Empty All Table Rows Without Dropping Them?

Nov 5, 2007

How do I go about iterating through every table in my database and empty each table so they contain no data?
I don't want to drop the tables and re-create them either.


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SQL Server 2012 :: Insert Rows Into A Table Without Dropping It

Sep 23, 2014

I am finding it difficult to find an example that allows for insertion of additional rows into a table, without dropping the table I'm inserting into. Or inserting specific values. Like this example..

[URL] ....

I have 6 table I am formatting the data to conform to the final table as I'm inserting it into, but none of these examples gives me the example needed. I am using SQL 2012.

CONVERT(VARCHAR(50),[FName]) + ' ' + CONVERT(VARCHAR(50),[LName]) AS [CustName]
,CAST('ALARMCOM' as nvarchar(8)) as VendorName
,CONVERT(VARCHAR(40),[Charge_Description])as [ChargeType]

[Code] ....

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Cannot Insert Rows Into Empty Table

Mar 3, 2008

When i try to insert new rows using SSIS into an emty table in my database, SSIS freezes. The same happens when i use a lookup on an empty table.

The only solution i have found is to manualy insert a row and remove it afterwards. When i have done this SSIS works without a glitch.

I start off by taking a script of a existing database and applying this script on a new database. So that i create an empty duplicate of my current database.

Any ideas why SSIS freezes? Do i have to initialize something first in my database? It is really annoying that i have to insert a row and delete a row into every table i want to use.

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How To Check If A Table Is &<empty&> Ie Doesnt Contain Any Rows

Aug 18, 2007

Hi, is there a way I can check if a table is empty and contains norows?I have a Table1 which being dynamic can sometimes end up with nowcolumns what so ever. I'm using Table1 in one of my views along with 2other tables and I would like put a condition at the...something likeAND Table1 IS NOTEMPTYIs there a way to do this in MS SQL?Many thanksYas

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SQL Server 2012 :: Dropping Rows With Duplicate Column Name

Feb 13, 2014

I have a query that produces unique rows. However, some of the unique rows have the column called testname that has the same test listed more than once. All I want to do is drop the older testname and keep the testdate column.


From third.test

I want to keep testdate in the query....guessing I need to put in to a temp table then drop the oldest one somehow by doing a subquery using Select Max....

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Transact SQL :: How To Alter Existing Table Column As Identity Without Dropping Table

Nov 20, 2013

I have created a table as below mentioned. Then I want to alter the ID column as identity(1,1) without dropping the table as well as losing the data.

create table dbo.IdentityTest
id int not null,
descript varchar(255) null,
T_date datetime not null

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DataAdapter Always Returns 0 Or Empty Rows

May 7, 2007

Good day,
I just like to ask if anybody has experienced getting empty rows from SQL data adapter? I'm using SQL Server 2005. Problem is when the sql is run on Query Analyzer it retrieves a number of rows but when used in my application it returns 0 or empty rows.
I thought the connection is not the problem since I got my columns right. Below is my code snippet.
const string COMMAND_TEXT = @"select distinct somefield as matchcode, count(somefield) "
+ "as recordcount from filteredaccount where StateCode = 0 group by somefield having count(somefield) > 1";
SqlDataAdapter adapter = new SqlDataAdapter(COMMAND_TEXT, connection);
DataTable dt = new DataTable(sometablename);


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Empty Rows In Excel Data Sheet Used In DTS

Mar 1, 2004

Hi Everyone,

I am using a DTS package where one of the inputs is an Excel Sheet. Actually this sheet is updated manually whenever required i.e once a week or sometimes once a month, but the DTS package runs everyday.

Whenever new rows are added or deleted manually in the excel sheet, empty rows are showed in the sheet after the last row of data. This hinders the DTS package, because the destination table to which the data in the Excel sheet is sent has Primary keys in it.

Can anyone suggest me how to avoid getting the empty spaces in the excel sheet.

Thanks in advance.


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MDX Query To Display No Records For Empty Rows

Jan 9, 2007


I am facing with the following problem.

I am using bar chart to display my report.

My MDX query is as follows:

TopCount ( Filter ( {[DIM].[NAME].[NAME]}, [Measures].[SUM_COUNT] <> 0 ) , 10, [Measures].[SUM_COUNT] ) ON ROWS

where <criteria>

I want to show the topmost 10 records. For some criteria I get the results in the chart.

But for some criteria or say for wrong criteria, there are no records. In such a case the X-axis contains all values for {[DIM].[NAME].[NAME] and value for the Y-axis is all 0. Its kind of blank report it will restrict to 10 records.

In such a scenario I want to show a message to the user saying "No records found", which I have set in the No Rows property of the chart.

If I remove the TopCount clause then I get the above message, which is obvious.

So how do I acheive the same message but at the same time limiting the records to 10?

How can I acheive this in my scenario? Can something be done at the query end?

any help is appreciated.

Thanks in advance!

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DFT OLEDB Source Returning Empty Rows

Nov 19, 2007

I have had at least 2 occurences of a DFT OLEDB source returning the correct number of rows but all rows are empty (they contain zeros or ''). This has happened in two different places in different SSIS packages within an ETL task. In one case the source was on a different server running SQLServer and in the other it was a different database on the same server as the SSIS package. This occured running on different servers, one with SQL 2005 SP2 and the other without. Both are 64 bit AMD systems running 64 bit SQL 2005. As there is a derived column transformation that has performed the derivation on the blank columns I assume the problem is with the OLEDB source but it could be with the data stream from the OLEDB source to to whatever follows. Has anyone else had this problem and does anyone know of a fix?

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Creating A Table And Dropping That Table At End Of Execution

Mar 19, 2012

I am using a Stored procedure in which I am creating a table and dropping that table at the end of execution. This SP is calling every 10 second (but no concurrent access) from my application. Is there any issue using the drop table command in the SP? will it create any memory fragmentation issue in SQL server?

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Replication - Dropping A Table

Nov 22, 2002

I'm new to replication and would like to know how to drop an article published for replication. I believe I need to follow these steps, but I am unsure.

Step (1)
exec sp_dropsubscription @publication = N'db name',
@article = N'article name',
@subscriber = 'subscriber name',
@destination_db = N'db name'

Step (2)
exec sp_droparticle @publication = N'db name',
@article = N'article name'

Step (3)
drop the article on the publisher

Step (4)
drop the article on the subscriber

Is this the correct sequence or am I missing something.

Thanks, Dave

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T-SQL And Dropping And Recreating A Table

Jun 11, 2008

Hi Guys,

I am trying to DROP a table and recreate the table in a stored procedure and then I am trying to INSERT records into the newly created table in the same stored procedure.

I know I don't have to DROP the table, but I am trying to just get it to work. The process runs without error, but when I refresh the tables, the table I created isn't there. The T-SQL is as follows:


ALTER PROCEDURE [dbo].[ImportFilesPremier]


DROP TABLE dbo.[PremierTest]

CREATE TABLE [PremierTest] (
[AYQ] nvarchar(6) null ,
[CYQ] nvarchar(6) null ,
[Description] nvarchar(50) null,
[PIP] [decimal] (17,2) ,
[BI] [decimal](17,2) Not null,
[PD] [decimal](17,2) Not null,
[COLL] [decimal](17,2) not null,
[COMP] [decimal](17,2) not null,
[DCRAT] [nvarchar](2) null ,
[Agent][nvarchar](3) null ,

begin transaction

insert into [PremierTest]
select *
from dbo.[new agt type tri 0804]
WHERE dir_ceded_ind = 'C'

commit transaction

Any information on how I can tweak my code so it works properly would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.

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Dropping Constraint On Temporary Table

Mar 20, 2007

I made a constraint on a temporary table in a stored procedure but now i can't delete it.

Here's what happened:
I ran this in a stored procedure

CREATE TABLE #TeFotograferen (RowID int not null identity(1,1) Primary Key,Stamboeknummer char(11) ,Geldigheidsdatum datetime, CONSTRAINT UniqueFields UNIQUE(Stamboeknummer,Geldigheidsdatum)

next time i ran the stored procedure it gave me
There is already an object named 'UniqueFields' in the database.

but since the temporary table is out of scope i cannot delete the constraint
I tried
delete from tempdb..sysobjects where name = 'UniqueFields'
declare @name
set @name=(SELECT name from sysobjects where id=(Select parent_obj from sysobjects where name='UniqueFields'))
drop table @name

giving me
Ad hoc updates to system catalogs are not allowed.
Cannot drop the table '#TeFotograferen__________________________________ __________________________________________________ _________________000000000135', because it does not exist or you do not have permission.

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How To Check For Table Existence Before Dropping It?

May 8, 2006

Apologies if this has been answered before, but the "Search" function doesn't seem to be working on these forums the last couple of days.

I'd just like to check if a table already exists before dropping it so that I can avoid an error if it doesn't exist. Doing a web search, I've tried along the lines of
"If (object_id(sensor_stream) is not null) drop table sensor_stream"
"If exists (select * from sensor_stream) drop table sensor_stream"

In both of these cases I get the error: "There was an error parsing the query. [ Token line number = 1,Token line offset = 1,Token in error = if ]"

Sooooo... what is the standard way to check for existence of a table before dropping it? Someone help? This seems like it should be simple, but I can't figure it out.

Thanks in advance!

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How To Change The Datatype Of A Column Without Dropping The Table?

Jan 11, 1999

Can anyone tell me how to change the datatype of a column.
Without dropping and recreating the table...
The table is empty...


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Is There An Option To Delete .DAT File When Dropping A Table

Dec 3, 1998

I have to load and unload many datatabases for testing. So I wanted to quickly remove a database, its devices and respective dat files
all at once.

Is there a way of completely dropping a database so that all trace of it is quickly gone?

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Unable To Update Table Even After Dropping Constraint

Jan 16, 2006

In Microsoft SQL Server, I have a documents table and a table whichcategorizes the documents, which we'll call categories.I tried running UPDATE statements on the categories table previouslyand I ran into a foreign key constraint. The error given was "UPDATEstatement conflicted with COLUMN REFERENCE constraint FK..."So I got rid of the Foreign Key relationship, and tried running anUPDATE statement against the categories table again.I'm now getting the following message:'Cannot UPDATE "categories" because "documents" exists.'There must be something hanging around maintaining that relationship,but I'm not sure where it would be found.I was thinking about dropping the table and then adding it back again,but I'm not entirely sure what that would do.Any help is appreciated in advance.thanks,Geoff

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Transactional Replication: Dropping A Replicated Table.

Jan 19, 2007

For SQL 2005 transactional replication I have 1400 articles (tables, views, functions, sp) that are all replicated.

Will SQL 2005 allow me to drop a table from from the publication and drop it from the publication database that is referenced by exising views or sps that are replicated or does it somehow check that?


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Dropping The Null Characteristic On An Existing Table Column

Jun 11, 1999

I am trying to drop the "allow nulls" characteristics on an existing table
column. I know that there are not Nulls currently in this column, nor will
there ever be. How do I get rid of that "allow nulls" checkmark on an
existing table structure? Thanks, Craig.

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SQL Server 2012 :: Creating And Dropping Global Temporary Table?

Apr 3, 2015

I want to create and drop the global temporary table in same statement.

I am using below command but I am getting below error

Msg 2714, Level 16, State 6, Line 11

There is already an object named '##Staging_Temp' in the database.

if object_id('Datastaging..##Staging_Temp') is not null
drop table ##Staging_Temp
CREATE TABLE ##Staging_Temp(
[COL001] [varchar](4000) NULL,

[Code] ....

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Append Query To Insert 80000 From One Table To Empty Table

Jul 22, 2012

All, Using access 2003 frontend and sql server 2008 backend. I have an append query to insert 80000 from one table to an empty table. I get an error:

"Microsoft Office Access set 0 field(s) to Null due to a type conversion failure, and didn't add 36000 record(s) to the table due to key violations, 0 record(s) due to lock violations, and 0 record(s) due to validation rule violations."

I know this error normally comes if there are dups in a field that doesnt allow.

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Empty A Table

May 14, 2007

hi everyone,

i was just wondering, is there anyway to empty a table...like, in mysql u can go EMPTY TABLE

and it resets the identity stuff, so your id's start at zero again...?

Thanks, Justin

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Empty Table Problem

May 16, 2007

I am creating three tables in a DataSet using three stored procedures and I need a way to know that either the tables have at least one row or preferably which if any has no rows.  How can I do that?
using three SP's, one for each table:SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand("CompanyCheck", con);SqlCommand cmd2 = new SqlCommand("ContractorVerify", con);SqlCommand cmd3 = new SqlCommand("StoreLocation", con);
  cmd.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure;  cmd2.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure;  cmd3.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure;  cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@CompanyID", CompanyID);  cmd2.Parameters.AddWithValue("@CompanyID", CompanyID);  cmd3.Parameters.AddWithValue("@CompanyID", CompanyID);  SqlDataAdapter da = new SqlDataAdapter(); 
da.SelectCommand = cmd; DataSet ds = new DataSet();        try        {            da.Fill(ds, "CompanyInfo");            da.SelectCommand = cmd2;            da.Fill(ds, "ContractorInfo");            da.SelectCommand = cmd3;            da.Fill(ds, "StoreInfo");                   }        catch        { throw new ApplicationException("Data error"); }        finally        {            con.Close();        }
Thank you

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Table Empty Of Content

Sep 10, 2001

I have a particular production database that on a few recent occasions has suddenly had one of it's tables empty of content. Now there are no jobs or triggers in place neither is any stored procedures that could perform a delete or alter table operation in place. The permissions have been set not to allow this either. The datatype is text only. What is intriguing is the QA server has an exact mirror and this dosen't happen. Has anyone come across this sort of phenomenon?

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Design Table Is Empty.

Mar 1, 2000

I can use the Design Table option in every database and any user table on my server except for two databases which were transfered from a SQL 6.0 server.

I can't even use Design Table to create a new table in these databases. I get the Design form up and it allows me to add columns, but when I try to save the changes I get the following error message:

ODBC error: [Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][SQL Server]Line 1: Incorrect syntax near 'full'.
[Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][SQL Server]Line 1: Incorrect syntax near 'full'.

One thing I have noticed is under Users for the database, all my users come up as 'via group membership' for the Database Access column for the database I am having problems with. All other databases the users come up as 'Permit' for the Database Access column. I assume this has to do with security. But I have tried everything to change this. I can not get a user to come up as 'Permit' under these two converted databases.

Does anyone have any ideas?

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Sysperfinfo Table Empty

Jul 15, 2004

I'm running SQL 2000 (SP3) on top of Windows NT 4.0 (SP6).

I have a couple of processes that look at the sysperfinfo table every day to collect some performance/metric type information. It works for all my other servers (mostly SQL 2K/Win2K) except for this one.

Why is the table on this one server empty?

I do have one other SQL 2K/Win NT server. The sysperfinfo table on that one is fine.

the only other clue/difference is that the server which has the empty table is a named instance install of SQL 2K.

Any hints?



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Check If A Table Is Not Empty

Nov 15, 2006


i wanna know how can i check a table has datas inside, because i wanna use delete from table and if table is empty i dont wanna run this statement.

thanks in advance

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Sep 18, 2005

Hi,can somebody explain me, why the IDENT_CURRENT from an empty table is 1?After insert of the first record it is still 1 (assuming that start valueis 1) which is okay. But if i check the IDENT_CURRENT from a newly createdtable the result should be NULL, or not?bye,Helmut

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Show One Record If Table Is Empty

Apr 25, 2014

I have a query

select salesId,count(*) from salesline group by salesid

Result will be

salesid Nos
----- ---
SO001 2
SO002 4

I want to display single record like below if there is no record available in the table

salesid Nos
So00? 0

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Checking If A Table Is Empty Using Count

Sep 10, 2007


I want to use something like select count(*) from table name = 0; to check whether a table is empty,

is this possible?

Thanks for any info.


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Query On Empty Strings In A Table

Oct 25, 2007


Is it possible to search for a column without a value?

$query="select id from table1 where col2=''"; (this didnt work, but how do I do it??)

I need the id for the row that has the col2 empty.


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Empty A Table Before Using DTS To Append Records?

Jul 20, 2005

In Access I have a macro that, each night, takes a table with aprimary key defined in it, and deletes all the rows. Then itimports/appends records from a fixed width text file. In this way,since the table is not deleted and recreated, the primary key is keptintact.What would be the equivalent SQL method for doing this in an automatedway? I've tried letting DTS import the table from Access, but theprimary key is lost. Is there some way to "empty" a table instead ofdropping it, and then append new records so that the table will end uphaving the primary key I want it to have?Thanks.Larry- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -"Forget it, Jake. It's Chinatown."

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