SQL Server 2005 allows to use the EncryptByCert function to encrypt a Column, for example in an Instead-of Insert Trigger, and to use a DecryptByCert function to decrypt a Column, for example in a View.
This is indeed good news, but I have a simple :confused: question. To create a Certificate using the CREATE CERTIFICATE you have to give an EXPIRY DATE, or it will default to an expriry date of 1 year. How can one read the encrypted Column after the certificate has expired ?
Is there a way to renew a certificate without having to first decrypt all the fields and export them ?
I have a Column CCExp Varchar(7) that stores data like below
NULL '01/15' '02/15' '03/15' '04/15' '05/15'
[Code] ...
I am trying to get all expired cards which means, I am trying to get all cards which are behind sept 2015..like when I query I would like to get 8/15 and so on expired cards I am able to get the year , but with the below query I am getting all months less then 9 but i am missing 10,11,12 months cards values also I am having Conversion failed when converting the varchar value '#N' to data type int.
SELECT CustomerBillingInfoID , CCExp FROM CustomerBillingInfo WHERE LEFT( CCExp, 2) < MONTH(GETDATE()) AND RIGHT( CCExp, 2) <= RIGHT(YEAR(GETDATE()), 2) and CCExp NOT LIKE '#%' and CCExp not like 'NULL'
Hi I'm trying to use EncryptByCert in a stored procedure to insert encrypted data into a column in SQL Server 2005 through .NET. When I run the stored procedure in SQL Server Management Studio the data is inserted as expected, encrypted. But when I attempt to insert the data through my .NET code the encrypted column does not get inserted, just a null value...any ideas? The column in my table is set to a varbinary(300). My proc looks similar to below.
Hi All,I have a job coming up which involves me creating a vacancy system for our website.I (think) I'll only need one table:ID (PK)JobTitleJobLocationSalaryHoursJobDescriptionValidFrom (Date/Time)ValidTo (Date/Time)I'll display this data using a C#.Net repeater but I was wondering how I can automatically strip the page of the jobs that have gone past their expiry date? Is is straightforward to achieve?Thanks in advance,Brett
RETAINDAYS option in BACKUP command. SqlServer2000 (standard) on Win xp server. Old backups are not being removed from backup sets.
I've created logical dumpdevices which maps to a physical file on disk - using sp_adddumpdevice. Regular, scheduled backups are successfully written to the backup sets (Complete, differential & Tlog) - This works fine and I can restore from them OK. I've set the RETAINDAYS option of BACKUP command to keep backups for varying periods (eg full = 8 days, diff = 2 days, and Tlog = 1 day). When the backups are viewed by 'drilling down' thru >Backup > open backupdevice > view contents.... all previous backups are still available even though their expiry date has passed. The backup set files (dumpdevice files) are getting inexorably bigger and will eventually fill the available disks ! I don't want to delete or overwrite the entire contents of the backup set - just those backups more than 8 days old.
I've run sp_configure 'media_retention' 1 RECONFIGURE WITH OVERRIDE
but the old backups are still there.
dbs are getting ever bigger (high activity OLTP system) currently 2 production dbs totaling 50 GB. Is this a bug? - ie. the option to set a retention period even though I'm writing to a logical 'dump device' rather than a normal *.BAK / *.TRN file? or Am I doing something wrong?
Cris Yarker email to crispin@paymentsystemsltd.com
The company that I work for has an internet application that has been running in our client's environment for 2 years.
The SQL box is a quad Xeon 750 with 4 gig of ram and over 50gig of disk. This box has 4 databases that are used for the application. The primary database is about 1.5gig in size (.mdf file) the others are relatively small.
The box is queried from a separate windows 2000 server box with our COM based application running under IIS.
The boxes are located on the same switched LAN.
Up until recently the application has been running fine, but all of a sudden we have had masses of database time outs and the processor utilisation is always 80-100. In turn these time outs crash IIS eventually.
I Understand all of the ideas about increasing the timeout in a command object, etc.
I have monitored blocking on the SQL server and over a 30 minute period of live usage I saw 1 block and 0 deadlocks.
In addition to the above often our application gets an imediate time out error, hence after no time.
We have also monitored the network bandwidth between the two boxes and they only use about 30% on average of available bandwidth.
My 1st question is - Does SQL give a time out error (hence refuses connections) if it is running at 100% and cannot handle any more load??
My 2nd question is, In other peoples experience is the box we are using powerful enough.
My 3rd question is, Can the network have an effect on the time outs even though there is plenty of bandwidth.
Thank you in advance for your time in reading this and I appreciate any input that you may have.
Simon Gratton Senior/Lead Developer Fastrack Software Ltd.
My table has more columns than this but I will just use the ones here tht are important. I have two columns in a table these are "ExpiryDate" and "Archived". When the row is created the "Archived" field will be null but the user will have entered a expiry date. When this date is reached I would like the "Archived" data to change to "1". Is this possible? Would I have to do it through some kind of script or can I set the database to do this automatically?
Consider the following tableCustomercustId char(10)accountExpiryDate datetimeaccountStatus bitNow, I want to update the accountStatus to False as soon as thecurrent date becomes accountExpiryDate.I think it can be done using "SQL Agent" but my webhost doesnt provideme access to that. I have access only to the Query Analyzer.ThanksShane
The windows password used for the client subscriber expired on the publisher.
I reset it on the publisher - but SQL still seems to think that it is not expired - I get the following message in the event log of the publisher running SQL Server 2005
Login failed for user 'XYZ'. Reason: The password of the account has expired. [CLIENT: <local machine>]
Disable logins on access expiry date(Not windows password expiry). we grant access to users on databases only for 60 days. So access is only valid for 60 days. Then the user should again request access to the database going thru security clearance. Thn the DBA's enable the login. Maintaining all these logins of users manually is causing more confusion. As we know, we dont have any inbuilt functionality to automatically disable logins in SQL Server.
I have a table where the logins and expirydate were recorded in a DB.
Using this table and SQL Server agent. Can i achieve this process automated ? CREATE TABLE [dbo].[LoginsExpiry]( [LoginName] [varchar](50) NULL, [ExpiryDate] [date] NULL, [Roles] [varchar](500) ) ON [PRIMARY] GO
How can I do this with Parameters? I can get a single parameter to filter for a single date (or even a combo list of the dates in DB). But I want my parameters to interact so that they specify a range. Is this possible?
Today I have got one scenario to calculate the (sum of days difference minus(-) the dates if the same date is appearing both in assgn_dtm and complet_dtm)/* Here goes the table schema and sample data */
IF EXISTS (SELECT * FROM sys.objects WHERE object_id = OBJECT_ID(N'[dbo].[temp_tbl]') AND type in (N'U')) DROP TABLE [dbo].[temp_tbl] GO CREATE TABLE [dbo].[temp_tbl]( [tbl_id] [bigint] NULL, [cs_id] [int] NOT NULL, [USERID] [int] NOT NULL,
I have a table that has hotel guests and their start stay date and end stay date, i would like to insert into a new table the original information + add all days in between.
I want to know if there is a way to compare dates in the sql statement with dates that I input into a database and todays date. the datatype that I'm using is smalldatetime.The statement I used is:Select Date from Table where Date > 'Today.now'I get an errorCould this be done or is there another approach?
I have a table which records employees'time-off records. There are 6 columns in this TimeOff table. They are RequestID, EmpName, StartDate, EndDate, Type, NumofDays. I have another table which has all the dates from 01/01/1950 to 01/01/2056.
I am trying write a query which lists all the dates between the timeoff startdate and enddate, including the the start and end dates, but my query so far only lists the start and end date in a timeoff record:
SELECT D.[Date], Datename(dw,D.[Date]) AS Weekday FROM Dates D LEFT JOIN TimeOff T ON D.[Date] = T.OffStartDate OR D.[Date] = T.OffEndDate WHERE (OffType = 'Sick Day' AND EmpName = 'Cat White') AND (D.[Date] BETWEEN T.StartDate AND T.EndDate)
Has anyone ever written a function to retrieve all individual dates between two given dates? Using DATEDIFF I can get the number of days between two dates. However I need to iterate through the days to identify weekend and holiday dates. Has anyone ever written a function to do this?
So, if select datediff(d,'07/01/2007','07/15/2007') as NumOfDays returns 14, I'd need to iterate through the 14 days and get the weekends and holidays. Would I have to use a cursor to iterate through the days?
I'm trying to generate this query, that displays Budget Current Year , Actual Current Year and Prior Year Revenue. When It comes to the Budget and Actual everything works fine, however when I try to add the query for the Prior Year I get an error, and I realized that the leap date is causing the error
Here is what I'm trying to generate
InnCodeID Quarterly Monthly Days Period Year BARmRev AARmRev PYRmRev
ADDIS Q1 Jan 1 1 2008 NULL NULL
ADDIS Q1 Jan 1 1 2008 3462.14 5107.65
ADDIS Q1 Jan 1 1 2008 NULL NULL
ADDIS Q1 Jan 1 1 2008 NULL NULL
Here is the error that I'm getting:
Code Snippet
Msg 242, Level 16, State 3, Line 1
The conversion of a char data type to a datetime data type resulted in an out-of-range datetime value.
(4834 row(s) affected)
Here is my Transact-SQL Syntax (summarized because I Couldn't post it):
(CASE WHEN (CASE WHEN dbo.Trans.Tr_Dept = '10' AND dbo.Trans.TR_Main = '5120' AND dbo.Trans.tR_sub = '01'
AND Year(dbo.Trans.TR_Date) = Year(dbo.CurrentDate.CurrDate) AND dbo.trans.Datatype = '1'
(SELECT Trans1.TR_Amount
FROM dbo.Trans Trans1
WHERE Trans1.TR_Dept = '10' AND TR_Main = '5120' AND TR_Sub = '01' AND trans1.TR_Date = CAST((CAST(Month(dbo.Trans.TR_Date)
AS varchar(2)) + '/' + CAST(Day(dbo.Trans.TR_Date) AS varchar(2)) + '/' + CAST(Year(dbo.CurrentDate.CurrDate) AS varchar(4))) AS datetime)
AND Trans1.TR_Entity = dbo.Trans.TR_Entity AND trans1.datatype = dbo.Trans.DataType) ELSE NULL END) * - 1 AS BARmRev,
--AA Script Here AS AARmRev,
(CASE WHEN (CASE WHEN dbo.Trans.Tr_Dept = '10' AND dbo.Trans.TR_Main = '5120' AND dbo.Trans.tR_sub = '01' AND Year(dbo.Trans.TR_Date)
= Year(dbo.CurrentDate.CurrDate) AND dbo.trans.Datatype = '1' THEN dbo.trans.Tr_Amount ELSE NULL END) IS NOT NULL THEN
(SELECT SUM(Trans1.TR_Amount)
FROM dbo.Trans Trans1
WHERE RIGHT(RTRIM(Trans1.TR_Dept), 2) = '10' AND Trans1.TR_Main = '5120' AND Trans1.TR_Sub NOT BETWEEN '04' AND '05' AND
trans1.TR_Date = CAST((CAST(Month(dbo.Trans.TR_Date) AS varchar(2)) + '/' + CAST(Day(dbo.Trans.TR_Date) AS varchar(2))
+ '/' + CAST(Year(dbo.CurrentDate.CurrDate)-1 AS varchar(4))) AS datetime) AND Trans1.TR_Entity = dbo.Trans.TR_Entity AND
Hello All, I am trying to Add certain number of days to a particular date. and my requirement is that it need to exclude all saturdays and sundays and then give me the resultant date in Sqlserver. Please can anyone help me in achieving it. thanks Shiva Kumar
Hi can anyone help me , or am I on the wrong track.
Is there any easy way to create a stored procedure that inserts into a table the relevant months dates into a table based on the month and year as parameters. I.e say the parameters passed are 01/2001 hence based on this all of the month of January 2001 dates are inserted into a table in this format : 'Jan 01 2001 12:00:00'
We are deploying a system in the UK in SQL Server 6.5. They want the date to default to dd/mm/yy. Is there a way to set this on a permanent basis? Is there a way to set the server so any time a date is display, including getdate(), the result is dd/mm/yy?
I have a table which contains apart from other fields, 2 dates. i.e. startdate and enddate.
The startdate is always less than / equal to enddate.
I want to write a stored proc where I will give a date as a parameter and it should give me all the records there my date is between the startdate and the enddate.
Also I want to create a temp table in the procedure and the table gets populated with all the dates that comes between startdate and enddate, both dates inclusive.
I know this might be a tall order, but I am new to writing stored procedure, so I will be obliged if somebody can help me out
I have an assignment using SQL this is the first time i have used it but i can understand the basics.
It is for an instrument service company and i need to find what instruments have not been serviced for a year. i already know i have to:
SELECT instrument number, date of last service FROM Instrument table
but after this i am unsure what code i can use in order to find all instruments that have not been servided in over 365 days what code can is best to use?
I have a columns with storeID's and dates i need to be able to find the difference of date for a certain store for its Min(Date) to the End of that Month
Date StoreID Difference of Date to end of the Month 2008-01-02 00:00:00.000 163 2008-01-03 00:00:00.000 165 2008-01-01 00:00:00.000 167 2008-01-02 00:00:00.000 180
I am trying to calculate our job value and product costs over a given time period. But if I run my query, the numbers just dont look right at all. Please can you have a look at this query and see if anything stands out?
-- FINISHED PRODUCTS PRODUCTION REPORTS DATA -- gets current WIP Job information. -- requires item details from this. USE Staging -- declare start and end variables DECLARE @Start DATETIME DECLARE @End DATETIME SET DATEFORMAT DMY SET @Start = '01/01/2008' SET @End = '01/02/2008' SELECT SUM(jbs.Value) AS ProducionValue, SUM(prd.Cost) AS Cost, CONVERT(CHAR(10), @Start, 103) AS [From], CONVERT(CHAR(10), @End, 103) AS [End] FROM ( SELECT Job.[Job No], Job.[Cust Name], Job.[Req'd Date], Job.ProdStartActual, Job.Dept, [Job].[Value], Job.Loan FROM Job WHERE Job.[ProdStartActual] BETWEEN @start AND @End AND Job.Cancel = 0 AND Job.Sales = 1 AND Job.Invoiced = 1 OR Job.[ProdStartActual] BETWEEN @start AND @End AND Job.Cancel = 0 AND Job.Sales = 1 AND Job.Invoiced = 2 ) AS jbs INNER JOIN ( SELECT Item.[Job No], Item.[Code] FROM Item ) AS itm ON jbs.[Job No] = itm.[Job No] INNER JOIN ( SELECT Product.[Product Code], Product.[Cost] FROM Product ) AS prd ON itm.Code = prd.[Product Code]
I've got a table (TYPE, DAYMTH) where it is a compound key and theDAYMTH is a datetime but all years are 1900 ONLY THE day and month aresignificant.What I want to do is for each type, find the next n dates - so forexample:TYPE DAYMTH1 1900-02-201 1900-05-051 1900-09-141 1900-11-112 1900-03-032 1900-07-07if I want to get the next 3 dates after 22 June 2005 it should give me:1 2005-09-141 2005-11-111 2006-02-202 2005-07-072 2006-03-032 2006-07-07so, anyone got any bright ideas?I've started down this route:create table #year (yr int)insert into #year values(2005)insert into #year values(2006)insert into #year values(2007)insert into #year values(2008)select *,convert(datetime,convert(varchar,yr) +substring(convert(varchar,daymth,20),5,20),20)from DAYMTHtable,#yearwhere convert(datetime,convert(varchar,yr) +substring(convert(varchar,daymth,20),5,20),20) > getdate()order by type,convert(datetime,convert(varchar,yr) +substring(convert(varchar,daymth,20),5,20),20)and although this seems to be a good start I wonder if there are bettersolutions. Also any quick ideas on how to finish if I decide to followmy existing thought process?thanksPhil
For some reason guys my SQL string isn't working and I'm probably doingsomething stupid?SELECT *FROM sol_sessionSELECT *FROM SOL_SessionWHERE DateGiven '10/09/2006' AND <'13/09/2006'The 'DateGiven' field is a DateTime field, and I can't see quite whatswrong??I simply get a Syntax error!Cheers, Ash