Easiest And Performance Effective Way To Store Blob Into Varchar Column

Feb 8, 2007

My package dumps the errors into a table. The problem is, it couldnt dump Error Output column to a varchar field. I have added an script component in between to transform to string but no success.

I tried ErrorOutput.GetBlobData(0, ErrorOutput.Length)

but when I query the database, it says "System.Byte[]'

I will appreciate the responses to this post.


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Blob Text Or Varchar?

Jan 10, 2002

hi everyone a question for all you wise men out there! ;-)

i run a db with thousands of reviews, interviews, article and so on. What's better: 1) leaving all the articles on .txt files and then using the file system object to show them in the page; 2) insert the articles in the db splitting them in several varchar fields 3) insert the articles in the db using the text/blob fields

thanx, it's a very hard question for me!

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Where Are BLOB Or VAR**(MAX) Data Store?

Apr 7, 2007


i learned that BLOB data types are out-row data by default, i think it means it will not store in the row of table, because the max-length of a col is 8KB.

but will the system store those BLOB data? and is there any way to specify where should it be stored, like tha Partition Schema.

i am using SQL Express, so i hope it works for express.(partition does not work for express)

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SQL Server 2012 :: Merging Two Tables Using Effective Start And Effective End Date Fields

Sep 10, 2015

I have two tables. Status and Fourhistory tables.Status table contains a status column with effectivestart and end dates as history. This column is having history at month level.

Fourhistory table maintains 4 columns as part of history with the use of effectivestart and end dates. Here history capturing is at day level.

Desired Result: I want to merge the status column into FourHistory table.Below i have given some possible sample scenarios which i face and the third table contains the expected ouput.how to achieve this in T-SQL query.

create table dbo.#Status(
ID varchar(50),
Status varchar(50),
EffectiveStartDate datetime,
EffectiveEndDate datetime,
Is_Current bit


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How To Insert BLOB Data Using Store Procedure

Apr 2, 2007

Hi,Can we insert BLOB data using store procedure using Oracle and ASP.Net.I have inserted BLOB data using insert command, now i want to insert that BLOB via store procedure....any links/tips  will be helpful...

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Performance Issue On BLOB

Sep 7, 2007

Hi there,

I have a table with 3 fields:

blobSize INT NOT NULL,

which is filled with ~4000 rows with images about 70-80kB in size.

What I can't understand is why it should take so much time to get a single image from the database. It actually takes about the same amount of time to get one image as it does to get them all. I'm using the following statements:

SELECT * FROM images;
4071 rows in set (11.52 sec)

SELECT * FROM images WHERE id=10;
1 row in set (4.63 sec)

SELECT blobSize FROM images;
4071 rows in set (0.02 sec)

Is there something to do about this seemingly bad performance? I understand I could store the path to the image file on the hard drive, but I thought it'd be nice to only have one file to make a backup of instead of thousands. This issue might force me to reconsider if nothing can be done to speed things up.

I'd be grateful if anyone could help me out.

Best Regards,
Kristian Tarning

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Sending Blob Field To Client In Chunks - Poor Performance On W2K And OS X

May 6, 2004

I'm using the code below to send files that are in a blob file in my database to the browser client. The code sends the file in chunks in order to increase performance. The file I'm using to test with is 7MB. It works great on Windows XP with any browser. It takes virtually the same amount of time compared to downloading the file directly from the webserver. However, Windows 2000 and Mac OS X both take about 4x the amount of time it takes to download the file on XP machines. Why the performance difference? Is there anything I can do to fix this? I tried downloading the file directly from the webserver instead of getting it out of the database and it takes the same amount of time on all 3 OS. I had the same problem on Windows XP when I wasn't sending the file in chunks, but after using the code below, it started working for XP only.

Dim bufferSize As Integer = 24000
Dim outbyte(bufferSize - 1) As Byte
Dim retval As Long
Dim startIndex As Long = 0

Dim sql As String = "SELECT ..."
Dim cmd As New SqlCommand(sql, conn)
Dim dr As SqlDataReader = cmd.ExecuteReader(CommandBehavior.SequentialAccess)
If dr.Read() Then
' Reset the starting byte for a new BLOB.
startIndex = 0

' Read bytes into outbyte() and retain the number of bytes returned.
retval = dr.GetBytes(DocCol, startIndex, outbyte, 0, bufferSize)
Current.Response.Buffer = True
Current.Response.ContentType = "application/octet-stream"
Current.Response.AddHeader("Content-Disposition", "attachment; filename=" & myfile" & "." & myextension)

Do While retval = bufferSize

' Reposition the start index to the end of the last buffer and fill the buffer.
startIndex += bufferSize
retval = dr.GetBytes(DocCol, startIndex, outbyte, 0, bufferSize)

'Write the remainder of the last chunk
Dim remaining(retval) As Byte
Array.Copy(outbyte, 0, remaining, 0, retval)
End If

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Problems Moving Data Over 8000k In DB2 Varchar Column Into SQL Server Varchar(max) Using SSIS

Nov 20, 2007

I have looked far and wide and have not found anything that works to allow me to resolve this issue.

I am moving data from DB2 using the MS OLEDB Provider for DB2. The OLEDB source sees the column of data as DT_TEXT. I setup a destination to SQL Server 2005 and everything looks good until I try and run the package.

I get the error:
[OLE DB Source [277]] Error: An OLE DB error has occurred. Error code: 0x80040E21. An OLE DB record is available. Source: "Microsoft DB2 OLE DB Provider" Hresult: 0x80040E21 Description: "Multiple-step OLE DB operation generated errors. Check each OLE DB status value, if available. No work was done.".

[OLE DB Source [277]] Error: Failed to retrieve long data for column "LIST_DATA_RCVD".

[OLE DB Source [277]] Error: There was an error with output column "LIST_DATA_RCVD" (324) on output "OLE DB Source Output" (287). The column status returned was: "DBSTATUS_UNAVAILABLE".

[OLE DB Source [277]] Error: The "output column "LIST_DATA_RCVD" (324)" failed because error code 0xC0209071 occurred, and the error row disposition on "output column "LIST_DATA_RCVD" (324)" specifies failure on error. An error occurred on the specified object of the specified component.

[DTS.Pipeline] Error: The PrimeOutput method on component "OLE DB Source" (277) returned error code 0xC0209029. The component returned a failure code when the pipeline engine called PrimeOutput(). The meaning of the failure code is defined by the component, but the error is fatal and the pipeline stopped executing.

Any suggestions on how I can get the large string data in the varchar column in DB2 into the varchar(max) column in SQL Server 2005?

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Sum Of Column Of Blob Type

Apr 10, 2007

I have a column in my table that is an Image (blob). The data storedin this blob is basically pdf files. I need a query to determine thetotal size of these blob's in the database. Here is what ishappening, if I run it as below I get 23736000 for a result.select sum(datalength (cast(document AS binary(8000)))) fromplan_reportIf I run it like this select sum(datalength (cast(document ASvarbinary(8000)))) from plan_reportI get 23736000 also as a resultIf I run it like this select sum(datalength (cast(document ASvarbinary))) from plan_reportI get 89010 this as a resultIf I run this: select datalength(document) from plan_report then Iget a result for each row and when I sum those rows I get 5584452854this as a result.I do not believe the first 3 queries are returning correct result setsdue to the limit on the fields (binary/varbinary) and since this is animage field I cannot convert to anything else.....I am out of ideas, and any help you can give me will be greatlyappreciated...

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Can Varchar(max) Store Images In Sql ?

Jun 18, 2007

If you serialize the image into a string ?  If you want to save a byte array to a string, do you have to use a base64 encoded string ?

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Can I Save Textbox Data To BLOB Column?

Oct 21, 2005

Hi experts,
  I have a textbox and a upload file function in my asp.net page.User can either copy/paste their resume in text or upload their resume file and submit the application.The uploaded file will be saved into a BLOB column, but do you know if text in textbox can be saved into BLOB column? 
I received error message on the code:'save Applicant resume to a BLOB-image datatype column objComd.Parameters.Add(New SqlParameter("@AppResume", SqlDbType.NText))
error:Exception has been thrown by the target of an invocation.Operand type clash:ntext is incompatible with image

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Tiff File Corrupted After Reading From Blob Column

Apr 11, 2006

I use this code to get Tiff files from db , but output file seems to be corrupted :
Dim pubsConn As SqlConnection = New SqlConnection("Server=(local);uid=sa2;pwd=sony;database=pubs;")        Dim logoCMD As SqlCommand = New SqlCommand("SELECT pub_id, logo FROM pub_info", pubsConn)
        Dim fs As FileStream                 ' Writes the BLOB to a file (*.bmp).        Dim bw As BinaryWriter               ' Streams the binary data to the FileStream object.
        Dim bufferSize As Integer = 100      ' The size of the BLOB buffer.        Dim outbyte(bufferSize - 1) As Byte  ' The BLOB byte() buffer to be filled by GetBytes.        Dim retval As Long                   ' The bytes returned from GetBytes.        Dim startIndex As Long = 0           ' The starting position in the BLOB output.
        Dim pub_id As String = ""            ' The publisher id to use in the file name.
        ' Open the connection and read data into the DataReader.        pubsConn.Open()        Dim myReader As SqlDataReader = logoCMD.ExecuteReader(CommandBehavior.SequentialAccess)
        Do While myReader.Read()            ' Get the publisher id, which must occur before getting the logo.            pub_id = myReader.GetString(0)                        ' Create a file to hold the output.            fs = New FileStream("\Server1shared1logo" & "KK" & ".tiff", FileMode.OpenOrCreate, FileAccess.Write)            bw = New BinaryWriter(fs)
            ' Reset the starting byte for a new BLOB.            startIndex = 0
            ' Read bytes into outbyte() and retain the number of bytes returned.            retval = myReader.GetBytes(1, startIndex, outbyte, 0, bufferSize)
            ' Continue reading and writing while there are bytes beyond the size of the buffer.            Do While retval = bufferSize                bw.Write(outbyte)                bw.Flush()
                ' Reposition the start index to the end of the last buffer and fill the buffer.                startIndex += bufferSize                retval = myReader.GetBytes(1, startIndex, outbyte, 0, bufferSize)            Loop
            ' Write the remaining buffer.            bw.Write(outbyte, 0, retval - 1)            bw.Flush()            ' Close the output file.            bw.Close()            fs.Close()        Loop
        ' Close the reader and the connection.        myReader.Close()        pubsConn.Close()
        Me.Div1.InnerHtml = ("<embed height=650 width=100% toolbar='' src= '" & "\Server1shared1logoKK.tiff" & "' type='application/x-alternatiff'>")

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How To Calculate The Space (size In Bytes) Used By A BLOB Column In A Row

Dec 3, 2007

What is the easiest way to calculate the space (size in bytes) used by a BLOB column that is already stored in a particular row?


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Using Varchar To Store A Sting Of Values From A Checkboxlist

Aug 25, 2004

I am using the varchar data type in sql to store a comma-delimited string of multiple selections from a checkboxlist.

The string only has about 28-30 characters in it, but it maxes out the sql row length and I get the 8060 error message every time.

Here is some of the code:

"Dim industry1list As String
Dim li As ListItem
industry1list = ""
For Each li In industry1.Items
If li.Selected = True Then
industry1list = industry1list & li.Value & ","
End If
MyCommand.Parameters.Add(New SqlParameter("@industry1", SqlDbType.VarChar, 60))
MyCommand.Parameters("@industry1").Value = (industry1list)"

I would appreciate any coaching you have for me to get back on track. Thanks, Bob

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Store As VARCHAR Or Normalise In A Child Table?

Jun 1, 2007

Should I change my current design which has a Lookup Child Table and a Parent Table containing a ID link tot he Child Table, and instead just putting a varchar for the Value in the Parent Table?

The issue is that the value is unique for a large percentage of cases (although some specific values reoccur very frequently).

However, the parent table has a high number of inserts, and that in turn often requires inserts to the Child Table, which in turn pushes the Child Table out of shape, and performance suffers.

The data is very seldom used (usually for debugging only)

Should I de-Normalise this for performance?

Details of the actual circumstances:

I have a table that Logs each "page hit" on our web site. That stores the "Referrer".

We store the Referrer for the SESSION separately (the first page viewed will have an external referrer, thereafter all pages will have an "internal" referrer).

This Referrer data is used VERY LITTLE - just for the occasional debugging issue.

Within some URLs are frequently used (www.mydomain.com/HOME.ASP) and others contain &Parameters and stuff and are either relatively unique(www.mydomain.com/ViewBasket.ASP&BasketID=1234) or variable (www.mydomain.com/ViewProduct.ASP&ProductID=1234)

Currently I store the Referrer in a Child "Lookup" Table, and the PK ID in the "Logging" Table.

Some analysis of the data shows:

119,509 rows (pages logged [purged after a couple of days, only includes data where the Referrer is not blank!])

Of those there are 10,760 distinct Referrer values. An average of 11 Page Hits per Referrer value.

On the face of it that suggests that using a child table is good! However, for each row inserted into the Page Hit table I have to do the following to get the Referrer ID:

SELECT @MyReferrerID = ID FROM MyLookupTable WHERE MyValue = @MyReferrerValue
INSERT ... @MyReferrerValue ...

(MyLookupTable has a PK on [ID] and a Unique Index on [MyValue] )

(In a busy month we will add 100,000 rows to this Lookup table, in a slack month 20,000. These get "purged" after a while, so the table size stays about the same. The table is defragged [if required] daily and the Stats updated. There are 350,000 rows in MyLookupTable)

Obviously some values in MyLookupTable reoccur, others are unique - and get purged after a while. Inserting these new entries pushes MyLookupTable out of shape, the SHOW_STATISTICS start to look awful, an sp_recompile sorts it out (Why? The query plan doesn't change ... although obviously the "shape" of the table has, maybe the Stats got auto-updated, would that change anything?)

So I'm thinking about just storing @MyReferrer as a VARCHAR in the Logging table, and throwing away MyLookupTable.

So really I'm just looking at performance, not Normalisation ...

What do you think?


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Transact SQL :: Export BLOB (varbinary Max) Column To Excel Or CSV File?

May 20, 2015

I have a table in one of my databases that stores files in one of its columns. I need to be able to export this BLOB column into either a CSV or Excel file. I am forbidden from using xp_Cmdshell so I was wondering if there was a way to do this in the Cmd prompt.

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I Can Return INT From A Store Procedure But Get Error When OUTPUT A Varchar

Mar 21, 2008

My store procedure get the QuestionID (PK) from the page and then it's to return a few varchars but gives me the error that string can't be converted to int. ALTER PROCEDURE [dbo].[usp_getQuestionsforEditPopulateText]@QuestionID int,@QuestionDescription varchar(MAX) OUTPUT,@Option1 varchar(50) OUTPUT,@Option2 varchar(50) OUTPUT,@Option3 varchar(50) OUTPUT,@Option4 varchar(50) OUTPUT,@Option5 varchar(50) OUTPUT,@reference varchar(50) OUTPUT,@chb1 int OUTPUT,@chb2 int OUTPUT,@chb3 int OUTPUT,@chb4 int OUTPUT,@chb5 int OUTPUTAsSet @QuestionDescription =(Select questionDescription from QuestionsBank Where questionID = @QuestionID)Set @Option1 =(Select optionDescription from options Where questionID = @QuestionID and optionNumber = 1)Set @Option2 =(Select optionDescription from options Where questionID = @QuestionID and optionNumber = 2)Set @Option3 =(Select optionDescription from options Where questionID = @QuestionID and optionNumber = 3)Set @Option4 =(Select optionDescription from options Where questionID = @QuestionID and optionNumber = 4)Set @Option5 =(Select optionDescription from options Where questionID = @QuestionID and optionNumber = 5)Set @reference = (Select referencedescription from reference where questionID = @QuestionID)Set @chb1 = (Select correctOption from options where questionID = @QuestionID and optionNumber = 1)Set @chb2 = (Select correctOption from options where questionID = @QuestionID and optionNumber = 2)Set @chb3 = (Select correctOption from options where questionID = @QuestionID and optionNumber = 3)Set @chb4 = (Select correctOption from options where questionID = @QuestionID and optionNumber = 4)Set @chb5 = (Select correctOption from options where questionID = @QuestionID and optionNumber = 5) RETURN This is what the page callsDim dbConnection As System.Data.IDbConnection = New System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection("myconnectionstring ")        Dim cmdUpdate As New Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand("usp_getQuestionsforEditPopulateText", dbConnection)        cmdUpdate.CommandType = Data.CommandType.StoredProcedure        cmdUpdate.Parameters.Add(New Data.SqlClient.SqlParameter("@QuestionID", Data.SqlDbType.Int))        cmdUpdate.Parameters("@QuestionID").Value = QuestionID               cmdUpdate.Parameters.Add(New Data.SqlClient.SqlParameter("@QuestionDescription", Data.SqlDbType.VarChar))        cmdUpdate.Parameters("@QuestionDescription").Direction = Data.ParameterDirection.Output        cmdUpdate.Parameters.Add(New Data.SqlClient.SqlParameter("@Option1", Data.SqlDbType.VarChar))        cmdUpdate.Parameters("@Option1").Direction = Data.ParameterDirection.Output        cmdUpdate.Parameters.Add(New Data.SqlClient.SqlParameter("@Option2", Data.SqlDbType.VarChar))        cmdUpdate.Parameters("@Option2").Direction = Data.ParameterDirection.Output        cmdUpdate.Parameters.Add(New Data.SqlClient.SqlParameter("@Option3", Data.SqlDbType.VarChar))        cmdUpdate.Parameters("@Option3").Direction = Data.ParameterDirection.Output        cmdUpdate.Parameters.Add(New Data.SqlClient.SqlParameter("@Option4", Data.SqlDbType.VarChar))        cmdUpdate.Parameters("@Option4").Direction = Data.ParameterDirection.Output        cmdUpdate.Parameters.Add(New Data.SqlClient.SqlParameter("@Option5", Data.SqlDbType.VarChar))        cmdUpdate.Parameters("@Option5").Direction = Data.ParameterDirection.Output        cmdUpdate.Parameters.Add(New Data.SqlClient.SqlParameter("@reference", Data.SqlDbType.VarChar))        cmdUpdate.Parameters("@reference").Direction = Data.ParameterDirection.Output        cmdUpdate.Parameters.Add(New Data.SqlClient.SqlParameter("@chb1", Data.SqlDbType.Int))        cmdUpdate.Parameters("@chb1").Direction = Data.ParameterDirection.Output        cmdUpdate.Parameters.Add(New Data.SqlClient.SqlParameter("@chb2", Data.SqlDbType.Int))        cmdUpdate.Parameters("@chb2").Direction = Data.ParameterDirection.Output        cmdUpdate.Parameters.Add(New Data.SqlClient.SqlParameter("@chb3", Data.SqlDbType.Int))        cmdUpdate.Parameters("@chb3").Direction = Data.ParameterDirection.Output        cmdUpdate.Parameters.Add(New Data.SqlClient.SqlParameter("@chb4", Data.SqlDbType.Int))        cmdUpdate.Parameters("@chb4").Direction = Data.ParameterDirection.Output        cmdUpdate.Parameters.Add(New Data.SqlClient.SqlParameter("@chb5", Data.SqlDbType.Int))        cmdUpdate.Parameters("@chb5").Direction = Data.ParameterDirection.Output        'open connection        dbConnection.Open()        'Execute non query        cmdUpdate.ExecuteNonQuery()        'close connection        dbConnection.Close() 

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Performance Issue Of Varchar Or NULL

Aug 13, 2000

We use SQL 7.0 and I want to know some guideline for choosing varchar or char data type. I heard that varchar takes more computation than char, then we should use all character type as a char. If then, it will takes more storage, so Is there any guideline for choosing varchar data type?
And also, Is the NULL value type same as varchar data type ?

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% Performance Impact If Use Varchar Instead Of Char?

Feb 19, 2004

Anybody have any idea howmuch % of performance will be affect if we are using varchar instead of char data type?.

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NVARCHAR Vs VARCHAR Datatype And Performance

Aug 20, 2001

We have few stored procedures that use nvarchar datatype, this was not issue on SQL server 7.0 but in 2000 becomes a big issue.
For example query that runs for 3 minutes in SQL server 2000 by replacing NVARCHAR to VARCHAR the same query runs for 2 seconds.
The biggest challenge that I have deals with tables and user-defined datatypes of NVARCHAR that has been bounded to the table.
How can I alter those without data corruption?

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Performance Comparison Between VARCHAR And CLOB?

Jul 20, 2006

Any idea on performance comparison between VARCHAR and CLOB? For example, if I want to insert or update 4000 characters in a field of a row and I am confused whether that column's type would better be decalred as VARCHAR or CLOB, what do you suggest?

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SQL Server 2005 Varchar And Performance

Sep 4, 2007

Does using varchar in SQL Server 2005 significantly affect performance on updates?

Why or why not?

I have seen many SQL Server databases with many varchar columns - in other databases other than SQL Server it is advised not to use varchar because it significantly impacts performance.

I am trying to weigh when to waste space to help performance.

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Parse And Performance On Store Procedure

Oct 4, 2002

Hi All,

My question is: can the parse of this command bellow afect the perfomance of my store procedure.

SET @sql = 'insert xxx select TOP ' + CAST(@a as varchar)+ ' * from yyy where zzz = ''' + @zzz + ''' and yyy = ''' + @yyy + ''' order by zzz desc, yyy desc, www desc' exec (@sql)



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What To Store For Best Performance To Track Visitors? (was I Need Your Suggestions)

Jan 9, 2006


I am writing a script to track visitors..
I will report them hourly,daily,weekly,monthly,yearly

what should I store them for best performance ?

the example below is the best ??


1bla bla bla16/1/2006 10:02
2bla bla bla26/1/2006 10:03
3bla bla bla36/1/2006 10:03
4bla bla bla46/1/2006 10:03
5bla bla bla56/1/2006 10:03
6bla bla bla66/1/2006 10:03

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Which ConnectionType It's More Performance? ADO.NET Or OLEDB For Execute A Store Procedure In A SQL Task?

Nov 20, 2007

Hi, I'd like to know which is the best choice to execute a store procedure that execute transformations from table to files using bcp command, 2 millions rows everyday (i'ts a Data Warehouse database). So in the sql task in connectionType I had choiced ADO.NET is the best option?

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Store Procedure/scripts For Monitoring Replication Status And Performance

Jan 8, 2007

Hi guys , may I know is there any examples of store procedure/scripts for monitoring replication status and performance ? I just know about sp_replmonitorhelppublisher. Thx for the assistance.



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Problem In Converting MS Access OLE Object[Image] Column To BLOB (binary Large Object Bitmap)

May 27, 2008

Hi All,
i have a table in MS Access with CandidateId and Image column. Image column is in OLE object  format. i need to move this to SQL server 2005 with CandidateId column with integer and candidate Image column to Image datatype.
its very udgent, i need any tool to move this to SQL server 2005 or i need a code to move this table from MS Access to SQL server 2005 in C#.
please do the needfull ASAP. waiting for your reply
with regards

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To BLOB Or Not To BLOB, That Is The Question.

Aug 1, 2006

We are debating what is industry “best practice� for serving huge numbers of images in an industrial scale website. More directly, which approach produces the best performance and the best scalability? For example, how do sites like ebay, Amazon, and other large sites handle the millions or billions of images they must deal with?
Store as BLOB in sql server?
Store in /images folder and store url text into sql server?
We always assumed that the second approach is what most sites must do. But do they?
One developer on our team maintains that storing one million or more image files in a directory will most certainly result in poor performance, because the server must scan the directory, searching for the correct file, each time a web request is made. The directory is not indexed (?) so performance must eventually suffer.
Other developer counters that storing millions of images as BLOBs into sql server will result in poor performance and HUGE database. An additional layer of access (webserver to sql server, back to webserver, then to client) causes a delay and performance hit.
 Who is right? What do the gurus as the world class sites do?

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How To Use Varchar With Int Column

Jul 23, 2005

Hi,I am writing a SP in MSSQL. One of the parameted is VARCHAR typewhich have comma seperated INT vlaues. I want to use this varible inWHERE clause against INT type coloum. how do I achive this.eg. DECLARE @CompanyTypeIDs VARCHAR(200)SET @CompanyTypeIDs = '1,3,2'Currently I am using it asSELECT CompanyTypeID FROM Company WHERE CompanyTypeID IN (1,2,3)CompanyTypeID is of INT type.But I want to replace the consts with the Parameter passed as belowSELECT CompanyTypeID FROM Company WHERE CompanyTypeID IN(@CompanyTypeIDs) - but this is not giving any result.Please let me know the solution.Many Thanks,Mahesh

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Varchar Column Check

Sep 21, 2004

Can't seem to get my head around this: I'm looking for a way to select only those varchar(10) values that soley consist of numbers. Leading spaces are allowed.

I tried using isnumeric, but it also allows those with periods, comma's etc.
Also tried using like, but the length of the varchar column varies too much to do a like '[0-9][0-9]....'.

As a solution I currently do a combo of isnumeric, not like '%.%', not like '%,%' etc. I need to do a conversion to an int to join another table, but the convert still fails. Not sure where and why.

I'm thinking there should be a better way than create a hughe list of "not like " but it looks like I'm in the woods here...

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Parsing A Varchar(79) Column

May 18, 2006

Hi,I have a varchar column with values like:000 BNP=Item one HOP=Item two LLT=Item three001 LLT=Item one002 BNP=Item one LLT=Item twoI want to parse this rows into a table similar to the following output:000 BNP=Item one000 HOP=Item two000 LLT=ItemThree001 LLT=Item one002 BNP=Item one002 LLT=Item twoHas anybody done a similar assignment? Can you share me your solution?Thank you much!Edgar J.

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Index On A Varchar Column?

Jul 20, 2005

In an effort to improve the speed of queries against my main table,I'll be indexing a column whose data type is varchar(50).Would I be better off (better performance) if I changed the column'sdata type to some numeric type? I would have to update the column'sdata to accomodate this, but I would do it if this offers aperformance gain.-- Bill

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Output Varchar Column

May 3, 2006


I am dumping varchar(40) column from a OLE DB Source to Excel file but it is failing due this error

[Excel Destination [239]] Error: Column "ItemDescription" cannot convert between unicode and non-unicode string data types.

How can I resolve this issue?


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