Email If File Not Found/exist

Jan 10, 2008

On Foreach File Enumerator, how can I send me email if no file found? Thanks.

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Load A Text File With Email Addresses And Compare Against A Database Table That Has Email Addresses And User_id

Jul 12, 2007

Hello ALL

what I want to achieve is to load a text file that has email addreses from disk and using the email addresses in the text file look it up against the email addresses in the database table then once matched delete all the users in the table whose email address were in the text file.

I also want to update some users using a different text file.

Please help me with the best way to do this

Thanks in advance

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Integration Services :: Using Rows Returned In Object Variable And Email When Rows Exist

Sep 11, 2015

I have a conditional split in an SSIS package - one split is where if rows are returned according to a specific rule, then insert those rows into to a Recordset Destinationm which points to a variable of Object type.

How I can use this variable to email fellow users.  For example, what I would like is if ANY rows are returned to the Object variable (1 or more), then I would like to execute an email SP that we have on our server.

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File Does Not Exist Error While Renaming A Flat File

May 22, 2008

Hi All,

We have a SSIS package which is accessing a remote Windows file share location.
The package first moves the file from folder-1 to folder-2 and also renames the file during this process.
Then the package reads the file (using a flat file connection FF_SRC) from folder-2 and renames it again after processing it successfully.

The permissions given to the user executing the package on folder-2 are: Read+Write+Modify+List folder contents.

We are facing an error:

Code SnippetFile or directory "Z:folder-2XYZ.txt" represented by connection "FF_SRC" does not exist.

We are getting the above error when the SSIS package is trying to rename the file the second time in folder-2.

However, the file exists in folder-2.

The OS is Windows 2000 Server SP4.

Any ideas why this could be happening and how it could be resolved?

Best Regards,

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The Specified File Was Not Found

Jul 23, 2005

I have got an XP machine where I have installed a SQL Server for mytesting.I recently started working on a project requiring MSDE. Afterexecuting the Setup, made using Install Shield, including theinstallation of an instance of MSDE I can't start the Query Analyzer onmy "normal" SQL server or any instance, I am having a message saying"the specified file can not be found". I have to do a system restore torecover this functionality.Here is a pic

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Excel File Not Found

Dec 14, 2007


i am new to SSIS. I need to know can i make the excel source connection to redirect to a different excel file if the file i am looking is not available. i am using parameters to identify the excel files with the current date. if the file with that date is not found, i need to take excel file with the previous date to load the data.

Any one pl help me to do this successfully

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File Not Found Error.

Nov 22, 2005

I downloaded and installed sql express yesterday.  After I rebooted I get a File not Found error.

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SQL_2005_Express-Help File Not Found Err...?

Jan 6, 2007

Hei everybody,

Can someone explain why I get this err. msg. on SQL express? The installation went OK, no err, but when I press "Help" in SQL I get this message!

Thank you!


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Say If One File Exist?

Oct 20, 2006

I tried File System Task component,

it seems can not perform this task?

any ideas? thanks

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DTS Designer Error - Specified File Not Found

Apr 21, 2004

Hi there,

lately I had the following message on win2000 sp4 with sqlserver2000 sp3a: "DTS Designer Error - Specified file not found".
Then in the DTS editor the Task menu objects are missing and it is not possible to link a source and a target using Transform Data Task.

Before it used to work fine.

I have done the following:

- installing again last sp: same issue again
- reinstalling sqserver with a registry deep cleaning: same issue again
- started disabled windows services: same issue again

any idea?


Could it be possible that a lately installed fix for Win2K interferes with DTS-Designer?

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DTSConfig File Not Found Error

May 8, 2008

I was requested to build and move and existing SSIS package from the developers local PC to the Dev server. Both are running SQL 2K5, I built the following command file so SQL Agent can run the import job.

REM *** Run for FileImport
set FileImportLoadData=C:SSISConfigDEVFileImportLoadData.dtsConfig
"C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL Server90DTSBinndtexec" /f "C:SSISConfigFileImportFileImportLoadData.dtsx"

All files are in the proper place but when the jobs runs the following message shows up in the history;

Executed as user: LIGHTHOUSE1SQLEXEC. ...system32>set FileImportLoadData=C:SSISConfigDEVFileImportLoadData.dtsConfig C:WINDOWSsystem32>"C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL Server90DTSBinndtexec" /f "C:SSISConfigDEVFileImportLoadData.dtsx"Microsoft (R) SQL Server Execute Package Utility Version 9.00.3042.00 for 32-bit Copyright (C) Microsoft Corp 1984-2005. All rights reserved. Started: 8:54:00 AM Warning: 2008-05-08 08:54:01.77 Code: 0x80012014 Source: FileImportLoadData Description: The configuration file "FileImportLoadData.dtsConfig" cannot be found. Check the directory and file name. End Warning Warning: 2008-05-08 08:54:01.77 Code: 0x80012059 Source: FileImportLoadData Description: Failed to load at least one of the configuration entries for the package. Check configurations entries and previous warnings to see descriptions of which configuration failed. End Warning Progress: 2008-05-08 08:54:01.82 Source... Process Exit Code 0. The step succeeded.

My questions is how do I fix this and is this really and error?

Jay B.

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Check If File Exist ?

Mar 31, 2008

Hi All,

1)My source files[.txt] come from an FTP server.I need to find a way to include within my SSIS package,a task that would watch a certain folder of the FTP Server and send a mail notification as soon as the file arrives.Tried using filewatcher task, but the task stays "yellow" for a long time while package is being excuted.I dont know if this is what I need to use.Are they any other task/ways?

Another Problem I'm facing is;

2)If the source file coming in the FTP Server is zipped.How do I unzip the file and move it back to the FTP Server folder for the task in 1) to watch on it .Any ideas ?

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Suffix File Name If Exist

May 3, 2008

i have a data flow task which create a .txt file in destination from source table.
i have used expression for the out file name to add date values to the out put file name using expression window

for example the output file is department05032008, my biggest problem over here at this moment is i need to suffix the file name if the file executes more then one time. ( requirment is i cannot use timestamp)

for example today my output file name is department05032008, the next hour the package executes it the file name should be department05032008A, then department05032008B and so on .

can i suffix the file name in expression window where i am generating the output file name , if possible i want to avoid the vb script as i am not good at it.

please advise

thank you

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SQL 2012 :: PDF Not Found In FT-Index On File Table

Dec 15, 2014

I have a filetable and use a statement like

SELECT [name],file_stream
FROM dbo.Inkoopfacturen
WHERE FREETEXT(file_stream, 'Factuur');

It will return the text found in a .pptx but not in a pdf. There are no errors in the FT-log. It tells me that the FT-index is succesfully build.

I have downloaded the iFilter for Adobe (installed it in a folder with a short name), set the temp variable to the bin folder of the installation.

I've executed the following queries:

EXEC sp_fulltext_service 'update_languages';
EXEC sp_fulltext_service 'load_os_resources', 1;
EXEC sp_fulltext_service 'restart_all_fdhosts';
Exec sp_fulltext_service 'verify_signature', 0

When I run the following statement, it'll show pdf in the resultset.

SELECT * FROM sys.fulltext_document_types order by document_type

Still, content is not found.

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Help Understanding .cer File Found In DATA Folder

Nov 5, 2007

What is the purpose of the .cer file found in MSSQL.1MSSQLData? Something to do with encryption, but what?

Why do I see as many as three .cer files on a server?

Thanks, Dave

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Exception Thrown: Database File Cannot Be Found

Sep 7, 2006

Hi,I'm developing a desktop C# app that uses SQL Everywhere as an embedded database. I generated strongly typed DataSet and use that to populate a DataGrid on my app.When the app first loads, it populates the DataGrid with a line like this:


That all works fine. Later on, after adding more data to the database (through reading a csv file), I wanted to refresh the display on the DataGrid.

I used the same line of code:


however, this time, the following exception was thrown:

The database file cannot be found. Check the path to the database. [ File name = .\Inventories.sdf ]

Does anyone know what may be going on? I saw this article about a bug in VS 2005 when using strongly typed DataSets (
but that doesn't seem to apply here.

The connection string is identical both times that line of code is called so I'm a bit baffled with what's going on.

Any help would be appreciated. Thanks,


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File Script Exist Or Not Checking

Aug 20, 2007

hi frineds i was checked the file exist in a dir or not it's working file

if file not exist i want to create a file and directory with the bellow condition

i was placed the file system object for dir and file it working fine indepenedent but now

we have to club with file check condition and if not exist we have to create how please tell me

If System.IO.File.Exists((CStr(Dts.Variables("ProductBuyListFileLocation").Value) + (CStr(Dts.Variables("ProductBuyListFileName").Value)))) ThenDts.Variables("FileFound").Value = 1


ElseDts.Variables("FileFound").Value = 0


End If


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Check To See If File Exist On Server

Nov 9, 2007

Hi Folks,

I'm attempting to check to see if a file exists on our server before showing a link it.

I put this function in the Report Properties:

Code Block
Function isFile(PathFileName As String) As Boolean
Return isFile = System.IO.FileExists(PathFileName)
End Function

I chose a situation where I'm getting back two rows of data, one row is true and the other row is false however, when I run the report they're both coming back as 'True'.

We created a virtual directory to the file system that houses our files, so my PathFileName variable will contain something like http://Sales/North/Sales110907.pdf.

Can I use the FileExists in this fashion or am I going down the wrong path?

I appreciate any help you can give.

Best regards,

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Error Handing The File Does Not Exist.

Sep 15, 2006

I am having a having time with a error handling statement: The code pretty much does a loop through my picture and imports them into the database My only problem there is not a photo for every id# so when I get to a certain point it bombs "See Error After the Code" Thanks

use consumer

declare @jpg as int, @query varchar(1000)
Set @jpg = 0
While @jpg < 4500
set @jpg = (@jpg + 1)

set @query = '
insert photo (id# ,ImageName ,ImageFile)
Select ' + cast(@jpg as varchar(10)) + '
, ''' + cast(@jpg as varchar(10)) + '.jpg' + '''
from Openrowset (Bulk ''' + 'D:DataPics' + cast(@jpg as varchar(10)) + '.jpg'', Single_Blob) as ImageFile'

select @query
exec (@query)

(1 row(s) affected)

(1 row(s) affected)

Msg 4860, Level 16, State 1, Line 2

Cannot bulk load. The file "D:DataPics33.jpg" does not exist.

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Could Not Bulk Insert. File ' @PathFileName ' Does Not Exist.

Feb 27, 2008

Someone help me out .How to solve the problem.I built a stored procedure in MS SQL 2005 to bulk insert into a table by reading the .txt file. But my stored procedure throws an error. "Could not bulk insert. File ' @PathFileName ' does not exist." My stored given below :- CREATE PROCEDURE [dbo].[ps_CSV_Import] AS DECLARE @PathFileName varchar(2000) ----Step 1: Build Valid BULK INSERT Statement DECLARE @SQL varchar(2000) SELECT @PathFileName="D:Areazone.txt" BEGIN SET @SQL = "BULK INSERT Temp FROM '"+" @PathFileName "+"' WITH (FIELDTERMINATOR = '"",""') " END --Step 2: Execute BULK INSERT statement EXEC (@SQL) --Step 3: INSERT data into final table INSERT mstArea(Description,Refid) SELECT SUBSTRING(Description,2,DATALENGTH(Description)-1), SUBSTRING(RefId,1,DATALENGTH(RefId)-0) FROM Temp --Step 4: Empty temporary table TRUNCATE TABLE Temp Please help me ,if someone have any solution

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Check Directory To Make Jpg File Exist

Mar 6, 2012

We have a database called Itemphotos. In this table is a field called 'PID' picture ID. We have a photos directory with files like 2181.jpg, 2182.jpg, 2184.jpg. The number is the ID number for the picture of the part. If a record exist in the database based on the PID "Primary Key" , check the directory to make sure the jpg file exist. Here is the code I have so far.

use [ItemPhotos]
select pid from dbo.itemdata
declare @file_path nvarchar(500)
declare @file_exists
int set @file_path = 'av-sql2c$inetpubphotosmacolaphotos' + [itemdata].[pid]


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Could Not Bulk Insert. File ' @PathFileName ' Does Not Exist.

Feb 29, 2008

Someone help me out .How to solve the problem.I built a stored procedure in MS SQL 2005 to bulk insert into a table by reading the .txt file. But my stored procedure throws an error."Could not bulk insert. File ' @PathFileName ' does not exist."My stored given below :-CREATE PROCEDURE [dbo].[ps_CSV_Import]AS DECLARE @PathFileName varchar(2000) ----Step 1: Build Valid BULK INSERT Statement DECLARE @SQL varchar(2000) SELECT @PathFileName="D:Areazone.txt" BEGIN SET @SQL = "BULK INSERT Temp FROM '"+" @PathFileName "+"' WITH (FIELDTERMINATOR = '"",""') " END--Step 2: Execute BULK INSERT statementEXEC (@SQL)--Step 3: INSERT data into final tableINSERT mstArea(Description,Refid)SELECT SUBSTRING(Description,2,DATALENGTH(Description)-1), SUBSTRING(RefId,1,DATALENGTH(RefId)-0) FROM Temp--Step 4: Empty temporary tableTRUNCATE TABLE TempPlease help me ,if someone have any solution

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Need To Log The Error If Excel File Didnt Exist

Dec 15, 2007

Hi Friends,

I have used an excel file connection manager to load my source excel file to import data to the sql server database. I need to log a error message when the required file did not exists. Plz let me know how to do this.


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Bulk Insert Error File Does Not Exist

Oct 25, 2006


I am trying to bulk insert a text file into SQL 2005 table. When I execute the bulk insert I get the error

"Msg 4860, Level 16, State 1, Line 1. Cannot bulk load. The file "\ENDUSER-SQLEnduserTextB1020063.txt" does not exist."

The text file that it is saying does not exist I recently created thru my code. I can open the file but only when I rename the file will the Bulk Insert work. After creating the text file I am moving it to the server that SQL server is running on. Also if I run sp_FileExists it also says the file does not exist unless again I rename the file then this stored procedure recognizes the file. I dont' know if I have a permission issue or what is the problem. Any help would be appreiated.



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FTP Task - File Represented By _does Not Exist.

Sep 14, 2006

I've done some searcing on this forum and online. I found one thread that talked about this problem, but it didn't seem to help me at all.

I have a package that downloads an xml file from a ftp server for processing. The file is named after the day that it was put on the ftp server. So, to help the situation I created a variable that gets set to the proper name before the FTP Task fires.

Now, I've been working with this SSIS task for just over 2 months and haven't seen this issue ONCE until I deployed it on the production helper server. All of my other SSIS tasks are working fine in my other Tasks.

I have set DelayValidation to true for the FTP Task, I have moved around the time the task gets run. This is what is really tricky. If I fire off the task manually (by running the batch file that runs all my tasks on the console) it works fine! I've ran it 3-4 times throughout the day manually and it works perfectly! However, whenever it is scheduled to be run in the middle of the night, it fails!

This problem has stumped me good. I can run the task manually, but when I run it scheduled, I get : File represented by "User::ftpXmlPath" does not exist.

Any help would be appreciated. Thanks!

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Incorrect Host-column Number Found In BCP Format-file

Jul 20, 2005

Hi guys, would appreciate if you can shed some light on this.Sorry to be a pain, can you tell me what is wrong with the following:for /F %%i in ('dir /b /on c:cppc*.txt') do bcp Inventory..pc in%%i -fc:cpcp.fmt -T -S CHICKYywhere CHICKYy is the serverbcp.fmt8.00.19461 SQLCHAR 0 20 ", " 0 filler_1 ""2 SQLCHAR 0 8 "
" 1 computer_name ""3 SQLCHAR 0 20 ", " 0 filler_2 ""4 SQLCHAR 0 16 "
" 2 ip_address ""5 SQLCHAR 0 20 ", " 0 filler_3 ""6 SQLCHAR 0 60 "
" 3 operating_system ""pc1.txt and other *.txt format is:JW_193801,,Windows XP,when I run it I get:C:cp>for /F %i in ('dir /b /on c:cppc*.txt') do bcp Inventory..pc in%i -fc:cpcp.fmt -T -S CHICKYyC:cp>bcp Inventory..pc in pc1.txt -fc:cpcp.fmt -T -S CHICKYySQLState = S1000, NativeError = 0Error = [Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver]Incorrect host-column numberfound in BCP format-fileC:cp>bcp Inventory..pc in pc2.txt -fc:cpcp.fmt -T -S CHICKYySQLState = S1000, NativeError = 0Error = [Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver]Incorrect host-column numberfound in BCP format-fileC:cp>bcp Inventory..pc in pc3.txt -fc:cpcp.fmt -T -S CHICKYySQLState = S1000, NativeError = 0Error = [Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver]Incorrect host-column numberfound in BCP format-fileC:cp>bcp Inventory..pc in pc4.txt -fc:cpcp.fmt -T -S CHICKYySQLState = S1000, NativeError = 0Error = [Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver]Incorrect host-column numberfound in BCP format-fileC:cp>bcp Inventory..pc in pc5.txt -fc:cpcp.fmt -T -S CHICKYySQLState = S1000, NativeError = 0Error = [Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver]Incorrect host-column numberfound in BCP format-fileThe sql table has 3 columns:Sorry to be a pain.-----------------------------------------------------------------------"Are you still wasting your time with spam?...There is a solution!"Protected by GIANT Company's Spam InspectorThe most powerful anti-spam software available.

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Capture File To Email

Apr 7, 1999

Does anybody know of a way to set up a task which will send an email with an attachment other than using sp_sendmail. Sp_SendMail will run a query and send the results as a text file. But I need to run a stored procedure which generates an Excel spreadsheet then have an email sent with the Excel file as an attachment. The sp_sendmail text file just doesn't work with the information I am generating so I need to find another solution.

Thanks for any help.

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Can't I Dynamically Read From Any File? - Connection Manager Does Not Exist

Feb 23, 2007

I have a Parent package and a child package.

I have hard coded the value for the User::FilePath variable in the parent package.

I am mapping this variable to the value of the same variable in the Child Package.

I created a directory and sql file: "C: empsqlb.sql". I have verified that the path variable value is passed to the child package by using a Script task with a messgbox call.

How do I define an execute sql task to execute sql file: @[User::FilePath] & "sqlb.sql". I'm using this expression for the SqlStatementSource property. I have entered the OLEDB server information and specified the SQLSourceType = fileconnection.

However I get the error:

[Execute SQL Task] Error: Connection manager "D:
lewisdevZsqlb.sql" does not exist.

What am I doing wrong?

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Integration Services :: Run For Each Loop Container If File Exist?

Aug 25, 2015

In my SSIS Package I am using For each loop container to load the data from csv file to SQL Table.

my file will be like abc_120554.csv

I want to places one script task before the foreach loop container to check if the file exist in the folder which start with abc_.what to do for same.

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Send Email Only If There Is Data In The File

Mar 3, 2008

Hi i have a SSIS package, that looks at the @@rowcount in a table and if the rowcount is >= 1 then send the information on to a file.

Now i want to only email my self to say if the file has data in it.

Is there anyway of doing this on the send email task. Can i use an expression ?. I've check and i can't see a away of checking the file size etc.

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Extracting The Attached File From An Email

Feb 1, 2008

Hi there,

I need to extract a attached file which is sent via email. I believe that I can do this via SSIS... but I would like to know how...
Could you kindly send me any idea about how can I do it?

Thank you, so much.
Luis Antonio

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The Certificate, Asymmetric Key, Or Private Key File Does Not Exist Or Has Invalid Format.

Sep 20, 2006

I am sure I'm being dumb here but I am trying to deploy an assembly with external_access.

I have signed the assembly using the <new> option in the project properties.

When I then try and create the Key I get the above error using the code below.


FROM EXECUTABLE FILE = 'C:Documents and SettingsSimon SabinMy DocumentsVisual Studio 2005ProjectsSQLBitsCoreSQLExtensionsSQLExtensions.UDTinDebugSQLExtensions.UDT.dll'

What could be the problem?

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How To Set Up A Regular Job Which Will Put The Quesry Result Into File And Email It?

Oct 17, 2006

Dear forum people,

I created a query which suppose to run every 2 weeks. I know how to schedule a job, my question is how to get the query result into a text or excel file.
If I need to use DTS package, please give me a step by step explanation how to move the result into text file and how to email this file.

I am appreciate every answer.

Thank you.


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