Entering Notes/Comments/Remarks To Report

Jan 4, 2007

Hi, there,

We intended to create a report that allows users to enter remarks, comments or additional notes in supporting the report.

Can it be done in SSRS? FYI, we are using SQL Server 2005 Enterprise.

Thank you.


Yong Hwee

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Reporting Services :: How To Add Remarks On SSRS Map Report

Oct 28, 2015

No I have a map of China to show the sales of each province in SSRS (SQL Server 2008 R2)

I want to add logo of my company and some remarks about the data on map.

I have tried to add logo as an image then drag it on the map, but when it showed up the logo just outside the map.

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Adding Comments To A Report

Jan 7, 2007

I would like to allow users to add a comment to a report. What is the best way to do this? When the report is run I would like users to be able to see all comments and which user reported them and the date and time the comment was entered

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Incorporating Wildcards In A Report So Users Can Search Comments

Apr 15, 2014

I need to create a stored procedure and incorporate it into a report where the users can look up certain values in comment fields. This is what I have so far but I am getting errors.


@Enter_Accomplishments text =null,
@Beginning_CompletionDate datetime = null,
@End_CompletionDate datetime = null
IF patindex( '*', @Enter_Accomplishments ) > 0


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Remarks On CTP3 For V.S T.E For Database Professionals

Jun 29, 2006

Hi everyone,
I've got the last CTP for V.S 2005 Team Edition for Database Professionals. I have a poor idea what exactly is it for. I suppose some stuff but I don€™t know if you can build front-end solutions with that or only to encompass project databases.
Anyway, when I run setup.exe in order to install on my workstation it's complaining that I€™ve got Framework 2.0 Beta installed. I remove it. Fine.
After that begins and at the first attempt fails with SMO and setup is aborted. In my wk I haven€™t either sql 8.0 or 9.0 so that I imagine it is compulsory€¦

Can you please provide me a fast feedback regarding its possibilities and main features?

Thanks in advance and regards,

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How Can I Display No Comments If There Is Not Any Comments ??

Oct 1, 2007

Hi all,

I have state, day_date, error, and text column. If there is data then it is showing all the columns. But if there is no comments I would like to show no comments in the text field. Currently I have this store procedure.

CREATE PROCEDURE dbo.up_daily_quad_text

@DAY_DATE datetime




dbo.adins_database.ZONE_NAME + ', ' + dbo.adins_database.ZONE_STATE AS [STATE AND LOCATION],









( dbo.adins_database.adins_id=dbo.COMMENT.adinsdb_id OR (dbo.COMMENT.adinsdb_id is Null) )

AND ( dbo.COMMENT.comment_dt=dbo.DIM_DATE.DAY_DATE )

AND ( dbo.COMMENT_CATEGORY.category_id=dbo.COMMENT.category_id )





GRANT EXECUTE ON dbo.up_daily_quad_text TO AdIns_SSRS


How can I modify do that.



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Entering Data Into Sql Database

Oct 15, 2007

I am working on webforms i have to insert system date into sql database when a button is clicked.
I have have 3 fields on the webform and a submit button.
I have to insert the date along with the other fileds into the sql database
when I am trying to insert date using getdate() it is getting inserted but not into the same row as that of other fields.
Can you plzzz help me with the code for inserting system data into the database into the same row as that of other fields
myCommand2 = New SqlCommand("Insert into Items(Requestdate) values (getdate()) where Hospital= '" & DropDownList2.SelectedItem.Text & "' ", myConnection)
ra = myCommand2.ExecuteNonQuery()
please help
you can also post me ur replies on urs_forever_tanya2001@yahoo.co.in
Thanks bye

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Entering Value Of Data By User

Dec 13, 2013

I am trying to write a query which user be able to enter data after getting message for example:

"Enter Value for Descriptionparam: "
here is my query:
selet * from tablename
where descriotion = @'%descriptionparam%'

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Entering Data Into Tables

Sep 4, 2007

How does one enter data into the tables of a new database in the first place? I'm using SQL Server Management Studio Express. I can name the columns, but that seems to be as far as I get. Thanks for any Help.

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SQL Express 2005 --&> Entering Production

Apr 7, 2006

I've built a web app using VWDEE. I created my express database in the
app_data directory using VWDEE and everything worked really well.

Then I copied the site into my production directory (same computer) and
setup the site under IIS. Now I cannot connect to the database.

How is one supposed to access a express database created then moved in this way?


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Entering Dates In Blank Rows

May 9, 2007

I'm hoping that someone can help. This is my first time posting and fortunately I can normally find what I need but this time I am stumped.

I have a query that produces a date range. The problem is I want to insert or at lease display the dates between even if they don't show up in table. Here's the problem.

My intial query is
select date_of_call
from call_data
where date_of_call >= '2001-09-01' and date_of_call <= '2001-09-15'
order by date_of_call

2001-09-03 00:00:00.000
2001-09-07 00:00:00.000
2001-09-10 00:00:00.000
2001-09-13 00:00:00.000
2001-09-13 00:00:00.000
2001-09-13 00:00:00.000
2001-09-13 00:00:00.000
2001-09-13 00:00:00.000
2001-09-14 00:00:00.000

When I do a group by and count it looks like this:
select date_of_call, count(date_of_call) as Count_Date_of_Call
from call_data
where date_of_call >= '2001-09-01' and date_of_call <= '2001-09-15'
group by date_of_call
order by date_of_call

Date_Of_Call, Count_Date_of_Call
2001-09-03 00:00:00.0001
2001-09-07 00:00:00.0001
2001-09-10 00:00:00.0001
2001-09-13 00:00:00.0005
2001-09-14 00:00:00.0001

If you notice out of 15 days it only shows 5 days. I am wondering how I can insert the days missing and insert either null or 0 values in the count column so it would look something like this:

Date_Of_Call, Count_Date_of_Call
2001-09-01 00:00:00.0000
2001-09-02 00:00:00.0000
2001-09-03 00:00:00.0001
2001-09-04 00:00:00.0000
2001-09-05 00:00:00.0000
2001-09-06 00:00:00.0000
2001-09-07 00:00:00.0001
2001-09-08 00:00:00.0000
2001-09-09 00:00:00.0000
2001-09-10 00:00:00.0001
2001-09-11 00:00:00.0000
2001-09-12 00:00:00.0000
2001-09-13 00:00:00.0005
2001-09-14 00:00:00.0001
2001-09-15 00:00:00.0000

Any help would be much appreciates.

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Problem Entering Product Key During Installation.

Apr 30, 2008

I have a sql installation disk that automatically puts in a product key during installation.
We have already used that product key and need to use the disk with a new product key.

When the installation gets to the Registration Information window, the product key is already populated in the field and it does not allow you to change it.

Is there anyway to change it?

Any help will be greatly appreciated.

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Entering Null Into Blank Fields In The Database

May 1, 2005

How can I enter NULL manually in one of the rows in Sql Server database. Those rows does not contain any data.

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Newbie Question: Entering Data Into SQL Server?

Feb 28, 2008

Can someone help me to understand something about SQL Server? I will use Access for comparison.

Suppose you have a SQL Server database and you want users to be able to enter data into the fields just like you could with an Access database and forms. How would you set that up with SQL Server? I have noticed that you can convert an Access database into SQL Server, but you still need to use Access forms to enter data into the tables stored in SQL Server.

What if you wanted to create an SQL Server database from the ground up and set it up for user entry?

What am I missing here?

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SQL Server Management Studio - Entering Field Data

Aug 28, 2007

Hello experts

I'm trying to enter some data into a table to run some tests. Whenever I open the table, I can enter data into all my fields *except* for the fields that I defined as Binary data types. I've tried to enter 0, 1, true, false... I always get the same error...

"Invalid value for cell...
The changed value in this cell was not recognized as valid.
Error Message: You cannot use the Result pane to set this Field data to values other than NULL"

Any ideas on this? I thought Binary was True or False? Is it the way I'm trying to enter data? I'm not familiar with SQL code and I just need to get a few rows filled up with data so I can test using gridview to pull the data onto a webpage.


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Front End Options For Entering Data Into An Oracle Database

Feb 1, 2006

Hi,I need to set up a generic table in Oracle that allows users to enterdata that can later be retrieved in reports.I was thinking of a 3 column table in this structure:DATE,ITEM,VALUEfiguring that you can store anything in this way because ITEM can beanything and you can have multiple instances of a particular value byhaving a new date.Does that seem reasonable?In any case, what are my user front end options? I was thinking aMicrosoft Access database but its not ideal because not everyone herehas Access?Can you do it with Excel? Or what other options are there as a simpleuser front end to enter the data?Thanks for any advice.Kim

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SQL 7 @ Lotus Notes?

May 25, 1999

I was under the impression that SQL 7 could utilize any MAPI compliant email application for
use with the Mail Agent. I have been unable to confirm this. I am using Lotus Notes for company
email and would like to set the Agent to email failure messages to my Lotus Notes mailbox.
Does anyone know anything about this??? And if so, how do I set this up???

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Notes SQL DTS Connection

Nov 22, 2005


I am attempting to set up a DTS package for transferring user information from a Lotus Domino server into the MS-SQL2K backend server in my web application.

My problem lies with creating the innitial connection item in the DTS package designer.

My actions:
Connection -> Lotus NotesSQL Driver (*.nsf) -> Data Source (Same) -> User/System DSN (LNotesNames)

I have tested this DSN by setting up a Linked Server in SQL Server and I can browse the tables and views in the Domino server through there.

When I press "OK" on the Connection Properties dialog I get the following error:
Package Error
HResult of 0x80004005(-2147467259) returned
Unexpected error occurred. An error result was returned without an error message.

The event viewer shows no error concurrent with this event. I have Lotus Notes client installed on the same system as the SQL Server.

I am wondering if anyone has had similar problems and perhaps resolved them, or if there are other resolutions available to me. I do not have development access to the Domino server, and such is not forthcoming, so I am limited to what I can pull out with client means.

Best regards

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DTS To Lotus Notes

Mar 2, 2004

DTS to Lotus notes

I must import/export some data from SQL Server to Lotus Notes.
I downloaded and installed NotesSQL ODBC drivers.
I met no problem importing from a Lotus Notes view to an SQL Server table: I used DTS and everything succeded.
But I can't do the reverse process (exporting from SQL Server to Lotus Notes): DTS keeps on giving an error without description and it fails.
Does anybody know how to export a table or a view from SQL Server to Lotus Notes using DTS?

Thanks in advance.

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Mar 4, 2004

Hello chapies,

Does anyone know where I can download notes for taking the MCDBA exam?


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SQL 7.0 SP1 Is Out. Comments?

Jun 7, 1999

Well, the time is here, SQL 7.0 Service Pack 1 is out.

I'm sure the bravest of us have already fetched and installed it. (I'm currently downloading it myself)

Any problems so far everyone? I'd really like to hear from anyone running 7.0 SP1 on a big alpha system.

Anthony B. Kenitzki

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Comments In SQL

Nov 15, 2006


I am new to MS SQL Server 2005. I used MySQL.

Now my doubt is how to put a comment in SQL statement, where i am using query editor in SQL Management Studio.



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Mar 1, 2007


how can i put comments in rdl (XML)???


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Notes Field - Urgent Help Pls.

Mar 22, 2001

I have a 'notes' field. Entries in there are time-stamped as well. so lines
looks sort of below...
01/01/2001 10:00 am
Called him. Sent him some info.
03/01/2001 2:00 pm
Nice guy. Fun talking

Is there a SQL function/way by which I can grab entries from 'notes' field by date ?

Thanks a lot in advance.


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SQL Mail For Lotus Notes

Jul 18, 2001

Can any one send me a link to step by step instructions on how to setup SQL mail for lotus notes.Thanks for the help!

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Interfacing SQL To Lotus Notes

Dec 28, 2000

I want to use stored procedures to email people on Lotus Notes. Any ideas? TIA George.

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Lotus Notes 5/MS SQL 7.0 Mail

Jul 28, 2000


I am using Lotus Notes 5.0 for email and would like to set the MS SQL Server Agent to email failure messages to my Lotus Notes
mailbox. I setup a profile in exchange (after installing Microsoft Messaging) called "Lotus Notes Mail". This profile actually works..
I can send and receive email from microsoft exchange.. But when I go in SQL server agent to setup the mail profile, first of all,
the mail profile drop down list is empty (my profile I created with Microsoft Exchange is not there) so I typed it (Lotus Notes Mail)..
When I click on the TEST button, I get the following error message:

Error 22030: A mapi error {error number 87} occured: MapiLogonEx failed due to mapi error 87: Invalid parameter.

Can someone help?? Does this means that there is something not setup properly in Notes??
Thanks in advance

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Send SQLMail Thru Notes

Aug 15, 2000

I need to set up SQLMail togheter with Notes, We have SMTP server and profiles but I can´t get it to work. SQL sends the mail but it disappears into the cyberspace.. Someone help me pls...

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SQLMail And Lotus Notes

Jan 12, 2000

I am having difficulty trying to get SQLMail to work via Notes4.6.1 as the mail system. Firstly the Notes client is working correctly on my machine but SQLMail will simply not start with the SQL-DMO error 17952, and on trying to configure it I type in my profile name(which has been successfully setup previously through the Ctrl Panel Mail and Fax icon with the Lotus Notes Mail information service selected ) and get the error 21002 RegCreateKeyEx - #5 access is denied - which seems to be something to do with permissions but the SQLServer service is logging in a member of Local Admins group.

Has anyone had this before - there seems to be a painful lack of information about this area generally.


David Shaw

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SQL Mail On Lotus Notes

Nov 1, 1999

I have just started a position at a new company and
want to set up the SQLMail option on each of the
20+ servers. One problem I see is that the e-mail
package here is Lotus Notes. Does anyone have any
experience or information they can pass on to me
regarding SQLMail and Lotus Notes? I would appreciate
any advice.

Toni Eibner

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SQLMAIL And Lotus Notes

Sep 23, 1998

I am currently working on the SQLMail in SQL Server ver. 6.5 and don`t know
how to start. SQL Server is already installed in the NT Server and some
applications are using this. The problem is how to send mail and receive mail from a Lotus Notes ver. 4.5, not a MS Exchange Mail. Can anybody provide me step-by-step approach to do this? The NT server dont MS exchange installed in it.


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Help With SQL Mail And Lotus Notes...please

Oct 15, 1998

Hi everyone,

I have read every article in the kb and read every message in the newsgroup but still I cannot make SQL mail to work with lotus notes. Can someone describe in details on how to do this?

Any suggestion is greatly appreciated...

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Lotus Notes To SQL Error

Apr 15, 2004

I am moving data from Lotus notes to SQL and I am getting the below error. [Lotus][ODBC Lotus Notes]Invalid Character.
Does anybody have any idea, if so please let me know asap.

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