Error Backing UP SQL Database Using SQLDMO And VB.NET

Feb 19, 2008


I developed an application in and SQLDMO that backs up a database and performs certain operations on it once this is done. I have set the backup to backup to file which the user selects. However when i execute the backup i get an error message that " Backup device not found or error finding device" .THis error baffles me because i have not specified the backup to be to device can anyone help?

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MS SQL Server 2000... Error Backing Up Database

Mar 30, 2004


I am getting an error while backing up a particular database named "asset" . The error says ........

Server: Msg 3132, Level 16, State 1, Line 4
The media set for database 'Asset' has 2 family members but only 1 are provided. All members must be provided.
Server: Msg 3013, Level 16, State 1, Line 4
BACKUP DATABASE is terminating abnormally.

I have created two backup devices for this database ("asset") through enterprise manager.

I have total 9 databases out of which only this database throws error. All other database backups going fine.

Here is the query that I am using to backup the database and Log.

USE master
IF EXISTS (SELECT * FROM sysdatabases WHERE name = 'Asset')
IF EXISTS (SELECT * FROM sysdatabases WHERE name = 'Asset')

Please Help

Thank You / Ssg

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May 25, 2006

I have a program using SQLDMO object.When I use it on my computer and I have install sqlserverit works OK,but when I move the program to another computer without sqlserverthe program runs error the error message is com exception 80040154can the proram using SQLDMO running on computer without installing sqlserver?BTW: my System is win2003,and the other is windows xp

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I Am Trying To Attach A Database Through SQLDMO ...........

Apr 28, 2005

Problem is: "I am trying to attach a database through SQLDMO using VB6 In MSDE (Microsoft Sql Server Desktop Engine). If my '.mdf' and '.ldf' files are placed in a folder with Spaces then it give me  error because it is picking up the folder name up to first space."

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SQLDMO.Transfer Method Generates An Error

Dec 3, 2007

the following code generates an error while executing dbServer.Databases("InvModel").Transfer dbTransfer
error description
[SQL-DMO]Invalid parameter type; must be string or numeric ordinal, or an object; check documentation for this property or method.
I am trying with sql2005 express edition. the code was one which we used for sql 2000

Code Block
Dim dbTransfer As New SQLDMO.Transfer2
Dim dbServer As New SQLDMO.SQLServer2
dbServer.Connect gStrSQLServerName, "sa", "NEWTECH001"
With dbTransfer
.DestDatabase = Trim(txtCompCode)
.DestLogin = "sa"
.DestPassword = "NEWTECH001"
.DestServer = gStrSQLServerName
.DropDestObjectsFirst = True
.CopyAllObjects = True
.CopyAllTables = True
.CopyAllViews = True
.CopyData = SQLDMOCopyData_Replace
.IncludeDependencies = False
End With
Screen.MousePointer = vbHourglass
prgbar.Value = 35
dbServer.Databases("InvModel").Shrink 1, SQLDMOShrink_Default
Screen.MousePointer = vbHourglass
prgbar.Value = 50
dbServer.Databases("InvModel").Transfer dbTransfer
Screen.MousePointer = vbHourglass


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Creating Database Users With SQLDMO

Feb 4, 2008

Hi, this is a bit of background to what I'm trying to achive:
I have an application that creates a new database in MS 2000. The application will then create a login, with then create a user and add the login to the user, it will then add that user to the folling roles; db_owner, db_datareader, db_datawriter.
A SQL script is then run to add tables, view and stored procedures to the new database.
Most of this works however I'm having a few problems with loging in as the new user. Aslo how do I ensure that if new objects (tables, stored procs etc) are added the new user will have full permissions on them?
This is the code I have so far...I'm going round in circles with it and was hoping that someone with fresh eyes might be able to see where I'm going wrong:
Many thanks
 1 protected string CreateUser(string strDatabaseName)
2 {
3 //database hase alreday been created
4 SQLDMO.SQLServer gSQLServerDMO = new SQLDMO.SQLServer();
6 string serverName = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["DbsServerName"];
7 gSQLServerDMO.Connect(serverName,
8 ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["DbsUserName"],
9 ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["DbsUserPwd"]);
10 //get the database object
11 SQLDMO.Database dbs = (SQLDMO.Database)gSQLServerDMO.Databases.Item(strDatabaseName, "");
13 #region create a login object and populate it
14 SQLDMO.Login login = new SQLDMO.Login();
15 string loginName = strDatabaseName + "_WebLogin";
16 login.Name = loginName;
17 string password = "password";
19 login.SetPassword("", password);
20 login.Database = strDatabaseName;
22 //check if it exists
23 bool found = false;
24 foreach (SQLDMO.Login ologin in gSQLServerDMO.Logins)
25 {
26 if (ologin.Name == loginName)
27 {
28 found = true;
29 break;
30 }
31 }
32 if (!found)
33 gSQLServerDMO.Logins.Add(login);
34 #endregion
36 #region create the user
37 SQLDMO.User user = new SQLDMO.User();
38 //assign the login
39 string userName = strDatabaseName+ "_WebUser";
40 user.Name = userName;
41 user.Login = loginName;
42 //dbs.Users.Add(user);
44 found = false;
45 foreach (SQLDMO.User oUser in dbs.Users)
46 {
47 if (oUser.Name == loginName)
48 {
49 found = true;
50 break;
51 }
52 }
53 if (!found)//add the user to the dbs
54 {
55 dbs.Users.Add(user);
57 //add user to role
58 //db_owner
59 //SQLDMO.DatabaseRole oRole = new SQLDMO.DatabaseRole();
60 //oRole =
61 //oRole.AddMember(loginName);
62 dbs.DatabaseRoles.Item("db_owner").AddMember(userName);
63 dbs.DatabaseRoles.Item("db_datareader").AddMember(userName);
64 dbs.DatabaseRoles.Item("db_datawriter").AddMember(userName);
65 }
66 #endregion
68 string connString = "server=" + serverName + ";database=" + strDatabaseName + ";uid=" + userName
69 + ";pwd=" + password + ";";

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SqlDMO Connect Error From Microsoft Operations Manager (MOM)

Nov 21, 2006

MOM connects to 19 instances without issue and fails on one (1). The failing instance resides on a server with two(2) other instances that do not fail. Security is setup the same on windows and sqlserver.

Receiving error in MOM:
"Could not connect using SQLDMO to SQL Instance WEB. However, the instance is currently running."

Presents in Event Viewer as:
"18452: Login failed for user '(null)'. Reason: Not associated with a trusted SQL Server connection."

Troubleshooting so far:
Created simple SqlDMO VBScript that uses a trusted connection. This works fine from my desktop to all twenty (20) instances yet fails on the one server that MOM is running on.

Any ideas?

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Connecting To An SQL Server Database Created Using SQLDMO

Jan 10, 2001

I am a new SQL Server developer using Visual Basic 6 Professional Edition. I am using ADO and SQLDMO to develop my application. The SQL Server is Version 7.0, SP2 and SP3 (two different servers).

I am having difficulty gaining access, using ADO, to databases I create using SQLDMO. I create the database, create the DBFILE object, create a login and attach it to the database, create a user, assign the created login to the user,
and assign the created user to the 'db_datareader', 'db_datawriter' and 'public' roles. the login object was set to 'standard', not NT. the SQL Server is set to 'mixed' NT -SQL Server login mode. Thw SQL Server is running under the 'system account'. Using SQL Server Enterprise Manager, everything looks OK. An attemp to connect using the ADO connection object fails, giving an error of Login failed for user 'engbom3admin'.

Connecting to the SQL Server using SQLDMO uses the 'sa' user name with a blank password.

I can successfully connect to the created database using the ADO connection object using the 'sa' user name and blank password. Using the SQL Server Enterprise manager, I cannot see anything at all different between the 'sa' and my created 'engbom3admin' user. I've manually set the created user to have 'db_owner' roles, etc. Same result. I'm stumped. I've read all I can gather from the Microsoft SQL Server books. I'm still stumped.

I would greatly appreciate any help, information or tips you could provide. Thank you in advance.

Bob Wohlers
SVP, IS Datamax Corporation

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Backing Up A Database In SQL 7.0

Mar 3, 2000

When backing up a database in MS SQL 7.0, there is a window that appears in the destination section of the backup window. In this window is where the filename appears that the backup will proceed to and to the right of this window are "add", "remove" and "contents" buttons.

If there are multiple names in this window, will the entire backup go to both files or does it split the backup between the two filenames.

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Backing Up Database

May 6, 2004

Here is the situation, I have a web application ( with ms sql 2000 as the database. I have two database server. I would like to backup database 1 with database 2. I would like to do it at intervals and through code. If anyone can give me some ideas on how to do this or any research material, please do.


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Backing Up Database

Feb 20, 2007

Sorry this is so trivial, but I don't work with SQL Server too much. I just want to back up a table in one of my databases. I'm using SQL Server 2005, the management studio. Can someone walk me through how to back up a table? Thanks!

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Error When Backing Up Db Using Maintenance Plan

Apr 24, 2007

I am gettnig following error when performing a backup using a maintenance plan:

Date 4/24/2007 11:01:23 AM
Log Job History (MaintenancePlan1.Subplan_1)

Step ID 1
Server 006-DEVSQL2005
Job Name MaintenancePlan1.Subplan_1
Step Name Subplan_1
Duration 00:00:09
Sql Severity 0
Sql Message ID 0
Operator Emailed
Operator Net sent
Operator Paged
Retries Attempted 0

Executed as user: tcssvcDBASQLAdmin. Microsoft (R) SQL Server Execute Package Utility Version 9.00.3042.00 for 64-bit Copyright (C) Microsoft Corp 1984-2005. All rights reserved. Started: 11:01:24 AM. The return value was unknown. The process exit code was -1073741819. The step failed.

I am able to use the transact sql generated by the maint plan and create a backup. is this a 64 bit issue?

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Copying/ Backing Up A Database

Apr 24, 2005

Hi. im shortly going to have to submit my project for uni which ive created using sql server. How can i copy everything that ive made so i can submit everything and it can be replicated if necessary. Do i use the backup database task in enterprise manager or do i have to do that and export data or..?
ive used tables and stored procedures and a diagram btw.
thanks for any advice

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Backing Up And Restoring Database

Oct 19, 2000

Hi, I am in a production database server. Data has been added and deleted via the web. So there is alot of traffice in and out of the database. How can I make a backup plan to make sure I am not lossing any input or deleted data . I am familiar with backing up a database in regular intervals, but I amnot sure if this is the best way in this senario.

How can I take advantage of the transaction log in restoring the database.



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Veritas And Backing Up SQL Database

Nov 8, 2007


I really hope someone can help...

I am having great difficulty backing up my SQL database through Veritas/symantec backup exec here is the error being reported in log:

Backup- servername V-79-57344-33938 -
An error occurred on a query to database "databasename".

my sql database is setup for both windows and sql authentication...

What settings does a database need for Backup exec to be able to query it?

any help much appreciated

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Help Backing Up And Restoring Database

Feb 18, 2007


I have been using the backup feature of SQL Express for some time and I thought it would be good to test a restore in case the worst happend. I moved my bak files to a usb memory stick and copied them to a machine and installed SQL Express so its empty no database's etc. So I right click the databae folder and choose restore from device and point to the db's but I get errors restoring them. What am I doing wrong? Is their any guides that give steps to backup and restore database's ? Any help would be great - I can of course provide more information need be.



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SQL 2012 :: Error When Backing Up To A Backup Server?

Jul 11, 2014

I'm trying to backup my databases to another backup server though I'm receiving the attached error.

the SQL service is logged on as "Network Service"

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Backing Up A Database From MS SQL 2000 Server

Nov 1, 2004

My client is changing hosting providers. We are trying to download a full backup of our MS SQL 2000 database from the old host. We can get all of the data using the Data transfer wizard in Enterprise manager. We can get all data and structure using the Data Transfer wizard with other options. However, when we do this, all of our tables get renamed with a prefix that is our username from the old host.

So, if we have a table named customers and our MSSQL login on the old host is userA, then our table gets renamed to tableA.customers.

This won't work with our applications and stored procedures. Changing tens of thousands of lines of code is not acceptable.

Does anyone know a way we can get a full copy of the database (rules, data, structure, keys, identies, etc) without having the username prefix?

Thanks for the help!


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Backing Up Database From Command Prompt

Sep 13, 2000

Is there a way by which we can execute the backing up of database from the command prompt......

Suppose i need to do the below task. I can write a stored procedure and schedule it. But the situation demands to run from the command prompt. Is there a way out.

-- Create the backup device for the full MyNwind backup.

USE master

EXEC sp_addumpdevice 'disk', 'MyNwind_2', 'c:mssql7ackupMyNwind_2.dat'

-- Back up the full MyNwind database.



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Backing Up Database Using Query Analyzer.

Mar 5, 2008

How can i take backup of a database using sql query analyzer?
plz help....

Rahul Arora
07 Batch
NCCE Israna,


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Problems Backing Up SQL Express Database...

Nov 2, 2006


I found some code below that works fine when I run it in my code in Design mode. When I publish the application, run the app and then execute the sub MyDbBackup() I get the following error:  Cannot open backup device 'C:dbBackup'. Operating system error 5(Access is denied). BACKUP DATABASE is terminating abnormally.


Here is the code that runs:

 Public Sub MyDbBackup()
        Dim sqlconn As New SqlClient.SqlConnection(MyConnectionStringdb)
        Dim Backupcommand As SqlClient.SqlCommand = New SqlClient.SqlCommand("BACKUP DATABASE [" & sqlconn.Database.ToString & "] TO DISK = 'c:myDataBaseBackup.bak'")
        Backupcommand.CommandType = CommandType.Text
        Backupcommand.Connection = sqlconn
    End Sub

2 Questions: Why does it backup fine in design mode, but not after it is published? Also, in design mode, my database is called TAP_Master.mdf but when I look under C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL ServerMSSQL.1MSSQLData, I do not see that database name... all I see is master.mdf, model, msdbdata etc... Is that database stored anywhere else?

I have set the MyConnectionStringdb variable to = "Data Source =.SQLEXPRESS;AttachDbFilename=|DataDirectory|TAP_Master.mdf;Integrated Security=True;User Instance=True"


Thanks in advance.

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Backing Up The SQL Server 2000 Database Using Tape Drives

Jun 9, 2006

Dear sir/madam,

I am from NTU, Singapore and we have a windows 2003 server edition installed on a DELL server and it also runs MS SQL server 2000 for a project of ours. We have installed a HP tape drive on the dell server and it works fine if ntbackup is used at the command prompt but then the SQL enterprise manager does not recognize the tape drive and backing up of our database is of high priority as it contains sensitive information. But the tape drive is installed properly as the device manager does not show any error and ntbackup also recognizes it. I cant seem to figure out why SQL server 2000 cannot recognize it. It would be very helpful if you could kindly guide me on this issue.

Thanking you


Lavanya Janardhanan

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Backing Up The Sql Database(*.bak) And Restoring The Database In

May 25, 2006

Hi There,
I want to know how to backup and restore database from ie I am trying to put two buttons on my form, Backup and Restore. When I click on Backup a Backup of the SQL Database with extension of *.bak is created. Similarly when I click on restore and select a database with *.bak extension it should restore that database. I saw a software where it created a backup of Sql database with extension of .zip containing the bak file which is password protected. when u restore the database it automatically gets unzipped and the database is restored. Can anyone help me.
Thanks in advance.

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Considerations... Backing Up IIS 6 Web Files And SQL Server 2005 Express Database

Mar 1, 2006

Anyone know of a good "free" way to back up web files and SQL Server 2005 Express Database?
I was able to use Windows Server 2003 Backup utility to back up the folder where the Databases were stored, as well as the web files, with no errors.
But I have heard a lot of discussion that you can't just simply backup SQL Server data files?
I'm wondering how sound the backup I've created is...
Any suggestions?

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Backing Up / Restoring 20 GB Database With Images Stored As Binary Code

Oct 29, 2015

I am trying to backup and restore a 20GB SQL database from a SQL Server 2012 to another SQL Server 2014, but I have come across the following issues:

1) The developers [against best practice] have stored multiple images in fields within the database as binary code.

This therefore exceeds the 65532 character limit in some fields, so even though the images do show [based upon the data saved within this field], I cannot find the data in the field beyond this 65532 limit, within SQL Server.

How can I export / locate this data after the 65532 character limit?

2) When I have attempted to restore the database I am getting this error message:

Restore of database 'zapkam' failed. (Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.RelationalEngineTa sks)

Additional information:

System.Data.SqlClient.SqlError: RESTORE detected an error on page (1:1592996) in database "zapkam" as read from the backup set. (Microsoft.SqlServer.SmoExtended)

I have managed to restore two other smaller databases using the same technique, but am wondering if it's an issue with the database itself.

3) I have uploaded this database to the new server using FileZilla FTP Client, but it has cut out, painfully at 80% + 90% on a couple of occasions.

Is there a better solution for uploading these big files that I could possibly use? For example, uploading table by table or similar...

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Backing Online Database Table Data To Local Machine

Jul 23, 2005

I have an online SQL Server database provided by an ISP. I do not havepermission to create a backup device and I understand this is normalpractice.I am not using Enterprise Manager to administer the online database.I know I can back up the structure of the database using SQLscripts.My question is:How do I back up on my own machine the data contained in the onlinedatabase tables I have created? If I were using Enterprise Manager Icould do it by downloading tables using the DTS facility but how can Ido it without Enterprise Manager?Is there some work around which I have missed eg creating a csv fileof the data?Best wishes for 2005 to all those helpful people in this newsgroup!John Morgan

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Problem Backing Up Database And Transaction Log Due To Disk Space Limitations

Jul 23, 2005

I am having a problem backing up my database and TLog files due to alack of local diskspace. The db file is about 30GB and the TLog isabout 20GB each on a different hard disk. Each disk doesn't haveenough available space to accomadate a backup. I also can't shrink thefiles because part of that procedure would require a backup.Question: Can I use a redirected drive for the backup media? Is therea way to trick SQL into allowing this? If the answer is no, doesanyone have a suggestion as to want I should do? I am in the processof requesting more disk space,but that could take a while.Thanks,

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SQLDMO: HELP!! (This One Not The Other)

Feb 14, 2000

I am trying to write a database compare application for our SQL Server databases using VB and SQLDMO.

I find SQLDMO to be rather slow but on large databases with about 800+ tables, this loop eats up all of my abundant memory until everything crashes. On smaller db's it works fine but is a slower than I expected.

Dim Tbl as SQLDMO.Table
Dim Col as SQLDMO.Column

For Each Tbl in DB.Tables 'DB was previously set
For Each Col in Tbl.Columns
Debug.Print Tbl.Name & "." & Col.Name
Next Col
Next Tbl

Here's a pic of what the app looks like so far. If it looks useful to you, let me know, I'll give you a copy if I can get it working better!


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Feb 5, 2006

I am using SQLDMO.DLL for Backup & restore utility in C# application.

Following is the code :

SQLDMO._SQLServer srv = new SQLDMO.SQLServerClass();
SQLDMO.Restore res = new SQLDMO.RestoreClass();
res.Devices = res.Files;
res.Files = this.txtRestorefrom.Text;
res.Database = "abc";
res.ReplaceDatabase = true;

While running above code it gives following exception :

"[Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][SQL Server]Database in use. The system administrator must have exclusive use of the database to run the restore operation.[Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][SQL Server]Backup or restore operation terminating abnormally."

Can somebody suggest solution for this.


Jitendra C.

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Feb 8, 2006


I am using SQLDMO for database backup and restore.

While taking a backup if I specify existing backup file name then I think it appends to existing file because its size increases almost by double.

And when I restore from that file the it restores data which I take back up very first time. It doest dont restores latest data.

If user specify existing file name then it should overwrite.

How to specify this using SQLDMO


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Where Is SQLDMO Documentation?

May 5, 2008

Hi all
Could anyone tell me from where i can find complete Documentation for SQLDMO Object and how can i initialize
and use it in my programms?

Kind Regards.

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Are There Sqldmo In Sql Server 6.5 ?

Feb 21, 2001


Are there sqldmo for server 6.5 ?, This is , the Sql server 6.5 has SQLDMO ?

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SQLDMO Problem

Jun 8, 2006


I need to install sqldmo.dll and related files - so I can use SQL Objects. I've been searching the Internet and trying for hours to register the file on XP Client machines - but not go.

I have put the following files in the locations below:

sqldmo.dll Program FilesMicrosoft SQL Server80ToolBinn
sqldmo.rll Program FilesMicrosoft SQL Server80ToolBinnResources1033
sqlresld.dll Program FilesMicrosoft SQL Server80ToolBinn
sqlsvc.dll Program FilesMicrosoft SQL Server80ToolBinn
sqlsvc.rll Program FilesMicrosoft SQL
sqlunirl.dll System32
w95scm.dll Program FilesMicrosoft SQL Server80ToolBinn

I have also tried putting the files in System32 with the appropriate subdirectories - still not go. I cannot seem to get this to work.

If anybody has successfully installed sqldmo.dll for use on SQL Server 2000 client machines running XP, I'd be really grateful for a few pointers.



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