Enpoint Doesn't Display WSDL

Apr 6, 2007

Using SQL2005 Standard on Win2k3 standard ed. Database, SSIS, SSRS and SSNS are installed.

I created an endpoint using the following:

sp_reserve_http_namespace N'http://ServerName:80/Maps'


create endpoint epMaps
state = started
as http
path = '/Maps',
authentication = (integrated),
ports = (clear),
site = 'ServerName'
for soap
webmethod 'GetEnabledMaps'
(Name= 'DBName.dbo.spSelMapPackagesEnabled'),
batches = disabled,
wsdl = default,
database = 'DBName',
namespace = 'http://ServerName/'


When I attempt to pull the web service up (http://ServerName/Maps?wsdl 1)I am prompted for my windows credentials and 2) after I put my credentials in a blank page loads.

Anyone have any ideas?

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Slowly Changing Dimension Wizard Doesn't Display Destination Table Primary Key Column

Feb 22, 2006

I have added a Slowly Changing Dimension transformation to an SSIS package and have launched the Wizard to edit it.  After selecting the source (a SQL Server 2005 instance), if I select a very large table (9+ million rows), I'm encountering two strange behaviors:
1. The wizard hangs for several minutes before displaying the columns from that table.
2. The wizard does not display the primary key column.  This, of course, is the column I want to designate as the "business key", but can't because it's not displayed.
I know this is more like a fact table than a dimension, but this is not a data warehouse.  This is just a very large table, and I need to update a field in certain records based on the contents of a source text file.  Is there another transformation I should use to perform updates?

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Cannot View Wsdl Of Endpoint.

Jun 19, 2007

i created this endpoint in SSMS:

Code Snippet

/****** Object: Endpoint [first_Endpoint] Script Date: 06/19/2007 16:39:22 ******/

CREATE ENDPOINT [first_Endpoint]

AUTHORIZATION [Domainusername]--scrubbed my username out of post!


AS HTTP (PATH=N'/sql',







WEBMETHOD 'provideInfo'( NAME=N'[adventureworks].[dbo].[uspGetBillOfMaterials]'








When i type http://localhost/sql/provideinfo?wsdl into internet explorer, i just get a 404 page cannot be found error.

When i type http://server/sql/provideinfo?wsdl in to the browser i get a Page cannot be displayd error.

I get the same when i type http://myServerName/sql/provideinfo?wsdl

I get the same when i type http://sitename/sql/provideinfo?wsdl

Sql server is running under an account with admin access to the box and sa access to the sql server. what am i doing wrong here that i cannot view my wsdl. oh, the OS is vista.

Could it be a configuration issue that im not seeing?

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SQLXML, Complex Types, And WSDL

Apr 19, 2004

Hello -

I've used SQLXML to generate WSDL from a sample stored procedure that returns customerID and contactName from the 'northwind' database based on a runtime-supplied parameter.

However, the generated WSDL doesn't explicitly name the two columns (customerID and contactName) that the procedure returns. I've tried all of the possible combinations of 'row formatting; and 'output as' when configuring the virtual name. Instead, I get the following:

- <xsd:element name="TestResponse">
- <xsd:complexType>
- <xsd:sequence>
<xsd:element minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="1" name="RobTestResult" type="sqlresultstream:SqlResultStream" />

To parse the results, I would have to cast the information correctly, which requires some hard-coding. Does anyone have any suggestions on how to force the WSDL file to correctly list out the individual elements in the result set?

Many thanks!


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IE Permissions For HTTP Endpoint WSDL

Jan 21, 2008


I am testing using Web Services from SQL Server 2005 and am having problems with IE Authentication when I try to retreive the WSDL.

The basic scenario is:

I create the Web Service and initially can view the WSDL using Http:ServernamePath?wsdl and also can consume the Web Service in a DotNet app. However after a period of 2 hours or more the the WSDl starts asking for authentication but I cannot determine what authentication or rights are required

In an earlier post http://forums.microsoft.com/MSDN/ShowPost.aspx?PostID=1175161&SiteID=1 Jimmy Wu mentions
"IE prompted me for my user credentials and after entering the information I was able to retrieve the WSDL doc".

What are the user credentials required and how do you set permissions to avoid these. This forum post is the only place I have seen where any mention is made of some additional credentials being needed.



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WebServiceTask Call To ReportingServices Rejects Wsdl

Aug 17, 2006

We're trying to use the WebServiceTask to retrieve a report from the SQL Server Reporting Services (SSRS) web service but getting a "This version of the Web Services Description Language (wsdl) is not supported." error after selecting the Service on the inputs tab. Some additional information...

- I can get other web services to work just fine.

- the SSRS web service works fine as I can download the wsdl in the task window, and we have successfully worked around this issue by creating a proxy class in .NET code and called it through the ScriptTask to get the results we need.

- I'm pretty certain the SSRS server is the 2005 version but can't confirm this.

So the problem seems to be just that SSIS can't read the wsdl created by SSRS.

As said we've worked around the problem successfully but would prefer to use the built in functionality, which should work especially to SSRS. Any help, advice would be greatly appreciated!

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Why Does The Web Service Task Require A Local WSDL File?

Oct 19, 2007

Have an SSIS package with a Web Service Task, downloaded the WSDL to a local file, all is well until we try to deploy the package to another machine at which point the package expects to find the WSDL in the same place.

Am I not understanding something? Yes I can make it work, BUT:

1. Couldn't the task just get the WSDL from the web service each time, instead of from a static file? Isn't that the idea? Latest and greatest...

2. Having packages dependent on files is extremely inconvenient in a production environment. Security issues abound, things are in different places on different servers. How are folks handling this? The Web Service Task is certainly not the only place in SSIS where a package can be dependent on a file system location.

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Accessing A Report (SSRS 2005) Using PHP And ReportExecution2005.asmx?wsdl

Jan 16, 2008


I am using PHP5 and SSRS 2005 to execute a report via ReportExecution2005.asmx?wsdl (using PHP's SOAP functions). I keep getting the error:

"Microsoft.ReportingServices.Diagnostics.Utilities.MissingSessionIdException: The session identifier is missing. A session identifier is required for this operation."

I know what the SessionID after successfully calling the LoadReport method (ExecutionID in the ExecutionHeader) but cannot seem to pass this along to the Render method. Does anyone know how to pass that along?

This is similiar in issue to the post at http://forums.microsoft.com/TechNet/ShowPost.aspx?PostID=2643092&SiteID=17 but for PHP instead of Java.


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Web Service Task - This Version Of Web Services Description Language (WSDL) Is Not Supported : SOLUTION

Apr 12, 2007

Whilst working with SSRS within SSIS I came accross an issue when trying to create a Web Service Task using the SSRS Web Service. After pointing the task to the WSDL file when I tried to access the Methods of the web service I would get the '....WSDL is not supported.' error. I also noticed that selecting the Download WSDL button would throw up and error as well.

After a bit bit of playing around I found the following solution to the problem.

Make a copy of the ReportingServices.wsdl file and make sure it is not marked as Read-Only.
Point the Web Service Task editor to this new copy of the WSDL file
Set the OverwriteWSDLFile option in the Web Service Task editor to True.

You should then be able to access the details of the WSDL file and the methods of the web service. I am not sure if this issue is by design but hope that this information will help others who came across the same issue?

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Web Services Task Editor: The Input Web Services Description Language (WSDL) File Is Not Valid

Mar 14, 2006

I am trying to prove I can use SSIS to connect to a web service. The WS I am trying to connect to was developed by a vendor and covered by a NDA, but I was able to reproduce the issue with a public WS.

Here are the steps to reproduce the issue:

In the Web Services Connection Manager, I entered http://office.microsoft.com/Research/Providers/MoneyCentral.asmx?wsdl in the URL window. I am able to successfully "test" the connection
I pasted the above link into IE and saved the resulting XML as a .wsdl file on my local machine. In the Web Services Task Editor, General Tab, I specify the path to the .wsdl file and click on "Download WSDL" button. No Issues
When I click on "Input" and select "MoneyCentralRemote" from the drop-down for Service, I receive an error message saying "This version of the Web Services Description Language (WSDL) is not supported"

So the questions are:

Did I perform the above steps correctly?
What WSDL versions are supported in SSIS?
How can I tell what WSDL version was used to create the .wsdl I am trying to access?
If the WSDL is an unsupported version, is there a work-around to fix the issue?

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URL Location Of The WSDL File For Web Services File Task

Mar 14, 2007

I am finding that in order to have the Web Services Task work successfully the location of the WSDL file has to be on a local drive that SSIS is executing upon. Is the current intended behavior?

In my SSIS task I use a URL path to store information extracted from the Web Service. The information is stored on a different server than the one that SSIS is running upon. This works properly without error.

I have confirmed that SSIS has appropriate permissions to read/write to that directory on that server. When I attempt to reference the WSDL file (located in the same URL directory that I am saving the information) I get a web services error, 'The Web Services Name is empty, Verify that a valid web service name is available."

When I update the Web Service Task attribute to point to the WSDL file located on a local drive it works correctly. I have confirmed that both WSDL documents are exactly the same.

The behavior seems a little strange...so I must be missing something subtle.


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Reporting Services :: Display Columns When There Is No Data To Display

Apr 30, 2015

I would like to display a portion of report where there is data or no data

There is data subreport  display   

     Product Name Latex Gloves  
     Product ID      

 There NO data in the subReport
  Product Name                          
   Product ID    

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Why Doesn't Job Run?

Jul 18, 2007

I setup a Sql Server Agent job to run daily every 15 minutes from 11:15PM to 10:45PM. I set this up about noon, and the job and schedule were both Enabled.

But the job would not run. I sat and watched it for some time but it just sat there. What do I have to do to get the job to run?

Sorry! I forgot that Recurring schedules do not work until the start-time is reached. If you change the start-time the schedule becomes inactive. So I created a second schedule to cover the hole!

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Ddl Doesn't Populate

Feb 6, 2008

Anybody see a reason why this list won't populate?
<asp:DropDownList ID="ddlState" DataSourceID="srcStates"    DataTextField="StateName" DataValueField="StateName" runat="server">    <asp:ListItem>Select State</asp:ListItem></asp:DropDownList><asp:SqlDataSource ID="srcStates" runat="server" ConnectionString="<%$ ConnectionStrings:webConn %>"    SelectCommand="sp_States" SelectCommandType="StoredProcedure">    <SelectParameters>        <asp:ControlParameter ControlID="ddlState" DefaultValue="Select State" Name="State"            PropertyName="SelectedValue" Type="String" />    </SelectParameters></asp:SqlDataSource>

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Doesn't See DB Table

May 11, 2005

I'm having a tough time understanding my current problem and why I'm having it.

I'm using an ODBC db connection to connect to my sql server and trying
to insert data into a table I've created, but I keep getting an error
saying that the table doesn't exist.  This is the first time I've
ever used ODBC and DSN to connect to a db so I don't konw if there are
qerks associated with this, but I've tried everything I can think
of.  I've changed the name of the table, placed it in brackets,
placed "dbo" infront of the name, and still I get the same error about
the table not existing.  My "Intial Catalog" in my connection
string is the correct db, I just can't seem to get it going.

Any suggestions?

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DTS SQL Query Doesn&#39;t Run

Aug 27, 2001

I'm pulling data from Oracle 8.05 using Oracle ODBC with DTS to SQL Server 7 sr2. If I choose my columns only, I have no problem. When I try to edit the SQL statement either in the Import Wizard or the DTS Designer, the package won't run. I am selecting on a date column. I corrected the TSQL using the "convert" statement. Does someone know what might be happening?

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SQL Agent Job Doesn&#39;t Run.

Sep 13, 1999

Hi there,
Since I have upgraded to SQL 7 I'm exeriencing a problem with SQL Server Agent. I have a job scheduled to run every hour between 8:30AM and 5:30 PM during weekdays. Every Monday for the last several weeks I check the job status and it says it is enabled, runnable, and scheduled. Last job was run at 5:30PM on Friday, next run time is Monday 8:30AM. The only thing is that it is after 9:00AM. What gives? Then I have to run the job manually for the rest of the day. It usually starts working the next day. Anybody has similar problem?

P.S. The agent service is running.

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DTS Doesn't Work Through Job

Sep 15, 2005

I'm pretty new to DTS, so forgive me if this is basic. I created a simple DTS package to run a query and export it to a text file. I can execute the package fine from my workstation through EM, but when I try to execute the job to run the package I get this error:
Error = -2147467259 (80004005) Error string: Error opening datafile: Access is denied.

I think that maybe SQL Agent doesn't have the right permissions to write to that network drive. What should the permissions be?

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IIF Doesn't Work

Nov 10, 2004

This is probably very simple, but I can't get passed this problem.

I have a report in MS Access that uses info generated by a query. One of the text fields in the query contains either the word 'Select' or the name of a course.
The report should display a space if the value is 'Select', or the actual value of the field in any other case. The field can never contain a null value.

I've used:
in the text box on the report, but this only returns #error regardless of the actual content of the field.

What am I doing wrong?



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Sql Job Doesn't Work

Aug 27, 2004

Hi all,

I create and schedule a SQL job to run every minute to update a table base on certain condition but it doesn't work. Job history says successful every time but the table doesn't get updated.

However if I move it to Query Analyzer and run it under dba, it will work. Thinking that it may have to do with the user the job run as, I then change run as user from self to dba. But still SQL job won't update my table.

Anything about user permission or security that I can check? Or it there any other possibility?


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Why Doesn't This Work

Apr 26, 2007

When I run the select its fine but I cannot delete..... i have done this many times and it has worked.... I cannot see the error what am i missing

inner join eqnow_names
on eqnow.empnumber = eqnow_names.empnumber
eqnow_names.names is null

i get this error
Server: Msg 156, Level 15, State 1, Line 4
Incorrect syntax near the keyword 'inner'.

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ADO Doesn't Retrieve Value From This Sp..why?

May 12, 2004

Hi, all.
I tried to get result of sp.
Dim rst As Recordset
Set rst = New ADODB.Recordset
rst.Open sp, cnn

doesn't get result.
when i call rst.EOF, it thows error: Can do this since rst is closed...

I found it's problem of sp which is little complex.
But, still I think it should work!
My question is how can I get the returned value from following sp in VB?

--- return list of tables that needed to update
--- list is one string separated by '&' delimeter
--- @listOfUpdateTime: [TableName=UpdateTime]&[...] eg) tblDeptList=12/25/2004&tblHoliday=12/24/2004&...
CREATE procedure spGetListOfTableToDownLoad
@listOfUpdateTime varchar(500)
Declare @listOfTable varchar(300), @item varchar(300)
Declare @tbl varchar(50), @uptime datetime
Declare @list varchar(500)
Declare @sep varchar(1)
SET @list = ''
SET @sep = '&'
SELECT * FROM fnSplit(@listOfUpdateTime, @sep)

OPEN cur

FROM cur
INTO @item

Declare @re bit, @tp varchar(50)

-- get tablename, update time
SELECT * FROM fnSplit(@item, '=')
OPEN cur2
Print @tbl
print 'tp:' + @tp
SET @uptime = CAST(@tp as datetime)
print @uptime
-- @re =1: true, 0: false
EXEC spIsUpdate @tbl, @uptime, @re output
IF @re = 1
SET @list = @list + @tbl + @sep
CLOSE cur2

FROM cur
INTO @item
if LEN(@list) > 0
SET @list = LEFT(@list, Len(@list)-Len(@sep))

SELECT @list as Result


--- PARAM:: @tbl: table name,
--- @uptime : update time (passed from local db) that will be compared on HQ table
--- return 1 if Max(UpdateTime) of @table > @uptime
--- otherwise return 0
CREATE Procedure spIsUpdate
@tbl varchar(50), @uptime datetime, @result bit output
Declare @bit bit

DECLARE @ParmDefinition NVARCHAR(500)
declare @uptimeHQ datetime
/* Build the SQL string once.*/
SET @SQLString = N'SELECT @tp = MAX(UpdateTime) FROM ' + @tbl
SET @ParmDefinition = N'@tp datetime OUTPUT'
EXECUTE sp_executesql @SQLString, @ParmDefinition
,@uptimeHQ OUTPUT

If @uptimeHQ > @uptime
SET @result = 1
SET @result = 0
--RETURN @bit


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SQL Job Doesn't Start

Dec 6, 2007

This problem is on SQL Server development box.
SS 2K standard edition
3071 MB
2 processors
Windows NT 5.0

SQL job doesn't start nor write on the view history. I have comfirm this by creating a new job with query and run it manually or schedule automatic run.

select * from sysdatabases

It points to database master and using the same account sql server agent uses it to start. This account has sys admi rights. I have check for blocking but thre is not.
Anyone has ever has a similar issue like this


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Doesn't Work

Oct 21, 2007

Msg 15123, Level 16, State 1, Procedure sp_configure, Line 78

The configuration option 'user instances enabled' does not exist, or it may be an advanced option.

Valid configuration options are

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Why Doesn't This Query Run??

May 3, 2008

Hi can any one see why this will now run when sent to the server. Don't worry about the parameters as these are replaced at runtime in a c# app I have created.

It is not the easiest to read but your help is appreciated.

Code Snippet
/* Create new table of dates using the Week Ending date selected by the user
This is a list of week ending dates between the start and end dates selected by the user */
DECLARE @result table(WeekEndDate datetime)
SET @Temp = @Start + ((@WeekEnding - (DATEPART(w, @Start) - 1)) % 7) + CASE WHEN (@WeekEnding - (DATEPART(w, @Start) - 1))

WHILE @Temp <= @End
INSERT INTO @result values(@Temp)
SET @Temp = @Temp + 7

/* Aggregate data by Week ending date so that we can see the Metrics for that particular week*/
SELECT dbo.MSP_WEB_PROJECTS.PROJ_NAME AS Project, EV_View.[Week Ending], EV_View.BAC, EV_View.EV, EV_View.PV,
EV_View.AC, EV_View.FV, EV_View.FC, EV_View.[Baseline Work], EV_View.[Work], EV_View.[Actual Work], EV_View.[ETC],
dbo.MSP_VIEW_PROJ_PROJECTS_STD.ProjectFinishDate THEN 'YES' ELSE 'NO' END AS [1 Project Duration]
SELECT ProjectID, WeekEndDate AS [Week Ending], SUM(BAC) / @TimeUnits AS BAC, SUM(EV) / @TimeUnits AS EV,
SUM(PV) / @TimeUnits AS PV, SUM(AC) / @TimeUnits AS AC, SUM(FV) / @TimeUnits AS FV, SUM(FC) / @TimeUnits AS FC,
SUM([Baseline Work]) / @TimeUnits AS [Baseline Work], SUM([Work]) / @TimeUnits AS [Work],
SUM([Actual Work]) / @TimeUnits AS [Actual Work], (SUM([Work]) - SUM([Actual Work])) / @TimeUnits AS ETC
SELECT ProjectID, WeekEnds.WeekEndDate, BAC,
CASE WHEN derivedtbl_1.[Baseline Finish] BETWEEN WeekEnds.WeekEndDate - 6 AND WeekEnds.WeekEndDate THEN derivedtbl_1.PV END AS PV,
CASE WHEN derivedtbl_1.[Actual Finish] BETWEEN WeekEnds.WeekEndDate - 6 AND WeekEnds.WeekEndDate THEN derivedtbl_1.EV END AS EV,
CASE WHEN derivedtbl_1.[Actual Finish] BETWEEN WeekEnds.WeekEndDate - 6 AND WeekEnds.WeekEndDate THEN derivedtbl_1.AC END AS AC,
CASE WHEN (derivedtbl_1.Finish BETWEEN WeekEnds.WeekEndDate - 6 AND WeekEnds.WeekEndDate) THEN derivedtbl_1.[Baseline Work] END AS FV,
CASE WHEN (derivedtbl_1.Finish BETWEEN WeekEnds.WeekEndDate - 6 AND WeekEnds.WeekEndDate) THEN derivedtbl_1.[Estimate at Complete] END AS FC,
CASE WHEN (TP.AssignmentTimeStart BETWEEN WeekEnds.WeekEndDate - 6 AND WeekEnds.WeekEndDate) THEN TP.[Baseline Work] END AS [Baseline Work],
CASE WHEN (TP.AssignmentTimeStart BETWEEN WeekEnds.WeekEndDate - 6 AND WeekEnds.WeekEndDate) THEN TP.[Work] END AS [Work],
CASE WHEN (TP.AssignmentTimeStart BETWEEN WeekEnds.WeekEndDate - 6 AND WeekEnds.WeekEndDate) THEN TP.[Actual Work] END AS [Actual Work]
SUM(ISNULL(dbo.MSP_VIEW_PROJ_ASSN_TP_BY_DAY.AssignmentTimeBaselineWork, 0)) AS [Baseline Work],
SUM(ISNULL(dbo.MSP_VIEW_PROJ_ASSN_TP_BY_DAY.AssignmentTimeWork, 0)) AS [Work],
SUM(ISNULL(dbo.MSP_VIEW_PROJ_ASSN_TP_BY_DAY.AssignmentTimeActualWork, 0)) AS [Actual Work],
SUM(ISNULL(dbo.MSP_VIEW_PROJ_ASSN_TP_BY_DAY.AssignmentTimeActualWorkProtected, 0)) AS [Actual Work Protected]
dbo.MSP_VIEW_PROJ_ASSN_TP_BY_DAY.AssignmentUniqueID = dbo.MSP_VIEW_PROJ_ASSN_STD.AssignmentUniqueID
WHERE (dbo.MSP_VIEW_PROJ_ASSN_TP_BY_DAY.AssignmentTimeStart <= @End) AND
(dbo.MSP_VIEW_PROJ_ASSN_TP_BY_DAY.AssignmentTimeStart >= @Start)
DATEADD(day, 0, DATEDIFF(day, 0, dbo.MSP_VIEW_PROJ_TASKS_STD.TaskBaselineStart)) AS [Baseline Start],
DATEADD(day, 0, DATEDIFF(day, 0, dbo.MSP_VIEW_PROJ_TASKS_STD.TaskBaselineFinish)) AS [Baseline Finish],
DATEADD(day, 0, DATEDIFF(day, 0, dbo.MSP_VIEW_PROJ_TASKS_STD.TaskActualFinish)) AS [Actual Finish],
dbo.MSP_VIEW_PROJ_TASKS_STD.TaskBaselineWork AS [Baseline Work],
dbo.MSP_VIEW_PROJ_TASKS_STD.TaskWork AS [Estimate at Complete],
dbo.MSP_VIEW_PROJ_TASKS_STD.TaskActualWorkProtected AS [Actual Work],
dbo.MSP_VIEW_PROJ_TASKS_STD.TaskRemainingWork AS [Estimate to Complete],
CASE WHEN dbo.MSP_VIEW_PROJ_TASKS_STD.TaskPercentComplete >= 100 THEN dbo.MSP_VIEW_PROJ_TASKS_STD.TaskBaselineWork
CASE WHEN dbo.MSP_VIEW_PROJ_TASKS_STD.TaskPercentComplete >= 100 THEN dbo.MSP_VIEW_PROJ_TASKS_STD.TaskActualWorkProtected
ELSE 0 END AS AC, dbo.MSP_VIEW_PROJ_TASKS_STD.TaskPercentComplete AS [% Complete],
DATEADD(day, 0, DATEDIFF(day, 0, dbo.MSP_VIEW_PROJ_TASKS_STD.TaskFinish)) AS Finish
AS derivedtbl_1 ON
TP.WPROJ_ID = derivedtbl_1.ProjectID CROSS JOIN
@result AS WeekEnds
WHERE (DATEADD(day, 0, DATEDIFF(day, 0, [Baseline Finish])) >= @Start AND DATEADD(day, 0, DATEDIFF(day, 0, [Baseline Finish])) <= @End) OR
(DATEADD(day, 0, DATEDIFF(day, 0, [Actual Finish])) >= @Start AND DATEADD(day, 0, DATEDIFF(day, 0, [Actual Finish])) <= @End) OR
(DATEADD(day, 0, DATEDIFF(day, 0, Finish)) >= @Start AND DATEADD(day, 0, DATEDIFF(day, 0, Finish)) <= @End)
AS WithWeekEnds
GROUP BY WeekEndDate, ProjectID

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Help! LIKE Doesn't Work!!!

Apr 19, 2008

Hi to all, I'm building (and learn) an application with VB Express. In "edit dataset with designer" I've build this sql query:

SELECT tbl_soggetto.[ID Soggetto], tbl_soggetto_tipo.Tipo, tbl_soggetto.[Cognome/Denominazione], tbl_soggetto.Nome, tbl_soggetto.Indirizzo, tbl_soggetto.CAP, tbl_soggetto.Città , tbl_soggetto.Provincia, tbl_soggetto.[Telefono 1], tbl_soggetto.[Telefono 2], tbl_soggetto.[Telefono 3], tbl_soggetto.[Telefono 4], tbl_soggetto.[eM@il 1], tbl_soggetto.[eM@il 2], tbl_soggetto.Note
FROM tbl_soggetto INNER JOIN tbl_soggetto_tipo ON tbl_soggetto.[ID Tipo] = tbl_soggetto_tipo.[ID Tipo]
WHERE (tbl_soggetto.[Cognome/Denominazione] LIKE '%' + @Testo + '%')

The LIKE doesn't work!
I call the query with Me.griglia.DataSource = Me.TA_tbl_soggetto_ricerca.Search_Cognome(Me.txt_trova.Text.Trim)

But with LIKE '%ABC%' work!

Me.griglia.DataSource = Me.TA_tbl_soggetto_ricerca.Search_Cognome()

Someone can help me? Thanks...

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Successful Job That Doesn't Run? HELP

May 9, 2006


I have a Job that runs a DTS package. This package in turns call several other packages. All individual packages run fines. When the main package is run manually it also runs fine. The jobs that calls the main package should be runnning for at least a couple of Hours maybe more and updtae several tables. It actually run nightly for only 20 minutes and doesn't update any tables. Yet it is in "successful"? Any thougts?

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SET Doesn't Work

Dec 11, 2006

When I try to install the problem I get the following error.

The SQL Server service failed to start. For more information, see the SQL Server Books Online topics, "How to: View SQL Server 2005 Setup Log Files" and "Starting SQL Server Manually."

The log tells me nothing useful. I can't start the thing manually because after clicking cancel on the error message, the installer proceeds to roll back the installation.

How do I fix this problem?

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DISTINCT Doesn't Seem To Be Working

Sep 28, 2006

Hi all, I am using SQLEXPRESS 2005 and can't figure out why my SQL query is not working.Select DISTINCT ads.clientid, ads.ad, ads.adid, ads.cost, ads.description, ads.bold, ads.info,
ads.contact, ads.coupon, ads.logo, ads.map, ads.webpage, ads.weburl, tclients.clientname,
tclients.clientphone, tclients.addNumber, tclients.addStreet, tclients.addsuite, tclients.addcity,
tclients.addstate, tclients.addzip from tclients, ads where tclients.clientid=ads.clientid
AND AdActive=1 ORDER BY COST DESC I expect only one row to be returned for each ads.clientid.  However, every single record that matches the query is being returned, which results in multiple records with the same clientid.This happens if it is ads.clientid or tclients.clientid. Martin

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Formview Doesn't Update

Dec 13, 2006

I have formview and I have a SqlDatasource for it.I have few textboxes in the edit mode and bind it to the data columns or fields in the database.If the data for all those fields have content in it, then it will update just fine. However, if one of the text field is null or empty, the formview can't be updated    When i try to update with empty data in one textboxData field allows null value, and type are varchar.I am suspecting it's throwing an internal exception somewhere. However, since all the operations are handled by the asp.net.  I have no idea what's going on internally. Does anyone have an idea what's causing this error and how to fix it?  

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SP Doesn't Return Value In Tableadabter

Apr 26, 2008

Hi all,
When I execute a stored procedure that returns a single value using a TableAdapter, I always get error message "Object reference not set to an instance of an object"
I followed all the steps in microsoft help center:http://msdn2.microsoft.com/en-us/library/37hwc7kt.aspx
but the problem still unsolved.
here are my simple stored procedure:create PROCEDURE dbo.StoredProcedure1

and here are the simple code in my asp.net webpage that should display the number "4": protected void Button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
DataSet1TableAdapters.QueriesTableAdapter TA
= new DataSet1TableAdapters.QueriesTableAdapter();
int i = (int) TA.StoredProcedure1();


so, please could any one help me solve this problem?

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Query Doesn't Return 0

Jun 6, 2008

 I have written a query for viewing the results of an on-line survey. I have three tables involved in this query: answers, answerpossibilities and users. So I use a few joins and made this query:
ALTER PROCEDURE dbo.GeefAntwoordenMeerkeuze ( @question_id int ) AS SET NOCOUNT ON; SELECT answerpossibilities.answerpossibility_content AS[Answerpossiblity], COUNT(answers.answers_id) AS [Times chosen] FROM answers right OUTER JOIN answerpossibilities ON answers.answerpossibility_id = answerpossibilities.answerpossibility_id left join users on answers.user_id = users.user_id WHERE ((answerpossibilities.question_id = @question_id AND nswerpossibilities.answerpossibility_content!='-- choose answer --')) GROUP BY nswerpossibilities.answerpossibility_content ORDER BY [Times chosen] desc
The above query works fine. The data returned by this query is shown in a gridview. When an answerpossibilty was never chosen it shows 0 as times chosen. So that's fine. But the problem is, only answers of users who completed the survey should be shown. In the users table there's a field user_completed. So the query should check whether this field is 1 (true).
ALTER PROCEDURE dbo.GeefAntwoordenMeerkeuze ( @question_id int ) AS SET NOCOUNT ON; SELECT answerpossibilities.answerpossibility_content AS[Answerpossiblity], COUNT(answers.answers_id) AS [Times chosen] FROM answers right OUTER JOIN answerpossibilities ON answers.answerpossibility_id = answerpossibilities.answerpossibility_id left join users on answers.user_id = users.user_id WHERE ((answerpossibilities.question_id = @question_id AND nswerpossibilities.answerpossibility_content!='-- choose answer --') and users.user_completed = 1) GROUP BY nswerpossibilities.answerpossibility_content ORDER BY [Times chosen] desc
Using this query only answers of users who completed the survey are shown but answer possibilities that were never chosen are no longer shown with 0 as times chosen. The gridview simply doesn't show them anymore.
Thanks for helping me!
Something went wrong by posting this message I guess, all blank lines were gone.. maybe because I used Safari on my iMac

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Sum In Subquery Doesn't Work Well

Jun 8, 2005

This is the autogenerated code from the SelectCommand of my DataAdapter, except the red text. This DataAdapter is used to fill a DataGrid. What I want to do, is to calculate the total memory (4 slots) / PC.This code makes the sum of all memory of all PC's together.I'm not sure if the group by clause is needed here ...Me.OleDbSelectCommand1.CommandText = "SELECT PC.ID, PC.Nummer, PC.Netwerknaam, Case_Type.Type AS Case_Type, Processor_T" & _"ype.Type AS Processor_Type, Processor_Snelheid.Snelheid AS Processor_Snelheid, " & _"(SELECT SUM(Memory) FROM Memory, PC, RAM WHERE RAM.PcID = PC.ID AND RAM.GrootteID = Memory.ID)" & _"AS Memory, OS.Naam AS OS, OS_SP.Nummer AS OS_SP, Gebru" & _"iker.Naam AS Gebruiker_Naam, Status.Status, PC.Tagged FROM (Status RIGHT OUTER J" & _"OIN ((((((((PC LEFT OUTER JOIN (RAM LEFT OUTER JOIN Geheugen ON RAM.GrootteID = " & _"Geheugen.ID) ON PC.ID = RAM.PcID) LEFT OUTER JOIN Case_Type ON PC.Case_TypeID = " & _"Case_Type.ID) LEFT OUTER JOIN OS_SP ON PC.OS_SpID = OS_SP.ID) LEFT OUTER JOIN Ge" & _"bruiker ON PC.GebruikersID = Gebruiker.ID) LEFT OUTER JOIN Processor_Snelheid ON" & _" PC.Processor_SnelheidID = Processor_Snelheid.ID) LEFT OUTER JOIN Processor_Type" & _" ON PC.Processor_TypeID = Processor_Type.ID) LEFT OUTER JOIN OS ON PC.OsID = OS." & _"ID) LEFT OUTER JOIN Switchbox_Details ON PC.ID = Switchbox_Details.PcID) ON Stat" & _"us.ID = PC.StatusID) GROUP BY PC.ID, PC.Nummer, PC.Netwerknaam, Case_Type.Type, " & _"Processor_Type.Type, Processor_Snelheid.Snelheid, OS.Naam, OS_" & _"SP.Nummer, Gebruiker.Naam, Status.Status, PC.Tagged"I would like to know how to calculate the total memory for each separate PC.Hope you can help me.

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