I was wondering is there was is a way in SQL 2005 to not only email job completion notifications but also include the output of a step (e.g. TSQL step) within the email. I was able to accomplish this in the past with SQL 2000 by writing output to a file and then adding an extra CMDEXEC step that exectuted BLAT (CLI SMTP engine) that sent the contents of the output file as email body out of band. Although this worked and I can do the same with 2005 it is not very elegant and I was wondering if 2005 version might have something built-in.
We have the following proc that executes an e-mail and attaches the resulting query as a TXT attachment. Is there a way to make the attachment be a PDF?
@MYRECIPIENTS varchar (500)
, @MYSUBJECT varchar (50)
, @MYBODY varchar (500)
, @MYQUERY varchar (1000)
, @MYIMPORTANCE varchar (10)
, @MYPROFILE varchar (50)
declare @NewSubject varchar(200)
set @NewSubject = @MYSUBJECT + ' ' + Cast(GetDate() as varchar(20))
i am using xp_sendmail to notify system users when certain actions happen in the database but cannot control the format of the output. I am building a string for the message in the a trigger and then use exec xp_sendmail @recipients='email address', @Subject='subject',@message=@msg
however in the @msg variable it would make a lot more sense if i could include linebreaks.
I have tried using html tags and setting the outlook installation on the server to send in html format but that doesnt work, the html tags are output as text in the message.
i have tried putting CHAR(13) in the @msg variable as i build it up but that doesnt work either.
I want to email the results of the query. The query output can be email either as the HTML body of the email to be sent or as a excel attachement.
I am wondering as to what would be the best way to achive this.
a) I could have a email client module in C# or VB.NET 2.0, which would fetch the query resultset and store it in a dataset. I format it as HTML body and send the email using System.NET. For excel, can use XSLT
Please suggest if there is any other approach that would be more suitable.
"Subquery returned more than 1 value. This is not permitted when the subquery follows =, !=, <, <= , >, >= or when the subquery is used as an expression"..It is about a Stored Procedure, which not only should output the number of opportunities with status "Pending" or "Accepted" but also the name of the opportunities with these statuses. Following points:
1. The SELECT that outputs the names of the opportunities may in some cases return more than one value. I created then the CURSOR CUR_TEST.
2. The code should return the names of Opportunities, namely after "The opportunities are:" and these must be sent to the recipients of an email. How can I do this, so the Names of the Opportunities and the rest of the email can be sent by email?. I mean, the concatenation with SET or SELECT doesn't work. I get as email only the output of the last row of the SELECT with cursor CUR_TEST.
Public Class ScriptMain Public Sub Main() Dim msg As MailMessage Dim smtp As SmtpClient
Dim dt As Data.tbl_clients Dim ad As New Data.OleDb.OleDbDataAdapter dt = New System.Data.tbl_clients ad.Fill(dt, Dts.Variables("User::AllFilesFound").Value)
Dim data As String
For Each row As Data.DataRow In dt.Rows For Each column As Data.DataColumn In dt.Columns data = data & (column.StaffNo & " : " & row(column.Ordinal).ToString()) & "<br>" Next Next
Dim sendNotify As String sendNotify = "<pre>Cards to be printed " & Today() & " : <br><br>" & data.ToString() & ""
msg = New MailMessage( _ "my email", _ "my email again", _ "Subject: Cards to be printed", sendNotify) smtp = New SmtpClient("smtp client") smtp.Credentials = CredentialCache.DefaultNetworkCredentials msg.IsBodyHtml = True smtp.Send(msg) Dts.TaskResult = Dts.Results.Success End Sub End Class
I got the following error: The query failed to parse. An object or column name is missing or empty. For SELECT INTO statements, verify each column has a name. For other statements, look for empty alias names. Aliases defined as "" or [] are not allowed. Add a name or single space as the alias name.
I would like to send an email notification after data has been imported into the table. Any response will be highly appreciated.
I'm very new to SQL but I have figured out how to do my first query. Now I would like to automate it to send the query as an attachment to users automatically (scheduler/cron??). How would you go about this, I need step by step hints. I'm using SQL Query Analyzer ver 8.00.2039 to generate the query from CDR records. Is this even possible?
is it possible to use send mail task to send results of a query via email? if it can be sent then what would the result look like? will it be like excel type format or fixed length? or comma delimited?
Hi,I'm not sure if this is possible as i've googled everywhere, but i have aselect query that returns a customer record with their associated salesorders. I would like to automate a process which sends an email reminder toeach customer in the database, that has outstanding orders. This emailreminder should have the results of the query regarding their account.The table structure are as follows.---------------------Customer_tbl---------------------CustomerIDAccountNoNameEmailAddress---------------------Order_tbl---------------------OrderIDCustomerIDReferenceAmountDateOutstanding_flgCan anyone help?Sen.
I’m running a data integrity procedure from an agent job that is a scheduled weekly maintenance task which emails the results of my query, and is working properly.
I would however like this to only receive the email it the query contains results, and not send it no records are found to prompt me to take action.
Everyday morning I email the sql query/stored procedure output results to the users, I was wondering if I can use some kind of t-sql code or DTS packages so that I can automate this process where I want to send the sql/stored proc results in the body of the email.
Is there a way to export query results to an excel fie and add that file as an attachment in the email? All this has to be done using SQL query and it needs to be automated. My coworker tried using Openrowset and BCP, but it is not working.
I am able to perform my Stored Procedure, but I can't figure out how to get access to the OUTPUT parameters!Here is my code: Protected Sub Button2_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs)
Dim mySqlDataSource As SqlDataSource = New SqlDataSource
' Add Some Parameter Dim someParameter As Parameter = New Parameter("someParameterName", TypeCode.String) someParameter.DefaultValue = New String("Some Value") someParameter.Direction = Data.ParameterDirection.Output
Hello, I have been working around this issue, but couldn't yet find any solution.I have a stored procedure that calls a method to do a certain repetitive work.In this function, I have a dynamic query, which means, that I am concatinating commands to the query depending on the input of the function.for example, there is an input for a function called "Id"Inside the function, if Id = 111I need to add " and ID <> 1" and if Id has another value I need to add " and ID = c.ID" something like that.Now, inside the function, I need to return a value by executing the above @SQLString as follows:EXEC @SQLStringWhen I need is something likeEXEC @SQLString, @Total OutputReturn (@Total)Are there any ideas ?regards
Hi All !Is it possible to get rid of these dash symbols which are underliningthe column name when recordset is returned after query execution ?For example, using isql.exe:SELECT 'blah'goproduces the following results:----blahWhat I want to achieve is justblahI know that SET NOCOUNT ON switches the "X row affected" thing. Buthow about column headers ?Thanks for your time,Seeker
I am trying to create a proc and at the end of the proc I want to call another proc and pass to one of the parameters to proc using the result from the "OUTPUT". Is it possible to use the results from the "OUTPUT" and use them as parameters?
Here below is the perfect query i made which is working fine and giving me the sql output but just only need is how to convert to excel and automate the job scheduling so that it run on everyday and send the mail with attachment .
SELECT DN, cn, displayName, mail, objectClass, sAMAccountName, Company, givenName, sn FROM ( SELECT DN, cn, displayName, mail, objectClass, sAMAccountName, Company, givenName, sn, 1 [ordering] FROM alpha.dbo.DCADFeed where sAMAccountName collate SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS in
I have a stored procedure that outputs an XML result. As it is right now, I will periodically go into SQL Server Mngmnt Studio and run the procedure, then save the XML output to an XML file that my website uses. The procedure takes too long run (it is recursive through the entire data set) to have the website call the procedure on its own, and wait for the results.
My question is this: Can I create a trigger that will run this stored procedure and save the results to a file? Is that possible? The trigger would call the procedure any time a specific table is updated (which will be a rare occurrence), then save the file to the path provided so the website users could always have the most up-to-date information without having long wait times caused by long waits for the procedure to run.
Any advice on how best to accomplish this will be appreciated. Thanks in advance.
I have a dynamic database that will be periodically queried to selectthe data from a blob field. This blob data field is text of a variablelength. The data will be selected using an id field and a date range.There will be multiple blob fields returned that I would like to outputinto a txt file in a local folder.I have the blob fields showing up as text in the field and not areferring link. Can someone point me to an output to text solution?Thanks
When I run my CLR/C# stored procedure inside Visual/BI Dev Studio, the results in a datatable are sent over pipe and displayed in output window without the grid format. I looked up inOptions and settings but couldn't find a way to change the format of output window to grid. I would like to be able to do that so I can copy/paste the results in excel.
I am rewriting several stored procedures that originally had lots of "multiplicated" code. I am aware that references to objects within dynamic SQL do not create dependencies, so I intend to add code that will generate the dependencies but will NOT produce any output in both the Results and Messages tabs, not be overly "messy" or complicated, and have the least impact on execution plan creation as possible.
As we use a dependency list of tables used to our support staff pinpoint possible data issues associated with each of these stored procedures.
I have tried a few methods already, including this:
SET @SQL = N'SELECT Column1,Column2 FROM dbo.TableName'; ... /***************************************************************************************/ /* This code block is only to establish dependency of objects used within dynamic SQL. */ /* */ /* SET statements are used so that no output is produced in Results or Messages tabs. */ /* Object existence check avoids error 208, "Invalid object name" message. */ /***************************************************************************************/ DECLARE @DependentObject SQL_VARIANT; IF OBJECT_ID(N'dbo.TableName', N'U') IS NOT NULL SET @DependentObject = ( SELECT TOP (1) Column1,Column2 FROM dbo.TableName); /* End code for dependency of objects used within dynamic SQL */
I have the following code below where I need to have all of the query results output into a .csv file to use in a VBA macro. The issue I am running into is that the data is not deliminating correctly and my rows are being shifted incorrectly. Any better way of out putting the results into a .csv file with a common delimiter.
Output from query (please post in a text editor. The line starting with (only ) should be on line 1 after 20 pks and is shifted to a new line.):
557898^1^9885E25^80082^9.0 CM GLASS FIBER PADS 20PKS (only 12 pks in stock that will ship today) ^12.00000000^.00000000^18.32000000^219.84000000000^28.30000000 ^339.60000000000^9.98000000^35.2650176678445^DR9146322^0^
I am using vs 2005 and sqlserver 2005 to manage a large database. I need to create a series of text files based on the value of one of the columns. Is there an sql command that will pipe the output directly to a file?
Can the same result be achieved sending as attachment with dbmail?
EXEC msdb..sp_send_dbmail @attach_query_result_as_file = 1I don't want to have to add column names as part of the query
Change the query to return column headers in resultset SELECT 'CustID' as f1, 'name' as f2 UNION ALL SELECT CAST(CustID as Varchar(10)), name FROM tblCustand set
I have been given a request at work that requires us to run the SQL scripts that are held in a report configuration table and output the results as .csv or.xls files in a desired folder with a file name that is also specified within the report config table.
An example of the table is as per script below with column A being the desired file name to be created and Column B contains the script that will be executed.
Ideally I require a script that i can drop into a Stored Proc that will run down each row in the table and export and create each rows results as a separate file in a desired folder.
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -----SAMPLE TABLE SCRIPT ----------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ /****** Object: Table [dbo].[Test_Table_PS] Script Date: 21/09/2015 09:14:57 ******/ SET ANSI_NULLS ON GO SET QUOTED_IDENTIFIER ON GO CREATE TABLE [dbo].[Test_Table_PS]( [File_Name] [nvarchar](100) NULL,
I'm trying to create an email report which gives a result of multiple results from multiple databases in a table format bt I'm trying to find out if there is a simple format I can use.Here is what I've done so far but I'm having troble getting into html and also with the database column: