Easiest Help Ever: Single Table 5 Lines Of Code

Mar 22, 2007

I am trying to sort out the member "Adams" from the committee members, and sum up the total amounts that were donated while he was the committee member.

The Table:

CREATE TABLE contribution_list
(contrib_date DATE NOT NULL,
donor_name VARCHAR(30) NOT NULL,
amount NUMBER(8,2),
program VARCHAR2(30),
committee_member VARCHAR2(20) NOT NULL,
PRIMARY KEY (contrib_date,donor_name,committee_member));

The Code that is giving me errors:(not a group by expression):

CREATE or REPLACE VIEW adams_conrtibution_total as
select program, committee_member, sum(amount)
from contribution_list
where committee_member = 'Adams'
group by program;

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SQL Security :: Easiest Way Of Have A Single Job Step Run Under A Different Login?

Jul 20, 2015

I want to run a SQL Agent step as a different user than the one used by the Agent service.  I thought that I would create a new credential and then have a proxy use it, however there are none for just plain old SQL.  This is a SQL 2014 Enterprise instance. The reason for this is that I the Windows login that is used by the Agent service is not defined as a login in the database, I don;t want to therefore add it in as a user with restrictive rights it case it impacts on other jobs.  What is the easiest way of have a single job step run under a different Login? 

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Many Lines Of Code In Stored Procedure && Code Behind

Feb 24, 2008

I'm using ASP.Net to update a table which include a lot of fields may be around 30 fields, I used stored procedure to update these fields. Unfortunatily I had to use a FormView to handle some TextBoxes and RadioButtonLists which are about 30 web controls.
I 've built and tested my stored procedure, and it worked successfully thru the SQL Builder.The problem I faced that I have to define the variable in the stored procedure and define it again the code behind againALTER PROCEDURE dbo.UpdateItems
@eName nvarchar, @ePRN nvarchar, @cID nvarchar, @eCC nvarchar,@sDate nvarchar,@eLOC nvarchar, @eTEL nvarchar, @ePhone nvarchar,
@eMobile nvarchar, @q1 bit, @inMDDmn nvarchar, @inMDDyr nvarchar, @inMDDRetIns nvarchar,
@outMDDmn nvarchar, @outMDDyr nvarchar, @outMDDRetIns nvarchar, @insNo nvarchar,@q2 bit, @qper2 nvarchar, @qplc2 nvarchar, @q3 bit, @qper3 nvarchar, @qplc3 nvarchar,
@q4 bit, @qper4 nvarchar, @pic1 nvarchar, @pic2 nvarchar, @pic3 nvarchar, @esigdt nvarchar, @CCHName nvarchar, @CCHTitle nvarchar, @CCHsigdt nvarchar, @username nvarchar,
@levent nvarchar, @eventdate nvarchar, @eventtime nvarchar
UPDATE iTrnsSET eName = @eName, cID = @cID, eCC = @eCC, sDate = @sDate, eLOC = @eLOC, eTel = @eTEL, ePhone = @ePhone, eMobile = @eMobile,
q1 = @q1, inMDDmn = @inMDDmn, inMDDyr = @inMDDyr, inMDDRetIns = @inMDDRetIns, outMDDmn = @outMDDmn,
outMDDyr = @outMDDyr, outMDDRetIns = @outMDDRetIns, insNo = @insNo, q2 = @q2, qper2 = @qper2, qplc2 = @qplc2, q3 = @q3, qper3 = @qper3,
qplc3 = @qplc3, q4 = @q4, qper4 = @qper4, pic1 = @pic1, pic2 = @pic2, pic3 = @pic3, esigdt = @esigdt, CCHName = @CCHName,
CCHTitle = @CCHTitle, CCHsigdt = @CCHsigdt, username = @username, levent = @levent, eventdate = @eventdate, eventtime = @eventtime
and the code behind which i have to write will be something like thiscmd.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure;
cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@eName", ((TextBox)FormView1.FindControl("TextBox1")).Text);cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@ePRN", ((TextBox)FormView1.FindControl("TextBox2")).Text);
cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@cID", ((TextBox)FormView1.FindControl("TextBox3")).Text);cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@eCC", ((TextBox)FormView1.FindControl("TextBox4")).Text);
((TextBox)FormView1.FindControl("TextBox7")).Text = ((TextBox)FormView1.FindControl("TextBox7")).Text + ((TextBox)FormView1.FindControl("TextBox6")).Text + ((TextBox)FormView1.FindControl("TextBox5")).Text;cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@sDate", ((TextBox)FormView1.FindControl("TextBox7")).Text);
cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@eLOC", ((TextBox)FormView1.FindControl("TextBox8")).Text);cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@eTel", ((TextBox)FormView1.FindControl("TextBox9")).Text);
cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@ePhone", ((TextBox)FormView1.FindControl("TextBox10")).Text);
cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@eMobile", ((TextBox)FormView1.FindControl("TextBox11")).Text);
So is there any way to do it better than this way ??
Thank you

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Pulling Single Lines From A DB

Apr 26, 2004

hi im making a page where i want a single line at a time to be pulled from my MS Database, basically at the moment i have a list of questions, but the page is displaying all the questions from my database, i only want it to pull out 1 and then if the user clicks the true button then it goes to another page and displays another question?

Any ideas



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Produces Multiple Lines, Need To Populate Single Line

Mar 11, 2008

I need to, ultimately, create a flatfile for exporting insurance information to a third-party vendor. Each individual is to have no more than 1 line per file, which contains their coverage information, if any, on 4 different type of insurance. What i need is for 2 fields in a table to determine the output for multiple fields in the flatfile.

What I have so far works, to an extent. If I have insurance types 1, 2, 4 (of types 1-4) required output is (__ = 2 blank spaces):

1A 1B 1C 1D 1E 2A 2B 2C 2D 2E 3A 3B 3C 3D 3E 4A 4B 4C 4D 4E

== == == == == == == == == == == == == == == == == == == ==

Y N __ MD XX Y N __ MD XX N __ __ __ __ Y N __ DN XX

If they have coverage, A always = Y, B always = N, C always = blank(null), D is their ins. type, E is their cov. type(CASE statement). if they DON'T have that type of coverage, A always = N and the remaining field are NULL.

After a lot of work, and scouring a forum or 2, I attempted a whole lot of CASE functions. Below is an sample of code representing the 1x statements. This same code is repeated 4 times with the 1x being altered with 2x, 3x, 4x.


WHEN '10' THEN 'Y'



WHEN '10' THEN 'N'


' ' AS 1C,










It works to an extent. While the desires/required output it above, the output this produces (same scenario) is:

1A 1B 1C 1D 1E 2A 2B 2C 2D 2E 3A 3B 3C 3D 3E 4A 4B 4C 4D 4E

== == == == == == == == == == == == == == == == == == == ==

Y N __ MD XX N __ __ __ __ N __ __ __ __ N __ __ __ __

1A 1B 1C 1D 1E 2A 2B 2C 2D 2E 3A 3B 3C 3D 3E 4A 4B 4C 4D 4E

== == == == == == == == == == == == == == == == == == == ==

N __ __ __ __ Y N __ MD XX N __ __ __ __ N __ __ __ __

1A 1B 1C 1D 1E 2A 2B 2C 2D 2E 3A 3B 3C 3D 3E 4A 4B 4C 4D 4E

== == == == == == == == == == == == == == == == == == == ==

N __ __ __ __ N __ __ __ __ N __ __ __ __ Y N __ DN XX

While there is supposed to be 1 line, regardless of number of insurance types, it only produces 1 line per type. I first tried this in Access, and was able to get it to work, but it required multiple queries resulting in a crosstab, export to Excel and manually manipulate the data, export to text file to manipulate, import back into Excel to manipulate, import back into Access and finally export into a flatfile. Far too much work to produce a file which is why I'm trying to convert it to raw SQL.
Any assistance in this matter would be greatly appreciated.

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Llimit On Lines Of Code In Query Builder

May 22, 2007

Does anyone know if there is a limit on characters or lines of code that can be used to create your dataset?

I cut and pasted some sql code of a report in there and it's cutting off the last 100 lines or so.

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Stored Procedure Sizes In Terms Of Lines Of Code ?

Sep 8, 2005

First and foremost, thanks for reading and responding!Does it matter how big a stored procedure is if you do things in the stored procedure such as:declare the parametersIF @Parm_Select = '<ALL>'do a select IF @Parm_Select <> '<ALL> and @Parm_Report = '1'do a selectIF @Parm_Select <> '<ALL> and @Parm_Report = '2'do select This goes on and on and on and I have written a couple of stored procedures that are about 1500 lines of code based upon parameters passed I do not create any tables - they are just all select statements based upon the parameters passed.I thought I was doing the right thing cause I did not want to have to write a procedure that called a procedure, (I read this and got confused on the return prarmeters cause there is a lot of data being returned from the select -----    I don't think I said that correctly!  . I am just learning this SQL stuff and I it is cool and I am excited - but I don't want to develop any bad habits in the beginning - and I try to look these things up on the www - but I just don't get explicit answers from reading all of this stuff.  Thank to all in advance!

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SQL Server 2012 :: How To Append Go Clause To 10k Lines Of Code

Dec 28, 2014

I have 10k indexes I need to rebuild and each time the script reaches an error it stops all further activity. How can I append 'GO' to the end of each line so it will continue on error messages?

Once I have the syntax I can do a find and replace function in Notepad++

USE [AdventureWorks2014] + char(13) + char(10) + GO
ALTER INDEX [IX_Person] ON [Person].[Person] REBUILD PARTITION = ALL WITH (PAD_INDEX = OFF) + char(13) + char(10) + GO
ALTER INDEX [IX_Emp] ON [HumanResources].[Employee] REBUILD PARTITION = ALL WITH (PAD_INDEX = OFF) + char(13) + char(10) + GO
************** Truncate ***********

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What Is The Easiest Way To Get The Number Of Rows In A Table?

Jul 24, 2007

With classic asp I would do something like this:
set conn = server.createobject("ADODB.Connection")
conn.open "PROVIDER=SQLOLEDB;DATA SOURCE=sqlservername;UID=username;PWD=password;DATABASE=databasename "set rs = conn.execute("select count(*) from myTable")response.write rs(0)How can I do this with asp.net in the fewest number of lines?  

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Easiest Way To Insert Values Into A Sql Table?

Mar 17, 2008

What is the easiest way to insert a new row in a existing sql table through web developer.net (visual basic)?
E.g. a database called Names and the columns Firstname and Surname and you want to insert "anna","johnsson"?
thank you very much.

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Easiest Way To Import CSV Data Into A Table?

Apr 30, 2006

Hi, I'm new to SQL Server, and would appreciate some advice on the quickest way to import data from a CSV file.

I've created a database using Visual Web Developer Express, and added a couple of tables. The Help file in SQL Server Express (which is installed on the same PC) indicates that I should use BULK INSERT to populate the table. Only snag is, I could find anywhere to enter the commands! Eventually, I found out about the SQLCMD command which I entered in a Windows Command Window. I successfully connected to the default (SQLEXPRESS) server instance this way, but when I typed USE <my database name> I got an error back saying it couldn't find the database. I know that Visual Web Developer Express by default creates user-specific instances of the database, but I've turned that off (I think!) via the connection string. So, please could someone tell me how I can connect to my database via the SQLCMD command, or alternativley please let me know how else I can bulk inmport data from a CSV file. Many thanks in advance.

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Best/easiest Way To Search A Table In A Database?

Aug 9, 2004

im pretty new to SQL and i'm just reading up on full-text searches... i need to do a a full-text search on one table i have in the database.. however I'm reading about full-text indexing/searching and a lot of pages are saying that it uses a lot of resources when searching.. i was wondering how bad is it really? we have about ~100 users who would access the database, probably the peak would be 75 at a time.. would people using a full-text searching slow it down a lot? the servr is a dell poweredge 1750 server, dual 2.8ghz xeon, 1 gig ram.. and also, about the incermental population, if i read right, it populates the catalog each time a item in the table is deleted/inserted/modified.. so would that use a lot of resources as well?

i'm just trying to see if it's worth it to enable full-text indexing for searches on the database if it doesn't slow down the server too much... or are there any better/easier ways to perform searches?


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Help Deleting Multiple Lines In A Table

Feb 28, 2007

Hey all,

I know very simple SQL queries but I need help with this one. I have multiple lines in a SQL database that I need to run. Basically, I need to run this (the bracketed text and the XXX are place holders):

DELETE FROM [tableName] WHERE [columnName] = 'XXXXX'

But I need to run it around 90 times where XXXXX is a unique variable each time. I could create 90 lines similar to this one but that would take way too much time to run. Any suggestions for a noob?


- MT

Matt Torbin
Center City Philadelphia Macintosh Users Group

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Create A View To Add Lines To Table

Mar 16, 2008

I have two tables. OrderDetails and StockTransactions

OrderDetails contains:

Item, Description, QtyOrdered

StockTransactions contains:

OrderDetailID, ActionType, Qty, Date

I would like to create a view as follows:


Item, Description, QtyOrdered, InStock, ToShip, TotalShipped, Backordered

the first three columns come directly from the OrderDetails table, InStock is computed by finding the sum of Qty of all of the lines in the StockTransactions table for this item. ToShip is a field for the user to enter a value they'd like to ship currently. TotalShipped is the sum of what is in the ToShip box and all previous entries in the StockTransactions table related to the current OrderDetail record. Backordered is computed by taking ToShip and subtracting InStock (if the value is a negative number, then display zero).

The objective is to create a user friendly way to enter lines into the OrderDetailsTable. the values place by the user in the Qty field for the items listed in front of them should be saved as entried in the StockTransactions table with ActionType = 1.

I'm not sure if a view is the best way to go about this.

Any comments or suggestions?

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Table Border Lines Not Rendering Properly

Oct 5, 2007

Hello all,

I have been unable to get the black vertical lines in a table to render properly, based on the following....

I'm developing a report that requires the following:

1. One group with the group header section having a BackgroundColor of "LightGrey". (any color other than "Transparent")

2. The details section of the report has a Bottom border with the same color as step #1.

3. The table should have black vertical borderlines that seperate some of the columns. The lines should run the length of the table.

The black lines look like they're being overlapped by both the GroupHeader BackgroundColor and the details section bottom border.

Has anyone been able to implement a similar report successfully?

Thanks for your help!

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Combine Data In Single Row From Single Table

Apr 4, 2006

How can i combine my data in single row ? All data are in a single table sorted as employeeno, date


Employee No Date SALARY
1 10/30/2006 500
1 11/30/2006 1000
2 10/25/2006 800
3 10/26/2006 900
4 10/28/2006 1000
4 11/01/2006 8000

Should Appear


1 10/30/2006 500 11/30/2006 1000
2 10/25/2006 800
3 10/26/2006 900
4 10/28/2006 1000 11/01/2006 800



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Trouble Rendering Lines On The Sides Of A Table In Reports

Mar 26, 2008


I've been playing around with local reports for a while now. Trying to convert alot (about 800) reports made in a custom format(not XML) to the .RDLC used in MS Reports. I've been able to solve most converting problems by first figuring out how to make the different appearances of the report editor and testing, and afterwards implementing these in my converter program and testing until it makes the desired appearance on screen. Unfortunately I haven't been able to design all the reports similar to the originals(with the editor), so I was hoping somone here might be able to help me with this.

I'm trying to make a box around my table(the repeating part in the body) but find it kind of hard to do this. There are alot of data and the box should be on every page(I really hope this is possible).

I have made a simple report with a header and footer. In the header I have some textboxes and a horizontal line at the bottom. In the footer I have a horizontal line at the top, and som text at the bottom. This was intended for making the top and bottom lines in my 'box'. The rest of the box is made from two vertical lines, one on each side of the table in the body area of the report. These go down from the top of the body to the bottom.

The height of the header is 1 cm, the height of the body is 24.7 cm and the height of the footer is 4 cm making a total of 29.7cm (standard A4 paper height). Hope someone can help me solving this.


Øyvind Johansen


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How To Show Description In Report Instead Of Code (Desc For Code Is In Master Table)

Mar 28, 2007

Dear Friends,

I am having 2 Tables.

Table 1: AddressBook
Fields --> User Name, Address, CountryCode

Table 2: Country
Fields --> Country Code, Country Name

Step 1 : I have created a Cube with these two tables using SSAS.

Step 2 : I have created a report in SSRS showing Address list.

The Column in the report are User Name, Address, Country Name

But I have no idea, how to convert this Country Code to Country name.

I am generating the report using the Layout tab. ( Data | Layout | Preview ) Report1.rdl [Design]

Anyone help me to solve this issue. Because, in our project most of the transaction tables have Code and Code description in master table. I need to convert all code into corresponding description in all my reports.

Thanks in advance.

28 March 2007

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SQL Server 2008 :: Split Postal Code Range Into Single Row

Jul 8, 2015

I got a table with organisation codes with postcal code ranges, from-to.

Organisationcode, startpostalcode, endpostalcode
001 52005249

I would like to generate rows for this range like this:

001 5200
001 5201
001 5202
001 5249

The table looks like this:

SELECT OrganisationCode, PostcalCodeStart, PostalCodeEnd
FROM dbo.DimOrganisation

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Select Statement Which Enables To Consolidate Multiple Lines In Same Table

Nov 15, 2012

I am in doubt if its possible to make a select statement which enables me to consolidate multiple lines in the same table.

I have a table with a lot of companies and figures for each company.

Some of the companies owns some of the other companies in the table and in reverse, some of the companies are owned by some of the companies in the table.

I have a lot of columns, but basically the most important columns are:

Company Name, Company Mother , Company Daughter.

Each company has also a revenue column.

What I want to do is to consolidate all figures for absolute mothers e.i. companies which are not owned by another company in the list.

I therefore need a select statement which says something like:

Get the revenue of companies not owned by another company (e.i. absolute mother). Add to this, the revenue of all its daughters. Add to this the revenue of all the daughters daughters etc. until there are no daughters left.

In other words - aggregate the revenue for all the companies in the group under the name of the ultimate parent company.

I can easily select and add the revenue for the first level of direct daughters, but I dont know how many more daughters the daughters has etc.

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SQL Server 2012 :: Displaying Code Of A Stored Procedure To A Single Line

Sep 14, 2015

Any better way to query SQL 2012 to display the code of a stored proc to a single line. I'm trying to write a script to insert the contents of the procs between my devestprod environments. So people can query a single table for any proc that is different between environments. At the moment I am using the syscomments view and the text column but the problem here is if you get a lengthy proc it cuts it up into multiple rows.

I can get around it by converting the text to a varchar(max) and outer joining the query, but as you can see by my code below I have to try and guess what the maximum number of rows I'm going to get back for my largest proc. If someone adds a new one that returns 8 rows I'm going to miss it with this query.

Select col1.[type],col1.[name],convert(varchar(max),col1.text) + isnull(convert(varchar(max),col2.Text),'')
+ isnull(convert(varchar(max),col3.Text),'')
+ isnull(convert(varchar(max),col4.Text),'')
+ isnull(convert(varchar(max),col5.Text),'')
+ isnull(convert(varchar(max),col6.Text),'')
+ isnull(convert(varchar(max),col7.Text),'')

[Code] .....

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Inserting A Bottom Border (or Line Break) Every 3 Lines Into A Table In SSRS

Jan 29, 2008

Can this be done in SSRS or must it be done in the query? Ideas? Suggestions? See Example Below:

Current table look:

1 Data.........
2 Data.........
3 Data.........
4 Data.........
5 Data.........
6 Data.........
7 Data.........

The Way I need it to look

1 Data.........
2 Data.........
3 Data.........
4 Data.........
5 Data.........
6 Data.........
7 Data.........

TIA (Thanks in Advance!)

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Insert :) I Have Different Insert Code Lines (2 Insert Codelines) Which One Best ?

Jun 4, 2008

hello friends
my one insert code lines is below :) what does int32 mean ? AND WHAT IS DIFFERENT BETWEEN ONE CODE LINES AND SECOND CODE LINES :)Dim conn As New SqlConnection(ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings("ConnectionString").ConnectionString)
Dim cmd As New SqlCommand("Insert into table1 (UserId) VALUES (@UserId)", conn)
'you should use sproc instead
cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@UserId", textbox1.text)
'your value
conn.Open()Dim rows As Int32 = cmd.ExecuteNonQuery()
conn.Close()Trace.Write(String.Format("You have {0} rows inserted successfully!", rows.ToString()))
Catch sex As SqlExceptionThrow sex
If conn.State <> Data.ConnectionState.Closed Then
End If
End Try
MY SECOND INSERT CODE LINES IS BELOWDim SglDataSource2, yeni As New SqlDataSource()
SglDataSource2.ConnectionString = ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings("ConnectionString").ToString
SglDataSource2.InsertCommandType = SqlDataSourceCommandType.Text
SglDataSource2.InsertCommand = "INSERT INTO urunlistesi2 (kategori1) VALUES (@kategori1)"
SglDataSource2.InsertParameters.Add("kategori1", kategoril1.Text)Dim rowsaffected As Integer = 0
rowsaffected = SglDataSource2.Insert()Catch ex As Exception
SglDataSource2 = Nothing
End Try
If rowsaffected <> 1 ThenServer.Transfer("yardim.aspx")
End If

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Easiest Way As I Intended

Jul 4, 2007

Hi guys how are you doing? I was wondering how should I set the values in these two variables without making the select, I mean just set, I think that if I select two times it takes much longer is that true?

declare @user_id int, @creation datetime

select @user_id = user_id, @creation = creation from solarUsers

Select @user_id, @creation

Thank you very much =D.

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Easiest SQL Question Ever... I Just Can't Work It Out

Apr 4, 2008

 I am hoping to pass an auto incrementing number the the database. From the aspx page, I have the following code, but the insert statement does not work as it should right now. Everything worked fine until I added "rank_order" in and the SQL parameters. What am I doing wrong? Thanks so much :)  <asp:SqlDataSource ID="dsConcepts" runat="server"
SelectCommand="SELECT ID, Name FROM Concepts WHERE ID=@ID"
UpdateCommand="UPDATE Concepts SET Name=@Name WHERE ID=@ID"
InsertCommand="INSERT INTO Concepts (Name, courseID, rank_order) VALUES (@Name,@CID, @rank )"> <InsertParameters> <asp:QueryStringParameter Name="CID" DefaultValue="-1" QueryStringField="CID" /> </InsertParameters> <InsertParameters> <asp:QueryStringParameter Name="rank" DefaultValue="Select Max([rank_order]) + 1 From Concepts WHERE courseID=@CID" QueryStringField="rank" /> </InsertParameters> <SelectParameters> <asp:QueryStringParameter Name="ID" DefaultValue="-1" QueryStringField="ID" /> </SelectParameters> </asp:SqlDataSource>  

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Easiest Way To Get Data From Sql To Textbox

Jun 17, 2008

Hi I have a situation where i have a drop down list. The user selects a value from it and then a query behind the scenes is generated based on the value from the list. I want the result of the query to be diplayed in the textbox.I've checked a few examples but i don't really have a good understanding of how to generate this query and get the results to the textbox. I think you use the SQLDATASOURCE but still need some help...Can anyone help? Thanks. 

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Easiest Way To Get A Value In Af File Into A Variable ?

Jan 25, 2006

I get a file with some key information delivered to an ftp destination each day along with some files containing rawdata.

The file is a csv file containing some short description of what is being delivered.



So the file has columndescription and 1 row with some information.

My question is, what is the easiest way to get those 3 informations into 3 variables ?

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Insert Data Into A Table From Two Tables Into A Single Table Along With A Hard Coded Value?

Feb 9, 2012

I'm trying to insert data into a table from two tables into a single table along with a hard coded value.

insert into TABLE1
((select SYSTEM_ID from TABLE2 where
=('USER1'))),(select SYSTEM_ID from TABLE2 where USER_ID

I get the following-

Msg 512, Level 16, State 1, Line 1

Subquery returned more than 1 value. This is not permitted when the subquery follows =, !=, <, <= , >, >= or when the subquery is used as an expression.

The statement has been terminated.

Do I need to use a cursor?

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Transact SQL :: Avoid Same Table Multiple Times Rather Than Put Records In Single Table And Use It Throughout

Nov 19, 2015

There are 3 tables Property , PropertyExternalReference , PropertyAssesmentValuation which are common for 60 business rule

 PE.PropertyExternalReferenceValue  [BAReferenceNumber]
, PA.DescriptionCode
, PV.ValuationEffectiveDate
, PV.PropertyListAlterationDate


Can we push the data for the above query in a physical table and create index to make the query fast rather than using the same set  tables multiple times 

View 11 Replies View Related

Easiest Way To Update Lots Of Records

Apr 26, 2007

I have a database where several thousand records have NULL in a binary field.  I want to change all the NULLs to false.  I have Visual Studio 5, and the database is a SQL Server 5 database on a remote server.  What is the easiest way to do this?  Is there a query I can run that will set all ReNew to false where ReNew is Null?  This is a live database so I want to get it right.  I can't afford to mess it up.Diane 

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Easiest Way To Recreate Jobs Between Servers

Aug 27, 1999


What is the easiest way to recreate jobs running on one server on another server?

Thank you


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Easiest Way To Copy A MS-SQL Database From One Machine To Another

Jul 23, 2005

Can anyone recommend the easiest way to get a full copy of a database fromone server to another. The servers are not part of the same organization ornetwork.I have received a backup of the database created with enterprise manager butam unable to restore it into a database of the same name on my server.Thanks,Kevin

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How To Backup/restore Entire Database In Easiest Way?

Jan 14, 2005


I'm found this sample for BACKUP DATABASE statement in SQL Server 2000 Book
Online, but is seemed that only save file to server. How can I save backup
file to local computer? or there is other way as easy as this statement for
backup/restore database?

-- Create a logical backup device for the full MyNwind backup.
USE master
EXEC sp_addumpdevice 'disk', 'MyNwind_1',
DISK ='c:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL ServerMSSQLBACKUPMyNwind_1.dat'

-- Back up the full MyNwind database.


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