Entities Design

Jan 31, 2006

I’ve three questions, would someone answer them please,

I have 3 entities:
The book entity(BookNo,BookNmae,AuthorName,Price...etc), the MembershipCard entity(CardNo,MembershipNo,ClientNo,PublishDate,EmpNo..etc), and the Client entity(ClientNo,ClientName,ClientAddr,ClientPhoneBookNo,RequiredBookNo,..etc)
1-What is the relationship degree between them, is it ternary or binary?and Why?
I'm so confused ,my answer is ternary, I made a (1:m) relationship between the clients entity and the books entity (a client may buy more than one book), (1:m) relationship between the employee entity and the books entity (an employee may sell more than one book)and a (1:m) relationship between the employee and the Client(an employee may serve more than one client(is it right or it's (M:N)).
So is my answer is right or wrong, please help me to understand, I’m so confused.

2- Is the cardinality degree between the Client entity and the book entity , (0,N) for the client entity and (1:N) for the book entity??

3-What is the best model to use in designing data in general,Chen's model or Crow's Foot and why?I think it's Crow's one ,for it's more arranged and easy to read.

with thanks

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Modelling Entities That Are Unknown At Design Time

Oct 26, 2007

Hi Everyone,

I'm attempting to design a schema for a project I working on. The idea is that I can store a list of documents and associate meta data with them.

The problem is that I don't know what that meta data will be at design time. The user will create the meta data fields in the software. For the first design I just had a table called meta field that contained the meta field defintion, and another table called itemdata that contained the document primary key, the metafield primary key and a value encoded as a varchar. This works fine while the list of documents is small.

Another idea I've thought of is to have seperate tables for all of the metafields. This would allow me to be very specific about the values that can be stored in that column etc. It also turns out that for the kind of queries I'm doing its about 4 times as fast. The only problem is that the software will need to create these tables at run time.

What I would like to know is, is this a really bad idea? If so why?. Also are there any other ways I can store this kind of data?

The kind of queries I am doing are find all the documents where metafield 1 is A and metafield 2 is B and metafield 3 is C and metafield 4 is D etc.


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LookUp Entities And Roles Against Multiple Entities?

Sep 10, 2007

Apologies if this has already been asked and answered, though I haven't found it via search.

In my report model I have a lookup entity that consists of a Code field (PK) and a Description field this is linked to a parent entity (table) and works fine, e.g. the description is shown in the parent entity instead of the FK code. However this lookup entity would be useful linked to many other entities (tables) which use the same FK code linked to the lookup entity's Code field (PK) for use of the Description field. In my first attempt I linked the lookup to a second table entity but unlike the originally linked table entity, this is not shown as the description in report builder, only the role appears and I have to select the role then the description from the 2 fields displayed (Code, Description), additionally I get shown the related first table entity.

Firstly can a lookup entity be linked to multiple tables?
Secondly, if so am I forgetting something so only the description is shown like in the first linked table entity?
Thirdly, if I correct the problem is there a property I need to enable/disable to stop the first linked table entity appearing in the second table entity entity list in report builder or should I just leave it?

Any help/advice/suggestions would be appreciated, and apologies for long list of questions but all the books and help files I have used don't seem to use imperfect/real life data sources and examples.



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Entities Missing

Apr 11, 2007

I created a report model with a single "data source view." The datasource view has three tables "Business, XRef, Employee" and a named query "PeopleCount" based on these tables. The smdl [design] view shows "Business, XRef,Employee" as "entities" and does not show the named query from the "data source view" (I don't know if that is normal). I published this report model to the reporting server (its showed "success").

I then used Report Builder to open the report model as a "chart", and it shows there is only one entity for me to play with, its called "XRef." Why do the other tables ("Business" and "Employee") not show up in the Report Builder's list of entities?

My own guess is that "XRef" is the only "actionable" table for making a chart. Indeed, I notice that among its "fields" is one called "Business Title" (which apparently comes from the Business table). But I also notice it does not have an "Employee Name." Why have the former and not the latter? Again, my own guess is that the type of the Employee.Name field, a nvarchar(MAX), might be considered unusable for reporting, since it is a "max" size. Thoughts?

I am using SQL Server 2005 RTM, which is running on Win 2K3 Server SP1.

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Can't See All Tables In Entities Pane

Dec 22, 2006

Why is it that only SOME of the tables in my database show up in the Entities pane?

There are a total of six tables in my database, yet only three of them are available to me in the Entities pane. I have looked at permissions, etc, and I am using the SA account. It seems like I should see either ALL or NONE of the tables, but that is not the case.

What am I missing?

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Traditional Join / Connect 6 Entities

Apr 13, 2014

I have to connect 6 entities. I am getting NO RESULT (no output)!!!


[Code] ....

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The Difference Between Composite And Weak Entities

Mar 21, 2008


A Composite entity can be made out of two Primary Keys (PK) of two different entities. Therefore it can be called as a link table. Therefore the composite entity depends upon the other two entites. Therefore the composite entity is a exsitence dependent on the other two entities.

Therefore do every composite is a weak entity?


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Searching Multiple Entities At A Time

Aug 27, 2005

Dear GroupCan anyone provide a sample query for the following scenario?Let's assume I want to search for an order someone placed which mightbe an individual or company. An individuals first name is stored incolumn FirstName And the individuls last name in column LastName of thecontact table and the company name is stored in column CompanyName ofthe company table.If a user issues a query with CName parameter how can I search allthese columns and tables at the same time to see if there's a match? Imight add that there's a column in the orders table that holds0=Contact 1=Company but ideally I don't want to use this column.Thanks very much for your help and efforts.Martin

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Representation For Deleted Entities: Difficult Question

Jul 20, 2005

Our customer (of our ecommerce system) wants to be able to preservedeleted entities in the database so that they can do reporting,auditing etc.The system is quite complex where each end user can belong to multipleinstitutional affiliations (which can purchase on behalf of the user).The end user also has a rich trail of past transactions affiliationsetc. Thus in the schema each user entity is related to many otherswhich in turn relate to yet others and so on.In the past when a user was deleted all of his complex relationshipswere also deleted in a cascading fashion. But now the customer wantsus to add a "deleted" flag to each user so that a user is never_really_ deleted but instead his "deleted" flag is set to true. Thesystem subsequently behaves as if the user did not exist but thecustomer can still do reports on deleted users.I pointed out that it is not as simple as that because the user entityis related to many, many others so we would have to add this "deleted"flag to every relationship and every other entity and thus have"deleted" past purchases, "deleted" affiliations - a whole shadowschema full of such ghost entities. This would overtime degradeperformance since now each query in the system has to add a clause:"where deleted = 0".I assume this is a standard problem since many organizations must havethis need of preserving deleted records (for legal or other reasons).I tried to talk them into creating a simple audit file where all thedeletions will be recorded in XML but they were not too happy withthat.Is there a more satisfying solution to this than have this "deleted"flag?Thanks for your help,- robert

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Report Builder-problem With Fields From Entities

Oct 16, 2007

Hi everybody,

When I've deployed a report model,in Report Builder I have 4 different entities at the same level,when I drag and drop the first field from one entity after I can't see the other three entities....What did I do wrong??
I don't understand ,if you could help me it would be great.

Have a nice day!


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SQL Server 2012 :: Convert Function Inconsistent With XML Entities?

Aug 27, 2014

I have the following data stored in a column in a table:

£10,000.00 & ' " % < > Guðmundsdóttir Björk Lårs Marqués María-Jose Carreño Quiñones

I query this in a stored procedure using the FOR XML clause and universal table, and store the result in an XML data type variable:

EXECUTE[someStoredProcedure] @Result OUTPUT

This data (as XML) is then written to a file; in order to do this, I CONVERT the data to NVARCHAR since there are unicode characters in the source:

SET@strResult= CONVERT( NVARCHAR( MAX ), @Result, 1 )

Now this works fine, except on inspection, SQLServer has decided to render the data thus:

£10,000.00 & ' " % < > Guðmundsdóttir Björk Lårs Marqués María-Jose Carreño Quiñones

Why it has changed the apos and quot entities to the corresponding character but not the other entities is beyond me.

how to preserve XML entities?

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How To Build Database To Support User-specified Entities And Attributes?

Jul 23, 2005

I have a database that tracks players for children's sports clubs. I haveincluded representative DDL for this database at the end of this post.A single instance of this database supports multiple clubs. I would like toadd support for letting each club define and store custom information aboutarbitrary entities. Basically, allows the clubs to define custom entities(i.e tables) and associated custom attributes (i.e. fields) that may berelated to existing tables (such as Player and FootballClub) or existingentities. For instance, a club may define a PlayerAssessment entity thatrecords all player assessments.To do this, I plan to support the following use case:1. FootballClub admin creates a new entity and gives it a name anddescription (Entity is only accessible to this FootballClub).2. FootballClub admin indicates that the new entity has a M:1 relationshipwith the Player table (this will add Player_ID as a FK attribute).- {An entity may have no relationships.}- {Relationships are also supported to other entities.}3. FootballClub admin specifies the names and domain/types of any dataattributes (i.e. fields) of the entity.- {An attribute's type may be constrained to a few allowable types likeRelationship, Integer, Float, Currency, Date, Time, DateTime, Name,Description and Memo.}4. System creates entity as specified.A few constraints:1. Any entity defined is "private" to the defining club. Other clubs aren'taware of it although they may define custom entities of their ownwith the same name and attributes. [Perhaps there is a way to sharedefinitions of identical entities?]2. A club doesn't have to define any custom entities.Ideas I've considered:1. Generate DLL and create actual tables- Restrict such customizations such that while admin is setting up entities,no other user is allowed to use the system.- Once entity definition is complete, generate an actual table using DLL.Table and column names might be changed to enforce uniqueness/validityconstraints - this suggests a need for table/column name mapping.- PROS: Easy to implement.- CONS: Doesn't scale since only a limited number of tables can be created.DDL on a live, shared system?. Scary!!All users for all clubs will be locked out while entity iscreated.2. Generate DDL and create actual tables in secondary database(s)- Same as above except that the user tables are created in secondary [,shared] databases.- PROS: Reassurance that DDL is never run on the "core" dataAll users don't have to be locked out.- CONS: Doesn't scale since only a limited number of tables can be created.{ Unless I start creating additional databases too!. }Still needs to DDL on a live, shared system.Has anyone done anything similar?. Any ideas on how it might be done?. Inparticular, is this possible without having to execute DDL on the livedatabase?Kunle=================== BEGIN DDL ===================CREATE TABLE FootballClub (Club_ID int IDENTITY,Name char(80) NOT NULL,Area char(4) NOT NULL,League char(4) NOT NULL,City char(30) NOT NULL,PRIMARY KEY (Club_ID))goexec sp_primarykey FootballClub,Club_IDgoCREATE TABLE Player (Player_ID int IDENTITY,First_Name char(30) NOT NULL,Initials char(30) NULL,Last_Name char(30) NOT NULL,Date_Of_Birth datetime NOT NULL,Position char(4) NULL,Club_ID int NULL,PRIMARY KEY (Player_ID),FOREIGN KEY (Club_ID)REFERENCES FootballClub)goexec sp_primarykey Player,Player_IDgoCREATE TABLE UserAccount (User_ID int IDENTITY,Club_ID int NOT NULL,FullName char(80) NOT NULL,Logon char(20) NOT NULL,PWD_Hash char(60) NOT NULL,PRIMARY KEY (User_ID, Club_ID),FOREIGN KEY (Club_ID)REFERENCES FootballClub)goexec sp_primarykey UserAccount,User_ID,Club_IDgoexec sp_foreignkey Player, FootballClub,Club_IDgoexec sp_foreignkey UserAccount, FootballClub,Club_IDgo=================== END DDL ===================

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Master Data Services :: Entities Drop Down Is Not Visible In Browser

Aug 12, 2015

I have configured master data services in my DB server and when i am going to explorer the entities and respected data by using navigating as below

[URL] -->Click to Explorer 

I am able to select  data for only one default entity, in entities drop down is getting hidden back side , please find below snap to clearance.
Note: I am using Internet explorer (11.0.9600.17239) to browse the solution.

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Entities Disappear From Report Builder Explorer When Datasource Is A Cube

Feb 1, 2007

I have scoured the internet looking for someone who has run into this issue with no such luck!
Product: Reporting Services 2005              Analysis Services 2005

Our users use Report Builder as an ad-hoc report tool. Data sources for Report Builder come from Report Servers and Analysis Servers.

I have run into issues where a user will select a source for their report that is based on an AS cube. When they select an attribute (field) from a selected entity in the Report Builder Explorer and drop it on the canvas, all entities except the one the field was selected from disappear.

For example:

A cube has a fact table called "Annual Income" with dimension of employee and demographics. In Report Builder, the entities would be listed in the left hand Report Builder Explorer window as

Annual Income

If I select attributes from Employee or Annual Income, as usual, you will see the related hierarchies of the remaining entities. However, if I select an attribute from Demographics, then the Annual Income and Employee entities just disappear and all I can see is the Demographics entity and its attributes.

Has anyone run into this and if so, any ideas? This is becoming extremely frustrating. I have deleted and rebuild cubes, individual dimensions, and everything else I can think of.

Your responses are appreciated,

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Reporting Services :: Make Whole SSRS Report Repeat By Groups Of N Entities

Jun 14, 2015

Let's say I have an rdlc report for customers, and it has three sections with subreports:

CUSTOMER_INFO (name, phone, e-mail)

As the page only has 21cm and the report grows horizontally, I need to repeat the WHOLE report with all of its sections after every 4 customers. So if I have 5 customers, there would be three pages(let's say every subreport takes 1 page) for the first four customers, and then another three pages(with every section once again) just for one customer.

Is it possible? It doesn't seem somehing out of the ordinary, but I can't figure how to make it work. Everytime there is more than 4 customers, the report breaks its layout trying to accommodate the records in a new table below the tables of each subreport.

The expected result would be to bring all of exceeding data to new pages.

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Master Data Services :: Error Opening Entities In User Role Management

Apr 27, 2015

I am trying the assign the models to the user in the user management page. But when  I try to expand the + symbol next to the model and open the entities, I get the error that the object reference is not set for a object server instance.

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How I Imported My SQL Database Entities Into My SQL Compact Database

Nov 29, 2006


I am still working on my project, but figured I would share my findings with the community, on how I imported my SQL Server database tables into a new SQL Compact Edition database. Unfortunately, I haven't figured a workaround to the IDENTITY_INSERT issue, but other than that, I will proceed.

1) I downloaded and played with the tool presented in the article "Generate SQL Insert statements for your SQL Server 2000 Database" I made the following modifications . (my modification can be found here)
a) Disable scripting dependencies
b) Add a filter for objects to script
c) Prompt for each table from which to export data

2) From the scripts output by this tool, I had to (which I may integrate into the tool later... who knows)
a) Remove 'On Primary' statements after the create table statements.
b) Remove date defaults.
c) Most other SQL generated by the tool seemed to work.

3) Execute each 'Create Table' statement individually.

4) For the Data Import, I had to add semi-colons to the end of each Insert Line.

5) I Have found no workaround for the IDENTITY_INSERT issue. If anyone has a good idea, I would love to hear it. In my case, I was importing the DotNetNuke core store module tables populated with about 2500 products and 20+ categories consisting of a simple categories table and products table. I imported the categories table into a fresh MS Access database file, and then ran the update query against the attached products table in the original SQL Database, then regenerated the insert statements, and imported the data generating fresh product ID's. This database will only be read only, so it didn't matter about maintaining the Product ID's, just the relationship between the products and categories.

Separately, I found a great blog article on how to embed a SQL script as a resource for your application and run it on your applications first run, so my steps above would provide a quick foundation for generating that sql script.


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DB Design :: Database Design For Matrix Representation

May 13, 2015

I have a scenario like below

Product2 Product3
Product4 Product5
Product1 1
1 0 0
Product2 1
1 0 0
Product3 0
0 1 1
Product4 0
0 1 1
Product5 1
1 0 0

How to design tables in SQL Server for the above.

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Database Design/query Design

Feb 13, 2002

Ok, I'm doing a football database for fixtures and stuff. The problem I am having is that in a fixture, there is both a home, and an away team. The tables as a result are something like this:




It's not exactly like that, but you get the point. The question is, can I do a fixture query which results in one record per fixture, showing both teams details. The first in a hometeam field and the second in an away team field.

Fixture contains the details about the fixture like date and fixture id and has it been played

Team contains team info like team id, name, associated graphic

TeamFixture is the table which links the fixture to it's home and away team.

TeamFixture exists to prevent a many to many type relationship.

Make sense? Sorry if this turns out to be really easy, just can't get my head around it at the mo!

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DB Design :: Table Design For Packages

Aug 18, 2015

I would like to create a table called product. My objective is to get list of packages available for each product in data grid view column while selecting each product. Each product may have different packages type (eg:- Nos, CTN, OTR etc). Some product may have two packages and some for 3 packages etc. Quantity in each packages also may be differ ( for eg:- for some CTN may contain 12 nos or in other case 8 nos etc). Prices for each packages also will be different that also need to show.  How to design the table.. 

Product name   :  
Nestle milk |
Rainbow milk
packages  :

50,20,5 |

(Remarks for your reference):CTN=10nos, OTR=4 nos  
| CTN=8 Nos

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Help Me Design My DB

Nov 7, 2003

Hi all.

I'm going to create a big DB that will hold important info
(the usual stuff - Clients, Products, Orders...)

I wonder where should I use the IDENTITY field,
for example - on Orders I will have Order_ID...
(and where does SQL server the numbers of a deleted records)

My fear is that IDENTITY fields will go wrong somehow so I can
loose connections within the tables
(maybe when restoring my DB to some other locations... with DTS... or other issues)

1. When should I use IDENTITY field ?

2. If I do NOT - how can I lock a record when I add a new one

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DB Design

Jan 13, 2004


I have 7 web forms wizard. after the user edit the fields, I need to keep a history log of the changed data only.

I am thinking of the following structure

log_id, user_id, field_id, old_value, new_value, transaction

Where field_id is a number indicates the changed field.
for example 1> First Name, 2> Last Name etc

Where transaction is ADD, DELETE, EDIT

Also i need to keep history of the details
for example an enterprise has 10 branches.
State, employees
NY, 1000
MD, 500

My log table will look like this
log_id, user_id, field_id, old_value, new_value, transaction
1, 1, 1, , Mick ,John , EDIT
2, 1, 3, ,NY , HI , EDIT
3, 1, 3, ,MD , , DELETE
4, 1, 4, ,500 , , DELETE
5, 1, 3, , ,NV , ADD
6, 1, 4, , ,700 , ADD

Is there a better way to log changes?


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Design Q

Jan 16, 2004

I'm going to create a hardware/software inventory program to keep track on all the computers at the office. This program should be able to search the database using queries like "all computers with a cpu faster than 500Mhz".

I want some tips on my database design.

One solution is to create columns for each piece of hardware, i.e. cpu, ram, hdd etc etc. Then just run simple SELECT queries against them. The problem is that a computer may have many HDDs/CDs etc, and also other type of equipment may be entered in the database like switches and routers.

Another solution is to specify the valuetype + value in one table having a relation to another table containing the actual machines/routers/switches. The problem here is that I can't do numeric comparisons this way since "11" is less than "2", ("all computers with a cpu faster than 500Mhz").

Any suggestions?

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Bad Design?

Feb 10, 2004

Table A
[ID] [SalesmanEmail] [SalesmanName]
Table B
[ID] [QuoteNo] [SalesmanID]
Table C
[ID] [Product] [QuoteNo]

Program A creates the records for Table C. In the process it reads from Table A and Table B.

Program B reads record from Table C. Program B now needs [SalesmanEmail] field.

The suggestion is to add [SalesmanEmail] to Table C. Is this good or bad design?

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Which Is Better Design?

Oct 15, 2004


i am working on a project with another guy as well. well, we have a table called lets say student and student_unit where student_unit holds the unit names the student is doing. and i was planning to use the same student_unit table to hold the result of that unit for that student as it is the case of adding one field but this guy who happens to be my boss thinks that result should be separated. but is it a better idea to make a separate table just for that result which is totally dependent on unit and student? that doesn't make any sense to me.

if asked why, he says for performance, modularity and object oriented approach and blah blah and honestly i think he knows nothing. so i would like u guys to tell him if there is really a need to create a separate table for attributes which is totally dependant on the same PK? having five more attributes on the same table hurts than creating a new table?

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Help With DB Design

Oct 27, 2007

I think I might have dug myself in a hole here, so could use some advice on database design.

Currently, I have a table that records meeting minutes. The design is:


minutesid | int | 4 | no nulls
minutescat | varchar | 255 | allow nulls
minutesnotes | text | 16 | allow nulls

What this does is set up a minutes category, such as "Members Present", and the notes for that category, such as "Mrs. Peacock, Mr. Green, Professor Plum, Colonel Mustard, Miss Scarlett". Each individual category has it's own ID.

I need to develop an archive of each of the minutes. So if there are 15 categories and associated notes for the 15 OCT 2007 meeting, how can I design the archive table to include all of those categories and notes into one record for 15 OCT 2007, then for 15 NOV 2007 and so on ...?

Hope that makes sense. Thanks in advance ...

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A Lil Help With DB Design

Sep 21, 2007

I have a table to store members. For each member, I have flags like manager, verified, etc. How should I be storing the flags? As individual columns in the same table and using bit datatype or creating a new table called MemberStatus and creating 1 row for each flag?

Thanx in advance.


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Design DB

Mar 26, 2008


I need to design a database, but i i just don know if i am doing it correctly.

Basically, i have an equipment which is sending me a lot of gauges readings (high limit, low limit, current level), electrical readings, hydraulic readings, alarms levels such as Fuel level, temperature level, etc etc, about 200 different types of readings, continuously. I may have different types of equipments and although most of the data are the same, some data types and its availability may be different too., depending on the type of equipment.

I want to keep this readings in a database, and this database will be updated constantly.

Should i create all of this different gauges readings in one big single table? If i do so, i only have one long row of data then for a particular equipment.If i put in different table, i can't see how i can create relationship among my tables with such kind of data.

Can you help on the possible ways of putting this equipment real time readings into DB?

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I Need Help In Design?

Mar 12, 2004

I am trying to create a database that is used to create/store estimates for a manufacturing company. There are many things to consider in this estimate but I will isolate this question to the takeoff itself:

There are several categories in which costs are estimated and they are as follows : Product(s), Site Work, Transportation (Shipping), Field Materials, etc...

Should each of the above have their own "Takeoff" table, or would using one table and a gategory table be a better way to go?

Mike B

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How Would You Design This?

Jun 18, 2008

The data that I have is the following:

Car Manufacturer Factory CarCode
---------------- ------- -------
Ford Houston F-Hou
Ford Reno R-Hou
Chevy Houston C-Hou
Chevy Las Vegas C-LV
Ford SanFran F-SF
Chevy Miami C-Mia

I have a database design implemented already, but I'm receiving some disagreement about it from a co-worker. The way I see it is you have a car manufacturer and a factory location that are both unique, so I created a lookup table for each. I then created a branch table for the many-to-many relationship that exists between Manufacturer and Factory, and within that branch table I placed a column for CarCode, because it seems to me that Manufacturer and Location both determine the CarCode.

I also have an autonumber field within the branch table, which I then use for foreign key relationships.

Is there anything wrong with my design here?

Thank you in advance for your help!

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Design Help, Please...

May 1, 2007

I've fought with this issue for a week now and I can't come up with a simple way of doing it.

I have a database, with the following tables:

The idea is that Members will log into the site, select the Categories from the MainCategories, fill out some data, which is stored in the Answers table. The problem is, each of the main categories have different fields. So a Main Category might be "Shoes" and the fields would be "Color,Size,Brand", and another Main Category might be "Cars" and the fields "Make,Model,Year,Color,Type,IsNew".

I thought about creating the Answers table with all the possible answers, linking it to the categories and members table, so we can view which members filled out answers for which categories.

Can anyone help me come up with a solution for this?

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Design Help

May 13, 2007

Please ignore my earlier post...

Please help me in designing the tables...
I used to get flat files which i need to import into a tables..
The flat files data which contains.....


Below are the tables which i design please correct me..

col Identity,

col Identity,

col Identity,

When i queried then I want the output:

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Jul 23, 2005

Hello all,I am trying to correctly model the relationship between products andversions within my db. The problem I have is how to store the versiondata. I need to collect the following information:1) Major Build Number (int)2) Minor Build Number (int)3) Build Number (int)4) SP number (int)What is the "correct" schema for this? How many tables and whatcolumns?(On a side note if any one has any links to useful examples of DBdesign could they post them?)Thanks,Jose

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