Editing User Account

Mar 7, 2008

ung txtConPass ko is ung Confirmation input textbox
ung txtNewPass ko is ung New Password input textbox
ung oldPass ko is ung Old Password existing
ung highlighted texts ko, dat is not working. That is my problem.
I need to check if the old password that he typed is existing. When it is existing, then update the db. But if not, do not update. The problem is, even if the password that he typed does not correspond to the user that he is editing, still the data is being updated. Please help me fix it. Maybe I have to use other codes. Tnx!

Private Sub OK_Button_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles OK_Button.Click
Me.DialogResult = System.Windows.Forms.DialogResult.OK
Dim oldPass As String = frmUsers.UsersDataGridView.SelectedRows(0).DataBoundItem(2).ToString
Dim check As Boolean = True

If Me.txtConPass.Text.Length = 0 Or Me.txtNewPass.Text.Length = 0 Then
check = False
ElseIf Not Me.txtConPass.Text.ToString.Equals(Me.txtNewPass.Text.ToString) Then
check = False
ElseIf Me.PasswordTextBox.Text.ToString.Equals(oldPass) Then
check = True
End If

If check = True Then
Me.UsersTableAdapter.UpdateQueryBySearchID(Me.UsernameTextBox.Text, Me.txtNewPass.Text, Me.NameTextbox.Text, frmUsers.UsersDataGridView.SelectedRows(0).DataBoundItem(0).ToString)
Me.txtConPass.Text = ""
Me.txtNewPass.Text = ""
MsgBox("Your account has been updated.", MsgBoxStyle.Information)
MsgBox("Unable to update data.", MsgBoxStyle.Exclamation)
End If
End Sub

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Editing User Defined Constraints

Nov 20, 2007

I am working with SQL server management studio express and have added a variety of user- defined constraints to my table. I would like to edit these constraints (not using T-SQL if possible), but I can't find where they are stored! When I made them I didn't really keep track of what I named them, or how exactly I defined them, as I was assuming i would be able to go back easily and change them, in some sort of object-explorer/editor type window- but that is exactly what I can't find.

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This Record Has Been Changed By Another User Since You Started Editing It....

Jul 9, 2002

I am getting the following error while trying to update a SQL Server 7.0 table thru' MS Access('97 version). It was working fine until now. This problem started happening after re-linking the table to MS Access as new columns have been added on the SQL Server table. We tried re-starting the MS Access,re-linking the table again,giving all the permissions to the user on the table etc. Also, no other user is accessing the table at the same time..Any help?

Error message in MS Access:

This record has been changed by another user since you started editing it. If you save the record, you will overwrite the changes the other user made.

Copying the changes to the clipboard will let you look at the values the other user entered, and then paste your changes back in if you decide to make changes.


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How To Disable User From Editing In Enterprise Manager

Aug 4, 2004

I have couple sql servers. Users need to login and view tables and stored procedures, for that they use enterprise manager, recently one of the user logged in to one server and accidently stopped another sql server through service manager.
How can I prevent user from accessing service manager but still be able to open enterprise manager ?? I would like also if it is possible to hide from user view certain things like dts packages, jobs ,etc

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Rda - User Account What

Nov 27, 2007


I'm using RDA from my Windows Mobile. On my developer computer I've set up anonymous authentication against my IIS. Now I want to set it up for real. What access should the RdaUser account have that I use in IIS to be able to work correct against the Sql Server 2005? Is User group preveliges ok? In Sql Server 2005 do I need to add the RdaUser to Server Logins and map against my database?


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Question About User Account

Nov 7, 2005

Hi all,I would like to know how I can retrieve the user ID and password from the DB if I have created a new user account using SQL server 2000?  I want to create a login page in .aspx page but I am not sure how I can pull out the login info from the DB and then compare with the uesr input? Is that any specific table store the user ID and password by default?I would be very appreciated for any code example in both conditions (window authentication and SQL server authentication). Thanks.

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User Account In Replication

Sep 8, 2003

I want to do bidirectional transactional replication on two seperate servers. I have successfully achieved the same on single machine with 2 seperate databases.
For seperate servers which user account should I use.


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Can Renaming Of User Account On AD Cause This?

Apr 17, 2006


My original account on the AD (Active Directory) was Usr129 and at that time I had installed MSDE on my local box - due to which my "local MSSQLServer" was also called Usr129.

Sometime back our LAN administrator renamed the accounts of all users. My new account on the AD (after this renaming) became GBUsr1177. Untill recently, my "local MSSQLServer" also appeared to have easily go through this renaming activity and thus my local installation became GBUsr1177.

Recently I started to have performance problem (on everything that I do on my local SQL installation via Enterprise manager) and I have this "feeling" that probably at the bacground it is still searching for the old SQL installation???

Can someone please guide me regarding how to get out of this (without re-installating everything).

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Domain User Account

Nov 3, 2006

New to SQL Server. Plan to install SQL Server 2005 standard edition on Windows 2k3. After searched a lot of places, still don't understand what exactly "domain user account" is. Could someone explain it to me?
1. Is this a OS account where SQL Server is running?
2. Or, is this an account under domain controller on other machine? Is this an account on DNS srver? How do I create it?
3. Or, is this an account in SQL Server?

Where is this account located? How do I manage it?


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How To Enable A User Account

Sep 20, 2007

I found the the status of guest account in model database is abnormal,but i don't know how to make it active.

any suggestions?


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Sa User Account Info

Mar 9, 2006

i usually use the windows authentication mode when accessing my sql server but now that i need to use the SA account i can't seem to remember the password. is there any way that i could just reset the password for the SA account?

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Whether To Use Local System Account Or Domain Account For Service Account

Jan 5, 2006

During install of SQL Server 2005, we can of course use a domain account or the built-in system account for running the services.  I lean toward domain for obvious reaons but would like to know a +/- to each option and why I'd choose one over the other and what consequences or limitations one may encounter if I choose one over the other.

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Migrate A Local SQL User Account

Mar 5, 2004

whats the simplest way to migrate a user account from a master development SQL server to local development sql servers and also to a production server?

we can recreate the SQL account everywhere, but if we take a backup from one machine and restore to another, we loose access because the accounts arent truly the same account.

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Using A SQL Query To Create A User Account.

Sep 17, 2005

I need to be able to have users run a query under the 'sa' account that will create another account that will just be used for reading and writing to a specific database.  Is there a way to do this with just a sql script or can you only set up logins and accounts from the enterprise manager?

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Urgent Problem With Dbo User Account

Aug 7, 2002

to make a long story short... our sql server crashed.
I managed to recover the database without loosing any data but in the
process the database user accounts became out of sychn. with sql logins.
I resolved most of these by deleting the accounts from the sysusers table for the database.
the one problem I have remaining is that the user dbo for the database has login value of blank or null... how do I get around this, I tried using sp_change_users_login but it sql did not like it.
thanks for any help.

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NTlogin User Account To Sql 2000

Dec 15, 2004

is there a way to move login names or Win 2000 active directory to SQL?
need to get NT login name, emp id to database so i can use for some other application and the way to automate update like in DTS


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How To Change The User Account And Password

May 23, 2008


I m swagatika and working on a s/w company.I am facing some problem in MS SqlServer2005.

my problem is:-

i installed sql server2005 completely .At the install time , i set the username='xyz' and password=blank (windows authentication mode).

Now i want to change my user account to 'sa' and password to blank.

After installation,how to change the user account and password.

Please can anybody help me ?

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Permissions For Domain User Account

Jun 8, 2007

I want to use a domain user account not belonging to local admin or domain admin groups in SQL 2000/2005 Enterprise edition. This is what I've done so far..
On the machine that is the Domain Controller:
- installed SQL 2005 as a domain admin

- created a domain user account using Active Directory Users and Computers. This user is only

"Member of" domain users; not any Administrators group.

- added this user to SQL Server Management Studio->Logins and in Server Roles assigned

sysadmin role.
Question 1: Do I need to give any additional permissions to this user to work with SQL?
Question 2: How can I test this user for basic SQL operations like database creation? Can I use Osql?
Question 3: Can I use this user account to login to my domain controller using remote desktop? I tried adding this user to remote users, but in vain.


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Creating WorkGroup/User Account In MSDE2000

Mar 3, 2004


I am using MS Access project as a frontend and MSDE 2000 as a backend database. I have few users and i want to give every one restricted access to database based on their use.

How can i create user accounts. I checked tools-->Security--> but workgroup admin option is not active. How to solve this puzzle

Thanks in advance


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How Many People Can Login To SQL Server With The Same User Account?

Mar 8, 1999

I'm developing a client-server application using Visual Basic and SQL Server
6.5 for 700 users. The application currently requires users to login to the
database using their network account (via trusted connections). Each of the
users takes up a maximum of 6 connections. Unfortunately, other
considerations will force us to discard use of trusted connections. So it
only leaves us either to create 700 user accounts on SQL Server separately
from their network logins or to create one SQL Server account and everybody
uses that same account to login to the database. For political reasons, the
customer would prefer not to ask their support group to maintain 700 user
accounts on SQL Server if it can be avoided.

My question: is there any technical limitation or other negative consequence
of having 700 users login to the same account to SQL Server if SQL Server
can handle that many connections (it would be 6*700 = 4200 connections)
simultaneously? Are we supposed to do things like this? It seems that we
don’t have better choice than this.

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Display Current Password For User Account

Aug 20, 2007

Hi everyone -

Is there a way to display the current password for a user account
on SQL server 2000???


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How To Use Sql Server In Limited Window User Account

Oct 16, 2006

Ankush Jain writes "I m using Sql Server 2000 in Windoes XP (SP2) with Limited Window Account.
I m new to Sql Server.Please You can tell me how to create database.
When i expand the console root in Enterprise Manager it will show an error : "A connection could not be established to Local""

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Domain User Or Local System Account ?

Jul 20, 2005

Hello,My server is part of a W2K domain. What do you advice me as account torun my SQL*Server, service started with a domain user account or aslocal system ?I need advices from a security point of view.Thank's in advance

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SQL Server 2005 Agent - User Account

Jun 26, 2007

Who needs to invoke the jobs in SQL05? Manually executing the job import_myteam as a user with dbo privileges fails. So, which user account should be assigned to successfully run scheduled jobs (ie, dbo)?

The package file for the job in question is located in the server€™s C:Documents and SettingsuserxyzMy DocumentsVisual Studio 2005ProjectsIntegration Services Project3Integration Services Project3MyTeam (1).dtsx, but this still fails when the user userxyz is logged on and is executing the job directly from the server console.

Step1 of the package executes as userxyz
Step 2 fails and runs as cpmc-casql02

The user account userxyz has administrator rights to the server as well as being a sysadmin of the SQL2005 database (named cpcasql02).

The account cpmc-casql02 is a €œpublic€? user of the database and is a member of the administrator group on the server itself.

This same scenario carries for tasks as simple as truncating a table and importing the contents of another table in the same database.

All of these jobs exhibit the same behavior whether run directly from the server console on remotely from a workstation connected to the SQL2005 database.

Attempting to get a really simple job working, we also created a very simple SSIS package which does a select from a database table and writes the output to a text file. When running the same package from the user€™s workstation within Visual Studio, the package executes successfully. Once copied to the server, and run from within SQLServer as MyJunePackage however, the execution fails in the same manner as described above. The first step executes successfully as the logged-in user and the second fails executed under the account cpmc-casql02.

So, again we have the same behavior of sequential steps being run as different users with unsatisfactory results. Please advise as to how to set up these jobs to run correctly and consistently.

Thanks very much,Eric W

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Check If A Windows/nt User Account Exists

Oct 26, 2006

I have some script which creates/grant priveleges to windows/nt users to DB but i frequently get the message below:

Windows NT user or group '<user or group>' not found. Check the name again.

I understand that this is because the said user/group is indeed not present in the environment I'm running the script (ie. testing and production environment).

But is it possible to have some sort of checking whether the user/group exists in the environment so that I could determine whether or not to call some lines of code?

Not sure if this is possible so i had to ask. c",)

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Setting Permissions In Sql Server 2005 For Asp User Account

May 15, 2006

How would Set permissions  Sql  Server 2005 so that I can access a  asp page created in VWD and Sql Express.
On the production server i have just the one instance of Sql
I have the following connection string in the web config file:
        <add name="ConnectionString" connectionString="server=serversNameXPRESS;uid=aspuser;pwd=aspuserPassworkd;database=DATABName" />
The account i setup to access the db in Sql 2005 Proper on the Production serve is Represented by the name in the above example as “aspuserâ€?. I created this user in security, logins. And  I gave permissions to this on the Db level “create procedure  delete, select, update insert.â€?
I get a error when i run the page in the browser that  says “login failed for aspuser.â€?
I know virtual directory is configured properly. I can run aspx page in the directory with out a db connection, without and error.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.

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TempDb Drops User Account On Server Restart?

Sep 11, 2007

Please forgive my ignorance, I am by no means a SQL Expert, but have encountered a strange issue.

I have 6 SQL Servers, Primarily SQL 2005 (one older SQL 2000) all loaded on Windows Server 2003 SP1.

We use the servers for a proprietary database that we created which is the backend to a software package we sell.

The issue I have is: We have added a Security account to the servers, and in one case we have granted rights for this account to the TempDB system database. However, whenever we restart this server SQL drops this user account, thus severing connectivity for the app that is relying on that account.

I have set the account as DB-Owner etc, but nothing sems to keep it on re-start.

Any input would be greatly appreciated.

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Drop And Add A Sql Server Login Account To Each User Database

Dec 6, 2007

I would like to write code to delete and add a SQL Login to every User database on my development server.
Whenever I restore databases to dev using production backups the SQl Server logins are invalid and I need to delete them from the user database and add them again.

I've already hard-coded a sql server job with n steps... a step for each user database to drop and add this sql user to each database. This isn't optimal since I have to add or delete a step everytime a user database is added or deleted.

Does anyone know how to write a loop or cursor that does this dynamically?
I am doing something syntactically wrong related to the GO statement.

declare @db varchar(100)

declare @message varchar(3000)


SELECT top 1 name

FROM master.sys.databases

where name not in


OPEN user_cursor

FETCH NEXT FROM user_cursor INTO @db



SELECT @message = 'use '+@db + '


+'DROP USER [SQLLogin.DataEntry]

CREATE USER [SQLLogin.DataEntry] FOR LOGIN [SQLLogin.DataEntry]

EXEC sp_addrolemember N''db_datareader'', N''SQLLogin.DataEntry''



execute @message

print @message

FETCH NEXT FROM user_cursor INTO @db


CLOSE user_cursor

DEALLOCATE user_cursor

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NT AUTHORITYNETWORK_SERVICE Vs Local User Account In SQL-Server 2005

Aug 14, 2007

Hi all,

I've recently installed SQL-Server 2005 on our production server (win server r2, .net framework 2.0, 3.0 etc ..).
In order to improve the security mechanism I'm allowing only windows authentication (not mixed mode).

If each site and the sql-process is given a specific user account, could it have some bad performance issues ?
Security-wise, which is better ?

Few things to point out:
1. The SQL process was assigned with a local user account (i.e : [machine name]SqlServerUser) and not using NT AUTHORITYNETWORK_SERVICE.
2. Every ASP.Net site on the server assigned with a local account (i.e : [machine name]SomeSiteUser) through the IIS's Directory Security tab and not using IUSR_[machine name].
3. Each "Site User" has the appropriate database authorization in sql.
Any given help will be appreciated, thanks.

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How To Create A User Account For My Web Site In SQL Server Management Studio

Feb 18, 2008

I keep getting a connection failed error message... CANNOT the DATABASE " " requested by the Login. The Login failed for User 'NT Authority/ Network Service' error and I figure I should create an account for the site to access the Database with but I do not know how to create an account in SQL server using the Management studio?? Anyone willing to give me the exact information I need to do this so I do not do something else and ruin things please??? I am not much of an SQL DBA. thanks in Advance.

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MSSQL Server 2005 Reported Account Locked Out For User 'sa'

Nov 29, 2006


I receive an error message in event log when i try to connect to the Database Server using ODBC on a client machine. The database server is running on Windows 2003 Server Standard Edition and the client machine is Windows XP Professional. Following is the error message from the event log:

2147467259 - [Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][SQL Server]Login failed for user 'sa' because the account is currently locked out. The system administrator can unlock it.

What causes the error to occur and how to resolve it?Appreciate for your assistence.

Thanks and regards,


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Login Failed For User '%.*ls'. Reason: The Password Of The Account Must Be Changed.

Apr 3, 2008

Hi All,

I have a sql server database user with Password must change, and I get this error when i use ODBC connection wizard,


Login failed for user '%.*ls'. Reason: The password of the account must be changed.

where would the windows shows up to change it similary we do when we connect through Management studio and provide new password.

Any idea.

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SQL Database User Account Access Remotely Via SQL Management Studio Express

Aug 20, 2007

Hi, I hope you can help.I have configured a Windows 2003 web server and SQL 2005 Server (on same box) to successfully allow remote connections and to allow access via SQL Server Management Studio Express 2005.The problem I have is that I want to restrict access to the databases on the server via the Management Studio to specific databases e.g. 1 database user "sees" only 1 database.I can configure it so that the user's remote  access permissions do not allow access to other databases but they can still "see" the database listed in the Management Studio explorer.I can also configure it so that the users cannot see all the databases (by disabling View All Databases on SQL Server), but this means that they cannot not see their own database which they have permissions for.Is it impossible to have the desired behaviour of only displaying the database which the remote user accessing has permissions for and hiding all other databases?I have MSN'd,Googled and Yahoo'd this one to no avail :(Many thanksFergus 

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