Error Converting DataType Forn Varchar To Smalldat
Aug 14, 2007
Getting error
Converting DataType forn Varchar to smalldatetime
when running a job (in SQL Server 2005 ) which calls a SP in the step...
this worked fine in SQL Server 7
Hi, Can anyone please help me with the syntax for this query please. Error is "syntax error converting varchar value '/' to a column of datatype int" Query:
select iCalls_Calls.Call_ID,iCalls_Calls.Requestor,Type,Scope,iCalls_Calls.Status_ID,iCalls_Status.Status_I D, iCalls_Status.Status_Label,((select Count(*) from iCalls_Events where Call_ID = " & Session("Call_ID") & " ) + ' /' + ( select Count(*) from iCalls_Events where Call_ID = "& Session("Call_ID") & " and Events_Flag <> 0)) as Countrec from ((iCalls_Calls inner join iCalls_Status on iCalls_Calls.Status_ID=iCalls_Status.Status_ID ) inner join iCalls_Users on iCalls_Calls.Requestor=iCalls_Users.User_ID) left outer join iCalls_Messages on iCalls_Calls.Call_ID=iCalls_Messages.Call_ID where Requestor='" & Session("User_ID") & "' AND iCalls_Calls.Status_ID <> 6 order by iCalls_Calls.Call_ID
Hi I have a varchar(8000) and currently XML files are stored in varchar(8000).Some times when i am doing manuplactions in my varchar column i am getting with special characters error. so now i want to keep my column varchar(MAX) and when i am doing calculations i will convert my varchar datatype to xml datatype. By doing this i hope there wont be any special character problems. When i am doing calculations with the wellformed xml i am getting error for both convert and cast methods as below I am trying to do convert(xml,MyVarcharColumn) Implicit conversion from data type xml to nvarchar is not allowed. Use the CONVERT function to run this query. Also i tried with casting and getting same problme. is there any way to convert
i have a huge stored procedure abt 500 lines..and i am calling this sp from an page...thn i got this error - error converting varchar to numeric - and am trying to there any way we can find out where the error is coming aproxly which line number..etcor do i have to go through each line manually and see where i am doing the conversion....
Hey gurus! I've got a stored proc I call to obtain user info from a table. I've used the same format (but is slightly different) for another stored proc which works. But this one gives me "Error: System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException: Syntax error converting the varchar value 'SELECT User_UserName AS Username, User_LastLogin AS LastLogin, User_DateCreated AS Created FROM Community_Users WITH(nolock) WHERE (User_CommunityID = '' to a column of data type int. at System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand.ExecuteReader(CommandBehavior cmdBehavior, RunBehavior runBehavior, Boolean returnStream) at System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand.ExecuteReader() at ASP.Recent_Logins_ascx.BindGrid() at ASP.Recent_Logins_ascx.Page_Load(Object Src, EventArgs e) :"
Why is this stored proc converting my SQLStatement to type int???
Here's my stored proc:
CREATE PROCEDURE Community_RecentLogins ( @CommunityID int, @SortField nvarchar(75) ) AS
-- Create a variable @SQLStatement DECLARE @SQLStatement varchar(255) SELECT @SQLStatement = 'SELECT User_UserName AS Username, User_LastLogin AS LastLogin, User_DateCreated AS Created FROM Community_Users WITH(nolock) WHERE (User_CommunityID = ''' + @CommunityID + ''') ORDER BY ' + @SortField
-- Execute the SQL statement EXEC(@SQLStatement)
And here's the (relevant) code in the ascx:
Sub BindGrid() Dim conPortal as SqlConnection = New SqlConnection(CommunityGlobals.ConnectionString) Dim cmdGet as SqlCommand = new SqlCommand("Community_RecentLogins", conPortal) cmdGet.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure cmdGet.Parameters.Add("@CommunityID", CommunityGlobals.CommunityID) If SortField = String.Empty Then cmdGet.Parameters.Add("@SortField", "User_LastLogin DESC") Else cmdGet.Parameters.Add("@SortField", SortField & " DESC") End If conPortal.Open() Dim dr as SqlDataReader = cmdGet.ExecuteReader() LoginGrid.DataSource = dr LoginGrid.DataBind() conPortal.Close() End Sub
Property SortField() As String Get Dim o As Object = ViewState("SortField") If o Is Nothing Then Return String.Empty End If Return CStr(o) End Get Set(ByVal Value As String) ViewState("SortField") = Value End Set End Property
Need get data from table2 using PATH data from table1 select * from table2 where id in ( select Substring(replace(path,'.',','),2,Len(path)-2) from table1) ERROR: Syntax error converting the varchar value '166,184,185,186' to a column of data type int.
Im running a DTS package that converts data in a fixed width text file to SQL table. The package runs successfully, but when I go to dump 60,000+ records in the table I get this error:
"Error Converting data type varchar to numeric."
Is there a way that I can isolate where the offending values are located so I can manually correct them?
I am trying to change a value in a table. For instance the value is now 3. If I try to change the value to say 2 or 4 I get and error converting data type varchar to numeric. So wazzagoingon?
can anyone see as to why I would get this error with the following SP? ALTER PROCEDURE [dbo].[SP] @ID int = 0, @emailFrom VARCHAR(50) = Null, @emailDate VARCHAR(50) = Null, @emailSubj VARCHAR(50) = Null, @emailTxtBody VARCHAR(1000) = Null, @emailHtmlBody VARCHAR(1000) = Null
AS -- SET NOCOUNT ON added to prevent extra result sets from -- interfering with SELECT statements. SET NOCOUNT ON;
DECLARE @Notes VARCHAR (8000) DECLARE @TicketID INT DECLARE @emailBody VARCHAR (1000) DECLARE @Length Int
SET @Notes = '' SET @Length = LEN(@emailSubj)
-- insert a new entry INSERT INTO PopEmail ( emailFrom, emailDate, emailSubj, emailTxtBody, emailHtmlBody ) VALUES ( @emailFrom, @emailDate, @emailSubj, @emailTxtBody, @emailHtmlBody ) -- get the new ID SET @ID = @@identity
If ( @ID <> 0 ) AND ( ISNUMERIC(@emailSubj) = 1 )
Begin IF @emailTxtBody IS NULL BEGIN Set @emailBody = @emailHtmlBody PRINT '@emailHtmlBody: ' + @emailBody END
BEGIN SET @emailBody = @emailTxtBody PRINT '@emailTxtBody: ' + @emailBody END
SET @TicketID = CAST( @emailSubj AS int ) SET @Notes = @emailFrom + ', ' + @emailDate + ', ' + @emailBody Select @ID = ID From TicketDetails Where TicketDetails.TicketID = @TicketID
Exec differentSP @ID, @TicketID, @Notes
PRINT 'Subject: [' + @emailSubj + ']' print 'length: ' + CAST(@Length as varchar (10)) Print 'emailSubj: ' + CAST( @emailSubj AS int ) PRINT 'ID: ' + Cast( @ID as varchar ( 10 ) ) PRINT 'TicketID: ' + Cast( @TicketID AS Varchar ( 10 ) ) PRINT 'Notes: ' + @Notes PRINT 'ID: ' + Cast( @ID as varchar ( 10 ) ) END ELSE
BEGIN Print 'ID: ' + CAST(@ID AS VarChar(10)) PRINT 'ISNUMERIC: ' + CAST(ISNUMERIC(@emailSubj) AS VarChar (10)) PRINT 'Subject: [' + @emailSubj + ']' END
I have a table with a column (locationID) of int data type, I want to pass a list of locationID's to a stored procedure using the IN operator (e.g. WHERE LocationID IN (list of locationID's)). What can I do to achieve this????
My stored procedure looks like this:
CREATE PROCEDURE [sp_test] @sLocIDs varchar(30) AS select count(distinct TimeZoneID) As timezones, from dimLocation WHERE LocationID IN (@sLocIDs)
When I test it: exec sp_test @sLocIDs = '1,2,10' I get "Error converting data type varchar to int"
Hi, It is not exactly what I stated in the subject - It's an outcome - exception thrown while executing non-query command. I get this exception when I try to execute my stored procedure that takes datetime as one of its parameters. I am using dataset designer to create table adapters and build queries. Then I simply use objectdatasource component that uses one of the table adapters and bind it to for example a detailsview control. When I run this in debug mode and trace the objects everything looks perfect including these datetime parameters. It is sql server that throws the exception. I ran the sql profiler to see what exactly is going on, and I captured the command that is sent by ADO - it's broken into several lines right in the middle of my datetime parameters... this is the source of the problem. Everything is working fine when I take this command and execute it as a single line in the sql management studio. Is there anything about ADO that I do not know?
I have the following query which has been giving me headaches for days : SELECT SCCode [Service Catalog Code], FileName [File Name], FullName [Full Name], FileExtension [Extension], FileSize [Size], Author [Author], CONVERT(VARCHAR(50),CAST(LastModified AS SMALLDATETIME), 120) [Last Modified], CONVERT(VARCHAR(50),CAST(LastAccessed AS SMALLDATETIME), 120) [Last Accessed], TimesAccessed [Downloads], UploadedBy [Uploaded By], CONVERT(VARCHAR(50),CAST(UploadedAt AS SMALLDATETIME), 120) [Uploaded At] FROM #TempTable WHERE id > @firstitem AND id < @lastitem ORDER BY CASE WHEN @sortcolumn = 'Service Catalog Code' THEN SCCode WHEN @sortcolumn = 'File Name' THEN FileName WHEN @sortcolumn = 'Extension' THEN FileExtension WHEN @sortcolumn = 'Size' THEN FileSize WHEN @sortcolumn = 'Author' THEN Author WHEN @sortcolumn = 'Last Modified' THEN CONVERT(VARCHAR(50),CAST(LastModified AS SMALLDATETIME), 120) WHEN @sortcolumn = 'Last Accessed' THEN CONVERT(VARCHAR(50),CAST(LastAccessed AS SMALLDATETIME), 120) WHEN @sortcolumn = 'Downloads' THEN TimesAccessed WHEN @sortcolumn = 'Uploaded By' THEN UploadedBy WHEN @sortcolumn = 'Uploaded At' THEN CONVERT(VARCHAR(50),CAST(UploadedAt AS SMALLDATETIME), 120) END ASCWhen my @sortcolumn parameter is either FileSize (BIGINT) or TimesAccessed (BIGINT) then the query returns the data without any problem. However, if I use a different @sortcolumn value such as "Author" then I keep getting "Error converting data type varchar to bigint."A solution that seems to work is to drop CASE and use lots of IF statements instead. I don't prefer to do this because it requires me to repeat the same select statement for each and every possible @sortcolumn value!Does anyone know how to solve this? Help!
DB is SQL 2000 and I'm trying to convert a field datatype from varchar to numeric where the data is hours:minutes:seconds (05:52:12), but I run into errors with EM and scripts that the db cannot convert those datatypes. I've tried the cast function with same results ... any solutions?? I need to run SUM(), AVG(), etc, against the data and can't with VARCHAR type. Thanks all -Greg
set @Beg_tentdte = convert(varchar(10), @b_trn_tendte_Beg_Date, 112) set @End_tentdte = convert(varchar(10), @b_trn_tendte_End_Date, 112) set @Beg_tentdte1 = convert(varchar(10), @b_trn_tendte_Beg_Date1, 112) set @Beg_tentdte2 = convert(varchar(10), @b_trn_tendte_End_Date2, 112)
/* this query looks for customers with posted transactions but none prior to the date range in question */
Select distinct b_cus_cname from bar_cus_db_rec ,bar_trn_db_rec b where b.b_trn_instid = '' and b.b_trn_instid = b_cus_instid and b.b_trn_actid = b_cus_cusid and convert(varchar(10), b.b_trn_tentdte) between @Beg_tentdte and @End_tentdte and not exists (select c.b_trn_actid from bar_trn_db_rec c where c.b_trn_instid = b.b_trn_instid --and c.b_trn_tentdte between 19970901 and 20030229 and convert(varchar(10), c.b_trn_tentdte) between @Beg_tentdte1 and @Beg_tentdte2 and c.b_trn_actid = b.b_trn_actid)
every time I run the query, I get this error message: Error converting data type varchar to datetime.
After removing the double ' around the date and time parts i get the following error when running in QA: Msg 8114, Level 16, State 5, Line 0 Error converting data type varchar to datetime.
I have a sql code that I am having some difficulty with. All I'm trying to do is get each department and sum the amount by month based on the date in the table. I am getting "error converting data type varchar to numeric".
Code: select DEPARTMENT, CASE WHEN ((DATE >= '06/01/2014') AND (DATE <= '06/30/2014')) THEN (cast(sum(Amount) as decimal(10,2))) ELSE '' END AS 'JUNE', CASE WHEN ((DATE >= '07/01/2014') AND (DATE <= '07/30/2014')) THEN (cast(sum(Amount) as decimal(10,2))) ELSE '' END AS 'JULY' from L27_PHAROS_DETAIL_DATA WHERE Department = 'TECHNOLOGY SERVICES' GROUP BY DEPARTMENT, DATE ORDER BY DEPARTMENT
I try to JOin to tables: Enterprise has a decimal(5,3) and COHIER has varchar 5. All I am getting is an error on converting data. How can I fix this problem.
SELECT a.Security_Value, b.Enterprise_Number, b.Enterprise_Description FROM dbo.COHIER a INNER JOIN dbo.Enterprise b ON a.Security_Value = b.Enterprise_Number
Yes again a topic like this, I couldn't get an answer for my problem so I started a new topic.
Im getting this error for these lines:
$registreer = "INSERT INTO Gebruikerstelefoon (gebruikersnaam, telefoonnummer, volgnr) VALUES ('".$_SESSION['gebruikersnaam']."', '".$_POST["telefoonnummer"]."', '')"; mssql_query($registreer) or die("Fout bij toewijzen telefoonnummer.");
'telefoonnummer' (phonenumber) is nummeric, users can insert their phonenumber in a input field (text) and register along.. ( this is a second query for the column phonennumber) though this doesn't work..
I am having difficulty with my sql and I am not sure what do to. I am new to this. Any help you can give would be helpful.
Here is the statement that is giving me trouble. If I take this out of my Sql query everything runs fine.
CASE clm_att1 WHEN 'NG' THEN (clm_sppo)*(clio_fee04/100) WHEN 'NA' THEN '0.00' WHEN 'AF' THEN (clm_sppo)*(clio_fee04/100)*.65 ELSE '' END as AccessFeeFinal,
CLM_H30 = Case When CLM_H30 = 0.00 Then clm_sppo else clm_H30 End,
clm_prod = CASE WHEN CLMS_sku = 'NEGO' THEN 'NEG' WHEN CLMS_sku = '% OF CHGS' THEN 'NEG' ELSE clm_prod End,
"clm_nego" = CASE WHEN CLM_ATT1 = 'NA' THEN 0.00 WHEN CLM_ATT2 = 'NA' THEN 0.00 WHEN CLM_ATT3 = 'NA' THEN 0.00 WHEN CLM_ATT4 = 'NA' THEN 0.00 ELSE clm_nego END,
"clm_sppo" = CASE WHEN CLM_ATT1 = 'NA' THEN 0.00 WHEN CLM_ATT2 = 'NA' THEN 0.00 WHEN CLM_ATT3 = 'NA' THEN 0.00 WHEN CLM_ATT4 = 'NA' THEN 0.00 ELSE clm_sppo END,
clm_1e, clm.CLM_ATT1 as Note,
CASE clm_att1 WHEN 'NG' THEN (clm_sppo)*(clio_fee04/100) WHEN 'NA' THEN '0.00' WHEN 'AF' THEN (clm_sppo)*(clio_fee04/100)*.65 ELSE '' END as AccessFeeFinal,
"(clm_sppo/CLM_TCHG) * 100" = CASE WHEN CLM_ATT1 = 'NA' THEN 0.00 WHEN CLM_ATT2 = 'NA' THEN 0.00 WHEN CLM_ATT3 = 'NA' THEN 0.00 WHEN CLM_ATT4 = 'NA' THEN 0.00 ELSE (clm_sppo/CLM_TCHG) * 100 END,
clio_wrk1 as MAS90#
FROM dbo.clm clm Join dbo.cli cli ON clm.clm_clir = cli.cli_id1 JOIN dbo.clip clip ON cli.cli_id1 = clip.clip_id1 JOIN dbo.clio clio ON cli.cli_id1 = clio.clio_id1 INNER JOIN dbo.clms clms ON clms.clms_id = clm.clm_id1
WHERE (clip.clip_prd IN ('NEG', 'ADV')) AND (clm_prod = 'ADV' OR clms_sku = 'NEGO' OR clms_sku = '% OF CHGS')AND (CLM_STADES IN ('DONE','DUPO','DUPL'))and clm_adjto = '' AND CLM_TCHG > 0. and (clio.clio_type = 'AC')
I am having problems with a statment that I am writing. The prop_uac is a alpha field and prop_disc is a numeric field. What I was trying to do is when the alpha field is not populated automatically pull from the numeric field. Then I wanted to put all of the results into one column. Can this be done? below is my statement. I hope you can help me.
Prop_uac = CASE WHEN prop_uac = '' THEN prop_disc else prop_uac End
hello everyone... i have some problem to with my trigger.. after execute the trigger.. i got this errro "Msg 8114, Level 16, State 5, Procedure trg_InsertPVReadingMeter, Line 14 Error converting data type varchar to numeric."
below is my command sql table PVReadingMeter
quote:USE [PVMC Database] GO /****** Object: Table [dbo].[PVReadingMeter] Script Date: 03/25/2008 01:18:06 ******/ SET ANSI_NULLS ON GO SET QUOTED_IDENTIFIER ON GO CREATE TABLE [dbo].[PVReadingMeter]( [PV_reading_id] [uniqueidentifier] NOT NULL CONSTRAINT [DF_PVReadingMeter_PV_reading_id] DEFAULT (newid()), [PV_reading_date_time] [datetime] NOT NULL, [PV_reading_meter] [decimal](8, 2) NOT NULL, [PV_normalized_monthly_yield] [float] NOT NULL, [PV_normalized_monthly_energy_yield] [float] NOT NULL, [PV_application_id] [uniqueidentifier] NOT NULL CONSTRAINT [DF_PVReadingMeter_PV_application_id] DEFAULT (newid()), CONSTRAINT [PK_PVReadingMeter] PRIMARY KEY CLUSTERED ( [PV_reading_id] ASC )WITH (IGNORE_DUP_KEY = OFF) ON [PRIMARY] ) ON [PRIMARY]
GO USE [PVMC Database] GO ALTER TABLE [dbo].[PVReadingMeter] WITH CHECK ADD CONSTRAINT [FK_PVReadingMeter_Photovoltaic] FOREIGN KEY([PV_application_id]) REFERENCES [dbo].[Photovoltaic] ([PV_application_id]) ON UPDATE CASCADE ON DELETE CASCADE
below is my trigger
CREATE Trigger [trg_InsertPVReadingMeter] on [dbo].[PVReadingMeter] for insert as begin
SELECT @PVReadingMeter = (SELECT PV_reading_meter + '' FROM Inserted) SELECT @PVNormalizedMonthlyYield = (SELECT PV_normalized_monthly_yield + '' FROM Inserted)
-- Print the name of the new author
PRINT 'The new photovoltaic reading meter"' + @PVReadingMeter +'" is added.' PRINT 'The photovoltaic normalized monthly yield is "' + @PVNormalizedMonthlyYield +'"'
now, this is command to insert the values into PVReadingMeter table using trigger that has been created....
hello anyone... i got this message "Error converting data type varchar to float" when i was trying to insert values into table using instead of trigger...
below is my table ClimateData
quote:USE [PVMC Database] GO /****** Object: Table [dbo].[ClimateData] Script Date: 03/26/2008 03:04:44 ******/ SET ANSI_NULLS ON GO SET QUOTED_IDENTIFIER ON GO SET ANSI_PADDING ON GO CREATE TABLE [dbo].[ClimateData]( [Climate_application_id] [uniqueidentifier] NOT NULL CONSTRAINT [DF_ClimateData_Climate_application_id] DEFAULT (newid()), [Latitude] [float] NULL, [Longitude] [float] NULL, [Altitude] [varchar](50) COLLATE Latin1_General_CI_AI NULL, [Climate_type] [varchar](100) COLLATE Latin1_General_CI_AI NULL, [PV_application_id] [uniqueidentifier] NULL, CONSTRAINT [PK_ClimateData_1] PRIMARY KEY CLUSTERED ( [Climate_application_id] ASC )WITH (IGNORE_DUP_KEY = OFF) ON [PRIMARY] ) ON [PRIMARY]
GO SET ANSI_PADDING OFF GO USE [PVMC Database] GO ALTER TABLE [dbo].[ClimateData] WITH CHECK ADD CONSTRAINT [FK_ClimateData_Photovoltaic] FOREIGN KEY([PV_application_id]) REFERENCES [dbo].[Photovoltaic] ([PV_application_id]) ON UPDATE CASCADE ON DELETE CASCADE
Below is photovoltaic table
quote:USE [PVMC Database] GO /****** Object: Table [dbo].[Photovoltaic] Script Date: 03/26/2008 03:06:58 ******/ SET ANSI_NULLS ON GO SET QUOTED_IDENTIFIER ON GO SET ANSI_PADDING ON GO CREATE TABLE [dbo].[Photovoltaic]( [PV_application_id] [uniqueidentifier] NOT NULL CONSTRAINT [DF_Photovoltaic_PV_application_id] DEFAULT (newid()), [PV_site] [varchar](50) COLLATE Latin1_General_CI_AI NULL, [PV_state] [varchar](50) COLLATE Latin1_General_CI_AI NULL, [PV_type_of_system] [varchar](50) COLLATE Latin1_General_CI_AI NULL, [PV_nominal_power] [float] NULL, [PV_module] [varchar](150) COLLATE Latin1_General_CI_AI NULL, [PV_mounting] [varchar](50) COLLATE Latin1_General_CI_AI NULL, [PV_building_type] [varchar](50) COLLATE Latin1_General_CI_AI NULL, [PV_topology] [varchar](50) COLLATE Latin1_General_CI_AI NULL, [PV_new_or_retrofit] [varchar](50) COLLATE Latin1_General_CI_AI NULL, [PV_period_of_design] [varchar](50) COLLATE Latin1_General_CI_AI NULL, [PV_period_of_construction] [varchar](50) COLLATE Latin1_General_CI_AI NULL, [PV_commissioning_date] [datetime] NULL CONSTRAINT [DF_Photovoltaic_PV_commissioning_date] DEFAULT (getdate()), [PV_site_photo] [varbinary](max) NULL, [PV_peak_nominal_rating] [float] NULL, [User_application_id] [uniqueidentifier] NULL, [Org_application_id] [uniqueidentifier] NULL, CONSTRAINT [PK_Photovoltaic_1] PRIMARY KEY CLUSTERED ( [PV_application_id] ASC )WITH (IGNORE_DUP_KEY = OFF) ON [PRIMARY] ) ON [PRIMARY]
GO SET ANSI_PADDING OFF GO USE [PVMC Database] GO ALTER TABLE [dbo].[Photovoltaic] WITH CHECK ADD CONSTRAINT [FK_Photovoltaic_OrganizationDetail] FOREIGN KEY([Org_application_id]) REFERENCES [dbo].[OrganizationDetail] ([Org_application_id]) ON UPDATE CASCADE ON DELETE CASCADE GO ALTER TABLE [dbo].[Photovoltaic] WITH CHECK ADD CONSTRAINT [FK_Photovoltaic_Users] FOREIGN KEY([User_application_id]) REFERENCES [dbo].[Users] ([User_application_id]) ON UPDATE CASCADE ON DELETE CASCADE
Below also my command for instead of trigger
CREATE trigger [tr_v_PhotovoltaicClimateData] on [dbo].[v_PhotovoltaicClimateData] instead of insert as BEGIN
insert Photovoltaic (PV_site, PV_state, PV_type_of_system, PV_nominal_power, PV_module, PV_mounting) select distinct inserted.PV_site, inserted.PV_state, inserted.PV_type_of_system, inserted.PV_nominal_power, inserted.PV_module, inserted.PV_mounting from inserted left join Photovoltaic on inserted.PV_site = Photovoltaic.PV_site and inserted.PV_state = Photovoltaic.PV_state and inserted.PV_type_of_system = Photovoltaic.PV_type_of_system and inserted.PV_nominal_power = Photovoltaic.PV_nominal_power and inserted.PV_nominal_power = Photovoltaic.PV_module and inserted.PV_nominal_power = Photovoltaic.PV_mounting where Photovoltaic.PV_site IS NULL /*** Exclude Organization Detail already in the table ***/
insert ClimateData (Latitude, Longitude, Altitude, Climate_type, PV_application_id) select distinct inserted.Latitude, inserted.Longitude, inserted.Altitude, inserted.Climate_type, Photovoltaic.PV_application_id from inserted inner join Photovoltaic on inserted.PV_site = Photovoltaic.PV_site left join ClimateData on inserted.Latitude = ClimateData.Latitude and inserted.Longitude = ClimateData.Longitude and inserted.Altitude = ClimateData.Altitude and inserted.Climate_type = ClimateData.Climate_type where ClimateData.Latitude IS NULL /*** Exclude Organization Types already in the table ***/
END -- trigger def
and finally, i hav tried using this command to insert into table v_PhotovoltaicClimateData.. this is the command to insert
Hello everyone... i have some problem with instead of trigger... after insert values into v_PhotovoltaicClimateData, i got this error, Msg 8114, Level 16, State 5, Procedure tr_v_PhotovoltaicClimateData, Line 6 Error converting data type varchar to float.
quote:CREATE VIEW [dbo].[v_PhotovoltaicClimateData] AS SELECT dbo.Photovoltaic.PV_site, dbo.Photovoltaic.PV_state, dbo.Photovoltaic.PV_type_of_system, dbo.Photovoltaic.PV_nominal_power, dbo.Photovoltaic.PV_module, dbo.Photovoltaic.PV_mounting, dbo.ClimateData.Latitude, dbo.ClimateData.Longitude, dbo.ClimateData.Altitude, dbo.ClimateData.Climate_type FROM dbo.ClimateData INNER JOIN dbo.Photovoltaic ON dbo.ClimateData.PV_application_id = dbo.Photovoltaic.PV_application_id
below is my instead of trigger command...
quote:CREATE trigger [tr_v_PhotovoltaicClimateData] on [dbo].[v_PhotovoltaicClimateData] instead of insert as BEGIN
insert Photovoltaic (PV_site, PV_state, PV_type_of_system, PV_nominal_power, PV_module, PV_mounting) select distinct inserted.PV_site, inserted.PV_state, inserted.PV_type_of_system, inserted.PV_nominal_power, inserted.PV_module, inserted.PV_mounting from inserted left join Photovoltaic on inserted.PV_site = Photovoltaic.PV_site and inserted.PV_state = Photovoltaic.PV_state and inserted.PV_type_of_system = Photovoltaic.PV_type_of_system and inserted.PV_nominal_power = Photovoltaic.PV_nominal_power and inserted.PV_nominal_power = Photovoltaic.PV_module and inserted.PV_nominal_power = Photovoltaic.PV_mounting where Photovoltaic.PV_site IS NULL /*** Exclude Photovoltaic already in the table ***/
insert ClimateData (Latitude, Longitude, Altitude, Climate_type, PV_application_id) select distinct inserted.Latitude, inserted.Longitude, inserted.Altitude, inserted.Climate_type, Photovoltaic.PV_application_id from inserted inner join Photovoltaic on inserted.PV_site = Photovoltaic.PV_site left join ClimateData on inserted.Latitude = ClimateData.Latitude and inserted.Longitude = ClimateData.Longitude and inserted.Altitude = ClimateData.Altitude and inserted.Climate_type = ClimateData.Climate_type where ClimateData.Latitude IS NULL /*** Exclude Climate Data already in the table ***/
END -- trigger def
this is my commad insert values using instead of trigger that i've created...
after execute this commad, i got this error.. quote:Msg 8114, Level 16, State 5, Procedure tr_v_PhotovoltaicClimateData, Line 6 Error converting data type varchar to float.
I have created a stored procedure that contain this field (below) inorder to meet certain criteria. But my problem is when I try to runthe stored procedure I encounter an error "Error converting data typevarchar to float".CASE Final WHEN 0 THEN '--' ELSE Final END AS FinalGradeThe Final field is a float data type.Could anyone teach me how to fix this problem?