Encrypt, Store And Retieve Passwords From A Table

Oct 17, 2007

Hi, Is it possible to store encryped user passwords in a table and be able to retieve them in readable form.


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Encrypt Stored Passwords

Sep 18, 2001

I'm running SQL 70 SP 3 on Nt4.

We store passwords of users of our website. They need to be autenticated and based on that it gives them access to what they are entitled. But its not like NT or server authentication.

This has been setup so that we have a user table and it stores the password. However, it stores it in plain text. Is there any way I can encrypt this field so it is unreadable? Is there a property or a datatype that I can't find? Is there a way to simulate the encryption?

Any ideas or help are appreciated.


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Store Encrypted Passwords In SQL

Jan 14, 2005


I have a simple .NET page that asks the user to create a new account. One of the fields on that page is 'Password'. I store the password in a SQL 2000 Database. However, it appears in the database as clear-text.

Is there a way to encrypt this so it doesn't appear as clear-text in the DB?


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How To Encrypt Store In Sql2005?

Sep 17, 2007

I have a Store in sql 2005!
I want to encrypt this ? how ?

Thanks !

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Tool To Store DBAOS Passwords

Dec 20, 2004


Can someone recommend a free tool to handle storing dba/os passwords that can be used by the dba team?


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SQL 2005 Passwords, Can It Be Configured To Accept Case-insensitive Passwords???

Jul 7, 2006

Users were able tolog on to our SQL 2000 servers with their passwords being case-insensitive.

Now with SQL 2005 some users can't logon because SQL 2005 passwords are case-sensitive.

Can SQL 2005 be configured so that passwords are NOT case sensitive???


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Pls Help... How Can I Retieve The Value Of Fields In My Sqldatabase Using Sqldatareader

Nov 6, 2007

 Please help me with my thesis... I am using ASP.NET How can I retieve the value of fields in my sqldatabase using sqldatareader thnks 

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Passwords Fields As Binary In Table

Oct 5, 2001

Has anyone worked with storing alphanumeric passwords as binary fields in databases? I have worked up the following command to convert an NVARCHAR field to a BINARY type and it seems to work fine.


But, I can just as easily convert it back to NVARCHAR and obtain the password with this command:


I guess my question is how can I encrypt the password to make it more difficult to convert back to NVARCHAR?

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How Can I Encrypt A Single Table Column

Dec 28, 2007

Does some know of an easy to understand way to encrypt a single table column? I have never worked with encryption before.

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How To Encrypt The Password Field In SQL Table

Jun 21, 2007


I have a login table with username and password as attributes. I need to encrypt the password using stored procedure and then save it in the database. And also while retrieving the password, decrypt using the same stored procedure and get the original text.

I dont know how to do it in SQL server 2000.

Please help me on this. Its urgent.

Thanks and Regards

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How To Encrypt A Column(field In A Table) In MS SQL 2000

Jul 3, 2006


I want to store user-id and passwords in a table in SQL Server. But as passwords are very secure, I want to encrypt them while storing and may be decrypt them when reqd.

How can I achieve this functionality


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How To Encrypt A Column(field In A Table) In MS SQL 2000

Jul 3, 2006


I want to store user-id and passwords in a table in SQL Server. But as passwords are very secure, I want to encrypt them while storing and may be decrypt them when reqd.

How can I achieve this functionality


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How To Search Multiple Table Which Table Name Is Store In Another Table And Join The Result Together?

Dec 1, 2006

I have one control table to store all related table name
 Table ID                   TableName
     1                           TableA
     2                           TableB
In Table A:
RecordID                Value
     1                         1
     2                         2
     3                         3
In Table B:
RecordID             Value
    1                         1
    2                         2
    3                         3
 How can I get the result by select the Table list first and then combine the data in table A and table B?
Thank you!

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Does It Store All The Results To Tempdb Database When I Query Against A Large Table Which Joins Another Table?

Jun 25, 2007

Hi, all experts here,

I am wondering if tempdb stores all results tempararily whenever I query a large fact table with over 4 million records which joins another dimension table? Since each time when I run the query, the tempdb grows to nearly 1GB which nearly runs out all the space on my local system drive, as a result the performance totally down. Is there any way to fix this problem? Thanks a lot in advance and I am looking forward to hearing from you shortly for your kind advices.

With best regards,

Yours sincerely,

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SQL Server 2012 :: Capture Changes In Table And Store It In Another Table

Dec 25, 2014

I need to capture changes in my table and store it in another table. Here is how my table would look like.

[Hno] [nchar](10) NULL,
[Status] [smallint] NULL,
[Date] [datetime] NULL

[Code] ....

In return I need to check column Status for whenever the value has changed and need to store that in my table. If there are two records for which value in column Status is same, I need to pick only one of the records and that being the earliest of them and therefore the Date field is mentioned in my table . My output should be something like below.

100 02014-12-20 00:55:44.667
100 12014-12-22 00:55:44.723
100 02014-12-24 00:55:44.723
100 12014-12-26 00:55:44.723

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Integration Services :: Purge Data In Transaction Table Or Delete Some Data And Store In Separate Table

Aug 18, 2015

How to purge data  in transaction table or we can delete some data and store in separate table in data warehouse?

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How To Store My Results To Another Table

Dec 3, 2007

Hi guys, now i was able to get the results of the query i made. and the remaining problem now is how can i store the results to my database? here's the my code: protected void btnGenerate_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { _con = new SqlConnection(database.evgConnection()); _comm = new SqlCommand("EV_usp_SearchNoticeLocation", _con); _comm.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure; _comm.Parameters.AddWithValue("@Locationid", ddlLocation.SelectedValue); _adapt = new SqlDataAdapter(_comm); DataSet objDataset = new DataSet(); _adapt.Fill(objDataset); GridView1.DataSource = objDataset; GridView1.DataBind(); foreach(DataRow dr in objDataset.Tables[0].Rows) { Response.Write(dr["Docownerid"].ToString()); } } how can i store all the Docownerid to another database table? 

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How To Store A PDF In A Table Column

Aug 13, 2002

How do I store a PDF in a table column?
for example

I want to store "c:est.pdf" in myTable.ColumnName

Please help!

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Using A Variable To Store A Table

Aug 9, 2007


I have a question. I have a standard query that retrieves the list of users from a database. The query uses "exist" statement and inside it I have another smaller query. The smaller query which used withing exist statement is called numerous times during the query execution. I am wondering if I can speed things up by storing result of a smaller query in a table rather than asking DB to run it again and again. The query takes over a minute to run and I am trying to find a way of speeding it up.

Thanks a lot


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Store Program EXE In Table?

Jun 8, 2006

Hello, Folks. I am not sure if this can be done (and a brief search ofthis group didn't yield any results that I thought would do the trick)but if it can be done it would make my life easier so here goes.First, what I am trying to accomplish is to make a program I've writtenautomatically update itself if there is a newer version on the network.Second, my application runs on one or more computers at manygeographically separated locations. I have remote control softwarethat enables me to remotely update and troubleshoot my application butI since I have to pay for this access per computer I don't have theability to control each and every computer that runs my software (forthose clients with more than one computer that uses my software).Third, my application uses as its data storage system MSDE 2000 (withcurrent service pack).Fourth, my users are not technical people and I want to rely on them aslittle as possible.Fifth, not all of the workstations are Internet enabled or connected,so having the application check a website for an update is notfeasible.Finally, to bring those different pieces together, what I want to beable to do is connect to and control the "server" (the computer withMSDE installed on it) and store in the database what the currentversion number is along with the current program files. Then, when theapplication launches, it will check that stored version number againstit's own version number to determine if there is a newer versionavailable. If there is a newer version available I want it to updateitself (that workstation) by retrieving that newer software from thedatabase. I want to avoid file sharing because it's problematic andsince I already have SQL Server (MSDE) running on the network I'd liketo use that.Is there some way that I can either a) store my program files (one EXEapproximately 5MB in size and one OCX approximately 250KB in size) in atable to be retrieved by my application so it can update itself or b) away to get SQL Server (MSDE) to read a file locally on the server andreturn it to my application just like it would any recordset so I couldjust tell it where the file was and let it read it from whicheverfolder it's stored in?I've looked at making a column of datatype Binary, and perhaps that'sthe way I'll go (re-creating the field to the correct size each time Ido an update or perhaps making it really big so I don't have to worryabout the size). But I thought I'd ask around first since this isn'tanything I know much about.Thank you for your time and help.--HC

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How To Store Images In A Database Table

Jan 14, 2007

Hello All,
My question is how to store images in a database table (in SQL Server), and how to retrieve them?...

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How Can I Store More Than One Category In A Products Table?

Apr 16, 2007

How can I store more than one category in a products table?
For exampe: I have a dvd website where the admin can add new dvd's. On the website all the categories are listed with a checkbox. If the dvd is a action comedy the admin have to check these two checkboxes. But how do I store that in the sql database an retrieve it?

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How Do I Store Results In TEMP TABLE?

Jul 7, 2005

I'm writing a search engine and I want to make a search and then, after
I've recieved the results, put them into some sort of temporary(in
mememory) table so that I can do another query on that temporary table.

I saw something about  temp tables (in T-SQL)  in the
help guide, but I still want to know how to do a query on a regular
table and then store those results in a temporary table to perform a
query on that. Could anyone show me some example or something?

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How To Store And Read .doc File In A Table

May 10, 2006

I would like to store and read .doc file in a table of sql server using C#.
Can some body help me on this? my id is padam76@gmail.com.
Thanks & Regard,Padam Kumar Tripathi

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Can You Store Images In A Database Or Table?

Sep 24, 2001

Can you store images in a database or in a table, or do you have to only store the image path/name in the database while the image is in another folder? IF anyone knows, please share with me. Thanks.

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Manipulating Table In Store Procedure

Mar 5, 2007

I am new to SQL programming. This is what I am trying to do in store procedure.
Alter a table - adding two columns.
Then update those columns
Both the above action in same procedure .
When I execute them - it complains that the columns I am adding in the first part of store procedure , does not exists.
So the SP looks like this
create store procedure <name> as
alter table <name> ADD
column_1 nvarchar (256),
column_2 nvarchar (256);

update table
column_1 = <condition>
column_2 = <condition>

The SQL complains -
invalid column name column_1
invalid column name column_2

Can some one help please...

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Store The Result Of Xp_cmdshell In A Table

Sep 3, 2004


is it possible to store the result the following statement in a table

execute master..xp_cmdshell 'dir'

when i execute this in QA i get the result. but i want to store it in a table

thnks in advance

with regards

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Can We Have Temporary Table In Store Procedure When Using BCP ?

Jul 21, 2006

hi, good day,

when i run query in query analyzer

exec sp_test '2006-07-21'

it show result , however when i run it using BCP tools

exec master..xp_cmdshell 'bcp "exec sp_test '2006-07-21' " queryout c: est.txt -c '

it give me error which is something like "invalid object #temp_tbl",
i do using temporary table in store procedure

how to we solve it ? seem that bcp not support temporary table ? really need guidance from expert here ,

thank you :eek:

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How To Store Query And Result On The Same Table

Jun 13, 2008

One column in my table stores SQL queries(QueryCoulmn). Another coulmn supposed to store the result of those queries(ResultColumn). Can I run an update query or how can I do that? I could not figure out the syntax.

update tablename
set ResultColumn=exec(QueryCoulmn)


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Cursor To Store Value In Temp Table

Mar 20, 2008

Following sp gives wrong result whats wrong with following cursor?

ALTER PROCEDURE [dbo].[spPMPT_GetProjectBenefitDetailsForAssess]

@ProjectBenefitID INT




TABLE (ActualQuantity INT,
ExpectedQuantity INT,
ActualQulity VARCHAR(2000),
ExpectedQulity VARCHAR(2000) )

DECLARE @AssessBenefitID INT
DECLARE @ActualQuantity INT
DECLARE @ExpectedQuantity INT
DECLARE @ActualQuality VARCHAR(2000)
DECLARE @ExpectedQuality VARCHAR(2000)
SELECT AssessBenefitID,ProjectBenefitID,AssessFlag FROM PMPT_AssessBenefit WHERE ProjectBenefitID=@ProjectBenefitID


FETCH NEXT FROM CUR_BENEFIT INTO @AssessBenefitID,@ProjectBenefitID,@AssessFlag


SELECT @ActualQuantity=Quantity FROM dbo.PMPT_AssessBenefit WHERE AssessFlag='A' AND AssessBenefitID=@AssessBenefitID AND ProjectBenefitID=@ProjectBenefitID
SELECT @ExpectedQuantity=Quantity FROM dbo.PMPT_AssessBenefit WHERE AssessFlag='E' AND AssessBenefitID=@AssessBenefitID AND ProjectBenefitID=@ProjectBenefitID
SELECT @ActualQuality=Quality FROM dbo.PMPT_AssessBenefit WHERE AssessFlag='A' AND AssessBenefitID=@AssessBenefitID AND ProjectBenefitID=@ProjectBenefitID
SELECT @ExpectedQuality=Quality FROM dbo.PMPT_AssessBenefit WHERE AssessFlag='E' AND AssessBenefitID=@AssessBenefitID AND ProjectBenefitID=@ProjectBenefitID

ExpectedQuantity ,
ActualQulity ,
ExpectedQulity )VALUES(@ActualQuantity,@ExpectedQuantity,@ActualQuality,@ExpectedQuality)

FETCH NEXT FROM CUR_BENEFIT INTO @AssessBenefitID,@ProjectBenefitID,@AssessFlag



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It Is Possible To Store A Table As A Column Field?

Apr 17, 2008


In my application, I have a master table that stores information about some other user tables. These other tables are all of different types, that is, the number and type of columns need not match across the user tables.

From the application perspective, logically each of these user tables is nothing but a column field within the master table.

I have seen references about "table" data type in SQL Server. It is possible to create a table that actually has a table data type as its field?

Thank you in advance for your help.


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How To Store An MS Word Doc In A Sql 2005 Table

Aug 13, 2006


I want to store the contents of an MS Word document (or a brief Word extract) in a database field. This document could contain carriage returns, boldface, etc. I have tried storing the Word doc in fields of type nchar, text, and sql_variant but they do not keep the Word formatting. I found that the "Extended Properties" attribute of a field seems to retain these properties. (Though if I recall right, Extended Properties has a length limitation and is a pain in the #*&_*^! to access)

What is the "right" way to do what I'm trying? Keep in mind that we may want to view this document under either "Query Analyzer" or print a hardcopy version. And we'd like both to be intelligible!



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Temp Table In Store Procedures

Jan 25, 2008

Can any one please tell me where i am going wrong..

Code Snippet
create proc SP_PercentageRMU
SELECT cast (sum([Usage Qty]) as [decimal] (28,8))as 'TUsageQty'
into #TZMelt_Pound
FROM [LatrobeOCT].[dbo].[ZMelt_Pound]

select [Usage Qty],(case when r.raw_material = z.raw_material
then cast ((r.[usage QTY] / z.TUsageQty) as decimal (28,8))
else 0
end) as '%UsageQty'

into #PZMelt_Pound
FROM [LatrobeOCT].[dbo].[ZMelt_Pound]r
inner join #TZMelt_Pound z on r.raw_material = z.raw_material

drop table #TZMelt_Pound


Msg 208, Level 16, State 0, Line 2

Invalid object name '#TZMelt_Pound'.

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