Encrypting Network Packets

Jan 22, 2001

Does anyone know where there is a good summary of what you can do to encrypt data going between SQL Server and it's clients, and for that matter any other security things you can do with SQL Server ? I've been asked to write a document on this for someone and quite frankly I've got too much proper work to do...

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Number/size Of Packets At A Network Level For A MSSQL Query Vs Oracle Vs DB2.

Jul 24, 2007

Hello all,
I will try to supply all of the information available to me to help generate some answers to the question I have. I am doing some benchmark testing of an application of how it deals with various database queries, for example oracle 10g, DB2 and MSSQL 2005.
I have a very simple database called "student" that has various tables, with various columns, all as mentioned very simplistic. Each table has a few hundred rows of data, the most being one table with 2000 rows. The same database (structure and dataset), is replicated across all 3 DB's.
In order to do the testing, I have been recording the same queries (select * from table_a, select * from table_b etc etc) for each database at an interface which monitors traffic between the client and db server, the problem starts here; The size of the tcpdumps are vastly greater for MSSQL vs oracle or db2. Some examples:

100 query or transaction dump:

50,000 query or transaction dump:

as mentioned each database's tables and data are identical to my knowledge and all queries are the same. The bloated dumps are making mssql performance numbers look bad.

So my question is: What could be the reason for MSSQLs client/server queries to contain so much information, has anyone else come across this? Is there any setting or something I could try to minimize it?

Thank you for your time.

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Help With DTS Packets

Feb 14, 2006

I am having a problem working this DTS packet. I have a local database table that takes in data and at a certain time of the day I have a DTS packet to run and insert into a remote SQL server. I have no problem running the DTS packet, but it is inserting duplicate data into the remote SQL server. How would I go about checking to see if the data already exits on the remote SQL server? Any help would be greatly appreciated.



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Are Packets From .NET To SQL Server Secure?

Feb 20, 2004

When I'm getting data from sqlserver using ado.net and a sqldataadapter, are the resultant network traffic packets secure? If I wanted to deploy my objects at a remote site, would I still be safe going straight to my sql server from there or should I build a web service and then auto generate 'remote' versions of my objects that will then communicate to the web service on https?


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[DBNETLIB][ConnectionRead (recv()).]General Network Error. Check Your Network Documen

Sep 30, 2004

Hello all,

We have a Windows 2003 Web Edition server serving a site through IIS. It connects to a Windows 2003 Standard Edition server running SQL 2000 SP3a.

This site receives the following error as seen in the topic:
[DBNETLIB][ConnectionRead (recv()).]General network error. Check your network documentation.

We've configured the server network utility to only allow TCP/IP connections. The connection string for the site is as follows:

' FileName="Connection_ado_conn_string.htm"
' Type="ADO"
' HTTP="false"
' Catalog=""
' Schema=""
MM_connSpankMSSQL_STRING = "Provider=sqloledb;Data Source=SERVER_IP,1433;Network Library=DBMSSOCN;Initial Catalog=ourmaindb_1;User ID=ourmaindb_1;Password=hotcookies;"

Any ideas or tips on solving this issue? We've noticed it is due to larger queries as smaller ones do work with no problems.

The servers are behind a BSD box running iptables, has 1433,1434 along with standard web ports wide open. Anything outbound is allowed.

Some further testing via ODBC on the IIS server improved things. No more connection pooling for the SQL Server driver allows for 1/3 of the query to run. Still 2/3s of it doesn't show up, and that general network error message appears.

Should have 330 rows if it works right.

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[DBNETLIB][ConnetionWrite (WrapperWrite()).]General Network Error. Check Your Network

May 19, 2004

While running a DTS, many times the error message: "[DBNETLIB][ConnetionWrite (WrapperWrite()).]General network error. Check your network documentation." appears.
Does somebody knows why?

I am running the DTS from a computer (not the server where the DTS is stored) and it is connected without any problem when this happens.

Lautaro - Argentina.

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ASP.Net 1.1 With SQL 2005 : General Network Error. Check Your Network Documentation

Oct 4, 2007

Hi Every one,

I am using .Net 1.1 for my web application.

And my database server is SQL Server 2005.

My application is running fine, as i can login to it and also able to view pages. But when i open Order management(having 3K records) its give me error,

General Network Error. Check your network documentation

I have also searched many articles and tried following solutions but nothing working

- connectiontimeout = 0, max pool size = 7500/100, pooling = false

- SSL disabling enforce security false as mentioned in microsoft kb article.

And there's nothing any issue with hardware/firewall as my application's login and other forms are working fine(which use same database with same connection string)

Can any one please help me to solve this error?

With Regards,

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General Network Error. Check Your Network Documentation

May 26, 2007

Hi We have a written a error log in Global.asax. which capture below mentioned error in the prodcution server. Same applications is working fine in some locations and some loactions we are getting the error.Any body knows why this error is occurs.Any body knows why this error is occurs. Error Message:General network error. Check your network documentation.Stack Trace: at System.Data.SqlClient.SqlInternalConnection.OpenAndLogin() at System.Data.SqlClient.SqlInternalConnection..ctor(SqlConnection connection, SqlConnectionString connectionOptions) at System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection.Open() at datalayer.sqldb.Execute(String ProcedureName, SqlParameter[] Parameters) at lms.User.GetUserDetails(String strUserid)ITs at LMS.Login.w_btn_Login_Click(Object sender, EventArgs e) at System.Web.UI.WebControls.Button.OnClick(EventArgs e) at System.Web.UI.WebControls.Button.System.Web.UI.IPostBackEventHandler.RaisePostBackEvent(String eventArgument) at System.Web.UI.Page.RaisePostBackEvent(IPostBackEventHandler sourceControl, String eventArgument) at System.Web.UI.Page.RaisePostBackEvent(NameValueCollection postData)

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General Network Error. Check Your Network Documentation

Oct 4, 2007

 Hi,I am using .Net 1.1 for my web application.And my database server is SQL Server 2005. My application is running fine, as i can login to it and also able to view pages. But when i open Order management(having 3K records) its give me error,General Network Error. Check your network documentation  I have also searched many articles  and tried following solutions but nothing working- connectiontimeout = 0, max pool size = 7500/100, pooling = false- SSL disabling enforce security false as mentioned in microsoft kb article. And there's  nothing any issue with hardware/firewall as my application's login and other forms are working fine(which use same database with same connection string) Can any one please help me to solve this error? 

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General Network Error. Check Your Network Documentation

Feb 8, 2004

When I try to update the site setting, I get this Error and I don't know how to fix.

Server Error in '/DotNetNuke' Application.

General network error. Check your network documentation.
Description: An unhandled exception occurred during the execution of the current web request. Please review the stack trace for more information about the error and where it originated in the code.

Exception Details: System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException: General network error. Check your network documentation.

Source Error:

Line 281:
Line 282: myConnection.Open()
Line 283: myCommand.ExecuteNonQuery()
Line 284: myConnection.Close()
Line 285: End Sub

Source File: C:DotNetNukeComponentsAdminDB.vb Line: 283

Stack Trace:

[SqlException: General network error. Check your network documentation.]
System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand.ExecuteReader(CommandBehavior cmdBehavior, RunBehavior runBehavior, Boolean returnStream) +721
System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand.ExecuteNonQuery() +196
DotNetNuke.AdminDB.UpdatePortalInfo(Int32 PortalId, String PortalName, String PortalAlias, String LogoFile, String FooterText, Int32 UserRegistration, Int32 BannerAdvertising, String Currency, Int32 AdministratorId, String ExpiryDate, Double HostFee, Double HostSpace, String PaymentProcessor, String ProcessorUserId, String ProcessorPassword, String Description, String KeyWords, String BackgroundFile, Int32 SiteLogHistory) in C:DotNetNukeComponentsAdminDB.vb:283
DotNetNuke.SiteSettings.Update_Click(Object sender, EventArgs e) in C:DotNetNukeadminPortalSiteSettings.ascx.vb:287
System.Web.UI.WebControls.LinkButton.OnClick(EventArgs e)
System.Web.UI.WebControls.LinkButton.System.Web.UI.IPostBackEventHandler.RaisePostBackEvent(String eventArgument)
System.Web.UI.Page.RaisePostBackEvent(IPostBackEventHandler sourceControl, String eventArgument)
System.Web.UI.Page.RaisePostBackEvent(NameValueCollection postData)

Version Information: Microsoft .NET Framework Version:1.1.4322.573; ASP.NET Version:1.1.4322.573

Please Help!

Thank you,


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General Network Error. Check Your Network Documentation

Jan 9, 2006

I use sqlclient to connect directly from my mobile 5 pocketpc to a sql server 2005 database on my desktop.

I use a sqldatareader to traverse the results of a query that delivers 2 fields: (1) the filespec, and (2) the image field.

I use a filestream with a binary writer to write the contents of the image data to the pocketpc's storage card.

I have a test table with 10 images, not one more than 4 MB.  I cannot complete a test run prior to receiving the  general network error.

The pocketPC is connected via activesync to the desktop, and I connect to the database with:

Integrated Security=false;
user id=sa

Any help with this strange error would be greatly appreciated.


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General Network Error Check Network Documentation

Oct 11, 2006

Hi I get a "General Network Error Check network documentation" error sometimes, but its only while insert or update statements are fired while selects keep working perfectly.

The Error details are as follows:
General network error. Check your network documentation.
Description: An unhandled exception occurred during the execution of the current web request. Please review the stack trace for more information about the error and where it originated in the code.
Exception Details: System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException: General network error. Check your network documentation.
Source Error:
An unhandled exception was generated during the execution of the current web request. Information regarding the origin and location of the exception can be identified using the exception stack trace below.
Stack Trace:

[SqlException: General network error. Check your network documentation.]
System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand.ExecuteReader(CommandBehavior cmdBehavior, RunBehavior runBehavior, Boolean returnStream)

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Encrypting SSN

Nov 15, 2006

I have a sql 2005 DB that stores personal information including Social Security #. How can i encrypt the SSN in Sql and then Decrypt it in a asp.net 2.0 page?Thanks

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Encrypting URL

Jun 25, 2007

I am calling my rports from the server useing URL method.I need to encript this URL please help me.

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Encrypting Data

May 4, 2004

I have an application that has stores sensitive data in an SQL server and I am currently handling this through my ASP.NET application using the encryption classes in C#.

One of the things we would eventually like to be able to do is use other programs (like Microsoft Access) to run advanced Querys on the tables and retrive the data. With the encyption being done in C#/ASP all that would be returned would be the encrypted data.

I wondering if there is a way to build a layer to encrypt/decrypt data at the database level, my searches haven't yeiled to much info (As well as a trip to Borders) as I haven't seen any books that even touch on this.

I don't know a lot about SQL right now (Mainly only MySQL so Stored Procs and all that stuff are really new to me) so I don't know if I would go about it this way or not? (Using a stored procedure)

Can anyone reccommened where I should start to learn about accomplishing this? Books are usually the best help but I'll take any kind of information that can be thrown my way :-)


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Encrypting Column

Mar 20, 2002

Is it possible to encrypt data in one column. I always thought it wasn't possible but I need to know for sure.

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Encrypting Password.

Jul 18, 2000

Hi all,

Can anyone help me regarding encrypting a password.

While i put my password in a table, it shd be encrypted form so that none of the user shd able
view that and for admin purpose i shd able to view, that is, i shd able to decrypt the password
show to the user. The password is stored in a table as a field.

waiting for ur replies.

thanks in advance.


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Encrypting The Database

May 29, 2000

Is there any way by which a SQL Server database can be encrypted.


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How To : Encrypting Fields.

Jan 28, 2000


I was wondering if any of you had any idea about how I could achieve to encrypt a certain field(s) or a whole table in one of the table in my Database. Somewhat, I want to hide the password field from everyone's curious eye.

IF possible please also reply to this email :

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Encrypting Mdf Files

Feb 16, 2007

Hi,We want to encrypt MS Sql Server data files - .mdf and .ldf withlogged in user certificate and make sure that MS Sql Server service(running as Local System Account) can decrypt it.Is it possible to encrypt data files with a certificate that residesin logged in user'scert store and also MS SQL Server Service 'service account's certstore?You can access 'service account's cert store through mmc -


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Encrypting Data Within The DB

Jul 20, 2005

Hello,I am running Microsoft SQL Server 2000 on a Windows 2000 Sever. I havebeen working with SQL Server, Building ASp WebSites for many years now.I am by no means an expert - nor have I had ANY formal training. So ebarwith me if my questions seem elementary...I have some questions regarding sensitive data and encryption.There is a project that is headed my way were the social security numberis being used as the unique identifier for an account. I have alwaysused as identity column as a unique identifier. What would be the prosand cons of using the SSN as a unique identifier?#1 How do I go about encrypting the number to store in the DB. Is thisdone within SQL Server? Or before the data is inserted?#2 Is it possible to use an encrypted field as a unique identifier?My gut tells me to use the identity column , encrypt the SSN and not useit as any part of an identifier.Thank You for your Help.. Happy New Year!Please Reply to the Newsgroup.*** Sent via Developersdex http://www.developersdex.com ***Don't just participate in USENET...get rewarded for it!

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Encrypting Passwords

Feb 22, 2006

A friend of my self asked me how he can save a password not as clear text. He wanted to encrypt the password and save the encrypted string in the database.

How can he do this? Maybe somebody can help me here.

Regards Markus

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Encrypting A Data

Mar 31, 2006


I have creating a stored procedure in sql server 2005 to encrypt a parameter value that comes from an asp.net page. this value is of type varchar.

Now i have declared a paramater as varbinary to accept this value in the stored procedure. And encrypting it using symmetric key which is encrypted by certificate.

Now when i enter a value into the textbox in asp.net page. it shows

"implicit conversion from varchar to varbinary not possible" pls tell me what is the solution? do i have to convert the value in vb code while accessing the value of the textbox or do i have to convert the value while passing the value when call stored procedure.

pls tell me the solution so that i don't jave to change any coding in vb.

some solution in sql server itselt.

Thank you


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Encrypting A Whole Database

Oct 22, 2007

I have been tasked with encrypting an entire database, and I need some assistance.
Everything that I have looked at leads me to believe that the only way to encrypt a whole database is to encrypt each column seperatly. I am completely stumped and could really use some help.
Is it possible to encrypt a whole database? if so, how?
If not, what other options do I have?
Thanks in advance for the help.

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Encrypting All With Password

Oct 3, 2007

I have a bunch of packages that I was working with on a development server and have now moved to a production server. The package protection level was set to DoNotSaveSensative during the development, when I loaded them onto the production server I changed the protection level to EncryptAllWithPassword. I have a few parent packages that call other packages using the execute package task. Since, I now have encrypted packages i had to supply this task with the password, that is where the problem started. The parent package fails when it tries to execute the child package, saying the password was not supplied or it is wrong. I assure you it is not wrong, so is the parent package not storing the password since it was created with no password? Next I created a new parent package and supplied it with a password to call the child package and it works fine. Do I have to recreate all of my parent packages in this way? Is there a way for the parent package to rebuild itself and store the password? Any help would be appreciated.


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Encrypting A Column

Oct 22, 2007

I am trying to encrypt a column, and then do a select and decrypt the results.
I believe that I am encrypting the data properly, but whenever I try and do a select the column comes back as NULL.
If I do a select without trying to decrypt the column (select * from table) I get the following:

Name | Dept | Encrypted_Info
scott | it | 0x38383131

If I try and decrypt it I get this

Name | Dept | Encrypted_Info
scott | it | NULL

This is the query that I put together to create the database, table, DB Master Key, Cert, encrypt the column, and then select and decrypt the result:

create database QA_Encrypted


create table QA_Encrypted.dbo.Enc_Table1

(UserName varchar(50),

Dept varchar(50),

Encrypted_Info varbinary(MAX))

use QA_Encrypted


if not exists (select * from sys.symmetric_keys where symmetric_key_id = 101)

create Master Key encryption by password = 'Pa55w0rd'


Create Certificate QACert

with subject = 'Certificate for Testing'


Create symmetric Key QAEncryptionKey with Algorithm = DES

Encryption by certificate QACert


open symmetric key QAEncryptionKey decryption by certificate QACert

update QA_Encrypted.dbo.Enc_Table1 set Encrypted_Info = EncryptByKey(Key_GUID('QAEncryptionKey'), 'AUTHENTICATOR')


use QA_Encrypted

insert into dbo.enc_table1 values ('scott', 'it', Convert(varbinary,'8811'))

OPEN Symmetric Key QAEncryptionKey

Decryption by CERTIFICATE QACert

select * from dbo.Enc_Table1

Select Username, Dept, Convert(varchar, DecryptByKey(Encrypted_Info)) as "decrypted"

from dbo.Enc_Table1

Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Thanks in advance

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Encrypting A Column In SqlServer

Feb 22, 2001

I need to encrypt one column of a Sql Server 7 database. I would like to use some sort of function to accomplish this so regular reporting tools can grab the encrypted data.

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Encrypting Passwords In An Access DB

Sep 23, 2004

I usually work with MySQL where it is able tl encrypt a password in a database (for users /clients etc) is there a way to do somthing similar in access.
Thanking you in advance

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Encrypting A Text File

Sep 28, 2004

I have programs written in sas. The programs themselves can be treated like a text file for this purpose. I need a program that will encrypt my program then when needed decyrypt it storing it into a temp file, run it and then delete it.

any thoughts or anything out there to use.


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T-SQL (SS2K8) :: Encrypting SSN Field Using TDE?

Jul 15, 2014

Any example on encrypting a SSN Field using TDE?


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SQL 2012 :: Encrypting A Column?

Jun 18, 2015

encrypting a column in a sql server database. I have userid and password columns that I think should have protection on them. My thought was to encrypt these 2 columns. What happens if someone needs to know the actual values of a userid and password? Is encryption the right way to secure this data?

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Encrypting And Decrypting Data

Dec 22, 2006

id int identity (1,1),
NonEncrField varchar(30),
EncrField varchar(30)

CREATE CERTIFICATE my_cert with subject = 'Some Certificate'
CREATE SYMMETRIC KEY my_key with algorithm = triple_des encryption by certificate my_cert

INSERT INTO TabEncr (NonEncrField,EncrField)
VALUES ('Some Plain Value',encryptbykey(key_guid('my_key'),'Some Plain Value'))

SELECT NonEncrField,CONVERT(VARCHAR(30),DecryptByKey(EncrField))
FROM dbo.TabEncr

What is the problem with this code. It works fine , inserting the value encrypted but when i try to decrypt ,it returns a null value. What is missing. I also tried with symmetric key encryption with asymmetric key. Result is same, returns NULL value. I am using SQL 2005

Happy Coding...

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Encrypting Complete Database

Nov 12, 2007


How can I encrypt / decrypt whole database (data, objects ... everything) in SQL Server 2005 Express Edition?
Quick solution from any champion of Databases would be highly entertained.

Waiting ..

Thanks a lot.

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