Edition Change Error

Mar 16, 2007

I have SQL2005 Enterprise Edition SP1 installed and am trying to add Integration Services. When I run setup I get:

- Edition Change Check (Warning)


Edition Change Check

To change an existing instance of Microsoft SQL Server 2005 to a different edition of SQL Server 2005, you must run SQL Server 2005 Setup from the command prompt and include the SKUUPGRADE=1 parameter.

The media is copied onto the drive, so the files have not changed. Its the same media and the same version. Can anyone tell my what might be the cause of the error?

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Change From Developer Edition To Enterprise Edition Of SQL Server 2005 64 Bit

May 20, 2008

We have an existing installation of SQL Server 2005 Developer Edition (64bit) that we are ready to go live with and would like to change the edition to Enterprise Edition (64bit). We have purchased all the appropriate licenses. We would like to avoid UN-installing the Developer Edition and RE-installing the Enterprise Edition. There must be some way to change a registry key, provide your serial number via a command line utility or re-run the setup with the license key provided and direct it to just change the edition from Developer to Enterprise and not change any of the other settings like service account, sa account, collation, etc. Any help is most appreciated.

Thank you,


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SQL 2000 Edition Change

Apr 21, 2006

I accidently installed SQL 2000 Enterprise Edition instead of the Standard Edition. If I uninstall Enterpise and then install Standard, can I restore the system databases, ie master, model, msdb? Are they compatible?

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Error Upgrading SQL Server 2005 From Standard Edition To Enterprise Edition (x64)

Apr 10, 2008

I am attempting to upgrade a 2005 Standard Edtion to Enterprise Edition. This is a default instance. All components are upgraded successfully except the Database Engine. I receive the following error:

SQL Server Setup has encountered the following problem: [Microsoft][SQL Native Client][SQL Server]The certificate cannot be dropped because one or more entities are either signed or encrypted using it.. To continue, correct the problem, and then run SQL Server Setup again.

This installation does not have encryption enabled, so I do not undersand the error or how to correct it.

After rebooting the SQL instance appears to be upgraded to Enterprise, but it cannot be upgraded to SP2.


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Change Edition Of Existing Isntance?

Sep 28, 2006

I have a named instance of SQL Server 2005 Developer Edition. I want to install VS Team System Foundation Server on the same box, but this needs a default instance of Standard or Enterprise edition. I installed the Standard version alongside the existing Developer instance but now I can't start SSIS and without it VSTS Foundation Server won't install.

I have tried to uninstall SSIS and reisntall it from both the Standard Edition and Developer edition media, but it makes no difference, the service still won't start.

Could the SSIS failure be due to having different editions on the same box? If so, is it possible to change the edition of the Developer instance to Standard (or to change them both to Enterprise edition) without having to uninstall and start all over again. The developer instance is used by several team members, so I don't want to have to uninstall it if I can help.

Any ideas anyone?

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Change/Move Row Position In Sql Compact Edition

May 2, 2008


I have a table with the column description. Lets imagine that I have the records:


If this was a List and I wanted to move the "c" to the first position, I would simply remove the "c" and insert it in the 0 index position.

How can I do this with sql ce?

I could create another column named position and every time I would want to change the position, I would increment every other positions below. Example, "c" goes to first position:

position - description
1 - "a"
2 - "b"
3 - "c"


1+1 - "a"
2+1 - "b"
1- "c"

1- "c"
2 - "a"
3- "b"

But if I have lets say 100 thousand rows and I want to move the last one to the first position I have to do the operation 100K times.

Is there a more effective way to do what I want?

Thank you,

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Change Sql Server 2000 Enterprise To Standard Edition

Sep 6, 2007

One of our main servers running on SQL Server 2000 Enterprise edition which has transactional replications on it which replicates to other servers running on the SQL Server 2000 Enterprise edition as well.

Due to Hardware problems the server is being migrated to a new machine but the client has installed SQL Server 2000 standard edition on the new machine.

We will be using a two processor cpu with 4GB RAM and we are also not planning about clustering. Is there any problem if i migrate the server in Standard Edition will the replications work properly between Standard and Enterprise editions.

What other complications can be there if i switch over to standard edition from enterprise edition

Thanks in ADVANCE


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How To Get The Default SA Account Password And How To Change It In Sql 2000 Personal Edition ?

May 9, 2005

hi, all:
         I installed a Sql 2000 Personal Edition in my Laptop,now I want to change my Sql 2000 sa account password.
         but I can not find where I can get the default password for sa account and how to change it .

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Sql Server 2005 Dev Edition Error - Unexpected Error While Updating Installed Files

Feb 14, 2007

I am attempting to install SQL Server 2005 Developer Edition onto a Windows XP Pro SP2 machine, but unfortunately each time that I attempt to install I receive an error message in the summary log as follows:

Product : Microsoft SQL Server 2005
Product Version: 9.00.1399.06
Install : Failed
Log File : C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL Server90Setup
Last Action : InstallFinalize
Error String : The setup has encountered an unexpected error while Updating Installed Files.
The error is : Fatal error during installation.
Error Number : 29528

There is probably a simple solution for the issue but unfortunately I am unaware of what it is? I can€™t tell if the issue is specific to registry settings, security, file types, etc€¦ The information below surrounds the error w/in the log, any suggestions would be greatly appreciated?

Thanks, Jennifer

MSI (s) (6C:94) [16:02:23:713]: Executing op: SetTargetFolder(Folder=C:WINNTsystem32)
MSI (s) (6C:94) [16:02:23:713]: Executing op: SetSourceFolder(Folder=1System)
MSI (s) (6C:94) [16:02:23:713]: Executing op: FileCopy(SourceName=sqlctr90.dll,SourceCabKey=sqlctr90.dll.7188DA12_A95E_46B7_8623_9D93B5260E2A,DestName=sqlctr90.dll,Attributes=16384,FileSize=66264,PerTick=32768,,VerifyMedia=1,,,,,CheckCRC=0,Version=2005.90.1399.0,Language=1033,InstallMode=58982400,,,,,,,)
MSI (s) (6C:94) [16:02:23:713]: File: C:WINNTsystem32sqlctr90.dll; To be installed; Won't patch; No existing file
MSI (s) (6C:94) [16:02:23:713]: Source for file 'sqlctr90.dll.7188DA12_A95E_46B7_8623_9D93B5260E2A' is compressed
MSI (s) (6C:94) [16:02:23:713]: Note: 1: 2318 2: C:WINNTsystem32sqlctr90.dll
MSI (s) (6C:94) [16:02:23:713]: Note: 1: 2360
MSI (s) (6C:94) [16:02:23:713]: Note: 1: 2360
MSI (s) (6C:94) [16:02:23:723]: Executing op: CacheSizeFlush(,)
MSI (s) (6C:94) [16:02:23:723]: Executing op: InstallProtectedFiles(AllowUI=0)
MSI (s) (6C:94) [16:02:23:723]: Executing op: ActionStart(Name=CAFTEInstallFTERef.68C6D15C_77E0_11D5_8528_00C04F68155C,,)
MSI (s) (6C:94) [16:02:23:733]: Executing op: CustomActionSchedule(Action=CAFTEInstallFTERef.68C6D15C_77E0_11D5_8528_00C04F68155C,ActionType=1025,Source=BinaryData,Target=InstallFTERef,CustomActionData=C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL ServerMSSQL.1MSSQLBinnFTERef|C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL ServerMSSQL.1MSSQLFTData)
MSI (s) (6C:2C) [16:02:23:743]: Invoking remote custom action. DLL: C:WINNTInstallerMSI64E.tmp, Entrypoint: InstallFTERef
FTECa.DLL: INFO: FTE: InstallFTERef(), Entering...
FTECa.DLL: INFO: FTE: GetFTERefInstallParams: FTERef : C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL ServerMSSQL.1MSSQLFTData
FTECa.DLL: INFO: FTE: InstallFTERef: File created: C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL ServerMSSQL.1MSSQLFTDataoiseCHS.txt Size=1000 IDR=1696
FTECa.DLL: INFO: FTE: InstallFTERef: File created: C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL ServerMSSQL.1MSSQLFTData sSVE.xml Size=1035 IDR=1142
FTECa.DLL: INFO: FTE: InstallFTERef: File created: C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL ServerMSSQL.1MSSQLFTDataoiseTHA.txt Size=1036 IDR=697
FTECa.DLL: INFO: FTE: InstallFTERef: File created: C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL ServerMSSQL.1MSSQLFTData sTHA.xml Size=1037 IDR=1142
FTECa.DLL: INFO: FTE: InstallFTERef: File created: C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL ServerMSSQL.1MSSQLFTDataoiseTRK.txt Size=1038 IDR=2224
MSI (s) (6C:94) [16:02:24:454]: Executing op: ActionStart(Name=Rollback_UpdateETWMOFWithGUID.D20239D7_E87C_40C9_9837_E70B8D4882C2,Description=Removing registry updates,)
FTECa.DLL: INFO: FTE: InstallFTERef: File created: C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL ServerMSSQL.1MSSQLFTData sTRK.xml Size=1039 IDR=1142
MSI (s) (6C:94) [16:02:24:454]: Executing op: CustomActionSchedule(Action=Rollback_UpdateETWMOFWithGUID.D20239D7_E87C_40C9_9837_E70B8D4882C2,ActionType=1345,Source=BinaryData,Target=Rollback_UpdateETWMOFWithGUID,CustomActionData=100Removing registry updates100000{2373A92B-1C1C-4E71-B494-5CA97F96AA19}MSSQLSERVERC:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL ServerMSSQL.1MSSQLBinn)
MSI (s) (6C:94) [16:02:24:454]: Executing op: ActionStart(Name=Do_UpdateETWMOFWithGUID.D20239D7_E87C_40C9_9837_E70B8D4882C2,Description=Updating Installed Files,)
MSI (s) (6C:94) [16:02:24:454]: Executing op: CustomActionSchedule(Action=Do_UpdateETWMOFWithGUID.D20239D7_E87C_40C9_9837_E70B8D4882C2,ActionType=1025,Source=BinaryData,Target=Do_UpdateETWMOFWithGUID,CustomActionData=010Updating Installed Files100000{2373A92B-1C1C-4E71-B494-5CA97F96AA19}MSSQLSERVERC:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL ServerMSSQL.1MSSQLBinn)
MSI (s) (6C:10) [16:02:24:464]: Invoking remote custom action. DLL: C:WINNTInstallerMSI64F.tmp, Entrypoint: Do_UpdateETWMOFWithGUID
<Func Name='LaunchFunction'>
<Func Name='GetCAContext'>
<EndFunc Name='GetCAContext' Return='T' GetLastError='203'>
Doing Action: Do_UpdateETWMOFWithGUID
PerfTime Start: Do_UpdateETWMOFWithGUID : Tue Feb 13 16:02:24 2007
<Func Name='Do_UpdateETWMOFWithGUID'>
Calling installSqlEvent Trance
The arguments that are passed to InstallSqlEventTrace are InstanceName: MSSQLSERVER , ProductCodeL: {2373A92B-1C1C-4E71-B494-5CA97F96AA19} , BinPath: C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL ServerMSSQL.1MSSQLBinn
INFO: Checking installed version
INFO: Writing MOF file
ERROR: Unable to open registry key: HRESULT = 0x80070005, Key = SYSTEMCurrentControlSetControlWMISecurity

The value returned is -2147024891
<EndFunc Name='Do_UpdateETWMOFWithGUID' Return='1603' GetLastError='0'>
PerfTime Stop: Do_UpdateETWMOFWithGUID : Tue Feb 13 16:02:24 2007
Gathering darwin properties for failure handling.
Error Code: 1603
MSI (s) (6C!D0) [16:02:37:273]: Product: Microsoft SQL Server 2005 -- Error 29528. The setup has encountered an unexpected error while Updating Installed Files. The error is: Fatal error during installation.

Error 29528. The setup has encountered an unexpected error while Updating Installed Files. The error is: Fatal error during installation.

<EndFunc Name='LaunchFunction' Return='1603' GetLastError='203'>
MSI (s) (6C:94) [16:02:37:283]: User policy value 'DisableRollback' is 0
MSI (s) (6C:94) [16:02:37:283]: Machine policy value 'DisableRollback' is 0
Action ended 16:02:37: InstallFinalize. Return value 3.

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Sqlceoledb35.dll - Error 25123 - A SQL Server Compact Edition DLL Could Not Be Loaded. Reinstall SQL Server Compact Edition.

May 5, 2008


we've got a SQL Server 2005 which replicates with an SQL Server Compact 3.5. Every 10 to 20 synchronisations we're getting the error mentioned above. A Soft reset of the device helps to make the synchronization working again.

Why is this error happening and how can we resolve this?

BTW, we've also running system that replicates with an SQL Server Compact 3.0 without having this problems.


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Error While Change Db_owner

Jan 2, 2008


how can i change the database owner field in sp_helpdb. becoz each &every database owner is having different names.
so i want to change to administrator.

when i try to change the through exec sp_changedbowner 'administrator'
it raises error :

Msg 15110, Level 16, State 1, Line 1

The proposed new database owner is already a user or aliased in the database.

can any one help on this one.

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Error When Trying To Change Server Settings

Aug 4, 2004

I am trying to connect to a SQL Server machine using SQL security instead of integrgated security. However, the server was setup initially to use only integrated security. When I right click on the server and select properties, I get this error:

Error 0: Cannot load the DLL xpstar.dll, or one of the DLLs it references. Reason: 5(Access is denied.).

I googled this error but could not find a single solution. The dll will not register with regsvr32. Do I need to repair SQL Server and then re-run the latest service pack, or is there a simple solution?


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SQL Authentication Error On Password Change

May 30, 2005

I have instaled SQL Server2000 in Administrator user login.My OS is Windows Adavance Server2000. It works Fine. If i change my Administrator Password and Login with the new Password then Sql Server dosn't Run.It says Authentication error if i try to run from service.
I belive DBA's in this forum can help me out.

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SQLServer2000 - Error Logs Change Loc

Jun 14, 2004

The SqlServer2000 error logs go to Program FilesMicrosoft SQL ServerMssqlLog directory by default.

How can I change their location. I could change SqlServerAgent logs but did not find any help or way to change the location of these. Would anyone please help?


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DB Engine :: How To Change Error Log Location

Nov 30, 2006

I have been trying to change the location of the SQL 2005 error log. It's logging to the default location at

C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL ServerMSSQL.1MSSQLLOG

I want to move the log location to the E drive because it can get quite large. I already changed the setting in the SQL Server Error and Usage config tool, but this did not seem to make a difference.

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Change Error Logging For Sys.sp_MSrepl_raiseerror

Mar 16, 2007

I have merge replication setup to a bunch of mobile subscribers. I want everything managed from the server and I want everything to run continuously. The reason we want this is that we want subscribers to automatically synchronize data within 60 seconds of plugging into the network from any location. We do not want to write anything to have to detect connectivity and initiate it. We do not want it initiated from a subscriber either. This creates a SEVERE logging issue and has halted a roll out at 2 different customers. We can't get beyond about 60 subscribers on a system that was running 3700 subscribers in SQL Server 2000. The server quite literally freezes and becomes non-responsive 1 - 2 times per day. We've tracked this back to the volume of logging into the Windows event log that is being caused by the replication engine.

When subscribers are disconnected, they throw constant errors, to the tune of 1 error every 2 minutes into the SQL Server error log as well as the Windows event log. This is because someone decided that these should be level 18 errors. There is no error. The publisher could not contact the subscriber, so I want it to simply log an error, shut up, go back to sleep, and then try again. I do NOT want a message in my SQL Server error log and I do NOT want a message in my Windows event log.

We are currently logging over 60,000 messages per day into both the Windows event log and the SQL Server error logs for something that we KNOW is a NORMAL operational state of the system. The merge agent doesn't have a parameter that I can feed it to ignore 14151 errors.

The culprit is in sys.sp_MSrepl_raiseerror. Since it is a system object, I can't override it and change the severity level of the error. So, right now we are stuck and the SQL Server error log as well as Windows event logs are being rendered quite useless on the system.

The offending code is:

raiserror (14151, 18, -1, @agent, @agent_name, @message)

Does anyone have any idea how I can forcefully change sys.sp_MSrepl_raiseerror or in some other way suppress the logging of 14151 errors from the Windows and SQL Server logs?

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MS Sql Server 2005 Express Edition Error

Apr 27, 2005

When i install the s1l express 2005 the following error occur. Anyone can help
[ 0 4 / 2 7 / 0 5 , 1 9 : 2 4 : 2 6 ]   V S   S c e n a r i o :   [ 2 ]   F a i l e d   t o   p a s s   t h e   W a r n i n g s / B l o c k s   c h e c k s   i n   C V S S c e n a r i o : : S t a r t ( )   [ 0 4 / 2 7 / 0 5 , 1 9 : 3 7 : 5 5 ]   M i c r o s o f t   V i s u a l   S t u d i o   2 0 0 5   S t a n d a r d   E d i t i o n   B e t a   2   -   E N U :   [ 2 ]   E R R O R : E r r o r   1 3 3 1 . F a i l e d   t o   c o r r e c t l y   c o p y   v c r e d i s t _ I A 6 4 . e x e   f i l e :   C R C   e r r o r .   [ 0 4 / 2 7 / 0 5 , 1 9 : 3 7 : 5 6 ]   M i c r o s o f t   V i s u a l   S t u d i o   2 0 0 5   S t a n d a r d   E d i t i o n   B e t a   2   -   E N U :   [ 2 ]   E R R O R : E r r o r   1 3 3 1 . F a i l e d   t o   c o r r e c t l y   c o p y   v c r e d i s t _ x 6 4 . e x e   f i l e :   C R C   e r r o r .   [ 0 4 / 2 7 / 0 5 , 1 9 : 4 8 : 1 9 ]   M i c r o s o f t   S Q L   S e r v e r   2 0 0 5   E x p r e s s   E d i t i o n   A p r i l   C T P :   [ 2 ]   E r r o r   c o d e   1 6 0 3   f o r   t h i s   c o m p o n e n t   m e a n s   " F a t a l   e r r o r   d u r i n g   i n s t a l l a t i o n .   "   [ 0 4 / 2 7 / 0 5 , 1 9 : 4 8 : 2 0 ]   M i c r o s o f t   S Q L   S e r v e r   2 0 0 5   E x p r e s s   E d i t i o n   A p r i l   C T P :   [ 2 ]   S e t u p   F a i l e d   o n   c o m p o n e n t   M i c r o s o f t   S Q L   S e r v e r   2 0 0 5   E x p r e s s   E d i t i o n   A p r i l   C T P   * * * E n d O f S e s s i o n * * * [ 0 4 / 2 7 / 0 5 , 1 9 : 2 4 : 2 6 ]   V S   S c e n a r i o :   [ 2 ]   F a i l e d   t o   p a s s   t h e   W a r n i n g s / B l o c k s   c h e c k s   i n   C V S S c e n a r i o : : S t a r t ( )   [ 0 4 / 2 7 / 0 5 , 1 9 : 3 7 : 5 5 ]   M i c r o s o f t   V i s u a l   S t u d i o   2 0 0 5   S t a n d a r d   E d i t i o n   B e t a   2   -   E N U :   [ 2 ]   E R R O R : E r r o r   1 3 3 1 . F a i l e d   t o   c o r r e c t l y   c o p y   v c r e d i s t _ I A 6 4 . e x e   f i l e :   C R C   e r r o r .   [ 0 4 / 2 7 / 0 5 , 1 9 : 3 7 : 5 6 ]   M i c r o s o f t   V i s u a l   S t u d i o   2 0 0 5   S t a n d a r d   E d i t i o n   B e t a   2   -   E N U :   [ 2 ]   E R R O R : E r r o r   1 3 3 1 . F a i l e d   t o   c o r r e c t l y   c o p y   v c r e d i s t _ x 6 4 . e x e   f i l e :   C R C   e r r o r .   [ 0 4 / 2 7 / 0 5 , 1 9 : 4 8 : 1 9 ]   M i c r o s o f t   S Q L   S e r v e r   2 0 0 5   E x p r e s s   E d i t i o n   A p r i l   C T P :   [ 2 ]   E r r o r   c o d e   1 6 0 3   f o r   t h i s   c o m p o n e n t   m e a n s   " F a t a l   e r r o r   d u r i n g   i n s t a l l a t i o n .   "   [ 0 4 / 2 7 / 0 5 , 1 9 : 4 8 : 2 0 ]   M i c r o s o f t   S Q L   S e r v e r   2 0 0 5   E x p r e s s   E d i t i o n   A p r i l   C T P :   [ 2 ]   S e t u p   F a i l e d   o n   c o m p o n e n t   M i c r o s o f t   S Q L   S e r v e r   2 0 0 5   E x p r e s s   E d i t i o n   A p r i l   C T P   [ 0 4 / 2 7 / 0 5 , 1 9 : 5 1 : 3 4 ]   V S 7 0 p g u i :   [ 2 ]   D e p C h e c k   i n d i c a t e s   M i c r o s o f t   S Q L   S e r v e r   2 0 0 5   E x p r e s s   E d i t i o n   A p r i l   C T P   i s   n o t   i n s t a l l e d .   [ 0 4 / 2 7 / 0 5 , 2 0 : 2 4 : 1 9 ]   M i c r o s o f t   S Q L   S e r v e r   2 0 0 5   E x p r e s s   E d i t i o n   A p r i l   C T P :   [ 2 ]   E r r o r   c o d e   1 6 0 3   f o r   t h i s   c o m p o n e n t   m e a n s   " F a t a l   e r r o r   d u r i n g   i n s t a l l a t i o n .   "   [ 0 4 / 2 7 / 0 5 , 2 0 : 2 4 : 1 9 ]   M i c r o s o f t   S Q L   S e r v e r   2 0 0 5   E x p r e s s   E d i t i o n   A p r i l   C T P :   [ 2 ]   S e t u p   F a i l e d   o n   c o m p o n e n t   M i c r o s o f t   S Q L   S e r v e r   2 0 0 5   E x p r e s s   E d i t i o n   A p r i l   C T P   * * * E n d O f S e s s i o n * * *

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SQL Server Personal Edition Error 1069

Apr 1, 2004

I have just installed the personal edition on a win xp pro PC, the installation seemed to work ok but when I try to start SQL in the Service Manager I get the following error:

"service did not start due to login failure - error 1069"

I have already got the Enterprise Edition installed on a win 2000 server which has been working nicely and used the same settings on the new xp PC, could this be the problem. I installed it using the domain user accout and SQL server authentication.

Anyone know how I can fix this?


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Error:... It Requires A Higher Level Edition.

Apr 28, 2006

I've read some threads on this topic and all have been solved by installing the SSIS service. This would be fine except for the fact that I already have SSIS installed and working on the server the package is being called from.

I have several scheduled packages that work without error and a few that fail, telling me "Error: ... it requires a higher level edition." Does SSIS need to be installed on the target server as well? Do I need to do a reinstall? Please advise. Thanks.


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Cannot Run On This Edition Of Integration Services Error Message

Mar 21, 2006

Hi All,

I am little new to 2005 so this may be an easy one. I have a IS package that I created on my local 32 bit machine. I have copied this package to one of our servers running SQL 2005 EE x64. The package executes fine until it gets to a VB Task at which point it errors with the message of "The Task "DefalutValues" cannot run on this edition of Integration Services It requires a higer level edition"

Is this a known bug/error that you can not build on a 32bit machine for a 64bit machine. I have set the precompilescriptINtoBinaryCode value to true.

If anyone has any suggestions please let me know.

Thank you.

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Error During Install Of SqlServer 2005 64 Bit Edition - Please Help!

Feb 19, 2007

Hi Folks,

   I'm receiving an error when i'm trying to setup a maintenance plan. I'm getting weird errors (and cannot continue) and i'm thinking it's related to a 32 bit error i received during installation on a 64 bit edition.

   We have a sql server behind hosted on a dedicated 64 bit box out of SanFran. The hosting company installed the 32 bit version of SqlServer 2005 standard on the box and I requested them to remove it and put the 64 bit edition on. They removed the 32 bit edition and installed the 64 bit edition. So far so good. I installed sp1 and that was fine. I then tried to start a MAINTENCE PLAN and was denied -> the component was not installed. I've asked them to install the component and they did, but they recorded an error during the install. The error screen shot is here: http://img525.imageshack.us/img525/5089/errormessagehs4.png

Now i cannot drop any tasks onto the maintenence plan ... so i'm assuming it's related to the above error. Is there any way i can determine what the 32 bit component is, remove it and re-install the correct component? Is there an error log somewhere where i can check things?

This is stopping me from setting up any backup plans :(


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Installation Error In SQL Server Evaluation Edition

Jun 4, 2006

I downloaded the SQL Server Evaluation Edition from Microsoft.com in ISO form and burned a CD using Nero 7. I have tried to install the program, but I keep getting the error:

"the procedure entry point_create_locale could not be located in the dynamic link library MSVCR80.dll"

I have tried to reinstall Native Client and Setup Support Files with no effect... I have .NET 2.0 installed along with VB Express 2005 and VWB Express 2005... I am running on Windows XP Home SP2.

If anyone could help me, I would greatly appreciate it... I am stuck and can't get any work done until I get this program installed...

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SSIS Higher Level Edition Error When Run In A Sql Job

Dec 27, 2006


I am receiving the following error in Sql Job agent when I try to run an SSIS package : The task "Create Excel File" cannot run on this edition of Integration Services. It requires a higher level edition. It then goes on to tell me : The Execution method succeeded, but the number of errors raised (2) reached the maximum allowed (1); resulting in failure. This occurs when the number of errors reaches the number specified in MaximumErrorCount. I have tried reseting the error count to allow for the "errors" , but it stills fails. The job suceeds in Visual Studio, but not when scheduled in Sql Management Studio. Any suggestions?


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Derived Column Error:can't Change Datatype

Aug 31, 2007

I am trying to replace the value of a column in a derived column component, but it will not let me change the datatype.

It has decided that the column is a float, which is wrong.

How can I change it to the correct type?

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Need Help ASAP 3414 Error SQL 2005 Developer Edition

Jun 15, 2007

 Hello ,
This morning I was running a report in my ssrs and I had a power failure. My Machine rebooted and I can not connect to my database below is the error log can some one tell me what I need to do to recover I really do not want to have to reinstall everything if possible.
2007-06-15 07:59:49.88 Server      Microsoft SQL Server 2005 - 9.00.1399.06 (Intel X86)  Oct 14 2005 00:33:37  Copyright (c) 1988-2005 Microsoft Corporation Developer Edition on Windows NT 5.1 (Build 2600: Service Pack 2)
2007-06-15 07:59:49.88 Server      (c) 2005 Microsoft Corporation.2007-06-15 07:59:49.88 Server      All rights reserved.2007-06-15 07:59:49.88 Server      Server process ID is 1600.2007-06-15 07:59:49.88 Server      Logging SQL Server messages in file 'C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL ServerMSSQL.1MSSQLLOGERRORLOG'.2007-06-15 07:59:49.90 Server      This instance of SQL Server last reported using a process ID of 880 at 6/14/2007 5:36:25 PM (local) 6/14/2007 9:36:25 PM (UTC). This is an informational message only; no user action is required.2007-06-15 07:59:49.90 Server      Registry startup parameters:2007-06-15 07:59:49.90 Server        -d C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL ServerMSSQL.1MSSQLDATAmaster.mdf2007-06-15 07:59:49.90 Server        -e C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL ServerMSSQL.1MSSQLLOGERRORLOG2007-06-15 07:59:49.90 Server        -l C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL ServerMSSQL.1MSSQLDATAmastlog.ldf2007-06-15 07:59:50.01 Server      SQL Server is starting at normal priority base (=7). This is an informational message only. No user action is required.2007-06-15 07:59:50.01 Server      Detected 1 CPUs. This is an informational message; no user action is required.2007-06-15 07:59:50.36 Server      Using dynamic lock allocation.  Initial allocation of 2500 Lock blocks and 5000 Lock Owner blocks per node.  This is an informational message only.  No user action is required.2007-06-15 07:59:50.46 Server      Attempting to initialize Microsoft Distributed Transaction Coordinator (MS DTC). This is an informational message only. No user action is required.2007-06-15 07:59:51.16 Server      The Microsoft Distributed Transaction Coordinator (MS DTC) service could not be contacted.  If you would like distributed transaction functionality, please start this service.2007-06-15 07:59:51.25 Server      Database Mirroring Transport is disabled in the endpoint configuration.2007-06-15 07:59:51.29 spid5s      Starting up database 'master'.2007-06-15 07:59:51.70 spid5s      WARNING: did not see LOP_CKPT_END.2007-06-15 07:59:51.70 spid5s      Error: 3414, Severity: 21, State: 2.2007-06-15 07:59:51.70 spid5s      An error occurred during recovery, preventing the database 'master' (database ID 1) from restarting. Diagnose the recovery errors and fix them, or restore from a known good backup. If errors are not corrected or expected, contact Technical Support.2007-06-15 07:59:51.70 spid5s      Cannot recover the master database. SQL Server is unable to run. Restore master from a full backup, repair it, or rebuild it. For more information about how to rebuild the master database, see SQL Server Books Online.

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Error, While Connecting With SQL Server 2005 Express Edition

Jan 30, 2006

An error has occurred while establishing a connection to the server. When connecting to SQL Server 2005, this failure may be caused by the fact under the default settings of SQL SERver does not allow remote connections. (provider:Named Pipes Provider, error: 40-Could not open a connection to SQL Server)

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Error Installing SQL Server 2000 Developer Edition

Feb 12, 2007

Hello, I hope someone knows the answer to this issue. I am trying to install SQL Server 2000 Developer Edition and once I get to the screen that is asking for the SQL Server instance and Login Information I receive the following error when trying to proceed.

(Report Server database is a different version and cannot be used for this installation)

I have installed reporting services 2000 developer edition many times and I have never seen this error.

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Error Installing Sql Server 2005 Express Edition

Apr 4, 2007

I am trying to install sql server 2005 express edition.But i get an error stating that

sql server setup unexpectedly failed. For more information review the detup summary log file in %ProgramFiles%Microsoft SQL Server90Setup BootstrapLOGsummary.txt

Summary.txt looks like this.It has only these 3 lines of information nothing else other this, which i have seen in many posts.

Microsoft SQL Server 2005 9.00.3042.00
OS Version : Microsoft Windows XP Home Edition Service Pack 2 (Build 2600)
Time : Tue Apr 03 22:36:33 2007

I am using windows xp. Probably many of you might have had this problem.Could anyone please provide me with some help.Thanks in advance.

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Sql Server 2005 Express Edition Installtion Error

May 11, 2006

Following is the error log the installtion gave. I have widows 2000 professional running on my machine.

Please help...thanks

The following properties have been set:
Property: [AdminUser] = true {boolean}
Property: [ProcessorArchitecture] = Intel {string}
Property: [VersionNT] = 5.0.4 {version}
Running checks for package '.NET Framework 2.0', phase BuildList
Running external check with command line "C:DOCUME~1csk044LOCALS~1TempVSD6A.tmpdotnetfxdotnetchk.exe"
Process exited with code 1
Setting value '1 {int}' for property 'DotNetInstalled'
Reading value 'Version' of registry key 'HKLMSoftwareMicrosoftInternet Explorer'
Read string value '6.0.2800.1106'
Setting value '6.0.2800.1106 {string}' for property 'IEVersion'
The following properties have been set for package '.NET Framework 2.0':
Property: [DotNetInstalled] = 1 {int}
Property: [IEVersion] = 6.0.2800.1106 {string}
Running checks for command 'dotnetfxinstmsia.exe'
Result of running operator 'ValueExists' on property 'VersionNT': true
Result of checks for command 'dotnetfxinstmsia.exe' is 'Bypass'
Running checks for command 'dotnetfxWindowsInstaller-KB893803-v2-x86.exe'
Result of running operator 'ValueExists' on property 'Version9x': false
Result of running operator 'VersionLessThan' on property 'VersionNT' and value '5.0.3': false
Result of running operator 'VersionGreaterThanOrEqualTo' on property 'VersionMsi' and value '3.0': true
Result of checks for command 'dotnetfxWindowsInstaller-KB893803-v2-x86.exe' is 'Bypass'
Running checks for command 'dotnetfxdotnetfx.exe'
Result of running operator 'ValueNotEqualTo' on property 'DotNetInstalled' and value '0': true
Result of checks for command 'dotnetfxdotnetfx.exe' is 'Bypass'
'.NET Framework 2.0' RunCheck result: No Install Needed
Running checks for package 'SQL Server 2005 Express Edition', phase BuildList
Running external check with command line "C:DOCUME~1csk044LOCALS~1TempVSD6A.tmpSqlExpressSqlExpressChk.exe"
Process exited with code 1
Setting value '1 {int}' for property 'SQLExpressInstalled'
The following properties have been set for package 'SQL Server 2005 Express Edition':
Property: [SQLExpressInstalled] = 1 {int}
Running checks for command 'SqlExpresssqlexpr32.exe'
Result of running operator 'ValueEqualTo' on property 'SQLExpressInstalled' and value '0': false
Result of running operator 'VersionGreaterThanOrEqualTo' on property 'VersionNT' and value '5.1': false
Result of running operator 'ValueEqualTo' on property 'AdminUser' and value 'false': false
Result of running operator 'ValueExists' on property 'Version9x': false
Result of running operator 'VersionLessThan' on property 'VersionNT' and value '5.0.4': false
Result of running operator 'ValueNotEqualTo' on property 'ProcessorArchitecture' and value 'Intel': false
Result of checks for command 'SqlExpresssqlexpr32.exe' is 'Install'
Running checks for command 'SqlExpresssqlexpr32.exe'
Result of running operator 'ValueEqualTo' on property 'SQLExpressInstalled' and value '0': false
Result of running operator 'VersionLessThan' on property 'VersionNT' and value '5.1': true
Result of checks for command 'SqlExpresssqlexpr32.exe' is 'Bypass'
'SQL Server 2005 Express Edition' RunCheck result: Install Needed
EULA for components 'SQL Server 2005 Express Edition' was accepted.
Copying files to temporary directory "C:DOCUME~1csk044LOCALS~1TempVSD6A.tmp"
Downloading files to "C:DOCUME~1csk044LOCALS~1TempVSD6A.tmp"
(5/11/2006 8:36:41 PM) Downloading 'SqlExpresssqlexpr32.exe' from 'http://ct11pcsapp111/testcentralpoc/SqlExpress/sqlexpr32.exe' to 'C:DOCUME~1csk044LOCALS~1TempVSD6A.tmp'
Download completed at 5/11/2006 8:36:46 PM
Verifying file integrity of C:DOCUME~1csk044LOCALS~1TempVSD6A.tmpSqlExpresssqlexpr32.exe
WinVerifyTrust returned 0
File trusted
Running checks for package 'SQL Server 2005 Express Edition', phase BeforePackage
Running external check with command line "C:DOCUME~1csk044LOCALS~1TempVSD6A.tmpSqlExpressSqlExpressChk.exe"
Process exited with code 1
Setting value '1 {int}' for property 'SQLExpressInstalled'
The following properties have been set for package 'SQL Server 2005 Express Edition':
Property: [SQLExpressInstalled] = 1 {int}
Running checks for command 'SqlExpresssqlexpr32.exe'
Result of running operator 'ValueEqualTo' on property 'SQLExpressInstalled' and value '0': false
Result of running operator 'VersionGreaterThanOrEqualTo' on property 'VersionNT' and value '5.1': false
Result of running operator 'ValueEqualTo' on property 'AdminUser' and value 'false': false
Result of running operator 'ValueExists' on property 'Version9x': false
Result of running operator 'VersionLessThan' on property 'VersionNT' and value '5.0.4': false
Result of running operator 'ValueNotEqualTo' on property 'ProcessorArchitecture' and value 'Intel': false
Result of checks for command 'SqlExpresssqlexpr32.exe' is 'Install'
'SQL Server 2005 Express Edition' RunCheck result: Install Needed
Verifying file integrity of C:DOCUME~1csk044LOCALS~1TempVSD6A.tmpSqlExpresssqlexpr32.exe
WinVerifyTrust returned 0
File trusted
Installing using command line '"C:DOCUME~1csk044LOCALS~1TempVSD6A.tmpSqlExpresssqlexpr32.exe" -q /norebootchk /qn reboot=ReallySuppress addlocal=all instancename=SQLEXPRESS SQLAUTOSTART=1'
Process exited with code 70095
Status of package 'SQL Server 2005 Express Edition' after install is 'InstallFailed'

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SQl Express Edition Install Failure With ODBC Error

Dec 29, 2006

Can some one help me with this ?


SQL_SUCCESS_WITH_INFO (1) in OdbcConnection::connect
sqlstate=01000, level=-1, state=-1, native_error=444, msg=The driver returned invalid (or failed to return) SQL_DRIVER_ODBC_VER:
sqlstate=01000, level=-1, state=-1, native_error=5701, msg=[Microsoft][SQL Native Client][SQL Server]Changed database context to 'master'.
sqlstate=01000, level=-1, state=-1, native_error=5703, msg=[Microsoft][SQL Native Client][SQL Server]Changed language setting to us_english.

SQL_ERROR (-1) in OdbcConnectionHandle::set_attr
sqlstate=IM001, level=-1, state=-1, native_error=0, msg=[Microsoft][ODBC Driver Manager] Driver does not support this function

SQL_ERROR (-1) in OdbcConnectionHandle::get_attr
sqlstate=IM001, level=-1, state=-1, native_error=0, msg=[Microsoft][ODBC Driver Manager] Driver does not support this function

SQL_ERROR (-1) in OdbcHandle::release
sqlstate=HY010, level=-1, state=-1, native_error=0, msg=[Microsoft][ODBC Driver Manager] Function sequence error

SQL_ERROR (-1) in OdbcHandle::release
sqlstate=HY010, level=-1, state=-1, native_error=0, msg=[Microsoft][ODBC Driver Manager] Function sequence error

Error Code: 0x8007ea74 (60020)
Windows Error Text: Source File Name: libodbc_handle.h
Compiler Timestamp: Wed Oct 26 16:37:41 2005
Function Name: OdbcConnectionHandle::set_attr@connect
Source Line Number: 168

---- Context -----------------------------------------------

Connecting to SQL Server
Originial error was 8007ea74 (60020)

Error Code: 60020
MSI (s) (D0!0C) [18:24:47:187]: Product: Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Express Edition -- Error 29521. SQL Server Setup failed to execute a command for server configuration. The error was [Microsoft][ODBC Driver Manager] Driver does not support this function. Refer to the server error logs and Setup logs for detailed error information.

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SQL Server Compact Edition Merge Replication Error

Feb 27, 2007

I am trying to complete sql server compact edition book online walkthrough "Creating a Mobile Application with SQL Server Compact Edition". I am successful to complete it as guided using all default settings (e.g. anonymous access, windows authenticaion etc.) and the sample run on both emulator and my pocket pc svc5000. I have following configuration..

Windows 2000 professional sp4
Sql server 2005 standard edition sp1
VS 2005 profesional edition (sp1 not installed)
Sql server compact edition
Sql server compact edition server tools

But the problem is that in production environment i will not be able to connect to the sql server using named instance (e.g machine_nameinstance_name). i have to use ip address in that situation. so i tried to modify the sample to use ip address in place of named instance and then the problem starts.. I have configued my sql server to allow remote connections using tcp/ip and named pipes using sql surface area config tool.

When using named instance i used following code to Synchronize with sqlserver 2005 with and it worked perfectly :

Dim filename As New String("Program FilesTestTest.sdf")
Dim repl As New SqlCeReplication()
repl.InternetUrl = http://machine_name/Test/sqlcesa30.dll
repl.Publisher = "machine_nameinstance_name"
repl.PublisherDatabase = "Test"
repl.PublisherSecurityMode = SecurityType.NTAuthentication
repl.Publication = "Test"
repl.Subscriber = "Test"
repl.SubscriberConnectionString = "Data Source='" + filename + "';Password='';Max Database Size='128';Default Lock Escalation ='100';"
Catch err As SqlCeException
End Try

When i tried to do replication using ip address it shows following error:

System.Data.SqlServerCe.SqlCeException was unhandled
  Message="Failure to connect to SQL Server with provided connection information. SQL Server does not exist, access is denied because the IIS user is not a valid user on the SQL Server, or the password is incorrect."
  Source="Microsoft SQL Server Compact Edition"
       at System.Data.SqlServerCe.SqlCeReplication.Synchronize()
       at TEST.MainModule.Sync()
       at Test.MainModule.Main()

I am using following code to connect using ip address:

Dim repl As New SqlCeReplication()
repl.InternetUrl = http://XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX/test/sqlcesa30.dll
repl.PublisherNetwork = NetworkType.TcpIpSockets
repl.PublisherAddress = "XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX,XXXX"
repl.Publisher = "SQL2005"      'instance name of sql in sql2005
repl.PublisherSecurityMode = SecurityType.NTAuthentication
repl.PublisherDatabase = "Test"
repl.Publication = "Test"
repl.Subscriber = "Test"
repl.SubscriberConnectionString = "Data Source='" + filename + "';Password='';Max Database Size='128';Default Lock Escalation ='100';"

I have give rights to iuser_manchine_name in the public access list of publication and on database also.

I don't have any idea on where i am wrong... Please help soon..
Many thanks in advance..

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Error 28092 When Upgrading From Express To Workgroup Edition

Feb 1, 2007


when I try to upgrade SQL Server 2005 using this command line:


I get error 28092 (administrator rights needed).

It seems like the upgrade tries to use Windows authentification although I've told it to use SQL Server authentification. Or did I miss a parameter in my command line?

If I do the upgrade manually it works without needing Windows authentification.

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MS SQL Server 2000 Enterprise Edition Installation Error

Dec 30, 2005

My laptop has VS 2005 installed. I am trying to install MS SQL Server 2000 Enterprise Edition, when i run "install database components", it gave error: "MS SQL Server 2000 Enterprise Edition component is not supported on this operating system. Only client components will be available for installation". then when i click on "ok", then "next", when i click on "next" on the "computer name" page, it gave another error: "A previous program installation created pending file operations on the installation moachine. You must restart the computer before running setup". I restarted my laptop following the instruction, but same thing happened when i run the installation. Plz help

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