlInt32 value){if(value % 2 == 0){return true;}else{return false;}}};*/--Test #1--Scenario A - Query with calculated column--SELECT TestAssignmentID,CASE WHEN TestAssignmentID % 2=0 THEN 1 ELSE 0 END ASCalcColumnFROM TestAssignment--Scenario B - Query with calculated column as criterion--SELECT TestAssignmentID,CASE WHEN TestAssignmentID % 2=0 THEN 1 ELSE 0 END ASCalcColumnFROM TestAssignmentWHERE CASE WHEN TestAssignmentID % 2=0 THEN 1 ELSE 0 END=1--Scenario C - Query using scalar UDF--SELECT TestAssignmentID,dbo.fnIsEven(TestAssignmentID) AS CalcColumnFROM TestAssignment--Scenario D - Query using scalar UDF as crierion--SELECT TestAssignmentID,dbo.fnIsEven(TestAssignmentID) AS CalcColumnFROM TestAssignmentWHERE dbo.fnIsEven(TestAssignmentID)=1--Scenario E - Query using CLR scalar UDF--SELECT TestAssignmentID,dbo.fnIsEven_CLR(TestAssignmentID) AS CalcColumnFROM TestAssignment--Scenario F - Query using CLR scalar UDF as crierion--SELECT TestAssignmentID,dbo.fnIsEven_CLR(TestAssignmentID) AS CalcColumnFROM TestAssignmentWHERE dbo.fnIsEven(TestAssignmentID)=1--CLR Aggregate functions/*using System;using System.Data;using System.Data.SqlClient;using System.Data.SqlTypes;using Microsoft.SqlServer.Server;[Serializable][Microsoft.SqlServer.Server.SqlUserDefinedAggregate (Format.Native)]public struct Avg{public void Init(){this.numValues = 0;this.totalValue = 0;}public void Accumulate(SqlDouble Value){if (!Value.IsNull){this.numValues++;this.totalValue += Value;}}public void Merge(Avg Group){if (Group.numValues > 0){this.numValues += Group.numValues;this.totalValue += Group.totalValue;}}public SqlDouble Terminate(){if (numValues == 0){return SqlDouble.Null;}else{return (this.totalValue / this.numValues);}}// private accumulatorsprivate int numValues;private SqlDouble totalValue;}[Serializable][Microsoft.SqlServer.Server.SqlUserDefinedAggregate (Format.Native)]public struct TrimmedAvg{public void Init(){this.numValues = 0;this.totalValue = 0;this.minValue = SqlDouble.MaxValue;this.maxValue = SqlDouble.MinValue;}public void Accumulate(SqlDouble Value){if (!Value.IsNull){this.numValues++;this.totalValue += Value;if (Value < this.minValue)this.minValue = Value;if (Value > this.maxValue)this.maxValue = Value;}}public void Merge(TrimmedAvg Group){if (Group.numValues > 0){this.numValues += Group.numValues;this.totalValue += Group.totalValue;if (Group.minValue < this.minValue)this.minValue = Group.minValue;if (Group.maxValue > this.maxValue)this.maxValue = Group.maxValue;}}public SqlDouble Terminate(){if (this.numValues < 3)return SqlDouble.Null;else{this.numValues -= 2;this.totalValue -= this.minValue;this.totalValue -= this.maxValue;return (this.totalValue / this.numValues);}}// private accumulatorsprivate int numValues;private SqlDouble totalValue;private SqlDouble minValue;private SqlDouble maxValue;}*/--Test #2--Scenario G - Average Query using built-in aggregate--SELECT ProductID, Avg(Cast(PercentPassed AS float))FROM TestAssignmentGROUP BY ProductIDORDER BY ProductID--Scenario H - Average Query using CLR aggregate--SELECT ProductID, dbo.Avg_CLR(Cast(PercentPassed AS float)) AS AverageFROM TestAssignmentGROUP BY ProductIDORDER BY ProductID--Scenario I - Trimmed Average Query using built in aggregates/setoperations--SELECT A.ProductID,CaseWhen B.CountValues<3 Then NullElse Cast(A.Total-B.MaxValue-B.MinValue ASfloat)/Cast(B.CountValues-2 As float)End AS AverageFROM(SELECT ProductID, Sum(PercentPassed) AS TotalFROM TestAssignmentGROUP BY ProductID) ALEFT JOIN(SELECT ProductID,Max(PercentPassed) AS MaxValue,Min(PercentPassed) AS MinValue,Count(*) AS CountValuesFROM TestAssignmentWHERE PercentPassed Is Not NullGROUP BY ProductID) BON A.ProductID=B.ProductIDORDER BY A.ProductID--Scenario J - Trimmed Average Query using CLR aggregate--SELECT ProductID, dbo.TrimmedAvg_CLR(Cast(PercentPassed AS real)) ASAverageFROM TestAssignmentGROUP BY ProductIDORDER BY ProductID

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Can Exec Select But Can't Exec Sp

Oct 31, 2007

I have two SQL Server 2000 (one is localhost, one is remote with VPN IP

I can select * from [].db.dbo.test but I can't exec [].db..spAdd in localhost.

These select and sp is OK for 1 or 2 week without any problem,but it didn't work one day.

Can some one explain why?

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Using Exec

Feb 29, 2000

When I use EXEC in a stored procedure ( after building complex option logic) it produces an returns an error of 'Access denied' on the underlying tables.
All objects are dbo owned and execute permission has been given to all users.
Can ant one help?

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Jul 22, 2003

When using a SP for getting a recordset is there any issues with using exec like in: rs.open "exec spWhatever"...
Should I use rs.open "spWhatever" or does it really matter performance wise on the SQL server?


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Exec In My Sp

Nov 1, 2007

I am trying to create a awkward sp, just need to know if i can do this somehow, here i piece of the code...

create procedure IM_SP_TrPreProc /*@TableName Varchar(255),*/ @SystemFileName Varchar(255)

--Param1 = Tablename
--Param2 = Systemfilename


declare @TableName Varchar(255);--Just For Testing---DELETE!!
declare @Filename varchar(255); --Store Distinct filename
declare @DSNo Varchar(255);-- Use 'set' to execute Var TableName
declare @SumUnits Varchar(255); --Use 'set' to calculate sum of units
declare @SumValue Varchar(255);
Set @TableName = 'TrDs01' -- Testing Only--DELETE!!

------------------------Set Statements using @TableName Var------------------------------------------

Set @DSNo = 'select distinct DataSupplierNo from ' + @TableName
Set @SumUnits = 'select sum(Units) from ' + @TableName
Set @SumValue = 'Select sum(Value) from ' + @TableName


Insert into TransactionMaster([FileName],DataSupplierNo,ImportFileRecordID,FileLoadDate,

Select(@Filename),(exec(DSNo)), ................

Just the Bold and underlined bit "exec(DSNo)"..... is this doable in some way? can i use exec to retrieve the value to insert to data supplier. As far as i know i have to do it like this because im using a variable as the table name...

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Exec Sql

Apr 28, 2006

I need help understanding the syntax of the "exec sql" statement.

i am looking at code that build an sql string such as

sql="exec SOMETHING Session("id")"

or something like that.

then, there is


My question is the "SOMETHING" in the sql statement...is what? I know it is user defined (object or variable or such), but what exactly is it? i look through the rest of the code and don;'t see SOMETHING defined elsewhere.

i am not sure if i am asking the question right. i don't understand what the SOMETHING is doing, or why it is there.

in particular, the code i am examining is

sql="exec SurveyDelete "&"'" & Session("StudentID") & " ' "

i understand the this statement will delete a record, but how does it handle "SurveyDelete", how does it know what the is when it is not defined anywhere else in the code?

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Feb 17, 2006


Can I execute my MDX statement as in the exhibit format!


SET @test = 'WITH test AS (SELECT * FROM merchants)'



If I don't use that dynamice sql statement, everything work fine.



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Mar 28, 2006


I have a written a SP to do indexdefrag to all user table indexes in a databases...I had to use dynamic sql so I can reuse this code for any DB...

declare @strsql varchar(500)

set @strsql = ' dbcc indexdefrag('+'''DBName'''+',554556545,3)'

exec (@strsql)

When I execute the above script, I immeaditely see the results in the query analyser like below:

Pages Scanned Pages Moved Pages Removed
------------- ----------- -------------
3 0 0

Looks like the indexdefrag did not happen since the logical fragmentation is still a high number like 30%.....

Just wondering whats goin on..



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Get A Return Value With EXEC?

Aug 29, 2007

Hi, I have an sql query like this :DECLARE         @TableName varchar(200),    @ColumnName varchar(200),    @EmployeeID varchar(200),    @Result    varchar(200);SET @TableName = 'Customer';SET @ColumnName = 'First_Name';SET @CustomerID = 28;-- This line return ErrorSET @Result = EXEC ('select' +  @ColumnName + ' from ' +  @TableName + ' where Recid = ' + @CustomerID + '');Print @Result;   I am pretty sure the SELECT statement in EXEC will only return 0 or 1 record. But how to capture result from EXEC? Thanks 

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Exec And Sprocs

Nov 7, 2000

is it possible to have a sproc with a input parm of a column name and have this column name be inserted into an exec statement that runs and provides the output as a OUTPUT parm instead of a result set?

i can get the sproc to take the column name as a parm, run the exec, but cannot figure out how to assign the "dynamic sql" output to a OUTPUT variable instead of returning the result set.

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EXEC Dynamic Sql

Oct 17, 1999

How can i get the result from a dynamic sql like - exec('select ' + fieldName
+ ' from ' + TableName)

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Problem With USE And EXEC

Aug 23, 2000

I found this statement in BOL and it didn't make it to work.Is anybody out there who ha the same problem?
Database is MASTER.
USE master EXEC ("USE pubs") SELECT * FROM authors

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EXEC Dynamic Sql

May 13, 2003

Running this dynamic sql construct gives me an error because somehow it does not accept my variable @table or it is recognised differently. If run directly no problem but apparently the single quotes are a problem.

Print @Table (db and table name: opms..transactions)
Select @sql = 'Select * From Payments where not exists (Select * from Hist Where TableName = ' + @Table + ' and sYear = '+ @Year + ' and sMonth = ' + @Month + ')'
Print @sql
EXEC (@sql)

Select * From Payments where not exists (Select * from Hist Where TableName = opms..Transactions and sYear = 2003 and sMonth = 12)

Server: Msg 1004, Level 15, State 1, Line 1
Invalid column prefix 'opms.': No table name specified

Any idea?


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EXEC Statement

Aug 22, 2002

I would like to execute something like that with sql6.5 :

select @cmd = 'use ' + quotename(@dbname) + ' exec sp_helprotect'
exec (cmd)

I tried like this but I don't know what's wrong

exec ("USE "+ RTRIM(@dbname) +"exec sp_helprotect")

Thank you

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How To Use @@ERROR For EXEC(@SQL)

Jun 25, 2005


I am seeking an expert help for the following issue, please find the code am using first ...the problem mentioned below that...
,@DBName VARCHAR(128)
,@LoginName VARCHAR(128)

SET @DBName='dbname'
SET @LoginName='loginname'


IF @@ERROR <> 0
PRINT 'Revoked database access of [' + @LoginName + '] from the database ['+ @DBName +']

Suppose I am trying to REVOKE a database access which not exist iw will give me a mesage like ,
Server: Msg 15008, Level 16, State 1, Procedure sp_revokedbaccess, Line 36
User 'Loginname' does not exist in the current database.

But the @@ERROR will return 0 as it was a successfull execution of EXEC(@SQL) .

So How can I retrieve the error value 15008 in a variable ..?


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Dynamic SQL And EXEC

Aug 11, 2005


I'm trying to do something like the following, but it keeps complaining that I need to declare @max, even though I have (and it is of the same type as link_id).

EXEC('SELECT @max=MAX(link_id) FROM '+ @str1)

I've looked into sp_executesql but I'm not entirely sure how that functions. Any suggestions?

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Exec Xp_sendmail

Aug 12, 2005

How do I attached the file by using xp_sendmail?

exec xp_sendmail
??? 'C:FileName.xls'

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How To Allow Use To Exec Xp_sendmail

Sep 20, 2004

I have a stored proc that assigns a value to a field based on user input from an Access front end.

The last part of the stored proc sends an email if certain conditions are met.

It appears that users do not have permission to execute xp_sendmail. I guess this is because it is executed on the master database. Is there a way I can give them permission to this stored proc?

The users are getting this message:

EXECUTE permission denied on bject 'xp_sendmail', 'database master', owner 'dbo'.(#229)

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Exec In A Function

Oct 15, 2004

I am creating a dynamic query and using exec to execute it inside of a function. This query will return only one value. How can I get the value the query returns into a variable?

Functions can not call stored procedures, and they can not use temporary tables.

Thanks much

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Exec @string

Oct 24, 2005

I am trying to do an insert statement utilizing a variable string.

something like:

Set @cString = 'SELECT top 10 *
' + char(39) + 'SQLOLEDB' + char(39) + ',' + char(39) +
'Data Source=' + @lServer + ';User ID=' + @user + ';Password=' + @pword + char(39) + '

Insert into #Temp_table (field1, field2)
select exec @cString

--What is the syntax for this?

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Return A Value Using EXEC

Jan 12, 2004

OK, I'm fairly new to SQL Server, but I know SQL and databases pretty well. I'm just starting to use the dynamic SQL feature of SQL Server (with EXEC), and am wondering how to return a scalar value from a dynamic SQL expression. I realize I can't use EXEC in a user-defined function, but I want to create a stored procedure with one OUTPUT variable so I can simulate a function. The following code does not work, because EXEC does not return a value:

CREATE PROCEDURE dbo.ExecFunction ( @ScalarSELECTString varchar(250), @@ReturnVal sql_variant )

set @@ReturnVal = ( exec @ScalarSELECTString )


So, I was wondering if someone might be able to suggest a way to re-write the above code to achieve the same effect. Thanks in advance.

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Insert Into...exec-- Help

Jan 21, 2004

I need to insert the results into a temp table and i recieve the "MSDTC on server 'servername' is unavailable error".

declare @thestringall varchar(1000)
set @thestringall = 'select statment here'

insert into #temptable exec (@thestringall)


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Exec Statement

Mar 23, 2004

hi guys

maybe an easy one for you

in stored procedure I create follving select

@cmd = 'select ' + @column_name + 'from ticket_dump_datawarehouse '
execute (@cmd)

problem is thant I want to gave return value from this select

something like
set @return = execute(@cmd)

but I recieve error

Incorrect syntax near the keyword 'execute'

Can I do that some other way?

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Exec Statement

Mar 23, 2004

hi guys

maybe an easy one for you

in stored procedure I create follving select

@cmd = 'select ' + @column_name + 'from ticket_dump_datawarehouse '
execute (@cmd)

problem is thant I want to gave return value from this select

something like
set @return = execute(@cmd)

but I recieve error

Incorrect syntax near the keyword 'execute'

Can I do that some other way?

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Exec Without Results

Feb 20, 2007

this might sound dumb or impossible, but is there a way to run exec commands forcing them to not return results

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Apr 19, 2007

I need get the o/p of a system sp into a table. I am doing the following,

insert #repl_monitor
exec [distribution].sys.sp_replmonitorhelpsubscription @publisher =
N'FGRWA0508', @publisher_db = N'DB_Name', @publication = N'publication'

Code is really not important. Any sys SP can replace the above code.

I am getting the following error
Msg 8164, Level 16, State 1, Procedure sp_MSload_tmp_replication_status, Line 80
An INSERT EXEC statement cannot be nested.

I have seen the following link which discuss this issue,
But there is no solution there.

I tried with sp_executesql and EXEC(), but unable to get the result. Can anyone put some light?

I think, therefore I am - Rene Descartes

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Exec A Function

Oct 11, 2007


How to exec the following function from my select statement and get my return value:-

ALTER FUNCTION [dbo].[fn_qty]
(@qty decimal (10,4),
@price decimal (10,4),
@pieces int,
@mpt int=0)

returns decimal (10,4)

declare @totamt decimal (10,4)
if @pieces = 0
SET @totamt = (@QTY * @price)
SELECT @mpt = (SELECT case mpq
when 1 then 10
when 2 then 100
else 100
FROM ims.parm)
SET @totamt=(((FLOOR(@QTY)*@PRICE))+(((@qty-FLOOR(@QTY))* @mpt)/@pieces)*@price)
return @totamt

I can exec the function as exec command as follows:-
exec @totamt( erpinv.dbo.fn_qty 3.5,6,24 )

Best Regards

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Nov 9, 2007

Hello, I am very, very new to the world of SSIS and from a totally different platform (iSeries), learning, digging and finding golden nuggets as I go.

Two questions please.

Question One:

I am presently encountering the following exception.

SSIS package "DW.CUST_CNCL_ORD.dtsx" starting.
Error: 0xC00291E2 at BP Parter Exec SQL, Execute SQL Task: There is an invalid number of result bindings returned for the ResultSetType: "ResultSetType_Rowset".
Task failed: BP Parter Exec SQL
Warning: 0x80019002 at DW CUST_CNCL_ORD: The Execution method succeeded, but the number of errors raised (1) reached the maximum allowed (1); resulting in failure. This occurs when the number of errors reaches the number specified in MaximumErrorCount. Change the MaximumErrorCount or fix the errors.
SSIS package "DW.CUST_CNCL_ORD.dtsx" finished: Failure.

Try as I do to find information regarding this exception, I am not able to. Can anyone share their wisdom on this topic?

Question two:

Is there a book that you may recommend that will contribute to my learning this new platform and evironment? I presently have the SQL Server 2005 integration services book.

Thank you in advance for any information you may provide.

God Bless.



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Exec() Statement

Dec 16, 2007

declare @rej_nm as varchar(50)
exec('select count(*), ' + "'@rej_nm'" + 'from ' + @rej_nm)

trying to return the rowcount AND the name of the object. return set should look like this:

12, tbl_name

i've tried single quotes around @rej_nm, nested single quotes, single/double nested, etc..

instead, i get an error stating that @rej_nm is not a valid column of tbl_name. bottomline...

how do i return a variable 'value' within a select statement...


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