Efficiency: Inline TSQL V. Subcalls

Apr 6, 2000


I regularly create stored procedures and use them like functions within other stored procedures.

I've never had any difficulty but then I never ran any metrics on it.

Does anyone know if there is an efficiency difference between that approach and just doing an inline query? How much of a difference is it? minimal? impractically large?

For example, if I define an sp like:

create proc isValidUser @userID int , @result int OUTPUT as

if exists(select * from user where userid = @userID)
set @result = 1

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About Efficiency

Sep 20, 2006

I want to select one field from a table,but it should on some conditionswhich refer to 5 table ,such as A.FILED1=B.FIELD1 AND B.FIELD2=C.FIELD3 AND....Should I use case "select sum(a.amount) from a,b,c,... wherea.field1=b.field1 and b.field2=c.field2 and ..." or "select sum(a.amount)from select b.field1 from select c.field2 from...."?And which case is moreefficiency?thanks!我想计算一个表中的某个字段的和,但此记录需在从多个 表中查询此记录是否满足特定的条件。那么我是用select ..from ...where ..and ..and..and ..and ..还是用select ..fromselect ..from select ..from ......?请问是哪一个效率高?谢谢!

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Inline If

Sep 21, 2005

I want to execute something likeselect iif(type='credit',amount*-1,amount) from tablehow can i do that? help file says iif is used in MultidimensionalExpressions but that seems overly complicated for this task.any ideas?

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Inline SQL

Jun 25, 2007


I would like to know if there is any sort of improvement when using Inline SQL vs Stored Procedures as far as the execution plans are concerned when they are used in SSIS packages. I happened to create a SSIS package which calls Stored Procedures but internally they are using Linked Servers to get the data required. At this point they want to know what will be benefit that can be achieved when Inline SQL is used.

I would appreciate if anybody can give their thoughts or provide some informative articles like pros and cons.

Thanks in advance.

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Search Efficiency

Jan 29, 2007

Hello,I am looking at optimizing site searching on a web application.  I have two thoughts on the idea:1. create views with fulltext indexes combining records from multiple tables.2. create a table with an xml column and primary index.   I understand the xml column type has the overhead of a BLOB under the hood, but that a primary xml index can "shred" the contents and improve parsing.  I also read the xml column is actually searched as a tree, providing some variant of log(n) run time. Does anyone know of good literate on this subject, the more big O notation, runtime analysis types of posts the better.Thanks 

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SQLClient Efficiency

Jul 24, 2007

Hi guys,
Since the project that i'm developing is rapidly increasing, the pages seems to be getting slower everytime you view it. I would like to ask if code below would be efficient enough for several simultaneous request of data or if you have any other suggestions, you are welcome to add:
1    Public Shared Function QueryDatabase(ByVal sql As String) As DataTable2    3                ' SQL Server Connection Object Variable4                Dim _oConnection As SqlConnection5                ' SQL Server Command Object Variable6                Dim _oCommand As SqlCommand7                ' SQL Server Data Adapter Object Variable8                Dim _oAdapter As SqlDataAdapter9                ' DataTable Object Variable (Early Binding)10               Dim _oDataTable As New DataTable11   12               ' Instantiate Connection Object with connection string13               _oConnection = New SqlConnection("Data Source=XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX;Initial Catalog=XXXXXX;User=XXX;Pwd=XXX;")14               ' Instantiate Command Object with SQL String and Connection Object15               _oCommand = New SqlCommand(sql, _oConnection)16               ' Instantiate Data Adapter Object with Command Object17               _oAdapter = New SqlDataAdapter(_oCommand)18               ' Fill the DataTable Object with the retrieve records19               _oAdapter.Fill(_oDataTable)20   21               ' Release resources used by DataAdapter Object22               _oAdapter.Dispose()23   24               ' Release resources used by Command Object25               _oCommand.Dispose()26   27               ' Close the connection of the Connection Object from SQL Server28               _oConnection.Close()29   30               ' Release resources used by Connection Object31               _oConnection.Dispose()32   33               ' Return the retrieve records34               Return _oDataTable35   36           End Function Thanks a lot.

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SQL Efficiency 3 QUESTIONS

Nov 13, 2005

Hey,I am developing a website which will be used by a large number of people so I am concerned about efficiency.Sorry for the three posts but anyone with any info would be appreciated.The database has the following tables:                FACILITY-----MEETING ----                  |                                             | USERS----                                              -------- MEETING_INVITE -------- REMINDER                    |                                            |                    ---------CONTACTS-------When the user logs in I use there username to access the rest of the tables. I get all of the users information out of the database in one go and store it in a dataset.So when a user accesses there meetings page, I pass the dataset to that page with a server transfer.Question 1 > Is it more efficient to open the database once and access all the information and pass the information to seperate tables or is it more efficient to access the database on the individual pages and thus not passing of information.---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------In order to access the information I use 6 Select statements in a rowHere is an example of my select statments: SELECT * FROM USERS WHERE email = textbox_emailSELECT FACILITY.* FROM FACILITY, USERS WHERE FACILITY.email = USERS.email AND USERS.email = textbox_emailBy the time I get to the REMINDER table I am combining all the tables and my query is eight lines long.Question 2 > Is there a way of combining the results of a previous select to access information?---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Question 3 > What do you think of my table design? The lines represent one to many relationships. If you can give me any tips on databases please do.Thanks for your time,Padraic

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Database Efficiency

Nov 21, 2005

Hello all,I am developing a website which may be used by a large number of people in the future and I am concerned about performance.

Is it better to have one table with 50, 000 rows or 5,000 tables with 10 rows each?
Is there a way to divide a table in two if the table reaches a certain size?
Is there a limit on the size of tables?
Is there a limit on the number of tables?
Is it possible to create tables from vb.net?
Is it possible to program checks into sql server? For example, could I delete data that has passed a certain date or send an automated email when a time is reached?
Thanks for your time,Padraic 

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SQL Efficiency Problem

Sep 7, 2000

Hey people

I'd be really grateful if someone can help me with this. Could someone explain the following:
If the following code is executed, it runs instantly:

declare @SellItemID numeric (8,0)
select @SellItemID = 5296979

SELECT distinct s.sell_itm_id
FROM stor_sell_itm s
WHERE (s.sell_itm_id = @SellItemID )

However, if I use this WHERE clause instead -

WHERE (@SellItemID = 0 OR s.sell_itm_id = @SellItemID)

- it takes 70 micro seconds. When I join a few more tables into the statement, the difference is 4 seconds!

This is an example of a technique I'm using in loads of places - I only want the statement to return all records if the filter is zero, otherwise the matching record only. I think that by using checking the value of the variable in the WHERE clause, a table scan is used instead of an index. This seems nonsensical since the variable is effectively a constant. Wrapping the entire select statement with an IF or CASE works, but when I've got 10 filters I'd have to 100 select statements.
I DON'T GET IT!! There must be a simple answer, HELP!!

PS this problem seems to occur both in 6.5 and 7.0

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ADO Update Efficiency

Aug 31, 2004

Hi All,

I tried my luck in the Access forum and I've search the web and MSDN for an answer with little luck.

Simply, is it better to update a table via an UPDATE query or Recordset manipulation?

I have read that if you were to update 10,000 records an UPDATE query is more efficient (obviously), but does that transend down to say 1 - 10 updates?

i.e. There are six unique updates I want to make to 6 different rows. Should I code the backend VB to execute 6 different queries or seek and update a recordset?

It's a MS Access XP app with ADO 2.8.

My gut feeling on this is that making 6 update queries is more efficient, both with system resources and record-locking issues; I'd just like another opinion on the matter.

I appreciate your help!

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Cursor Efficiency?

Apr 8, 2008

I am using nested cursors in my script below, and wonder if there is a more efficient way please?

USE ar
DECLARE @mortgage INT,
@mortgage_sequence int,
@getMortgage CURSOR,
@notes_1 varchar(MAX),
@notes_2 varchar(MAX),
@notes_3 varchar(MAX),
@notes_4 varchar(MAX),
@notes_5 varchar(MAX),
@notes_6 varchar(MAX),
@notes_7 varchar(MAX),
@notes_8 varchar(MAX),
@notes_9 varchar(MAX),
@notes_10 varchar(MAX),
@notes_11 varchar(MAX),
@notes_12 varchar(MAX),
@notesComplete varchar(MAX),
@addedUser varchar(255),
@addedDate varchar(255),
@amendedUser varchar(255),
@amendedDate varchar(255),
@sequence int,
@getDetail CURSOR

SET @getMortgage = CURSOR FOR
SELECT DISTINCT Mortgage_Number, Mortgage_Note_Sequence_No
FROM format_additional_notes
GROUP BY Mortgage_Number, Mortgage_Note_Sequence_No
ORDER BY Mortgage_Number ASC
OPEN @getMortgage
FROM @getMortgage INTO @mortgage, @mortgage_sequence

SET @getDetail = CURSOR FOR
SELECT ltrim(rtrim(Additional_Text_1)),

FROM format_additional_notes
WHERE Mortgage_Number = @mortgage AND Mortgage_Note_Sequence_No = @mortgage_sequence
ORDER BY Mortgage_Note_Sequence_No
OPEN @getDetail
SET @notesComplete = ''
FETCH NEXT FROM @getDetail INTO @notes_1,
SET @notesComplete = @notesComplete +
ISNULL(@notes_1,'') + ' ' +
ISNULL(@notes_2,'') + ' ' +
ISNULL(@notes_3,'') + ' ' +
ISNULL(@notes_4,'') + ' ' +
ISNULL(@notes_5,'') + ' ' +
ISNULL(@notes_6,'') + ' ' +
ISNULL(@notes_7,'') + ' ' +
ISNULL(@notes_8,'') + ' ' +
ISNULL(@notes_9,'') + ' ' +
ISNULL(@notes_10,'') + ' ' +
ISNULL(@notes_11,'') + ' ' +

FETCH NEXT FROM @getDetail INTO @notes_1,

INSERT INTO format_additional_notes_1
( @mortgage,

CLOSE @getDetail
FROM @getMortgage INTO @mortgage, @mortgage_sequence
CLOSE @getMortgage
DEALLOCATE @getMortgage

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Linking Efficiency

May 6, 2008

I would like to use MVJ's formula for creating a date table.

I would like to use it with our main ERP database. However, I am reluctant to make changes to it because I fear that at some point when we upgrade that software and it's database that the upgrade program will delete my table.

So, here is my question. Performance wise, does it matter whether I add the date table to our ERP database or if I create another database (on the same server) for the custom date table? Does linking between databases take substantially longer than linking within the same database?

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Efficiency Of Views

Jun 12, 2008


okay so I'm refactoring some code at the moment. At the moment, I'm working on a search screen. This search screen lets the user enter a number of criterias, I'm working on drags data from a view and then programmatically filters it according to the search filters.

This is obviously inefficent and non-scalable as the view drags out every entry and returns to the data layer, which then filters it.

I'm wondering what the best way to refactor this? i'm thinking the best way is to tell the db what to filter on, so it'll only drag out the right amount of data.

Therefore, should I keep the view? Is there any way of entering parameters into views or am i going to need to change this into a stored proc?

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About Efficiency(rephrased)

Sep 21, 2006

hi,Allcould you tell me which case is more efficiency?(my tables have no index)And does it has any else case more efficiency?case1:"select sum(Invoice_Production.Quantity) from Invoice_Production,(select[dat_Item].ItemCode from [dat_Item],(select [dat_MachineType].MachineTypeIDfrom [dat_MachineType]"&subQuery&") as T3 where [dat_Item].MachineTypeID =T3.machinetypeid) as T1,(select [Invoice].InvoiceNo from Invoice,(select[users].user_id from [users] where [Users].User_ID = '"& rs2(0) &"') as T4where T4.User_ID = invoice.dealerno and Invoice.Cyear >= "&startYear&" andInvoice.Cyear <= "&endYear&" and Invoice.Cmonth >= "&startMonth&" andInvoice.Cmonth <= "&endMonth&") as T2 where invoice_production.ItemCode =T1.ItemCode and T2.invoiceno = invoice_production.invoiceno"case2:"select sum(Invoice_Production.Quantity) from[Invoice_Production],[Invoice],[dat_MachineType],[dat_Item],[users] where[users].user_id = [invoice].DealerNo and [dat_Item].ItemCode =[Invoice_Production].ItemCode and [dat_Item].MachineTypeID =[dat_MachineType].MachineTypeID and [Invoice_Production].InvoiceNo =[Invoice].InvoiceNo and [Users].User_ID = '"& rs2(0) &"' and Invoice.Cyear


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Views Efficiency

Jul 20, 2005

How efficient is ti to use join views in a database?I'm developing an e-commerce system and using join views to join theproduct, product category and product review tables and wondering if thiswould have any adverse effect on performance.Thanks in advance

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Efficiency Of Query

Jul 20, 2005

I have the following 2 tables:location:placelftrgt-------------------Europe099England110France1120Italy2130Asia100199London1212staff:namelocLft--------------Edwards0Smith1Leveil11Rossi21Lee12Chan100location uses the Celko hierarchy model.I wish to retrieve for a location the names of all staff within it andthe hierarchy of place associated with that member of staff, eg aquery for Europe should return all staff in Europe, and for Lee I wishto return Lee-London, Lee-England, Lee-Europe etc.I can achieve this using a subquery, ieSELECT name, placeFROM staff, locationWHERE name IN (SELECT nameFROM staff, locationWHERE place='Europe' And locLft>=location.lft AndlocLft<=location.rgt)AND locLft>=lft AND locLft<=rgtBut is this the most efficient way of doing so?Thanks

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Efficiency Advice Please

Nov 20, 2007

Greetings all,

I need to determine a hierarchy from a table with EmpID's and SupID's. Basically, the President doesn't have a SupID so it will be null. I need to determine programatically the hierarchy to keep it simple.

I have code that works and I was hoping for advice on optimizing it 'cuz it uses a cursor.

Also, It only deals with less than 300 records.

Code Block
CREATE TABLE Employee(fName varchar(30), EmpID int, SupID int)
INSERT INTO Employee SELECT 'Adam', 1, 4
INSERT INTO Employee SELECT 'Joe', 2, 4
INSERT INTO Employee SELECT 'John', 3, 4
INSERT INTO Employee SELECT 'Frank', 4, 10
INSERT INTO Employee SELECT 'Jane', 5, 10
INSERT INTO Employee SELECT 'Kristy', 6, 10
INSERT INTO Employee SELECT 'Angie', 10, 11




CREATE TABLE #temp(Hierarchy int, myName varchar(30), SupID int, EmpID int)


--NULL SupID means that they are at the top most branch

DECLARE @Counter int --Counter is used to increment

SET @Counter = 1



SELECT SupID, EmpID, fName

FROM Employee

ORDER BY SupID --ORDER BY SupID to bring NULLs to top

Open My_Cursor

DECLARE @EmpID int, @SupID int, @Name varchar(30)




SET @Counter = (SELECT MAX(Hierarchy) FROM #temp) + 1 --Get the highest hierarchy ID and increment by 1


SELECT @Counter, fName, SupID, EmpID

FROM Employee








Thanks in advance,


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Autoshrink Efficiency

Aug 2, 2007

Howdy folks!

I've got a database that needs to run 24/7. I'm looking into maintanence options and wanted to run the following by y'all:

Ok, I've read the MSDN "Maintaining databases" article and noticed the following statement about autoshrinking: "This technique uses almost no processor time and memory". I also searched these forums and found that many users say autoshrinking heavily lags down sql transfers. So who's right? And if it does lag transfers, by how much?

Another question I have about autoshrink is fragmentation. It would seem to me that over time solely depending on autoshrink would cripple a server in terms of fragmentation; is this the case?

Also, does autoshrink (or manual shrinking or compacting) update the statistics?

Final question!!! I'm programming in native c++, is there a way for me to run commands such as "DBCC SHRINKDATABASE" in native OLE DB code?


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Equivalent Tsql For Sql Server 2000 Is Needed [from Sql Server 2005 Only Tsql]

Nov 19, 2007

Can anyone please give me the equivalent tsql for sql server 2000 for the following two queries which works fine in sql server 2005

-- Full Table Structure

select t.object_id, t.name as 'tablename', c.name as 'columnname', y.name as 'typename', case y.namewhen 'varchar' then convert(varchar, c.max_length)when 'decimal' then convert(varchar, c.precision) + ', ' + convert(varchar, c.scale)else ''end attrib,y.*from sys.tables t, sys.columns c, sys.types ywhere t.object_id = c.object_idand t.name not in ('sysdiagrams')and c.system_type_id = y.system_type_idand c.system_type_id = y.user_type_idorder by t.name, c.column_id

-- PK and Index
select t.name as 'tablename', i.name as 'indexname', c.name as 'columnname' , i.is_unique, i.is_primary_key, ic.is_descending_keyfrom sys.indexes i, sys.tables t, sys.index_columns ic, sys.columns cwhere t.object_id = i.object_idand t.object_id = ic.object_idand t.object_id = c.object_idand i.index_id = ic.index_idand c.column_id = ic.column_idand t.name not in ('sysdiagrams')order by t.name, i.index_id, ic.index_column_id

This sql is extracting some sort of the information about the structure of the sql server database[2005]
I need a sql whihc will return the same result for sql server 2000

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More Command Inline

Mar 4, 2005


"isqlw" is for Query Analizer.

Which is for Enterprise Manager?

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Inline Sql With An Array

Sep 20, 2006

I have data which looks like below

actid labname
100 CKS

I need the data to be

actid labname
200 CKS
200 HDP
200 LAS

The ; is the seperator

For a reporting product I created a sp which created a temp table and then using my function below built. problem is the product won't allow me to create a temp table. With what I have below anyone have any creative ideas I could use. In-line sql, subquery views?

select enc_id,labcnt,order_name,date_due





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IF In Query (inline IF)

Mar 10, 2007

Hi, I'm trying to get MSSQL to choose which row to display from a result from a query, but it seems to need an 'IF' or something similar.

My query asks the database to pick out all rows that meet critera X, but sometimes (quite correctly) some of the rows created by query X are duplicates. (A data overlap nothing wrong with the query)

I want to be able to get the query to decide which one of these duplicates to display. There is a unique element.

Example Below

1 | PC1 | 10/3/7 | 1
2 | PC1 | 10/3/7 | 0
3 | PC2 | 10/3/7 | 1

ID 1 + 2 is the duplicate.

In my example I want to remove ID 1 from the result, I can't use the 'active' column as this will remove ID3 fro the result.
I want the query to recognise the duplicate based on the sysname, then choose to display the result with 0 in it.

Does anyone have a clue what I'm talking about? I'm loosing the plot.

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General Question About SQL Efficiency

Apr 14, 2008

I have a website that is probably going to hold a sizable amount of data.  The data will be specific to groups of users based on login credentials.  Would it be more efficient to create a whole new database for each group of users, or create new tables for the groups in the existing database? 
Any thoughts on the topic would be appreciated.

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Question Of Efficiency. One Table Or Many

Mar 30, 2006

I'm working on a "comments" section for our application suite.
My thoughts are to have 1 Comments table, which is then linked to a comment Log table.
For each section: Item, Group, Section, User, Package (these can all have comments on them) I will link them to the comments in a many to many relationship.
Comments Table-CommentID-UserID
Would doing that be more efficient than having 1 seperate comments table, and log table for each area I want to have comments?

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Checking The Efficiency Of Query?

Feb 21, 2015

Suppose I have two tables(Customer and Order) which are as follows:



Another thing I am concerned about is that in the line INNER JOIN Order ON Customer.customer_id = Order.customer_id , I have written Customer.customer_id on the left hand side. Is that correct or I should write it on the right hand side of the equal sign?

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Correlated Subquery Efficiency

Jul 20, 2005

Hello All,I have a SQL Query with multiple correlated Subqueries in it. When itgets executed it runs rather slow due to the size of the QT table.Does anybody have any suggestions how to alter this query to make itrun faster, or any index suggestions to assist it with.Query is as follows:SELECT SH_ORDER, SH_CUST, SH_ADD_DATE, SH_CUST_REF, SH_DESC, SH_EXCL,(SELECT SUM(QT_CHARGE) AS QT_CHARGE_SUMFROM QT INNER JOINJU ON QT_PROC_CODE = JU_PROC_CODEWHERE (QT_NUMBER = ' ' + SH_NOTE_2) AND (JU_PROC_GRP < 2)AND (QT_QUOTE_JOB = 0))AS [PREPCOST],(SELECT SUM(QT_CHARGE) AS QT_CHARGE_SUMFROM QT INNER JOINJU ON QT_PROC_CODE = JU_PROC_CODEWHERE (QT_NUMBER = ' ' + SH_NOTE_2) AND (QT_QUOTE_JOB = 0)AND (JU_PROC_GRP > 1) AND (JU_CATEG = 1)) AS [MATCOST],(SELECT SUM(QT_CHARGE) AS QT_CHARGE_SUMFROM QT INNER JOINJU ON QT_PROC_CODE = JU_PROC_CODEWHERE (QT_NUMBER = ' ' + SH_NOTE_2) AND (QT_QUOTE_JOB = 0)AND (JU_PROC_GRP > 1) AND (JU_CATEG = 3)) AS [OUTCOST],(SELECT SUM(QT_CHARGE) AS QT_CHARGE_SUMFROM QT INNER JOINJU ON QT_PROC_CODE = JU_PROC_CODEWHERE (QT_NUMBER = ' ' + SH_NOTE_2) AND (QT_QUOTE_JOB = 0)AND (JU_PROC_GRP > 1) AND((JU_CATEG = 0) OR (JU_CATEG = 2) OR (JU_CATEG = 4))) AS [LABCOST]FROM SHWHERE SH_ADD_DATE = '5/FEB/2004'thanks a lot for any helpJason

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Efficiency Issue With Parameters

Apr 13, 2007

Hi all.

I am new to reporting services and I am having an efficiency problem when loading my report.

I would like to know how Reporting Services handles its datasets.

1: Lets say I have 3 parameters. All set to retrieve data from the same dataset. Does reporting services execute the Query 3 times to get the results for each parameter ? If so, is there a way around this ? I am having a great performance hit with this if it is the case.

2: I am also having an issue with a data processing extensions, when my multi-valued parameter reads the fields from the dataset.. it inserts duplicates and not distinct values, Do i need to explicitly select distinct values in the data processing extension or should Reporting Services automatically do this ?

Any help is greatly appreciated.

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Inline Variable Assignment

Jan 22, 2004

I have to write a query for printing multiple barcodes, depending on the quantity of items that came in the store, based on the order number.

SELECT BarCodes.BarCode, BarCodes.ArticleID, ArticlesTrafic.DocumentID, ArticlesTrafic.TrafficQuantity
Articles ON BarCodes.ArticleID = Articles.ArticleID INNER JOIN
getAutoNumberTable(@num) ON @num=ArticlesTrafic.TrafficQuantity
WHERE (ArticlesTrafic.DocumentID = @Param2)

The thing i would like to do, is somehow assign a value to @num and pass it to the getAutoNumberTable stored procedure, which generates a table of consequtive numbers, so that each record is displayed multiple times. Is it even possible to do it without using temp tables and loops?

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How To Do A Sqlcmd Inline Commands

May 24, 2008


i am not sure if this forum is right place to ask this question..
i am trying right a dos batch file to do setup of sql commands run by sqlcmd , run some dos commands etc

net start mssql$server
sqlcmd -E .....

net stop mssql$server...

sqlcmd -E ....

in unix you can run isql with the sql commands place inside..

isql -Uuser -S server <<EOF
select 1
select 2

you can put above in a shell and it will run.

i am trying to do similar stuff in windows for sqlcmd.. how can i do it

only option i have is to create lot of .sql files and
run with -i option on sqlcmd..

can some body let me know how to do a inline commands in dos?

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Bold Inline Textbox

Jun 7, 2007

This feels like a question that has been asked 1000 times...I'm just not having much luck finding an answer.

I want to bold a single word in a Textbox on a RS2005 report. Is there a way to do this? The text is always bold. Like this:

By signing this document you accept our Terms and Conditions.


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Inline Schema - XML Source

Mar 15, 2007

I have a serialized XML that I got from a dataset. In my 'Data Flow Task', I bind the 'XML Source' source to this XML file. Since the XML file is having the schema along with it, I check the 'Use Inline schema' option. However, when I put a dataviewer to see the rows getting sent to the destination, I see that no rows are getting transfered. As you will see from the XML file I am trying to use, I do have one row to transfer.

I tried kepping the schema file and the content file separate and that worked. I am not sure if there are any inherent issues I need to take care of, when using inline schemas to transfer data. I have the SP2 for SQL 2005 installed.

Here is the XML file content:

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<xs:schema attributeFormDefault="unqualified" elementFormDefault="qualified" xmlns:xs="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema">
  <xs:element name="NewDataSet">
        <xs:element minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded" name="Table1">
              <xs:element minOccurs="0" name="LastName" type="xs:string" />
              <xs:element minOccurs="0" name="FirstName" type="xs:string" />
              <xs:element minOccurs="0" name="Descr" type="xs:string" />
<Descr>Consultant 1</Descr>



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Formatting Inline Bar Charts

Jan 28, 2008

I have two questions regarding in-line bar charts...

First, I put the text as data labels and check 'Auto' for positioning, most of the time the text is written to the right of the bar (which is what I want). However, there is one case that if the space to the right of the bar is not enough for the text, it starts writting on the bar itself.... is there a way I could set it so that the text only appears when there is enough space to the right, so that text never appears on any bars?

Secondly, is there a way I could put hyperlinks on the text?

Thanks again,

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Storedprocedure Or Inline SQL Statement?

Sep 28, 2007

I am developing ASP.NET 2.0 website. I need to know some about using stored procedure. I searched through google. But could now find a favourable repLy.
Here is ..

Which way is efficient, using SQL inside the code or as SRORED PROCEDRE, which one to use with ASP.NET?
Is the Stored procedure must be created withing the server or from my application?Can anyone please give some practicle explaination about this?
My advance thanks for all...

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